• TUB Echolist Update

    From elistmaint@2:250/1 to Daniel Path on Wednesday, January 01, 2025 22:04:55
    Echo Successfully Updated.

    TAGname: TUB Group: FIDO

    TITLe: Squish Mail Tosser Support/Chat

    Language: ENGLISH

    TUB is for the support of and discussion
    about the Squish mail tosser specifically.
    This echo is meant for sysops who use the
    Squish mail tosser.

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:
    The Fidonet TUB Echo Rules
    Updated 06 February 2023
    Moderator : Daniel Path (2:371/52 or [email protected])
    TUB is for discussion of and support for the Squish mail tosser as included
    with the Maximus BBS software specifically. Third-party programs that use
    the Squish message base format are off-topic in this echo.
    This echo is meant for sysops running the Squish mail tosser.

    MODerator: Daniel Path, 2:371/52
    Email: [email protected]

    VOLume: 20/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 2:371/52

    RESTrictions: /REAL

    DISTribution: Worldwide

    GATEway: None allowed.

    From: Daniel Path, 2:371/52

    Updated on: 2025/01/01 and valid till 2025/11/30

    Produced by Elist v5.4.41

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.1.0 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)