• File Areas on FTN

    From Michael Long@VERT to alt.bbs.synchronet on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 05:41:57
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    Can anyone help me connect fileareas to a FTN?

    I've imported a .na file to create the areas. I've also modified tickit.ini like this:


    And I've created events for tickit.js and tickfix.js

    I just don't know the last steps to hook it up. Something needs to call those events, but even then if I run the files manually nothing is happening.
    --- Synchronet 3.18c-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Bob Roberts@VERT/HOVAL to Michael Long on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:09:18
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: Michael Long to alt.bbs.synchronet on Tue Oct 20 2020 06:41 am

    Can anyone help me connect fileareas to a FTN?
    I've imported a .na file to create the areas. I've also modified tickit.ini like this:


    I used tickitcfg.js which runs some menus to create that .ini file for you.

    And I've created events for tickit.js and tickfix.js

    I only needed to make one timed event for Tickit. BinkD seems to also call TickIt automatically when there is something to process. This seems to work for incoming files at least. I haven't tried sending any files out.


    ... A clean desk is a sign of a cluttered desk drawer.

    � Synchronet � Halls of Valhalla <> San Francisco <> hovalbbs.com
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MICHAEL LONG on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 14:10:00
    And I've created events for tickit.js and tickfix.js

    I just don't know the last steps to hook it up. Something needs to call those ents, but even then if I run the files manually nothing is happening.

    Not positive, but I think you have to receive the files from your hub
    before the events will run?

    * SLMR 2.1a * "La Quinta." Spanish for "Next to Denny's."

    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From mlong@VERT/INREALM to Dumas Walker on Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:39:58
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: Dumas Walker to MICHAEL LONG on Wed Oct 21 2020 03:10 pm

    I'm making progress...tickit now moves the files into the proper dirs in the /data dir. The problem I have now is the files don't show on the BBS...it still shows 0 under the file area. Is there a step I am missing?

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Gallaxial@VERT/SPACESST to mlong on Thursday, October 22, 2020 18:46:34
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: mlong to Dumas Walker on Thu Oct 22 2020 12:39:58

    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: Dumas Walker to MICHAEL LONG on Wed Oct 21 2020 03:10 pm

    I'm making progress...tickit now moves the files into the proper dirs in the /data dir. The problem I have now is the files don't show on the BBS...it still shows 0 under the file area. Is there a step I am missing?

    use addfiles - -azs

    � Synchronet � SpaceSST BBS - SpaceSST.com
  • From mlong@VERT/INREALM to Gallaxial on Thursday, October 22, 2020 20:59:26
    Its fixed, I ran init-ticket.js and then restarted synchronet and ran tickit.js manually and now it seems to call addfiles OK

    Thanks for the help

    digitalman - the wiki http://wiki.synchro.net/module:tickit could use a little info about init-ticket.js

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Digital Man@VERT to mlong on Thursday, October 22, 2020 21:38:20
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: mlong to Gallaxial on Thu Oct 22 2020 09:59 pm

    Its fixed, I ran init-ticket.js and then restarted synchronet and ran tickit.js manually and now it seems to call addfiles OK

    Thanks for the help

    digitalman - the wiki http://wiki.synchro.net/module:tickit could use a little info about init-ticket.js

    init-tickit.js isn't normally needed or used.
    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #28:
    We've got Armadillos in our trousers. It's really quite frightening.
    Norco, CA WX: 60.8�F, 86.0% humidity, 0 mph SSE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From mlong@VERT/INREALM to Digital Man on Friday, October 23, 2020 08:37:02
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: Digital Man to mlong on Thu Oct 22 2020 10:38 pm

    init-tickit.js isn't normally needed or used.

    Ok what is the preferred way to the add the hundreds of fido filebone areas? I know you can manually enter each one into tickit.ini or use the tickitcfg to enter each one individually, but I couldn't find any other way to add them all automatically?

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MLONG on Friday, October 23, 2020 15:01:00
    I'm making progress...tickit now moves the files into the proper dirs in the /d
    ta dir. The problem I have now is the files don't show on the BBS...it still sh
    ws 0 under the file area. Is there a step I am missing?

    tickit or tickfix (one or the other) are supposed to call a utility that
    adds the files it tosses to the file listings for the area that you toss
    into. I think that utility is called addfiles, maybe? It works here
    without me having to include any extra command line parms for the events.

    However, I think you do need to make sure to have the file echo set up in tickit.ini so that it is tossing to a file area Dir="name in SCFG" and not a file area path for it to work. Example:



    I think in this example the NODELIST files will get added to the file
    listings for that directory, while the NODEDIFF may not.

    * SLMR 2.1a * He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.

    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Digital Man@VERT to mlong on Friday, October 23, 2020 16:28:57
    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: mlong to Digital Man on Fri Oct 23 2020 09:37 am

    Re: File Areas on FTN
    By: Digital Man to mlong on Thu Oct 22 2020 10:38 pm

    init-tickit.js isn't normally needed or used.

    Ok what is the preferred way to the add the hundreds of fido filebone areas?

    I guess I'll let those that actually use TickIT answer that, as I don't.

    I know you can manually enter each one into tickit.ini or use the tickitcfg to enter each one individually, but I couldn't find any other way to add them all automatically?

    The init-tickit.js doesn't really do it automatically as it requires/reads the init-tickit.ini which doesn't necessarily have all the fido filebone areas in it.

    If I were using TickIT, and I guess at some point I should, just as a test, I would import the filebone list (e.g. filegate.zxx) into a new library in SCFG->File Areas and then I'd either export the directories to the tickit.ini (e.g. using exportcfg.js) or perhaps come up with something more automated where each area doesn't actually have to be listed in the tickit.ini file if it just uses the default settings.
    digital man

    Rush quote #29:
    Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone
    Norco, CA WX: 68.4�F, 70.0% humidity, 8 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net