• New files on Roon's BBS

    From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, February 15, 2025 13:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    Z1BINKD.TXT 40934 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 046

    pointsUP.lst 2799 Area: sar.techinfo Origin: 2:5053/55.1
    -- description missing --

    AP250215.ZIP 2099172 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250215.ZIP 1638709 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/15/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    AGORANET.Z45 10585 Area: AGN_NODE Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGN_DIFF.Z45 689 Area: AGN_DIFF Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGORANET.ZIP 20967 Area: AGN_INFO Origin: 46:1/100
    . . . .

    METLIST.Z45 7265 Area: METRONET Origin: 25:25/0
    MetroNet Nodelist Update For Day Z45


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, February 16, 2025 01:40:19
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0215.zip 2099172 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    R50EC.ZIP 15781 Area: XOFCELIST Origin: 2:5020/715
    -- description missing --

    HROUTE.INC 22283 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 46

    BINKD2.ZIP 188033 Area: RBB/OS2/BINKD2 Origin: 2:221/10
    Binkd 1.1a-115 (Feb 16 2025 01:00:23/OS2)
    Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim.
    Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu
    Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with
    gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6))
    Needs libc066.dll

    Z2DAILY.046 119954 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    Z2DAILY.047 120032 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, February 16, 2025 13:40:34
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0216.zip 9660756 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 047

    HROUTE.INC 22281 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 47

    WW250215.ZIP 270555 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/15/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    AP250216.ZIP 9660756 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250216.ZIP 268052 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/16/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250216.ZIP 1639275 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/16/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, February 17, 2025 01:40:26
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    LIBTL254.ZIP 3033244 Area: GFD.DEV.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    GNU libtool v2.5.4 for OS/2. Copyright (C)
    1996-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    Written by Gordon Matzigkeit, 1996. This is
    GNU Libtool, a generic library support
    script. Libtool hides the complexity of
    using shared libraries behind a consistent

    QS_LDR.ZIP 1244399 Area: GFD.SYS.TOOL Origin: 2:2490/3045
    QSINIT 0.37, rev 0649. QSINIT is some kind
    of boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2
    kernel but it is suitable for many other
    things like playing tetris or implementing a
    boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.

    QS_SDK.ZIP 7257340 Area: GFD.DEV.XMPL Origin: 2:2490/3045
    QSINIT 0.37, rev 0649. QSINIT is some kind
    of boot loader. Basically it loads the OS/2
    kernel but it is suitable for many other
    things like playing tetris or implementing a
    boot time disk editor. Author: dixie.

    CAPRICE.ZIP 1858125 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    This is the OS/2 - ArcaOS port of Caprice
    32, an Amstrad CPC 464 / 664 / 6128 8-bit
    computer series. (c) Copyright 1997-2015
    Ulrich Doewich. (c) Copyright 2016-2021
    Colin Pitrat. Caprice32 is a software
    emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    EL250216.ZIP 122496 Area: ECHOLIST Origin: 2:250/1
    On Demand Daily Elist archive

    Z2DAILY.048 120032 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, February 17, 2025 13:40:23
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0217.zip 573121 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    FNEWTG07.ZIP 13047 Area: FIDONEWS Origin: 2:2/2
    The Fidonews: Vol#42, Issue#07 for Feb. 17, 2025

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 048

    HROUTE.INC 22281 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 48

    AP250217.ZIP 573121 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250217.ZIP 267800 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/17/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250217.ZIP 1638605 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/17/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 01:40:22
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    POINTS24.A45 13514 Area: 24000ARC Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ARC 3D day-045 (13.02.2025)

    NCV01NIX.ARJ 27100 Area: CH-WARE Origin: 1:18/200
    NODECONV 0.1 Linux: Converts a FTN-style net/node address to and from
    decimal and hex.

    Z2DAILY.049 120027 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 13:40:28
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0218.zip 7792145 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40931 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 049

    HROUTE.INC 22282 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 49

    AP250218.ZIP 7792145 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250218.ZIP 266180 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/18/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250218.ZIP 1639331 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/18/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 01:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    REGION24.052 8670 Area: REGION24 Origin: 2:240/5832
    Region-File R24 vom 25/02/18 (Tag 052)

    RB64V710.ZIP 752559 Area: RAR Origin: 2:250/1
    Rar v710 final.

    RL64V710.ZIP 736404 Area: RAR Origin: 2:250/1
    Rar v710 final.

    ROSAM710.ZIP 660497 Area: RAR Origin: 2:250/1
    Rar v710 final.

    ROSX710.ZIP 733376 Area: RAR Origin: 2:250/1
    Rar v710 final.

    WR710X64.ZIP 3545926 Area: RAR Origin: 2:250/1
    Rar v710 final.

    Z2DAILY.050 120029 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 13:40:22
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0219.zip 49586 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40937 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 050

    HROUTE.INC 22284 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 50

    AP250219.ZIP 49586 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250219.ZIP 266663 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/19/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250219.ZIP 1638941 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/19/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, February 20, 2025 01:40:12
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.051 119208 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, February 20, 2025 13:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0220.zip 494515 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40934 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 051

    HROUTE.INC 22272 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 51

    AP250220.ZIP 494515 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, February 21, 2025 01:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    FSXNET.Z52 11833 Area: FSX_NODE Origin: 21:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    fsxnet.zip 163659 Area: FSX_INFO Origin: 21:1/100
    X X fsxnet.txt -- Info & App X
    X X fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist X
    X fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) X
    X X history.txt -- History X
    X systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet X
    X fsxnet.na -- Echo list X
    X fsx_file.na -- File echo list X
    X . X
    X .. XXX infopack X

    POINTS24.Z52 9292 Area: 24000ZIP Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ZIP 3D day-052 (20.02.2025)

    PTS24.ZIP 2771 Area: 24000_FD Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Bss-Style) day-052 (20.02.2025)

    PTS24V7.ZIP 3346 Area: 24000_V7 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Pnt) day-052 (20.02.2025)

    PR24DIFF.Z52 299 Area: 24000 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 PointDiff ZIP day-052 (20.02.2025)

    R24PNT.Z52 4701 Area: R24PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-052 (20.02.2025)

    R24PNT_D.Z52 276 Area: R24PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointDiff for Z2PNT day-052 (20.02.2025)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    R29PNT.052 735 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:292/789
    -- description missing --

    P28-LIST.Z52 4936 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:280/464
    R28 pointlist for day: 052 and year: 2025

    POINT4D.A52 2889 Area: POINT4D Origin: 2:313/41
    POINT4D vom 052 Tag des Jahres

    R31PNT.Z52 623 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:240/1120
    R31 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-052 (21.02.2025)

    NODEDIFF.A52 2209 Area: NODEDIFA Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)

    NODELIST.Z52 47117 Area: nodelisz Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)

    NODEDIFF.Z52 1650 Area: NODEDIFZ Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)

    R33PNT.052 1571 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:335/364
    Region 33 Pointlist segment date 21-02-2025

    BINKD2.TXT 83481 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 2:240/1120
    BinkD extract from Z2 Nodelist 052 /2025

    WM250220.ZIP 264 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/20/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250220.ZIP 261 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/20/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    Z2DAILY.052 119206 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, February 21, 2025 13:40:21
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0221.zip 1540338 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    HOBBYNET.052 9673 Area: HNET_NODE Origin: 954:895/2
    (Description Missing)

    PNT46REG.052 2470 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:463/1331
    "Region 46 pointlist - day 052"

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 052

    MINDIFF.Z52 992 Area: min_diff Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodediff for Friday, 21 February 2025
    (day 052).

    MICRONET.Z52 8518 Area: MIN_LIST Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodelist for Friday, 21 February 2025
    (day 052).

    TWITLIST.ZIP 9296 Area: MIN_MISC Origin: 618:500/1
    Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    MININFO.ZIP 27106 Area: MIN_INFO Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly infopack for Friday, 21 February 2025
    (day 052).

    MINBINKD.Z52 1820 Area: min_binkd Origin: 618:100/2
    Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 21 February 2025 (day 052)

    Z2PNT.Z52 60059 Area: Z2PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntList (Boss) day 052 (21.02.2025)

    Z2PNT_D.Z52 558 Area: Z2PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 052 (21.02.2025)

    HROUTE.INC 22270 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 52

    AP250221.ZIP 1540338 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250221.ZIP 1639059 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/21/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250221.ZIP 268820 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/21/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    HOBBYNET.ZIP 7813 Area: HNET_INFO Origin: 954:895/2
    HobbyNet Information Packet
    Network Admin : Mike Dippel
    Website: www.hobbynet.hobbyline.com

    HOBBYLINE.TXT : Information List
    HOBBYNET.XXX : Nodelist
    HOBBYNET.NA : Message Echo List
    HOBBYFILE.NA : File Echo List


    WEEDNET.Z52 4495 Area: WEEDNET-NODELIST Origin: 420:2/1
    WeedNet nodelist for day 152/2024


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, February 22, 2025 01:40:15
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.053 119208 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, February 22, 2025 13:40:23
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0222.zip 1380826 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40934 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 053

    HROUTE.INC 22272 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 53

    WM250222.ZIP 1639270 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/22/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250222.ZIP 270372 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/22/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    AP250222.ZIP 1380826 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    AGORANET.Z52 10585 Area: AGN_NODE Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGN_DIFF.Z52 317 Area: AGN_DIFF Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGORANET.ZIP 20967 Area: AGN_INFO Origin: 46:1/100
    . . . .

    METLIST.Z52 7265 Area: METRONET Origin: 25:25/0
    MetroNet Nodelist Update For Day Z52


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, February 23, 2025 01:40:19
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    BINKD2.ZIP 188033 Area: RBB/OS2/BINKD2 Origin: 2:221/10
    Binkd 1.1a-115 (Feb 23 2025 01:00:16/OS2)
    Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim.
    Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu
    Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with
    gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6))
    Needs libc066.dll

    Z2DAILY.054 119206 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, February 23, 2025 13:40:31
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0223.zip 158841 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 054

    VNC-260.ZIP 1258406 Area: GFD.NET.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    VNC Viewer 2.6.0 and Server 2.6.0. This
    package provides a VNC server and client for
    OS/2 Presentation Manager, you can connect
    to a VNC-server somewhere in the network and
    display its content in a window. VNC stands
    for Virtual Network Computing. F

    BDDE-17.ZIP 240043 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    BetaDisk Dump Extractor V1.7e - (c) 1991,
    2002 HanSoft & Partners. This is an OS/2 -
    ArcaOS port of BDDE, the BetaDisk Dump
    Extractor useful for using Beta disks under
    ZX Spectrum emulators. This port was done
    by: Mentore Siesto.

    MANJA100.ZIP 975823 Area: GFD.NET.TCP Origin: 2:2490/3045
    Manjary Mail Server 1.0.0. Manjary is a mail
    and web server supporting POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
    and their SSL extensions, HTTP, HTTPS. The
    server has additional functionality, such as
    checking for spam and an interface for
    interacting with external program

    TRX2X-12.ZIP 67878 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    TRX2X converter V1.2 beta 2. (C) 2002 Alex
    Makeev. ZX Spectrum floppy image converter
    trx2x. This is the OS/2 port of trx2x, a
    rework on the original trx2x format
    conversion program. This port was done by:
    Mentore Siesto.

    FREER312.ZIP 2189552 Area: GFD.NET.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    FreeRDP Client for OS/2 & eComStation.
    FreeRDP v3.12.0 (20250218) is a client for
    Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), used in a
    number of Microsoft Windows operation
    systems. FreeRDP is a free implementation of
    the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), released

    HROUTE.INC 22270 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 54

    AP250223.ZIP 158841 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250223.ZIP 1638146 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/23/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250223.ZIP 271204 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/23/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, February 24, 2025 01:40:11
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.055 119206 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, February 24, 2025 13:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0224.zip 209325 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    FNEWTG08.ZIP 14004 Area: FIDONEWS Origin: 2:2/2
    The Fidonews: Vol#42, Issue#08 for Feb. 24, 2025

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 055

    58ECHO.LST 15364 Area: 58.echos Origin: 2:5053/58
    2:5053/58 echolist

    58FECHO.LST 109 Area: 58.echos Origin: 2:5053/58
    2:5053/58 fecholist

    HROUTE.INC 22270 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 55

    AP250224.ZIP 209325 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250224.ZIP 1639343 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/24/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250224.ZIP 271169 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/24/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 01:40:19
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    POINTS24.A52 13464 Area: 24000ARC Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ARC 3D day-052 (20.02.2025)

    Z2DAILY.056 119202 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 13:40:18
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0225.zip 3097561 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40931 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 056

    HROUTE.INC 22271 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 56

    AP250225.ZIP 3097561 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250225.ZIP 1639878 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/25/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250225.ZIP 269869 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/25/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 01:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    REGION24.059 8670 Area: REGION24 Origin: 2:240/5832
    Region-File R24 vom 25/02/25 (Tag 059)


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 13:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0226.zip 1044153 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40937 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 057

    Z2DAILY.057 119297 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    AP250226.ZIP 1044153 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250226.ZIP 269865 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/26/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250226.ZIP 1638589 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/26/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, February 27, 2025 01:40:24
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.058 119296 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, February 27, 2025 13:40:23
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    Z1BINKD.TXT 40934 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 058

    LCMD190.ZIP 1914989 Area: GFD.APP.FILE Origin: 2:2490/3045
    Larsen Commander Version 1.9.0 for OS/2
    released as GPL Open Source. Copyright (c)
    1999-2007 Leif Erik Larsen, 2010-2025
    Andreas Buchinger. Larsen Commander is a
    powerful, flexible and user friendly GUI
    file manager and command processor for OS/2

    HROUTE.INC 22272 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 58


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, February 28, 2025 01:40:25
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    FSXNET.Z59 11710 Area: FSX_NODE Origin: 21:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    fsxnet.zip 163416 Area: FSX_INFO Origin: 21:1/100
    X X fsxnet.txt -- Info & App X
    X X fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist X
    X fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) X
    X X history.txt -- History X
    X systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet X
    X fsxnet.na -- Echo list X
    X fsx_file.na -- File echo list X
    X . X
    X .. XXX infopack X

    apod0227.zip 1339669 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    PTS24.ZIP 2769 Area: 24000_FD Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Bss-Style) day-059 (27.02.2025)

    R24PNT_D.Z59 275 Area: R24PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointDiff for Z2PNT day-059 (27.02.2025)

    PR24DIFF.Z59 298 Area: 24000 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 PointDiff ZIP day-059 (27.02.2025)

    PTS24V7.ZIP 3347 Area: 24000_V7 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Pnt) day-059 (27.02.2025)

    POINTS24.Z59 9292 Area: 24000ZIP Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ZIP 3D day-059 (27.02.2025)

    R24PNT.Z59 4702 Area: R24PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-059 (27.02.2025)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    R29PNT.059 735 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:292/789
    -- description missing --

    POINT4D.A59 2887 Area: POINT4D Origin: 2:240/1120
    R31 Pointlist day-059/2025

    R31PNT.Z59 623 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:240/1120
    R31 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-059 (28.02.2025)

    P28-LIST.Z59 4934 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:280/464
    R28 pointlist for day: 059 and year: 2025

    NODEDIFF.Z59 1331 Area: NODEDIFZ Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)

    NODELIST.Z59 47191 Area: nodelisz Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)

    NODEDIFF.A59 1795 Area: NODEDIFA Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)

    R33PNT.059 1571 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:335/364
    Region 33 Pointlist segment date 28-02-2025

    BINKD2.TXT 83567 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 2:240/1120
    BinkD extract from Z2 Nodelist 059 /2025

    AP250227.ZIP 1339669 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250227.ZIP 1641139 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/27/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250227.ZIP 245671 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/27/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    Z2DAILY.059 119377 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, February 28, 2025 13:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0228.zip 2322299 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    PNT46REG.059 2470 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:463/1331
    "Region 46 pointlist - day 059"

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40928 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 059

    MINDIFF.Z59 832 Area: min_diff Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodediff for Friday, 28 February 2025
    (day 059).

    MICRONET.Z59 8519 Area: MIN_LIST Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodelist for Friday, 28 February 2025
    (day 059).

    MININFO.ZIP 27107 Area: MIN_INFO Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly infopack for Friday, 28 February 2025
    (day 059).

    TWITLIST.ZIP 9296 Area: MIN_MISC Origin: 618:500/1
    Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    MINBINKD.Z59 1821 Area: min_binkd Origin: 618:100/2
    Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 28 February 2025 (day 059)

    Z2PNT_D.Z59 540 Area: Z2PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 059 (28.02.2025)

    Z2PNT.Z59 60058 Area: Z2PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntList (Boss) day 059 (28.02.2025)

    HROUTE.INC 22260 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 59

    AP250228.ZIP 2322299 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250228.ZIP 266060 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/28/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250228.ZIP 1639823 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    02/28/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    HOBBYNET.059 9673 Area: HNET_NODE Origin: 954:895/1
    HobbyNet Nodelist Day 59

    HOBBYNET.ZIP 7813 Area: HNET_INFO Origin: 954:895/2
    HobbyNet Information Packet
    Network Admin : Mike Dippel
    Website: www.hobbynet.hobbyline.com

    HOBBYLINE.TXT : Information List
    HOBBYNET.XXX : Nodelist
    HOBBYNET.NA : Message Echo List
    HOBBYFILE.NA : File Echo List


    WEEDNET.Z59 2305 Area: WEEDNET-NODELIST Origin: 420:2/1
    WeedNet nodelist for day 159/2024


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, March 01, 2025 01:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.060 120093 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, March 03, 2025 13:40:33
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0301.zip 208253 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    apod0302.zip 294789 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    apod0303.zip 922343 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    R50EC.ZIP 15781 Area: XOFCELIST Origin: 2:5020/715
    -- description missing --

    ELST2503.ZIP 122645 Area: ECHOLIST Origin: 2:250/1
    Zip'd Echo list archive created Monthly

    DSSAV25.ZIP 2710396 Area: GFD.APP.GFX Origin: 2:2490/3045
    Doodle's Screen Saver v2.5. This is a new
    screen saver solution for OS/2, ArcaOS and
    eComStation systems. Its main goal was to
    have an open-source screen saver which can
    be developed further by others, if needed,
    and which can co-operate with third

    BIOGBV43.ZIP 578281 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    BioGB v4.2. BioGB is a Gameboy/Gameboy Color
    emulator which runs on plenty of systems
    like Windows, Unix/Linux, Kallisti, etc. It
    is realeased under the terms and conditions
    of the General Public License which you MUST
    find together with this file.

    MICRONET.Z66 7879 Area: MIN_LIST Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Nodelist for March 2, 2025 (day 066) [special update
    for network-wide change]

    MINBINKD.Z66 1741 Area: min_binkd Origin: 618:100/2
    Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 7 March 2025 (day 066)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40916 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 062

    BINKD2.ZIP 188032 Area: RBB/OS2/BINKD2 Origin: 2:221/10
    Binkd 1.1a-115 (Mar 2 2025 01:00:26/OS2)
    Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim.
    Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu
    Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with
    gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6))
    Needs libc066.dll

    HROUTE.INC 22256 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 61

    FGATEHDR.ZIP 955 Area: FG_WORF Origin: 2:250/1
    Filegate Header comment file for IFDC archives

    FDNINFO.ZIP 27388 Area: FG_WORF Origin: 2:250/1
    Information file for the IFDC FileGate (sm) project

    FGATEZXX.ZIP 18484 Area: FG_WORF Origin: 2:250/1
    IFDC Filegate file tag update in RAID format.

    AP250301.ZIP 208253 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250301.ZIP 1639427 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/01/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250301.ZIP 268736 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/01/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    Z2DAILY.061 119466 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    AP250302.ZIP 294789 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250302.ZIP 267532 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/02/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250302.ZIP 1639912 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/02/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    AP250303.ZIP 922343 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250303.ZIP 267966 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/03/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250303.ZIP 1639441 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/03/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    AGORANET.Z59 10585 Area: AGN_NODE Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGN_DIFF.Z59 316 Area: AGN_DIFF Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGORANET.ZIP 20968 Area: AGN_INFO Origin: 46:1/100
    . . . .

    METLIST.Z59 7265 Area: METRONET Origin: 25:25/0
    MetroNet Nodelist Update For Day Z59


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, March 04, 2025 01:40:24
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    POINTS24.A59 13512 Area: 24000ARC Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ARC 3D day-059 (27.02.2025)

    HROUTE.INC 22256 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 62

    Z2DAILY.062 119466 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    Z2DAILY.063 119453 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, March 04, 2025 13:40:22
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0304.zip 358897 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40919 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 063

    HROUTE.INC 22243 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 63

    AP250304.ZIP 358897 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250304.ZIP 1639049 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/04/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250304.ZIP 270472 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/04/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, March 05, 2025 01:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    REGION24.066 8666 Area: REGION24 Origin: 2:240/5832
    Region-File R24 vom 25/03/04 (Tag 066)

    Z2DAILY.064 119552 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, March 05, 2025 13:40:19
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    Z1BINKD.TXT 40925 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 064

    AP250305.ZIP 13832627 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250305.ZIP 1639869 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/05/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250305.ZIP 268719 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/05/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, March 06, 2025 01:40:26
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0305.zip 13832627 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z2DAILY.065 119551 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, March 06, 2025 13:40:23
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0306.zip 545765 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40922 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 065

    GRAPHITE.ZIP 920534 Area: GFD.DEV.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    This is the OS/2 - ArcaOS port of Graphite,
    a C++ library to handle "smart fonts".
    Graphite is a system that can be used to
    create "smart fonts" capable of displaying
    writing systems with various complex
    behaviors. A smart font contains not only let

    NGSPIC44.ZIP 10143672 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    This is the OS/2 port of ngSpice 4.4, an
    open source electronic circuit simulator
    based on SPICE 3f5. The U. C. Berkeley CAD
    Group. Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the
    University of California. Copyright
    2001-2024, The ngspice team. Ngspice is a mix

    SQLUX110.ZIP 392069 Area: GFD.APP.MISC Origin: 2:2490/3045
    sQLux version 1.1.0. UQLX original Richard
    Zidlicky. sQLux alterations Graeme Gregory.
    Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Richard Zidlicky.
    Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Graeme Gregory. This
    is the first SDL Sinclair QL Emulator
    available on OS/2 since UQLx for X11

    HROUTE.INC 22244 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 65

    AP250306.ZIP 545765 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, March 07, 2025 01:40:23
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    FSXNET.Z66 11769 Area: FSX_NODE Origin: 21:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    fsxnet.zip 163957 Area: FSX_INFO Origin: 21:1/100
    X X fsxnet.txt -- Info & App X
    X X fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist X
    X fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) X
    X X history.txt -- History X
    X systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet X
    X fsxnet.na -- Echo list X
    X fsx_file.na -- File echo list X
    X . X
    X .. XXX infopack X

    PR24DIFF.Z66 302 Area: 24000 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 PointDiff ZIP day-066 (06.03.2025)

    R24PNT.Z66 4701 Area: R24PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-066 (06.03.2025)

    R24PNT_D.Z66 280 Area: R24PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointDiff for Z2PNT day-066 (06.03.2025)

    POINTS24.Z66 9290 Area: 24000ZIP Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ZIP 3D day-066 (06.03.2025)

    PTS24.ZIP 2767 Area: 24000_FD Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Bss-Style) day-066 (06.03.2025)

    PTS24V7.ZIP 3344 Area: 24000_V7 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Pnt) day-066 (06.03.2025)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    R29PNT.066 735 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:292/789
    -- description missing --

    P28-LIST.Z66 4934 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:280/464
    R28 pointlist for day: 066 and year: 2025

    R31PNT.Z66 622 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:240/1120
    R31 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-066 (07.03.2025)

    POINT4D.A66 2875 Area: POINT4D Origin: 2:313/41
    POINT4D vom 066 Tag des Jahres

    NODEDIFF.A66 4426 Area: NODEDIFA Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ARC)

    NODEDIFF.Z66 3015 Area: NODEDIFZ Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)

    NODELIST.Z66 47440 Area: nodelisz Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)

    R33PNT.066 1570 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:335/364
    Region 33 Pointlist segment date 07-03-2025

    BINKD2.TXT 83652 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 2:240/1120
    BinkD extract from Z2 Nodelist 066 /2025

    WM250306.ZIP 1639060 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/06/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250306.ZIP 270629 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/06/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    Z2DAILY.066 119549 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, March 07, 2025 13:40:33
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0307.zip 2908134 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    PNT46REG.066 2463 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:463/1331
    "Region 46 pointlist - day 066"

    Z1BINKD.TXT 41034 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 066

    MICRONET.Z66 8318 Area: MIN_LIST Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodelist for Friday, 7 March 2025 (day

    MININFO.ZIP 21912 Area: MIN_INFO Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly infopack for Friday, 7 March 2025 (day

    TWITLIST.ZIP 9296 Area: MIN_MISC Origin: 618:400/24
    Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426

    MINDIFF.Z66 1194 Area: min_diff Origin: 618:618/1
    Micronet Information Network weekly nodediff for Friday, 7 March 2025 (day

    Z2PNT_D.Z66 542 Area: Z2PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntDiff (Boss) day 066 (07.03.2025)

    Z2PNT.Z66 60055 Area: Z2PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    Z2 PntList (Boss) day 066 (07.03.2025)

    HROUTE.INC 22242 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 66

    AP250307.ZIP 2908134 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250307.ZIP 1638862 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/07/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250307.ZIP 268646 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/07/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    HOBBYNET.066 9669 Area: HNET_NODE Origin: 954:895/1
    HobbyNet Nodelist Day 66

    HOBBYNET.ZIP 7811 Area: HNET_INFO Origin: 954:895/1
    HobbyNet Information Packet
    Network Admin : Mike Dippel
    Website: www.hobbynet.hobbyline.com

    HOBBYLINE.TXT : Information List
    HOBBYNET.XXX : Nodelist
    HOBBYNET.NA : Message Echo List
    HOBBYFILE.NA : File Echo List


    WEEDNET.Z66 2305 Area: WEEDNET-NODELIST Origin: 420:2/1
    WeedNet nodelist for day 166/2024


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, March 08, 2025 01:40:13
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z2DAILY.067 119554 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Saturday, March 08, 2025 13:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0308.zip 804500 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40999 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 067

    HROUTE.INC 22244 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 67

    AP250308.ZIP 804500 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250308.ZIP 266272 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/08/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250308.ZIP 1639539 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/08/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    HOBBYNET.066 9669 Area: HNET_NODE Origin: 954:895/2
    (Description Missing)

    AGORANET.Z66 10582 Area: AGN_NODE Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGN_DIFF.Z66 321 Area: AGN_DIFF Origin: 46:1/100
    Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN network

    AGORANET.ZIP 20964 Area: AGN_INFO Origin: 46:1/100
    . . . .

    HOBBYNET.ZIP 7811 Area: HNET_INFO Origin: 954:895/2
    HobbyNet Information Packet
    Network Admin : Mike Dippel
    Website: www.hobbynet.hobbyline.com

    HOBBYLINE.TXT : Information List
    HOBBYNET.XXX : Nodelist
    HOBBYNET.NA : Message Echo List
    HOBBYFILE.NA : File Echo List


    METLIST.Z66 7261 Area: METRONET Origin: 25:25/0
    MetroNet Nodelist Update For Day Z66


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, March 09, 2025 01:40:11
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    MINBINKD.Z66 1741 Area: min_binkd Origin: 618:100/2
    Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 7 March 2025 (day 066)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    BINKD2.ZIP 188017 Area: RBB/OS2/BINKD2 Origin: 2:221/10
    Binkd 1.1a-115 (Mar 9 2025 01:00:16/OS2)
    Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm,
    amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim.
    Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu
    Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with
    gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6))
    Needs libc066.dll


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Sunday, March 09, 2025 13:40:24
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0309.zip 1059972 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40993 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 068

    HROUTE.INC 22242 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 68

    Z2DAILY.068 119552 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    AP250309.ZIP 1059972 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250309.ZIP 266970 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/09/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250309.ZIP 1638443 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/09/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, March 10, 2025 01:40:19
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    FNEWTG10.ZIP 11979 Area: FIDONEWS Origin: 2:2/2
    The Fidonews: Vol#42, Issue#10 for Mar. 10, 2025

    Z2DAILY.069 119454 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Monday, March 10, 2025 13:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40996 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 069

    HROUTE.INC 22243 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 69

    AP250310.ZIP 1438687 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WW250310.ZIP 268333 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/10/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    WM250310.ZIP 1638887 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/10/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 01:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0310.zip 1438687 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    POINTS24.A66 13464 Area: 24000ARC Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ARC 3D day-066 (06.03.2025)

    Z2DAILY.070 120053 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 13:40:29
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0311.zip 3513338 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40999 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 070

    HROUTE.INC 22248 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 70

    OX564WIN.ZIP 3305425 Area: OPENXP Origin: 1:153/757
    OpenXP v5.0.64 Win32 binaries. Console-mode multi-platform and
    multi-protocol mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP, NNTP, UUCP,
    FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS. Online help and user
    interface available in German and English. Released under GPLv2.

    OX564LNX.ZIP 4336502 Area: OPENXP Origin: 1:153/757
    OpenXP v5.0.64 Linux-x86_64 binaries. Console-mode multi-platform and
    multi-protocol mail/news software supporting POP3, SMTP, IMAP,NNTP, UUCP,
    FidoNet and ZConnect. FidoNet protocols supported are binkP (Fido-over-ip)
    and POTS. POP3/SMTP/IMAP now support SSL/TLS. Online help and user
    interface available in German and English. Released under GPLv2.

    AP250311.ZIP 3513338 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250311.ZIP 1639923 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/11/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250311.ZIP 267986 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/11/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 01:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    58FECHO.LST 109 Area: 58.echos Origin: 2:5053/58
    2:5053/58 fecholist

    58ECHO.LST 15396 Area: 58.echos Origin: 2:5053/58
    2:5053/58 echolist

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    REGION24.073 8667 Area: REGION24 Origin: 2:240/5832
    Region-File R24 vom 25/03/11 (Tag 073)

    Z2DAILY.071 120055 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 13:40:15
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0312.zip 1830219 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 41005 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 071

    HROUTE.INC 22250 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 71

    AP250312.ZIP 1830219 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250312.ZIP 1638906 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/12/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, March 13, 2025 01:40:11
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Thursday, March 13, 2025 13:40:20
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    apod0313.zip 5314384 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Z1BINKD.TXT 40818 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 1:229/426
    Daily Z1BINKD.TXT (Z1) for day 072

    HROUTE.INC 22245 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/10
    Host route file for HPT, day 72

    Z2DAILY.072 119456 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today

    WW250312.ZIP 268013 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/12/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426

    AP250313.ZIP 5314384 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757
    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    WM250313.ZIP 1638924 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/13/2025 Weather Animation @ 1:229/426

    WW250313.ZIP 267985 Area: WEATHER Origin: 1:229/426
    03/13/2025 Weather Map @ 1:229/426


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From NEF@2:371/52 to All on Friday, March 14, 2025 01:40:16
    Echo Files received for distribution:


    FSXNET.Z73 11774 Area: FSX_NODE Origin: 21:1/100
    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    fsxnet.zip 163962 Area: FSX_INFO Origin: 21:1/100
    X X fsxnet.txt -- Info & App X
    X X fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist X
    X fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) X
    X X history.txt -- History X
    X systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet X
    X fsxnet.na -- Echo list X
    X fsx_file.na -- File echo list X
    X . X
    X .. XXX infopack X

    PR24DIFF.Z73 296 Area: 24000 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 PointDiff ZIP day-073 (13.03.2025)

    PTS24V7.ZIP 3344 Area: 24000_V7 Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Pnt) day-073 (13.03.2025)

    PTS24.ZIP 2769 Area: 24000_FD Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Pointlist (Bss-Style) day-073 (13.03.2025)

    POINTS24.Z73 9291 Area: 24000ZIP Origin: 2:240/1120
    Points24 ZIP 3D day-073 (13.03.2025)

    R24PNT.Z73 4700 Area: R24PNT Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-073 (13.03.2025)

    R24PNT_D.Z73 277 Area: R24PNT_D Origin: 2:240/1120
    R24 4D Boss-PointDiff for Z2PNT day-073 (13.03.2025)

    1042.lst 39557 Area: 1042.tech Origin: 2:5020/1042
    Echos available at 2:5020/1042

    P28-LIST.Z73 4936 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:280/464
    R28 pointlist for day: 073 and year: 2025

    R29PNT.073 735 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:292/789
    -- description missing --

    R31PNT.Z73 622 Area: XPNTZ2SEGS Origin: 2:240/1120
    R31 4D Boss-PointList for Z2PNT day-073 (14.03.2025)

    POINT4D.A73 2880 Area: POINT4D Origin: 2:313/41
    POINT4D vom 073 Tag des Jahres

    NODEDIFF.Z73 1676 Area: NODEDIFZ Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODEDIFF for this week (ZIP)

    NODELIST.Z73 47381 Area: nodelisz Origin: 2:292/854
    Fidonet NODELIST for this week (ZIP)

    R33PNT.073 1571 Area: Z2PNTSEG Origin: 2:335/364
    Region 33 Pointlist segment date 14-03-2025

    BINKD2.TXT 83613 Area: I-BINKD Origin: 2:240/1120
    BinkD extract from Z2 Nodelist 073 /2025

    Z2DAILY.073 120055 Area: Z2DAILY Origin: 2:292/854
    Z2DAILY for today


    >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<<

    est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021

    -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==-

    -==[ TELNET ]==-
    .:: Host :: bbs.roonsbbs.hu ::.
    .:: Port :: 1212 ::.

    -==[ DIALUP ]==-
    .:: +36 1 4454412 ::.
    .:: or via https://2600.network ::.

    -==[ FTNs ]==-
    .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::.
    .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::.
    .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::.
    .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::.
    .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::.
    .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::.
    .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::.
    .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::.
    .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::.
    .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::.
    .:: DOVE-NET :: ::.

    -==[ SYSINFO ]==-
    .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::.
    .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::.
    .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::.
    .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::.


    --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)