• The second test

    From Artem Nemenchinsky@2:382/200 to All on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 17:03:14
    Hello everybody!

    Test String 1
    Тестовая строка 2


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
    * Origin: ----> Belgrade, Serbia (2:382/200)
  • From RBB Test Robot@2:221/360 to Artem Nemenchinsky on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 19:08:16
    12 Mar 25 17:03:14 Artem Nemenchinsky (2:382/200) wrote:

    ==== begin of the message ====
    @MSGID: 2:382/200 67d1be8d
    @CHRS: CP850 2
    @TZUTC: 0000

    Hello everybody!

    Test String 1
    Тестовая строка 2


    -+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
    + Origin: ----> Belgrade, Serbia (2:382/200)
    SEEN+BY: 19/10 30/0 153/757 154/10 218/840 221/1 6 360 240/502 1120 1634 8002 SEEN+BY: 240/8005 8010 8050 280/464 5003 291/111 301/1 113 123 812 313/41 SEEN+BY: 335/364 341/66 234 371/0 382/200 460/58 492/0 530/204 550/278
    SEEN+BY: 5020/1042
    @PATH: 382/200 240/1120 301/1 221/6
    ==== end of the message ====

    * Origin: RBB Test Robot @ FIDOTEST (2:221/360)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Artem Nemenchinsky on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 18:32:19
    Hi Artem,

    On 2025-03-12 17:03:14, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 2:382/200 67d1be8d
    @CHRS: CP850 2
    @TZUTC: 0000

    You already noticed this one. ;-)

    Hello everybody!

    Test String 1
    Тестовая строка 2

    This looks more like utf-8 then cp850 ?


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
    * Origin: ----> Belgrade, Serbia (2:382/200)
    SEEN-BY: 30/0 103/705 124/5016 153/757 154/10 30 203/0 221/0 1 240/502 SEEN-BY: 240/1120 1634 5832 8002 8005 8010 8050 280/464 5003 5006 5555 SEEN-BY: 291/111 292/854 8125 301/1 310/31 313/41 335/364 341/66 234 SEEN-BY: 371/0 382/200 396/45 423/120 460/58 467/888 492/0 530/204 550/278 SEEN-BY: 633/280 712/848 770/1 5020/400
    @PATH: 382/200 240/1120 280/464

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Artem Nemenchinsky@2:382/200 to Wilfred van Velzen on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 18:44:22
    Wilfred wrote:

    @TZUTC: 0000
    You already noticed this one. ;-)
    In fact I have two GoldEDs installed - one installed on my laptop(sends correct time zone) and another one on the remote host where binkd, htp, etc. are running.
    And second one has wrong TZ configuration.
    I resend the messages to be sure that this is root cause.

    Тестовая строка 2
    This looks more like utf-8 then cp850 ?
    In fact it's cp866 - another thing that needs to be fixed in the "remote" installation.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ----> Pilot Pirx BBS Belgrade, Serbia (2:382/200)