Re: A what if scenario...
By: Spaceboy to All on Fri Jul 12 2024 08:44 pm
Consider this scenario: you are stuck behind a merciless filter and BBS is your only coms with the outside world. Assuming you have Win10 and you can only use non-http services/ports like telnet and ftp, what software would you have to have? Could you do everything you need to do this way?
Think of it like a desert island scenario, or as if you got suddenly transported to the early 90s (with a Win10 laptop). What software, bare minimum, do you have to have to survive?
I pose the question this way to get some input on the best tools as I am getting familiar with this scene after being gone 26 years.
Is your real name John Titor?
I've never touched Windows 10. If I was stuck with Windows 10.
I, would say powershell, EMACS , a few terms, gHIDRA & GNURADIO
...Academic rivalries are so intense because the stakes are so small.
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