• Re: Hello World, The Trum

    From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Saturday, July 20, 2024 10:32:00
    Right now i'm pretty sure obiden is going to step down in the campaign, if not >the presidency. Especially since obama went public with saying he should drop
    it and other vocal 'movie stars' voiced their opinions.

    It is sad that celebrities get to dictate what we do.

    This country is shit, i just hope trump wins and people can eventually drop this culture of division that the democratic party has pushed since obama.

    If Trump wants to unite, he will also have to drop a lot of the division practices that he also is guilty of. No more mean social media posts (he should quit posting, period... Obama was the first to do that and, while
    not near as prolific, he used it to divide, too) and no more appealing to
    the most radical of his supporters.

    We're headed to a civil war.

    I don't think it is that bad yet. Now, let him lose again and, even if it
    is clear cut legit, if he acts like he did last time then yeah we will have problems.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Saturday, July 20, 2024 16:28:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat Jul 20 2024 10:32 am

    If Trump wants to unite, he will also have to drop a lot of the division practices that he also is guilty of. No more mean social media posts (he should quit posting, period...

    i've seen trumps posts since he hasn't been president. it's really
    not that bad. he has toned it down a lot.
    he also has destroyed his enemies and prevented them from being re-elected during that time.

    I don't think trump has division practices.
    i think obama and the democrats started it and they are still going strong with it. he has issues with politicians on both sides but he does not cause the american people to fight one another. he does not create names like 'maga republicans' etc for people to focus their hate on.

    We're headed to a civil war.

    I don't think it is that bad yet. Now, let him lose again and, even if it is clear cut legit, if he acts like he did last time then yeah we will have problems.

    trump acted like that because he trolled his way into the office.
    it was very effective for him. that being said, he made a lot of excellent executive orders and mad a lot of improvements in the country.

    this is while the media spent their time attacking him 100% and the democratic party doing nothing but attack him. they even neglected their legislative duties because they were always so focused on him.

    now he's a felon and it means nothing. he probably won't get prison time but who knows.

    mean tweets. big fucking deal. dude handled other countries well and those trump years were great.

    i hate sounding like a trump fan boy because i'm not. i just hate the other guys so much more. i'm not even into politics. i'm just sick of living in a world of shit.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Sunday, July 21, 2024 12:57:00
    I don't think trump has division practices.
    i think obama and the democrats started it and they are still going strong wit
    it. he has issues with politicians on both sides but he does not cause the american people to fight one another. he does not create names like 'maga republicans' etc for people to focus their hate on.

    He may not have created "maga republicans" but I know plenty of Trump supporters who identify as just that, so I am not sure we can blame that on democrats, either. Many of those "MAGA republicans" are just to open to
    ideas that don't align with their own as your typical leftists, i.e. they
    are not at all open.

    Obama sure went head-first into division politics, but Trump has said and done alot to put targets on people who don't go along with his way, i.e. "RINO," which has helped keep at least Congress pretty divided.

    I don't think it is that bad yet. Now, let him lose again and, even if it >> is clear cut legit, if he acts like he did last time then yeah we will have >> problems.

    trump acted like that because he trolled his way into the office.
    it was very effective for him. that being said, he made a lot of excellent executive orders and mad a lot of improvements in the country.

    He had a lot of successful policies. He should have stood on those instead
    of the "they stole the election" mantra that has been at the front of
    things for the past 4 years.

    There was no reason to act as he did when he lost.

    this is while the media spent their time attacking him 100% and the democratic
    party doing nothing but attack him. they even neglected their legislative duties because they were always so focused on him.

    Initially, the press was pretty much on attack but he seemed to be able to
    work some with the Democrats. Something happened that changed that. IIRC, someone made fun of Pelosi and Schumer after they worked with Trump on something, Trump also poked fun at it, and they got pissed. It would be
    more logical that it was something more significant than that, but it
    happened at the same time.

    now he's a felon and it means nothing. he probably won't get prison time but who knows.

    To his supporters, that means nothing. To Democrats, Independents, and other never-Trumpers, it does. To how many Independents and undecideds it makes
    a difference to, I am not sure, but I do believe that will determine the outcome of the election.

    mean tweets. big fucking deal. dude handled other countries well and those trump years were great.

    See above regarding to whom that would be a big deal.

    Financially, if you had your money in a 401k with less volitile
    stock choices, you probably made out like a bandit during 2017-19. You may also have in volitile stocks, too. If you were real smart and decided to move a lot of the money out of stocks and into safer things that guarantee a return (albeit a much lower one) at the first sounds of COVID, you probably also did well.

    Since 2020, you are probably back to breaking even, at best, just like you might have been (if you were lucky) under Obama. Folks who say they are
    doing better than they were 2017-19 are either really lucky, really good at moving money around, or they are in the "no more meant tweets = better" crowd.

    i hate sounding like a trump fan boy because i'm not. i just hate the other guys so much more. i'm not even into politics. i'm just sick of living in world of shit.

    I am not a fan of anyone right now. Never was, but I did think Trump
    didn't do a bad job as President. It was what he did immediately after
    that I find very questionable.

    * SLMR 2.1a * This message protected by DALETECH!!
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Sunday, July 21, 2024 22:35:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sun Jul 21 2024 12:57 pm

    the american people to fight one another. he does not create names like 'maga republicans' etc for people to focus their hate on.

    He may not have created "maga republicans" but I know plenty of Trump supporters who identify as just that, so I am not sure we can blame that on

    i find it hard to believe that you know republicans who call themselves
    maga republicans.

    trump acted like that because he trolled his way into the office.
    it was very effective for him. that being said, he made a lot of excellent executive orders and mad a lot of improvements in the country.

    He had a lot of successful policies. He should have stood on those instead of the "they stole the election" mantra that has been at the front of
    things for the past 4 years.

    there was rampant fraud. it happened in my state.
    there's no lie about that.

    There was no reason to act as he did when he lost.

    he didn't do anything bad.

    Financially, if you had your money in a 401k with less volitile
    stock choices, you probably made out like a bandit during 2017-19. You may also have in volitile stocks, too. If you were real smart and decided to move a lot of the money out of stocks and into safer things that guarantee a return (albeit a much lower one) at the first sounds of COVID, you probably also did well.

    whatever, i did well in my 401k back then. now the world is shit.

    Since 2020, you are probably back to breaking even, at best, just like you might have been (if you were lucky) under Obama. Folks who say they are doing better than they were 2017-19 are either really lucky, really good at moving money around, or they are in the "no more meant tweets = better"

    inflation is so bad and everything is so expensive. nobody is doing better since trump. that's a lie.

    they're doing the siding on the house i'm renting. my landlord showed me how much only a handful of cedar material costs. it's nuts. building materials are through the roof. he spent over 50k on doing the roof and siding. That's way too much for this house.

    I am not a fan of anyone right now. Never was, but I did think Trump
    didn't do a bad job as President. It was what he did immediately after
    that I find very questionable.

    i've said this before, but i think maybe we need 3 presidents. one of each branch. trump is good at handling business and diplomacy. We should have an expert head the legislative branch and one for judicial.

    We need to gut our system and create term limits as well.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to Dumas Walker on Monday, July 22, 2024 03:01:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sun Jul 21 2024 12:57 pm

    Financially, if you had your money in a 401k with less volitile
    stock choices, you probably made out like a bandit during 2017-19. You may also have in volitile stocks, too. If you were real smart and decided to move a lot of the money out of stocks and into safer things that guarantee a return (albeit a much lower one) at the first sounds of COVID, you probably also did well.

    Honestly, I just waited for stocks to go down due to panic and dumped a load of money in stocks and variable rent while everybody was running around like beheaded chickens. It worked quite well.

    IMO, the secret to not doing awful when playing stocks is avoiding "hopeful" purchases and investing in firms with consolidated business models. Lots of people purchase stocks at prices derived from the state in which they expect the company to be in the future, which is a sure way to flop in the long run when the company invariably fails to deliver. See the FAZE fiasco, for example.

    Meanwhile, if you invest in a borying firm that has been hauling crates back and forth over railways for two hundred years, chances are you will reap a profit. Stock prices may go down in panic and may go up in euphoric times, but that sort of firm will have a steady cash flow and usually a steady dividend payout, which IMO is the reason people ought to be buying stocks: to reap benefits from the operation of the business rather than reap benefits due to price changes.

    (Strategy probably does not need apply in the US since payouts in the US are lame)


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Monday, July 22, 2024 08:50:00
    i find it hard to believe that you know republicans who call themselves
    maga republicans.

    I know people who, after the attempted assasination, temporarily changed
    their facebook photos to put the phrase "UMAGA" (Ultra-MAGA) in them. They do usually leave the word "republican" out but, yes, they do indeed call themselves MAGA.

    I think there is at least one poster in the FIDO POLITICS echo who also
    does so.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "And there she was, like disco superfly..."
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Monday, July 22, 2024 16:43:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Mon Jul 22 2024 08:50 am

    i find it hard to believe that you know republicans who call themselves maga republicans.

    I know people who, after the attempted assasination, temporarily changed their facebook photos to put the phrase "UMAGA" (Ultra-MAGA) in them. They do usually leave the word "republican" out but, yes, they do indeed call themselves MAGA.

    I think there is at least one poster in the FIDO POLITICS echo who also
    does so.

    well i guess there's someone doing anything.
    people are stupid.

    but this is not the norm.

    i do say mega on facebook and say trump is god emperor. i'm just doing it to piss off these people over here because they are super liberal idiots.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPTEST to MRO on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 09:22:00
    well i guess there's someone doing anything.
    people are stupid.

    but this is not the norm.

    I am positive around here that Trump Republicans most all self-ID as MAGA. Wisconsin may be different, but I doubt it. "Make America Great Again,"
    which is what MAGA stands for, is an official slogan and not something some drippy Democrat slapped on them.

    Normal Republicans, who might vote for Trump but would never attend a rally
    or wear a MAGA hat, would not self-ID as MAGA, you are correct.

    i do say mega on facebook and say trump is god emperor. i'm just doing it to piss off these people over here because they are super liberal idiots.

    I am sure that is fun and works. I know plenty that would be very pissed
    off by it and probably would unfriend you, too.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

    � Synchronet � Capitol City Test System
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 18:05:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Jul 23 2024 09:22 am

    well i guess there's someone doing anything.
    people are stupid.

    but this is not the norm.

    I am positive around here that Trump Republicans most all self-ID as

    Wisconsin may be different, but I doubt it. "Make America Great Again," which is what MAGA stands for, is an official slogan and not something some drippy Democrat slapped on them.

    so you literally have a lot of people over there who say 'I'm a maga republican' or 'I'm a maga'.

    that just seems stupid.

    i do say mega on facebook and say trump is god emperor. i'm just doing it to piss off these people over here because they are super liberal idiots.

    I am sure that is fun and works. I know plenty that would be very pissed off by it and probably would unfriend you, too.

    fuck them up their stupid asses.
    another thing i like to say is 'this is maga country' https://i.imgur.com/t4Tg0iQ.jpeg

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 09:56:00
    so you literally have a lot of people over there who say 'I'm a maga republican' or 'I'm a maga'.

    If you watched the convention, there were several people there wearing hats that said "MAGA" in place of the whole phrase.

    another thing i like to say is 'this is maga country' https://i.imgur.com/t4Tg0iQ.jpeg

    Somewhere south of Green Bay, near or maybe in Appleton, someone had a
    picture of Trump painted onto the side of their house or garage. It wasn't
    out in a rural area but was actually right in town. As of Summer, 2021, it
    was still there.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Pass the tequila, Manuel...
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 21:14:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Jul 24 2024 09:56 am

    so you literally have a lot of people over there who say 'I'm a maga republican' or 'I'm a maga'.

    If you watched the convention, there were several people there wearing hats that said "MAGA" in place of the whole phrase.

    well that's different though.

    Somewhere south of Green Bay, near or maybe in Appleton, someone had a picture of Trump painted onto the side of their house or garage. It wasn't out in a rural area but was actually right in town. As of Summer, 2021, it was still there.

    dude where i used to live this guy had a yard full of junk. and he had some weird sculpture thing where a guy was peeing on trump. then he had anti trump signs. also a bunch of gnomes. i looked it up on street view and it's gone now. i think he might have got a warning from the city to take it down.

    i actually have one of those big foam trump masks and i used to wear it around my girlfriend at the time who had TDS. i told her i paid 40 bucks for it to piss her off more. i didnt.

    i also used to go outside wearing it and knock on the window to scare her daughter and her friends when she had friends over. good times.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 14:43:00
    Re: Re: Hello World, The Trum
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Jul 24 2024 09:56 am

    Somewhere south of Green Bay, near or maybe in Appleton, someone had a picture of Trump painted onto the side of their house or garage. It wasn't out in a rural area but was actually right in town. As of Summer, 2021, it was still there.

    I never saw it or heard about it.

    I did hear about a mural that showed Trump kissing Putin, though....

    ...Predestination was doomed from the start.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com