• WH40k: Killteam

    From Fang-Castro@VERT/FTPBBS to All on Tuesday, September 08, 2020 21:12:23
    Anybody play WH40k: Killteam? A friend and I have been playing on Steam's Tabletop Simulator...

    Had fun all day hiding from the strange sky building my first double size (44"x60") map for a 4 player FFA game of capture the flag. The flag is in the middle and you have to bring it back to your deployment zone one of the corners. We're making up our own mission too.

    � Synchronet � Flee the Planet BBS [flee.fsxnet.nz:2323]
  • From Alpha@VERT/TDG to Fang-Castro on Friday, September 11, 2020 18:46:55
    Re: WH40k: Killteam
    By: Fang-Castro to All on Tue Sep 08 2020 10:12 pm

    Anybody play WH40k: Killteam? A friend and I have been playing on Steam's Tabletop Simulator...

    Oh, that looks fun. I've got the standard WH40k 2 player (tabletop version - Battle for Macragge) set that I haven't touched in years. I'll have to checkout the TS version on Steam. Really dig the scenarios-driven game play.

    Speaking of TS, I was setting up Cyberpunk RED (pen and paper RPG) using Tabletop Sim when the lock-down started for me, back in March. The pre-made kits are pretty cool.

    OH and I just pre-ordered the KickStarter version of Car Wars v6 from Steve Jackson games. The rules have been simplified, the paintable car models look epic. Wonder if that's in Tabletop Simulator? Hmmm...

    Game on!

    � Synchronet � The Drunken Gamer // thedrunkengamer.com:8888
  • From Fang-Castro@VERT/FTPBBS to Alpha on Sunday, September 13, 2020 16:30:51
    Re: WH40k: Killteam
    By: Alpha to Fang-Castro on Fri Sep 11 2020 07:46 pm

    Anybody play WH40k: Killteam? A friend and I have been playing on Steam's Tabletop Simulator...

    Oh, that looks fun. I've got the standard WH40k 2 player (tabletop version - Battle for Macragge) set that I haven't touched in years. I'll have to checkout the TS version on Steam. Really dig the scenarios-driven game play.

    It's tons of fun! We play every weekend. Never played Warhammer 40k, but Killteam is pretty much the same thing, just super small scale.

    Speaking of TS, I was setting up Cyberpunk RED (pen and paper RPG) using Tabletop Sim when the lock-down started for me, back in March. The pre-made kits are pretty cool.

    I'll check that out. Haven't played a IRL RPG in forever... we've had some discussion of playing D&D, but 2 of the possible 4 players can't seem to find the time.

    OH and I just pre-ordered the KickStarter version of Car Wars v6 from Steve Jackson games. The rules have been simplified, the paintable car models look epic. Wonder if that's in Tabletop Simulator? Hmmm...

    I still have all my Car Wars box sets, Uncle Albert's Catalogs, etc. That was tons of fun. It would be a *perfect* Tabletop Simulator game!!

    � Synchronet � Flee the Planet BBS [flee.fsxnet.nz:2323]
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Fang-Castro on Monday, September 14, 2020 02:04:26
    Re: WH40k: Killteam
    By: Fang-Castro to Alpha on Sun Sep 13 2020 05:30 pm

    Speaking of TS, I was setting up Cyberpunk RED (pen and paper RPG) using Tabletop Sim when the lock-down started for me, back in March. The pre-ma kits are pretty cool.

    I'll check that out. Haven't played a IRL RPG in forever... we've had some discussion of playing D&D, but 2 of the possible 4 players can't seem to fin the time.

    I haven't played tabletop RPGs since the chinavirus crisis got started. Before that we had a weekly game.

    I'd tell you to find a game club. Those used to be great places to find games if you could not build a group. However I bet most gaming clubs are closed now or playing remotely.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL