System name Air Applewood BBS
Sysop Vincent Coen (
[email protected])
Location Hatfield, Herts, U.K. before 1992
Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System - Filegate Host
Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
Running MBSE BBS v1.1.0 on Linux-x86_64
Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet 50000000 CM,XA,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area GFD.APP.BACK - GFD.APP: OS/2 Backup programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BCKEM224.ZIP 796 Kb. BackEmUp Version 2.2.4 is a simple, non
graphical user interface incremental file backup
program. Copyright (c) Allen Heath 2000-2024. (A
prototype gui BackEmUI has been released as a
Beta development. This PM interface calls the
command line code to perform the actions.) It is
able to backup an entire drive, or only certain
subdirectories, or utilitze a user specified
list of files/directories (specification mask)
to exclude certain entities or only include
certain entities. Hidden and System files as
well as Extended Attributes are backed up. It
has been tested on OS/2 Warp 4, Warp Server for
e-Business, and Windows 95/98. WarpIN archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file, 796 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.DB - GFD.APP: OS/2 Database programs & tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTC2.ZIP 95 Kb. Btrieve Commander v1.00.153. Copyright (C) 2025
Brian Havard. A Btrieve file browser / editor.
Currently in deveopment. Prerequisites: an
appropriate Btrieve record manager installed and
working. Btrieve version 6.0 or higher required
for full functionality. Data dictionary files
(DDFs) that describe the files you want to
access. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file, 95 KBytes.
Area GFD.APP.FILE - GFD.APP: OS/2 File & Disk Managers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAMST121.ZIP 2310 Kb. EAMaster Version 1.21. EAMaster was written by
Keith Merrington and is (C) Copyright 2022-2025
by Keith Merrington. All rights reserved. The
purpose of this program is to be able to
interrogate and view Extended Attributes, to
Create, Edit, Copy, delete and rename them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file, 2310 KBytes.
Area GFD.DEV.TOOL - OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENA473.ZIP 11780 Kb. AGENA version 4.7.3 OS/2, eComStation, ArcaOS
edition. Copyright (c) 2006-2025 by Alexander
Walz. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright
2006-2020, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
Agena is a procedural programming language.
Agena is an easy-to-learn interpreted language
suited for sophisticated procedural programming.
It provides a rapid development environment for
your every-day needs. Its syntax looks a lot
like a simplified Algol 68 with elements taken
from Lua and SQL. WarpIN archive.
DRV32.ZIP 108 Kb. Device Driver Development Kit for 32 Bit Drivers
Version 20250104. Copyright (c) 2013-2025 David
Azarewicz. A development kit to make developing
new device drivers very easy. This kit contains
header files and a library that contains all of
the system related interfaces and thunking
modules necessary to build a 32 bit device
driver on OS/2. The only thing you need to focus
on is your unique code for your device. Then
simply link to the library and you can start
testing your code. Examples of working drivers
are included in the kit. The newer Multimac
drivers, the AHCI driver, and the USB drivers
are based on this kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files, 11888 KBytes.
Area GFD.DEV.XMPL - OS/2 Samples with sources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WFTSRC23.ZIP 275 Kb. Web Family Tree version 2.3. Copyright (c)
2001-2024 Peter Moylan. Web Family Tree: a CGI
program for displaying family tree data from a
GEDCOM database as web pages. Requires a web
server. Sources.
QS_SDK.ZIP 7063 Kb. QSINIT 0.37, rev 0645. QSINIT is some kind of
boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
but it is suitable for many other things like
playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
editor. Author: dixie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files, 7338 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.TCP - OS/2 Tcp/ip related (Ftp/Mail) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR_37.ZIP 1252 Kb. Major Major: a mailing list manager
for OS/2.
PMML326.ZIP 9626 Kb. PMMail/2, version (32973) Alpha 1.
Copyright (c) 1994-2025 VOICE, Inc. PMMail is an
enhanced TCP/IP email client (Mail User Agent,
MUA). It is designed for maximum configurability
and ease of use. This version is presented by
VOICE and contains numerous fixes and
enhancements including spam filtering, GPG
integration and secure mailserver logon. WarpIN
archive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files, 10878 KBytes.
Area GFD.NET.WWW - OS/2 Http, Server, Browsers etc ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WFT_23.ZIP 591 Kb. Web Family Tree: a CGI program for
displaying family tree data from
a GEDCOM database as web pages.
Requires a web server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file, 591 KBytes.
Area GFD.SYS.TOOL - OS/2 Tools for the system administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QS_LDR.ZIP 1158 Kb. QSINIT 0.37, rev 0645. QSINIT is some kind of
boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2 kernel
but it is suitable for many other things like
playing tetris or implementing a boot time disk
editor. Author: dixie.
TSTLG357.ZIP 148 Kb. TestLog V3.57 (2024-Dec-31). Generate a
diagnostic log file. Written by David Azarewicz.
Create a log file that you can submit with your
test results when reporting a problem with a
driver. This program collects all the data about
your system and the driver under test, and puts
it into a single log file with appropriate
dividers between the sections in the file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files, 1306 KBytes.
Area NASA - NASA: Earth & Space Science Material ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP250122.ZIP 1940 Kb. NASA Astronomy Picture of the
Day (plus published report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 file, 1940 KBytes.
Area WEATHER - NASA: Daily graphics forecasts for N.America ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WW250122.ZIP 263 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Maps
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1:229/426
WM250122.ZIP 1599 Kb. Darkrealms Weather Animation
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1:229/426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 files, 1862 KBytes.
15 new files, together 39004 KBytes of fresh stuff.
With regards; Vincent Coen.
... Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
--- MBSE BBS v1.1.0 (Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)