In true debate format, let's go people! Yes, I'm being overly simple and a little sarcastic. But, feel free to intellectually debate what I'm about to say.
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America because theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch and both
have conerns about their future mental health.
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
In true debate format, let's go people! Yes, I'm being overly simple and a > > little sarcastic. But, feel free to intellectually debate what I'm about t > > say.
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America becaus > > theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch an > > both
have conerns about their future mental health.
I have deep concerns about Kamala's current mental state, listen to her word > salads, she's clearly in way over her head.
Her absurde identity politics, is she black? Is she Indian? Who cares! Most > us are mixed race.
Before you say, but Trump! She ran as an Indian woman for her senate race, n > she's running as a black woman, she's making this about race and gender.
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
BTW Kamala makes AOC look smart.
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America
because theother two people who were running are both very old and out
of touch and both have conerns about their future mental health.
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 02:09:46 -0700, you wrote:
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America because theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch and both have conerns about their future mental health.
While Kamala isn't nearly as 'old' as the other two, you should still have concerns about her already /current/ mental health. Watch some of her interviews, and you'll see what I mean.
"220 million Americans died from the coronavirus"
"Community banks are in the community"
"We will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recov > efforts in Jamaica"
"It's time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day" >
"We've got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you > have been forced to take this seriously"
"Our allies have stood firm and unified in a way... to ensure that we are unified"
She is as dumb as a box of rocks. You really want someone with this intelligence level to be the face of the USA?
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
Redirection, seems par for the course. :)
... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
BTW Kamala makes AOC look smart.
I stand by that Kamala has the best mental health of the 3.
She's an idiot with no plan to fix anything. Trump at least has a plan to fix the economy. Kamala doesn't even know what an economy is.
What's her plan?
Neofree wrote to Accession <=-
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
Redirection, seems par for the course. :)
Yet I've watched some of her interviews, not all of them, and seen
nothing likewhat you say.
Neofree wrote to Accession <=-
Well that about sums that debate up. On to the next topic.... LOL
Redirection, seems par for the course. :)
Yet I've watched some of her interviews, not all of them, and seen nothing likewhat you say.
You're either lying, or dumber than she is.
Even more clueless than most of the flaming libtards that pass through
here. Olympic gold level of cluelessness.
... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
While Kamala isn't nearly as 'old' as the other two, you should still have concerns about her already /current/ mental health. Watch some of her interviews, and you'll see what I mean.
She is as dumb as a box of rocks. You really want someone with this intelligence level to be the face of the USA?
Yet I've watched some of her interviews, not all of them, and seen nothing likewhat you say. Politicians seem to always pull numbers out of their ass
Neofree wrote to Gamgee <=-
Yet I've watched some of her interviews, not all of them, and seen nothing likewhat you say.
You're either lying, or dumber than she is.
Even more clueless than most of the flaming libtards that pass through
here. Olympic gold level of cluelessness.
OK so since you gave no intellegent argument, why are you posting in a debate forum?
She is as dumb as a box of rocks. You really want someone with this intelligence level to be the face of the USA?
Before you say, but Trump! She ran as an Indian woman for her senate race, now
she's running as a black woman, she's making this about race and gender.
While Kamala isn't nearly as 'old' as the other two, you should still have concerns about her already /current/ mental health. Watch some of her interviews, and you'll see what I mean.
I stand by that Kamala has the best mental health of the 3.
She's an idiot with no plan to fix anything. Trump at least has a plan to fix >the economy. Kamala doesn't even know what an economy is.
What's her plan?
Re: Kamala
By: Denn to Neofree on Tue Aug 06 2024 01:13 pm
I stand by that Kamala has the best mental health of the 3.
Kamala's word salad doesn't hold a candle to the verbal diarrhea that tumbles out of Trump's mouth any time he's standing at a microphone. And Biden's always been "gaffe"-prone (what we used to call these things), which has obviously gotten WAY worse over the past few years.
Kamala's word salad doesn't hold a candle to the verbal diarrhea that tumbles out of Trump's mouth any time he's standing at a microphone. And Biden's always been "gaffe"-prone (what we used to call these things), which has obviously gotten WAY worse over the past few years.
I guarantee that if you or I had to get up on stage and talk to a bunch
of people without much in the way of notes and with a slew of other
things that were trying to get our attention, the word salad we'd create would be legendary.
Don't forget her insistance, during an interview, that the Republic of *North* Korea is an ally of ours.
On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 13:30:00 -0500, you wrote:
Don't forget her insistance, during an interview, that the Republic of *North* Korea is an ally of ours.
North, south.. tomato, tomahto. :D
What's her plan?
A memeber of the press recently asked her, on camera, what her plan was for inflation. In a typical word salad fashion, she told us that inflation is an important issue but never came anywhere close to even admitting she had
a plan, much less explaining one.
... while I'm not stoked that Trump is the better choice, if it's Harris/Trump my vote goes towards the ticket thats gonna make changes to these issues.
Donald J Trump isn't the boogie man - you might not LIKE him, but his policy is lightyears better than Bidens, and Harris doesn't have the qualifications to be VP let alone POTUS.
Re: Kamala
By: Dumas Walker to BF2K+ on Wed Aug 07 2024 08:31 am
What's her plan?
A memeber of the press recently asked her, on camera, what her plan was for inflation. In a typical word salad fashion, she told us that inflation is an important issue but never came anywhere close to even admitting she had
a plan, much less explaining one.
I saw that interview... what a disaster she is and 50% of the country don't realize it.
We are well into the plot of the movie 'Idiocracy' already.
Yet I've watched some of her interviews, not all of them, and seen nothing likewhat you say.
You're either lying, or dumber than she is.
Even more clueless than most of the flaming libtards that pass through here. Olympic gold level of cluelessness.
OK so since you gave no intellegent argument, why are you posting in debate forum?
Because I want to. Because I call out bullshitters, liars, and trolls when I see them. I'm thinking you may be all three of those.
Policy, policy, policy. While theres plenty that I disagree with from Trump, just a few for example;
womens healthcare rights
I just can't get behind another Biden/Harris presidency - I'm just an average dude over here, self-employed and trying to have a decent life... I can't poin
to one good thing thats come out of either of them.
Immigration is completely, and I mean TOTALLY, out of control - you can go so far as to say they WANT open borders.
The economy has gotten worse, not better, for the entirety of their time in office.
Rents and home ownership - they've allowed corporate giants to buy all the homes; simple fix - no single-family home purchases for portfolio's over 250M... and thats a NOT extreme example; it should be much lower.
... while I'm not stoked that Trump is the better choice, if it's Harris/Trump
my vote goes towards the ticket thats gonna make changes to these issues.
Donald J Trump isn't the boogie man - you might not LIKE him, but his policy i
lightyears better than Bidens, and Harris doesn't have the qualifications to b
VP let alone POTUS.
Kamala's word salad doesn't hold a candle to the verbal diarrhea that tumbles out of Trump's mouth any time he's standing at a microphone. And Biden's always been "gaffe"-prone (what we used to call these things), which has obviously gotten WAY worse over the past few years.
That may be true, however, he looked and sounded like a flippin' genius standing next to Biden.
I guarantee that if you or I had to get up on stage and talk to a bunch of people without much in the way of notes and with a slew of other things that were trying to get our attention, the word salad we'd create would be legendary.
The difference between you and I - and them, though, is that they've been trained, molded, and have practiced all of their careers to do exactly that - stand up in front of an audience and talk (whereas we haven't).
Project 2025 is Trump's Policy.
One of the most terrifying things he wants to do is change a large chunk Da> of low level federal civil service workers from standard hires to Da> political appointees, so they can install loyal cult members into these Da> positions.
Trump tried to do this with Exectuive order Schedule F ing-schedule-f-excepted-service/
Biden recinded it 3 days after he took office, so it didn't go into effect.
And no matter how much Trump tries to distance himself from Project
2025, is absolutely is his policy. nearly everyone he surrounds himself with is involved with it in some way.
Policy, policy, policy. While theres plenty that I disagree with from Tr just a few for example;
womens healthcare rights
Same here, sort of. DYN that, right before he got shot, he successfully requested that the Republican party remove any "national abortion ban" language from the official party platform?
Yes, turning the choice over to the states has certainly lead to all out (and sometimes downright illogical) bans, and a lot of Republican politicians are responsible/behind it, and I disagree with them on it.
I just can't get behind another Biden/Harris presidency
Nor can I. Only thing I can make a reach to point out is that the ne'er do wells that were setting fires, looting, etc., during the Summer of
2020 mostly stopped doing so after the election, but I firmly believe
that is mostly because Democrat mayors and local politicians (like the ones in Portland) finally started enforcing the law at that point.
I don't understand where people get any numbers that suggest otherwise, but they do. "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics" so I guess
that is how they get them.
Don't forget her insistance, during an interview, that the Republic of *North* Korea is an ally of ours.
Don't act for one second like you've never misspoken in your life, or that no other POTUS has ever misspoken during his time in office, because I know for a
fact that you'd be lying through your teeth.
Same here, sort of. DYN that, right before he got shot, he successfully requested that the Republican party remove any "national abortion ban" language from the official party platform?
Isn't it insane how the media has tried to quiet that assassination??? I mean that is HUGE IMO... As if it WEREN'T what it was...
Yes, turning the choice over to the states has certainly lead to all out (and sometimes downright illogical) bans, and a lot of Republican politicians are responsible/behind it, and I disagree with them on it.
I do too - however, a decade ago it was exactly what BOTH sides wanted. On abortion, I'm pro-choice - PERIOD... but how bad IS the states taking over?? I
think it puts the vote in PEOPLES hands - I don't agree with it, but I refuse to lie and make it the topic that the left wants to...
The summer of love was 100% 10X worse than Jan 6 - the fact that the left won't
admit that, nor has there been ANY consequences for it... IS racism IMO. Bunch >of BS that we'll all look back in on 50 years and be able to state.
PS - I was on ground zero in Portland for that... it was pretty scary - I got out just 3 mins before the coppers shut it down; thank gosh for my Army buddy who needed to leave b/c of PTSD.
I don't understand where people get any numbers that suggest otherwise, but they do. "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics" so I guess that is how they get them.
Rent is $2000; food is up 40%; gas is freaking insane; insurances are up 25+%;
I have less $$$; I've never worried this much in my life; a soda costs $4 in Seattle; people who go viral make $100M in a year; press record, in 2024 its almost the only way...
Trump 2024; more and more everyday.
most people are just npcs. a large amount of people can't even pass any kind of test or find their own genitalia on a diagram.
Breaking news: he lied. The only reason Chris LaCivita called Project
2025 a pain in the ass was that it attracted exactly the sort and level
of attention to the GOP manifesto (read: Project 2025 with the serial numbers filed off) that they *don't* want.
Indeed. I am pro-choice also and that is what both sides wanted in the past. It does put it in the people's hands, which I like, but I am concerned that some states are so strict now that you might have to
carry a baby to term even if your life is in danger.
Overall, I agree. I believe both groups of people did bad things and those people who did bad things need to get in trouble. However, the government (and press) on the whole seems to only believe that to be
true for the Jan 6 group, which is very wrong.
Rent is $2000; food is up 40%; gas is freaking insane; insurances are I have less $$$; I've never worried this much in my life; a soda cost Seattle; people who go viral make $100M in a year; press record, in 2 almost the only way...
Trump will accelerate greedflation through further "trickle-down" tax
cuts and otherwise, not restrain or end it. The solution is to tax, or failing that eat, the rich.
Trump will accelerate greedflation through further "trickle-down"
tax cuts and otherwise, not restrain or end it. The solution is to
tax, or failing that eat, the rich.
Wrong - Trump will open up the assets we have in our country, and YOU (and I) would feel the relief within weeks, not months.
How can the other side not admit to this??? I honestly can't understand the lie can be rode... its BS.
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
Indeed. I am pro-choice also and that is what both sides wanted in the past. It does put it in the people's hands, which I like, but I am concerned that some states are so strict now that you might have to carry a baby to term even if your life is in danger.
Right - ok, I'll bite...
But my friends who lean more to the right... they're the ones who live in Texas, LA, OH - the places were the PEOPLE have voted abortion rights DOWN....
And my friends who care about choice live in places that DIDN'T do that; so, while *I* am pro-choice, I don't see all this jumping up and down about womens
rights - the women that I know that want pro-choice....... have it. Today.
And states that are more buckled down, don't - I get it.. not perfect, but neither was Roe vs Wade.
Overall, I agree. I believe both groups of people did bad things and those people who did bad things need to get in trouble. However, the government (and press) on the whole seems to only believe that to be true for the Jan 6 group, which is very wrong.
But only one group was charged, convicted and is SERVING long sentances.
The other faction is just.... not.
And that is $$$$ take it to the bank black and white - its gross.... but one side won't admit to that.
They burned down fecking CITIES - and a couple lawyers got light sentances....
and 100s got away; but 1/05 folks are serving ALL the time.
Its not hard to see....
Project 2025 is Trump's Policy. One of the most terrifying things he wants to do (and tried to do at the end of his last presidency) is change a large chunk of low level federal civil service workers from standard hires to political appointees, so they can install loyal cult members into these positions.
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America because theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch and both
have conerns about their future mental health.
I stand by that Kamala has the best mental health of the 3. She hasn't done anything concering to me about that. Like you said, who cares what race she is, but when it comes to firsts, if she is elected she will be the first woman to be a president. And when it comes to what race she wants to go by, I'm sureshe can take a 23AndMe test too and use the highest percentage if she wanted,
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America because theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch and both
have conerns about their future mental health.
Kamala sounds to me like a whole load of "more of the same." Considering "the same" has been drawing the US past the point of no return I don't consider it to be positive.
kamala and her vp candidate have drank tons of sperm so that might be something different.
Re: Kamala
By: Neofree to All on Mon Aug 05 2024 09:09 pm
Kamala should be the next president of the United States of America because theother two people who were running are both very old and out of touch and both
have conerns about their future mental health.
Kamala sounds to me like a whole load of "more of the same." Considering "the same" has been drawing the US past the point of no return I don't consider it to be positive.
Neofree wrote to Arelor <=-
That's fine. Do you really want to vote in a convicted felon with 23 reported cases of sexual assualt? Yes all those case numebrs exist.
One was rape of a minor too. I guess that's what money buys you. The ability to cover it up by putting fear into your victims. Bill Cosby
got away with it for a long time.
At this point I'd vote for a bum on the street and say OH WELL before I voted to end the USA and become a country like Nazi Germany once was.
Trump Admires Putin. Trump Admires Kim Jong Un. Is this some crap
someone made up? Nope! Watch Trumps own words.
Doesn't matter he's losing anyway.
That's fine. Do you really want to vote in a convicted felon with 23 reported >cases of sexual assualt? Yes all those case numebrs exist. One was rape of a >minor too. I guess that's what money buys you. The ability to cover it up by >putting fear into your victims. Bill Cosby got away with it for a long time.
Re: Kamala
By: Weed Hopper to MRO on Mon Aug 12 2024 10:27 am
Ok, THAT was funny!
That's fine. Do you really want to vote in a convicted felon with 23 reported cases of sexual assualt? Yes all those case numebrs exist. One was rape of a minor too. I guess that's what money buys you. The ability to cover it up by putting fear into your victims. Bill Cosby got away with it for a long time.
That's fine. Do you really want to vote in a convicted felon with 23 reported cases of sexual assualt? Yes all those case numebrs exist. One was rape of a minor too. I guess that's what money buys you. The ability to cover it up by putting fear into your victims. Bill Cosby got away with it for a long time.
At this point I'd vote for a bum on the street and say OH WELL before I voted to end the USA and become a country like Nazi Germany once was.
Trump Admires Putin. Trump Admires Kim Jong Un. Is this some crap someone made up? Nope! Watch Trumps own words.
Re: Kamala
By: Neofree to Denn on Tue Aug 06 2024 03:24 pm
She's an idiot with no plan to fix anything. Trump at least has a plan to fix the economy. Kamala doesn't even know what an economy is.
What's her plan?
Trump Admires Putin. Trump Admires Kim Jong Un. Is this some crap someone made up? Nope! Watch Trumps own words.I think he was trying to think outside the box with Kim Jong Un, doing
Trump Admires Putin. Trump Admires Kim Jong Un. Is this some crap someone made up? Nope! Watch Trumps own words.
I think he was trying to think outside the box with Kim Jong Un, doing
the same thing for decades was not working.
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