• Harvick Wins Darlington but it's just not the same

    From Sbaitso@VERT/JAYSCAFE to HusTler on Sunday, June 21, 2020 18:33:58
    Re: Harvick Wins Darlington but it's just not the same
    By: HusTler to All on Sun May 17 2020 07:34 pm

    I watched the entire ARCA race from Talladega yesterday. I can't remember the last time I sat through an entire race in any of the divisions. There was a time I watched almost every NASCAR & ARCA race I could get coverage of. The ARCA race was a good race and I really enjoyed it.

    Did you see it?

    � Synchronet � BayouBBS.Net, Ports 23, 6401 and 6402
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Sbaitso on Monday, June 22, 2020 13:16:35
    Re: Harvick Wins Darlington but it's just not the same
    By: Sbaitso to HusTler on Sun Jun 21 2020 07:33 pm

    I watched the entire ARCA race from Talladega yesterday. I can't remember the last time I sat through an entire race in any of the divisions. There of. The ARCA race was a good race and I really enjoyed it.

    Did you see it?

    No I didn't. I love Talladega. I enjoy the larger tracks much more then the short tracks. What do you think about the new flag rule? Will fans comply?


    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Sbaitso@VERT/JAYSCAFE to HusTler on Saturday, June 27, 2020 18:45:22
    Re: Harvick Wins Darlington but it's just not the same
    By: HusTler to Sbaitso on Mon Jun 22 2020 02:16 pm

    No I didn't. I love Talladega. I enjoy the larger tracks much more then the short tracks. What do you think about the new flag rule? Will fans comply?

    I'm not sure what will happen.

    I have a mixture of tracks that I enjoy. I realize you have to keep safety as your number one priority, but I think having less practice may be helping the racing a bit as keeping things a bit more competitive as teams don't have the ability to dial things in quite as tightly as they normally would. There's nothing worse to me that when within a lap or two it's all nose to tail single file racing.

    � Synchronet � BayouBBS.Net, Ports 23, 6401 and 6402