• Re: Single payer health c

    From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to MRO on Sunday, January 26, 2025 18:26:00
    The "Affordable Care Act" is training wheels for us to go on single pay health care. It does some good things, but for those who earn money bey the subsidies, the health care costs are painful where its just as hurt as actual taxes which leads to the movement to repeal it. For a family making 126k a year it would be like 12.9% of their income and the deductables would be super high which makes health insurance pointless.

    i know plenty of people who can't afford the ACA though.

    Years ago Obama promised me that I'd be able to have health insurance... my situation STILL has zero coverage - partly because of what I've created, partly because of costs and I'm not even 'poor'.

    The ACA was BS - but theres still no solution for MANY Americans. I'd love to hope that change is coming, but I don't think so... MAYBE Trump will think about solutions and come up with something for people like ME. [And you...]

  • From Aaron Goldblatt@VERT/RNBWPNT to Gamgee on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 02:26:15
    Sounds like you should move your socialist commie-wannabe ass to Venezuela. I hear it's nice there this time of year.

    Your lack of refutation of anything I have to say suggests that it's your position that's indefensible.

    But hey, when you're a rabid and frothing Trump supporter, facts and logic don't matter. After all, dear leader is a documented serial liar himself.


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  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR to Aaron Goldblatt on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:22:03
    Aaron Goldblatt wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Sounds like you should move your socialist commie-wannabe ass to Venezuela. I hear it's nice there this time of year.

    Your lack of refutation of anything I have to say suggests that it's
    your position that's indefensible.

    Oh look! Yet another regurgitated Libtard talking point! <YAWN>

    Funny thing is... I'm well satisfied with my healthcare plan, and sure
    am hoping the ACA does get repealed, to save even more of MY tax
    dollars. Pay for your own shit. Does that sound like my position is "indefensible"? LOL

    But hey, when you're a rabid and frothing Trump supporter, facts and
    logic don't matter. After all, dear leader is a documented serial liar himself.

    And there's another one, and a huge assumption thrown in for good

    If your preferred party was so great, they wouldn't have gotten their
    asses handed to them so soundly a couple of months ago, eh? So tell me
    again exactly *WHOSE* position is "indefensible"...

    Game, set, match. You lose.

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