On 03 Mar 2025, Richard Vonzel said the following...
Is anyone using Gameserv with a Telnetdoor setup? If so would you share how you have it running, and your config setting?
Hello Richard,
I have Gameserver setup to accept Telnet calls on its own.
If you run Setup in the gamesvrgui.exe, then Server Settings, there are fields to enter the Server IP address (your local network address of the computer running the server) and the Port that the server listens to for Telnet calls.
You will have open the port # on your router and computer.
That should complete the setup for Gameserver. I just run the gamesvrgui.exe instead of the gamesvrservice.exe
In the Telnetdoor doormenu.ini (or what ever you call it) put in the option:
S=(the internet address of the server,mine is mysticrealms.ddns.net, without the brackets)
P=(the port # for the server listening on for Telnet connections, without the brackets)
Thats my setup. Hope it helps.
... Computers all wait at the same speed!
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