• FANGCON 2020

    From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to All on Monday, September 16, 2019 18:00:37
    Greetings friends and furs, February is coming up on us like a speeding runaway hyper train. Have you secured your reservation for the weekend in HOWLYWOOD?
    If not, then you better hop to it, register so you can get those special pre-registration rates.

    And if, by chance, you have a panel or an event you would like to host (including room parties for coming cons). PLEASE go to the following link and key in your information before DEC 31. https://www.fangcon.com/panel-signup-activities

    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly - telnet: loybbs.net:23
    SSH: loybbs.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: loybbs.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear - telnet: loybbs.net:23322

    � Synchronet � Furmens Folly - loybbs.net:23
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Lupine Furmen on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 15:11:58
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: Lupine Furmen to All on Mon Sep 16 2019 07:00 pm

    Greetings friends and furs, February is coming up on us like a speeding runa hyper train. Have you secured your reservation for the weekend in HOWLYWOOD? If not, then you better hop to it, register so you can get those special pre-registration rates.

    is being a furry a hobby or just a type of sickness
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 15:57:31
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: MRO to Lupine Furmen on Tue Sep 17 2019 04:11 pm

    is being a furry a hobby or just a type of sickness

    It's the latter. I don't thing we have an echo for "borderline socially acceptable bestiality", though.


    ... Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to MRO on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 22:07:45
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: MRO to Lupine Furmen on Tue Sep 17 2019 16:11:58

    is being a furry a hobby or just a type of sickness

    It is most certainly a hobby, just like any other fandom. Especiall if you get into the costuming or art aspect of the fandom.

    There is NOTHING that goes on in the furry fandom that does not also happen in any other fandom. Hell, Sports fans are worse than any furry I've ever met.

    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly - telnet: loybbs.net:23
    SSH: loybbs.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: loybbs.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear - telnet: loybbs.net:23322

    � Synchronet � Furmens Folly - loybbs.net:23
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to DaiTengu on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 22:08:42
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Tue Sep 17 2019 16:57:31

    It's the latter. I don't thing we have an echo for "borderline socially acceptable bestiality", though.

    Now, right there you proved that you don't know a single thing about the fandom.

    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly - telnet: loybbs.net:23
    SSH: loybbs.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: loybbs.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear - telnet: loybbs.net:23322

    � Synchronet � Furmens Folly - loybbs.net:23
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Lupine Furmen on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 05:02:00
    Lupine Furmen wrote to MRO <=-

    There is NOTHING that goes on in the furry fandom that does not also happen in any other fandom. Hell, Sports fans are worse than any furry I've ever met.

    I need to find the graphic I saw on the internet a bunch of years ago - it
    was a hierarchy of sci-fi/fantasy fan groups - who's cooler than whom.

    Found it - http://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Geek_Hierarchy

    ... Do the last thing first
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    � Synchronet � realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From Mike Powell@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DAITENGU on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 15:43:00
    is being a furry a hobby or just a type of sickness

    It's the latter. I don't thing we have an echo for "borderline socially accepta
    ble bestiality", though.

    I think it is about dressing up, just like any of the other fancons, except people dress up as animals, or animal characters, instead of comic book characters (which could also be furry animals).

    I don't think it has anything to do with getting it on with animals. There
    was an episode of CSI: several years ago that did not paint it in the best light, though.

    . SLMR 2.1a . This message brought to you by JAMMITIN (tm)!!
    * Synchronet * CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Jamestyree@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Thursday, September 19, 2019 12:21:07
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: MRO to Lupine Furmen on Tue Sep 17 2019 04:11 pm

    Greetings friends and furs, February is coming up on us like a speeding runa hyper train. Have you secured your reservation for the weekend in HOWLYWOOD? If not, then you better hop to it, register so you can get those special pre-registration rates.

    is being a furry a hobby or just a type of sickness

    LOL :-) Furries are a definite head scratcher...

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Lupine Furmen on Thursday, September 19, 2019 12:23:00
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: Lupine Furmen to DaiTengu on Tue Sep 17 2019 11:08 pm

    It's the latter. I don't thing we have an echo for "borderline
    socially acceptable bestiality", though.

    Now, right there you proved that you don't know a single thing about the fandom.

    Or, what my theory presupposes is, maybe I know too much?


    ... It's important that I NOT know.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to Mike Powell on Thursday, September 19, 2019 12:35:12
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: Mike Powell to DAITENGU on Wed Sep 18 2019 04:43 pm

    It's the latter. I don't thing we have an echo for "borderline socially
    accepta ble bestiality", though.
    I think it is about dressing up, just like any of the other fancons, except people dress up as animals, or animal characters, instead of comic book characters (which could also be furry animals).

    I don't think it has anything to do with getting it on with animals. There was an episode of CSI: several years ago that did not paint it in the best light, though.

    I've known furries. It does. Maybe not all of them, but a certain subset of them ruin it for everyone else. And those that insist it isn't a thing are just enabling those that want to fuck a fox.



    ... Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me about it!

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to poindexter FORTRAN on Friday, September 20, 2019 21:58:32
    Re: Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Lupine Furmen on Wed Sep 18 2019 06:02:00

    I need to find the graphic I saw on the internet a bunch of years ago - it was a hierarchy of sci-fi/fantasy fan groups - who's cooler than whom.

    Found it - http://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Geek_Hierarchy

    That's pretty cool. I just kind of glanced at it, but what I saw looked pretty spot on. Thanks for finding that.

    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly - telnet: loybbs.net:23
    SSH: loybbs.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: loybbs.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear - telnet: loybbs.net:23322

    � Synchronet � Furmens Folly - loybbs.net:23
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to Mike Powell on Friday, September 20, 2019 22:00:37
    Re: FANGCON 2020
    By: Mike Powell to DAITENGU on Wed Sep 18 2019 16:43:00

    I think it is about dressing up, just like any of the other fancons, except people dress up as animals, or animal characters, instead of comic book characters (which could also be furry animals).

    Actually, the costuming is a very SMALL part of the fandom as the vast majority of furs can not afford the fursuits. Thos things can run anywhere from $300 (for just a head) to several THOUSAND dollars for a full suit.

    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly - telnet: loybbs.net:23
    SSH: loybbs.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: loybbs.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear - telnet: loybbs.net:23322

    � Synchronet � Furmens Folly - loybbs.net:23