• FSX_DAT Expiration WARNing #1

    From elistmaint@2:250/1 to Paul Hayton on Friday, November 01, 2024 23:30:02
    To: Paul Hayton, 21:1/101

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: FSX_DAT Group: FSXNET

    TITLe: InterBBS Data

    Language: ENCRYPTED

    InterBBS Data. An echomail area used by software such as InterBBS
    Oneliners, Last Caller Mods etc to send inter-BBS data between nodes
    in fsxNet. In most cases the data is not readable or of interest to
    human eyes. Sysops may wish to hide this echo from BBS users.

    MODerator: Paul Hayton, 21:1/101
    Email: [email protected]

    VOLume: 1,300/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 21:1/100

    DISTribution: Zone 21 | Est. 2015 | fsxnet.nz

    GATEway: Moderator approval required

    From: Paul Hayton, 21:1/101
    Email: [email protected]

    Updated on: 2023/12/02 and valid till 2024/10/31


    Produced by Elist v5.4.41

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.1.0 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)