• Single payer health care

    From Utopian Galt@VERT to All on Sunday, January 26, 2025 10:10:47
    The "Affordable Care Act" is training wheels for us to go on single payer health care. It does some good things, but for those who earn money beyond the subsidies, the health care costs are painful where its just as hurtful as actual taxes which leads to the movement to repeal it. For a family making 126k a year it would be like 12.9% of their income and the deductables would be super high which makes health insurance pointless.

    The affordable care act should not be repealed unless we have a viable system that helps people with pre-existing conditions.

    We could look into a hybrid system where all citizens get Medicaid as what they do in Australia, and then people can pay for private health insurance.

    I know the progressives want single payer, but unless we pay down our budget deficit a bit, I do not feel comfortable with the start up costs.

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Utopian Galt on Sunday, January 26, 2025 15:14:33
    Re: Single payer health care
    By: Utopian Galt to All on Sun Jan 26 2025 10:10 am

    The "Affordable Care Act" is training wheels for us to go on single payer health care. It does some good things, but for those who earn money beyond the subsidies, the health care costs are painful where its just as hurtful as actual taxes which leads to the movement to repeal it. For a family making 126k a year it would be like 12.9% of their income and the deductables would be super high which makes health insurance pointless.

    i know plenty of people who can't afford the ACA though.
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  • From Aaron Goldblatt@VERT/RNBWPNT to Utopian Galt on Sunday, January 26, 2025 20:29:10
    I know the progressives want single payer, but unless we pay down our budget deficit a bit, I do not feel comfortable with the start up

    Reforming our tax system such that all incomes pay something approximating a fair share, and reforming defense spending, would go a long way toward paying for the creation of a national health system and a stable Social Security system.

    Non-exhaustive example: Defense spending is known to be rife with waste, but efforts to control it and figure out what money is actually being spent on
    are stymied at every turn (and this week's firing of the Inspector General
    at DOD will not help). Defense spending is the number general line item in
    the budget after Social Security (see below), yet nobody wants to make any serious effort to touch it. Social Security used to be the third rail of politics; now it seems to be guns.

    Non-exhaustive example: Social security could be considerably shored up by lifting the maximum income limit on the tax (currently approximately $176,000).

    Non-exhaustive example: Taxing capital gains at a higher rate than we do presently, especially for gains values over $1 million. Currently, the individual rate sits at 20%, down from a maximum of 35% in 1979, and the corporate rate sits at 21%, down from a maximum of 35% beginning in 1993. Yet it's well known that large corporations pay little to nothing, sometimes even getting millions to hundreds of millions in refunds. In a fair system, that would not happen.

    Instead, politicians focus on penny-anty nonsense like cutting NASA and the USPS (both respectively less than 0.06% of the total spend in 2024). The USPS in particular would be self-supporting if not for that silly retirement pre-funding accounting gimmick that no other business in the world is required to use. (And there is a significant argument to be made that not everything must be for-profit.)

    On the other hand, Republicans seem to have a significant aversion to doing anything at all that will help average people and make their lives easier. Non-exhaustive examples: Proposals to repeal the ACA without any kind of plan to replace it, despite now having had 14 years to come up with something; litigation and plans in legislation to destroy the SAVE plan for student loan borrowers; continual attempts to tighten eligibility for Medicaid, SSDI,
    SNAP and school lunches.

    But hey, eggs are supposed to get cheaper (but hey, aren't).


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  • From Bf2k+@VERT/TACOPRON to Aaron Goldblatt on Monday, January 27, 2025 04:21:50
    Re: Single payer health care
    By: Aaron Goldblatt to Utopian Galt on Sun Jan 26 2025 08:29 pm

    On the other hand, Republicans seem to have a significant aversion to doing anything at all that will help average people and make their lives easier.


    When Trump was Prez the first time, I was saving $1000/month in a saving account (something I never had.)

    Since Biden took office, I have to take out that $1000 every month just to make ends meet and pay my bills. That acct is almost dry now.

    That's my reality... not some stupid notion that Trump is going to take my health insurance away.

    � Synchronet � TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO TACOPRONTO.bbs.io
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to AARON GOLDBLATT on Monday, January 27, 2025 09:38:00
    On the other hand, *politicans* seem to have a significant aversion to doing anything at all that will help average people and make their lives easier.

    Fixed it for you.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Hey, how 'bout a fandango ?!?
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to Aaron Goldblatt on Monday, January 27, 2025 18:53:56
    Aaron Goldblatt wrote to Utopian Galt <=-

    I know the progressives want single payer, but unless we pay down our budget deficit a bit, I do not feel comfortable with the start up

    Reforming our tax system such that all incomes pay something
    approximating a fair share, and reforming defense spending, would go a long way toward paying for the creation of a national health system and
    a stable Social Security system.

    Non-exhaustive example: Defense spending is known to be rife with
    waste, but efforts to control it and figure out what money is actually being spent on are stymied at every turn (and this week's firing of the Inspector General at DOD will not help). Defense spending is the number general line item in the budget after Social Security (see below), yet nobody wants to make any serious effort to touch it. Social Security
    used to be the third rail of politics; now it seems to be guns.

    Non-exhaustive example: Social security could be considerably shored up
    by lifting the maximum income limit on the tax (currently approximately $176,000).

    Non-exhaustive example: Taxing capital gains at a higher rate than we
    do presently, especially for gains values over $1 million. Currently,
    the individual rate sits at 20%, down from a maximum of 35% in 1979,
    and the corporate rate sits at 21%, down from a maximum of 35%
    beginning in 1993. Yet it's well known that large corporations pay
    little to nothing, sometimes even getting millions to hundreds of
    millions in refunds. In a fair system, that would not happen.

    Instead, politicians focus on penny-anty nonsense like cutting NASA and the USPS (both respectively less than 0.06% of the total spend in
    2024). The USPS in particular would be self-supporting if not for that silly retirement pre-funding accounting gimmick that no other business
    in the world is required to use. (And there is a significant argument
    to be made that not everything must be for-profit.)

    On the other hand, Republicans seem to have a significant aversion to doing anything at all that will help average people and make their
    lives easier. Non-exhaustive examples: Proposals to repeal the ACA
    without any kind of plan to replace it, despite now having had 14 years
    to come up with something; litigation and plans in legislation to
    destroy the SAVE plan for student loan borrowers; continual attempts to tighten eligibility for Medicaid, SSDI, SNAP and school lunches.

    Sounds like you should move your socialist commie-wannabe ass to
    Venezuela. I hear it's nice there this time of year.

    ... Your proctologist called - he found your head.
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    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Bf2k+ on Monday, January 27, 2025 22:22:40
    Re: Single payer health care
    By: Bf2k+ to Aaron Goldblatt on Mon Jan 27 2025 04:21 am

    make ends meet and pay my bills. That acct is almost dry now.

    That's my reality... not some stupid notion that Trump is going to take my health insurance away.

    that obama care heal insurance is shit. it's expensive and the coverage sucks. i looked at it a few times. people can just work pt at walmart and get better insurance.
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