Jeff Foxworthy has been doing standup comedy, TV and movies since 1984
I loved the one he did on prescription side effects.
He started it with his wife basically being a "hypochondriac". She was watching this show, and lamented "I have every one of those
symptoms" which, he replied "You do not have testicular cancer!!".
After the laughter died down, he added "You don't even have
testiculars". <G>
Basically, he highlighted "Flora-Flor for itchy watery eyes". He
continued with a list of 50 side effects (he didn't include death), then
said "You know what?? I only have itchy watery eyes". <G>
� OLX 1.53 � If everything seems to be OK, you've overlooked something
� Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS -