Re: Re: Euro Baud Day
By: Gamgee to poindexter FORTRAN on Sun Dec 08 2024 07:09 pm
I am an AMERICAN SPY, apparently, disguised as a German Spy.
� Synchronet � .: :: scientia potentia est :.
In the 1980's where I worked began getting daily reports dated YYYYMMDD.
We used to talk on the phone to another place saying all of the (partial) report plus our data; but now could enter our data to a server, and a hour later get the complete report from the server.
I overheard a Ham radio operator say his workplace was trying to figure a way to sort Daily Records so I told him about my work using YYYYMMDD and he said that would be of help.
As others here do, I use that Date Format for computer files.
In public I write the Military Style DD 3 letter abbrv. for the Month YYYY.
I know it looks weird to other folks who aren't acquainted with Military Style Dates.
Today is: 09Dec2024.
I was fooled too by the European Style that uses Slash Marks or Dashes as separators in the date until I read other comments in this thread.
But I finally caught on.
The European
� Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP