• Synchronet Pro

    From The Millionaire@VERT to Digital Man on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 06:00:50
    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would be cool to see happen.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."I'm board. Time to set up another Synchronet BBS."...

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 10:21:17
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00:50

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would

    What would differentiate "Synchronet Professional" from what we already have?

    I'd say the answer is "No". I can't imagine DM hobbling Synchronet and asking people to pay to unlock "pro" features or support.

    The closest thing is probably MarisaG's hosting service.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to echicken on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 09:03:12
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00:50

    What would differentiate "Synchronet Professional" from what we already have?

    I'd say the answer is "No". I can't imagine DM hobbling Synchronet and asking people to pay to unlock "pro" features or support.

    The closest thing is probably MarisaG's hosting service.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for the technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go the extra mile with so to speak.

    $ The Millionaire $

    ..."I'm board. Time to set up another Synchronet BBS."...

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:29:50
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to echicken on Wed Oct 07 2020 10:03:12

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for the
    technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go the
    extra mile with so to speak.

    I'd expect to find that sort of thing in a free/community/open-source edition of a piece of software rather than in a "Professional Edition".

    People who pay for a "pro" tier are typically after better support, ease of setup/use, hosting, and often a few unlocked features (but without additional technical burden or "challenge").

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Altere@VERT/ATHEL to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 11:32:16
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00 am

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would be cool to see happen.

    I think it would be cool if Synchronet was just Synchronet, like it is, being improved on. It's "cool" already in that sense, who cares about versions or other names. If you like, you can modify the source and put Standard next to Synchronet in the current version, then months or years down the road, grab a fresh copy of the source and put Professional next to it instead, and *poof*, you have your standard and professional versions. <sigh>


    � Synchronet � Athelstan BBS � athelstan.org � telnet:23 / ssh:2222
  • From mark firestone@VERT/QBBS to THE MILLIONAIRE on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:52:00
    --- THE MILLIONAIRE wrote --

    Re: Synchronet Pr
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00:5

    What would differentiate "Synchronet Professional" from what we already

    I'd say the answer is "No". I can't imagine DM hobbling Synchronet and a people to pay to unlock "pro" features or support

    The closest thing is probably MarisaG's hosting service

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.co
    Synchronet electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.co

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for t technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go t extra mile with so to speak

    $ The Millionaire

    ..."I'm board. Time to set up another Synchronet BBS."..
    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/c

    * TARDIS BBS - Home of QUARKware * telnet bbs.cortex-media.info
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:16:35
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00 am

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would be cool to see happen.

    What would this look like? Are you saying there should be a paid version of Synchronet? What features would you include that would make it worth purchasing vs the current, free Synchronet?


    ... Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:19:23
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to echicken on Wed Oct 07 2020 10:03 am

    What would differentiate "Synchronet Professional" from what we
    already have?

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for the technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go the extra mile with so to speak.

    This is exactly the opposite of how "professional" versions of software work, for the most part. People pay to make things easier, not harder.


    ... This tagline's just for you.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:36:00
    The Millionaire wrote to Digital Man <=-

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the
    future? That would be cool to see happen.

    Yet another vague and vapid question, which has no possible answer
    because no actual context was given (in the question).

    ... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:04:40
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to Digital Man on Wed Oct 07 2020 07:00 am

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would be cool to see happen.

    And what do you think would be the differences between the regular Synchronet and "Synchronet Professional"? What specifically are you asking for?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to The Millionaire on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 12:06:32
    Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: The Millionaire to echicken on Wed Oct 07 2020 10:03 am

    What would differentiate "Synchronet Professional" from what we
    already have?

    I'd say the answer is "No". I can't imagine DM hobbling Synchronet and
    asking people to pay to unlock "pro" features or support.

    The closest thing is probably MarisaG's hosting service.

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for the technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go the extra mile with so to speak.

    BBS sysops are in general already technically inclined people. If DM were charging money for Synchronet again, then perhaps there could be some extra features for paid users..


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Gamgee on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 13:00:31
    Re: Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: Gamgee to The Millionaire on Wed Oct 07 2020 01:36 pm

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the
    future? That would be cool to see happen.

    Yet another vague and vapid question, which has no possible answer because no actual context was given (in the question).

    Maybe there should be a product called "Desktop Computer Pro" which Synchronet Pro would run on. Maybe I should upvote my own message for coming up with such a good idea.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 17:53:00
    Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: Gamgee to The Millionaire on Wed Oct 07 2020 01:36 pm

    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the
    future? That would be cool to see happen.

    Yet another vague and vapid question, which has no possible answer
    because no actual context was given (in the question).

    Maybe there should be a product called "Desktop Computer Pro"
    which Synchronet Pro would run on.

    Yes, that would be great! Just remember though, that you'd need a
    regular "Desktop Computer" to run the non-Pro version of SBBS.

    Maybe I should upvote my own message for coming up with such
    a good idea.

    Yes, there's a certain $omebody around here who does just that
    with nearly every message he writes. <EYEROLL>

    ... Forbidden fruit is responsible for many a bad jam.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Nightfox on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 21:53:36
    Re: Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Wed Oct 07 2020 14:00:31

    Maybe there should be a product called "Desktop Computer Pro" which Synchronet Pro would run on.
    Maybe I should upvote my own message for coming up with such a good idea.

    Maybe we should design a computer specifically to run Synchronet Pro on. We could call it the Synchronet Pro Surface Pro, because it's a professional desktop computer that you place on a surface so that it has somewhere to sit. If you fill in the product registration card we'll send you back a USB dongle that unlocks some extra technical features, and removes the registration nag screen and replaces it with your name.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to echicken on Wednesday, October 07, 2020 19:11:27
    Re: Re: Synchronet Pro
    By: echicken to Nightfox on Wed Oct 07 2020 10:53 pm

    Maybe we should design a computer specifically to run Synchronet Pro on. We could call it the Synchronet Pro Surface Pro, because it's a professional desktop computer that you place on a surface so that it has somewhere to sit. If you fill in the product registration card we'll send you back a USB dongle that unlocks some extra technical features, and removes the registration nag screen and replaces it with your name.

    Yes, that sounds like a great idea. And Synchronet Pro and Synchronet Pro Surface Pro can be designed for each other. It would be a specific version of Synchronet for the PC, and a PC designed to run Synchronet, with extra bonus features.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Tony Langdon@VERT to The Millionaire on Thursday, October 08, 2020 15:11:00
    On 10-07-20 10:03, The Millionaire wrote to echicken <=-

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features
    for the technically inclined people. The ones that want a little
    challenge to go the extra mile with so to speak.

    Synchronet already has those - Javascript, for starters, which you can write a lot of advanced functionality in. Again, the question is pointless.

    ... Anything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough!
    === MultiMail/Win v0.51
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to The Millionaire on Saturday, October 10, 2020 13:51:39
    On 10/7/2020 7:00 AM, The Millionaire wrote:
    Is there ever going to be a Synchronet Professional in the future? That would be cool to see happen.

    What would be the difference between the "Professional" one vs the
    regular one in your mind?

    Michael J. Ryan
    tracker1 +o Roughneck BBS

    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - coming back 2/2/20
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to mark firestone on Saturday, October 10, 2020 14:00:25
    On 10/7/2020 6:52 AM, mark firestone wrote:

    No, but I'd thought just maybe he might have some technical features for t >> technically inclined people. The ones that want a little challenge to go t >> extra mile with so to speak

    $ The Millionaire

    ..."Screw you guys, I'm switching to Wildcat WINServer."..

    Michael J. Ryan
    tracker1 +o Roughneck BBS

    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - coming back 2/2/20
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Saturday, October 10, 2020 14:14:48
    On 10/7/2020 2:00 PM, Nightfox wrote:

    Maybe there should be a product called "Desktop Computer Pro" which Synchronet Pro would run on. Maybe I should upvote my own message for coming up with such a good idea.

    You should sell your "Desktop Computer Pro" (raspbery pi kit) for
    "Synchronet Pro" (separate $799 fee) for $1299 (free shipping in the US).

    TM: you should contact Nightfox for his paypal account to make your
    order now.

    Michael J. Ryan
    tracker1 +o Roughneck BBS

    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - coming back 2/2/20
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Saturday, October 10, 2020 14:31:38
    On 10/7/2020 8:11 PM, Nightfox wrote:

    Yes, that sounds like a great idea. And Synchronet Pro and Synchronet Pro Surface Pro can be designed for each other. It would be a specific version of Synchronet for the PC, and a PC designed to run Synchronet, with extra bonus features.

    The Millionair, for $1500 for the "Computer Pro" and $799 for
    "Synchronet Pro" we'll send you the Synchronet Pro system pre-installed.

    It'll include features like, "Raspberry Pi 4 8GB motherboard" and a
    "tablet" enclosure with "Synchronet Pro" already installed.

    If you'd like support, it'll be $200/month for up to 45 minutes of
    preferred support.

    Michael J. Ryan
    tracker1 +o Roughneck BBS

    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - coming back 2/2/20