• New Weather door

    From Dan Clough@1:135/115 to All on Thursday, February 13, 2025 19:24:36
    Hi all,

    Wanted to put out a "plug" for a new Weather door that I've been part of
    beta testing for a while now. It's called AI-WXDoor and it's pretty impressive. It has both ANSI and SIXEL graphics to show
    clouds/precipitation for anywhere in the world. Also forecasts,
    temperature trends, and MUCH more. It is expected to be released soon,
    and is truly a "cut above" most any door I've seen. You can check it
    out on the author's Mystic board at firesidebbs.com telnet port: 23231
    or at my BBS in the origin line below. It's not often that we see new high-quality doors released, and this one is impressive!

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  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Dan Clough on Friday, February 14, 2025 06:18:10
    Hello Dan!

    13 Feb 25 19:24, you wrote to all:

    Wanted to put out a "plug" for a new Weather door that I've been part
    of beta testing for a while now. It's called AI-WXDoor and it's
    pretty impressive. It has both ANSI and SIXEL graphics to
    show clouds/precipitation for anywhere in the world. Also forecasts, temperature trends, and MUCH more. It is expected to be released
    soon, and is truly a "cut above" most any door I've seen. You can
    check it out on the author's Mystic board at firesidebbs.com telnet
    port: 23231 or at my BBS in the origin line below. It's not often
    that we see new high-quality doors released, and this one is

    That's an nice one ..
    saw the info at https://firesidebbs.geekgalaxy.com/

    Although I do not run a BBS, but have running Weewx for years for weather data I just got the thought that 'stand-alone' or implementation within HTML could be an option as well. (I would like it)


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