• SCCY and Hi-Point

    From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to ZOMBIE MAMBO on Saturday, June 20, 2020 11:05:00

    I haven't had any experience with SCCY so couldn't comment on that. Regarding the high point, my brother says it shoots fine. Which to me doesn't carry much weight. :)


    I am guessing like my old Lorcin .380 ($89 new) it probably is mechanically sound, a bit heavy, not very asthetic, and gets the job
    done which is all you really want in something like that.

    Well I'm told the Hi-Point is very reliable!

    Basically the cobra .380 i have is in the same category, same price
    range. I debated over the 9mm S&W Shield, and the 9mm Nano for my first CCW arm. I opted for the Ruger LC9 because it was handgun of the year
    like two years earlier, and i liked its specs. I have a red dot on it,
    and got the camo NRA edition. It's nice. But honestly i like to carry
    my Glock .42 (.380) better.

    We were in a store we'd not been to before earlier this week, just looking around, and my wife walked out with a Ruger LCP-II .380 with a green "zombie?" finish to it. Shoots GREAT! She got it for (yet another - LOL) backup gun...

    ... U.S. Mint workers on strike-they want to make less money.
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  • From Zombie Mambo@VERT/ZZONE to JIMMY ANDERSON on Sunday, June 28, 2020 14:51:43
    Re: SCCY and Hi-Point
    By: JIMMY ANDERSON to ZOMBIE MAMBO on Sat Jun 20 2020 12:05 pm

    We were in a store we'd not been to before earlier this week, just looking around, and my wife walked out with a Ruger LCP-II .380 with a green "zombie finish to it. Shoots GREAT! She got it for (yet another - LOL) backup gun...

    My father has the LCP .380 and so does my best friend's wife.I think it is a very reliable and capable little carry weapon. Good job picking that up and she may find she prefers it has her primary, not backup, one day :

    Zombie Mambo

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