• Re: HR 5102 & S 2905

    From Sirronmit@VERT/CASTLERO to Thumper on Sunday, October 06, 2019 07:13:00
    Second, S 2095 by Dianne Feinstein would ban most semi-automatic rifles because of their appearances. ARs, AKs, and many other firearms would become things of the past.

    I remember seeing a skit on one of the late night talk shows or something. They were out on the streets with various weapons and asked people what they thought were "bad" firearms. If the person said they were into firearms or
    had a license, etc., the host asked them to walk on by because this 'survey' was not for them.
    They showed things like the AK47 (wooden stock) and a few others (which may
    or may not have been full-auro). Each person picked the "black" styled
    firearm because they looked mean. TV/Movies have given a bad rep to firearms
    of course, as well as the local news getting the information wrong during the "mass shootings".
    I remember the host pointing to some of the firearms the general public
    chose "bad" and would have them banned, and those of us watching were like, what? That is a toy compared to any of the full-auto ones they said were ok. From that day, I joke around (not really because I WOULD own one) about
    getting a pretty purple digital or blue digital firearm just so it didn't
    look "mean" to others :)

    We still get into the debate over what "AR" actually means and the general public is told one thing while all of us know the truth.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com
  • From Sirronmit@VERT/CASTLERO to Thumper on Sunday, October 06, 2019 07:17:00
    They did have a ban years ago, I made sure my purchase was done prior to and
    I was active military so I would argue that I need it to protect the country (and defend the Constitution again foreign and domestic) :)

    Most hate the current president, and are trying to do everything they can to take over the next election.

    Let's see where it goes from here :(

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Sirronmit on Sunday, October 06, 2019 12:31:47
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Sirronmit to Thumper on Sun Oct 06 2019 08:17 am

    Most hate the current president, and are trying to do everything they can to take over the next election.

    Let's see where it goes from here :(

    Most hated the President on election day 2016. He Won! I would say "Some" hate the President."Most" want to see him re-elected again.

    Let's see where it goes from here :-)

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Sirronmit on Sunday, October 06, 2019 07:28:00
    Sirronmit wrote to Thumper <=-

    They did have a ban years ago, I made sure my purchase was done prior
    to and I was active military so I would argue that I need it to protect the country (and defend the Constitution again foreign and domestic) :)

    The ban was by specific models, if I recall? That makes it hard when you can get a Chinese copy of a Czech copy of an AK-47.

    ... Question the heroic approach
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    � Synchronet � realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Arelor@VERT to HusTler on Sunday, October 06, 2019 10:47:59
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: HusTler to Sirronmit on Sun Oct 06 2019 01:31 pm

    Most hated the President on election day 2016. He Won! I would say "Some" hate the President."Most" want to see him re-elected again.

    Let's see where it goes from here :-)

    Foreigner here, so feel free to disregard my opinion as the product of European media brainwashing.

    I am sure Trump has a meaningful group of supporters, but I am not sure he won because he is popular. He won because a lot of people wanted to create a backslash against the left and its identitary politics.

    I mean, cancel culture is getting very bad. I can absolutely believe that somebody would vote for Trump becaise SJWs hate him and for no other reason.

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to HusTler on Sunday, October 06, 2019 20:48:01
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: HusTler to Sirronmit on Sun Oct 06 2019 01:31 pm

    Most hated the President on election day 2016. He Won! I would say "Some" hate the President."Most" want to see him re-elected again.

    Have you done a poll in order to come to that conclusion?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Nightfox on Monday, October 07, 2019 12:24:29
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nightfox to HusTler on Sun Oct 06 2019 09:48 pm

    Most hated the President on election day 2016. He Won! I would say "Some" hate the President."Most" want to see him re-elected again.

    Have you done a poll in order to come to that conclusion?

    Errr. It's the same Poll that said Hillory Clinton was favored to win the last election. Right now only the Democrats are being polled. A lot of Americans feel Trump is doing a great job. Let's see what happens in 2020 shall we? No point in debating it now. I'm sick of all the left winged rhetoric.

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to HusTler on Friday, October 18, 2019 19:35:20
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: HusTler to Sirronmit on Sun Oct 06 2019 01:31 pm

    Most hated the President on election day 2016. He Won! I would say "Some" hate the President."Most" want to see him re-elected again.

    "Most" didn't even vote for him. And even the most conservative polls don't have him winning a second term.

    He's incapable of telling the truth. He lies about stupid little things that are easily debunked on a daily basis. He's outright admitted to committing treason by asking a foreign government for help "investigating" a political opponent. His acting cheif of staff also admitted he did it, and the transcripts of him doing it were released by The President himself.

    He's abandoned our allies in Syria, and allowed dozens of ISIS terrorists to escape captivity. Both Republicans and Democrats agree that this was a monumentally stupid thing to do, and in today's political climate it's almost impossible to get both parties to agree on anything.

    I honestly wanted him to succeed, I didn't want to see our country become the laughingstock of the world, but here we are.


    ... Elevators smell different to midgets

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From The Curmudgeon@VERT/WCCASTLE to DaiTengu on Saturday, October 19, 2019 17:21:00
    DaiTengu spoke thus to HusTler <=-

    "Most" didn't even vote for him. And even the most conservative polls don't have him winning a second term.

    You mean there is such a thing as a conservative poll? which poll would that be?

    He's incapable of telling the truth. He lies about stupid little
    things that are easily debunked on a daily basis. He's outright

    Hey, we learned that from Clinton when it was ok to lie as long as you
    mean well. :)

    admitted to committing treason by asking a foreign government for help "investigating" a political opponent. His acting cheif of staff also

    Hogwash, he asked the Ukraine government to look into Joe Biden's blackmail of

    government funds unless the prosecutor looking into Hunter Biden's involvement with the Ukraine gas companies. Of course the we can't let the facts mess things
    up right. And no, it's not treason to ask a government for action,
    them to achieve their objective may be another thing. :)

    admitted he did it, and the transcripts of him doing it were released
    by The President himself.

    You should maybe get a copy of that transcript and educate yourself dude.

    I honestly wanted him to succeed, I didn't want to see our country
    become the laughingstock of the world, but here we are.

    Right now the Democrats and their primary debates are providing a lot of good laughs. Have you ever seen such a group of "free everything" givers together at one time?
    Oh, don't forget there is never anything free, someone has to pay for in in some way or another.

    ... Compatible:... Gracefully accepts erroneous data from any source.

    Greeting from
    The Curmudgeon

    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Wizard's Castle BBS: Synchro Mail
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to The Curmudgeon on Saturday, October 19, 2019 18:30:54
    Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: The Curmudgeon to DaiTengu on Sat Oct 19 2019 06:21 pm

    "Most" didn't even vote for him. And even the most conservative
    polls don't have him winning a second term.

    You mean there is such a thing as a conservative poll? which poll would that be?
    Fox News.

    He's incapable of telling the truth. He lies about stupid little
    things that are easily debunked on a daily basis. He's outright

    Hey, we learned that from Clinton when it was ok to lie as long as you mean well. :)

    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims since he took office.

    You can't deny it, so you try to justify it by saying other politicians lie. Here's the thing, Trump ran on not being a politician, so which is it?

    How can you honestly support someone who will flat out lie about the stupidest things? About things that don't matter? Fuck, man. Support another GOP candidate, I'm fine with that, Trump is just a horrible human being.

    You should maybe get a copy of that transcript and educate yourself dude.

    Have it. Read it. Educated. My opinion stands.

    I honestly wanted him to succeed, I didn't want to see our country
    become the laughingstock of the world, but here we are.

    Right now the Democrats and their primary debates are providing a lot of good laughs. Have you ever seen such a group of "free everything" givers together at one time?

    Dodge the comment all you want. We. Are. The. Laughingstock. Of. The. World. Turkey just walked all over Mr. "Art of the Deal". Trump is considered weak, ineffectual, and a baffoon by every other world leader. I bet even Boris Johnson thinks Trump is an idiot.

    Oh, don't forget there is never anything free, someone has to pay for in in some way or another.

    Yes, we know. The candidates on stage know, and they've put forth plans on how to pay for things that other civilized countries provide their citizens. There was a billionare on stage at the debate, and he wholeheartedly agreed with Warren's "Tax the rich" plan. He agreed with her that billionares shouldn't actually be a thing.


    ... A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to DaiTengu on Sunday, October 20, 2019 19:01:11
    Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: DaiTengu to The Curmudgeon on Sat Oct 19 2019 07:30 pm

    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims since he took office.

    Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're trying to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Nightfox on Monday, October 21, 2019 08:56:49
    Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nightfox to DaiTengu on Sun Oct 20 2019 08:01 pm

    Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're trying to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do?


    It's just a tactic being used by the Democrats to pursuade people not to vote for Trump in the next election. The party does not have a candidate they believe can clearly beat Trump on merit alone. The Democrats are despersate and will resort to anything to defeat Trump in 2020.

    Havens BBS

    SysOp: HusTler

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From The Curmudgeon@VERT/WCCASTLE to DaiTengu on Monday, October 21, 2019 10:23:00
    DaiTengu spoke thus to The Curmudgeon <=-

    TC> Hey, we learned that from Clinton when it was ok to lie as long as you
    mean well. :)

    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house
    voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims since he took office.

    that, my friend, is not an impeachable offense so nice try. There were a
    of charges brought against him and yes, Clinton was a habitual liar but hey
    he probably was your guy.

    You can't deny it, so you try to justify it by saying other politicians lie. Here's the thing, Trump ran on not being a politician, so which is it?

    so what exactly did he lie about? Oh yeah, I'm sure you'll say 13,000 times but are they all lies and misstatements or are the majority of them just not fitting the native of the alphabet media?

    How can you honestly support someone who will flat out lie about the stupidest things? About things that don't matter? Fuck, man. Support

    Again , I question all this as fact and not just hyperbole to discredit a POTUS that the media and the Democrats , of course, are trying their best to destroy.

    another GOP candidate, I'm fine with that, Trump is just a horrible
    human being.

    He wasn't my first choice and he is bombastic to a huge degree but what he
    is is a man constantly under attack for both his job and it's personal with
    far too many in the left. His nature is not to stand and let people unduly attack him and his family and I can understand that.

    You should maybe get a copy of that transcript and educate yourself dude.

    Have it. Read it. Educated. My opinion stands.

    If you actually read the whole report and not the synopsis put out by his detractors you might think otherwise. Either that or your opinion was formed before you read it and only looked for your confirmation. :)

    I honestly wanted him to succeed, I didn't want to see our country
    become the laughingstock of the world, but here we are.

    Right now the Democrats and their primary debates are providing a lot of good laughs. Have you ever seen such a group of "free everything" givers together at one time?

    Dodge the comment all you want. We. Are. The. Laughingstock. Of. The.

    Not dodge the comment... just adding to it and putting it in perspective.

    World. Turkey just walked all over Mr. "Art of the Deal". Trump is considered weak, ineffectual, and a baffoon by every other world
    leader. I bet even Boris Johnson thinks Trump is an idiot.

    Of course they do, the leaders of socialist leaning countries are indeed amazed and disheartened by his unwilling attitude to bow down to their way
    of thinking. Not at all surprising however, weak and ineffectual... hardly
    I don't belive China is in that category. Frankly I think Boris Johnson is missing a few brain cells himself but that's just me. :)

    Oh, don't forget there is never anything free, someone has to pay for in in some way or another.

    Yes, we know. The candidates on stage know, and they've put forth
    plans on how to pay for things that other civilized countries provide their citizens. There was a billionare on stage at the debate, and he wholeheartedly agreed with Warren's "Tax the rich" plan. He agreed with her that billionares shouldn't actually be a thing.

    Ah the old class envy strikes again. Ok, so you don't think there should be any billionaires as well I'm guessing from your post. If everyone had the same amount of income, asserts and whatever... just who would invest in new and expanding
    business that hire people and pay taxes to fund the government? The poor don't hire people to build things and that's an economic fact. Sorry, instead of vilifying that group , maybe we should all aspire to becoming independently wealthy
    ourselves. Oh, and the road to success is never working for someone else.. it's

    taking the risk with your money and time, working not 8 hours a day for a wage but
    working 12 hours a day and more to grow your business, hoping it succeeds and then
    if it does pouring nearly all that back into it for years before finally achieving
    that said independence. It's a long hard road with no guarantee of success.

    I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better.

    Greeting from
    The Curmudgeon
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Wizard's Castle BBS: Synchro Mail
  • From The Curmudgeon@VERT/WCCASTLE to Nightfox on Monday, October 21, 2019 10:31:00
    Nightfox spoke thus to DaiTengu <=-

    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims since he took office.

    Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're trying to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do?

    Ummm, remember he was impeached by the house but never convicted by the
    so in effect , while he was not proven guilty, his powers and influence after that
    were reduced. Secondly, they will do anything they can to bring down Trump whether
    or not it's actual factual evidence. <sigh> we do live in interesting times. :)

    Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

    Greeting from
    The Curmudgeon
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Wizard's Castle BBS: Synchro Mail
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NIGHTFOX on Monday, October 21, 2019 11:53:00
    Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're try
    ng to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do?

    Nothing if the Senate does not find him guilty.

    � SLMR 2.1a � Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to THE CURMUDGEON on Monday, October 21, 2019 19:18:00
    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims since he took office.

    that, my friend, is not an impeachable offense so nice try. There were a itany
    of charges brought against him and yes, Clinton was a habitual liar but hey he probably was your guy.

    IIRC, what Bill got impeached for was purjury because he lied *under oath*, which is impeachable. People forget that. :)

    He wasn't my first choice and he is bombastic to a huge degree but what he is is a man constantly under attack for both his job and it's personal with far too many in the left. His nature is not to stand and let people unduly attack him and his family and I can understand that.

    Neither of the top running choices in the last election were my first
    choice but I believe my wallet is happier with this choice than it would
    have been with the other one, and it almost certainly shall be happier with that same choice than any of the 20+ others running on the "impeach Trump because we got nothing else" platform.

    � SLMR 2.1a � AAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Nightfox on Friday, October 25, 2019 15:28:06
    Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nightfox to DaiTengu on Sun Oct 20 2019 08:01 pm

    Whataboutism. Bill lied about geting his dick sucked and the house
    voted to impeach him for it. Trump has made over 13,000 false or
    misleading claims since he took office.

    Bill Clinton still served his full term after his impeachment. Now they're trying to impeach Trump, but what's that really going to do?

    I've always been very anti-impeachment. It's not because I think Trump doesn't deserve it, he's demonstrated time and time again he doesn't have the country's best interests at heart. I've been anti-impeachment because Trump is a bumbling idiot who can't walk and chew gum at the same time. He hasn't demonstrated a single iota of political acumen, and just can't get anything done because he can't keep his stories straight. Someone will ask him about a thing, he'll spout off an opinion on it, then, after the more insidious actors around him drop their opinions in his ears, he'll change his tune and parrot what they say. He's a puppet president, but he's too ADD to keep on any one task for too long to do any real meaningful damage.

    Were he to be impeached, and if the Senate removed him from office, It's quite possible Mike Pence would become president. Now there's a guy who's actually competent, and has the ability to do real, horrifyng harm to this country in a way that Trump never could.


    ... His eyes are so bad, he has to wear contact lenses to see his glasses.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to DaiTengu on Friday, October 25, 2019 16:49:00
    DaiTengu wrote to Nightfox <=-

    I've always been very anti-impeachment. It's not because I think
    Trump doesn't deserve it, he's demonstrated time and time again he doesn't have the country's best interests at heart.

    Springsteen said he doesn't think Trump knows what it means to be an
    America. Well put.

    The problem with impeachment is that it's going to become the new normal. Elect a democrat? The republicans will be screaming "IMPEACH" within the
    first few months.

    This is our government now.

    ... Do you ever wish you could forget?
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    � Synchronet � realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to DaiTengu on Friday, October 25, 2019 18:29:49
    Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: DaiTengu to Nightfox on Fri Oct 25 2019 04:28 pm

    the country's best interests at heart. I've been anti-impeachment because Trump is a bumbling idiot who can't walk and chew gum at the same time. He hasn't demonstrated a single iota of political acumen, and just can't get anything done because he can't keep his stories straight. Someone will ask

    And you don't think that's a good reason to impeach a president? I guess that might not be an impeachable offense, but one might still rather not see a president like that in office.

    And I wouldn't expect him to have any political acumen, since he had never worked in politics before. Though, sometimes that's the kind of candidate we might want.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Saturday, October 26, 2019 07:11:00
    Nightfox wrote to DaiTengu <=-

    the country's best interests at heart. I've been anti-impeachment because Trump is a bumbling idiot who can't walk and chew gum at the same time. He hasn't demonstrated a single iota of political acumen, and just can't get anything done because he can't keep his stories straight. Someone will ask

    And you don't think that's a good reason to impeach a president?

    Absolutely not. It's not something that should/can be done just
    because somebody doesn't like him, or even if he's an idiot.

    I guess that might not be an impeachable offense, but one might
    still rather not see a president like that in office.

    True, but "rather not" isn't good enough. "Elections have

    And I wouldn't expect him to have any political acumen, since he
    had never worked in politics before. Though, sometimes that's
    the kind of candidate we might want.

    Well it clearly was what "we" wanted in 2016. Next year should be
    very.... interesting.

    ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Gamgee on Saturday, October 26, 2019 20:13:55
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Sat Oct 26 2019 08:11 am

    And I wouldn't expect him to have any political acumen, since
    he had never worked in politics before. Though, sometimes that's
    the kind of candidate we might want.

    Well it clearly was what "we" wanted in 2016. Next year should be very.... interesting.

    I have a feeling Trump is going to get re-elected.. Just a feeling I have.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Sunday, October 27, 2019 07:21:00
    Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-

    And I wouldn't expect him to have any political acumen, since
    he had never worked in politics before. Though, sometimes that's
    the kind of candidate we might want.

    Well it clearly was what "we" wanted in 2016. Next year should be
    very.... interesting.

    I have a feeling Trump is going to get re-elected.. Just a
    feeling I have.

    Same here. Some of that comes from the quality of the field of
    candidates being presented by the other side... And some of it
    comes from the fact that things are actually going pretty well on
    the economic front. Especially when you factor in the petty
    whining about things that don't really matter, and the media bias
    which looks to pick apart everything he does.

    ... Pros are those who do their jobs well, even when they don't feel like it. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@VERT/NEOCINCI to Gamgee on Sunday, October 27, 2019 16:25:00
    On 27 Oct 2019, Gamgee said the following...

    Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-

    And I wouldn't expect him to have any political acumen, since
    he had never worked in politics before. Though, sometimes that's
    the kind of candidate we might want.

    Well it clearly was what "we" wanted in 2016. Next year should be very.... interesting.

    I have a feeling Trump is going to get re-elected.. Just a
    feeling I have.

    Same here. Some of that comes from the quality of the field of candidates being presented by the other side... And some of it
    comes from the fact that things are actually going pretty well on
    the economic front. Especially when you factor in the petty
    whining about things that don't really matter, and the media bias
    which looks to pick apart everything he does.

    Second the notion. I've already said if Gabbard, Yang or, Bernie don't end up winning the primary and we get another corporatist democrat in the elections, odds are my vote is going to Trump. Gabbard is my main pick, but it's clear
    the DNC is pulling what they did back in 2016 and taking the clearly popular choice out back and proceeding to shoehorn a candidate that only appeals to
    the extremists, like Kamala or Warren. Looking at both of them let alone hearing their platforms just unsettles me - My kingdom for a democrat that
    knew the solution to gun violence wasn't with gun control but with actual research into WHY they happen. I mean, we know gang violence's MO, but what about these mass shooters?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Nodoka Hanamura on Sunday, October 27, 2019 23:28:00
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nodoka Hanamura to Gamgee on Sun Oct 27 2019 05:25 pm

    Second the notion. I've already said if Gabbard, Yang or, Bernie don't end u winning the primary and we get another corporatist democrat in the elections odds are my vote is going to Trump. Gabbard is my main pick, but it's clear the DNC is pulling what they did back in 2016 and taking the clearly popular choice out back and proceeding to shoehorn a candidate that only appeals to the extremists, like Kamala or Warren. Looking at both of them let alone hearing their platforms just unsettles me - My kingdom for a democrat that knew the solution to gun violence wasn't with gun control but with actual research into WHY they happen. I mean, we know gang violence's MO, but what about these mass shooters?

    Something I notice all the candidates and most politicians do is step softly around the subject of urban violence. On a fourth of July weekend more
    people die in Chicago than all the mass shootings combined. It doesn't fit the mainstream narratives of hate filled paranoid fanatics and domestic terrorists, and it seems like a taboo to talk about people of certain races
    or nationalities without automatically being declared a rascist.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@VERT/NEOCINCI to Moondog on Monday, October 28, 2019 03:45:00
    On 28 Oct 2019, Moondog said the following...
    Something I notice all the candidates and most politicians do is step soft around the subject of urban violence. On a fourth of July weekend more people die in Chicago than all the mass shootings combined. It doesn't fi the mainstream narratives of hate filled paranoid fanatics and domestic terrorists, and it seems like a taboo to talk about people of certain race or nationalities without automatically being declared a rascist.

    That's a big problem with the DNC - they tiptoe around things to not be 'racist', 'sexist', or 'transphobic/homophobic'. I'm probably one of the
    people they hate the most, being a bisexual transgender woman who believes
    that my right to defend myself with a firearm should never be infringed, and that a 1911 is more effective at putting whatever ill-mannered person who
    wants me dead, be they some religous zealot or just a dimestore crook - in
    the ground than calling a cop with a 3-5 minute response time where i'll inevitably be shot, stabbed or kidnapped by the time they're on scene.

    It's not so much we have paranoid fanatics (though they are fanatics to an extent) and domestic terrorists in this country, as it is extremists and
    people who are clearly mentally unwell (The former are a very vocal minority
    in some areas, to the chagrin of anyone with a functioning cranium). Mental health if anything is something that is overlooked in these incidents, and
    like what happened in Christchurch, there's often political components to
    those mental issues, in what drive them to the breaking point.

    I don't claim to be the prime of mental health (As I've got Aspergers, ADHD, Anxiety issues and Gender Dysphoria), but I at least try my damndest to get a grip on myself and keep myself from doing overly rash things.

    Another problem, as you mentioned, was with inner city crime. There's a multitude of factors regarding why it's so prevalent in some cities. You
    could point out high school dropout rates among different races and try to
    curb them through initiatives, you could point out drug use and try to take
    the switzerland approach and try to locally legalize soft drugs like pot, and provide government-funded aid for those addicted to drugs like heroin or
    meth. One of the big ones, and I know from experience as my sister had spent time in Jail for drug offenses - is that many people who get arrested for
    drugs aren't even hardened criminals, and once they're in the system they're fucked for quite a while, if not the rest of their lives. You could pin part
    of the gun crime problem on that - on how your regular joe or jane gets put
    in the slammer and has no choice but to turn to crime when they can't find employment due to a criminal record, and on top of that, they return to drugs and eventually overdose because they're not provided the tools to
    rehabilitate themselves. In Kentucky, we have such a system like that, but it still requires you to be in jail for a set period. You could pin gun crime on
    a multitude of other factors as well, such as cultural divides and socio-economic issues, such as gentrification of certain neighborhoods
    causing cultural clashes as citizens are forced to move to more impoverished neighborhoods as a result thereby, among other socio-economic problems.

    I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled
    incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to it - given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK.

    Born too Early to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nodoka Hanamura on Monday, October 28, 2019 15:05:30
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nodoka Hanamura to Moondog on Mon Oct 28 2019 04:45 am

    That's a big problem with the DNC - they tiptoe around things to not be 'racist', 'sexist', or 'transphobic/homophobic'. I'm probably one of the people they hate the most, being a bisexual transgender woman who believes

    whats funny is the DNC is going to be over by me and the city governments are preparing for human trafficking/prostitution and drugs to ramp up like they do when they go to other areas.

    when the republicans visit, they just hit the strip clubs.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Nodoka Hanamura on Monday, October 28, 2019 17:29:00
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nodoka Hanamura to Moondog on Mon Oct 28 2019 04:45 am

    I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to it given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK.

    Born too Early to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    I don't think it's as much an ulterior motive as much as it is they believe they can solve societal issues that are in some cases as old as the history
    of man bu legislating against tools instead of violent behavior. The history of karate and related martial arts comes from a time when knives and swords were banned from private ownership, and we know that turned out. Even now
    some forms of karate that are not competition oriented are forbidden because they are intended to make sure your opponent does not get back up.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@VERT/NEOCINCI to Moondog on Monday, October 28, 2019 21:56:00
    On 28 Oct 2019, Moondog said the following...

    I don't think it's as much an ulterior motive as much as it is they believ they can solve societal issues that are in some cases as old as the histor of man bu legislating against tools instead of violent behavior. The hist of karate and related martial arts comes from a time when knives and sword were banned from private ownership, and we know that turned out. Even now some forms of karate that are not competition oriented are forbidden becau they are intended to make sure your opponent does not get back up.

    You've got a good point, but with how I've seen the DNC act in recent years makes me beg to differ that they have our nation's best interests in mind,
    and that's not just limited to gun ownership.

    Born too Early to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: NeoCincinnati BBS
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Nodoka Hanamura on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 09:14:00
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Nodoka Hanamura to Moondog on Mon Oct 28 2019 10:56 pm

    On 28 Oct 2019, Moondog said the following...

    I don't think it's as much an ulterior motive as much as it is they bel they can solve societal issues that are in some cases as old as the his of man bu legislating against tools instead of violent behavior. The h of karate and related martial arts comes from a time when knives and sw were banned from private ownership, and we know that turned out. Even some forms of karate that are not competition oriented are forbidden be they are intended to make sure your opponent does not get back up.

    You've got a good point, but with how I've seen the DNC act in recent years makes me beg to differ that they have our nation's best interests in mind, and that's not just limited to gun ownership.

    Born too Early to experience the scene.
    Born just in time to see it come back.
    Nodoka Hanamura - NeoCincinnati BBS SYSOP - neocinci.bbs.io

    Putting it that way, I have to agree. I think our founding fathers did a
    good job asking themselves what could go wrong, and factored in the ambition o f politicians. Our rights exist as roadblocks to prevent control over the populace to be disguised as creating progress.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Moondog on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 21:45:19
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Moondog to Nodoka Hanamura on Tue Oct 29 2019 10:14 am

    Putting it that way, I have to agree. I think our founding fathers did a good job asking themselves what could go wrong, and factored in the ambition f politicians. Our rights exist as roadblocks to prevent control over the populace to be disguised as creating progress.

    our founding fathers were genius. the problem is slowly, politicians found out how to ignore the constitution and work around it.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to NODOKA HANAMURA on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 18:35:00
    I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to it given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK.

    That is exactly what they are hoping for.

    � SLMR 2.1a � "High as a kite, everybody! Goofballs!!"-Chief Wiggum
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Dumas Walker on Friday, November 01, 2019 23:04:00
    Re: Re: HR 5102 & S 2905
    By: Dumas Walker to NODOKA HANAMURA on Tue Oct 29 2019 07:35 pm

    I'm no analyst, but the gun crime problem is clearly being tackled incorrectly by the DNC. Probably because they have an ulterior motive to i given how hard left it's become in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised i they're trying to take away firearms for the sake of trying to eventually install a more restrictive nanny state like what we're seeing in the UK.

    That is exactly what they are hoping for.

    First step is going to be the universal background check. I can imagine
    the fed would want information to build a registration database rather than just checking a citizen's criminal status. I'm also betting they'll be watching how many purchases you make.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Sirronmit@VERT/CASTLERO to poindexter FORTRAN on Saturday, November 16, 2019 07:28:00
    The ban was by specific models, if I recall? That makes it hard when you can get a Chinese copy of a Czech copy of an AK-47.

    true, true

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com