• Jealousy

    From The Millionaire@VERT to All on Sunday, October 04, 2020 19:45:42
    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are and
    can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of aggravation and frustration, it takes a toll. Why can't we all one big happy family and get along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world turns there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young and restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of our lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of that situation of it.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."It's cold in here!" - LaTour...

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to The Millionaire on Sunday, October 04, 2020 20:04:52
    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    one life to live
    as the world turns
    guiding light
    young and restless
    days of our lives

    Watching much daytime television are we?

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #14:
    CP437 = Code Page 437 (so-called IBM Extended ASCII)
    Norco, CA WX: 79.3�F, 29.0% humidity, 0 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From mark firestone@VERT/QBBS to THE MILLIONAIRE on Monday, October 05, 2020 05:45:00
    --- THE MILLIONAIRE wrote --
    ...along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young an restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of ou lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of tha situation of it

    $ The Millionaire

    Speak for yourself... I'm 51. I need a nap.

    * TARDIS BBS - Home of QUARKware * telnet bbs.cortex-media.info
  • From Mortifis@VERT/EPHRAM to mark firestone on Monday, October 05, 2020 08:29:15
    --- THE MILLIONAIRE wrote --
    ...along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young an restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of ou lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of tha situation of it

    $ The Millionaire

    Speak for yourself... I'm 51. I need a nap.

    heh, I hear, ya, I finally made it past 55 last week and just woke from a nap :-P

    � Synchronet � posted via alleycat etrucker-runemaster web ui
  • From Mortifis@VERT/EPHRAM to The Millionaire on Monday, October 05, 2020 08:31:37
    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of aggravation and frustration, it takes a toll. Why can't we all one big happy family and get along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world turns there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young and restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of our lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of that situation of it.

    $ The Millionaire $

    I wish some of ya's were All My Children; I'd ground ya's to yer rooms without supper :-P

    � Synchronet � posted via alleycat etrucker-runemaster web ui
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Digital Man on Monday, October 05, 2020 07:26:00

    one life to live
    as the world turns
    guiding light
    young and restless
    days of our lives

    Watching much daytime television are we?

    He forgot General Hospital and a few others. <G>


    ... To err is human, to quit, resign.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to The Millionaire on Monday, October 05, 2020 07:43:00
    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are

    I couldn't care less. You came into this world as naked and broke as
    myself and everyone else did, and you're going out the same way. All of
    us have to sit on the toilet for a bowel movement in the same way, so
    you're no better than I am...and no one is better than you.

    And, to add to this...see the tagline below.


    ... What you think of me is none of my business.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to The Millionaire on Monday, October 05, 2020 09:11:36
    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are
    and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to
    me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of

    I don't think this is a popularity contest. And I don't think there is any jealosy involved..


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to The Millionaire on Monday, October 05, 2020 12:19:00
    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of aggravation and frustration, it takes a toll. Why can't we all one big happy family and get along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world tu there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young and restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of our lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of that situation of it.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."It's cold in here!" - LaTour...

    Is this appropriate for a technical discussion area?

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Digital Man on Monday, October 05, 2020 09:56:35
    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    Watching much daytime television are we?

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #14:
    CP437 = Code Page 437 (so-called IBM Extended ASCII)
    Norco, CA WX: 79.3�F, 29.0% humidity, 0 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    I used to watch a lot of daytime shows before and also the nighttime soaps as well at one time but can't get into them as much as I used to. Maybe I should try again. Only 4 left now: Y&R, GH, DOOL, and B&B.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."It's cold in here!" - LaTour...

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Mortifis@VERT/EPHRAM to Daryl Stout on Monday, October 05, 2020 14:42:47
    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are

    I couldn't care less. You came into this world as naked and broke as myself and everyone else did, and you're going out the same way. All of
    us have to sit on the toilet for a bowel movement in the same way, so
    you're no better than I am...and no one is better than you.

    not to be a dick, but, it's possible one or more of here use a colostomy bag :(

    � Synchronet � posted via alleycat etrucker-runemaster web ui
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Moondog on Monday, October 05, 2020 12:33:46
    Re: Jealousy
    By: Moondog to The Millionaire on Mon Oct 05 2020 01:19 pm

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are
    and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards

    Is this appropriate for a technical discussion area?

    I'm not sure it's even appropriate for someone over 12 years old.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Nightfox on Monday, October 05, 2020 15:53:24
    Re: Jealousy
    By: Nightfox to Moondog on Mon Oct 05 2020 13:33:46

    I'm not sure it's even appropriate for someone over 12 years old.

    Time to update the score, I guess.

    Nightfox: 100
    "The Millionaire": 1

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to The Millionaire on Monday, October 05, 2020 16:02:00
    On 04 Oct 2020, The Millionaire said the following...

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of aggravation and frustration, it takes a toll. Why can't we all one big happy family and get along with each other. We all have only one life to live and as the world turns there will a guiding light at the search of tomorrow. We are all young and restless because of the problems in the world but these are the days of our lives. We all have a reason to be on the earth so let's make use of that situation of it.

    $ The Millionaire $

    Still crying, eh?

    No one cares... this BBS stuff doesn't matter - no one, other than the 50 or
    so of us that frquent the scene, sees or cares about any of this...

    Hell, and the 25 or so REAL BBS folks; which doesn't include you.... :P

    You suck. I like reading your BS anyway. Don't leave... and f*ck off.

  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Monday, October 05, 2020 18:42:00
    Nightfox wrote to The Millionaire <=-

    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are
    and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to
    me here. I've tried to be nice but when I am bullied to the point of

    I don't think this is a popularity contest. And I don't think
    there is any jealosy involved..

    You're correct on both counts, of course.

    His delusional mind can't/won't understand that though.

    ... Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Moondog on Monday, October 05, 2020 18:45:00
    Moondog wrote to The Millionaire <=-

    Re: Jealousy
    By: The Millionaire to All on Sun Oct 04 2020 08:45 pm

    You're all jealous of me because I'm more popular than all of you are and can't stand to see it that way hence all the terrorizing towards to me here.

    Is this appropriate for a technical discussion area?

    No, of course it isn't. It's literally something you would hear
    out of the mouth of a 10-year-old on the playground.

    Honestly I can't decide whether I should laugh at him, or feel
    sorry for his developmental/social issues.

    ... A day without sunshine is like night.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to mark firestone on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 19:16:00
    On 10-05-20 06:45, mark firestone wrote to THE MILLIONAIRE <=-

    Speak for yourself... I'm 51. I need a nap.

    Haha I'm 52 and tend to run around a lot and lift weights. :D

    ... Skating away on the thin ice of a new day...
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Mortifis on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 19:17:00
    On 10-05-20 09:31, Mortifis wrote to The Millionaire <=-

    I wish some of ya's were All My Children; I'd ground ya's to yer rooms without supper :-P

    Gotta catch me first. :P

    ... Please type your Bank PIN number in your reply again.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Mortifis on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 14:15:00
    not to be a dick, but, it's possible one or more of here use a
    colostomy bag :(

    Well, colon cancer is the second greatest killer right behind (no
    pun intended) heart disease and breast cancer. But, unlike most other
    cancers, it's one of the most preventable.

    Sadly, most cancers in the early stages have no symptoms at all. I
    am at high risk for colon cancer, as they've found benign polyps
    several times, but no cancer...and I lost an uncle to it. My Dad and
    his sister died of pancreatic cancer, and my grandmother died of lung
    cancer. I doubt any family has escaped that scourge.

    Yet, the overall key is early detection...and the best time to go to
    the doctor is when you're feeling "fit as a fiddle". I know folks who
    don't want to go to the doctor, because they "don't want to be seen
    naked" (like it's something they haven't seen before??!!), or don't
    want to discuss "The 3 P's -- peeing, pooping, and procreation".

    The thing is, if he has an enlarged prostate (part of males growing
    old), he likely is going to have to sit to pee.

    Either way, he's no better than I am...and my being jealous or
    envious of him or anyone else in hobbies or talents, is the
    furtherest thing from my mind.


    ... Then the manure hit the rotary air displacement unit.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to mark firestone on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 14:39:00
    Speak for yourself... I'm 51. I need a nap.

    Frequent naps prevent old age...especially if taken while driving. <G>

    Cue the music from "Asleep At The Wheel". :P


    ... Disney's Law: Children Under 12 must be accompanied by money.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Mortifis on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 14:40:00
    I wish some of ya's were All My Children; I'd ground ya's to yer rooms without supper

    Or, they'd say "Beat Me!! Whip Me!!".

    I tried that with my late wife and Co-Sysop. She'd look at me, not bat
    an eye, and just deadpan "No". :P


    ... Deja Booboo: When you feel you've screwed this up before.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 14:41:00

    Haha I'm 52 and tend to run around a lot and lift weights. :D

    Especially with your talents of slapping, and sprinting away. <G>


    ... Never stand between a dog and a fire hydrant.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 14:42:00

    ... Please type your Bank PIN number in your reply again.

    Some would be dumb enough to do it. Sort of like the woman
    (blonde?) who thought the floppy drive was where she'd put her
    credit card for her purchase. :P


    ... Don't raise the bar!! It's too hard to get the drinks!!
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Mortifis@VERT/EPHRAM to Daryl Stout on Tuesday, October 06, 2020 23:12:52
    not to be a dick, but, it's possible one or more of here use a colostomy bag :(

    Well, colon cancer is the second greatest killer right behind (no
    pun intended) heart disease and breast cancer. But, unlike most other cancers, it's one of the most preventable.

    Sadly, most cancers in the early stages have no symptoms at all. I
    am at high risk for colon cancer, as they've found benign polyps
    several times, but no cancer...and I lost an uncle to it. My Dad and
    his sister died of pancreatic cancer, and my grandmother died of lung cancer. I doubt any family has escaped that scourge.

    Sorry to hear about your losses :-(

    Yet, the overall key is early detection...and the best time to go to
    the doctor is when you're feeling "fit as a fiddle". I know folks who
    don't want to go to the doctor, because they "don't want to be seen
    naked" (like it's something they haven't seen before??!!), or don't
    want to discuss "The 3 P's -- peeing, pooping, and procreation".

    Ya, I am still not showing much symptoms since the crap news last December and am still considered 'fit as a fiddle' but the strings eventually wear out on all fiddles so rosin up your bow and keep on keep'n on :)

    but you're right, there is no benefit in being jealous or envious of anyone ... I've already pee'd pooped and procreated ... but never in the same bed at the same time :-P

    � Synchronet � posted via alleycat etrucker-runemaster web ui
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 16:32:00
    On 10-06-20 15:41, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-


    Haha I'm 52 and tend to run around a lot and lift weights. :D

    Especially with your talents of slapping, and sprinting away. <G>

    LOL that's coz I can. :P

    ... Please no deja vu; I don't want to go through that again.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 16:33:00
    On 10-06-20 15:42, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-


    ... Please type your Bank PIN number in your reply again.

    Some would be dumb enough to do it. Sort of like the woman
    (blonde?) who thought the floppy drive was where she'd put her
    credit card for her purchase. :P

    The "coffee cup holder" incident has been covered elsewhere, but that's the first I've heard about the credit card slot one. :D

    ... Oh - ah, I'm going to blow it up.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 07:45:00

    Haha I'm 52 and tend to run around a lot and lift weights. :D

    Especially with your talents of slapping, and sprinting away. <G>

    LOL that's coz I can. :P

    Braggert. <BG>

    ... Please no deja vu; I don't want to go through that again.

    Good one!!


    ... Deja New: When you thought you bought the item new.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 07:47:00

    The "coffee cup holder" incident has been covered elsewhere, but that's the first I've heard about the credit card slot one. :D

    Some of the stories are truly "eye roll moments"...but's the main exercise
    I get after the ones in the morning.

    Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. OK, now the other eyelid. <G>

    ... Oh - ah, I'm going to blow it up.

    With the illudium pew 36 explosive space modulator. <G>


    ... Beauty is skin deep...but ugly goes clear to the bone.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Mortifis on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 08:26:00
    cancer. I doubt any family has escaped that scourge.

    Sorry to hear about your losses :-(

    Thanks. While I'm busier than I was when I was married, some days, it
    still gets awfully lonely.

    Ya, I am still not showing much symptoms since the crap news last
    December and am still considered 'fit as a fiddle' but the strings eventually wear out on all fiddles so rosin up your bow and keep on
    keep'n on :)

    I think my fiddle is broken, as it's limp as a dish rag. I know this
    is TMI...but it's true that "if you don't use it, you'll lose it". Also,
    the definition of Safe Sex is threefold.

    1) Knowing you and your partner are STD free.
    2) One safe humping the other. <G>
    3) Your spouse says "Screw You", and you well "Bite Me". <G>

    but you're right, there is no benefit in being jealous or envious of anyone ... I've already pee'd pooped and procreated ... but never in
    the same bed at the same time :-P

    That reminds me of the joke where the old man rips a big fart in bed,
    and his wife wonders what he's doing. He replies "Fart Football"...I
    just scored a touchdown. :P

    So, they're going back and forth, when suddenly he says "Halftime!!
    I just $h!+ the bed"...and she says "Personal Foul. Targeting. That's
    An Ejection!!" <BG>.


    ... "Farfrompoopin'" - German word for constipation.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Thursday, October 08, 2020 14:22:00
    On 10-07-20 08:45, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-


    Haha I'm 52 and tend to run around a lot and lift weights. :D

    Especially with your talents of slapping, and sprinting away. <G>

    LOL that's coz I can. :P

    Braggert. <BG>

    ... Deja New: When you thought you bought the item new.

    Oops. ;)

    ... Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Thursday, October 08, 2020 14:23:00
    On 10-07-20 08:47, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

    Some of the stories are truly "eye roll moments"...but's the main exercise I get after the ones in the morning.

    Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. OK, now the other eyelid. <G>

    That your daily exercise? :P

    ... Oh - ah, I'm going to blow it up.

    With the illudium pew 36 explosive space modulator. <G>

    When only the best will do. :P

    ... Manufacturing contact lenses is harder than meets the eye.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Thursday, October 08, 2020 21:28:00

    ... Deja New: When you thought you bought the item new.

    Oops. ;)

    That proves the warranty expires the moment you drive the car off the
    lot, or take it out of the store.

    ... Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.

    Maybe it's related to acrimony. :P


    ... Darn it!! I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference!!
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Thursday, October 08, 2020 21:30:00

    Some of the stories are truly "eye roll moments"...but's the main exercise I get after the ones in the morning.

    Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. OK, now the other eyelid. <G>

    That your daily exercise? :P

    If I take an Ibuprofen overnight to help with neck pain (the bones
    are so kinked together, it's pathetic), leg pain (arthritis), or the degenerative disk disease in my spine, it sure is. Of course, getting
    on and off "the busiest seat in the house" (the throne) can qualify
    as well...I have to get the kitty out of the litterbox first. :P

    ... Oh - ah, I'm going to blow it up.

    With the illudium pew 36 explosive space modulator. <G>

    When only the best will do. :P

    Sponsored by ACME Manufacturing Company, Wile E. Coyote, CEO. <G>

    ... Manufacturing contact lenses is harder than meets the eye.

    I can see that. :P


    ... Eyewitnesses were on the scene in minutes.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Saturday, October 10, 2020 16:21:00
    On 10-08-20 22:28, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-


    ... Deja New: When you thought you bought the item new.

    Oops. ;)

    That proves the warranty expires the moment you drive the car off the lot, or take it out of the store.

    Yep, sounds about right. :)

    ... Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.

    Maybe it's related to acrimony. :P

    Frequently seems to be.

    ... Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Saturday, October 10, 2020 16:23:00
    On 10-08-20 22:30, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

    If I take an Ibuprofen overnight to help with neck pain (the bones
    are so kinked together, it's pathetic), leg pain (arthritis), or the degenerative disk disease in my spine, it sure is. Of course, getting
    on and off "the busiest seat in the house" (the throne) can qualify
    as well...I have to get the kitty out of the litterbox first. :P

    Oh dear, and for me a sore Achilles is a big deal (should be back up and running in a week). ;)

    ... Oh - ah, I'm going to blow it up.

    With the illudium pew 36 explosive space modulator. <G>

    When only the best will do. :P

    Sponsored by ACME Manufacturing Company, Wile E. Coyote, CEO. <G>

    Haha where else would you get it from? ;)

    ... Manufacturing contact lenses is harder than meets the eye.

    I can see that. :P

    Clearly. ;P

    ... Isn't "Half Duplex" just an apartment?
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 16:35:00

    as well...I have to get the kitty out of the litterbox first. :P

    Oh dear, and for me a sore Achilles is a big deal (should be back up
    and running in a week). ;)

    Achilles is right...it kills your running speed. <g,d,r>

    Sponsored by ACME Manufacturing Company, Wile E. Coyote, CEO. <G>

    Haha where else would you get it from? ;)

    RoadRunner Reposessions?? <G>

    ... Manufacturing contact lenses is harder than meets the eye.

    I can see that. :P

    Clearly. ;P

    Now, I'll hear that melody in my head, and I'll need to be like
    the cartoon that showed this guy in a hospital bed, with bandages
    all over his head. The doctor comes into the room, and has this huge
    jar, full of musical notes in it...and he says "Good News, Mr. Smith!!
    We got rid of that tune that was stuck in your head"!! <G>

    ... Isn't "Half Duplex" just an apartment?

    Especially if it's under 1000 square feet...or is that a dollhouse??


    ... If I eat beans and onions, will I make tear gas??
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    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Thursday, October 15, 2020 17:37:00
    On 10-13-20 17:35, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

    Oh dear, and for me a sore Achilles is a big deal (should be back up
    and running in a week). ;)

    Achilles is right...it kills your running speed. <g,d,r>

    I'd probably catch you now, I'm back up to more than half top speed. :)

    ... Isn't "Half Duplex" just an apartment?

    Especially if it's under 1000 square feet...or is that a dollhouse??

    Maybe a bedsit. :) Lived in something like that for a while, just had a tiny bedroom and a kitchen, but it was comfortable. :)

    ... Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Thursday, October 15, 2020 07:24:00

    Oh dear, and for me a sore Achilles is a big deal (should be back up
    and running in a week). ;)

    Achilles is right...it kills your running speed. <g,d,r>

    I'd probably catch you now, I'm back up to more than half top speed. :)

    Nowadays, for me, it's like the meme of the "Friday Night Races At
    The Senior Citizens Center". It has 2 old men (apparently without their dentures) racing each other with their walkers. Well, one of the old men
    got extra "poo-pulsion" from a big fart, that sent him across the Finish
    Line first. <G>

    ... Isn't "Half Duplex" just an apartment?

    Especially if it's under 1000 square feet...or is that a dollhouse??

    Maybe a bedsit. :) Lived in something like that for a while, just had
    a tiny bedroom and a kitchen, but it was comfortable. :)

    I would hope a bathroom (at least a toilet and a sink) was available.

    ... Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

    I wonder if they'd go after limberger (sp?)??


    ... Bachelor: One who never Mrs. a girl.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to Daryl Stout on Friday, October 16, 2020 18:27:00
    On 10-15-20 08:24, Daryl Stout wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

    Nowadays, for me, it's like the meme of the "Friday Night Races At
    The Senior Citizens Center". It has 2 old men (apparently without their dentures) racing each other with their walkers. Well, one of the old
    men got extra "poo-pulsion" from a big fart, that sent him across the Finish Line first. <G>

    Hahaha, yeah I was doing better than that when I was at my worst. :D

    ... Isn't "Half Duplex" just an apartment?

    Especially if it's under 1000 square feet...or is that a dollhouse??

    Maybe a bedsit. :) Lived in something like that for a while, just had
    a tiny bedroom and a kitchen, but it was comfortable. :)

    I would hope a bathroom (at least a toilet and a sink) was available.

    No, the toilet was out the back, but there was a shower and a sink inside. :)

    ... Swallowing your pride seldom leads to indigestion.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Mortifis on Friday, October 16, 2020 06:14:13
    heh, I hear, ya, I finally made it past 55 last week and just woke from a nap :-P

    � Synchronet � posted via alleycat etrucker-runemaster web ui

    I'm 56 myself.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."I'm board. Time to set up another Synchronet BBS."...

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Daryl Stout@VERT/TBOLT to Tony Langdon on Friday, October 16, 2020 15:23:00

    men got extra "poo-pulsion" from a big fart, that sent him across the Finish Line first. <G>

    Hahaha, yeah I was doing better than that when I was at my worst. :D

    I wonder if they were taking bets on "win, place, and show"?? <G>

    I saw a square dance group do a "horse race" at a festival in 2019. They
    had rigged up these brooms to look like horses manes. There were different colors, similar to the numbers, colored cloths, etc. for each horse in a
    real race. Next there was an area of squares placed on the floor, with taped off sections like hopscotch boxes. To top it off, there were 2 sets of big dice...one for each color (6 of them), and one for the numbers 1 through 6.
    I think there was a total of 15 or 20 boxes, so it wasn't over in an instant.

    Before the "race" people would buy a certain number of tickets to "wager"
    on the horse, and whether they thought the horse would win, place, or show.
    It made quite a bit of money for the organization.

    Well, we get the horses and jockeys (male and female <G>) at the starting gate...and, everyone else is on the side, cheering, laughing, and making smart-@$$ remarks ("who's going out to pasture now??!!) <G>. The dice are rolled, telling which "horse can move", and how many spaces. The game kept going until the top 3 horses had finished (win, place, and show).

    No, the toilet was out the back, but there was a shower and a sink
    inside. :)

    Reminds me of the meme, where the old boy is building an outhouse for two... with HIS and HERS...the wife's "hole" is much bigger. The caption notes "He never knew what hit him". <G>

    ... Swallowing your pride seldom leads to indigestion.

    They gag on salted crow and humble pie...because they get the "Fonzie" disease. Their philosophy is either "I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken"...or "I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong". :P


    ... You've taken a vow of silence?? Tell me about it.
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    � Synchronet � The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net