• Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope

    From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, August 25, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The key for you today is to not take things too seriously, Aquarius. You'll find that the more you deliberate over a decision, the harder it will be
    for you to make. You may miss your opportunity while you're weighing the
    facts. Be spontaneous. Try something you've never tried before. Vary your experiences so things don't get boring. Variety is the spice of life.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This is a terrific day for you, Pisces, and you'll find that long-term
    trends are moving in your favor. Your sense of discipline combined with a little bit of luck is setting the stage for you to perform. The audience
    is waiting anxiously, and you have a great deal of humor, knowledge, and happiness to share. Engage in witty conversation and remember that life
    is an easy flow.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It may be necessary to hire a translator in order to get through to
    people today, Aries. You may find that the more adamant you become, the
    more people shut you out. Keep things light and energetic. Too serious a
    tone could lead to disaster. Try not to make things more complicated than
    they need to be. You're holding the right cards, and now it's time to play
    them strategically.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A great deal of wind fills your sails today, Taurus, so set your course for
    a long-distance trip to an exotic place. Things are coming to a dramatic
    climax right now. You could find that some serious pieces of your life
    are taking a dramatic turn. Change is necessary for growth. If tension
    exists in certain areas of your life, don't fight it. Think about taking
    a different path.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There's a lighthearted, whimsical quality about the day that you might not appreciate at first, Gemini. You'll find that the more open and accepting you are of this energy, the more you can make it work positively for you. Use
    this feeling to balance the seriousness in your day. Don't get caught up
    in unnecessary drama that has nothing to do with your situation.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can probably sweet-talk your way in or out of any situation today,
    Cancer. You have a great deal of power within, and you can accomplish
    anything as long as you aren't afraid to use it. Don't fear failure. If you never try, you'll never succeed. If you see missing pieces in the plan,
    don't worry. Trust that things will fall into place as needed. Keep your
    eyes on the prize.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Find comfort in the people around you today, Leo. Try not to take things
    too seriously. Don't feel like you need to internalize everyone else's problems. Take a step back from any situation that doesn't seem right to
    you. You may find conversation with new people to be extremely stimulating
    and rewarding. Keep your guard up, but don't let it block you from new experiences.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone has just turned the fan up high, Virgo. There's no lack of air to
    fuel your fire. Information is flying left and right and there's a lot of opportunity associated with it. To take advantage of this powerful day,
    keep the air circulating around you. Stretch and take deep, powerful
    breaths to enhance your nervous system and make the best use of this energy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The time has come for you to be more flexible in your approach, Libra. Things are changing quickly, and if you aren't prepared to change with them,
    you'll be left behind. Be aware of the fluctuating atmosphere around you
    and be prepared to make the necessary internal adjustments that help you
    fit in better with the external environment. Don't fear change.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a wonderful day for you, Scorpio. You'll find that you're holding
    all the cards you need to be successful. Today luck and prosperity meet
    with discipline to create a perfect situation for wealth. Your preparation
    is finally paying off. You'll find that the more in tune you can be with yourself, the better integrated you'll be with the people around you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Things will be extremely light and airy today, Sagittarius. You may find
    that people are a bit less sensitive than you. Moving out of your comfort
    zone is the key to growth. Don't hesitate to move into the unknown.
    You can achieve a greater sense of balance between yourself and your environment if you're open to change and accept it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The wind is blowing briskly today, Capricorn, helping you keep your internal fire burning bright. You'll be a social butterfly today. Your energy may
    be scattered, but this can actually work to your advantage. Picking up
    tidbits of information and hints from different places and people will
    help you integrate your energy with your environment. Capitalize on this exciting energy.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, August 26, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    All things domestic are highlighted, Aquarius. It could be that you've
    finally called the plumber or set out to do those household repairs
    yourself. New people are likely to come into your life. In fact, they may
    try to finagle an invitation for dinner, if possible. All you can expect
    today is the unexpected. Have some extra food on hand and see what happens.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keep your mind open to any and all possibilities today, Pisces. It's likely that you'll encounter someone who imparts valuable information. You may
    not realize right away just how important this information is, but it
    could have a dramatic impact on your life. Be prepared for anything. This
    is likely to be a most interesting day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ship could come in today, Aries. It will happen unexpectedly, and it
    may take you some time to adjust to this sudden financial windfall. This
    is a day of big changes, because you may also decide to use this money to completely alter your way of life. It could be that you make a move to
    another part of the country or decide to change professions. Trust your instincts, Aries.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're likely aware of your writing abilities, Taurus, but you may not
    realize the extent of your talent. It would be worthwhile to devote more
    time to your craft. You can't improve much if writing time is interrupted
    by other obligations. Take some time to produce something of value. Why
    not give it a try, even if just for a week or so, to see what you can do?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Tact isn't necessarily your strong suit, Gemini. No one would accuse you
    of being overly sensitive to other people's emotions, but today you turn
    over a new leaf. This "new and improved" you tunes in to the thoughts and feelings of others and responds in thoughtful, caring ways. You may be surprised at how effective this gentler touch can be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Even though you probably aren't getting on a plane today, Cancer, you
    would love to at some point in the future. Your wanderlust is back and
    you're bound for the wild blue yonder yet again, most likely to someplace exotic. Enjoy the time away, but do come back. It seems that sometimes
    your spirit of adventure dampens your enjoyment of the more mundane but
    more real daily life.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Positive change rarely happens without effort. Keep this in mind as transformation occurs quickly. You may feel as though you're in the middle
    of a whirlpool and getting sucked deeper and deeper, unsure of where you'll ultimately end up. This is merely the "nose to the grindstone" phase.
    Trust that your efforts will ultimately be rewarded.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have natural leadership abilities, and today would be an ideal day
    to make use of this talent. In the past you may have hesitated to step
    forward and implement your ideas. But recent successes have given you the necessary confidence to pursue your objectives. You'll likely find that
    the higher-ups support your efforts. Make the most of today's auspicious circumstances, Virgo.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you feel in control and on top of the world. You can do anything,
    Libra. This would be an auspicious time to begin a new project or creative endeavor. You can't help but succeed but take care not to get in your own
    way. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. Believe in yourself and move confidently in the direction of your dreams in order to make them come true.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Friendship could turn into romance if you aren't careful, Scorpio. A platonic relationship could turn passionate, and no one would be more surprised than you. Think carefully about where you'd like this to go. While it can't go
    back to the way it was, you can stop it from progressing further if you're uncomfortable with the new dynamic. You can only make this decision once.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you wake up feeling reinvigorated and renewed, Sagittarius. You feel as though you can accomplish anything. And very likely, today you can. Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that
    you don't gloat too much, though. Just because you feel invincible doesn't necessarily mean that you are.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    People often see you as shy and reserved, Capricorn, but of course you know that you're really very friendly once you relax. Today you find it unusually easy to interact with others. In fact, you feel downright gregarious as
    you chat and joke along with the best of them. This new, sociable you does wonders for your image. You've needed to loosen up for some time.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Travel of any kind might be virtually impossible today, Aquarius. Airports could be jammed, flights delayed, and planes plagued with mechanical
    problems. If you're traveling by car, expect road construction and backed-up traffic. Stay home if you can. If you must travel, take plenty of music
    and books to keep you occupied while you're waiting. You're likely to go
    nuts otherwise.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This isn't a good day to invest in anything. Don't spend much time working
    on speculative projects, Pisces, and don't put your money into anything
    but gold, land, or blue-chip stocks and bonds. You probably wouldn't
    lose everything, but it would be a long time before you saw a profit. Concentrate on what you know is secure now. There will be better days to
    wheel and deal.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A love partner could be gloomy today, Aries. This might be the kind of day
    when no matter how many times you draw your mate's attention to the doughnut, he or she still sees only the hole. The glass is always half empty, never
    half full. Your beloved will probably be this way all day. Don't let it
    drive you crazy. Try to see the humor in it. That will help you, anyway.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You tend to be curious, Taurus, and you're always trying to learn more
    about your many interests. But today you could be eager to research a
    subject but be unable to find any information about it no matter how many libraries or databases you explore. Don't bother with it today. You'll
    only get frustrated. Watch some television. At least you'll get a few laughs.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The need to attend to business or networking obligations disguised as parties could get to you today, Gemini. You may have been forced to attend too many
    of these recently, and now there are even more coming up. You dread going
    to a place you don't want to go, eating food you hate, talking pleasantly
    with people you can't stand. Decline if you can. Life's too short.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your home could be empty today, Cancer. Other household members may be
    away and you could find it depressing. Instead of enjoying the solitude,
    you could feel like the walls are closing in around you. The only answer
    is to go out for a while. Take a walk or visit some bookstores or antique shops, if possible. Don't go home until you're too tired to do anything
    else. Try to have fun.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Someone close to you might be uncharacteristically silent today,
    Leo. Something is bothering them terribly, and they don't seem to want
    to talk about it. You're willing to listen or help, but don't try to coax
    your friend into sharing. Use your intuition to sense what's going on and
    do what you can to alleviate the situation. Your efforts won't go unnoticed
    or unappreciated.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Financial worries might come up today, Virgo. You may check your bank
    balance and find that you have little money. This might come as a shock, because you thought there was plenty there. Before you panic, ask whoever's
    in charge at the bank to double-check the records. It's probably a computer error. It shouldn't take long to correct, and you'll be able to breathe
    a sigh of relief.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might be so gloomy that you don't even want to get up. It might not be a good idea to stay home, however. Try to find some tasks to distract
    you. At some point during the day, get out in the open air and take a
    walk, preferably through a park and near water, if possible. You'll get
    the endorphins going and lift your spirits considerably.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Any work today could require a higher level of concentration than you
    can muster, Scorpio. You might lapse into daydreams, think about personal matters, and feel guilty because you aren't doing what you're supposed to
    be doing. On days like this it's best to focus on routine tasks you can do automatically. That way, your mind can wander. That's the only way you'll
    make it through today.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today your creative impulses could seem blocked, Sagittarius. You might be trying to reach your own or someone else's deadline. You may feel the need to get some work done, while your muse seems to have gone on vacation. If your deadline is official, phone whoever's in charge and ask for an extension. You won't be happy with the results if you force yourself to work today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A friend who planned to stop by tonight might not show up, Capricorn. You may worry since this person isn't one to blow you off. Don't imagine accidents
    or disasters. The culprit's probably traffic. Phone your friend. If you don't reach him or her, leave a message to call you. Your friend is probably fine, but you may have to postpone your visit for another day.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It you're able to attend a social event today, Aquarius, you won't feel
    like talking. You could be content just to listen to what everyone else
    says, feel at peace, and enjoy the warmth, music, and company. You may
    have been spending too much time at home and could well need to get out
    for a while. Relax, sit back in your chair, and enjoy yourself!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone, perhaps a close friend or partner, could present you with a small
    gift today, Pisces, possibly a book. There might not be any special occasion other than your friend thought you'd enjoy it. This can bring up warm and affectionate feelings. You'll want to spend a considerable amount of time
    with this person. You may think it's rare to find someone so sensitive
    and kind.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your intuition should be keener than usual today, Aries, but right now you're apt to be more interested in historical figures, perhaps people associated
    with spiritual disciplines. Books on these subjects could not only be interesting but also informative. Insights you gain from reading about
    these people help increase your understanding of the present. Keep reading!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Happiness reigns in the home, Taurus, as everyone seems to have reached
    a new understanding of one another. You could also experience a new sense
    of peace and quiet. Everyone is concentrating more on reading and working
    on their own projects and less on socializing. This could be a wonderful
    time for you. You're getting along with your family and the house is a
    peaceful haven. Enjoy!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might attend a virtual group event of some kind involving your neighborhood, Gemini, possibly with a partner. You and your friend might take an active part in discussing goals for the group. You feel strongly bonded
    to everyone - your partner, fellow group members, even the community. It's
    a warm, fuzzy feeling that could stay with you all evening.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Circumstances are changing regarding your professional goals, Cancer. You
    may have been thinking about a change for a long time, but someone you
    meet today, perhaps in a social or casual situation, could provide the motivation you need to finally decide. This isn't just the result of outer changes. You've been changing inside, too. You aren't the same person you
    were when you chose your current job.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're probably good at applying your spiritual principles to the way you
    live, Leo. You're especially good at it today, particularly when it comes to understanding others deeply. Relationships of all kinds will likely grow and improve, at least those that matter. Those that don't will disappear. This
    is a time of great outer and inner change for you. Make the most of it!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Virgo, you're usually more outwardly directed, but today you might break that pattern. You could be in a contemplative mood and wondering about everything from metaphysics to philosophy to money to your future. You're basically feeling positive about life, but you might be at a crossroads now. It
    may take some serious thought before you decide which direction to go.
    Give yourself some time.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might crave the companionship of friends and lovers alike,
    Libra. You're probably in the mood for some good food, good music, and
    great conversation, and that's just what you'll get if it's possible in any way. Later you might spend time alone with a love partner, reflecting on
    recent conversations. Some of them might be worthy of deeper thought. Have
    a pleasant day and a wonderful evening.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're feeling pretty strong now, Scorpio. You're probably in fairly good health and your mind is sharp. You've outgrown some areas of your life
    that no longer seem what they once were. One of these could be your work.
    You could be considering leaving a job you took primarily for the money
    and going into a profession you really love. Do it if it works for you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Are you getting along better than ever with a significant other,
    Sagittarius? If so, it's probably because you're more attuned to what
    your partner thinks, feels, needs, and wants. You might fetch something
    before he or she even knows it's necessary. This can help you reach a new understanding of your beloved. Go with the flow and make the most of it.
    You'll be glad you did.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Peace reigns in the home today. Members of your household could communicate with each other almost telepathically, Capricorn. You might find it strange, but it shouldn't be surprising. After all, they've been living together for
    a while! It's good for peace in the home. They can sense and avoid whatever irritates someone else. That should give you some welcome breathing space.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, August 29, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It's probably in your nature to want to include everyone in your plans
    today, Aquarius. Perhaps you're running around making sure everyone is
    being cared for. More than likely, your nurturing instinct is coming out,
    so feel free to spread this love around. Be careful not to sacrifice too
    much of yourself as you do this.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may find that you have a strong will now, Pisces. Once you get fired up
    to go somewhere, there's little chance that anyone can stop you. People may accuse you of being lazy or wanting to take the easy way out, but it's different this time. You should feel fired up and ready to move. The only
    thing that could get in the way might be someone's oversensitive emotions.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Calm down today, Aries, and be careful about accusing someone of something
    when you don't have all the facts. Keep your wrath under control. If you strike out now, you may find that you lose their respect forever. There
    are no guarantees on a day like today. If there are conflicts that you
    need to work out, at least make sure that it's done in private.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may be feeling a bit more in touch with your warrior side than your emotional side today, Taurus. More than likely this will set the stage for conflict in your world of hopes and dreams. Be careful that you aren't too aggressive toward people who are just trying to help you. The danger here
    is that you're most likely to hurt the ones closest to you. Be careful.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may find that someone or something is thinking or working opposite to
    the way you are, Gemini. This feeling is aggravated even more by a strong warrior force that wants to be recognized. There is definitely a squeaky
    wheel in the situation that desperately needs oiling. Take care of the basics first before you try to deal with the particulars of a certain situation.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Pay attention to your body today and feel free to stop when your body
    says to stop, Cancer. There's a strong aggressive force asking you to
    take action in one way or another. Make sure that you are considerate of others. Most importantly, make sure that you are considerate of yourself.
    Don't indulge in cheap thrills at the expense of your physical well-being.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Emotionally, you should be doing well today, Leo. But when it comes to
    taking action, you're apt to be indecisive. Every option seems to look fantastic. You probably aren't going to want to miss out on anything. The
    best thing for you to do is try to get a piece of everything. There are
    many pies to dip your fingers into. Why not taste them all to see which
    one you like best?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's tension in the air today, Virgo, and you might be restless and
    anxious to start something. There is plenty of energy around to feed you,
    but the trick is to make sure that you're doing things for the right
    reasons. Don't do things out of guilt, fear, or regret. Keep on the best
    path for the best reasons for the best results.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're probably feeling more in touch with your emotions, Libra, but it might be difficult to know which way to move based on where you are. There's an element of aggression in your world today that might aggravate your heart, making it difficult for you to get a grip on your situation. Try to calm
    down and focus before making any major decisions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be focused on a certain trajectory, Scorpio, but today you could
    run into complications based on overlooked issues. Be aware of the people around you and how your actions affect them. You don't necessarily need to change your direction, but you might need to make a couple modifications
    along the way in order to keep everyone happy.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You should be in a good mood today, Sagittarius, but don't be surprised
    if some aggravating force steps on your toes or pulls your chain in some
    way. More than likely, there isn't much you can do about the situation
    except grin and bear it. Do your best to maintain your position and don't
    lose self-confidence just because someone else isn't in tune with how you handle your affairs.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your aggressive nature is strong today, so be careful, Capricorn. Even
    though this may be good for getting things done and tackling any project
    you need to complete, the problem is that you might tend to step on other people's toes in the process. Be considerate of others' emotions and try
    not to get upset if someone else takes the spotlight for a while.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, August 30, 2024 08:00:18
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may feel bored and frustrated with your life's direction,
    Aquarius. You feel buried under responsibilities, with no time left to do
    what you really want to do. You have other interests to pursue but no time to pursue them. It's frustrating. You might want to rethink your priorities. If you're creative about time management, you'll be able to find some time.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're less optimistic and energetic than usual, Pisces. Your mind feels sluggish - your whole body does, in fact. You're either coming down with
    the flu or completely and thoroughly disheartened. This would be a good
    day to take some time off. Issues from the past may come back to haunt you. Perhaps you should address them once and for all.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be discouraged about money matters today, Aries. Perhaps a raise
    you'd been hoping for didn't come through. Perhaps a professional project didn't work out as you expected. Now is the time to put your ingenuity to
    work and figure out a way to earn the money you need. Trust that you have
    the necessary know-how. A good opportunity awaits you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If work is beginning to feel more like a burden than a joy, it may be time
    to rethink your job, Taurus. Your personality is such that you need lots
    of room to stretch and grow. If you feel stifled, you know it's time to
    find a new professional challenge. You're fortunate that your skill set
    affords you many opportunities. Choose carefully!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're especially in tune with the environment and the people around you
    today, Gemini. Such sensitivity is new to you, and you aren't exactly sure
    what to do with the myriad messages that come into your head, seemingly
    out of nowhere. Even though this is outside your usual experience, try to accept rather than analyze.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're drawn to public service, Cancer. This desire propels you to volunteer your services with a group of some kind. You may feel a bit awkward at
    first, but your natural leadership abilities will soon kick in. The group
    will be left wondering how they ever managed without you. Your talent
    shines through once again. Well done!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't take everything at face value today, Leo. Information you receive might not be accurate. Someone could be repeating gossip or even creating it just
    to have something to talk about. Don't take part in the discussion. Since
    your workload is likely heavy, forego the socializing in favor of finishing
    the tasks in front of you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be feeling a bit on edge today, Virgo. Your self- confidence is
    shaky and you may feel in need of new challenges. The tedious tasks you
    have in front of you don't inspire your imagination or creativity. Do what
    you can to get through this difficult day. Be extra kind to yourself by indulging in a good lunch or listening to classical music.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You and your mate may be experiencing some differences of opinion. It
    seems you each have definite ideas about some of life's fundamental values
    and they aren't completely in sync. Make an extra effort to communicate,
    Libra. You may find that your values aren't as far apart as they first
    seemed. This rift between you will soon close. Hang in there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It isn't exactly all lightness and harmony at home today, Scorpio. There's tension in the air and it manifests in silly family arguments. Try to
    arrange separate activities for siblings, and encourage your partner to
    eat out with friends, if possible. This is a day to give everyone his or
    her space. Tomorrow everyone will be happy to eat together again.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This could be a particularly stressful day, Sagittarius. Your workload
    is heavier than ever, thanks to the increased responsibility you've taken
    on. The day seems endless, yet there aren't enough hours to get done all
    that needs doing. Take care not to take your anxiety out on others. If
    you're nice to them, they may even help you finish your project!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your self-confidence may be a bit low and you could doubt your abilities
    right now, Capricorn. Don't get depressed or disheartened. Your skills are excellent. Try to look at your situation objectively and pinpoint why you aren't progressing in your career as rapidly as you'd hoped. You may be
    worried about money but know that everything will work out in the end.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +14C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, August 31, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 31, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your mind may be a little cloudy most of the day, Aquarius, and you could
    find it hard to ground yourself. It may be that you're trying to navigate
    by the stars, but unfortunately, the clouds have moved in and there are no reference points to be seen. The good news is that the skies should clear later, and you'll find there's nothing but smooth sailing for the rest of
    the night.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Praise you may receive this morning could make you feel on top of the
    world, Pisces, but try not to let this feeling go to your head. Stay
    modest despite the lavish praise that may be showered on you. By evening,
    you won't be able to get by on just talk alone. Actions will speak much
    louder than words and it's important that you have some sort of plan.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things should improve for you as the day progresses, Aries. The key is to
    stay loose and not be concerned with the situation's outcome. The future
    is uncertain. You shouldn't depend on something that may or may not pan
    out the way you want. There could be some conflict between you and someone
    with a strong ego in the morning, but this should resolve itself by evening.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your emotions could feel restricted today, Taurus, a feeling that may
    be difficult to shake. Take this opportunity to calm down and relax.
    You'll enjoy the good times more when you give your body the rest it needs. Always pushing for bigger and better adventures may be fun, but it can
    leave you too tired to fully appreciate them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It could be hard to find your footing early in the day, Gemini. You may be better off sleeping in. Have a good breakfast and relax in the morning. By evening, you'll be refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the town. Your emotions may feel restricted, which could make it difficult to fully
    express yourself. You'd be better off turning this energy inward now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Use the morning to take care of yourself, Cancer. You could be so concerned with the world and the shared environment that you forget to take care of
    you. Use the early afternoon to reflect and meditate. Gather facts from
    your inner state and use the information to create a plan for the future.
    Be flexible in your approach.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Get to some water today and reconnect with this element, Leo. Like lapping waves against the shore, you may be gently changing the landscape around
    you with each word or action. Don't underestimate your inner strength.
    It could be that you seem overpowered by the things going on around you,
    but don't let them keep you from being the person you truly are.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Emotionally speaking, you should be doing quite well today, Virgo, especially in the morning. This is a good time to take charge of projects that require definite leadership. Don't think that you're inferior to the people around
    you. Act like you belong in a leadership role and you'll find that others
    will automatically support you in that position. You have what it takes
    to lead.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may get frustrated today, Libra, especially in the morning when other people's egos seem to be strong. It could be difficult to relate to people
    who simply refuse to accept any opinion but their own. Things should
    mellow out by afternoon. You'll find people start to see things from your perspective. Remain confident in your position despite the vacillation
    of others.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    People may see you as the personification of drama, especially this morning, Scorpio. This is a good time to express your emotions and get things out of your system. Be sure to release whatever pent-up emotion you have inside. By afternoon, it might be a good idea to settle down and lay low. Turn your energy inward, come to your center, and plan what needs to get done.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There may be a damper on your mood today, Sagittarius, especially in the morning. It could seem as if everyone is having fun but you. Having a
    good time is more a state of mind than anything else. Try not to get
    trapped in a lousy mindset. Late afternoon is a good time to ground your emotions. Operate from a point of stability instead of jealousy.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There may be some conflict today, Capricorn, especially in the morning. Your general mood is quite good, but there's a strong force asking you to be
    more realistic in your approach. The last thing you want is for someone
    else to throw a bucket of water on your raging fire of fun, but this is
    likely to happen unless you address the reality of the situation.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Heavy rain with thunderstorm +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, September 01, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This should be a fortunate day for you, Aquarius. Everything you try to do should go fairly smoothly. Relations with others are warm, friendly, and congenial. Any chores or other pending work should be completed quickly
    and efficiently. If you've been planning to start a new project, this
    is the day to get going. Romance should be intense and passionate now,
    so make the most of it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A couple you've known for a long time could visit you at your home today, Pisces. Don't be surprised if they tell you how wonderful the place
    looks. Conversation should be lively and entertaining, though you should sidestep any discussion of controversial subjects. Debates on such matters could get rather heated. It might be wise to treat your guests to food
    rather than alcohol!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today, Aries, you might spend a great deal of time in the car running
    errands in the neighborhood. You're likely to see people you know who
    have interesting news. New businesses may open nearby. Doctors, dentists,
    and other professionals could add virtual consultations, making your daily routine more convenient. Some of them might be your neighbors or relatives.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Money that you've been earning for a long time may finally come your way
    today, Taurus, but don't be surprised if you have to do a lot of running
    around in order to get it. Plans for future moneymaking projects could come
    up, although it's important to consider everything carefully and not jump
    in too quickly. This is an excellent time to learn a new moneymaking skill.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The special someone in your life may be having some trouble with
    colleagues. Don't just comfort him or her, Gemini. It's unlikely that your sweetie wants sympathy. Solutions are needed. If you don't have any, just
    be a good listener. It's important for you to get out and exercise. If
    the weather is good, take a walk. If not, attend an online exercise
    class. You'll feel better.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you're likely to be working hard behind the scenes, perhaps preparing a project for others to make public or coaching people for some kind of virtual performance. You'll expend a lot of energy in the course of completing
    this chore, yet you'll probably feel it was all worth it. Don't expect to
    go home early, Cancer. You'll probably go above and beyond the call of duty.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Friends could entice you to join them for a short day trip, perhaps
    to the country. This is a great day to go on such an outing if it's
    possible, Leo. You've probably been working hard and need to get away for
    a while. Don't be surprised if there's a delay, however. You or one of
    your friends could be waiting to talk with someone.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Emotions could be intense at work today as important projects approach their deadlines, Virgo. You may put in more time than usual. Tempers might flare
    and co-workers clash, so stay calm and keep going. On the positive side,
    the financial and recognition payoffs for whatever you accomplish today
    should prove well worth the effort.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you should feel especially sexy and relationships with romantic
    partners should go well, Libra. Your passions are intense, the lines of communication are open, and appreciation of one another is running high.
    There might be talk of taking a long trip together in the future. Plan a
    cozy evening for two. You'll want to do a lot of talking - and more!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Money is probably on your mind now, Scorpio. A desire for increased financial security could force you to look for work or investments that would pay
    off big. Opportunities for one or both of these are likely to come through friends, perhaps someone with whom you've worked before. You're likely
    to accomplish what you want for now, but it's uncertain whether you'll
    continue on this path in the future.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't expect to spend a lot of time at home today, Sagittarius. You're
    more likely to be in the car and away from home. There may be errands and
    other obligations to fulfill. Try to pace yourself in whatever you do or
    else you might be exhausted by day's end. Take the time to stop and enjoy yourself. This will ensure a fun rather than tiring day.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Emotional turmoil on the job could stress you out way too much. Headaches or temporary hypertension could plague you if you aren't careful. Don't push
    too hard. Remember to take breaks, Capricorn, and go for a walk on your
    lunch hour. Don't be afraid to put off nonessential tasks. You'll be all
    right. Why make a day's work any more difficult than it needs to be?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +18C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, September 02, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could get upsetting news regarding your job, Aquarius. There could be
    a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could
    abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears
    about job security, but they're probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you'll probably be better off than you were before.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect to fall in love at first sight today, Pisces. Someone new will
    come on the scene and you'll feel an instant attraction. Whether it turns
    into anything lasting or not isn't certain, but whatever happens, you'll remember this person for a long time! You may also have a sudden interest
    in new forms of artistic expression and want to start learning videography
    or computer graphics.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The wonders of technology may come to your home today, Aries. You might purchase some new equipment like a computer or phone, or decide to go for
    a state-of-the-art home entertainment center. Whichever it is, expect a
    lot of activity in and around your home as family members learn how to
    use your new toys. It will be exciting for everyone!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Valuable and interesting information could come your way through modern technology. You might discover new information online that awakens an
    exciting new interest in you, perhaps related to the sciences, occult,
    or metaphysics. You could even discover a talent for astrology. Online
    group activities may also be appealing now, particularly those regarding humanitarian pursuits.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Finances could take on a new dimension as you look to technology to help
    you increase your bank balance. You could decide to invest online or try
    some new means of recordkeeping. Whatever you try will bode well for your financial future. Expect a lucky break or two as well.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Bizarre, unexpected developments might turn your life upside down today, Cancer. Money could be involved. New people could arrive who open doors
    that eventually lead to a new life. You could even fall in love at first
    sight. It isn't easy to make predictions for a strange day like this. Rest assured that when you go to bed you won't be the same person you were when
    you woke up.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might be fascinated with movies, music, and video. You could
    discover a new interest in filmmaking, sound engineering, or videography
    that you want to pursue. You might decide to read about these fields and
    apply what you learn to the movies you see and the music you hear. If
    you're serious about learning these skills, this is the time to go for
    it. You'll enjoy it!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You could have a strong urge to seek adventure, Virgo. You might want to
    take a spontaneous trip to an exotic place, meet new people in exciting
    fields, or try new pastimes, perhaps as outrageous as skydiving. Go for it
    if you are able, but this urge could indicate boredom in some part of your life. What can you change about your lifestyle to avoid future stagnation?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    An unexpected career break could come your way, Libra. It should be
    exciting and encouraging - and a little scary! Don't let apprehension
    get to you. You won't want to let this opportunity pass you by. Your good fortune could arouse envy in some of your co-workers, but don't let this
    bother you either. Simply do what you need to do to get the ball rolling
    and then go ahead with it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A trip by air may be in your future, Scorpio. You may be planning to tour distant states or foreign lands when that's possible. You could be going
    with friends or a group you're associated with. Unusual new interests could capture your attention, enticing you to further study. You might enroll
    in an online workshop. You're looking toward expanding your horizons. Take
    care not to spread yourself too thin.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Unusual experiences may give rise to a new interest in the sciences or occult practices like magic or alchemy. This is an excellent time to start perusing such subjects, Sagittarius, or embark on a formal study of astrology. A
    lucky money break could come your way today. It might be a gift or a repaid loan. Your inclination might be to go out and spend it all. Take care!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Upsets in the home or neighborhood could lead to a sudden decision to
    move, causing a great deal of activity. You might not yet be sure where
    you're going. Organization and discipline are vital at times like this, Capricorn. It might be helpful to make lists and cross off each task as
    you finish it. Don't panic. This could turn out to be the best thing that
    ever happened to you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There may be some tension today as you try to stabilize your emotions, Aquarius. There could be a force at work out there that's rather impersonal
    and detached. More than likely, this force doesn't relate as much to how
    you feel as it does to how well you've done the job. Stick to your tasks
    in a practical, grounded manner.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The tricky things to balance today are your emotions and sense of duty,
    Pisces. Try not to let the stress of having to complete a task leak into
    your state of mind. The problem is that your emotions may be running away
    more quickly than you can handle. Meanwhile, there's a bit of a slowdown
    when it comes to your sense of duty and responsibility.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There's a practical grounding today that may cramp your style, Aries. More
    than likely you'll be aware of the time restrictions that point up your
    own limits. Maybe you aren't being realistic about certain areas of your
    life. These things will become clear today as things progress. Push through this blockage. You'll be a much stronger person once you've moved past
    this point.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your mood should be good today, Taurus, although you should be careful
    not to rub it in others' faces. If people don't feel like being cheerful,
    don't force it on them. An important sense of duty is prominent and should
    be obeyed at all costs. Give your adventurous nature some sort of practical grounding that you can use to be more effective regarding whatever it is
    you do.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It isn't a good idea to talk behind other people's backs today, Gemini. If
    you have an issue with someone in particular, bring it up to that
    person directly. This isn't a good time to gossip. Maintaining trust is extremely important right now. This attitude will open many doors for you. Believe that the more you love others, the more love will be returned to you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Put some of your fantastic ideas to good use today, Cancer. It's one thing to be a genius with plenty of masterpieces floating around in your head. It's quite another to actually put things into motion. You may be full of talk,
    but today it's important to be full of action. Restriction and limitation are creeping in, so do what you can to get things in place before it's too late.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is a good day to follow through on projects, Leo. Leaving many
    unfinished matters in your life only creates clutter that keeps other
    things from entering the picture. Either dismiss the project entirely
    or finish it and move on to something else. Don't leave things hanging, including people. Tell others what's going on and you'll be more successful
    in the long run.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There could be some restrictions on your emotions today, Virgo. You'll
    find that a practical, grounded force is working against your intuitive understanding of whatever issue concerns you. Do your best to anchor
    yourself in the truth before you scatter seeds of erratic emotions all
    over the place. It's important for you to maintain stability at all times.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Feel free to take care of any restructuring in your life that needs to
    be done now, Libra. Change may be a bit scary at first, but realize that
    it's a necessary variable in order to make progress. You may not have to
    change your focus or destination too much, but it's possible that you'll
    need to adjust your course to get there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your mood may be a bit detached and scattered today, Scorpio. This attitude could get you into trouble if you aren't careful. Make sure you keep at
    least one foot on the ground. It's important to stay strongly connected with reality or you could find yourself up a creek without a paddle. Feel free
    to get more deeply involved in a project that you might otherwise leave
    to others.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Seek the counsel of someone older and wiser today, Sagittarius. Whether you want to or not, you may encounter someone with authority who's likely to tell you what he or she thinks. Heed the advice that comes from others. There
    is a whole other perspective out there that you need to consider in order
    to bring things back to equilibrium.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Flamboyant shows of emotions may not be as welcome as usual today,
    Capricorn. Realize that you may need to put a damper on things in order to
    earn the respect of the people around you. Tone it down and understand the importance of grounding and stability. Strong forces could bring you down to this level whether you want them to or not, so why bother trying to resist?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 08:04:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Aquarius, a long-awaited letter or call could come from a love partner or beloved friend, bringing much happiness into your life. Don't be surprised if the person needs a shoulder to cry on. You could experience some powerful psychic insights today, and this might be a bit frightening. Don't let
    that get in the way of seeing these revelations objectively. They could
    be important.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Projects that you've worked on in the past may finally bear fruit today, Pisces. Financial benefits and career advancement are strongly indicated,
    and you be basking in the glow of success. Don't bask too long, however. This is only the beginning! You're on a roll. Throw yourself into new projects you enjoy and you're likely to continue in this fortuitous manner for a while.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today your desire for sex and romance is going to receive a powerful surge, Aries. Perhaps memories of past partners will come back to haunt you,
    or maybe a current love interest will look especially sexy now. You're
    likely to be projecting glamour and sensuality, so don't be surprised if strangers notice you. Plan a romantic encounter for tonight, and dress
    for the occasion.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're spiritually inclined, Taurus, and today you could feel especially
    so. You might be attracted to online meditation groups or the study of the texts of various religions. You're also likely to feel especially psychic,
    and you might experience some premonitions that actually come true.
    This is a good time to train your psychic abilities or try reading runes
    or tarot cards.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you happen to be thinking about a particular friend today, Gemini,
    don't be surprised if you hear from him or her. You're especially attuned
    to telepathic messages, and you may send out a few. While you usually
    enjoy solitude, you might be more interested in communicating with others today. Don't fight the urge. Go for it. You could talk to some interesting
    new people who become your friends for life.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Sudden and unexpected changes could have you feeling a bit confused, disoriented, and doubtful about the future, Cancer. Relax! The changes
    may be not only beneficial for your career but also for your finances.
    Don't think those in authority haven't noticed your skills and ingenuity. In fact, you may receive some sincere compliments and gratitude.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You should wake up feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future,
    Leo. Your self-confidence is stronger than usual, and your enthusiasm
    is contagious. Success in joint efforts should have you glowing with satisfaction. You could even receive public acknowledgment of your efforts. Today bodes well for relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic ones. Celebrate your good fortune with a lover tonight!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today, Virgo, you might turn to practices like meditation or psychic development. Some vivid dreams over the past few days may have brought up personal issues that you need to clear up in order to progress. You may
    pick up on the thoughts and feelings of others more strongly than usual. If you've been thinking about learning to read tarot cards or runes, this is
    the day to start.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A new romance may be in store today, Libra, perhaps with someone you've
    known for a long time, but you suddenly view in a new light. You could see
    a side of this person that you've never seen before, totally changing your perception of him or her. Any new relationship formed today shows a lot
    of promise of developing into a lifelong connection. The bonds involved
    will run deep.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could be in a fanciful mood all day, Scorpio, so you may not be too
    focused on this world. This is great for artistic or metaphysical studies, as well as being sensitive to others. Beware of a tendency to daydream when you should pay attention! You might want to break out of the mundane world and follow your dreams, but this isn't the day to do it. It's a good day to plan.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're intuitive by nature, Sagittarius, and today you could almost be clairvoyant. Obey your instincts today. Don't let your rational mind get in
    the way. This isn't the day to be logical! You can sense the needs of others, so you could earn some gratitude by giving them what they need without
    being asked. Romantic relationships should be warm, loving, and intimate.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Creative inspiration could come from either your own past or from history, Capricorn. You might want to try painting, music, or poetry, but today it's more likely that you'll turn that inspiration toward your home. If you're planning to refurnish or redecorate, this is the day to start. Your taste
    and aesthetic sense are operating at a high level.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 week, 6 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, September 05, 2024 08:00:44
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today is a good day to ask for a raise or consider other ways to increase
    your income, Aquarius. Superiors will be in a receptive mood and likely
    feeling more benevolent than usual. This is a good time to study and
    consider investment possibilities, but it isn't a good time to make investments. The facts may differ from what you read or hear. Wait about
    a week before deciding.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should be feeling especially romantic and sensual now, Pisces, and you might draw admiring glances from those around you - even strangers. Your passion is high, so this is an excellent day to plan a romantic evening. You could also feel especially creative and want to spend your day in some
    sort of artistic activity. Go to it!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Strange, passionate stirrings could find you wanting to escape from civilization with a lover, Aries. This is a great day for it. At least plan
    a quiet evening at home with your special someone. You might also want
    to satisfy other sensual cravings, such as a desire for delicious food,
    drink, or comfortable chairs or beds. Flow with it. We all need a little self-indulgence now and then!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Interesting communications from friends could center on possible world developments or maybe some juicy gossip about people you know, Taurus.
    Enjoy yourself, but don't take everything you hear at face value. Much of it
    is less actual fact than the product of someone's fertile imagination. Short journeys in your area could bring news of upcoming changes in your community. Expect the unexpected!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might earn corporate kudos, Gemini, for all signs indicate
    that your imagination is flying high and can be put to work to increase
    your job effectiveness. You might even earn a promotion or increase in
    salary. However, it's important to curb the impulse to hide the downside
    of whatever you're doing from those in power. Be honest! It will benefit
    you more in the long run.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your mind is likely to be going a thousand miles an hour. Ideas for
    imaginative and innovative projects may come faster than you can possibly
    turn them into reality. Write them down. You may not have time to work
    on them now, but you will later. You could decide to attend a virtual
    lecture, sign up for an online class, or make plans to join friends and
    attend another kind of small group activity, if possible.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may have strange dreams and vivid premonitions today, Leo. Your
    intuition and telepathic faculties are operating at a high level. You
    could think of someone who later phones. There's also a tendency to be too paranoid. Don't panic if some of the messages you receive seem disturbing. Check out the facts first. You're likely to find that all is better than
    you thought

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you could be feeling warm and friendly toward everyone. You might
    be involved in virtual social events or receive invitations to future
    parties. You'll probably have a great time and make some new friends.
    Take care to take lots of vitamin C. There could be colds or other bugs
    flying around and you could be more susceptible to such infections at
    this time.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Relations with people on the job should be warm, Libra, and this could do wonders for your career. Take nothing at face value. All may not be as it seems. Someone has issues with you that render him or her untrustworthy.
    Take care to avoid getting too close to anyone who seems a little under
    the weather. Your immune system is a bit weak, and you could catch a bug.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some new information could come your way that causes you to focus on a
    new interest, Scorpio. It'll set your mind traveling to faraway places
    and times. You may also communicate with some new people who are highly educated, from foreign lands, or both. They might have fascinating stories
    to tell! Whatever happens, today promises to excite your curiosity and stimulate your intellect.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You could have some intense dreams tonight, Sagittarius. You might find
    that they bring inspiration for creative projects, perhaps for redecorating
    or otherwise beautifying your home. You could feel energetic now and want
    to charge ahead and work on your project until you drop. Take care to pace yourself. You might tire to the point of feeling ill.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A welcome communication from a business or romantic partner could arrive
    today, Capricorn. This could generate a lot of enthusiasm on both your
    parts and do wonders for your relationship or for whatever business you do together. Be honest with your partner. Don't conceal your concerns. It's
    better to get things out in the open. Don't worry. Everything will be OK!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, September 06, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Perhaps you've been planning a trip or a return to school for a long
    time. However, Aquarius, a rather disturbing letter or phone call could jeopardize your plans and leave you teetering on the edge of disappointment.
    If you look at the situation carefully, you may find that it doesn't set you back that much. You can take care of it without sacrificing what you want.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Seemingly bad news about your financial situation could throw your usually even-keeled nature off kilter. Look into the matter carefully before
    panicking, Pisces. There may have been a computer error or other mistake,
    or perhaps someone confused you with someone else. Take steps to rectify
    the blunder. It's a drag, but you'll be relieved to know that all was
    better than it seemed.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    An unpleasant situation could arise. Your first reaction may be to protect those closest to you from the truth. You could be tempted to lie or at
    least avoid mentioning the situation. Don't give in to the temptation,
    Aries. Your desire to shield loved ones is understandable, but it could
    cause problems. You can't protect people from everything. Most people
    prefer to know the facts.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your mind may be going a thousand miles an hour today. You might be
    inundated with new ideas and information that could cause mental overload. Write it all down if you can. You'll want to refer to it later. It might
    be advisable to then go out for a walk or other exercise. This intellectual overload could produce excess nervous energy that you'll need to work off.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Worries over the situation of a lover or close friend who seems depressed
    could plague you today, yet you may hesitate to contact this person and ask what's wrong because you don't want to intrude. Nonetheless, you should. All
    is not as bad as it seems, and your concern will be appreciated. Tonight,
    get some much-needed rest. You've been working far too hard.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A family member may be depressed and not up for talking about what's
    wrong. His or her mood could spread to everyone else, so it might be a
    good idea to ask what's wrong. Point out that moods are contagious! Don't
    force the issue, Cancer. That would be worse. A number of calls could
    interrupt your work, which you might find irritating. Don't be afraid to
    let voicemail get the calls.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Misinformation might spread through your extended family or neighborhood
    and cause unnecessary upsets among those involved. Don't accept at face
    value any gossip or rumor you hear today until you check it out yourself,
    Leo. It could turn out to be a tempest in a teapot. This isn't a good time
    to plan or take a trip of any kind. Delays or mishaps could result.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Misinformation regarding money could come from someone who has a stake
    in your believing whatever you're told. This could be a banker, creditor, investment counselor, or even a close friend or relative. Whoever it is,
    Virgo, don't accept what this person says at face value. Look into the
    facts of the situation yourself before making any decisions about what
    you need to do.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Someone close to you may not be totally honest. This person could be
    avoiding telling the truth or hiding something from you in order to protect you. Trust your instincts, Libra. If someone tells you something important
    that doesn't ring true, check it out before accepting one person's word. This isn't a vicious deception - only a protective one. But shielding someone
    from the truth can sometimes backfire!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Weariness may have you feeling a bit listless today, Scorpio, and you're
    likely to want to stay home in bed rather than go anywhere. This goes against your normal inclination, so you could be tempted to bite the bullet and
    get out in spite of your malaise. Don't fall into this trap. Get some rest
    so that when you absolutely have to go out, you'll be your old self again.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A lover or close friend may seem to have dropped out of the picture,
    and this could have you worried, confused, and wondering if this person
    isn't interested in continuing a relationship with you. Don't let your insecurity get the best of you. The person has his or her troubles and
    will eventually want a strong, sympathetic shoulder to cry on. You're
    likely to be that person!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Career interests may be short-circuited by gossip, rumor, and office
    politics. Someone has an agenda and isn't likely to care too much about
    the effect on others' lives of any underhanded dealings. If you hear about
    such goings-on, Capricorn, do what you can to stop them before they get out
    of hand. That way you can protect your and your colleagues' career interests.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +17C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, September 07, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There's an adventurous side to today that you should latch onto. Try not to get weighed down by the little things in your life that don't really matter much. Look at the big picture and understand the importance of having great breadth of vision. There's a whole world to explore out there, Aquarius,
    so get going. There may be a few surprises today, so be ready for anything.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Unexpected people and events are likely to crop up today just as you're
    longing for adventure. Feel free to hop aboard a train to an unknown destination, Pisces. It's better to regret the things you've done than
    regret the things you haven't done. Take this to heart as you plan your
    day. There's no shortage of fun out there - you just need to find it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's extremely important that you not be too possessive today, especially
    when it comes to other people, Aries. You have important relationships with
    the people around you, and you'll find that in order to maintain them,
    it's best to let those people live their lives the way they want. Don't
    think that people belong to you, because they don't.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Matters regarding love and romance are in your favor today, Taurus. You'll
    find that love comes to you when you least expect it. There's a powerful creative force within you that will be most rewarding if you put it to
    use for some sort of artistic endeavor. A strong yet erratic urge may call
    you into action, so be ready to respond with your entire being.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Realize that you might have to leave some things to chance today, because
    you probably aren't going to be able to control all that you'd like to
    under the circumstances, Gemini. Although it may be comfortable for you
    to try to fit things into their perfect spots, you'll find that this may
    not be the best way to conduct your business, especially on a day like this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things should be going quite well for you today, Cancer, especially in
    the love and romance department. You'll find that there is a magical, adventuresome spirit when you connect with others. Take advantage of this courageous energy and put it to good use in whatever way you see fit.
    Bring an extra element of excitement into your world tonight with someone
    very special to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Express your independence today, Leo, and prove to others that you won't
    be pushed around anymore. Do things for yourself and have fun while you
    do it. Your heart will know which way is the right way to proceed. Don't
    be fooled by those who try to tell you otherwise. Success comes when you
    can initiate others into your world instead of you being seduced by theirs.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Things relating to love and romance are in your favor today, Virgo, although you may find that issues of this nature might be unpredictable. Lovers could
    be present one moment and MIA the next, but these are the risks you take
    when you deal with love. Find a balance that doesn't get you so wrapped
    up in someone else that you're hurt if his or her eyes turn elsewhere.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It might feel like there's a hole in your heart today, Libra, and you could have a hard time filling it. Remember that you're the one responsible for making sure this void is taken care of. If you insist that someone else fill the gap, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Do something nice
    for yourself and feel free to spend a little money to make yourself happy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Issues regarding love and romance are at a climactic point right now,
    Scorpio, and you could be rather combative. Your energy in this area may
    come in waves, and you're likely to be so charged up about the situation
    that you feel like a time bomb ready to explode. Don't destroy something wonderful by wanting a great deal more than you really need.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't expect a great deal of sensitivity from others when it comes to
    issues concerning love and beauty today, Sagittarius. People are apt to
    be in their own little worlds. It may be hard for you to relate to them
    now. Trying to sway others to your point of view could be possible, but
    it may be quite difficult and, more importantly, not worth the effort.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There could be people who try to convince you that you're wrong about something, Capricorn. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you're
    inferior just because you don't agree with someone on an issue. Focus on
    your creativity today. You can combine your incredible artistic talent
    with pure intellectual genius for a dynamite swing that will knock any
    ball clear out of the park.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, September 08, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You like to be honest with those you care about, but today you're likely
    to be a bit too honest. Don't be too quick to take offense and watch the tendency to be too blunt. If you temper your honesty with some diplomacy,
    you should get your message across with a minimum of hurt feelings.
    You create win/win situations that way. It's best for all involved.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It might feel like your home has turned into Grand Central Station. Lots
    of family members present, deliveries made and phones ringing, and you may
    just want to watch TV or read a book. This could lead to some understandable irritation. However, be your usual polite self. If possible, get a family member to screen your callers. You might be frustrated, but you don't want
    to offend anybody.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You might have to do a lot of running around when you probably want to
    stay home. Obligations to friends and family are likely to come up, and
    even though you're a bit tired you'll want to help out. The best plan for
    today is to get everything done as quickly as possible and then spend the
    rest of the day relaxing alone. You can have it both ways!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't be surprised if lots of people contact you today. Perhaps you're in
    the mood to gossip or neighbors have news of changes nearby. You should
    be brimming with energy, so you can handle it, but you might find it a
    bit unnerving if communication gets too hectic. It's best just to go with
    the flow and enjoy situations like this. You can think about what it all
    means later.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You could be feeling a bit antsy today and may want to spend time exercising
    or trying a new sport or game that you've never played before. This is
    great. Ask some friends to join you, if possible. Don't push yourself past
    your limits. This can only bring exhaustion or injury, and it won't help
    your fitness level. Exercise within your limitations and do it more often.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An exciting communication could inform you of an advancement opportunity that you should explore. While you'd be quick to act under normal circumstances, Cancer, today you might be more cautious. You've sought recognition for a while, so don't be too reticent. Don't let your insecurity get the better
    of you. Learn all you can about the situation and then make an informed decision.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A friend could ask for a loan and you might hesitate to give him or her
    the money. Follow your instincts. The person probably isn't too savvy about money. You might want to participate in some group activities, but don't let people take unfair advantage of you. You're willing to serve those who need
    you but discriminate between those who do and don't really need your help.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you're likely to experience a powerful burst of energy that may temporarily turn you into a workaholic. Chores may have piled up around
    the house that desperately need to be done. You may want to go through them like wildfire. You don't have to do them all at once. Take care of the most pressing tasks and then relax. The rest can wait. Ask family members to help.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Frustration may be the word for today, Libra. You could be experiencing
    a bit of wanderlust. Distant states and foreign lands may beckon to you,
    but circumstances could make it hard for you to get away. There might also
    be friction with your partner. Don't get sucked into a quarrel. Use your
    placid nature to get grounded, then use your practicality to solve the
    issues at hand.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You've probably had a busy week, Scorpio, and may feel out of sorts
    today. Perhaps you had too much good food last night, stayed up too late,
    or both. It goes against your grain to stay in and rest, but this is the perfect day to curl up with a good book. You're going to want some exercise, but don't overdo it. As you well know, you can get too much of a good thing!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There might be a lot of work to do at home today. Since certain family
    members are conveniently absent, you may feel that the burden falls on
    you. Don't be a martyr, however. Just do what you can and leave the rest. Uncertainties about money could also be on your mind but put these aside
    for now. You'll be better able to deal with them tomorrow.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Too much indulging may leave you with a headache or stomachache to the
    point where you may want to spend most of today sleeping. The stress of
    this condition could cause you to snap at family members but remember that
    they weren't the ones who chose to overindulge. Chill out, get some rest,
    and regain your strength. You'll be back in the real world soon enough.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +7C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, September 09, 2024 08:00:42
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't let others' bad moods get you down, Aquarius. And don't feel it's
    your responsibility to cheer them up. Their moodiness is their business,
    not yours. You could be a little bit anxious today, and allowing yourself
    to be negatively influenced by others will do you no good at all. The
    general atmosphere will improve in a few days.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It's time to let go of the past and focus only on the future, Pisces. A
    new person may come into your life who can help you do just that.
    Communication with close friends and relatives is highlighted, and you
    may find yourself spending more time on the phone than usual. Enjoy this
    day as you anticipate your brilliant future!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There's definitely a downside to home ownership! Much as you love projects, Aries, the joy is tempered when the chores never end. While your home
    is structurally sound, it may need some cosmetic enhancement. Try adding
    plants and flowers indoors. Outside, a few strategically placed pots can
    act as attractive focal points. You can make a difference with little
    effort or expense.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The glass may look half empty, but only at first glance. Keep looking at it,
    or perhaps change the way you look at it, and you'll see that it indeed
    is half full. You may be experiencing some frustration. Computers could
    be down, or communication hindered in some way. Don't get stressed. See
    this as an ideal time to relax since you can't get any work done anyway.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are lots of personal and financial issues to resolve today, Gemini. You may hear from your bank or see some alarming numbers on an ATM receipt. Don't get upset. Ultimately, these matters will be resolved to your benefit. As
    for personal matters, you may learn some new information about someone you thought you knew well. A relationship you once considered close may not be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A rising tide lifts all boats. When someone close experiences a windfall
    or especially good luck, Cancer, the ripple effect reaches you. Change is
    in the air. While everything happening is positive, sometimes it feels
    like it's going too quickly. You feel a bit off balance, with little or
    no time to adjust. Even windfalls take some getting used to. Give yourself
    time to settle into the new circumstances.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It looks as though change is on the horizon at work, Leo. You've just
    recently completed some long-term projects and are being recognized for
    your efforts. Perhaps a bonus or promotion is in store. Your affinity for technology and ability to quickly absorb new information makes you a prime candidate for a new position that's just opened up. Grab the chance!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Crazy as it seems, why not plan that trip you've been eager to go on,
    Virgo? Adventure calls, and although there are a few obstacles to stop you
    from answering, you can't wait to get out of your rut. There is a great
    big world out there, and you can't wait to make the time to go and see
    some of it!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Prosperity is just around the corner, Libra. With it comes change. Change
    in your job, career, or environment figures prominently today. However this change manifests, it's bound to be positive. You're lucky, and you're about
    to hit the road to even greater success. Savor this moment, for you'll be
    busy soon!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your world is changing, Scorpio, both internally and externally. You feel
    a need to broaden your horizons. You may be contemplating a move to a
    new neighborhood or trip to a faraway land. The people in your life will
    change as a result of this. You're about to embark on a new phase of life,
    and these new friends will act as able guides.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Romance is in the air today, Sagittarius. It's likely that your relationship with your loved ones will see a dramatic improvement. Perhaps some
    flowers will arrive unexpectedly, or you'll be paid a sincere compliment. Harmony reigns in the work environment as well. Both people and machines
    run smoothly and efficiently.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're focused and attentive to detail. Some longstanding projects benefit
    from this sudden spurt of energy and get completed in record time. Children figure prominently in your life right now, Capricorn. Is there one child in particular who needs some extra attention from you? Your love and support
    mean a lot more than you realize.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your health should be in top shape today, Aquarius. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into
    your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and
    move ahead. An increased understanding of the needs and desires of others enriches your relationships. Take heart from past success, continue as
    you are, and enjoy your day.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're good at dealing with others, but today you should be especially
    so. Your intuition is strong and you're likely to instinctively understand others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. You give freely of your experience, knowledge, and understanding. This brings others closer to you, which can work for you on many levels. Virtual social events may bring
    new friends.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You generally are good at sizing up other people and sensing their
    thoughts and feelings, Aries, but today that talent is greatly enhanced
    by increased intuition. You should be feeling especially enthusiastic and optimistic today. Both work and home life are likely to be looking good. Physically, you should be healthy and vigorous, and spiritually you should
    be strong. Enjoy your day.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Communication with close friends and a romantic partner should be especially beneficial today, Taurus, since you're feeling more in touch with those close to you. Children could also be a source of joy today. Your creativity and inspiration are strong, so this is a great day to start new projects. Your enthusiasm and optimism should propel you to new achievements. Enjoy!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Recent successes could lead to new aspirations to increase your socioeconomic standing. You should be feeling especially determined and confident about
    your future. Your plans have worked out well. You're feeling close to
    family, as your intuition level is high, and you can sense what they're thinking and feeling. Career and relationships look promising. Enjoy!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Normally you tend to view things on a logical, intellectual level,
    Cancer, but today the strength of your intuition could surprise you.
    Your communications could be subtler than words. Today you're probably
    feeling especially optimistic, enthusiastic, and very inspired by your circumstances. Continue on your path!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Artistic talents are greatly increased by fresh, deeply felt
    inspiration. Today you may spend much of your time giving material form to
    your ideas. You're intuitive by nature, but today your psychic gifts are operating at a high level. Don't write off any insights you receive. Instead, write them down. Don't forget to keep paper and pen next to your bed. You'll want to remember your ideas and dreams later.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a time when you're likely to feel especially idealistic and
    hopeful. Spiritual experiences may have you on cloud nine, Virgo. Your intuition is also strong. You might consider taking a future trip to
    a distant state or foreign country, perhaps one associated with a great spiritual tradition. Wait a day or two and talk it over with friends before making any specific arrangements.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    During this time, you'll feel especially intuitive, optimistic, and
    spiritually on a roll. You could feel artistically inspired, Libra, and
    channel some of your newfound awareness into recently started projects. Your relationships are probably going well. Your increased understanding
    of others' needs makes you generous with sympathy or assistance where
    needed. Enjoy your day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Online group activities that you attend today are likely to be spiritually oriented, such as group meditations. You could communicate with new friends from faraway places who share your interests. Though you're usually
    more intellectually inclined, today you should be feeling especially
    intuitive. Write down your thoughts and ideas lest you forget them. You
    may want to use them later.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Some vivid and wonderful dreams might provide inspiration for future creative projects. You're feeling cheerful and optimistic now, and your enthusiasm is likely to continue. Success in career and relationships is indicated. Your increased intuition heightens your understanding of others. Don't be
    surprised if friends and colleagues line up for your support and guidance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might find yourself thinking about a possible future vacation. You've worked hard during the last few months and feel you deserve a break. This
    year you're likely to want to do something different from the norm, perhaps travel to a foreign land associated with a great spiritual tradition, if possible. You should feel closer to your loved ones and optimistic about
    the future. Enjoy!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 2 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Stress could have you feeling uncommunicative today. You probably aren't
    going to want to talk to anyone, even your dearest friend, Aquarius. This
    might prove difficult, as people around you are going to ask for advice
    and help. Keep your cool. This feeling will pass, and you won't want anyone
    to think you're upset. Go to lunch alone, and tonight crash into bed with
    a good book.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Finances should be going well, Pisces, but your financial affairs aren't something you want to talk about to anyone now. Perhaps you want to make a decision that's yours and not influenced by others. Nonetheless, a close friend or lover is going to find out. Maybe they'll guess or maybe you'll
    let it slip. Don't panic. This person understands you and won't try to
    exert undue influence.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're likely to be in a solitary mood today, Aries, and probably want to
    spend the evening reading or working on a project of your own. However, it isn't likely to work out that way. Family could drop by or some equipment
    could go on the blink and require repairs. Some unexpected calls could
    come your way. Take a deep breath and summon your good manners. You can
    be alone tomorrow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might have a strange feeling that something is wrong, perhaps in
    the neighborhood or with a friend or relative. This is probably going to
    bother you all day, Taurus, so it might be a good idea to call this person
    or otherwise look into the matter. There's probably nothing really wrong,
    but someone close to you may have just experienced a shock of some kind.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    An organization with which you're affiliated may be having financial
    problems, and this fact could come out today. It might be a shock to you
    and everyone else involved, Gemini, but it's good that it's coming out
    now. This revelation might have a profound effect on your goals, and may necessitate some reevaluation. Some intense discussion with those around
    you is definitely indicated.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some unexpected changes that have been kept under wraps at the workplace
    could come out soon. They may involve reorganization or a change of
    ownership. This is going profoundly affect your attitude toward your job. It could cause you to consider making a change of your own. This isn't the
    time to make a decision. Take a few days to consider your options before
    making up your mind.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some disconcerting revelations about your past or the past of someone close
    to you could come out today. This might be a bit of a shock, Leo, but it's
    a positive development, nonetheless. It will shed some light on how to
    deal with current issues in your life or a relationship. Write down your thoughts, meditate, talk to a friend, or otherwise try to make sense of it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Something you might have wanted to keep between you and a few trusted
    friends could inadvertently be revealed, perhaps to the wrong people. Frustration and a sense of betrayal could plague you, but don't turn
    against those who knew. Even though this can be disconcerting, you can
    learn from it. Benjamin Franklin said, "Two people can keep a secret only
    when one of them is dead."

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Demands placed on you by work colleagues could have you stressed, Libra. You might feel that your co-workers are taking unfair advantage of you. This
    could start you thinking of perhaps going into business for yourself or with
    a partner. This could well be a great idea, but today isn't the day to make
    a decision this monumental. Wait a few days and give it some serious thought.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Stress and job frustration might have you thinking about breaking free,
    walking out the door, and going somewhere else. Another thought is likely to concern going back to school and training for a career in another field. You might need a vacation, and returning to school could be a great idea in
    the future, but don't decide today. Wait a few days at least.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A close friend or loved one might drop out of sight today. You may
    panic when he or she doesn't return your phone calls. Don't jump to conclusions. They're preoccupied with matters that for the moment appear important and will contact you in time. When you do finally connect,
    you could hear some interesting news. Relax, go about your business,
    and look forward to the call.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A household member might toy with the idea of moving out or going away for
    a while, Capricorn. This could stress you out, but don't make yourself
    crazy. Don't try to talk him or her out of it. Listen sympathetically
    and let your relative get it out of their system. This person is probably feeling temporarily restricted by forces outside the home and isn't really likely to go anywhere.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, September 12, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A financial windfall might open new doors for you, Aquarius, and you could consider making some major changes in your life. You might think about moving to a nicer home. Romance is definitely on your mind. If you aren't already involved in a domestic situation, you might consider it seriously right
    now. Change can be frightening, but these changes are good. Don't hesitate.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect some positive changes in a current partnership, Pisces. If this is
    a business partnership, a new agreement between you shows promise of success and good fortune. If this is a romance, you might be so perfectly compatible that you're considering moving to the next level of commitment. Any new partnership begun today should be promising and bring you whatever you
    hope to gain.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Have you been working out, following a new dietary program, or both,
    Aries? If so, today you could look in the mirror and for the first time
    see some tangible and positive results. You're probably looking and
    feeling great. Don't abandon your efforts. You'll want to continue the progress. Keep the energy flowing by going for a run or other workout,
    then treat yourself to a small indulgence.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Have you been thinking about relocating, Taurus? The siren song of distant states or exotic lands may play constantly in your ears. Foreign cultures
    could inspire you artistically, spiritually, and personally. This is actually
    a time when few things are out of your reach. If you're serious about this, look into it. You can decide once you have all the facts.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Expect something new to take place regarding your home today, Gemini. A
    family member could come for a visit or even move in. You could be redecorating, landscaping, or buying new furniture. There is always the possibility that you're moving. Whatever the changes, they're likely to be positive despite the messy and disruptive process of making them. You've
    got a lot to look forward to!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some wonderful news could come to you, Cancer, possibly from a sibling
    or neighbor. It might involve money or a new opportunity that's opening
    up nearby. A group event concerning a subject you're very interested in
    could also take place. You might feel you have a lot of phone calls to
    make and plans to think about. The future looks bright. Enjoy!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An opportunity to bring in extra income might arrive today, Leo, possibly through a female friend. Another Leo might be involved. This probably
    involves a special, temporary project, but it could prove enjoyable and profitable. A love partner might want to participate, too. Think about it before committing. Talk to people who have done this before. It's worth
    a try, anyway.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a day of fresh beginnings for you, Virgo. Accomplishments in
    the past foster a new sense of self-confidence, along with optimism
    and enthusiasm for the future. Travel lies ahead in the distant future,
    and possibly advancing your education in some way. Romance also looks promising. Go for a facial or massage today, if possible, or buy some
    new clothes. Start the new cycle by making your appearance match what you
    feel inside.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you've never tried your hand at the arts, Libra, this is the day to do
    it. Your imagination and ingenuity are flying high, and your aesthetic sense
    is acute right now. If you aren't already involved with such activities,
    look online to see what classes or workshops are offered. Get a friend to
    sign up with you. You'll probably have a great time!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could encounter a potential romantic partner today, Scorpio. You'll probably communicate with this person at a virtual group event and hit it
    off immediately. This person is likely to be bright, physically attractive, kindhearted, and sensitive. If you're single and available, don't pass
    up this opportunity. Take advantage of the chance to get to know each
    other. Who knows where this might lead?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A lot of changes could be taking place in your life now, Sagittarius. Even though most of them are positive, the upheaval can be unsettling right
    now. Don't give in to panic. Nothing needs to be done that you can't
    handle. Take each task one step at a time. As you vault each hurdle, the
    road ahead seems that much smoother. When you arrive, all will be well.
    Keep going!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    New beginnings and promising new opportunities may appear from a distant
    state or foreign country, Capricorn. Your adventurous side is excited and enthusiastic, but the side of you that wants to stay settled could put
    up some resistance. Don't feel you have to jump into anything. Get all
    the facts and assess the situation objectively. Think seriously about it
    all. What do you most want?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, September 13, 2024 08:00:48
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Ask for help if you need it, Aquarius. Your nature is to serve others, but
    in order to maintain that energy, make sure that you're taken care of as
    well. Offer extra support to the people you love. In work-related issues,
    make sure that you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Delegate
    tasks to others. Pamper yourself tonight with a hot bath and a good meal.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keeping your emotions in balance is going to be the key to a successful day, Pisces. Don't get swept away by a fanciful situation that could send your
    mind spinning. Maintain control at all times. This might be easier said
    than done. Give yourself a break and avoid excess alcohol or any sort of
    drug use. It will be hard enough to keep your mind clear without them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel like you're running into a brick wall at every turn, Aries, especially when it comes to emotions. The intensity of the day may have
    you feeling like you're in a pressure cooker. Try not to blow things out
    of proportion. Realize that much of the drama is more a figment of your imagination than reality. Clear away the clouds and get to the heart of
    the matter.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Bask in the sunshine of today, Taurus. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and work to expand these energies. There's a great deal of opportunity open at this time. The key to taking advantage of this is to stay close
    to the things that truly bring you the most happiness. The details will
    work themselves out with almost no effort. Have faith that you'll succeed,
    and you will.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Make sure you're getting enough sleep, Gemini. You may seem groggy and
    your head could be a bit cloudy today, but try not to let this stop you
    from getting your work done. Much of what you perceive may not exactly correlate with reality. Your emotions could be especially distorted. You
    may have a strong desire to escape into a fantasy world. Try to keep both
    feet on the ground.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There may be an area of your life that seems completely fanciful now,
    Cancer. The issues regarding it have become a bit hazy. You may no longer
    be sure of the reality of the situation. Today's energies will bring these issues into focus. Your emotions are especially heightened, and they, too,
    will seem a bit clouded. Try to stay balanced and gain a new perspective
    on the situation.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your fantasy life is especially active today, Leo, so enjoy this little
    break into your dream world. Coming back to reality may be difficult. Keep
    tabs on your emotions so they don't get the better of you. The impressions
    you receive from the outside world may not be accurate today. Keep your
    wits about you and try not to get caught up in drugs and alcohol.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're in a fun-loving and jovial mood today, Virgo, and you should make
    time to enjoy it with friends, if possible. The one caveat to the day
    is that your emotions may be a bit clouded. You may not have the most
    accurate impression of a situation. You might feel that people have the
    wrong impression of who you are. Try not to feel insecure. Have confidence
    in yourself and take the lead.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may have a strange paranoia that people are out to get you today, Libra, but don't let this feeling paralyze you. Your emotions are more than likely getting the better of you. The reality of the situation is much different
    than your sensitive emotions perceive. Avoid the tendency to escape even further into this fantasy world. Stay away from drugs or alcohol.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your fantasy world is piqued today, Scorpio. Your imagination is running
    wild. Maintain a certain amount of control over your emotions or they may
    get the better of you. You could find yourself in a cloud of confusion by afternoon. Avoid this by trying to ground yourself throughout the day. Make sure your actions result from an equal balance between thought and emotion.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may get the feeling that you're operating in an emotional crossfire
    today, Sagittarius. On the one hand, you may have a "me first," selfish
    feeling that demands attention from others. You may also sense the need to
    work to serve others and bring like-minded people together. Realize that
    both of these energies are valid and deserve your attention. Balance is
    the key. Work to soothe your fluctuating emotions.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You'll enjoy a day of high spirits and friendly interactions. The energy of the day is in your favor, although it may not seem like it. Your emotions may become cloudy and it might seem like people are working against you. Although this may be true to some extent, realize that much of this paranoia comes
    more from your emotional insecurity than another's plot against you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Yes, you may have another cookie, Aquarius. Enjoy it and don't feel
    guilty. Guilt is useless. Today, get rid of regret. Express your
    emotions but don't dwell on them. Your sensitivity is acute, so put up
    your psychic shield. You might pick up on others' intense energy, so be careful. Sympathize with others, but don't take on their garbage. They
    need to take out their own trash.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You might just want to stay on the couch today, Pisces. That's fine. Don't
    get up if you don't want to. You're probably better off sticking close to
    home and enjoying a good movie tonight. If people ask how you're doing,
    be honest. Others will be able to see right through you, so don't try to
    hide your feelings. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Finally, the world is starting to see it your way, Aries. Be yourself and
    don't be squeamish about telling people exactly how it is. Your thinking is clear and focused. Use your penetrating mind to accomplish mental tasks. Your intense nature is powerful, so act wisely. Today may well be one in which
    other people realize that you really aren't as crazy as they first thought.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Give people the benefit of the doubt, Taurus. Don't be so hasty in your actions, and take the time to think things through. You have a special connection with your feelings today that can aid in clearing some of the fog
    in your thinking. Your sensitivity to others is remarkably strong. People
    will be particularly drawn to this side of you, especially tonight.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Put your businesslike nature aside for the day and focus on your feelings, Gemini. You may be a bit protective of your emotions, but realize that
    much of what you're feeling is best experienced through expressing it to others. Reach down deep and get in touch with what you truly believe to be
    the heart of the issue. Your thinking is clear as can be today, so enjoy it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Call or write a letter to a friend today, Cancer. Your brain may feel
    like it's stuck in a rut, which is probably best remedied by sharing
    these feelings with others. Take it one step at a time, and be patient
    with others in return. People are likely to snap more easily since fuses
    will be extra short. Take care as you approach the deep end. Make sure
    you have your life jacket on.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Things flow well for you today, Leo, so bask in any sunshine that this
    day offers. Your intuition is especially strong, and you have an uncanny ability to pick up on other people's feelings. Your nurturing gifts are
    in high demand by those around you. They'll need a sensitive shoulder to
    lean on. Just make sure you don't lose yourself in the process. Save some energy for you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Other people's indecisiveness could leave you feeling frustrated and stuck today, Virgo. Realize that you can overcome this by pushing past them. Don't feel like you need to wait for others to make up their minds before you
    act. Do what you need to do, and others will catch up when they're ready. You aren't responsible for the well-being of others. Concentrate on you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It may be much easier than usual to express your emotions to someone today, Libra. If there has been something on your mind for a while, now is the
    time to say it. You'll be able to paint a clear picture of your true
    feelings. Express yourself with confidence so you don't come across as
    helpless or clingy. Your sensitivity is a gift that others will recognize
    and appreciate.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Does it feel like someone's raining on your parade today, Scorpio? No
    surprise there. You may feel like you're stuck in a bog, so wear your
    galoshes and give it your best shot. That's all you can do. People may be
    extra touchy and impatient with ridiculous banter, even if it is polite. Try not to make sense of things that seem confusing now. Come back to them in
    a couple days.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your intuition is extra keen today, Sagittarius, and your mental aim is on target. Other people may sink into the swamp, but you're the life raft they
    can cling to. Your amazing mental clarity will be invaluable throughout
    the day. You'll be able to communicate your feelings clearly, and you
    should find their receptivity to your thoughts much greater than usual.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might find the mood of today a bit too somber for your liking,
    Capricorn. Why is everyone so serious? Whether you figure out the answer
    or not, just know that it probably isn't something you did. Emotions that
    have been building up are likely to express themselves now, much like a
    volcano bursting under the pressure of tons of molten lava.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light drizzle, fog +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, September 15, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Affection blooms in close relationships as you tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of those around you. Communication should
    be clear, open, and honest without being brutal. Social events should
    prove especially enjoyable today, Aquarius, as you're likely to attract interesting people with intriguing and useful information. Reading could
    also prove beneficial now. Enjoy your day.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should be in glowing good health today, Pisces. You're feeling especially fit, and your appearance likely reflects that. You're looking for healthy activities that also bring you pleasure, such as exercise and proper
    diet. Find a cookbook full of tasty recipes and use it. Your relations with others should be warm, loving, and companionable. Exercising with friends,
    if possible, should encourage you to keep up the good work.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Love blossoms in close relationships as communication flows freely. You're intuitive by nature, Aries, but today you feel especially attuned to
    others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. Don't be surprised if you
    grow closer to those around you. Children, in particular, should provide
    warmth and love. If you're artistically inclined, start a new project today.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Happiness reigns as you and your household embark on one or more projects
    that could make your home more cheerful, Taurus. Warm and companionable conversations involve sharing interesting information and bring you
    closer. Visitors could come by and other people could call with interesting news. This is a good day to throw an impromptu party. Enjoy your day!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A conversation with someone in your neighborhood could prove unexpectedly pleasant and enjoyable. You might meet new people and get closer to the
    ones you already know. A lot of interesting and useful information could be exchanged. There might be a future get-together that you'll want to attend, Gemini, so you have something to look forward to. You might also lend or
    borrow some books today.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A pleasant surprise comes your way when you receive either a present or
    small sum of money, perhaps in the mail, Cancer. Someone will either pay
    you back a loan or you could receive a gift for some small service you performed for someone. You could be tempted to turn that around and buy
    a present for someone else. Expect some calls that result in long and meaningful conversations.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Communication is likely to be warm, informative, and companionable today,
    Leo, and you'll probably grow closer to those around you because of
    it. Your inspiration and imagination flow freely, and you're likely to
    want to channel much of your energy into creative projects. You may also
    want to phone a friend who shares your artistic interests.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you're musically or artistically inclined, Virgo, today you might have visions or melodies in your head that simply cry out to be written down. If you're a writer, you may be filled with story ideas. Whatever your creative interests, inspiration abounds. It's a good idea to start working on these projects today or they could disappear.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today should be busy with regard to communication, Libra. Calls and emails to people close to you may take up a lot of your time. You could be organizing
    a meeting or social event of some kind. You're probably feeling optimistic
    and enthusiastic, and you'll likely spread these feelings to others. You're also better able to intuit what's going on with them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A meeting - virtual or otherwise - is likely to happen during the course
    of the working day, Scorpio. This should lead to pleasant and interesting conversations, possibly involving philosophy, spiritual matters, or the
    arts. Communication should be clear and open. Correspondence could take
    up almost as much time as conversations right now.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A message or phone call from someone dear who lives far away could arrive today. You've been thinking about this person for a while, Sagittarius, so don't be surprised if you hear from him or her. You're especially attuned
    to the thoughts and feelings of others right now. In fact, you may feel especially inspired to work on projects of your own, as ideas are likely
    to fill your head. Have fun!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Daydreams and reveries could inspire new ideas for creative projects
    today. Visions, stories, or melodies might flood your mind, and it might be
    a good idea to write them down before they disappear. You're also likely
    to feel more attuned than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others.
    Don't be surprised if you intuitively give people what they want and need before they ask.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +17C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, September 16, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could feel like a millionaire today, Aquarius. Money matters seem to surpass your expectations. You might want to spend time fixing up your
    home or perhaps shopping for yourself. Do you have plans to video chat
    tonight? A sexy new item might make your friend's eyes pop! Increased self- confidence adds even more juice to an already enhanced appearance. Dress
    in your favorite colors and have fun.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone you've never met before who you find exceedingly attractive could
    pass you today. You might decide to go say hello and discover not only
    a physical attraction but an intellectual compatibility as well. Your
    feelings are probably reciprocated! If you're single, this attraction might
    be worth pursuing. If you're involved, at least you might make a new friend.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Career and money matters continue to go well for you, Aries, and probably romance, too. Your life may be the envy of others, but you probably feel there's still something missing. This is a good day to explore metaphysical
    and spiritual studies. It's a time of transition, and this sort of interest
    can make things easier for you, especially if those close to you share
    your interest.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Romance and creativity are the driving forces in your life today,
    Taurus. You might find that feelings for a special person provide lots
    of inspiration for creative projects. Your creative energy makes you that
    much more attractive to the one you love most. This could prove to be an emotionally and aesthetically satisfying day. Make the most of it!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You tend to be down to Earth and practical, Gemini, but now you feel like indulging in some flights of fancy. Romance or fantasy novels could be especially appealing right now. You might even toy with the idea of writing
    one of your own. If you're currently romantically involved, your sweetheart might want to do something special with you tonight. Enjoy your day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An affectionate letter, phone call, or email could come to you from an old friend, Cancer, expressing gratitude for past favors. This is going to make
    you feel warm and loving toward this person, and you'll want to reciprocate
    in kind. Invite him or her for coffee and have a long conversation. The
    bond between you is strong. This isn't a friendship you'll want to let go.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Have you been thinking about changing careers, Leo? You might hear of
    some opportunities today, possibly through a colleague. This could be
    the right time to make a change. Positive professional developments are indicated for you. List your options and then do some research on each one.
    You might be headed toward some exciting possibilities.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel especially warm and loving, Virgo, and romance could be on your mind. Time spent with a love partner from another state or country might seem especially appealing. This is a great day to schedule an intimate evening
    alone with your friend and see where it takes you. All signs indicate that
    your friend returns your feelings, and you might end up just where you want!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Erotic dreams could wake you up in a strange mood, Libra. You could long
    for a romantic encounter, but the impact is likely to be stronger than
    that. These intense dreams might stimulate your creative juices. If
    you aren't currently working on a project, ideas could flood your
    imagination. Let them stew for a while. There's no rush to pick one. Enjoy
    your day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might find yourself reeling from shock when an old friend suddenly
    seems to show romantic interest in you. Conflicting emotions could come up,
    but don't write it off if you're available. There could be potential for
    a good relationship with this person. Don't feel that you have to either
    jump right in or forget the whole thing. You can test the waters for a while!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you may be asked to speak to a virtual gathering or lead an online discussion group, Sagittarius. You tend to be shy, but today you'll be
    all for it and enjoy being in the limelight, albeit temporarily. You'll certainly shine, and others may pay you sincere compliments. After the
    event, enjoy the rest of your day. You earned it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Romance continues to soar today, Capricorn. You should feel especially
    sexy. You're likely to attract admiring glances from those around you, including strangers. If you're single, you might even attract an exciting
    new love partner. If you're already involved, your beloved could fall
    in love with you all over again. Schedule an intimate evening together,
    if possible, and make the most of it!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could be quite busy today as friends from far away call for long-overdue conversations, Aquarius. You'll probably spend as much time as you can
    catching up on the latest news, but don't go overboard. Your friends want
    to talk to you, but they aren't judgmental. Talk about whatever is on your mind, and don't worry about making a good impression. The truth is more important than bragging. Enjoy visiting.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some fascinating news could come from a friend who's presently out of town, Pisces. This might be personal, but it more likely involves new discoveries
    in a field that interests you both. You'll probably want to do some research
    of your own, so be prepared to spend time in the library or online over
    the next few weeks. Keep careful records. You won't want to forget a thing!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Friends who are interested in psychic and metaphysical matters could contact you today, Aries. You may discuss a lot of fascinating material, which could alter your value system in a subtle but profound way. Don't be surprised
    if you do more listening than talking on this occasion. It's important to
    soak in as much as you can. Write it down if you think you'll forget it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A rush of physical energy may hit you this morning, Taurus, and you could
    feel like you have no outlet for it. But a sibling or neighbor may need some help, so you'll definitely be able to put that energy to work. It should
    be a good day for everyone. Your friend will receive some valuable help
    with an important matter, and you'll be able to make use of all that vigor.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Invaluable help with money or property concerns could come to you from
    an unexpected quarter today, Gemini. Someone you didn't know possessed
    the appropriate information could offer it out of the blue, making a big difference to the way you handle these matters. The situation may not be
    all that dire to begin with, but all should be well by day's end.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Are you looking for a particular piece of information, Cancer? A friend, possibly another Cancer, has this information but is unaware that you're searching for it. Don't be afraid to let all your friends and acquaintances know that you need to find some specific facts. The person who finally
    comes forward may surprise you. Enjoy your day!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The opportunity to fly somewhere might come up today, Leo. Career changes
    are in the wind, and while they might seem rather unsettling at first,
    they'll be positive in the long run. This could involve a raise or promotion, transfer, new job, or even new career. Don't fight it. It might be scary,
    but it's a blessing in disguise. Go with the flow.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Have you been having difficulties with career or money matters, Virgo? If so, help might come today from a friend who lives far away. This person may not
    do much but offer words that are so insightful that you know immediately what course of action to take. What this person says could also be of valuable assistance in the future. Write it down so you'll be sure to remember it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today, a flash of inspiration may resolve an obstacle to your career advancement that presented itself in the past few days, Libra. This solution could prove so beneficial that you'll want to remember it for obstacles in
    any area of your life for the future. You may feel so good about resolving
    this that you'll want to go out and celebrate. Go for it!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are you presently negotiating a contract, Scorpio? If you and the other
    party disagree on any points, these differences will most likely be
    resolved. You'll probably come up with an idea that creates a win/win
    situation so both of you feel good about it. This will strengthen your relationship considerably, so expect partnership matters to progress
    smoothly. Enjoy your day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Professional difficulties could be resolved by outside assistance,
    Sagittarius. Equipment may have gone haywire, or miscommunications could
    have led to snarls. Perhaps you need to call in a consultant. It's possible that you might come up with the right solution at the right time and earn
    some well-deserved respect. Whatever the difficulty, it won't last.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Idealistic romantic notions join with intense sensual passion to create powerful desire that stays with you throughout the day, Capricorn. If you
    can schedule some quality time with your love partner, by all means do
    it. If not, you might have to settle for making a date for later in the week. In the meantime, pamper yourself a bit until then and hang in there!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +17C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 08:00:44
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might not get the things done that you want to do today, Aquarius,
    but don't sweat it. Go easy on yourself if you still have a few unchecked things on the list tonight. People may pop out of nowhere and demand your attention for much of the time. Listen, be present, and try not to think
    of the things that aren't getting done. Focus on those things that are
    getting done.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today is a fantastic day, Pisces, so make the most of it. If you're
    emotionally and mentally prepared to go on a new, exciting life journey, the opportunity will present itself. The energy will be fast and furious. You
    can work harmoniously with electrical gadgets and new technologies. Break
    free of the mundane and seek less conventional ways of living.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You'll be tested today, Aries, so brace yourself for the unexpected. A
    large piece of your life is coming into question at this time, and you're
    being forced to face the music. Is this something that really rings true
    with your inner being? If it is, you should be able to deal with this challenge. If you're struggling, perhaps you should take this as a sign
    that you need a major life change.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You have lots of energy at your disposal today, Taurus, but it's erratic and powerful. You have the stamina to make major changes, and the opportunity
    to break free from any restrictions that hold you back. Embrace the new,
    fresh aspects of your life that ring true to your freedom-loving nature. Give your soul room to breathe as you take a long walk in nature this afternoon.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's time to take a bold step forward, Gemini. Have confidence in yourself
    and all the careful planning you've been painstakingly doing for the past
    few months. Realize that much of this hard work is paying off, but only
    if you're willing to take the next step. The opportunity is there. All you
    need to do is jump on it. Act out of faith and confidence instead of fear
    and restriction.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can't ask for a better day, Cancer. Positive energy is coming your
    way. You should look for the opportunities that are right in front of
    you. You may be going through some significant upheaval right now. Clear
    away all the things that have limited you in the past. The future is wide
    open. Empower yourself to make the changes necessary to build your life
    way you want it to be.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Be on your toes today, Leo, and expect the unexpected. People may be
    acting out in rash, outlandish ways, so go with the flow. As usual, you
    have a tremendous ability to roll with the punches and still come out unscathed. Just take care that someone else isn't grabbing the reins. Stay laid-back while maintaining control of your actions.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you've put in your time and done your homework, this day can prove very rewarding, Virgo. Watch out for incredible opportunities hiding nearby. You have a great deal of physical energy today, although you may find it erratic and a bit out of control. Break free of anything that seems to be binding
    you. Shed the chains and live the way you want to live.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may find people very stubborn today, so take care, Libra. Arguments can explode out of nowhere, so have your helmet ready. Think before you act
    and don't feel pressured to get involved in something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that it's OK to just walk away. No one will win
    the boxing match, so don't even get in the ring.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Initiate a major change in your life, Scorpio. Break free of the humdrum and launch into something exciting. Take part in an online class that expands
    your mind. Consider yoga, tarot, or any form of martial arts. You have a tremendous amount of energy today. It will help you maintain confidence
    and endurance as you do the groundwork to put this new life-enhancing
    endeavor in motion.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Action is the word of the day. Whether you're initiating it or feeling the brunt of it, you'll be caught up in the vortex of it. Try not to lose your tempter today, Sagittarius, and don't be surprised if people act rashly
    and insensitively. Perhaps this is their way of saying they need you and
    that your energy and input are important. Have confidence in your words.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today may be filled with sudden changes and unexpected events, Capricorn. The energy is electric and strong. People will act in erratic, powerful
    bursts. Try to stay centered and maintain your focus. Keep in mind that
    if you need to break free from certain limitations, now is the time to
    make that move. Have confidence in your actions and make it happen.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, September 19, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Does your house look like a cyclone hit it? Your tidy nature should drive
    you to clean it up. In the course of wading through the mess, don't be surprised if you discover some objects you thought you'd lost forever. Once
    you finish, you'll probably find that the place looks beautiful, better than
    it did before it was messed up. Something good can indeed come out of chaos.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    An exciting phone call or email could come from a friend who has some
    great news for you, Pisces. Love, romance, and success in the arts
    are all highlighted now, and this communication could bring it to your attention. Conversations could bring inspiration your way, and your mind
    is apt to be going a thousand miles an hour for most of the day. Make the
    most of it!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    An online group could form today, Aries, perhaps friends who are involved
    in the arts or meditation or spiritual studies. This group is likely to
    be close, probably through mutual interests, so communicating with them
    this evening should be both intellectually stimulating and emotionally gratifying. What takes place today could also bring healing of some kind, either for you or for someone else.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Communication involving romance could come unexpectedly today, Taurus. You
    may get a loving message from a romantic partner, or you could hear of
    a wedding to take place in the future amongst your circle of friends.
    You could also read a love poem or romance novel or write something along
    the same lines yourself! Someone might also express affection to you. Don't
    be surprised. You deserve it!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A chance to increase your income by participating in an artistic project
    of some kind could come your way today, Gemini. You might take part
    in the creative work or you could promote it in a business capacity.
    Whichever it is, you're likely to form some firm friendships in the process.
    If you're single, one of your colleagues might turn out to be a potential
    love partner. Enjoy!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Have you been feeling stagnant lately, Cancer, as if your life is going nowhere? What happens today could change that. An unusual group event
    could put you in touch with people who open new intellectual, career, or spiritual doors for you. Stimulating conversations could turn your head
    toward opportunities that you were never aware of before. Onward and upward!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Inspiration could hit today, Leo. It's a beautiful feeling, but you might
    not be sure how to channel it. It could represent a spiritual breakthrough, artistic inspiration, increased understanding of others, or all of the
    above. What's almost certain is that you'll want to spend time alone to
    take it all in and figure out how to use it. Don't dismiss any possibility, however outrageous it may seem.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might have the chance to speak with new people in interesting fields, perhaps from foreign lands, Virgo. Your conversational abilities are at an all-time high, so you'll not only enjoy talking with everyone, but they'll enjoy talking with you, too. Intriguing ideas and useful information could
    have your mind buzzing all night. Try to take a walk in the evening to
    clear your head.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Information gleaned from surprising sources could lead to sudden, fortunate career breaks, Libra. You might explore totally new fields, although this
    could be temporary. Your efforts should attract the attention of those who matter and eventually lead to advancement or a raise. Don't be afraid to continue to explore these sources. Keep up the good work!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A passionate encounter with a love partner might cement the bond between you
    so thoroughly that you start talking about commitment or even a wedding. A romantic haze may permeate your interactions. Still, exercise some restraint
    in expressing your feelings. Hitting your friend with too much at once
    could have the opposite effect from the one you're hoping for. Be patient!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have you been feeling less than your normal self, Sagittarius? If so,
    today you may suddenly regain your strength and be raring to go. You might
    even be tempted to start a rigorous exercise program. Go ahead and start,
    but pace yourself and try not to make up for lost time all at once. You
    need to ease into these things. Maybe start with walking and yoga.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Love and romance aren't just part of your life today, Capricorn, they're
    your whole life. If you're single, an exciting potential partner could
    have you reeling. If you're currently involved, recent events may have
    created such a powerful bond between you and your beloved that you think
    it will never end. Consider what led to this feeling and find a way to
    repeat it. This can only benefit you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +18C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, September 20, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aquarius. Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossible to work together. Adjustments are needed if everyone is going to work to the best of their abilities. If you're in a position to handle this, do it now. If you aren't, distance yourself from the situation. It's the only way to stay sane!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Squabbles may come up between you and a sibling or neighbor, Pisces. Your ability to compromise is definitely called for here. If you aren't careful, this could turn into a battle of wills. The minute the disagreement comes
    up, try to talk it out and turn it into a win/win situation. Otherwise,
    things may be said that shouldn't be, and feelings could remain hurt for
    a long time.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Money matters might cause you a few headaches, Aries. You could be torn
    between the desire to put money aside for the future and the impulse to
    buy something that you've wanted for a long time. There may be a way to
    have it both ways. Save a little less and try to find a bargain price for
    your item. Take everything into consideration and work it out before you
    make yourself crazy.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Too much rigorous exercise over the past few days might have you feeling a little sore and tired, Taurus. Your nerves may be on edge, and you could
    be more likely than usual to snap at those around you. Try to ease both
    nerves and muscle aches by soaking in a hot bath. Herbal tea might also
    help. Accept that you should take it easy today and then do it!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Spiritual breakthroughs may have you feeling a little disconcerted,
    Gemini. Clearing away deadwood, such as past traumas, might tell you a
    few things about yourself you'd rather not face. It's vital to release
    them in order to progress as a human being. Even if tears are involved,
    this is a positive development. You'll feel happier once it's all set
    free. Onward and upward!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A virtual conference of some kind could touch upon some pretty volatile
    issues, Cancer. People could disagree to the point that the meeting turns
    into a shouting match. You probably have strong opinions on this as well,
    but don't get involved. You won't be able to stop the argument, and it can
    only cause you stress. If you can, avoid joining this meeting altogether.
    Think about it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Is your significant other caught up in family problems and unable to
    spend time with you? Don't let your insecurity get the best of you.
    Your partner needs to deal with family now. Relax, do what you want to do,
    and have confidence that you'll be spending more time together as soon as possible. After dealing with family quarrels, you'll be a peaceful refuge
    for your partner.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Matters involving communication seem to be fouled up, Virgo. Messages may
    not get delivered, emails may not go through, and people might misinterpret your words. This could create a mess that brings everything to a screeching halt. You need to speak to people directly, give detailed instructions,
    use simple language, and make sure they take notes, or beware of the consequences!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your values could oppose those of a business or romantic partner today,
    Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dream world. This
    could be a milestone in your relationship if approached properly.
    If you can't create a win/win situation, perhaps you should reconsider
    the partnership.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you've been having trouble reaching a romantic partner, Scorpio, it
    might be a good idea to stop trying. Your friend is having a rough day
    and might not make the best company. In fact, your beloved could view a
    call from you as an unwelcome interruption and be short, if not downright
    rude. If you speak with your friend, keep it brief and plan to get together
    - just not today.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a bit restless and unsettled without really knowing why, Sagittarius. Stresses on the job could churn up repressed resentment from the past that you need to release. Try to discern exactly what these stresses remind you of. If you're unable to do this, however, you'll probably still
    reap the benefits of the release. Stay focused on your work and just let
    it happen.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Too many people could be vying for your attention today, Capricorn. All of
    them want advice or help. This could be flattering, and you'll probably want
    to help them, but it can also be unsettling and make it hard to focus. Don't let this set your temper on edge and cause you to snap at your friends. Take each request one at a time, make no promises, and do your best.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +14C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, September 21, 2024 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The time is right to pursue training for a particular skill or finish a
    degree in a field of interest to you, Aquarius. Presently, great success
    and good fortune are indicated when you assert your considerable energy
    and focus on the subject matter. If you've been considering honing your communication skills, consider a writing course. Perhaps you want to
    organize a long-desired trip.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Circumstances are favorable for you if you're contemplating investment in
    real estate. Any sort of investment looks good for you right now, Pisces. Be ready to have an important conversation with a young person today. You may benefit from a significant piece of mail or phone call. Even if you hadn't planned on it, you may want to visit an older friend or relative tonight,
    if possible.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Did you forget to take two aspirin before you fell into bed last night? This morning you may feel in a fog, but it should lift around midday. You could
    be surprised by some heartening news from a friend or relative regarding a difficult situation that is now being resolved. Enjoy the boost of energy
    that this good news gives you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If it's true that you reap what you sow, Taurus, you're in for a great
    harvest in the coming months. Your hard work and focus will start to pay
    off handsomely with promotions and raises just when you may have given up on being acknowledged for all you do. Hang on to your great energy, passion, and enthusiasm. Doors are about to open for you. Get ready to walk through them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're highly esteemed in your profession because of your strong business acumen and no-nonsense approach to problem solving. Recent successes
    may be preparing you for the next leap in the progression. Be open to opportunities involving the Internet that present themselves. Remember,
    there's no glass ceiling online. Today may be peppered with all sorts of communications from friends.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Opportunity may knock for you today from an unlikely source, perhaps
    total strangers! Use your intuition to follow potential leads. Real estate, particularly residential, looks especially promising for realizing financial gain for you right now. Follow your hunches and see what develops. Don't let your caution bog you down at the moment. It could be surprisingly wonderful.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Expect to receive interesting communications today, Leo. You might hear from
    a long-lost friend and have a chance to catch up on the news. Perhaps you'll hear something about success in reaching a goal you've been striving for
    these past few months. Expect some interesting conversations. Have a
    great time exchanging ideas on everything from politics to child rearing.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're in a great position to reap the rewards from all your past hard
    work, Virgo. In the coming weeks you'll be able to realize important gains
    in your career and personal projects. Not only should you see significant advancements in your work life, but you'll also achieve greater personal happiness. You have great momentum, so keep it up and you'll realize
    your goals.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    With the current celestial energy, you might be going on a trip, Libra. It
    may be for business, pleasure, or both. It's likely that this trip will
    achieve certain goals. Perhaps you're aiming for a promotion. Chances are you'll be successful in your ambitions. Or you may be ready to set out on
    your own and start a new business. It's an excellent time for this, too.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't be surprised if money comes from an unlikely source. It could be a surprisingly good return on an investment or a bequest from a relative. Pay attention to any dreams that seem to repeat. They may hold a lesson about understanding your life path. You may receive an unexpected visit from a dear friend you haven't heard from in years. All in all, this is a great time.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is a good time to forge new relationships, Sagittarius. Be open-minded
    if someone you know approaches with a proposal. Do your homework and examine the potential risks, but this is a fine period in which to pursue something new. Success and good fortune are coming. Keep your eyes and ears open
    for opportunities. You may hear some important news from your love interest.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're feeling your power and strength today, Capricorn. You've worked hard
    to get into good physical shape. Similarly, you've exerted a great deal
    of energy in your work life and it's paying off. With today's planetary
    energy, you can also expect greater intimacy in your personal life. Enjoy
    this special time.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +18C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, September 22, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    An opportunity to increase your income by working in an artistic or
    innovative manner could come your way today, Aquarius. Technologies like
    film or computer graphics may be involved. You may have doubts about
    your ability to take this on, but that's only your insecurity. Don't be
    timid. Have a little confidence in yourself. Consider it all carefully. If
    it seems workable, go for it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Circumstances beyond your control may frustrate your desire to get together with a love partner today, Pisces. Work or family obligations could
    interfere. If your partner has to beg off, don't get upset and start doling
    out blame. This won't help and could put your friend on the defensive.
    Plan to meet another day. Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Family who mean a lot to you can make your home an even warmer and cozier place, Aries. You'll probably spend a lot of time fixing it up in order to receive sincere compliments. The only downside might be that your current partner may not be there due to circumstances beyond anyone's control.
    Enjoy the visit and invite your family to return when your partner is there,
    if possible.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A long but necessary phone call from a close friend or love partner
    could come at work today, Taurus. Matters of immediate concern need
    resolution. You might be uneasy about taking company time, and could even attract some unsettling attention, but you need to have this conversation
    now. It probably won't have any long-term negative effects, so do what
    you have to do. You'll feel a lot better.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might discover a previously untapped talent, Gemini, perhaps an artistic gift. This could be thrilling, but it will probably take some
    getting used to. Your first efforts might be tentative and uncertain,
    but this is what usually happens when you learn a new skill. Don't get discouraged yet! Give yourself time. Eventually you'll probably love what
    you do.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You should be looking especially attractive, Cancer. You may have
    an ethereal, mystical look about you that attracts attention from
    strangers. This won't be lost on your friends, either. You could find it unsettling, particularly if people get too attentive or if a love partner
    gets jealous. Relax and enjoy it anyway. Needless to say, this is a great
    day to shop online for clothes!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your phone may seem haunted today, Leo. Calls might be filled with static,
    you could get some phantom rings, or callers may insist they tried to call
    when your phone never rang. There probably isn't any supernatural force
    at work, but it might be a good idea check with your phone company. There
    could be problems with your equipment.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A reassessment of your financial goals may be needed now, Virgo. Some of
    your expectations may be unrealistic, and you might need to look at them
    in a more practical light. This doesn't mean they won't happen, just that they're apt to take a little longer than you'd like. Think of it as an opportunity to develop patience. Rework your budget and hang in there!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Are you romantically attracted to someone you know through work, Libra? If
    so, this isn't a good time to pursue it. You might be wearing your heart
    on your sleeve a little too obviously. This could be unsettling for your friend, and it might sabotage the results you're hoping for. Be patient
    and let the relationship develop. Your feelings could well be mutual!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Inspiration for writing, music, drawing, painting, or other creative
    activities could hover just out of reach today, Scorpio. Great ideas could
    pop into your head and out just as quickly. The only way to avoid the frustration of missing out on wonderful ideas is to write them down as soon
    as they come. Making notes can also stimulate further inspiration. Go for it!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you could run into an old friend and suddenly see him or her in a different light. A romantic, sensual attraction you never believed possible could suddenly seem overwhelming. Try to gauge if this person feels the
    same way. If so, plan a date. Don't write this possibility off because
    you've labeled this person a "friend."

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A current or potential love relationship could hit a snag as you have
    a clash of wills. If either of you is stubborn, this could turn into an unpleasant power struggle. Try to work out a course of action that creates
    a win/win situation, so neither of you feels compromised. In this way,
    the development of your relationship will progress rather than regress.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist, shallow fog +14C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, September 23, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A friend may have some juicy gossip for you, Aquarius. Perhaps someone
    is getting married. You aren't the type to put too much stock in gossip,
    but your friend could be so convincing that you believe everything. Be skeptical! What you're hearing may not be outright lies, but it could be exaggerated. Wait until you see the people in question before accepting
    it as truth.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A last-minute gift that you've wanted to buy for someone special might
    elude you today, Pisces. You could go to several stores and find the item
    sold out. This could be disappointing, but don't despair. There are other options. You could order it online or find something else and save this particular item for a birthday. Relax and enjoy your shopping.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Everything may look wrong to you today, Aries. The house doesn't look right, the furniture needs adjusting, and you probably aren't happy with the way
    you look either. Your perfectionism could kick in and you might plunge into action, determined to make it all right. Don't bother! There's probably nothing you can do to make it look right today. Relax. You'll see things differently tomorrow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A small gathering in your neighborhood could attract interesting people, Taurus, but you may feel a little under the weather and consider staying
    home. Your energy may be lagging, as all energy does once in a while after
    a stressful time. It might do you good to make the effort and go if at all possible. It's up to you, of course, but enjoy the evening whatever you do.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A quick check of your bank balance might reveal that it's a bit lower
    than you expected, Gemini. You probably won't panic, but you're apt to
    feel a little disappointed. Don't waste time kicking yourself. Money can
    always be earned. Relax, resolve to tighten your belt a little, take care
    of the necessities, and stick with a financial plan. Soon you'll be glad
    you took action.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Working late, Cancer? What could be so important that it keeps you from
    paying attention to your family or partner? Probably nothing! Take a good, objective look at what you think must be done tonight. You'll probably find that your company won't go broke if you leave some tasks. Get as much done
    as you can and then go home to your loved ones. They're important, too!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An online prayer or meditation group could meet tonight, Leo, and you
    may get carried away with the spiritual dimensions these meditations take
    on. You feel comfortable with the people in this group, and you're grateful
    for the friendship and support they provide. Be with this feeling tonight,
    and try to hang onto it for as long as you can. It can help you through
    some rough times.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Love matters have been going well for you recently, Virgo, but today
    you could be alone and unable to reach a current or potential romantic interest. This could bring about a twinge of the blues, which up until
    now have passed you by. Don't waste time feeling down. Find something to distract you until your friend can come around to see you and you can have
    a little fun.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You could go over your accounts today and find that there's considerably
    less there than you thought. It isn't serious, but it can still be disappointing. There could be a new contract in the final stages of
    negotiation that will prove favorable, and you can find a way to make up
    for the shortfall. In the meantime, cut expenses so finances stay healthy
    until the new contract materializes.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Have you been going crazy with all the demands placed on you? Don't
    despair. Reflect on all that's been going on. Think about where you want to make changes. Once you've come to a decision, don't hesitate to implement
    it. This is easier than waiting for one big opportunity and doing it all
    at once. That chance may never come. The step-by-step approach can bring satisfying results.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you're currently romantically involved, Sagittarius, your lover
    could well go from what appears to be utter lassitude to total passion.
    This could throw you for a loop, and you might not know exactly how to deal with it. If you're single, you could meet someone you find attractive but forget to get his or her contact information! Keep paper and pen handy. You don't want to miss anything!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Have you made plans to have a romantic interest come to your home,
    Capricorn? If so, don't rush to get ready. Your friend is probably going
    to be late. Events beyond anyone's control have interfered, and you
    might have to wait. Don't make yourself crazy over it. Don't imagine all
    kinds of horrible scenarios. Your friend will show up even if later than planned. Have fun!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +18C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The time is right for all things financial, Aquarius. If you've been thinking of signing a contract to accept a job or purchase a piece of property, go ahead. Strategize ways in which you can be even more financially successful
    in the future. You have a lot of skills, but you don't always apply them
    as carefully as you could. Correct this and you'll be unstoppable!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect to get some useful financial information today, Pisces. You may
    learn about a new investment, or perhaps you'll get wind of a job opening that's right up your alley. This is a good day to consider an alternate
    life path. Although there's nothing wrong with the one you're on, it's
    always good to consider other roads.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Expect your romantic relationship to be better than ever today, Aries. You're communicating well and in touch with one another's feelings. How wonderful
    to be able to maintain an inspiring, rewarding bond with someone who loves
    you. There is much to be grateful for. This could be a good time to take
    your relationship to the next level. Your partner won't mind discussing this.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This could be a banner day, Taurus. Your spiritual and career goals come together so both are enhanced, and neither is compromised. It's a neat
    trick. You can expect the opportunity to practice what you preach to come
    to you through a friend or colleague. Don't discount any ideas presented
    to you, as one will contain the key to meshing two of the most important
    parts of your life.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Be your most charming self tonight, Gemini. You're likely to talk with
    someone who can help your career. Your intuition is strong, so you may
    know who this person is the minute you begin your conversation. If the chemistry is good, too, so much the better! Whether this person impacts
    your life in a romantic or business capacity, you'll remember this night
    as when your life changed for the better!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have an introspective nature, Cancer. For the last few weeks, you've
    been reflecting on and assessing what does and doesn't work in your
    life. It's likely that you're ready for some kind of major change. Either
    your relationship is in a rut or you need a complete career overhaul. Follow your instincts as you plan how to develop and grow from here. You are your
    own best guide.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're ready for something new and different, Leo. What better time than
    during the current transits to put into practice what has only been a
    dream? You may decide to work for yourself or ditch one relationship in
    favor of another. You want the changes you implement to be brash and far- reaching! If not, you may have to wait a long time to feel this energetic
    and optimistic again.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You'll do some serious soul searching today. Which goals have you achieved
    and which ones have gone unattained? Be honest as you reflect on past
    months. Could you have done things differently? Would you like to do
    things differently in the future? You'd be well advised to write down your successes and regrets. Use the list to keep you on track. It's bound to
    be a great help to you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you'll realize that a clean slate brings with it the chance for a new beginning. You feel excited and optimistic about the future. Your goals
    are clear, and your mind is sharp. How can you not succeed? Take care not
    to let your fantasies run away with you. Keep your eyes on your attainable goals rather than waste time and energy chasing pipe dreams.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be ready for some major career changes, Scorpio. You could be fed
    up with the stress and long hours of the corporate environment. Surely in
    this age of technology there's a way to spend more time at home without sacrificing the quality of your work. Think about it for a few days.
    If you propose a feasible alternative to your boss, the positive response
    may surprise you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your intuition is working overtime today, Sagittarius, making you sensitive
    to others' deepest emotions. It may be that the celestial atmosphere has everyone feeling open and honest, eager to grow into his or her most
    authentic self. Certainly, that's how you feel. Take some time out of
    your busy schedule to reflect on your regrets and successes. Be as true
    to yourself as possible.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    No pressure, Capricorn, but as things are now, you might want to evaluate
    your career. Is it working out well? What are your latest achievements? What goals haven't been reached? If the answers aren't satisfactory, it's time
    to make some dramatic changes. If your work doesn't make your heart sing,
    it's time to find some that does. Life isn't a dress rehearsal. Get going!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +18C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Have you been considering working more at home, Aquarius? If so, today you might decide to do just that. An opportunity could pave the way for new jobs you could do at home, in your own space, among your own belongings. This
    could add to your sense of security. The only downside could be if you
    don't make the effort, you might never leave the house. Be sure to get
    your workout in!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A conversation with a sibling or neighbor could lead to you making
    a new friend today, Pisces, probably someone who works in a creative profession. If you're currently romantically involved, this person could
    become your best friend. If you're unattached, sparks could fly between
    you and him or her. You could talk for hours and part unwillingly. Exchange contact information. You'll be glad you did!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Changes taking place at home could lead to more income, Aries. Perhaps a new housemate moves in, reducing your housing costs. Or you might even consider moving to a new place, perhaps one that's closer to where family members
    live or work. Whatever it is, it may not seem like much, but it should
    make a difference in your financial situation in the long run. Go for it!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A walk through your neighborhood could put you in the middle of an
    unexpected, interesting event, Taurus. It may be a small public gathering
    or an impromptu get-together, like a protest. Whatever it is, you could be transfixed by it. Make mental notes and then write down your impressions

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some books you've been reading lately might excite your desire to study astrology, numerology, alchemy, or some other occult science, Gemini.
    This may not be something that you'd normally consider, but don't let that
    hold you back. Your values have been shaken up lately anyway, so make the
    most of the impulse now. It could transform you in a subtle way. Go for it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Boredom might stimulate your rebellious streak today, Cancer. You could
    decide to forego your usual tasks and do something unusual or unexpected,
    such as skydiving or horseback riding. Don't feel guilty if you decide to
    do this. We all need to throw caution to the wind and go for some excitement occasionally. Follow your instincts and have fun!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A virtual class or lecture of some kind could bring you exciting new information today, Leo. This could keep your mind buzzing for hours, particularly since you may also communicate with some interesting people
    with whom you can discuss this subject for hours. Make the effort to take
    a walk and clear your head at some point during the day or else you might
    be too mentally charged up to sleep.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A future journey may be in the works right now, Virgo. Many changes have
    been occurring in your life for a long time, and they continue today. They might involve group events or educational activities. This may be something you've anticipated for a long time. Your energy, enthusiasm, and excitement
    are high. You may be too restless to sit still. Try to get some exercise
    at some point.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A change in career could be in the works for you, Libra. It might be within
    the scope of your current job or an entirely new one. It's definitely
    a change for the better. Don't let insecurity or an attachment to your
    current circumstances hold you back. Whatever opportunities appear at this
    time may not come around again for a long while. Think about it carefully
    and then follow your heart.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    An unexpected opportunity to go on a long journey, perhaps business-related, could come to you soon, Scorpio. A partner might be involved. Your
    enthusiasm may be almost boundless but remember that your physical energy isn't. If you choose to travel right now, make sure you take necessary precautions. Otherwise, have fun!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Too much hard work and stress could be taking a physical toll on you today, Sagittarius. But it isn't likely to stop you from working intently and energetically on a project that fascinates you. This enterprise could be personal or job related, but whatever it is, the turn it takes is apt to surprise you. It might not be anything like what you'd planned! Go to it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you're single, Capricorn, today you could fall in love at first sight. A friend could send you someone's contact information who shares your interests and with whom you'll talk for hours. This could make you feel happy. You'll certainly enjoy your day. If you want to stay in touch, don't be afraid
    to say so. Otherwise, you might lose track of your new friend.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +19C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, September 26, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A call form someone you haven't heard from in a while could generate mixed feelings, Aquarius. On the one hand, you're probably glad to resume contact with this person. On the other, because you weren't expecting to hear from them, it could create extra emotions for you - as if you didn't already
    have enough on your plate! Talk to another friend about how you feel so
    you can enjoy your evening.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone who's been ill and perhaps undergone surgery might phone you today, Pisces. You could invite this person to join you for a little virtual
    social gathering. Several people could be involved. All of them will have
    some interesting and useful information to offer. Enjoy your day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    With the planetary atmosphere today, your sensual nature is in full bloom. If there's a romantic partner nearby, that person should be on guard! There
    may be a lot of other people around, so a chance to be alone probably won't present itself until this evening. If you don't connect with a potential partner, at least you'll have a good time. Hang in there and be patient!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might have to play nurse today, Taurus. A love partner could claim
    to feel unwell, and you might expend a lot of energy trying to make your
    friend feel better. Don't overdo it. There may be psychological factors
    at work. Your friend could be jealous of the attention you've been giving family and friends. Be attentive, but within limits!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're generally focused on the material world, Gemini, but something
    about the energy generated by today's planetary alignments causes you
    to look within. You might think about the joys and pains of past family gatherings and wonder how they affect your life now. This is a positive, healing process, so don't fight it. It won't interfere with what's going
    on around you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A virtual group event could put you in contact with a number of people interested in doing a healing meditation for the planet. This sort of
    activity can work wonders to strengthen the bond among those performing it.
    You might not talk much during the discussions, but you're apt to be in
    total agreement with the idea. Enjoy your day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Happiness reigns in the home as everyone feels the energy changing, Leo. It seems that the end of one cycle brings closure, and now you're free to
    start a new journey of rebirth. You, above all, are apt to feel a powerful
    rush of intuition, which could reveal positive events coming up for you and those close to you. A few doubts may cloud your impressions, but let them go.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Are you going to go away soon, Virgo? If not, you may be planning a trip for another month, perhaps going for educational purposes, such as to attend
    a workshop. You might have agreed to some overseas business travel. You
    should feel especially energetic, enthusiastic, and optimistic now. You've
    done well thanks to your diligent work, and you should continue on that path.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Instinct and determination drive you toward unconventional plans for
    making money, Libra. A finance counselor or other professional could be involved. You may see this as an opportunity to restore your ailing bank account. You may have future purchases in mind, perhaps even a new home. Consider your plans carefully before going ahead. You'll want to be sure
    it's what you need.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today you may feel a passionate attraction for someone intelligent
    who perhaps makes a living in law, education, or publishing,
    Scorpio. Conversations with this person could touch on some deep issues, such as spiritual matters, the human psyche, or the nature of the universe. You should be deeply affected, not only by the person but also by the subjects. Take a walk later to clear your head.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This could be a quiet day for you and your partner, Sagittarius. You could spend some time reflecting on past achievements and future goals. It's important to get a clear picture about the past so you can draw conclusions
    and make workable plans. If you have a family, you'll probably be interested
    in activities that everyone will enjoy. Make some time to get together
    when it's possible. Leave tension behind.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    All the positive energy generated by the celestial atmosphere seems to come together today as you experience a rush of sensual passion for a romantic partner, Capricorn. An unexpected encounter could not only fulfill this
    desire but also bring you closer. If you aren't already committed, expect
    to discuss it tonight. Be careful to exercise restraint. Your lover could
    panic if you push too hard.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +16C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, September 27, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A lot of creative work may need to be finished by today, Aquarius. If
    you're professionally involved with writing, a deadline may loom.
    It could be difficult to get it done because family members and friends
    could constantly call and text, which keeps you from concentrating. The
    best course of action might be to go somewhere quiet, like a library,
    and do your work there. Think about it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    What's happening in your community today that attracts crowds, Pisces? A parade? A festival of some kind? Some friends may want you to go with them,
    but you hesitate for many different reasons. Go if you want to but take necessary precautions. You could meet some interesting people. If you
    don't go, find another way to have fun. You deserve it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be too free with your money right now, Aries. You're usually careful with it, but the spirit of generosity and abundance is definitely upon
    you. You're more inclined to be generous with those you care about. After
    all is said and done, you could panic, but don't. You're good at making
    money. A little belt tightening later is entirely possible, and it won't
    hurt you. Follow your heart - within limitations.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You usually love to talk, Taurus, but right now you've probably reached
    your limit. You've attended a number of virtual gatherings and talked to
    a lot of people over the past week or so, and now you want to sit quietly
    at home. If friends or family members insist on your chatting with them,
    don't be afraid to say no. Everyone knows how busy you've been. Take some
    time to yourself and relax.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Have you been indulging in too many goodies, Gemini? You might feel under
    the weather because of all this abundance. You probably should take it
    easy. Think about reorganizing your priorities. Is a second piece of
    chocolate cake more important than your energy and health? Indulging can
    be important to your psyche, but don't forget about moderation - and don't forget that there are many other ways to indulge.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It has been said that you can never have too many friends, Cancer, but
    today you might wonder if perhaps you do. Your phone could be ringing off
    the hook. One person after another will be soliciting you for advice and
    your famous shoulder to cry on. Be patient. One day you may need that person
    to be there for you. Try to listen and keep your sense of humor about you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A small gathering of some kind could attract you and your family tonight,
    Leo. Perhaps you will arrange to meet some friends there, if possible. You
    may feel good just being out with those you love, but you're likely to be
    tired by the end of the event. Make sure you fortify yourself with nourishing food during the day. Take care of yourself so you can have some fun.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Too many phone calls may be on the agenda today, Virgo. You might also have
    a few last-minute errands to run in your neighborhood. It won't be easy, probably because of unexpected delays, closures and traffic. Nonetheless,
    your sense of excitement and enthusiasm will help you tolerate conditions
    that would normally be very frustrating. Furthermore, you're having fun! Go
    to it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may have lost your usual control of the purse strings and spent too
    much money lately, Libra. Don't worry about it. It's all been for a good
    cause. It's nothing you can't handle, and certainly not enough to bankrupt
    you. The situation is only temporary anyway. The financial picture looks
    great for you in the months to come. Make the most of it!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Generally, you're a very sociable person, Scorpio, and today you won't
    want to slow down. Invitations to parties, from intimate coffee klatches
    to big neighborhood bashes, continue to come in, but you weigh the pros
    and cons of attending carefully now. Saying no goes against your nature
    because you don't want to miss anything. But right now, you must pick the
    most important to you and leave the rest.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You and other members of your household might suddenly decide to do one more thorough house cleaning, Sagittarius. Usually this would be a good idea,
    but today it doesn't really need it, and you might work too hard and do too much. Do you really need to clean your closets now? Dust and vacuum, then spruce it up with some decorations, and that should be enough for now. Relax!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Too many people may be making demands on your time right now, Capricorn. Some may have genuine concerns and need your assistance, but others have definite agendas that they really should deal with on their own. Use your intuition
    to tell the difference because you won't be able to help them all. A female friend might have the most urgent need. If you can only help one, help her.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +13C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, September 28, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is a good day to reflect on the past weeks and get some perspective, Aquarius. You've probably been working too hard and neglecting other
    priorities in your life. Give yourself this day to relax and talk with
    friends and relatives. Spend the day chatting, laughing, and unwinding. Don't obsess about tasks that wait for you at the office. They aren't going

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't plunge headfirst into work mode, Pisces. The cleaning and tidying up
    can surely wait for another day. Today's energies indicate that talking
    with friends and family should be your main priority. Consider spending
    the afternoon doing activities with your kids. Hire a babysitter for the evening. It would do you good to go out with your partner - just the two
    of you - if possible.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's likely that your thoughts are completely turned to work. Much as you should devote your time off to family, you can't help the way you're wired, Aries. When at home, you may sneak away to check your email. Perhaps you secretly phone your business partner. Your family rolls their eyes, but generally understands and forgives your crazy behavior. Be sure to turn
    on the extra charm, just in case!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This is a good day for financial matters, Taurus. With your credit cards
    maxed out, you may be thinking that your bank account isn't as healthy as
    it could be. But today you're likely to receive some news that indicates otherwise. You may get a windfall or discover that your portfolio is
    generating healthy returns. It's a good day for paperwork.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You could be feeling quite lazy today, Gemini, and you definitely deserve
    to feel this way! You deserve some time off after all of the activities
    of the past week. Give yourself the gift of a true day off. Do only what
    you want, whether it's watching movies or spending the afternoon soaking
    in the tub. Total indulgence. Just relax and unwind.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You think of yourself as a practical person, Cancer, but today your thoughts may turn to the mystical and spiritual. Your intuition is strong now,
    letting you tune in to the feelings of your loved ones. This allows you to
    be empathetic and understanding, which your partner especially appreciates. Your intuition may inspire you to approach a problem in a new way. Let
    your mind wander and see what develops.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will probably encounter a bit of opposition along with today's planetary energies, Leo. Even those who are usually right behind you will seem uncooperative. Try not to let this faze you too much. Resolve to follow
    your own instincts and work alone if need be. Once you've had a chance to advance your ideas further along on your own, you can present them again.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your thoughts today are likely to turn to setting goals for the future, particularly concerning your career. While you've made a lot of progress
    in recent months, you'd like to see even more forward movement. This would
    be a great day to start thinking of concrete ways to make that happen,
    Virgo. Why not have a family brainstorming session? It's likely to yield
    some great advice.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today's planetary energies are stimulating your ambition, Libra. Issues connected with your professional life may be very much on your mind. You
    could plot out ways to further your career. Perhaps you seek a promotion in your current business, or you could be thinking about looking for another
    job entirely. This is the ideal time to put specific plans into place for
    the future.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You've been so busy these past few weeks that you may have inadvertently neglected the special person in your life, Scorpio. It's been fun to be
    out and about together, but that has left little time for closeness and snuggling. Try to rectify that today. In fact, a midafternoon nap might
    be called for. Why not invite your honey to join you?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It's possible that a big change is in store for you in the near future, Sagittarius. It may be that you've come to realize that your current home
    and neighborhood are no longer a good fit. If you've been toying with
    the idea of moving, today you may get some news that motivates you to
    make your fantasy a reality. This is a good day to peruse the real estate listings. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Perhaps you spent quite a bit of money lately and you're holding your breath waiting for the bills to roll in. Some quick reckoning of receipts today
    likely yields some wonderful news. Wonder of wonders, it appears you've
    stayed within your budget, Capricorn! Try not to overreact to the news
    that you have more money than you thought. Give your wallet and checkbook
    some time off.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +18C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, September 29, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may discover an untapped talent today, Aquarius. Perhaps there's a new machine in the office and you're the only one who can figure out how to
    use it. Maybe drafting a simple business proposal makes you realize how
    much you enjoy the writing process. This is a good day for any kind of
    creative endeavor, as well as for paperwork of all sorts. Get everything
    done so you can enjoy the evening.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect some positive developments today that impact the whole family,
    Pisces. Perhaps you or your mate will receive word of a significant raise
    or great job opportunity. Perhaps you meet the one who is right for you,
    and you know it the instant you lock eyes. Whichever it is, don't let the opportunity pass. If you don't seize it, someone else surely will.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You should be feeling especially confident today, Aries. You've been
    working especially hard lately, and the recognition you've received goes
    a long way toward reinforcing your feelings of self-worth. Your life
    goals suddenly seem more attainable and you'll pursue them with renewed
    vigor. Your confidence is grounded in reality. You will surely succeed.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This is a day made for fun and frivolity, Taurus, not one in which you're likely to get many of your chores done. Try as you might to focus on the
    task at hand, there are distractions everywhere you turn. Your email pals
    could be sending you jokes and notes, and your friends could be bugging
    you to join them for whatever type of outing is possible now. You may as
    well give in.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're a person of many talents, and today you're likely to discover yet another one, Gemini. The delivery of a new piece of equipment makes you feel like you've been given a toy for your sole enjoyment. But once you get the computer or piece of machinery up and running, you need to share it with
    your co-workers! They will be very impressed with your technical abilities.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Don't be surprised if a lot of people contact you today, each one anxious
    to confer with you. It seems that you're the authority on all topics,
    Cancer. All the attention is flattering, but it makes it difficult to get
    any work done. Do what you can to help your co-workers, and then tell them
    that the help desk is closed for the day. You want to leave work early so
    you can be with your loved ones.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't let yourself be manipulated by needy friends, Leo. With today's
    planetary energies, it's a good time to think about setting clear
    boundaries. You know which friends are there for you and lift you up and
    which ones tend to drain all your time and energy with the constant need
    for your immediate attention. Try saying no. You can't fix other people's
    lives for them anyway. Think about it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a good day for sharing friendship with pals and co- workers,
    Virgo. People will be in a light, socializing mood and not much in a working frame of mind. There's really no use fighting this energy. Enjoy yourself
    today and allow yourself to detach from work issues. You can all get back
    to the grindstone later. The work will still be there.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your technical skills take a real leap forward today, Libra. It seems all
    that training you've done is finally paying off. Your new skills will greatly increase your efficiency and enhance your marketability. If you've been thinking about applying for a new position, get your resume ready to send
    out when you see an appealing ad. Any move you make will be for the better.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't be surprised to see your co-workers acting a bit silly today,
    Scorpio. There is no getting around the high spirits that permeate the
    work environment. It's almost impossible to get anything done with today's planetary atmosphere. Rather than cracking the whip and trying to increase productivity, why not join in? Lighten up a little.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Life's been a real whirlwind lately, Sagittarius. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by everything that's been going on. It's fun to catch up
    with everyone, but a bit daunting to renew ties with old friends and try
    to remember things that are going on with new ones. Take a deep breath, Sagittarius, you're doing just fine.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    With all the conversations you've had lately, Capricorn, it's likely that you've talked with some people in the healing professions. These doctors, nurses, and technicians could be useful to you later. Be sure to file
    their contact information away for future reference. On another front,
    expect to receive some good news concerning your finances.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +18C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, September 30, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Exciting news could come to you today that could bring a lot of joy into
    your life, Aquarius. Your income may soon skyrocket, and more opportunities
    to advance yourself professionally should start coming thick and fast. You
    may even receive some sort of public acknowledgment. This isn't the end
    of the line, however - this is only the beginning! You will be glad to
    know you can expect this trend to continue for some time.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A powerful bond between you and a romantic partner could have you
    walking around with your head in the clouds, Pisces. Things between you
    seem to be improving by leaps and bounds. Right now, it all seems just
    too perfect. Savor every moment of your time together. You will want to remember them when times aren't quite so easy. We all deserve such halcyon days. You and your beloved should definitely make the most of it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Aries, love of all kinds - the love of friends, the affection of family members, romantic love - flourishes in the home today as you hear from
    a great deal of people, perhaps unexpectedly. One of these people could
    bring some wonderful news about money. A strong sense of unity should be
    very apparent, at least to you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A small gathering of friends, relatives, and neighbors could take place in
    your neighborhood today, if possible, Taurus. You might run into a few old friends you haven't seen in a long time and enjoy catching up. A former romantic partner could also get in contact. Are you still interested?
    If so, pursue it. It might work this time! If you're no longer interested, perhaps you could now be friends. Think about it!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you've asked your employer for a raise recently, Gemini, the astral
    energy indicates that you can expect to receive one soon. Your employer
    is greatly impressed with your efforts, and probably thinking that you
    might be setting your sights elsewhere. Opportunities may certainly appear, although this is obviously not the time to decide. Take some time to really think and consider everything carefully.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An unexpected letter or package might arrive sometime today, Cancer. This
    could be a gift from a lover - perhaps a bit more lavish than you would
    have expected. You could receive other communications as well. At least
    one could be related to your job in some way. A virtual party invitation
    could also come, and you will probably want to attend. A significant other
    will want to join you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Happiness reigns in the home right now, Leo. Money comes pouring in from bonuses, salary from extra hours, or gifts. You may be considering spending some of this money on either adding to or refurbishing your home. If you're having trouble making a decision, consider consulting a decorator. There
    is great harmony within your family. You seem to understand each other on
    an intuitive level.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Are you single, Virgo? If so, today you might fall in love at first
    sight. You may have been frustrated lately by the lack of available, interesting people, but today you could meet someone who seems too perfect
    for words. And you can rest assured that the attraction is mutual! If
    you're already involved, you can expect a revival of the fairytale romance between you and a significant other.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A strong attraction to someone could take you by surprise today, Libra. This person could be involved in the arts in some way, perhaps film, television,
    or recording. You might spend considerable time, perhaps virtually,
    together for the purpose of working on a project, but the energy between
    you should be strong and apparent to both of you. If you're interested in
    a new relationship, make sure you look your best!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are you involved in a creative project that involves modern technology, Scorpio? If so, progress could be made by leaps and bounds, starting
    today. A lucky break might set you off in a new direction that adds depth
    and dimension to your work. Communication with colleagues should be warm, congenial, and supportive. There is a sense of unity that pervades the
    group and adds to the energy and enthusiasm. You will love the results of
    your efforts.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you own your home or have any kind of investments in real estate, Sagittarius, you might hear some great news today about the value of that investment. It's likely to be increasing, and probably will continue in
    that direction. This could make a big difference in your life in some way
    right now. In fact, there might be a number of options opening to you.
    Consider them all carefully and go for the gold.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Are you technically single but very deeply involved with someone,
    Capricorn? If so, don't be surprised if today you extend or receive a
    proposal of marriage. Recent events have brought you very close together
    and greatly intensified the bond between you. Your partner may want to
    legalize that bond. Do you? If there is even the smallest doubt, give
    yourself some time to think. Acting on impulse isn't a good idea right now.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +16C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, October 01, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Add spark to your life today, Aquarius. It could be that things are getting stale and boring. If so, consider the possibility that you simply aren't challenging yourself enough. Remember that you're responsible for lighting
    your own fire. You have the perfect opportunity to get something started
    today, so go for it. Feel free to get other people to help.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    People are apt to try to hit you square on the head with their ideas and thoughts today, Pisces, so be ready for the onslaught of information that
    may come your way. There's a distinct advantage to listening to the whole
    spiel before you react with your own facts and emotions. The problem is that you're going to be tempted to argue instead of calmly resolve the matter.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Anchor yourself in practical matters before you try to prove your point
    to others. There's a great deal of primal energy rising within you today
    and searching for some sort of outlet. Be aware of overextending yourself
    when it comes to issues of the mind. You may be so anxious to prove your
    point that you end up losing sight of the reality of the situation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't take no for an answer today, Taurus. Know what you believe in and
    stick with it. There's a distinct advantage to holding true to your inner nature. Don't let others throw you off course with their views on how
    things should be done. Be confident and don't worry about taking things
    over the top. There's no such thing as excess today. "The more the merrier" should be your motto.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Be a pioneer thinker today, Gemini. There's a noble courage in your thoughts, so don't let this quality go to waste. You will be surprised at how cutting edge you can be when you put your mind to it. Take a walk by yourself and contemplate the next major move that you'd like to make in your life. Feel
    free to brainstorm bold ways to execute this plan.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Be aggressive and forceful when it comes to exerting your will,
    Cancer. Let others know that you won't be a pushover. Your opinions are extremely important, and they need to be heard by the people who matter
    the most. Have faith that whatever you say has the power to come true, especially when you enlist the help of those around you. Opportunity lies
    in joining hands with others.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today may be one of those days in which you come to a four-way stop and
    no one knows whose turn it is. Don't sit and wait for everyone else to go first, Leo. If you know it's your turn, be bold and make your move. It
    wouldn't be a bad idea to signal others that you're going ahead. People
    might not be used to you taking such an aggressive role.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    People would be foolish to challenge your thinking now, Virgo. The power behind your words is volatile, and you may find yourself going to extremes
    in order to get your point across. Be careful about making promises you
    can't fulfill. It could be that you're so adamant about your point of view
    that you make up hyperbolic situations just to get your ideas across.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your old ways of thinking have carried you quite far, Libra, but you may
    now find that it's time to seek a new platform for your ideas. Look for
    more adventurous ways to express yourself. Break out of the old mold and
    try something new. Once you start in a bran- new direction, there will be
    a great deal of support encouraging you to continue along that way.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    One quick phone call to a friend may turn into a long discussion about
    the meaning of life, Scorpio. Be conscious of the fact that there's a
    great deal of momentum building in your mind now. Once the dam breaks,
    you may soon have a giant flood on your hands. Be careful about releasing
    all this energy at once, even though you may not seem to have a choice.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It could be that you feel a bit of pressure today to start or create
    something that you aren't quite ready for, Sagittarius. There is hesitation
    on your part that indicates you should take it slowly and learn more of
    the facts before you jump into the fray. Position yourself in such a way
    that you take control of the situation rather than become a victim of it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Move forward with your plan of attack today, Capricorn. There's an anxious rumble within you that's urging you to get going with a current plan. You
    have all the facts you need, so don't hesitate any longer. The power of the word is with you. You will be smooth, collected, and confident even in the
    most nerve-wracking situations. Words will flow off your tongue with ease.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +16C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, October 02, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, October 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't get so stuck in your ways today that you insist on having the one true answer without really considering the options. You must be aware of a lot before you commit yourself one way or another. The people around you are
    apt to get annoyed with your narrow-mindedness, for this is how you will
    be viewed unless you stop and take a considered look at the whole picture.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Quietly step into the background if things aren't going the way you'd
    like, Pisces. Don't try to stick your nose into someone else's business,
    even if you think you know the right way to proceed. People probably have strong opinions, and they won't be swayed in any direction. The best you
    can do is take care of yourself. You will probably find that this means
    you shouldn't be seen or heard.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may have gotten yourself tangled up in a deep mental drama over a
    series of recent incidents, Aries. Your mind may be working overtime in
    order to solve the riddles. It's quite possible that the reality of the situation is that you're simply making a big deal over nothing. Today is
    one of those days in which you will face the harsh reality that comes as
    a consequence of your over-the-top thinking.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may feel as if your smile is unwelcome today, Taurus. It may seem to
    you like there's some sort of gloom and doom to people's attitudes that
    makes them unwilling to accept any sort of good news. Don't let this stop
    you from maintaining your own cheerful state. It's important that you not
    probe too deeply into the reasons behind other people's behavior now.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Keep careful track of things today, Gemini, for you will find that the
    smallest detail will make the biggest difference. Don't hesitate to go with your hunches when something simply doesn't sound right. Stay focused and
    try not to get caught off guard when emotional issues come out of nowhere
    and disturb your thoughts. Trust yourself regardless of what's going on
    around you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel as if your hands are tied today and you're faced with
    absolutely no options, Cancer. Don't despair over a situation that seems insurmountable. Think of yourself as a terrific magician who can burst out
    of the strongest chains. You have tricks up your sleeve that can help you escape just about any situation in which you find yourself.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is a good time to take a stand on an issue that you may have been vacillating about lately, Leo. People will lose confidence in you if you
    can't seem to make up your mind. What they don't realize is that you've
    been working overtime to process all the information. Now it's time to
    express orally what you've discovered mentally.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today is one of those days in which you will be bursting at the seams to
    share big news with your friends, Virgo. Perhaps you just received an
    important package or piece of information and you can't wait to spread
    the news. Be careful about who might be lurking around, however, because
    there could be others listening in. They may not necessarily be acting in
    your best interests.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your reluctance to speak could get you in trouble today, Libra. You may hesitate to share what you know for fear of what others might think.
    You should realize that you're using this as an excuse to hide what's
    really just selfishness. Share your knowledge with others and you will
    be amazed at the knowledge that comes back to you in return. Keep in mind
    that you may need to wait for it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There may be a great tension between you and someone older today,
    Scorpio. Perhaps there's someone who's adopting a sort of "parent knows best" personality that's starting to annoy you. Take a breather. Realize that this person isn't being critical or judgmental but just giving you advice. You should open your eyes and understand that this advice could be very useful.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There's apt to be a comfortable feeling about today that should make you feel quite secure and nurtured, Sagittarius. Perhaps you're feeling protected by
    a strong force, maybe an internal one, that's reminding you that as long as
    you stay within the lines, everything will be fine. There's a familiarity
    to things that will make it easy for you to navigate any rough waters.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You could feel like a rat in a maze today, Capricorn. Walls and long,
    narrow corridors take you around corners and through doorways, yet there's
    no indication that you're going in the right direction. Instead of wandering aimlessly, stop and ask for help. You might not have noticed that if you
    look up, there are knowledgeable beings there who are willing to give you advice based on their lofty perspective.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +9C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, October 03, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, October 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Get on the fast track and use your powerful words and creative mind to make quick decisions that are mindful yet spontaneous. If you get in a pinch
    today, Aquarius, don't worry about it. Simply relax, take a deep breath,
    and let your intuition guide you to the right path. Instead of wasting
    your energy thrashing helplessly in the water, call for help.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Start the day with some vigorous yoga and then some meditation to help clear your mind, Pisces. Stretch your body and get the blood flowing through all
    of your limbs. Once your blood is flowing, your mind will get moving. Before
    it gets too far into its noisy routine, take the opportunity to maintain
    a quiet, serene state while you clear out the static and set forth your
    goals for the day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Do something for the community today, Aries, and really consider how
    your talents and skills can best be put to work. Consider volunteering at
    a school or library. Donate blood or help the elderly. Whatever you do,
    smile knowing that you're making direct contact with friends who need your assistance. Instead of just complaining about the way things are going,
    take a proactive role in leading the way toward a more philanthropic world.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you're having trouble tackling a giant problem, Taurus, don't get discouraged or overwhelmed. They key for you is to break things down
    into smaller chunks, analyze them, and figure out their role within the
    greater whole. You will find that by taking things one step at a time,
    any problem you encounter will be infinitely easier to overcome than you
    may have thought at first.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It may seem like everyone around you is happy and getting what they want
    while you're stuck in the trenches, Gemini. Don't compare yourself to other people and make judgments based on outside appearances. The truth of the
    matter is that they're most likely only looking at the immediate future
    and experiencing short-term pleasures. You, however, have your sights set
    on the long-term and will probably be much better off.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Imagination and fantasy play a big part in your thinking today, Cancer, and
    you shouldn't hesitate to embrace this frame of mind. There's a great deal
    of power to be drawn from your sense of freedom to explore and dream. Your thinking is more of a higher consciousness now. You should take advantage
    of this lofty perspective to see things from a neutral viewpoint.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Engage more of your rational mind today, Leo. If your mind continues on
    its track into a fantasy world, you might consider enlisting the help of
    people who can help you bring some discipline to your situation. For you,
    the general feeling of the day is likely to be that the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak. Let others help you get inspired to get out of lazy mode.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Suppose you were someone else for a day, Virgo. How would it feel to be
    treated the way you normally treat other people? This is a good time to
    put yourself in someone else's shoes and experience life through their
    eyes. By doing this, you're apt to become more conscious of your own
    actions and the effect of those actions on the people around you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today your thoughts may turn to fashion and the different ways in which you
    can improve your wardrobe. Don't be afraid to create a look that reflects
    your true inner spirit. Deck yourself in external splendor to illustrate
    the many different colors and layers that you carry on the inside.
    Don't hesitate to pick up a fashion magazine at the grocery store.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The amazing thing about your nature is that, like a good politician, you
    have just the right tone of voice and catch phrase for every situation. You
    can put on your smile and charm and talk your way out of just about any
    pickle you get into. Embrace this incredible gift, but make sure that your overall goals are noble as opposed to self-serving or vengeful.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're apt to get the feeling that the grass is greener on the other side
    of the fence today, Sagittarius. Try not to get too hung up on this. Either make the effort to go where the landscape looks richer and more fruitful
    or stay where you are. The key to true happiness is to make sure that regardless of where you end up, you enjoy the spot where you are.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your mind may wander to a fantasyland full of castles, wizards, and magic dragons today, Capricorn. You could find that you're putting yourself in
    the robes of a beautiful or handsome figure in a tall tower who's waiting
    for the perfect mate to come along. Observe the fanciful scenario you've created and see how the symbols and characters connect with your real
    life. Your imagination is trying to tell you something.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +9C, UV Index: 2
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, October 04, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, October 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    An unexpected package could arrive, possibly shipped from far away. The circumstances could be rather strange. Friends or relatives that you
    might not expect could suddenly call or text, and you could an hour or
    more catching up. This can be very gratifying, Aquarius, but don't wear yourself out. You'll have a good time no matter what you talk about.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might strategize ways to make a little extra money to prepare
    to move ahead with your life and ambitions. This might be in conjunction
    with your significant other or some close friends. Browsing online shops
    might result in impulse purchases, as gifts or perhaps for yourself. In
    the evening, plan some time alone with your partner or go on your favorite dating app and look for one if you're single.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your naturally passionate nature should be more aroused than usual today. The festive atmosphere around you gives rise to warm, intimate feelings that
    bring friends and couples closer together, Aries, so prepare for some
    good times and excitement in the home tonight, if possible. Optimism and enthusiasm should fill the air. You will feel secure and comfortable yet crackling with ardor. Go for it!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An intense card, email, or phone call could come from a sibling or other relative today. Perhaps this is a good chance to patch up an old quarrel with this person, but don't be tempted to start another! Emotions are running
    high now, Taurus, and it wouldn't take much to set someone off. You might
    want to go out and do a little shopping but be careful. Traffic could be bad.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Contact with a friend's may have to be delayed, and this might worry you. It will be necessary to make a special effort to get almost anything done today, Gemini. You could have some urgent chores to complete, but the streets and stores may be full of impatient people. Relax, breathe deeply, and summon
    every bit of energy you have. You don't want to put anything off now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A love relationship could take on a higher and more spiritual aspect during this period, creating a desire for your souls to bond. The planetary
    atmosphere brings you closer together, and you may experience a closer
    sense of intimacy. You two might spend time with mutual friends today, if possible, enjoying yourselves, but at the same time anxious to be alone.
    Bask in the glow.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The planetary energy might find you responding to a sudden sense of
    inspiration that arouses your creativity. You may feel an unexpected urge
    to write, paint, draw, or compose some music. You may want to sequester yourself, which could cause some problems with friends and family members
    who want to be on close contact with you. Don't ignore this impetus,
    Leo. As you know, inspiration can vanish as quickly as it comes.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You've been very busy, professionally and socially, and now you're probably longing for a romantic encounter. If you're currently involved, you should schedule some time alone with the special person in your life. If you aren't involved, don't be surprised if someone new appears on the scene. You
    could fall in love at first sight or an old friend could suddenly look different to you. Make sure you look your best!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're likely to want to spend some time alone with your partner today,
    Libra, but with the current planetary influences at play, either you or your honey's career concerns could get in the way. An unexpected opportunity
    needs to be explored right away, so you might not be able to spend any
    time together now. Contact with friends could also prove frustrating since everyone is busy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A co-worker might be away, and this could increase the amount of work
    that you have to do, causing strain and upset, especially if you aren't familiar with the work. Don't try to do it all at once. A distant family
    member you haven't heard from for a while could phone out of the blue,
    and you could spend a happy half hour catching up.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Warm and sensitive by nature, Sagittarius, today you could feel especially sensual. Sex and romance are likely to be on your mind. Romantic novels
    and movies may seem especially appealing now, as could cozy beds and
    warm baths. Plan a romantic evening with the special person in your life,
    if possible. Perhaps a special candlelit dinner at home.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A minor accident might take place at home today, Capricorn, but don't
    worry. It will ultimately provoke more laughter than harm. You will
    want the place to look great, Capricorn, because a close friend or lover
    could come to visit. An intimate conversation or passionate encounter is indicated. Curb the temptation to indulge in too much food or drink.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +9C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, October 05, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, October 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Be aware that love is likely to wear some sort of disguise today,
    Aquarius. There's something fanciful about the way in which this new romance will manifest, so get ready. Don't think that love always has to be planned
    and calculated. There is a strong sense of spontaneity associated with
    the delicious love interest of the day. Don't dismiss those who don't seem practical or levelheaded enough for you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Make your loved one a romantic dinner tonight, Pisces. Escort him or her
    on an imaginary magic-carpet ride to fantastic places that encourage a
    playful mood and carefree attitude. Consider having a bottle of wine at
    a playground afterward, if possible. Decorate your house with candles and
    burn some incense. Create a mood that will calm the nerves and soothe the
    soul. Your sense of romance is right on target.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    When it comes to romantic relationships, Aries, you might find that you're playing more of a game of hide-and-go-seek than a combined effort toward friendship, trust, and honesty. It could be that you're purposely trying
    to hide in order to test the stamina of your opponent. You might want to
    take a new approach now, one that involves an effort toward connecting
    instead of distancing.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're apt to be somewhat fickle when it comes to love and romance right now, Taurus. The key for you now is freedom. The problem with this mindset is
    that it might be misinterpreted. Your partner may think you simply aren't interested in him or her anymore. Remind your partner that it's OK to love someone while also needing time and space to do things on your own.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be confused when it comes to matters of the heart, Gemini. Perhaps
    you feel cheated when the object of your desire doesn't give you complete attention at all times. The fundamental security of your being is your responsibility, not someone else's. Find a way to incorporate your dreams
    into the dreams of others instead of always working toward goals at opposite sides of the spectrum.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your fairytale imagination of how your romantic life should run is hooking
    you up with many different opportunities, Cancer. Whether you realize it
    or not, the optimal situation you seek is within your grasp. Make sure
    that you aren't trying to manipulate a certain person into becoming the
    person you want him or her to be. If you're unhappy in your relationship, perhaps you need to find someone new.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your dreams work out quite nicely in your head, Leo, but the problem now
    is how to turn them into some sort of real-life scenario. Be careful of
    taking too intellectual of an approach. When it comes to relationships,
    things don't normally happen logically or rationally. You're going to have
    to leave a great deal up to chance, so just learn to deal with things as
    they come.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Love and personal relationships are likely to take on a much dreamier and
    more romantic tone now, Virgo. Your eyes are apt to sparkle as you speak
    or even think of the person you care about the most. The unmistakable glow
    that surrounds you is likely to attract others to your side even if you
    aren't in the market for a romantic relationship right now.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    When it comes to relationships with others, be careful about insisting
    that everything be done only your way, Libra. It could be that you have
    such high expectations of your partner that he or she will never be able
    to live up to your standards. Basically, you're setting the stage for
    failure by demanding that the person for you be of a certain make and model.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your fantasies could come true now, especially when it comes to
    relationships, Scorpio. This could be the moment you've always dreamed
    about, so get ready. The attractive, romantic person in the corner has
    been keeping an eye on you all night. Your blood is pumping faster than
    ever. Remind yourself that all dreams can come true on a day such as today.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    While you normally like all of your romantic relationships to be extremely nurturing and comforting, you may find that this isn't always possible, Sagittarius. There's a disconnect between you and a close partner right now that could be hard to rectify. Time is really the only thing that's likely
    to resolve this sort of problem. Remember that all of your relationships
    can't always go exactly according to plan.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A creative project that you've been working on may be coming to a climactic peak now, Capricorn. Discuss your progress with others and feel free to hold
    an informal critique in order to get honest feedback on your work. A piece of art should stir some sort of reaction inside another person. Consider ways
    in which you can challenge the people around you with your talent.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +8C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, October 06, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, October 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is a fantastic time for you for love and romance, Aquarius, even
    if there's a bit of coolness between you and the person you care about.
    It's possible that there needs to be an element of distance now for you
    to really appreciate the good thing you have. If you aren't involved with someone now, you should find that you're in a good position to make a move toward someone you feel strongly about.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It's one thing to be a friend and it's another to feed someone's ego just to make him or her happy, Pisces. Make sure that you aren't telling someone
    lies just because you know that that is what he or she wants to hear.
    A true friend is someone who is honest at all times, even if it means that
    you may temporarily hurt that person's feelings.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's critical that you not try to gain the love and appreciation of another
    by controlling their decisions, Aries. It's time to let the people around
    you set their own rules and boundaries. Give that special person space to decide what's best, then you can take action accordingly. It may be that
    you discover things about this person that you probably would never have
    known if you called all the shots.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might need to put on the brakes today when it comes to love and
    romance, Taurus. Don't think that this means you have to break off any
    sort relationship that's in the works but realize that you may need to
    take a more realistic approach to how you handle it. The problem is that
    you may be getting so caught up in the fantasy of things that you aren't tending to practicalities.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Things should be going quite well for you today, Gemini, and you will find
    that aspects of your life that may have felt disconnected in the past are finally slipping into place. Have faith that all your painstaking planning
    and organizing is finally going to pay off. This is especially true in love
    and romance. Spend intimate time with a close partner tonight if possible.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Restriction and discipline might not be your forte, Cancer, but realize
    that this may be exactly the type of thing that you need the most. Try not
    to expend your energy in too many directions. Focus and channel your efforts into the things you consider the most important. Make sure that most of your day is spent tending to these things. Have you hugged your loved ones lately?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Appreciate the good things you have today, Leo. Don't let another day go by without really paying homage to the people who've helped you grow along the way. Take a walk. Climb a tree or help a child build a tree house. Connect
    with your spiritual side that finds satisfaction in where you are now
    instead of always feeling a need to search for something bigger and better.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    When it comes to matters of love and romance, you may need to tone things
    down a bit, Virgo. An aggressive approach now may drive your loved one
    further away from you instead of drawing him or her closer. Remember that
    love is a two-way street. Don't just do things the way you'd like to do them. It's crucial that you consider your partner's thoughts and feelings every
    step of the way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may find that your love is incredibly magnetic now, Libra. All you need
    to do is be yourself and suddenly people flock your way. There are terrific opportunities for you to strengthen the bonds you have with the people you
    care about the most. Solidify your relationship with soft romantic words
    and actions. There is an extra sensuality to your mood and actions now.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Consider taking a more conservative approach to your actions today,
    Scorpio, as well as to the way you dress. Others may be rather put off
    by something that comes across as too flashy. Fashion is apt to be a significant concern for you now, which is fine. Don't underestimate the
    power of personal appearance.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Romantic relationships may not exactly be going as well as you'd like, Sagittarius, but don't get discouraged. Hang in there and you will find
    that things eventually come around your way. You may need to strengthen
    your internal sense of confidence, since it's doubtful that you will get
    much support from interactions with the people around you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It could be that you're trying to communicate with someone in a matter regarding love and romance and it simply isn't working. You're apt to feel
    like you need a translator in order to get your message across. Both you
    and your partner need to share responsibility for making sure that the lines
    of communication remain open. Be practical yet sensitive in your approach.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +12C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, October 07, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, October 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're likely now on the brink of completing a major move of some sort. Your first reaction may be to sit in solitary deliberation as you wrestle with
    the pros and cons of each piece of the situation. Try not to overload your
    head with too many details. Look at the overall picture. Perhaps you will
    find the answer you seek on a walk. During that time, you can clear your
    head of unnecessary clutter.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This is one of those days when you will be walking along and all of a
    sudden hear a street performer playing music. Suddenly your feet start to
    move and soon you're dancing. You find yourself boogying down the rest of
    the road. It won't take much to get you grooving. Once you start, it may
    be hard for you to stop. Go with it!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't take things that don't belong to you, Aries. Your penetrating eyes
    are apt to spot things that are easily pocketed, even though you know deep
    down that those things aren't meant for you to keep. Your imagination
    might try to convince you that it's OK to pull such sneaky maneuvers,
    and you may be tempted. Don't deceive yourself.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Try not to think too much about what is "supposed" to happen next,
    Taurus. The truth of the matter is that things don't necessarily work out
    the way they're planned, so don't count on something that has no guarantee
    of coming to fruition. Stick to your own way of doing things and try not
    to get too hung up on the results. The key now is to enjoy the process.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Water your plants today and make sure they're getting enough light,
    Gemini. If you don't have any plants, take this opportunity to go to
    the nursery and pick up a couple for your home or office. Nourish the
    organic things in your life to help remind you of your own roots, which
    are extremely important for you right now. Sink deep into the Earth in
    order to understand the environment around you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're on a roll today, Cancer. Don't let other people's insecurities or shallow understanding about an issue get in the way of your progress. There's
    a distinct advantage to the way you approach things. Feel free to exert
    your will on those who need strong direction. If you're confident about
    the answer, don't be shy about saying so. If people don't like the way
    you're leading, they don't need to follow.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be wondering whose shoulder you should cry on, Leo. Usually yours
    is the shoulder that everyone else likes to use. The collar of your shirt
    is probably soaking wet by now, thanks to all the tears that have spilled on you. Your compassion for others is definitely one of your biggest strengths
    but be aware of the fact that it can also be one of your biggest weaknesses.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your coals have been smoldering for a while, and there is a great deal
    of smoke pouring from your blackened embers, Virgo. The good news is that there's apt to be a great gust of wind today, acting as the catalyst that ignites the flames. You've provided the heat and the fuel. The missing
    element of air is finally coming your way, so be prepared. The fire is
    apt to heat up quickly.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Be wary of big promises today, Libra. This could be one of those days when people are more likely to take a gamble because they're unrealistic about
    how things are going to work out. Don't be surprised if the stock market
    jumps as a result of the dollar signs that people imagine. It will be hard
    for others to resist when people receive promises of a big payoff.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Feel free to go shopping online for yourself, Scorpio. While you're at it,
    you might as well pick out some things for others, too. You're apt to be in tune with the pleasant spirit of the people around you. On the other hand,
    if they're being especially negative or cranky, don't hesitate to just go elsewhere. Unfortunately, that may be easier said than done.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're likely to gravitate toward those who can put on a show and carry
    your imagination to a far-off land today, Sagittarius. Look for this
    quality in others instead of turning to the TV to satisfy this need. If
    you aren't careful, you may end up a couch potato all day, without talking
    to anyone. Take note that real life is much more enriching that anything
    that could come over the airwaves.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Connect with those who carry you upward and encourage your fantasies today instead of those who try to bring you down to reality, Capricorn. There's a need for you to shine more brightly than usual, and there's no reason why
    this wish shouldn't be granted. Everything will work out splendidly for
    you as long as you align yourself with admirable people and noble causes,
    so go for it.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +10C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, October 08, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may feel like you desperately need something, Aquarius, yet you're
    unsure as to what it is exactly. Someone close to you may be trying to fit
    the missing puzzle piece into place, but this may be next to impossible
    if it's unclear which piece is actually missing. This difficult situation
    may lead to frustration if you aren't careful. Feel free to admit that
    you feel powerless. Don't be ashamed to say so.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may want to remedy every situation by talking things out or taking
    some sort of action, Pisces. Be careful of making any sudden moves before
    you really understand what you're feeling. One minute you may be full
    of exuberance and ready to launch into a new project, but once you start
    moving forward, you're suddenly feeling insecure. Take this resistance as
    a sign that maybe this isn't the best time to move forward.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Compliments are apt to feel like gold to you, Aries. There's nothing you
    need more than love and affection on a day like this. Beware that you may
    end up as putty in the hands of whoever showers you with flattery. You
    may also resent this need for attention and not be willing to receive it graciously. This isn't the right attitude. Receive accolades with open
    arms and offer an equal amount of affection in return.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you find that there's tension in a close relationship, you may get
    the feeling that this isn't the right partner for you, Taurus. Don't automatically assume that the problem lies in your partner. Difficult situations involving the need for love and affection are likely to emerge regardless of the situation or the company. Instead of running to the next person, take the time to work things out.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    When tension builds, your sense of security is likely to falter, Gemini. You may have a hard time dealing with other people. You could be tempted to
    turn to food or alcohol for inner nourishment. Curing emotional needs by indulging this way may temper your ailment for a while, but it isn't the solution to the overall problem. Work out the bugs with the people involved, and don't try to do it on an empty stomach.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You might have difficulty expressing your needs, Cancer. The bottom line
    is that there's no right or wrong way, although it may be difficult to see
    this on a day like today. Deep-seated insecurity may make expressing yourself difficult. At a time when you feel like you should politely take things in,
    you really may be feeling like you want to run from the people around you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Although you may find it hard to express yourself in some ways, Leo, the
    one avenue that's completely wide open today is art. Difficult tension
    is laced with emotional insecurity, making it hard for you to express
    your feelings. If you feel that this is the case, find some other means
    of expressing these emotions. A large canvas and some paints will work
    quite nicely.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might be feeling rather insecure when it comes to your peace of mind, Virgo. Because of the insecurity, it may seem like your relationships are
    on the rocks. At the same time, having problems in your relationships is
    making you less likely to trust these close partners with your insecure feelings. Talking about your emotions in an honest manner will help you
    break out of this difficult situation.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may feel more reserved than usual, Libra, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. You may be feeling apprehensive about expressing yourself fully, even in the most intimate situations. Be careful about
    sending messages that suggest that you don't want to be around others.
    People are apt to think they're to blame for your reluctance. It's fine
    to be a recluse, but don't completely alienate yourself in the process.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Be careful about being too boisterous and chipper around people who don't exactly feel the same way, Scorpio. Be sensitive to other people's feelings, and don't make jokes that are too harsh for the occasion. No one appreciates
    a wise guy. There's a somber mood to the day that's likely to form a dark
    cloud by late afternoon. Do your best to be the ray of sunshine and not
    the bolt of lightning.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your mood should be quite good for the most part, Sagittarius, but there's
    apt to be some tension in your relationships. Romantic endeavors aren't
    exactly in your favor now, so don't force an issue that seems too difficult
    to resolve. Find comfort in your internal warmth. By taking the time to
    nurture yourself, you will inevitably have more love to give to the people around you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's a deep longing to be comforted and reassured, Capricorn. You may
    want nothing more than for someone fix you some warm, homemade soup.
    If this is the case, feel free to call and ask a good friend to come over,
    if possible. Don't continue to play the part of the strong, independent
    one if this isn't the way you feel. If you aren't honest about your needs,
    it will be impossible for anyone to know how to fulfill them.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +5C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, October 09, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, October 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Are things getting a little bit crazy, Aquarius? Too many tasks and too
    many people vying for your attention could have your nerves stretched as
    taut as violin strings. Try to get outside for a while. Treat yourself to
    a nice takeout lunch or do a little online shopping. Take a good long nap. Whatever seems so urgent isn't worth sacrificing your peace of mind. Try
    to stay focused!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A rush of creative inspiration could take you temporarily away from your
    social life today, Pisces. At some point you could be working as if there
    were no tomorrow, perhaps worrying that you will forget it if you don't
    get it all down now. It's no use telling you to slow down. Be sure to
    keep sufficient snacks on hand and do take occasional breaks. Work hard
    and good luck!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A small impromptu party may take place at your house today when some
    unexpected but welcome visitors turn up at your door. Follow current
    protocol. Expect the conversation to alternate between lots of laughs and discussion of some pretty serious subjects. The gathering could continue
    well into the night if you let it, but don't let it continue past the
    point of enjoyment. You can always do it again another time.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Is a new neighbor moving in nearby, Taurus? This person could come from a
    very interesting locale, so you might want to get to know him or her. Don't expect to be able to do this today. This person may be in and out throughout the afternoon and too busy with settling in. Drop some cookies off some
    time over the next few days, however. You will be glad you did.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Have you been spending too much lately, Gemini? Today you could be feeling
    the effects of it. You may have to wait to make a purchase that you've
    wanted for a long time, and this could be frustrating. Don't worry about
    it, though. You will get through this unscathed, and the item will still
    be in the store when you have money again. Relax.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your sweetheart may seem upset today and unlikely to want to talk about
    it, Cancer. This could prove frustrating for you since you don't like
    to be kept in the dark. Take care to avoid giving in to the temptation
    to push. This won't make your partner any more likely to share, and it
    could drive a wedge between you. Just hang in there and let your friend
    talk when the time is right.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Vague aches and pains could have you feeling a little under the weather,
    Leo. You may not be able to discern why you have these pains, since there's
    no apparent reason. Don't assume the worst. Your condition is probably
    just due to a little intensified nerve strain and extra stress. Take it
    easy and relax today. Go back to your usual routine tomorrow.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Expect some delays, upsets, and unexpected turns when it comes to romance today, Virgo. Jealousy may rear its ugly head, as you may at some point
    get the impression that your beloved is noticing someone else. Bear in
    mind that there's a strong chance that these impressions are illusory,
    and that the truth may be totally different from the way things seem. Take
    care to stay focused. Reserve judgment until you know the facts.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Changes may be taking place on the home front, Libra, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love
    of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step
    at a time, with your mind focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    An unexpected and perhaps not altogether welcome call could come your way today, Scorpio. It could come from someone you don't particularly care
    for or someone who has some disconcerting news to report. Whichever it is,
    you will probably just have to deal with it. However, you may feel about
    the caller or what he or she has to report, you will probably consider it important to have the conversation.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Worries about money that may have preoccupied you for the past day or so
    could prove unfounded, Sagittarius. This should come as a real relief to
    you, although it may be difficult to grasp at first. Your mind is still
    getting in the way of accepting it. Go over your correspondence and bank records as many times as you want. The answer should be the same - all is better than you thought.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A temporary separation from your romantic partner could have you agitated, Capricorn. Are you worried that your friend has forgotten you? This is
    probably an overreaction, but your insecurities are getting the better of
    you. Find a distraction. Have faith. Phone calls from your friend should
    prove reassuring. Perhaps the only way to get past this is to stay busy
    until your partner returns.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, October 10, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, October 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A lot of paperwork might need attention today, Aquarius. You might throw
    a lot of your focus and energy into getting it all done. Stimulating conversations with colleagues could keep your mind occupied so you avoid boredom. You could take a walk at the end of the day since you're apt to encounter so much new information that you will want to clear your head
    in order to absorb it all.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expanding your mind could be of interest today, Pisces. You might decide
    to plan a trip to a place you've always wanted to visit, if possible. Or
    you could decide to go back to school for an advanced degree. Either way, you're likely to spend the day considering the idea and doing a lot of research. At some point you will want to get in a workout to rid your
    system of some of the day's tension.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Generally, Aries, you tend to be interested in what makes everything tick,
    from the human mind to the workings of the Universe to religion. Today that interest could be piqued by something you read or hear. You might want to delve into a field of interest and learn whatever you can about it. You could have some insights that are as valid as anyone else's, so write them down!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Stimulating conversations could take place with partners of all sorts,
    Taurus, from business to exercise to romantic. Some new and useful
    information could come your way that you will want to explore further. This
    is a great day to execute legal papers or enter into any kind of agreement or commitment. It's a good time to sign up for an online class or workshop. Make good use of the energies of the day.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some stimulating discussions could take place today. Your energy is likely
    to be very high, Gemini. You may want to throw yourself into your work, particularly if it involves paperwork. You might also want to get in a
    workout, try your hand at writing, or read about the latest discoveries concerning optimal health. Books, magazines, and the Internet could prove especially useful.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might decide to do some writing, Cancer. This could be job related, but it's more likely personal, either correspondence with friends and colleagues or creative. Some stimulating discussion could take place with friends, romantic partners, or children that could set your mind buzzing
    with new ideas. This is a great day to attend or participate in a solo sport.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some people who share your interests could call you today. You might want
    to take a walk while on the phone with each other, but you will probably
    get into some stimulating debates. Don't be surprised if you both talk at
    once! New books that you will want to read could come to your attention. In
    the evening, stream some movies on whatever subject you've discussed.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your mind will be especially quick and active today, Virgo, and you're
    likely to want to spend much of the day involved in intellectual activities like reading, writing, or teaching. Communication with others should
    be a powerful part of your day, so you will probably spend time on the
    phone. You will want to write down many of the ideas you hear. You will
    find most of them interesting and want to remember them.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might decide to tackle your financial paperwork and get it all
    done. This is a great day for that, Libra, although you might be a little
    too ambitious and not get as much done as you'd like. This is a good time
    to make use of any writing talent, because ideas could be coming to you
    thick and fast. Expect many of letters or phone calls in this busy and stimulating day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your mind is usually quick, agile, and hungry for information,
    Scorpio. Today it's likely to be even more so than usual. Your curiosity
    is high, and you could go to unusual lengths to satisfy it. You might also
    feel particularly energetic and want to get in a good workout. This is a
    good idea. Exercise can clear your head and give you a better perspective
    on new ideas and information.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You generally tend to be sensitive and intuitive, Sagittarius, but today
    you might be even more so. Reading about people from other places and times might cause you to tune into their thoughts and feelings and receive new insight into human nature. Creative projects, particularly writing, benefit from this. If you want to remember what you come up with, write it down.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A virtual group meeting or social event could bring up so many new
    and interesting ideas that you may not be able to digest them all,
    Capricorn. Some new friends who share your interests might want to continue
    the discussions. Your mind is especially quick today. You could well grasp unusual concepts that usually don't interest you. But watch your step -
    you might be so preoccupied that you could have an accident.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, October 11, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, October 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A book or movie about a foreign country could capture your imagination
    and make that country seem especially appealing, Aquarius. You might toy
    with the idea of taking a trip there in the future. If you're serious,
    it might be a good idea to start making your tentative plans. You're in
    a particularly practical frame of mind and have the enthusiasm to do it.
    Have fun browsing through travel brochures and maps.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone close who owes you money might suddenly turn up and repay you,
    Pisces. This might be a surprise, but you will be glad to get it. You may
    want to blow some of it by taking a friend out to lunch or buying someone
    a gift. Some beautiful dreams could haunt your sleep tonight, perhaps to
    the point where you feel frustrated when you wake up. Write them down.
    They're saying something about you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you should feel especially warm and loving toward everyone close to
    you, Aries, particularly a love partner. You may want to spend some time
    with friends or family, if possible, or schedule a romantic evening with
    your significant other - or both. If you have paperwork to take care of,
    this is the day to do it. You're particularly practical and feeling good,
    so the drudgery won't get you down.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You should be looking especially attractive today and glowing with robust health, Taurus. You're apt to feel warm and loving, particularly toward
    small animals. If you've considered adopting a pet, this is a good day to
    do it. Business, work, and money matters continue to go well. You should
    be in a pretty good space. This frame of mind should last you a long time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you should be feeling especially warm and loving toward close friends
    and children, Gemini. You could also especially appreciate the arts. You
    might attend a play or concert or decide to try your hand at one of the
    fine arts yourself. In the evening, go out and enjoy your friends' company,
    if possible. Celebrate just being together in whatever way you can!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might decide to buy a plant for every room in your house or plant
    a garden, Cancer. If the weather is good, you might visit a nursery or botanical garden. You may not normally be attracted to plants and gardens,
    but today both beauty and nature seem especially appealing. Make the most
    of this, however temporary. Your house will look that much more beautiful because of it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A warm and loving communication could come to you today from someone
    close. This could be an email, call, or even a gift of some kind. This could make your day, Leo, and you will probably pass whatever good feelings you
    draw from it to other friends and family members. Take a walk around your neighborhood and say hello to whomever you meet. It will make you feel
    even better!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A very welcome sum of extra money could come your way today, Virgo, possibly out of the blue. You might want to put this money to work for you in some
    way, perhaps investing it or purchasing supplies or materials for personal projects. You should feel especially positive where your resources are concerned, and confident in your ability to earn.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you may feel especially warm and loving toward just about everybody in your circle, Libra, even those you usually find irritating. You could also
    be looking especially attractive and feeling more confident than usual. You might even feel like shopping for new clothes. Artistic ideas could flow freely, and you might think of different ways to put them to work for you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Someone you care about but haven't seen for a long time could suddenly
    contact you. You'd usually love this, Scorpio, but today you could be too caught up in projects of your own to want to put them aside. But you will
    have a lot of fun with this person, and you might even interest him or
    her in your project. After finishing your work, get some delicious takeout.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A goal that you've been working on could finally be reached, Sagittarius. A group of friends you might not have seen for a long time could
    schedule a small get-together that you will be all too glad to attend,
    if possible. Expect to have a lot of fun exchanging news and ideas with
    these people. You will probably feel particularly happy to see them. You
    won't want to let so much time go by before you reconnect again.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you could talk to some interesting new people, Capricorn. Among them
    is at least one person who shares a lot of your interests and could become
    a close friend. The joy you receive from communicating with these people
    is likely to spill over into the rest of your day. You could be warmer
    and more congenial with everyone else in your life, too. In the evening,
    have some fun.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, October 12, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, October 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Career and financial success might have paved the way for you to fulfill
    some of your fondest dreams, Aquarius. Perhaps you've wanted to return to college and get an advanced degree, explore new cultures or try writing
    and publishing. Whatever it is, your schedule should be freer and more
    flexible than ever, so this is the time to go for it. Start planning today!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Now that you feel more secure regarding your business and financial
    situations, Pisces, you might be looking for ways to feed your spiritual
    and metaphysical interests. Your intuitive and psychic abilities should
    be operating at a very high level, causing you to experience some vivid
    dreams and visions and receive the insights that come from them. Books
    and online lectures might prove especially enlightening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Just about every department of life should be going very well for you now, Aries. Business, finances, and partnerships are likely on their way to
    success, while personal relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic
    ones, should also be more rewarding. You might be thinking of expanding
    your horizons through new enterprises or study. Don't be shy - go for it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Whatever you're working on at the moment, Taurus, whether business
    related, personal projects, or volunteer work, it's likely to bring you increased satisfaction on many levels. You're enjoying what you do, making
    a difference, and interacting with new friends. Your health continues
    to glow. You may feel as if nothing can stop you. Watch out for minor
    upsets, but nothing that will burst your bubble.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's likely that your personal and creative horizons are expanding,
    Gemini. Your or another's artistic enterprises might pay off big today. You could be introduced to people who prove to be valuable contacts as well
    as new friends. Your love relationships are going well. Your new feeling
    of enthusiasm and self-confidence certainly doesn't hurt!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If possible, a get-together of some kind could take place today either at
    your home or the home of someone close to you, Cancer. It could even turn
    into more than just a fun time. You might become involved in conversations
    with people who become valuable business or social contacts. Expect to
    have a wonderful time no matter what you do today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Expect many advantageous changes to take place in your community, Leo. New businesses could open their doors, interesting neighbors could move in,
    or some necessary repairs could finally get done. You might spend a lot
    of time in the car or on the phone and spreading the news. An exciting proposition may come to you or someone close to you through a letter,
    email, or phone call.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You've probably had few periods when business and finance have gone well
    for you, Virgo. Now this trend seems to be coming to a head. Today you
    might start or close some type of agreement that will make a big difference
    to your finances. Your money situation should not only improve but also stabilize at a level higher than it's ever been. As long as you're diligent, this growth should continue.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You tend to be practical and businesslike by nature, Libra, but the
    tremendous growth you've experienced may increase your desire to be as
    sensible and efficient as possible in order to continue this trend. You're feeling upbeat and positive. You're likely to continue to feel this way. The only downside is that you're probably going to be working very hard. You
    will like the results, though, so go for it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You probably think of yourself as a curious intellectual, Scorpio, but
    a recent expansion in career and finance has brought out talents for
    business and money that you didn't know you had. This has been a time not
    only of success and good fortune but also of learning more about yourself. Don't fall back on old fears or underestimate yourself. You're capable of accomplishing more than you know.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your natural warmth is enhanced by a new sense of self- confidence, Sagittarius. Whichever kind of group activities and social events are
    possible might bring you into touch with people who prove to be valuable business contacts. Whatever goals you've attempted to reach may finally
    show signs of materializing, possibly through the efforts of others who
    believe in you. This should be a very fortunate and enjoyable day for
    you. Make the most of it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you might pinch yourself to see if what you're experiencing is real, Capricorn. Success and good fortune are coming thick and fast, with only
    minor setbacks and irritations to complicate matters. Business, money,
    and career success are likely to be at an all-time high, although you might find yourself feeling a little fearful of what comes next. Don't worry
    about that. Go with the flow.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, October 13, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, October 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension. Did
    you have some intellectual disagreement? In any case, it looks as though your self-confidence is stronger than ever right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have been keeping to yourself, Aquarius. But
    try and do it gently, especially where family is concerned.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It seems that your sensitivity is in slight conflict with your actions,
    Pisces. You continue to go through the daily motions and do what you planned
    on doing, but it seems as though your heart is no longer in it. Don't ask
    why. It's just that you've been working hard and thinking hard lately.
    You've reached your limit and it's time to rest.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may have been spending or saving too much money, Aries. It's clear
    that a rebalancing is in order if you're to find pleasure rather than frustration. It's a curious phenomenon, as though you've lost contact
    with your body. Yet it's in your body where you will ultimately find your balance. You certainly won't find it in your head!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Perhaps you've been impatiently waiting for the moment to jump into new adventures after your meditation during the last few months. Know that
    the moment has almost arrived! You now have the strategy, objective, and
    means at your disposal to succeed. Just a bit more work remains to be done. Gather your strength and get ready to act with renewed vigor.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you find yourself tired and irritable at the moment, Gemini, you should
    know that this is normal. You may have had a few weeks that were a little
    too studious. Would you like to continue on the same path? Be careful
    that your ambitions don't lead you to serious physical exhaustion, Gemini. You'll be even more frustrated if you get sick. So be wise and take care
    of your basic needs.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is going to be a good moment to look elsewhere, Cancer. You should
    do just as the artist does when he has worked too long on a painting, which
    is to take a step back. You need to clear your head. Go for a walk. Call a mentor. Text with an artist friend. Breaks are never easy for you, but do
    it anyway. Afterwards you'll think it was the best thing for you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations
    or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But
    in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs
    and follow your own path.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You took off like a bullet a few days ago, making great progress in a short amount of time. Now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining
    all of your energy. Reflecting on the events of the past few days, it's
    obvious that you were somewhat reckless in your headlong pursuit of your
    goals. Don't give up, Virgo. Rethink your strategy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There is some likelihood that you will be haunted by thoughts of your love
    life today, Libra. Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain secret realms of your relationship, yet you aren't sure how to communicate
    this to your mate. Perhaps you're still testing the waters, waiting until
    you know how you feel. In any case, you might decide to proceed today.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today, more than ever, you will yearn to escape the daily routine,
    Scorpio. You thirst for new sights and sounds, new faces and new places,
    but you know you must juggle your desires with professional and domestic obligations. It isn't always easy. Trust your imagination to find a way
    to settle this conflict.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're finally on the mend, Sagittarius. The minor ailments that may have dragged you down lately are beginning to disappear. You're about to regain
    all of your physical energy. If you overindulge, your energy level is likely
    to plummet once again. If nothing else, you will have learned a valuable
    lesson about the importance of moderation, especially now. Don't overdo it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Do you feel a little under the weather today, Capricorn? It's quite possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately. It takes
    time to recover from such storms. As you know, the work itself isn't what
    gets you down. It's worry about the future that drains your energy. Give yourself a break today. Take some time for rest and recuperation.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, October 14, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, October 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A friend could tell you about an exciting new person for whom you feel a very powerful physical attraction when you see their picture, Aquarius. Your first conversation could prove exciting but stay calm and remain objective. If
    your feelings are too obvious, he or she could well lose interest before anything has time to develop! Just be yourself, enjoy the discussion,
    and have fun. That's all you need do at this point.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some exciting career developments could have you flying high today,
    Pisces. Perhaps you've just reached a long-term goal or managed to get a
    break that tells you that your goals are now within reach. Whichever it is, you're likely to be on the receiving end of some congratulations, perhaps
    from unexpected people. More income could also be in the offing. Whatever
    it is, you've earned it!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Tonight, you might decide to attend a small group activity of some kind,
    if possible, perhaps one concerned with philosophical or spiritual matters, Aries. Everyone who attends is apt to feel very strongly about the subject,
    so discussions could prove lively and exciting. Your mind could be spinning like a top when you leave, so if you can, walk home so you can clear your
    head. Write down your thoughts. You will want to remember them.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your financial situation could be greatly boosted by a development you
    hadn't expected, Taurus. Perhaps some investments suddenly skyrocket in
    value, or maybe the homes in your neighborhood are suddenly worth more
    than you thought. Whichever it is, don't try to cash in on it right now. Chances are the value of your investment will continue to increase. Hang
    in there and watch it grow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A legal matter that may have been pending for a while could finally be completed today, Gemini. It's very likely to go in your favor. Therefore,
    if you've been sitting on a contract, agreement, or other document that
    needs your signature, read it carefully before you sign. You will probably
    get what you want out of the transaction. By the way, this is also a great
    day to get married!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your physical energy is likely to be high today, Cancer, so you might not
    feel like staying indoors. Take care of your body first, and get in a good workout. You may also want to explore, perhaps by driving out of town for
    the day or going to an amusement park, if possible. You may not feel this energetic very often, so it's best to make the most of it when you can.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An exciting rush of physical passion could hit you today when you're
    introduced to an interesting new person, Leo. Take care not to wear it
    on your face. You generally don't like to reveal that much of yourself! Besides, you won't want this person to think you're too obvious. Try to
    stay focused and remain objective. Then consider whether it's a good idea
    to pursue this attraction.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Chores that need to be done around the house could be at the top of your priority list today, Virgo. A female visitor, perhaps your mother, could
    come by and making your place look great will preoccupy you. Don't do any
    more work than you absolutely have to. You won't want to be too tired when
    she arrives.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you may have some important phone calls to make, Libra, and want to
    get them out of the way before doing anything else. You will definitely
    get your message across because your communicative abilities are very
    strong. Words combine with feelings to create understanding between you
    and just about anyone, whether you're talking on the phone or writing.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Good news about money could create some excitement in your household today, Scorpio. One of your goals might be to invest some of the funds in fixing up your living situation. You might even consider moving or purchasing a new
    home. You may kick around a lot of ideas about how to spend the windfall,
    but don't go too crazy. Hold on to some of that money as a nest egg.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    An intriguing new neighbor, perhaps someone you're attracted to, could
    move in near you, Sagittarius. This might prove very exciting. You will probably strike up a conversation and enjoy talking with him or her.
    Whether you choose to pursue this attraction depends on both of your
    current situations, but at the very least, you will make a new friend.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your intuitive abilities should be operating at a very high level today, Capricorn. You might inadvertently receive some positive psychic messages
    about your future, and this could prove very exciting. These insights
    could be a source of inspiration that propels you to accomplish wonders
    in some aspect of your life. This could turn out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy! Make the most of it.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 2 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't be surprised if the old-fashioned, practical solution doesn't make
    the grade today, Aquarius. Probably the new devices and special electronic shortcuts will be the most impressive thing going. This is the classic
    case of the new, improved version replacing the old, slow one. You need
    to upgrade your system sooner or later, so you might as well do it now.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be able to zip through chores like lightning today, Pisces. There's
    an added swiftness to your step that helps in every one of your
    endeavors. You might want to engage in just about every activity except
    work. This is completely understandable. You will feel much better if you
    get your work done first and then socialize. That plan will produce the
    best results.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're likely to go to extremes today on many levels, Aries. The problem
    is that you may encounter opposition everywhere you turn. There's an
    incredible stubbornness to the day that is evident in everyone's mood, especially yours. Keep in mind that if you want cooperation and resolution,
    you will need to compromise. Try to see other people's needs as well.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Grab hold of the day's boisterous energy and run with it, Taurus. This
    is a good time to kick up your heels and have fun. You might find that
    people are a bit more high-strung than usual, so you may need to use your ability to go with the flow. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed
    others will be when they're around you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might be frustrated by the fact that people are doing things hastily
    today, Gemini. You might have to accept the fast-paced energy of the day
    just so you can keep up. Don't worry if you engage in activities that
    aren't carefully planned beforehand. You will find spontaneous frivolity
    to be extremely rewarding on a day like this. Expect the unexpected.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    People may come into conflict with you today, Cancer. More than likely,
    the issue at hand will have to do with others being a bit too focused on themselves, while you're more concerned with the collective. Try to be a
    bit more understanding as people demand more of your attention. There's
    an unmistakable passion in the air that will grant you more zest for life.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Jump-start the day with a smile, Leo. Your generosity and sincerity won't go unnoticed on a day like this. People will probably need more attention than usual, so take the time to attend to the emotions of those you love. The
    key is to not let yourself get emotionally drained in the process. Fill yourself up with the lively, fun-loving energy of the day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There could be an unexpected tension coming out of nowhere today, Virgo. More than likely your emotions will be running at a high level. It could be that your aggressiveness and assertiveness start to annoy others. People might
    snap suddenly. Don't be surprised if things come without much warning. There
    is a fast-paced feeling to the day that will be hard to ignore.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your slow and steady approach might be met with a bit of opposition today, Libra. People could be demanding of your time and energy. It's one of
    those days in which the people behind you in line at a coffee shop might
    give you dirty looks if you take too long to make up your mind.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a terrific day for you, Scorpio, and you will find that the fast
    pace of the day suits you well for what you need to get done. There's
    a general feeling of grandeur in the air that reminds you to take your
    time when getting dressed. Feel free to go all out today. Put on a lavish display wherever you go.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Do your best to keep up today, Sagittarius. Things might move quickly. You
    may be raising your hand and waiting politely for someone to call on
    you. This is one of those days in which other people will be so concerned
    about themselves that they probably won't notice you at all. If you want
    to take your turn, you should probably just stand up and be proactive.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a good time to take control of the situation, Capricorn. You've
    done your preparation and now it's time to put it to good use. You're about
    to face your enemy eye to eye. Have confidence in your training. There's
    an extra alertness to you that helps you fight any battles. You have a
    strong awareness of the energy around you, so use this to your advantage.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, October 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Answers may not be crystal clear today, Aquarius. They probably won't be
    laid out in a neat and organized manner. Get out in the open air and join friends for a long bike ride. Fly a kite or feel the wind blow through
    your hair on top of a mountain peak. The answer is flowing through the
    air around you. Stop looking down at the ground for the information you seek.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your head should be quite clear today, Pisces, and your witty comments will
    be met with appreciation and laughter. Your smile will delight everyone
    you encounter. Don't be afraid to let your feelings out to those who need
    to hear them. Focus your energy on the ones you love. Your heart is warm
    and generous, so share it with other people today.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't worry about probing too deeply today, Aries. Trust people more than
    you normally would. You will find that things go much more smoothly if
    you approach them from a neutral or positive and not accusatory position. Listen to the people you care about the most. They're trying to convey important information. You might not want to hear it now, but in the long
    run, it's in everyone's best interests that you do.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might consider taking a short trip today, Taurus. Perhaps you need to
    get out of the house and go across town. Whatever it is, introduce your
    brain to a new reality. It's time to expand and explore. You itch to see new places and experience new things, either physically or mentally. Perhaps
    a religious sanctuary or quiet place in grove of trees is what you need
    in order to quench this inner thirst.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your mind might be stimulated today, Gemini, so stay alert and open
    to new information. If you feel tired, take a short nap. It's better
    to operate at top speed and full capacity than go through your day only
    half present. Don't rely on external stimulants like caffeine to pick you
    up. These things will deceive your body and do damage to your nervous system.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Communication is flowing smoothly today, Cancer, so take advantage of
    this and get the word out. It's important for you to make connections
    with other people now. Run with your instincts and feel free to enter into debates. Your words and tone of voice are very convincing. You could sell anything to anyone today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't let fear of failure or fear of success hold you back, Leo. Even though you may feel a natural tendency to want to shrink into the background and
    take the easiest route, you might be sacrificing your true purpose when
    you do. Become the leader instead of following the leader. Rid yourself
    of all fear and take control of your destiny.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Powerful thoughts are running through your brain. You will find that
    this information can be transforming, Virgo. The key is to learn from
    others and incorporate opposing viewpoints into your state of mind. Don't automatically disregard the opinion of another just because it contradicts
    your own beliefs. Teamwork is the name of the game on a day like today.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Information coming your way today might be unreliable, Libra. It could
    be hard for you to take a solid hold on the messages you get. Keep in
    mind that there are important answers waiting to be heard. These answers
    will come to you when you least expect them. Keep your mind open to new possibilities and the path will open up and become clear. Don't compromise
    your consciousness with abusive substances.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Be careful about being manipulated by another person today, Scorpio. It's possible that someone is putting words in your mouth in order to get you
    to act a certain way. Don't fall into this trap. Be your own person and
    think for yourself. Your mind is susceptible and vulnerable now. Use your
    eyes and ears as a filter and don't let people unload their garbage on you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Information you receive today may get you stirred up, Sagittarius. Remember that it takes two to start an argument. You play an equal part in any disagreement. If you want to promote peace and harmony, your words and body language must show this. If peace and harmony aren't your ultimate goal,
    you may need to look inside yourself to explore the reasons why.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's a great deal of power to your words today, Capricorn, so be careful
    how you use them. You may end up manipulating another's choices if you
    aren't careful with your conduct. Make sure you give others the freedom
    and empowerment to decide things for themselves. Be open and honest about
    all the facts that might influence their decisions in any way.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, October 17, 2024 08:00:52
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, October 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might want to escape the frenzy of the day by going shopping,
    Aquarius. Align yourself with partners and allies who share your views. Try
    to keep the disagreements to a minimum. There is enough tension and war
    raging in the world around you today that you don't need to add to the
    negative force by contributing disputes and ailments to the situation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your mood should be quite good today, Pisces, although there may be some
    strong forces at work trying to subvert this positive attitude. Try not
    to let other people's disagreements bring you down. Take the high ground
    and you will certainly prevail. A peaceful nature is extremely important
    in order to balance the anger and hostility that's present all around. Be
    the one to promote this harmony.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today's arena is one in which you can find a great deal of material,
    Aries. There will be no shortage of energy to work with or opinions coming
    from you. Realize that your words have a greater potency about them as
    people become more intent on uncovering the truth. Apply yourself to peace
    and cooperation among groups. Help people work together toward a common goal.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Peace and harmony are in the regularly scheduled program for the day,
    but there is a good chance that there could be a warring force with strong opinions and vindictive tendencies. Hold onto your hat, Taurus, and make
    sure you have your actions well aligned with your soul or else you could
    be thrown into a battle that has nothing to do with you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    I told you so might be your motto of the day. Try not to rub this in
    other people's faces, Gemini. Indeed, you have the foresight to witness
    an action and see the consequences right away. These consequences might
    rear their ugly heads on a day like this. Use your incredible perception
    and intuition to home in on the best solution possible and work toward
    that goal before things get out of hand.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may know exactly the right thing to do today, but for some reason, the action required may be a hard thing for you to implement, Cancer. Take an active role to get involved. Say your peace, but don't get so attached to the results that you get upset and discouraged if things don't exactly work out according to plan. Independence is an important virtue to hold onto today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Make sure your opinion doesn't get lost in the frenzy of the day, Leo. Your words may not quite fit with the things that people want to hear. Try not
    to take this personally. Realize that this isn't an indication that your
    words are any less important. You have an incredible gift of being able
    to see things that others can't. Cherish and nourish this ability instead
    of invalidating it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have two choices today. Either jump into the thick of the mess with
    both feet or stay out of it altogether. There are definitely two distinct
    camps setting up their arsenals for battle. Realize that there is also a
    soft, tender, harmonious aspect that just wants peace. It will be hard to ignore the fact that your usual warring nature is ready to do battle.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may end up being the peaceful savior that calms everyone down
    today, Libra. Use your artistic nature and love of beauty and harmony
    to inspire others to put away their differences and concentrate on the
    positive aspects. Generous acceptance of others is the only way to go, especially today, when people are riled up and ready to fight. Do your
    best to promote peace.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your unique ability to communicate with many different groups and
    personalities will be extremely important today to maintaining a bridge
    between warring camps, Scorpio. Keep things moving and try not to let the situation stagnate on any one issue. If the conversation turns to raging
    and ranting, it's in your best interests to stop it right away. Don't be
    afraid to step up and take a leadership role.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might feel like you're getting worked up from all angles today, Sagittarius. Find comfort in knowing that things will definitely improve
    by tomorrow. You might get the feeling that somehow you're all alone
    despite the circle of friends that surrounds and loves you. You may be
    called to action by a strong force. Try to stay abreast of information and developments around you so you can make the most informed decisions possible.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Try to rise above the potential tension and rough spots of the day,
    Capricorn. Do yourself a favor and don't feel like you have to stoop to another's level. Take pride in your actions and do things with confidence.
    Work with the negativity. The worst thing to do would be to ignore it.
    Approach problems squarely as soon as they arise. Don't dredge up the past. It's time to move forward.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, October 18, 2024 08:00:54
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, October 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You've had a strong propensity for war lately, Aquarius. Your drive toward getting things done has rallied and you're anxious to make progress. The problem is that you might have to hold back a bit today, since there is a
    great force at work encouraging to you to take a break from your current trajectory. Slow down and make a plan instead of just plowing blindly
    ahead toward the unknown.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your balancing powers will be put to the test today when your desire to
    fight conflicts with your need to plan, Pisces. You might be even more indecisive than usual as a result of this internal tension. Be aware of
    time and the restrictions that it puts on you. Devise a plan that uses
    your energy in the most efficient way possible. It's especially important
    for you to think before you act.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Try not to get too frustrated by the indecisiveness that plagues you today, Aries. The longer you stand still, the harder it will be to get moving. The
    key is to find a balance between planning and forcefulness. There's an incredible need for you make progress now. If you're met with resistance,
    you should probably just back off for now. Fighting won't yield positive results now.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Indecisiveness could be your biggest nemesis today, Taurus. The general
    tone of the day is apt to be quite explosive as a feeling of restriction
    and discipline comes into conflict with a need to fight and conquer. You
    might find that your go-with-the-flow, easygoing attitude is exactly what
    saves you on a day like this. Lay low and let someone else take the lead now.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your plans meet with harsh opposition today, Gemini. You've been going
    along at a slow and steady pace, but you will find that abrasive tension
    arises the more you try to force your will on others. Gridlock is quite
    likely due to the fact that there are strong forces coming to a head.
    Neither one of them is in the mood to yield now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Getting your opinions out now may stir up the maelstrom even more, but ultimately, it's for the best, Cancer. There is an explosive tone in the
    air right now that's difficult to ignore. You need your strong will to
    combat the abrasive forces at work today. You have the opportunity to
    initiate control over the situation. Other people might be too unsure of themselves to make a move.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your best plan of attack today is to not attack at all, Leo. There is
    enough aggressiveness out there. You don't need to add any more to the
    fray. Let others duke it out. Your job is to wait until the dust settles.
    Try not to get involved in other people's disputes. You might get dragged further into the situation than makes you feel comfortable.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might need to put on the brakes today, Virgo. Your present trajectory
    isn't quite in line with the people and energy around you. Make sure you
    aren't stepping on other people's toes with your abrasive behavior. This is
    a day to consider a more disciplined approach. You might need to establish
    a better structure, so you use your energy more efficiently in general.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you've been reluctant to make a move, Libra, you should consider why. What has been holding you back? Fear of failure? A negative comment from someone else? Feeling like you aren't quite prepared for the consequences of your actions? It's time to free yourself of these mental barriers that keep
    you from making progress. Don't let self-doubt get in the way of your plans.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Discipline and a solid plan are your friends today, Scorpio. Slow your approach and consider the consequences of your actions. This is the time
    to concentrate on what you need to get done and devise a plan to make
    it happen. There is restlessness in the air that might cause you to act hastily. Don't forget the old saying that says haste makes waste. This
    is an important lesson.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might experience a bit of an internal conflict today and be you're unsure how to proceed, Sagittarius. One side feels an urge to fight, while another side - a more mental aspect - asks you to keep this urge under wraps. It
    could be that this conflict keeps you immobile because of your lack of confidence in either camp. Try not to get stressed out over any one issue.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It may be hard to connect with others today, Capricorn. People may be rather indecisive. On the other hand, people are apt to be more malleable. This
    could be a good time to take charge. Be sure that you keep in mind the
    best interests of all parties involved. It isn't fair for you to take
    advantage of people who can't make up their own minds about something.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 day, 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, October 19, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, October 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There should be no doubt in your mind about which way to proceed,
    Aquarius. Don't let self-doubt sneak into the picture. Your mind is
    sensitive and alert, so trust it. Take the lead when you feel confident
    about a situation. Make sure to eat plenty of protein-rich foods. They'll
    help stabilize and bring you another step closer to the realization of
    your dreams.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your rock-star attitude may be getting a bit old now, Pisces. People aren't going to continue to listen to your demands for attention. Every person
    in the world is special, so try not to act as if you're the only one
    who is. Help a child assemble a new toy today or help a friend pick out
    a new shirt. Do something for others instead of always expecting things
    for yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ship is finally coming into port after being out in rough seas for so long, Aries. It's time to dock the boat for a while. Relax and explore the area. There is nothing wrong with getting off your vessel for a while. You
    may not even realize how much you've missed solid ground until now.
    Remember what it's like to be stable again.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may still be on something of a high from the last couple weeks. You
    will definitely be tempted to let the good times continue to roll,
    Taurus. Think about ways you can keep them rolling while still maintaining
    good judgment. Don't let things get too out of control today. It's important that you maintain a bit of stability at all times.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Communicate from a centered space today, Gemini. Fortunately, the nature
    of the day caters to your needs and desires. You shouldn't have to work
    too hard to get what you want. Things should come to you naturally. You
    may wonder why you got stressed out before over what now seem to be small issues. Consciously release the worry and concern that are still stored
    in your body.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Work toward achieving a better unity between you and the people around
    you, Cancer. It could be that certain people in your circle of friends
    somehow feel alienated in one way or another. Perhaps they don't feel
    like they fit in with the rest of the group. Remind yourself and others
    that everyone is unique and that all should be equally accepted despite individual differences.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will feel much better about yourself if you get things done today,
    Leo. Like a meal that tastes good but isn't necessarily good for you,
    you might enjoy this day by being lazy, but you won't feel so good when
    night comes and you realize that you haven't accomplished anything. Use
    the day productively so you have a sense of fulfillment by tonight.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might consider taking a rest today, Virgo. Like a sailboat on the ocean, you've been taxed lately by all the turbulence. The pressure on you has
    been tremendous. Think about pulling your sails to half-mast in order to
    take a break. You may not be going as quickly as before, but you will find
    that this is exactly the rest you need in order to complete the voyage.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your thinking is apt to be quite clear and rational today, Libra. This is especially important since others will be looking for your thoughts and opinions on a certain matter. People will know that they can get a straight
    and honest answer from you, so don't disappoint them. Think through each situation clearly before you offer your advice. You will find that it's
    worth the effort.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    By being around negative and flip people, you might inadvertently pick up
    these habits. Be careful about your associates, Scorpio, because you will
    find that others judge you according to the company you keep, especially
    if you start talking like them. Make sure to maintain a respectful attitude
    and proper manners no matter who your company is.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel like the world is caving in on you in many ways today, Sagittarius. It could be that you've recently dug your own little cave to
    crawl into and be safe from the outside world. Realize that the deeper
    you dig in unstable terrain, the more unsteady the walls. If you aren't careful, it's likely to come crashing down on top of you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Remember that you can only remain in charge as long as the others around you support your personality and leadership abilities, Capricorn. Avoid mutiny
    by taking care of the people in your world instead of simply trying to run their lives. Gain respect with kind words and a sensitive attitude rather
    than by enforcing harsh rules and regulations that restrict and aggravate.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, October 20, 2024 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, October 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Difficult challenges that have been lingering on the sidelines will probably become more prominent today, Aquarius. There is a strong possibility that things will come to a head. The problem was easy to overlook at first,
    but now that it has taken on a life of its own, you may have to consult
    someone who is more of an expert on these types of situations than you are.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You could be the one everyone runs to for advice today, Pisces. You're the
    one with all the answers who can easily pull the rabbit out of a hat. Trust your judgment and intellectual know-how. Feel free to push yourself to the limit. If you go too far, you can always take a step back. If you never
    drive all the way to the boundaries, you will never know how far you can go.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may get frustrated when you find that people aren't as sensitive to
    a situation as you want them to be, Aries. While you're looking to make a strong connection with someone, almost wanting to take possession of his or
    her feelings, that person, in turn, is trying to pull back. People are apt
    to gravitate toward rational facts rather than intense, smothering emotions.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A small spark in a dry field is apt to whip the hill into flames, Taurus. A raging wildfire may be underway by the end of the day. Know that you're
    one of the biggest perpetrators, but don't feel badly about it. Fire is destructive but also necessary. Clearing out brush and offering a fresh
    new place in which new growth can flourish is an important part of the
    cycle of nature.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Put on some lively music you can dance to and really kick up your heels, Gemini. It's time to put away the sour mood and have fun. You will find
    that the more you engage in intellectual discussions with people today,
    the more you will get warmed up to the idea that life should be fun,
    not the pain and stress you sometimes make it out to be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is a tremendously expansive time for you, Cancer, and there is very
    little that will stop your momentum once you get going. Your eyes are alive with a spark that says that you're ready to take on the world. Believe this about yourself and others will believe in you. There is a great deal of
    luck on your side today, so take a gamble in a certain part of your life.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is a good time to put things in writing, Leo. Your gift with words is
    apt to shine today as you write a proposal, email, or love poem. You're
    able to communicate very well when you put your sensitive emotions aside
    and concentrate on what you think instead of what you feel. Expand your influence by focusing on those things that require a more cerebral approach.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The day's energy is apt to be lively, making it much easier to get the things done that you need to do, Virgo. You will find people are more than eager
    to help you. The trick is to integrate your leadership abilities with the knowledge available from other people. You will create a winning combination
    of power and strength to put to use in just about any realm of your life.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Obstacles that you have ignored are suddenly starting to expand beyond reasonable proportions, Libra. Be careful of what you say as a result,
    because your words could spread like wildfire. This is no laughing matter. Difficulties in your world are likely to crop up, and you will find your
    ego threatened. Try to keep some sort of emotional barrier.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a terrific day for you, Scorpio, and you will glow brightly from
    head to toe as you radiate your true inner self to the world. You will
    find profound joy in the simplest, most ordinary circumstances. If you
    run out of things to say, feel free to whistle a tune. This isn't likely
    to happen today, since you will overflow with things to talk about.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Tap into the boisterous, lighthearted mood of the day instead of getting
    bogged down with heavy emotions, Sagittarius. This is a good time to
    engage your mind rather than let your heart take control. Be aware of
    the expansive nature of the day that allows you to think clearly without getting bothered by emotions. Take the cerebral route to figuring out what
    you need to do to smooth any bumps in the road.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your optimism will be inspiring today, Capricorn. You will find that your lighthearted approach is perfectly suited to taking care of any issue
    that arises. Toss a few jokes into the mix and remind other people that
    it isn't necessary to take things so seriously. The sun is shining as you proudly parade down the street with your head held high.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, October 21, 2024 08:00:52
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, October 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Demands made by friends, children, or the special person in your life
    might have you feeling like you're moving in a dozen different directions
    at once. You may feel unfocused and scattered. You usually enjoy serving others, Aquarius, but today you need to concentrate a little more on
    yourself. Show others how to help themselves and then go and do something
    you want to do. You deserve it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A number of deliveries, service people, emails, or phone calls might
    keep you jumping today, Pisces, right when you're in the mood for a quiet
    day. It may take all your effort to keep your cool. Try to get a family
    member to intercede for you with some of these people or you might lose
    your temper. In the evening, watch a movie and relax.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A close friend might pass along some seemingly harmless but nonetheless
    untrue gossip, Aries. Don't accept anything you hear today until you
    check the facts for yourself. Any information you receive is likely to
    be exaggerated if not totally false. You might find a lot of material
    on subjects that interest you - too much for you to read all at once,
    although you might wish you could!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You don't normally tend toward frugality, Taurus, but today you could go overboard with your spending. Frustration from all sides makes you want
    to release it all at once by acquiring new possessions. This is fine
    up to a point. Treat yourself but take care that you curb the impulse
    buying. You don't want to waste any time tomorrow taking unwanted items
    back to the store.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some failures that you may have experienced over the past few days could
    have you beating yourself up today, Gemini. Perhaps you feel that you were
    too hasty or too sloppy and could have done things better. Don't obsess
    over it. Figure out what went wrong, learn from it, and let it go. Too
    much negativity directed at yourself is likely to sabotage future efforts rather than help them.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might be able to tune in to the thoughts and feelings of
    others, Cancer, but you aren't likely to know exactly how to handle the situation. Should you say something or just tailor your own behavior to suit the moods of others? Reflect on the situation before doing either. This
    is a great day to meditate or read books or attend online lectures on
    spiritual matters.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Group activities are probably very much on your agenda today, Leo. You
    could attend an online meeting or lecture and later participate in a group
    chat with a bunch of friends. Don't be tempted to eat or drink too much.
    You'll likely regret it tomorrow. An unexpected sum of extra money could
    come your way. Don't spend it all in one place. This is a great day to concentrate on having fun - within limits.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Too much pressure on the job could have you feeling like chucking it all and going somewhere by yourself. You might be tempted to go on a spending spree
    or overindulge in food or drink. This may spill over into your personal relationships, causing disagreements with friends or family. It might be
    a good idea to be alone for a few hours, Virgo. You will feel much better
    once you clear your head.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Inner conflict regarding spiritual matters might have you questioning
    your and others' beliefs. You might doubt just about everything, Libra,
    and you could be tempted into angry debates over different concepts.
    Books or TV documentaries on whatever is bothering you might spark your curiosity and calm you down a little. A legal matter might come to the forefront today. It's a hassle, but it needs to be handled.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Although your financial situation appears to be on the upswing, you
    still might be feeling pessimistic and indifferent about money and life
    in general. You might want to soothe your discontent by overspending, overindulging in food or drink, or both. Don't let this feeling get the
    better of you, Scorpio. Get together with some friends, if possible, and have
    a good time. Treat yourself to a little something without going over the top!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A minor and rather silly quarrel with a friend or romantic partner could
    have you down in the dumps. This is an overreaction, Sagittarius. You might need to get away for a while before you can make sense of it all. Too many demands from others could have you feeling used, and you might be tempted to tell them off. Try to avoid others long enough to gain control of yourself.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Pressures on the job may be mounting. You might feel so disgruntled that
    you want to chuck it all and run away. Foreign countries and distant states
    may suddenly seem far more appealing than usual. Maybe it's a good idea to
    plan a future vacation, Capricorn. The stresses you've been experiencing
    could adversely affect your health. You need to release them somehow. Give
    it some thought.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 4 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 08:00:10
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Legal matters may be on your mind today, Aquarius. Maybe your insecurities
    are blowing a certain difficulty all out of proportion. You need to view
    the entire situation a little more objectively. If you can find someone
    in the know, ask him or her to fill you in on the facts. You will be
    relieved to know you've been making mountains out of molehills. For now,
    try to relax and lighten up a little.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may need someone's help or advice today, Pisces. Don't be afraid
    to ask for it. You tend to be proud of your ingenuity and independence.
    Most of the time others are the ones reaching out to you. You do have the
    right to ask for help. It isn't a sign of weakness. Knowing when to ask
    for help is a strength. Think about it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Is your significant other uncertain about spending much time with you today, Aries? You may be hurt at first, as your honey could feel obligated to
    spend some private time with family members. You should be able to get
    together as you hoped. Just don't expect it to be for the whole day.
    Spend your alone time relaxing and sprucing yourself up.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Are you doing something special for the people you live with tonight,
    Taurus? If so, you might be a little worried about what they might think
    of your skills as a chef, host, etc. Don't waste any time worrying. A
    good time will be had by all, including you. Everyone is likely to have
    a memorable evening. Just do your best, be your usual jovial self, and concentrate on having fun.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A small gathering may take place in your neighborhood today if at all
    possible, Gemini. If you're currently involved, you will probably attend
    it with your significant other. If you aren't seeing anyone, you will run
    into some old friends and possibly make some new ones. One of them could
    be a potential love interest, perhaps a little older than you. Relax,
    let loose, and have a little fun.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Conversations of various kinds could take place today, Cancer. Some older people, perhaps your parents, could call you. It may be a rather quiet
    visit, with conversation that's more casual than intense, but it will be
    nice, nonetheless. Later you could get in touch with friends or colleagues
    to offer congratulations regarding something exciting.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Someone you've been expecting to call might not do so today, Leo, and
    this could worry you a little. Don't be too shy to pick up the phone and
    call. Your friend may have overslept or been too overwhelmed by work or
    family life. You haven't been forgotten. If you phone, this person will undoubtedly be glad to hear from you. After the conversation, go for a
    walk in your neighborhood.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Worries about money could be on your mind today, Virgo. A check you've
    been expecting may not have arrived. Perhaps a project you've taken on
    is taking longer to complete than you thought, and so expected funds
    are delayed. The key word to remember here is "delayed." It's late, not cancelled altogether. Be patient and don't waste any more time worrying!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The desire to get together with friends is strong today, Libra, but you
    might be unable to do it in the way you'd hoped. You could be delayed by leftover work or chores, or other restrictions could get in the way. Don't despair, however. You can still have fun as planned. Pitch into whatever
    needs to be done and get it out of the way. You might be able to do what
    you wanted to do after all.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A career goal you've been hoping to reach may seem uncertain now,
    Scorpio. You could be wondering if your work has gone for naught. Don't
    think this way. There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you aren't
    aware of yet. When you hear about these developments, you will know that
    you're still in the running. Don't waste your whole day thinking about
    work. Try to relax. Tomorrow it may all come together.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Are you spending a lot of time working on something you've been trying to
    learn well? It could be more confusing than usual today, Sagittarius. You
    might come across a new concept that doesn't quite make sense to you at
    first glance. Don't waste time puzzling over it. Think about something
    else. The meaning of it all should come to you out of the blue. Be patient.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Did you wake up this morning with a vague recollection of a half-remembered dream bugging you? If so, it won't do any good to try to pull it up. Perhaps you aren't meant to remember the entire thing, in which case you should
    try analyzing the little bit you do remember. Perhaps it will come to you
    when something reminds you later. Don't let it drive you crazy. It's only
    a dream, after all.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 5 days, 21 hours, 39 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, October 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Is your workplace upgrading its equipment? Are you in the process of
    increasing your technology skills? Today's planets show that success
    and advancement through technology are definitely in the offing for you, Aquarius. If you've been thinking about purchasing a computer, do it today
    if you can. Whatever your goals, you can harness current innovations to
    help them along. Give it some thought!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some close friends could turn you on to a new interest or perhaps a group
    you might want to join. Intellectual stimulation through those closest to
    you could open the way to new plans and innovations. You might want to try combining artistic interests with technology, Pisces, perhaps expanding
    your knowledge of photography, computer graphics, or filmmaking. Success
    and good fortune through such activities are strongly indicated.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Sudden, unexpected news could arrive today, perhaps by mail or phone. You
    could host a virtual group meeting of some kind. A lot of exciting
    information and stimulating conversation could take place, Aries, bringing fresh ideas that spark new interests. Expect a very busy but productive day, looking ahead toward the future rather than back toward the past.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Short journeys in your neighborhood, perhaps connected with a group
    you're associated with, could take up a lot of your time today, Taurus. Fascinating and stimulating emails or calls could arrive. Books and magazine articles could provide information that sends you in a new direction in
    some way. Write down your ideas! You will want to remember them all.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Unexpected money developments could brighten your day today, Gemini. Perhaps you will get a raise or an increase in some other form of income. Technology could be involved in some way, or a long-term goal you've been striving
    for finally brings in some benefits. There might be uncertainty about
    when it's coming or exactly how much it will be, but the outcome will be gratifying all the same!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A surprising revelation, either from within or from sources like books,
    the Internet, or communications from others could set you in an entirely
    new direction. You will have an increased sense of freedom, as well as
    a clearer and more progressive outlook. You might consider some pretty
    heavy changes in your life, Cancer, but don't make any final decisions or arrangements today. Wait before putting your ideas into action.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Discoveries made through occult sciences such as astrology or numerology
    could see you embrace some rather revolutionary ideas about yourself,
    the world, and life. You could become involved with a group associated
    with metaphysical studies or take an online class or workshop of some
    kind. This could mean a new direction for you in some way, Leo. It might greatly enhance your life and thinking.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Sudden lucky breaks could come your way today, Virgo, possibly through
    friends or groups with which you're involved. A long-term goal you've been working toward might bring unexpected but wonderful results. Virtual group activities, particularly those involving social or political issues, could
    take up a lot of your time. This promises to be a busy, productive day.
    Expect the unexpected!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might feel the desire to break free from your daily routine,
    Libra, particularly regarding career matters. You might consider developing
    a business of your own, one that would give you a lot more freedom than
    you currently have. This is a good day to start looking into it. You might
    find that there are more possibilities out there than you expected.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A sudden and unexpected opportunity to take a journey by air could come
    your way today, Scorpio. This might be something you've wanted for a long
    time finally manifesting. Certainly, adventure is in the air, although it
    might be mental adventure as much as physical. Some information could come
    your way that catapults you into a new and exciting field of interest. This promises to be a thoroughly stimulating day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Technology could pave the way for you to greatly increase your income,
    possibly through new skills or investments. This is likely to be a very positive development, setting the stage for future financial success.
    Some unusual, interesting dreams could come your way, bringing unexpected revelations about you and your past - and possibly your future. Write them down! They could hold important messages for you from your higher self.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The unexpected need to take a journey by air or spend a lot of time
    working could bring about an inconvenient separation from your partner.
    While the reasons for this situation and the projected outcome are very positive, it can cause a temporary upset in your relationship. Don't worry about it. The upset will pass, particularly when the desired results are attained. Concentrate on the matter at hand.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, October 24, 2024 08:00:56
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, October 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you might feel a bit bloated and slow, Aquarius, which could
    interfere with your daily routine. You could also feel unmotivated about
    work. You might not feel like exercising, but it's important that you do
    it anyway. Moving the body can clear your head and put you in the proper
    frame of mind to get on with your day. It can also help purge your tissues
    of all the excess toxins.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today your job or another activity could require your artistic skills for
    a particular project, Pisces. You may not be used to this, so it could
    throw you into a bit of a panic. There should be others around who can collaborate with you, so you will be all right. A tendency to be overly emotional could interfere with just about anything you try. Stay centered.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A subject of interest that you've been pursuing could bring up some deeply buried emotions today, Aries. You might want to retreat into your mind
    and try to make sense of it, although analyzing it intellectually may not
    be the answer. Avoid emotional confrontations. Things might be said that shouldn't be said, and they won't be easily forgotten. In the evening,
    watch a movie full of special effects.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This could be a confusing day for you, Taurus. Financial issues might
    be complicated by computer glitches or failures in communication. Keep
    pushing, however, and whatever you're trying to straighten out will be resolved. An opportunity to participate in a project you've never tried
    before could have you doubting your abilities. Believe in yourself and
    then move ahead. There's a first time for everything!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Financial issues might have you and your partner a bit more on edge than
    you need to be, Gemini. Perhaps money is tighter than usual right now,
    and you have to put off purchases you want to make. Try to work it out.
    This is a great day to reach a compromise in just about any touchy situation, because you should be in just the right space to see both sides of any issue.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today your intellect is flying high, Cancer. A number of new ideas,
    perhaps about political or social issues, might excite your curiosity
    and cause you to want to spend hours in the library or on the Internet.
    Mundane tasks still need handling, however. This might be frustrating
    because it takes you away from your quest. If you get the basics done
    quickly, you can return without causing any undue guilt.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your imagination is working overtime today, Leo, and you might spend hours
    at a computer writing or in front of an easel or piano creating your own
    brand of painting or music. This drive to create comes from the heart
    and shouldn't be ignored no matter what other issues come up. Take care
    of whatever needs to be handled and then follow your inspiration. You may
    be surprised at what you produce!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A conflict between your responsibilities to family and obligations to friends could rear its ugly head today, Virgo. You might want to attend an event
    but need to deal with emotional issues in the home immediately. It could
    be difficult to keep a cool head under these circumstances. If you can,
    you should find a way to satisfy your family and go out. Step back and
    be objective!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Dissatisfaction with certain job conditions might come to a head today,
    Libra. A discussion with colleagues might be necessary to defuse a
    potentially explosive situation. Clear, honest communication is necessary
    in order to avoid misunderstandings. Try to remain objective. Don't let your emotions take control. Things will work out to everyone's satisfaction. The situation is temporary and unlikely to have lasting negative effects.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you've been planning a long trip by air, Scorpio, today you might doubt whether you should continue with your plans. Money or safety might be the issues. Be aware that your fears may run away with you. The situation may
    be more secure than it appears. You might want to attend an online class
    or lecture, perhaps on computer science or some other technology. As with
    the vacation plans, try to view this objectively.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you might feel too overwrought to concentrate on whatever goals
    you're trying to reach, particularly if they're financial. Past issues
    might crop up at inopportune times but will still need to be released. If
    you aren't careful, this could get in the way of just about anything you
    need to do. Keeping cool is the most important thing to remember.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You tend to be pretty self-assured, Capricorn, but self-esteem issues
    dating from long ago could surface today. You might feel like a schoolchild called on to recite. This could cause a few snags in your relationships
    or interfere with your effectiveness at social occasions. Try to remain objective. Don't lose sight of who you are. Don't let old insecurity
    interfere with your effectiveness.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 week, 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, October 25, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, October 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Problems with machines could have your nerves on edge. This may be one
    day when everything seems to break. Some problems you might be able to fix yourself, Aquarius, but at least one may involve something that has to be replaced. This might be the one you need the most right now. Think of it
    as a sign from the universe that you should do something else. That's the
    only way to stay sane.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might attend a small party or group event with some friends,
    if possible, and become separated from them. Don't panic, Pisces. You
    will probably run into them later. You might meet some new friends and
    hear some news that could interest you. This is a day when cell phones
    and other handheld devices are likely to come in handy. You will want to
    record or pass on a lot of information.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Surprise visitors could result in a small impromptu party of some sort,
    if possible. This could be fun for you, Aries, but it could also be a bit irritating. It might interfere with something you had planned. There's
    nothing you can do without sounding like Scrooge. Go with the flow, enjoy yourself, and then try to salvage your own plans as best as you can.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This isn't the day to plan a trip by air, Taurus. Everything that can go
    wrong with such a trip will - delays, lost luggage, obnoxious seatmates. If
    you have one planned for today, change it to a future date if possible. This also isn't a good day to take an online class, since your attention span
    could be unusually short. What can you do? Relax, read, surf the Internet. A lot of interesting information could spark your curiosity.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    One of your ambitions in life is to be financially independent, and lately
    you might have made great strides toward attaining that goal. Today,
    through no fault of your own, you may receive information that indicates
    there may have been a setback. However, all is not as it seems. Don't go
    into a panic until you know all the facts, Gemini. You're probably still
    right on track.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A surprising revelation from a friend or acquaintance might wake you up to
    the fact that you don't really know this person as well as you thought you
    did. Information could set you off on a search for knowledge that keeps
    you occupied for hours. A child or young person could come to you and ask
    for help. This promises to be a busy but interesting day, Cancer. Make
    the most of it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your mind is likely to be going a thousand miles an hour today, Leo. Thoughts and ideas are pouring into your head like rain from the sky. Some of them might be confusing and others contradictory. You might be tempted to puzzle over them until you give yourself a headache. Write them down and look at
    them in a day or two. Your ideas are more likely to make sense to you then.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    An old friend you haven't seen for a long time may suddenly resurface,
    perhaps contacting you through social media. This could take you by surprise, Virgo, but you won't be any less happy to talk to him or her again.
    Surprising news of another kind may come to you through email or phone,
    and this might set you off in a totally different direction from the one
    you started in this morning.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A sudden, unexpected problem at home could be rather upsetting. This
    probably relates to plumbing, electricity, or some other kind of home equipment. You will have to handle it, Libra, which means you will be housebound for most of the day waiting for a repairman when you'd rather
    be out. A friend might hear of your predicament and come over to keep
    you company.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Upsetting news that you receive from far away, perhaps by phone or email,
    could send you into an emotional tailspin. There's an aura of uncertainty
    about what you hear - it may not make sense. Before you pass along the
    news or panic, Scorpio, make sure you know all the facts. You're likely
    to find that it's been blown all out of proportion. In view of this,
    you deserve a fun evening.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Computer glitches or bank errors might send erroneous information to you
    about your finances. Perhaps the bank says you have less money than you
    do, or a bill is higher than you thought it should be. If you can, make
    sure it gets settled today. You won't want to spend your day under this
    cloud. You will probably want to indulge in total frivolity. Go ahead, Sagittarius, you deserve it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You and someone close could disagree on an issue that both of you feel
    strongly about. Stubborn pride on both your parts could keep you from
    working things out. Let it go, Capricorn. It isn't worth ruining your relationship. Someone you know might be headed for divorce or moving away,
    and the news could be a shock to you. This should be a day of surprises -
    not all of them pleasant.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, October 26, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, October 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Information that comes your way today could launch you into a search for
    truth, Aquarius. Perhaps this is a new business-related idea that you want
    to explore. It could be a new philosophical interest, and you will want
    to learn as much as you can about it. Whichever it is, your mind is sharp,
    so you're likely to finish the day a lot more knowledgeable than you were
    when it began.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Although you're usually very responsible and you try to keep the proper
    balance between your home and professional lives, today your mind and heart
    are more focused on your home, Pisces. A warm sense of unity with family
    and close friends could make for a very pleasant day and an even more
    pleasant evening. Even finishing up paperwork will seem easier than usual. Relax and enjoy a great evening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Having a sense of community unites the people around you in aiming for a
    common goal, and this could be a new interest for you, Aries. Warm and
    loving emails and calls could come from family, close friends, or your
    life partner. An impromptu short trip to a favorite place could result in
    a pleasant surprise. This promises to be a busy day and a great one.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have been expecting some money over the past several days, and today
    it could finally arrive. Delays in reaching your goals are finished for the moment. If you have a project you've been trying to complete, Taurus, this
    is the day to do it, especially if it involves paperwork. This isn't the
    day to compete with anyone, however. Your sense of cooperation is too strong.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're feeling especially sharp, Gemini. Your thoughts are more focused
    than usual and your mind especially penetrating. A promised get-
    together with friends or loved ones may have to be delayed, but it will
    take place. Information about possible business opportunities could come through periodicals, and if you like them, check them out. The outlook on anything that comes your way today is especially bright.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Practical thoughts may be the result of unconscious impulses brought to
    the surface by events at home. Old traumas and phobias could be released, although you should take care to not dwell on them too much or you'll
    reinforce them instead of getting rid of them. Your imagination is flying
    high. You might focus it on decorating your house. You could find antiques especially appealing.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Gatherings in your neighborhood could bring new and interesting information your way, Leo. A message from an acquaintance could send you down a new
    path toward a new goal. Relations with everyone around you - from your
    romantic partner to the most casual of acquaintances - should be warm and congenial. Conversations should be stimulating.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Success in a project you've been working on could mean you want to go out and celebrate. You might feel guilty about doing it, but go ahead, Virgo. Order
    a glass of wine and dessert! Tonight is the night to forget work and go for sheer, unadulterated pleasure. You have the break coming. Your efforts are finally being recognized, and you're on your way. Enjoy your good fortune!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A subject that you've been studying for a long time might suddenly start
    making sense to you, Libra. Or you could finally reach a point where you
    can make it work for you in a practical way. Your thinking now is especially clear, focused, down to Earth, and efficient, so whatever you try or start today is likely to lead to success. Don't let occasional self-doubt stop you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Past impressions that you may not even know you have could enhance your
    ability to deal with practical matters today, Scorpio. You might need to
    handle some paperwork regarding a settlement of some kind. The thoughts and feelings of those closest to you are more apparent than usual. You may
    tailor your behavior toward them accordingly. Spend a quiet evening with
    your loved ones. You won't even need to talk.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Small social events and group activities are on the agenda today if at
    all possible, Sagittarius. You may be introduced to someone who could
    prove helpful to your career. A letter containing good news could come
    from a friend or partner. Any new moneymaking enterprise begun now is
    likely to succeed as long as you stay with it and continue to face it in
    a businesslike manner.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Glowing health and an enthusiastic attitude make almost anything a
    pleasure today, Capricorn. Relations with friends and family are warm, congenial, and cooperative. Your day should go as smoothly as you could
    expect. There is something you want to do in the afternoon that you're
    looking forward to. In the evening, consider attending an online class, lecture, or workshop. Your mind is especially sharp right now.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +6C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, October 27, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, October 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A phone conversation with someone who lives far away might have you
    feeling a bit sad, reflecting on how much you miss that person. This can
    lead to pondering about your life. You might question the direction you
    seem to be moving in and consider other possible options. You're likely
    to be cautious when it comes to making final decisions, Aquarius. You will consider every detail.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might be in a reflective and meditative mood. You may think
    about mundane matters, such as how to increase your income, or more complex issues, such as the purpose of life. You aren't likely to want to do much socializing today, Pisces. It's probably the perfect day to stay in, relax,
    and enjoy your own company. Reading could prove especially informative now.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Obligations to friends and groups could interfere with time that you
    want to spend with your partner. A number of people in your home might
    demand more of your time, energy, and attention, and you might find this disconcerting. You're no one's servant, Aries. You're entitled to enjoy yourself. Save some time for your mate at the end of the day.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might wake up this morning and decide your home is a total wreck. The desire to spend the day cleaning and sprucing up your house might prove
    almost obsessive. Do what you have to do, but don't get so caught up that you forget about the big picture. Whatever you do today, Taurus, view it in its proper perspective. The world won't end if your house isn't flawlessly clean.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Extra time and attention that you have been devoting to your career should
    pay off about now. You've worked hard to be where you are, and you aren't through climbing the ladder of success just yet. You aren't likely to
    rest on your laurels. Today you might spend a lot of time planning your
    next goal. A little ingenuity will definitely pay off here, Gemini. Use whatever advantages you have.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An older male visitor could contact you, possibly offering to help you
    with some work that needs to be done. Family members may have abandoned
    you for the day to go out and do their own thing. You will welcome the
    offer. Practical matters, such as the household budget, might need attention, so set aside some time to work out the details.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might perform some service to people who live in your
    neighborhood. Perhaps you will chauffeur people around to do their shopping. Perhaps you will help people with household tasks. Pets may also need
    some attention. Whatever it is, you will enjoy helping in whatever way is possible, and be appreciated as well. Expect to have a very busy day. You
    will certainly sleep soundly tonight.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Meticulous and sincere effort on your part may have led to a recent increase
    in income. Today you might be thinking of reworking your budget. While
    others might throw caution to the wind at a time like this, today you might
    go too far in the opposite direction. Be careful and realistic, Virgo,
    but don't be overly frugal. You've worked hard to get where you are,
    and you deserve a reward.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A sense of duty toward family members, children, and your sweetheart may
    cause you to take on responsibilities today that you wouldn't normally
    assume. Sincere efforts on behalf of those you care about are likely to
    bring the results you want. It won't just make you happy but will also
    please those you are helping. This not only makes you feel appreciated,
    it will also boost your physical strength.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Emotions stemming from past experiences might cause you to assume undue responsibilities, particularly concerning family members. This is fine as
    long as you realize what you're doing is as much for you as for the other person. Whatever tasks you assume may allow you to release old traumas
    and give form to your plans and ambitions. And don't be surprised if those
    you help today go to bat for you later.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Relatives or neighbors may come to you today asking for favors. Some may
    know exactly what buttons to push in order to get you to do what they
    want. Don't be sucked into guilt or other negative emotions. Help others if
    you wish, Sagittarius, but recognize that you're doing it because you want
    to and not because you feel you have to. You might even learn something
    about yourself in the process.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A temporary lack of belief in your abilities might have you hesitating to
    start a project or take on a task that you'd normally snap up. This could involve something you've wanted to try or helping someone else. Your faith
    in yourself should never flag, but if it does, it's important to remember
    that hard work can be as important as talent - and you aren't afraid of that!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, October 28, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, October 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you could complete a creative project that you've been working on
    for a while, Aquarius. You will be more than happy with the results and inspired to move on to bigger and better things. You will feel strong
    enough to take on just about any type of project. It's possible that you
    might get started on the next one right away. Don't wear yourself out!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Things seem to be returning to normal after the hectic pace of late,
    Pisces. Life has slowed down, and the energy is lower but more peaceful. There's also no rush to get anything done. The deadlines can be postponed
    to another day. You might take whatever spare time you have to just lie back and enjoy the quiet. Don't feel guilty. You can work hard again tomorrow!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Have you been waiting for a letter or call from a business or romantic
    partner for a long time, Aries? If so, you will probably receive it
    today. Don't be surprised if it's long! News and useful information could
    be exchanged. You will feel energized and determined once the communication
    is completed. The partnership's future goals will be more strictly defined
    as a result.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your time finally seems to be your own, Taurus. There are probably no rush
    jobs to finish, no urgent phone calls to make, and no one looking over your shoulder. This causes a significant release of stress, and you're better
    able than usual to focus on what you have in front of you. In the evening, relax at home, order delivery, and watch a movie.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A love relationship seems more stable than usual today, Gemini. The security wraps itself around you like a blanket as you consider the events leading
    up to this new sense of commitment. You and your partner may spend the
    evening doing nothing more than being together, which feels great! Mark
    this day in your memory so you can recall it whenever your insecurities
    get the better of you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you may not feel much like working, and you might even decide to
    play hooky from your responsibilities, Cancer. If you have nothing urgent
    to do, consider indulging this whim. Relax with a good book and a cup of
    tea. Watch a favorite movie. Take a long walk in a beautiful park. In the evening, cuddle with a love partner. Savor the day's gentle energy.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A community issue may come up today concerning you and your neighbors,
    Leo. Perhaps a virtual meeting will be held. Something requires change
    in your neighborhood, and most of you are probably firmly united behind
    it. This bodes well for your future, so you will probably feel good about
    the entire situation after the gathering breaks up. Onward and upward!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A new opportunity could come your way today, Virgo. There's no promise
    or guarantee, but there is an indication that if you devote yourself thoroughly, your chances of progress are pretty good over the next month
    for any activity that you begin today. Keep up the good work and keep
    smiling! The latter action is as important as the former.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Have you wanted to take a certain online course or workshop, Libra? If so,
    this is a good day to consider all the details, make some phone calls,
    or enroll. As far as your educational goals go, you're very focused.
    You're apt to stick with any program you decide to tackle. You're also apt
    to learn more quickly and retain more. Think about it, read the pertinent literature, then make some calls!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Decisions regarding investments, savings, or other financial matters might
    need attention today, Scorpio. Don't panic. You're in the right frame
    of mind for this. Your business sense is at an all-time high, as is your ability to focus on the task at hand. Intuition plays a strong role. Even
    if you don't feel like it, it's important to get this done. Tomorrow you
    might not be quite as focused as you are today.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have you and a friend been discussing the possibility of going into business together? If so, Sagittarius, the two of you might want to have some
    serious discussions now about the nature of the business, how it should be structured, and what the financial arrangements may be. You're both sharp enough to see both the promise and the downside of your enterprise. Get
    some paper and pens and go to it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Has a certain project been a drag for you lately, Capricorn? Don't be surprised if today you get your second wind. You're looking at your tasks
    in a practical manner, your interest in them is up, and you're able to accomplish them quickly and efficiently with minimal stress. Relationships should also be going well. Make the most of this while you can!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, October 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your words may fall sharply on someone's ears today, so be aware of
    the impact you can have, Aquarius. However, this doesn't mean that you
    need to dilute your message with lies in order to avoid the true topic of conversation. Just be conscious of the fact that a strong emotional response
    is apt to result when you open up to the truth and tell it like it is.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Be careful of being hypocritical, Pisces. You may not want to disappoint
    people you meet, so you end up stretching the truth to suit what they
    want to hear. You may catch yourself a minute later telling someone else
    the opposite in order to protect his or her estimation of you. Figure out
    who you are and stick to it. If other people don't like you, that's their problem not yours.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find that someone approaches you with harsh words that are apt
    to have a significant impact on your state of mind. You could even find
    that you're paralyzed in the sense that you begin to question your current actions or ones you plan to take in the future. Spend some time alone in
    order to sort things out before you go ahead and make any drastic life- changing moves.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have to make an important decision today, Taurus. It has come to
    the point where someone draws a line in the sand and challenges you to
    cross it. Do you stay where you are and continue on without that person,
    or do you join them and support their goals and actions? The conflict
    today is between your head and your gut. Don't limit your choices to two.
    There are always compromises.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    As you take another step upward today, Gemini, you may realize that there's
    a large part of the mountain you hadn't accounted for before. Perhaps this steep portion of the climb wasn't visible from below when you started
    the trip. Don't panic. By overreacting to the unknown, you may lose your balance and go sliding down the face of the mountain. Collect yourself,
    rest, and plan your strategy one step at a time.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try not to overanalyze your actions, Cancer. If you continue to pick apart every aspect, you will end up getting nowhere. This principle applies to
    your emotions, too. Be sure that you aren't trying to make rational sense
    out of every feeling that comes your way. Feelings are there for you to experience. Allow them to flow through your heart and not necessarily
    your head.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your actions may go against your rational thinking, but this
    isn't necessarily a bad thing, Leo. Thoughts and feelings are apt to aggressively clash today, but that doesn't mean you have to be a victim
    of the resulting demolition. Note the big pieces that survive after the
    initial impact. Recognize these as your strengths and work to build them
    back up while leaving the smaller pieces behind.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may have the perfect plan all laid out, Virgo. You've communicated to
    the right people, you've traveled to the appropriate spots to gather data,
    and you have all your resources in line. For some reason, however, every time you start to implement this plan, you run into emotional difficulties that
    seem too challenging to surmount. Don't let this block you from your dreams.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    What you think may happen today is apt to be the opposite of what actually happens, Libra. It could be that you have a strong mental picture of how
    things should proceed but end up taking a completely different action. Try
    to engage every part of your body, mind, and spirit so that all are on
    the same page regardless of what activity you actually do.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Emotions may cloud your thoughts as things start to heat up in a heavy
    way, Scorpio. In an effort to keep things light and energetic, you may be missing the core of the situation. Don't glance too quickly over all the issues. The answer to the riddle is right there in front of you. Stop for
    a minute to catch your breath and you will find the solutions that you seek.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Magical events may occur today in the most unlikely places,
    Sagittarius. Perhaps you're expecting to see someone in a certain
    environment. Even if you don't see him or her there, you will end up meeting at a special event in an entirely different place. Let your goal be your
    main focus. Let the details of the journey fall into place however they will.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you find that you aren't necessarily thinking like the rest of the
    group, don't panic, Capricorn. In fact, this is probably a good thing.
    By going along with the crowd, you may be expected to act a certain way
    in some situations. Pretty soon you're living like a marionette strung up
    to a couple of sticks and manipulated by an unknown hand. Think for yourself.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, October 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your mind could be going in many directions, Aquarius. Direct your energy toward small projects that require intellect. Your energy is likely to
    come in waves, so use it wisely when you have it, and feel free to take a
    break when you don't. Tell your boss that you will be much more productive
    if you have a 20-minute break in the afternoon in order to recharge.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    People will listen to you much more than usual, Pisces. Sometimes when
    you say something, people hear you but minutes later forget what you
    said. Today is different. Your words will penetrate more deeply and end
    up being disseminated much more widely than ever before. Don't be stingy
    with what you have to say. Give people your full opinion on the situation.
    Your impact will be significant.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're apt to disagree sharply with information you receive, Aries. Perhaps your attitude is a bit selfish, so you aren't able to appreciate ideas that
    are more humanitarian in nature. Expand your way of thinking to include
    the people around you. You will find that the more you offer yourself to others, the more respected and happier you will be overall.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Climactic events are apt to occur in your life, Taurus. It's time to condense and solidify your grand schemes and bright ideas in such a way that makes
    them more practical. Things may be spinning so quickly that you aren't quite sure where to jump on. Worry about that later. For now, what you need to do
    is express your ideas forcefully and succinctly. Doors will open as a result.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's time to take your communication to the next level, Gemini.
    Expand outward and upward. For the last three weeks you've gone through a serious mental process that has helped you define what you stand for and believe in. Now you're in a phase that urges you to put these ideas into motion. The expansive quality of the day is profound, so take advantage
    of it and get moving.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A new cycle is beginning for you in which you may find yourself throwing
    away old beliefs and mental processes, Cancer. Out with the old and in
    with the new. This time of housecleaning is extremely important, for you
    will find that the same tired old speech that you've been working on is suddenly defunct. Pull your resources together and construct a new platform that makes you proud.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may feel like you're on a cliff with your legs dangling over the edge,
    Leo. You're searching for handholds while your feet struggle to support
    you on a tiny ledge. You may be swearing that when you get out of this predicament, you will never come this way again. Take heart. This is all
    part of the cycle. These necessary challenges only make you stronger and
    more appreciative of the easy stretches.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone has suddenly put the fan on high, Virgo, and papers are blowing everywhere. Neat piles whisked into large swirls of chaos. Everyone is
    shouting opinions about what should be done about it. Meanwhile, there
    are people making demands on you that you just can't handle. Slow down
    and communicate your situation to others. They will understand and support
    your predicament. The wind will die down soon.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Try not to get tangled in other people's words, Libra. It could be that
    you're accidentally misconstruing their statements because you aren't
    listening closely. Rather, your mind is focused on your own thoughts, even though you snap to attention when something hits you wrong. Show respect
    by turning down the volume in your head when someone else has the floor,
    even if you don't agree with what they're saying.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There's a terrific expansive feeling to the day, Scorpio, which you will appreciate more than anyone. For other people, this energy might expand
    into a headache. For you, it's apt to expand your feeling of success.
    It also might expand your stomach, so be careful that you don't overindulge. Other than that, don't hold back on your activities. Whatever you do will
    be very productive.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There might be some unexpected communication coming from a long-lost
    friend or old roommate today, Sagittarius. You never know whom you might
    run into when you leave the house, so stay alert. An old teacher could be
    just around the corner. Perhaps a bizarre news story in the paper catches
    your attention, because there on the page is a photo of the kid who lived
    next door to your childhood home.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is one of those days when you just can't wait for someone to stop
    talking so you can say something, Capricorn. It's likely you won't even
    wait. Don't be surprised if friction results from such strongly held
    opposing views. People could blow things out of proportion, since everyone
    is convinced that they are right. The interesting thing about this situation
    is that it could result in a productive time.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 week, 6 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, October 31, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, October 31, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Powerful issues arise in your life that make it difficult to find peace, Aquarius. Perhaps your first tendency is to confide in your partner. More
    than likely, this person is contributing to the difficulties you're now
    having. Your best bet is to spend some time alone. If you're already alone,
    so much the better. Cherish this time instead of letting it make you mad.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be trying to get to the end of the road too quickly without really enjoying all the steps along the way, Pisces. This is especially true when
    it comes to any sort of artistic project or romantic partnership that you
    might be involved in at this time. If you aren't savoring every part of
    your journey, then perhaps this isn't the path you should be on.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    When your heart is gently touched, it feels loving, generous, and
    supportive of everyone, Aries. If your heart is lonely, it feels deserted by everyone. It would be impossible to try to make sense of why things need to
    be so extreme for you, but the fact of the matter is that you don't need to figure it out rationally. You only need to accept that this is how you feel.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may be like a giant trying to befriend a small bug, Taurus. You have absolutely nothing in common and don't even speak the same language.
    With one accidental move, you could easily squash that little bug. This
    isn't to say that you can't learn to become best friends. Just know that
    this kind of relationship is going to take some work.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There is irony in today's situation, Gemini. The only real remedy for situations like this is to accept them and joke about it. If you try to take yourself too seriously, especially when it comes to art or romance, you will inevitably fail. Your heart is sensual and your emotions profound. Bring yourself into balance by laughing instead of crying about the events of
    the day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The hungrier you get, the more determined you will become, Cancer. Be careful that your determination doesn't turn into desperation and neediness. It's unattractive and will get you nowhere. Keep on the upward spiral, and let determination turn into inspiration and cooperation. You will find this especially true when it comes to matters of the heart. You have a great
    deal of power. Put it to good use.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you're in the market for romance, Leo, whether with a new partner or rekindling the fire with a current partner, be careful. Small issues could
    rage out control today. Extreme conditions are likely to occur, thanks to
    your sensitive emotions combined with a surge of energy from the outside. Try not to get too upset when tension rises because of something unimportant.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Things may get a bit difficult in your romantic life because of someone
    in the partnership who isn't necessarily taking a very realistic approach
    to the situation, Virgo. There's a bit of a power play going on as someone tries to throw their weight around without considering the other person's feelings. Tension is brewing, and you'd be wise to deal with it now.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your creative juices are flowing freely, Libra, but there appears to be a roadblock. Something or someone apparently doesn't want you to continue
    down the path you're on. Perhaps he or she is scared that you're going
    to discover a whole new passion in life that they don't necessarily agree
    with. Don't forget who is running your show - you and no one else.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    At the end of the day, you're the one who has to look in the mirror and
    know who you are, Scorpio. Think about this the next time you're tempted
    to make a rude comment or spread a displeasing fact about someone else. One side of you may be able to rationalize behavior that the other side simply despises. Today look at both of sides of yourself, not just the one that pleases you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    When it comes to romance, your body is apt to turn to jelly today. You may
    be so emotional that you can't function, Sagittarius. That's love. And
    even though it can be heavenly, it can also be debilitating. You could deliberate for hours about an issue because you don't want to make a move without your partner's input. If you don't have a romantic partner now,
    find one soon, but not today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Will you go out with me? Be careful if a person says yes when you ask that question today, Capricorn. You could take the nature of this situation
    to the extreme. Saying yes doesn't mean you're suddenly in charge of his
    or her life. Nor are you responsible for anything that person does or how
    they feel. If you're still asking the question without getting any positive responses, don't worry. Keep trying.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 2 weeks, 21 hours, 40 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, November 01, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Electrical or plumbing problems with your house might come up. Call a professional, Aquarius. Don't try to fix it yourself, because you could make
    it worse. Friends might want to visit but tell them to wait until another
    day. Discussions could quickly deteriorate into arguments today. This is
    a great day to work quietly alone on whatever interests you the most.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Stay close to home today, Pisces. Spending too much time in the car could
    lead to stress or, in extreme cases, minor accidents. On the job, this
    could turn out to be one of those days. Avoid office politics and stay out
    of arguments. Try to sequester yourself and do your work alone. Days like
    this are best used to take care of your affairs quickly and efficiently.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Money matters might take a turn for the worse today. Don't fly off the handle because of this, Aries. Use every bit of financial savvy you have to put
    things straight. Try to remain calm and collected when dealing with stubborn people. Don't be drawn into arguments. You will be able to pull everything together again, but only by your ingenuity. Don't depend on others.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, check your house to make certain everything is in working
    order. There are indications that small hazards could exist that need correcting. Tension might run high among family members, and quarrels
    could result. Don't waste time trying to mediate. They will have to work
    it out for themselves. This is a great day for study and solitude since
    your mind is especially sharp.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Short visits in your neighborhood could catapult you into some negative situations, Gemini. It's best to stay close to home if you can. An
    angry letter or call could put you in a shaky mood. This isn't a day to socialize. Days like this are best spent keeping to yourself and throwing
    your energy into taking care of whatever you're working on.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might be a bit worried about your financial affairs, Cancer. A
    past mistake could have led to some rather upsetting consequences.
    Now you need to harness every bit of skill you have in order to set things straight. Your knowledge of modern technology could help. A friend might
    try to pick a quarrel with you, but it's best to stay cool, neutral,
    and out of the discussion.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your physical energy is very high today, Leo. You're likely to want to get
    out and exercise, perhaps jog through the park or attend a virtual aerobics class. Be careful! You might not be as fit as you think and trying too hard could cause minor injuries. Someone you know professionally might not be in
    a great mood. You could get swept up in their anger. Try to stay out of it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Uncertainty about spiritual matters and doubt about your insights might
    have you down in the dumps today. Don't try to force any solutions -
    it won't work. This isn't a good day to be out and about, because travel
    of any kind could pose problems. This is also a bad day to plan or start
    a vacation. Stay close to home and take care of practicalities, Virgo.
    That way you will be calm by evening.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If a friend or acquaintance gives you advice about money or investments
    today, don't take it. To follow this unknowledgeable person's lead might
    prove to be disastrous. Participation in group activities also isn't
    advisable. They could get out of hand, and you could find end up in the
    middle of an angry crowd. This is a great day to stay home, Libra. Work
    on your own project.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Gossip and bad feelings among co-workers or in a group could occur today,
    and there might be some political shenanigans that it would be in your
    best interests to avoid. This isn't a good day to go to lunch with co-
    workers. Get away by yourself. Don't believe anything you hear. Chances are
    it isn't true. Keep to yourself and don't offer any opinions, Scorpio. To
    do so might be unfortunate.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Too much running around might have you feeling exhausted and under the
    weather today, Sagittarius. You may have been exercising a little too
    much. Therefore, this is a good day to avoid exercise and get some rest.
    Don't push yourself too hard! This isn't a good day to plan or start a vacation. Wait a few days, as trips planned at this time could be fraught
    with glitches.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You could feel extremely passionate today, Capricorn. You might want to
    connect with a love partner but be prevented by circumstances. You might
    be attracted to racier novels or movies. Repressed anger could bubble up
    from your subconscious and seek an outlet. This is a great day to channel
    that anger into some artistic activity. Don't be surprised if you use a
    lot of red!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +9C, UV Index: 2
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, November 02, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're entering a period of doubt, especially about your love life. You
    like your relationships and feelings to be clear. You may think a lot
    about your relationships over the next few days. Are you sure you've chosen
    the right person? Are his or her feelings sincere? Could you live without
    this person? The next two months will bring you the answers. Don't forget,
    no one is perfect.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    For a month you may have had problems communicating with the people close
    to you, Pisces. This is nothing to worry about, yet it might make you
    feel off balance. This is a great day to settle conflicts from the last
    month or make your feelings clear to other people. Don't be afraid to play "truth or dare." Honesty is the best policy. Dare them to be honest with you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Aries, you tend to live your life vicariously through your partner. Today
    you may come to the realization that this isn't healthy for you. You may realize that you give more of yourself than you get back, draining you of energy. In fact, you're almost completely out. Be selfish today. You need
    to do something for you for once, and it's about time!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, you see new horizons. It's possible that the changes you've been
    going through lately aren't completely finished. You may even have a hard
    time keeping yourself from running away from it all. Your rebirth will
    only be complete after you clearly define your desires. Use today to think about what you want. Things aren't completely clear.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Gemini, you hide your emotional needs from others. You need to be able to
    trust someone in order to share your feeling. They have to guess at your deepest secrets. Today you could save a lot of time in your love life if
    you just tell your partner what you want out of your relationship or even
    what you'd like to change about it. Talk about it. Your partner is listening.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you may want to change some of the moral and social values that get
    in the way of relationships. After surmounting these kinds of obstacles yourself, and watching others struggle with them, you've decided that it's
    time to do away with them once and for all. Just be careful to respect
    the private lives of the people close to you. Not everyone is as open-
    minded as you are!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Leo, the people around you sometimes have a hard time understanding where you're going. You're living in an imaginary world that has little to do
    with reality. If you decide to stay home and lie around the house, you
    will have no problems. If you have to go to work, try to be as clear as possible with others. If you don't, your proposals could fall on deaf ears.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may have doubts over the next few days, Virgo. Don't make any important decisions about your future during this relatively unproductive period. If someone in your professional or personal life asks you to make more of a commitment, you may be tempted to put on the brakes without really knowing
    why. Wait a while before answering this kind of question.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    What are you afraid of, Libra? Is it contact with other people? It's as if
    an invisible rope were holding you back from getting close to people, or
    worse, pulling you back. What's this about? You're going through a period that's closely linked to your past. A failed relationship still haunts
    you and casts its shadow on the current one. Get rid of the skeletons in
    your closet!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It's very possible that you will want to take a step back today in order
    to take a closer look at your relationships. Your address book is full of names. Your phone rings off the hook. You receive tons of texts and emails every day. Yet isn't it funny that you feel alone? It's time to get rid
    of the superficial relationships and concentrate on those that really mean something to you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you feel you've been looking to the past lately, Sagittarius, it's
    in order to liberate yourself from it. You may feel like revisiting your childhood or rekindling certain relationships with old friends. But the
    planets are making you a bit too romantic, and the reality of things
    will disappoint you. Looking backward isn't the best way to move toward
    the future. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Sometimes your relationships are like magnets, Capricorn. When you want
    to get close, the other person tries to get away from you. When you take
    a step back, he or she runs back into your life. Human nature is complex.
    Right now, you're probably taking a step back, although you haven't given
    up completely. This rest will give you time to think about which side of
    you is the most magnetic.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Shallow fog -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, November 03, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, November 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today, Aquarius, you can expect to be somewhat more enterprising in
    your relationships. You may find new friends or enjoy spending quality
    time with some old ones, if possible. Perhaps you will look forward to an intensification of your love life. With today's planetary configuration, you will surely find excellent resources for improving your emotional well-being.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Recent aspects have allowed you to affirm yourself at work and, in a more general way, cement some aspects of your personality. Now you will be consolidating things. It's as if you've conceived of a product, created it,
    and are now finally ready to put it on the market. If this is in fact the
    case, Pisces, the current period corresponds to incoming money - and profits.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today's planetary aspects herald the beginning of an especially agreeable period. You will carry confidence, clarity, and positive influence wherever
    you go, Aries. You've used up a lot of your reserves recently and made it
    to this stage just in the nick of time. Enjoy your new strength.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today's planetary configurations indicate that this would be a good moment
    to get rid of everything that's still holding you back from an impending rebirth, Taurus. One stumbling block for you may be the impulse that you
    seem to have to blend in with others. You're an individual, Taurus. This
    isn't something to overcome. It should be celebrated!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today's planetary configurations indicate that you can expect a very
    profitable period coming up, Gemini. You've worked hard lately, and it's
    only natural that you should finally arrive at this stage. You're going
    to be able to measure the distance you've come, and above all, evaluate
    your power. Whatever you do, think big!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today's aspects ask you to make more of an effort, Cancer. You will have
    to come back down to Earth and join the rest of us mere mortals. You may
    be cultivating your independence a bit too much. It pulls you away from
    people. You should try to mingle and get involved in a cause that's bigger
    than you. Working with others is a necessary part of any job.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You can interpret today's aspects in several ways, Leo. The planetary configurations correspond to a search for space, whether physical or intellectual. You may be asking yourself philosophical questions, or perhaps you're thinking of taking a long trip in the future. What will you decide
    to do? Will you read Kant or plan your dream trip?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    In navigating the seas of your emotional life, Virgo, you may feel as though you've made a great effort over the past month. You've been available and conciliatory and have done your best to maintain harmony. With today's celestial energy, you want to be more spontaneous. The enterprising and reckless you has returned!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    With today's celestial configuration, your emotional universe will
    once again glow with positive energy. You will be meeting more people,
    and your encounters are likely to be more profound. The coming weeks are
    quite promising for you, Libra. The music will be in the key to pleasure
    and sensuality. Allow the music to fill your senses!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    For you, Scorpio, the changing planetary configuration portends a period
    of timidity. You will probably go out less, introduce yourself to fewer
    new people, and be less prone to show off. But any relationships you form
    will be much more intense than usual. The weeks ahead are quite promising, although you may have to readjust some of your attitudes.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may have spent the past few weeks exploring new horizons, talking
    to new people, going out more frequently in the evening, when possible,
    or even making short trips away from home. But this is a moment to settle
    down. Today's celestial configuration is giving you the incentive you need
    to stabilize yourself. Expect some pleasurable moments in the comfort of
    your home, Sagittarius.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're likely to enjoy today's change of tone, Capricorn. Don't you feel a
    need to take friendships beyond the superficial level? Perhaps you should reestablish contact with some former friends, too, although you may find
    that you have some bonds to repair. In any case, you can expect another
    month devoted to sweeping the cobwebs out of your emotional universe in
    order to let in sunlight and promise.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, November 04, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, November 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You have a creative and artistic nature that you might want to put
    to good use today, Aquarius. You could have some good ideas for home improvements. Perhaps you need some bookcases to help you get organized,
    or maybe you want a complete redecoration. Whatever you do, Aquarius,
    it's bound to look beautiful. When it comes to artistic endeavors, you definitely have the touch.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may miss friends and family who live far away, Pisces. Why not make yourself a cup of tea and write some letters? It will help you feel connected in a different way than sending an email or making a call. Remember that
    you're blessed to have these people in your life even if you don't see
    them as often as you'd like.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may have recently inherited either some money or some free time. This
    is a real gift, and if invested wisely, it could lead to some important self-discoveries. Perhaps you could use the money to enroll in college,
    take music lessons, or do something else that makes your heart soar.
    If you received free time, you could catch up on reading, paint, or try
    some writing.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is well suited for making new friends, Taurus. Your sense of adventure
    is undoubtedly up to it! You will be your usual confident self, but others
    will seem to respond to your charisma even more than usual. If you're able
    to attend a small party, you may meet someone who lives far away who invites you to visit at a later date. What a wonderful opportunity for travel!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is a very spiritual and creative day for you, Gemini. You're
    especially intuitive. Any creative effort will likely resonate deeply.
    Even if you don't feel you have the talent for it, why not try some form
    of artistic expression? You could dabble with a paintbrush or makes notes
    in a journal. Don't let that pesky internal editor kick in. Create for
    the sheer joy of it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today is ideal for romance, Cancer. It's great for forming new relationships
    or improving existing ones. If you don't have a special someone, make an
    effort to expand your social circle. Attend a lecture or take a workshop. If you have a mate, do something different together that helps you get to
    know one another better. A spiritual retreat might be just the boost your relationship needs.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You have a good heart, Leo, and today it expands to bestow love on all
    mankind. You can't help but feel connected in a deep, spiritual way with
    all who have come before you and all who follow. Even if you don't have a
    lot of money, consider setting up an annual giving plan that will benefit worthwhile causes. This would be a direct expression of your feelings and
    could potentially help many people.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will likely find it difficult to keep your mind on serious matters
    with today's playful planetary energies, Virgo. You're in the mood for
    romance, and you want to make sure everything is in place for a flawless evening with that special someone. You have the sexy outfit and food being delivered, and that's just for starters. No wonder you can't concentrate,
    with such an amazing evening to look forward to.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your innate talent and conscientious work ethic earn you admiration and respect. Whether you're aware of it or not, others look up to you as someone who has it together. Yet you still have that nagging doubt that you're an impostor. Today's astral energies ask you to look at where these doubts originate. It's time to get to the source and exorcise the monsters for
    good! They have nothing to do with your success.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It looks as though you're about to hop on the bandwagon, Scorpio. Friends
    will try to get you to support one of their causes. Think carefully. They aren't going to settle for a check. They want your hands-on support. While
    you might be intimidated by addressing a crowd, you always did want to
    use a megaphone. Volunteer for a night and see how it goes. You may enjoy it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Love and passion are at the forefront of your thoughts today,
    Sagittarius. Work seems tedious compared to the rich fantasy inside
    your head! If possible, make a point of getting together tonight with
    your mate. He or she is likely feeling as amorous as you. You two have
    much to celebrate. The celestial atmosphere is conducive to the deepening
    of your relationship.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you became an animal today, you'd be a puppy, Capricorn, all frisky and affectionate. By all means, put your passion to good use! Surprise a special someone with a home-cooked meal. Set a table in front of the fireplace,
    light candles, pour the wine, and let nature take its course. You need
    not bother to plan a dessert. There's wonderful energy flowing between
    you. The sparks will fly!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, November 05, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, November 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may have been feeling more emotional lately, Aquarius. Today a fanciful energy could sweep you off your feet and into another realm entirely. Feel
    free to take off for at least a little while in order to gain a better perspective on the issues at hand. Strong, forceful powers are urging you
    to let someone else take the reins on a particular project.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    People and situations that you were counting on may suddenly run into opposition today, Pisces. Don't be surprised if the seat you're sitting
    on is suddenly pulled out from under you. Make sure you have some extra padding, since it could be a rather hard fall. More than likely, however,
    you will be able to take it in stride.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ego has probably been feeling strong lately, and you may feel an
    extra boost of self-confidence, Aries. Don't be surprised if your ego
    gets threatened by someone who appears out of the blue with an aggressive, opinionated attitude, someone who isn't on quite the same track as you. You
    may find it hard to deal with people today, since they could be a bit spacey.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If you knew the truth of all the things that are going on outside your
    world, you'd be appalled, Taurus. You shouldn't take things at face
    value today. It's important to simply go and see things for yourself.
    Don't trust another's word on what is true and what isn't. Question what
    you see. Make sure you don't let others pull the wool over your eyes.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It isn't a good idea to try to fit people into a mold today, Gemini. This
    will only annoy others and frustrate you. It's important that you relax
    and simply let people blossom into the people they want to be. If you have
    a preconceived notion of who they should be, you're only setting yourself
    up for failure and disappointment, as well as anger from the other party.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Consider subscribing to an alternative newsletter of some sort,
    Cancer. You will find some amazing information that the general public
    doesn't necessarily know. Knowledge is power. For the most part, common knowledge is quite limited. Try to seek news from a wider community. Some mainstream information is pretty unreliable.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't expect others to take much notice of your emotions today, Leo. You're more respectful of theirs than they are of yours. Find peace among all
    you encounter. This could be difficult since other people's wills are
    involved. In that case, people aren't likely to back down. Others think
    they're right and refuse to see things any other way.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your aggressive attitude is likely to start a fight that might be
    difficult to settle now, Virgo. There are extremely stubborn forces at
    work, and you may find that no one is willing to budge from their position.
    The thing that is apt to make this even more difficult is that people may misinterpret certain pieces of the puzzle. Try to bring understanding to
    the situation instead of more aggression.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    People may be difficult to deal with today, Libra. You may soon discover
    that they're just as stubborn as you are. Try to give others the benefit
    of the doubt or there will be a stalemate in just about every corner of
    your life. Don't consider it a loss or failure of character if you find
    you need to make some concessions in order to get things to work.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your ego may be under some stress today, Scorpio. The tricky part is that
    the threat you feel is probably a result of something that isn't even completely real. It could be that someone is acting on false information
    that has no bearing on the reality of the situation. You might be swept
    away by someone else's false impression of who you really are.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You could develop a stomachache if you try to sort out all the confused
    issues of the day, Sagittarius. There are apt to be too many matters for
    you to handle alone, so don't even try. It's one of those situations in
    which you start to untangle one knot only to create another somewhere down
    the line. It's best to just let the ball of string lie where it is for now.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may have your mind set on some big plans that you've been working on for some time now, Capricorn. The problem is that today there is some conflict
    with something or someone with a large ego who suddenly wants a piece
    of the pie. Either that or this person wants to burst your bubble. Don't
    give up hope on your dreams. Realize that this opposition is just part of
    the adventure.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Cloudy +14C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, November 06, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This day isn't likely to be the highlight of your week, Aquarius. You may
    be aware of constraints at work or home. You're quite likely to hanker for
    an appropriate reward for your labor. Any type of recognition would be nice
    at this point. This is a good day to define new personal and professional goals. They'll sustain you through your unending chores.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It may be that you've been a bit too stubborn lately. You've been doing whatever you want, giving no consideration to financial constraints. Now
    it's urgent that you take care of any unresolved monetary issues. You definitely have some lessons to learn in the area of fiscal responsibility, Pisces! Do what you can to raise your awareness.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find yourself in a situation where you need to choose whether or
    not to commit to a relationship, Aries. Old demons could come back to
    haunt you, renewing doubts and creating fears about a lack of freedom.
    Ignore these demons at all costs! If you give in to them, you're likely
    to lose a lot of ground. Be courageous and decide on your own.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is going to be a great day for you, Taurus. You aren't one to embrace rules, constraints, or restrictions of any kind, preferring instead to
    reside in a fantasy world where no limitations apply. Have you considered
    that it's possible for you to join the rest of us here on Earth and still retain your liberty and ideals?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's important that you abandon the myth that you don't have any gifts or talents, Gemini. Consider thinking about your talents in the same way you
    think about your body. When you exercise, eat right, and get plenty of
    rest, your body responds. Your talents are no different. They need care
    and nurturing, too.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you're waiting for someone to come and fill all of your needs,
    emotional ones in particular, you may have to wait a very long time!
    You're responsible for fulfilling your own needs, Cancer. If you don't,
    you will be eternally dependent. This would be unlike Cancer, and certainly unlike you!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you have children, their difficulties may remind you of your own, Leo. Or
    it may simply be that their education brings back memories of yours. Are
    you holding onto an issue from a period in your life that still bothers
    you? This would be a good moment to ask yourself the question. Ask it,
    then answer it and put it to rest once and for all!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't spend beyond your means today, Virgo! If you happen to know some enthusiastic shoppers, it could be disastrous for your finances if you
    get caught up in the frenzy. On the other hand, perhaps you owe yourself
    a reward for all your hard work. Is there a gift you could give yourself
    that doesn't involve money? Time, perhaps?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Minor tensions could arise today, Libra. People close to you, perhaps your
    mate or parents, seem to be trying to force you to adopt a behavior that
    you aren't at all willing to follow. Will you negotiate your independence gently or tear yourself free from their domination? The second possibility seems more likely.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The mood may be oppressive today, Scorpio. After meeting the challenges
    of the past several days, you're now in need of some well-deserved peace
    and quiet! Alas, the authorities are unwilling to give it to you. You
    can expect to be unceremoniously deposited at your desk. Work, it seems,
    won't wait until you've had a nap. Why not plan an exotic vacation for
    some point in the future?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This isn't a day for sensitive people like you, Sagittarius. In fact, the
    one who shouts the loudest and bangs on the table the hardest is likely to
    come out the winner today. The air of violence will also have an effect on
    you. You will be somewhat upset, very thin-skinned, and much more vulnerable than usual. It would be wise to try to stay away from commotion if you can.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Some differences of opinion concerning your love life are likely to come
    up today, Capricorn. For example, you may find your beloved taking more liberties than you allow yourself. Take your irritation as a sign that
    this particular relationship could use some freshening up. The day ahead
    may bring you just what you seek.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +16C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, November 07, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    For the past several days, Aquarius, you've been fairly lucky in financial
    and material terms. But the day ahead will be an exception. If you're
    planning to make an investment, sign a contract, or purchase a major item, postpone it until another day. You may as well resign yourself to this
    fate and be grateful that you were spared the chance to make a mistake!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The way you act when you first meet people is typical of Pisces. What is
    it that you do? You try to teach them something. It seems that you always
    have a lesson to impart, making you prone to giving advice when it isn't
    always wanted. Try to accept the points of view of others for a change.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your philosophy of life comes naturally, Aries. Others need to study,
    listen to experts, or sign on to various allegiances. You, on the other
    hand, already have a profound outlook on life that you surely inherited
    from your past experiences. It would be interesting for you to expand on
    your philosophy a bit and try to turn it into something concrete.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It isn't because your new projects demand such precision that they're
    causing you problems, Taurus. You tend to think details keep you from
    having a global vision, but that simply isn't true. There's no conflict
    between the long-term view and short-term needs. You just think that the
    latter gets in the way of the former. Try thinking of the details that
    you find annoying as steppingstones to your larger vision.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Yes, Gemini, this is a good moment to abandon old beliefs and moral
    values. Your view of life has changed and, above all, you're more aware
    of how your outdated, preconceived ideas sometimes poison your life. The
    past no longer concerns you. It's time for you to make a clean break from
    the beliefs that are holding you back. You might shock your family, but
    they'll get over it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you aren't careful to keep your eyes straight ahead and focused on the future, the past is likely to catch up to you, Cancer. Don't look back,
    even if you don't see anything in front of you. You must continue to
    move forward. It's true that this is easier said than done. Nevertheless,
    you feel inspired to give it a try.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This would be the moment to say yes to your destiny, Leo. You're a little frustrated because things haven't been moving forward the way you'd like. But now that opportunities are coming your way, you find you're holding things
    up. You're just afraid, that's all. But rather than let your fear overtake
    you, turn its energy to your advantage.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't expect to meet the partner of your dreams today, Virgo. Rather, your romantic hopes are likely to meet with frustration. It would be better to devote your energies to something more realistic, such as your financial situation. It probably does need some attention, wouldn't you agree?
    If you redirect your energy, the rewards are more likely to be forthcoming.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There's some likelihood that a recent meeting with an influential person
    has put a damper on your hopes for your projects. Will you abandon them
    and live with regret? Or will you choose to maintain your goals despite
    advice to the contrary and the risk of encountering disapproval from your supervisors? This is the type of question you will have to resolve today, Libra.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You will have to expect a few disturbances in the harmony that has reigned
    over the past few days, Scorpio. For example, your needs may not match
    those of your mate or close friends, or you may feel restless. Minor worries about the future may intrude on people's good moods. In short, this won't
    be a good day to look to emotional harmony as a source of satisfaction.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    As a person who embodies affection and tenderness, Sagittarius, you may
    feel especially resentful about today's mood. It will be difficult to charm
    a smile out of anyone or achieve any semblance of harmony. Moreover, the friction won't spare siblings - even close friends may quarrel. Prepare
    to duck and cover because clashes are likely to occur all around you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A longing for comfort and the small, simple pleasures in life is likely to cripple your initiative today, Capricorn. Have you decided to withdraw from
    the career world for the time being? Or perhaps you're just discouraged
    by the lack of enthusiasm in your colleagues. In any case, this would be
    a good day to stay home and rest, Capricorn.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +9C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, November 08, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Obviously, you have an important role to play, Aquarius. The mood today may
    be somewhat frustrating, but the way you handle it will earn you rewards and recognition in your workplace or at school. Your strength, self-control,
    and stability made the difference between success and failure. You can
    and should be proud of yourself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You will feel as though your back is against the wall, Pisces. And this particular wall is impeding your progress. Others will ask you questions
    and ask for your opinion. You may want to tell them the "truth" as you understand it, and you could be tempted to do so humorously. Humor isn't
    your forte right now. You can always try, but for now a sensible approach
    is the best one.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today is likely to be a bit gray, Aries. You won't be able to see how
    you can get out of your current situation. You may have some financial
    or physical problems at the moment. If this is the case, it's because you
    don't rely enough on your abilities and good sense to pull you through. It's possible that you don't take care of your body as well as you should. That's easily remedied.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're wasting your energy, Taurus, and you know it. You try your best
    to go about your everyday routine, but you're never really present.
    You listen to people but what they're saying doesn't interest you in
    any fundamental way. Yes, you're bored, and you're afraid to admit it
    to yourself. The depth of your inner search requires that you use a lot
    of energy to reexamine your life.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It isn't always easy to think about how your life is going, Gemini. Imagine
    if you were alone in the world, with nothing to hold you back or force you
    to do anything. At least once a month dedicate an hour to visualizing what
    your life would be like under these conditions. This will help you figure
    out what's impeding you today.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Now is the time to be thinking about your professional orientation,
    Cancer. You may need to get some more fun in your life and experience
    pleasures that you've never had before. You have a certain tendency to
    separate the two worlds of work and play, but there's no need. In fact,
    your work will prosper once you discover ways to make it more playful.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be worn out, Leo, but you will have to push forward anyway. You're entering a long period of work and perseverance. This definitely isn't
    the moment to be late or balk. If you're still in your pajamas at noon,
    you should be ashamed! Do what you can to wake yourself from your recent
    daze. It's time to get up and get moving!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    In a series of days that have tested your patience to the limit, here
    comes the moment of truth that could make or break you. You can expect
    a high-pressure day when you will be induced to express your deepest motivations. A confrontation with an authority figure could trigger an outburst. Do your best to remain levelheaded, Virgo.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Are you hankering for a little fun and longing for a little experimentation
    and perhaps even childish play? Tempting as these prospects are, you will
    have to ignore them. Libra, you simply don't have the time, at least not
    today. You will be too busy coping with numerous little emergencies that
    crop up and having to justify your decisions throughout the day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Do you feel as though your self-expression is being stifled, Scorpio? Perhaps you need more time to choose a direction in life. Today, you can expect
    to feel a lot of pressure from someone close to you. You will feel forced
    to satisfy this person's demands. Annoying as this may be, you can take
    comfort in the knowledge that he or she has your best interests at heart.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Is there someone persecuting you, Sagittarius? Is there a situation that
    feels unbearably oppressive? Today you won't have any trouble identifying
    the source of your problems. And the great news is that is the first step toward obtaining release from them. But you can't expect it to be easy. The
    day ahead may feel somewhat overwhelming.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Although your current mood is somewhat reserved and modest, you probably
    feel tempted to strut your stuff every once in a while. However, if you
    try to show off today, Capricorn, you may not be very pleased with your reception. It's natural for you to want to impress people, but you must
    try to do it with genuine qualities and simplicity. That's true good taste!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, November 09, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may be feeling a little surer of yourself than usual. You can
    be fairly shy and reserved. Today you should try and make people a little
    more aware of you, to take you seriously. It's time that people respected
    you more, especially the people around you. Try to think of yourself before
    you think of other people. You're worth it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This would be an ideal day to think about your personal interests in
    all areas of your life, Pisces. You've surely noticed that in various relationships you tend not to consider yourself and what you get out
    of it. The configuration of the planets today can help you concentrate
    on yourself and think about what you give up in return for your need to
    please others.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Aries, don't be surprised if you meet people who are quite self- centered today. In general, it could be that you have a hard time understanding people who are egotistical and don't participate in activities with others. Today
    you could try looking at them as if they had something to teach you -
    the value of living a bit more for yourself and less for others.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today could be rather constraining, Taurus. Despite your great aspirations, today will be marked by the need to take care of the small problems that
    arise in everyday life. In other words, just what you love. That said,
    being more down to Earth or in contact with the realities of the world
    can never do anything but good for you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Even if it's true in general that Gemini have strong bodies like you,
    there are times when it's important that they take care of themselves.
    This would be an ideal day to be more aware of that fact. It isn't that
    you're going to have health problems. Rather, the planets are positioned
    in the middle of abundant activity, suggesting that you'd be wise to take
    care of your body - your greatest asset.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today might be a little rough for you, Cancer. It's as if reality were
    waiting to trip you up. Nothing about you is realistic. If you're still
    a bit childish or irresponsible, today may be rather hard on you. It's
    nothing serious, so don't worry. However, if you feel as though your back
    is to the wall, don't react. Try to calmly accept what's happening to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Here's a day that will be rather calm for you, Leo. Peace has replaced
    all your soul searching. You feel in contact with life's daily routine, including aspects that you don't always consider like the weather,
    people's expressions, or small coincidences. You seem to be floating on
    a cloud. You're going to have a good deal of confidence today!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It's time to get yourself together. You tend to be all over the place. You
    need to channel your energies into something you really care about.
    Tell yourself how proud you would be if you could get this done. Don't
    give up and don't change directions on your way. Stay focused!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you should think about your overdependence on money and material possessions, Libra. Don't you think you spend too much of your precious
    time thinking about money and where you're going to find it? Are you careful with your money? Do you stick to or even have a budget? These are important questions, and this is a good day to find the answers.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The last few weeks have been a little too serious for your tastes, but
    this is good for you every once in a while, Scorpio. You may tend to want
    to play, which sometimes keeps you from getting your work done. Take today
    to try and get your daily life organized so you can have time to take care
    of your responsibilities and have a little fun.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Sagittarius, you're someone who needs to have a lot of time to yourself. You often dream of curling up in bed with a good book or going for a bike
    ride. This is just your natural rhythm. Don't try and ignore it, because
    doing so could only mean problems for you. Give in from time to time. If
    you don't, at least use today to think about how you could.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This will be a great day for you, Capricorn. Everything you touch will seem
    to turn to gold. The day's events will fall right into place. You will
    take pleasure in being calm and efficient. But what you may not realize
    is that this could happen every day. Take the time to see what's going
    right today in order to make it happen again tomorrow!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 23 hours, 16 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, November 10, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, November 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Have fun with loved ones, Aquarius. Put your worries aside. Don't think of
    the possible negative consequences of having a good time. Focus on the fun
    and excitement of the moment. You have the ability to create fantastically strong bonds between you and your romantic partner. Love is in your favor,
    so act with confidence. There is no reason to feel bad or insecure in any
    way. Hold your head high.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're the secret jewel, Pisces. You're apt to be extremely loving and
    devoted to those who recognize this in you. There is no reason to shrink
    back and hide. Put on your royal air and flaunt your stuff. Your peaceful, charming nature shines through, and you radiate the god-like qualities you
    have within. Whoever shares your company tonight is extremely lucky. Make
    sure this person is worthy of you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel locked in a bind of deep emotion and stubborn attitudes with
    close friends or lovers, Aries. Perhaps it's hard for you to say what you really feel. You may be under the impression that you're being tested and judged by everyone else. Try not to let your ego get in the way of a good
    time. Say what you feel without getting worried about how others will react.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your spirit sparkles, Taurus. You may feel filled with tremendous energy as
    you go about your day. Your sense of adventure is high, and there's very
    little that gets you down. One area that might be difficult to deal with
    right now is love and romance. You may feel like this is the one domain in which things aren't going the way you'd like them to. Patience is the secret.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may feel yourself slipping into a deeper understanding with a close
    friend or loved one, Gemini. Romantic situations are heating up, and you're slowly letting your inhibitions fade away so they're completely absent.
    You realize the exuberance and excitement that come when you come out of
    hiding and let your playful spirit charm the world. Put serious subjects
    aside and make time to have fun and be more social.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Most of the time it's good to have strong opinions and be independent
    and willful, Cancer. But there are other times when this attitude turns
    people away you're hoping to draw closer. There's a stubborn yet sensitive attitude in your world of romance that may be difficult for you to deal
    with. Perhaps you're taking a more rational approach to things while your
    loved one is taking a more emotional one.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Sensual, passionate lovemaking is definitely on the agenda of activities for tonight, Leo. Fun, excitement, romance, and love are all key themes likely to take precedence if you have anything to say about it - and you do. Don't let someone else dictate your path for you. You know what you want, so don't say you don't care when you do. Love is coming your way. Learn how to grab it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel like the brakes have been slammed in the romance department, Virgo. Realize that this doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. Laughter and good times are in store for you today as long as you don't get hung up
    on the slow pace of your love life. You can have a good time while taking things one step at a time. Savor each moment. Don't try to rush to the next.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The stars indicate that love and romance are in your favor, Libra. You
    will find that this area of your life is going well. Shower your partner
    with affection. You honey's ego needs to be stroked. However, don't spoil
    him or her to the point that your mate becomes self-centered and ends up disregarding all of your wants and needs.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your sensitive, sensual side is being drawn out, Scorpio. You may feel like your romantic side is on display. You're like a dancer onstage, and you
    accept this role with pleasure! There's a great combination of energies
    at work letting you become more realistic about love and approach it with dramatic flair and courage. Be more expressive when it comes to your needs
    and desires.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Come out of your shell and be proud of your sensitive side,
    Sagittarius. Although you may feel vulnerable when it comes to love
    and romance, this doesn't mean that you have to hide it. You may think
    that everyone else has it together in this department, but don't be
    fooled. They're just as insecure as you are! Go ahead and let this side
    of your personality shine. Admitting your vulnerability is wonderfully attractive.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You shouldn't have any problem getting your way in most areas of life, Capricorn. The time is ripe for you to take the lead. Unfortunately, there
    may be one important part of your life that isn't going exactly to plan, and this is love and romance. It's likely that you will run into a tremendously stubborn attitude that you can't seem to break through. It could be your own.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 day, 23 hours, 16 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, November 11, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, November 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    As a Aquarius, you have an innate gift for healing and calming other
    people in crisis situations. If this isn't what you do for a living,
    you should think about doing something with this natural talent. The
    positions of the planets today may be telling you to think about this in
    more concrete terms. If you're interested in herbal therapy, for example,
    this could be the perfect time to learn more.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You seem to be a specialist at relationships, and you're very sensitive
    to the ups and downs in your own. But today you may wonder if people love
    you less than they did before. This is rather an odd question, but another
    one may be hiding underneath. Do you really have to make such a big effort
    in order to be loved? Only you can answer that question.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're usually full of energy, Aries, but today you may not feel so
    vivacious. There's nothing to worry about. In fact, you may have the time
    to do some thinking about your personal life and what you expect to get out
    of your relationships. You might also want to think about how you intend
    to go about getting it! Perhaps some of your motivations have changed lately.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have had a hard time lately reaching your objectives. Unfortunately for you, Taurus, today will be no different. You may begin to feel a bit dissatisfied with the way your life is going at the moment. You will ask yourself certain questions about your goals. Does your personal life live
    up to those goals? Can you express your wonderful creativity as much as
    you'd like?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your sense of responsibility is probably the catalyst for most of
    your motivation, Gemini. But what happens when events are beyond your
    control and you're powerless to do anything about them? You may have
    to admit that sometimes you can't control everything, especially your
    family and friends. Today you should think about letting things happen occasionally. Your life will be a lot less complicated.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you could put a stop to your activities for a little while, Cancer. You may take a good, hard look at things and realize that the climate of
    trust you need in order to be productive and creative is missing at the
    moment. It's a good time to get some order back into your relationships
    and remind others of their responsibilities to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    What are you after in life, Leo? Deep down, does the kind of work you do satisfy your most intimate desires? The little problems you encounter in
    your professional life over the next week could be the straw that breaks
    the camel's back. Take a look around to see if the work you do and the
    people in your life take your profoundly spiritual nature into account.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It's possible that you're trying to do too much, Virgo. If look at the days
    you spend working, you may realize that too much of your energy goes to some very meager results. Today, consider taking some time off to take advantage
    of life. Why not go out for a nice dinner with friends, or even better, go on
    a little vacation? Try and let things happen. You deserve time just for you!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It's possible that you could be in conflict with people of the opposite
    sex today, Libra. You may feel as if they put obstacles in front of
    you and slow you down. But instead of getting into conflicts that could eventually escalate into full-blown confrontations, try and ask yourself
    what they think you're doing wrong. Does your personality consider both
    your masculine and feminine sides?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You have a very dynamic day ahead of you, Scorpio. You may feel the need
    to put all your energy into a group project. You will want to roll up
    your sleeves and get to work. You're usually a meditative, pensive person,
    but today you're looking for concrete results and actions. Who knows? This
    hard work might even help you relax a little.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have you ever thought of yourself as a CEO or any other kind of leader, Sagittarius? Today is a great day to begin a project involving other people - with you in charge! The strong, assertive side of your personality will
    come out in your decision making and charisma. Go for it! After all,
    this is the first day of the rest of your life.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's a lot of tension in the air today, Capricorn. Perhaps you feel like
    no one is listening to you, and that people are draining your energy. You
    may act defensively and even occasionally become very angry. It's possible
    that no one has seen in you in such a state before. Don't be afraid to
    express your anger. Repressed anger is like poison for your body and soul.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +10C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, November 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your intuition should be very high right now, Aquarius, as is your power
    of manifestation. Today you need to try to curb your thoughts and only
    think beautiful things, because you might find that whatever you think
    about seems to manifest! Some powerful dreams and visions can open up new
    lines of intellectual exploration for you that can have a potent effect
    on your immediate future. Go to it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your immediate goals and wishes might suddenly appear to come together
    today, seemingly of their own accord. This might be strange, Pisces, and perhaps a bit frightening, but your inner power is especially strong now,
    and your higher self is manifesting what you've worked long and hard to achieve. At times like this, it's important to remember those who helped
    you along the way. You will want to acknowledge them as well as yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you've been working toward manifesting extra money in your life, Aries,
    you will probably see it happen today. Copious physical and emotional
    energy gives your inner power of mind over matter a special impetus,
    and you might see the results you've wanted in finance and other matters. Professional interests should also be going well, as well as any personal projects. Keep up the good work!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Obstacles that you encountered in attaining your cherished goals could
    suddenly seem to melt away, clearing the way to make your dreams come true, Taurus. This could involve physical health, plans for future travel and education, and self-expression. You could also feel especially passionate
    now, so a romantic evening with that special someone would be particularly enjoyable. You feel great, so look your best, too!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A lot of activity could occur at home today, Gemini. Perhaps you will have visitors or do some work on the house. Your intuition is particularly
    strong right now, and you could pick up too much of the thoughts and
    feelings of others, even strangers. You will probably be most in tune with
    your family. Take care to guard your thoughts. Today you might find that whatever you think of could actually manifest.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Whatever goals you've been trying to reach may finally become reality today, Cancer. Finalizing everything could involve a lot of running around in the
    car and meeting with other people, but you're likely to feel exhilarated
    all the same. Powerful people could prove to be of valuable help to you. As
    a result, matters should be going very well right now. Make the most of it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Events over which you seem to have no control seem to be coming together
    to make things happen for you, Leo. You might find this a bit frightening,
    but don't let it get to you. Go with the flow. You've worked hard for what's happening today, and you deserve to enjoy the results. The exhilaration
    you feel could manifest as abundant physical energy. This could be too
    much of a good thing. Don't overdo.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your energy is probably high today, almost to the point where you feel you might be able to run a marathon! Seriously, Virgo, you're probably thinking
    in terms of getting out of town for a while. Exercising or participating in solo sports could also be appealing. You might direct some of this energy
    into creative projects. Take care not to overdo it. You could still get
    too tired.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your inner power is probably at an all-time high, Libra. You should be
    feeling especially confident. You're likely to have a stronger influence on others than usual. You could exercise the power of mind over matter. You
    could think of something only to have it happen at some point during the
    day. Today you should guard your thoughts and be careful what you wish
    for. You just might get it!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some fascinating conversations with friends, relatives, and others close
    to you could take place today, bringing new ideas your way, Scorpio. You
    have both the physical energy and the inner power to make things happen,
    so you should make the most of it. Carefully consider your needs and aspirations and formulate a plan of action to make them a reality. The
    results might surprise you!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your career and financial goals should be within your grasp,
    Sagittarius. Both your physical energy and inner power are operating at their peak, making this an ideal day to make clear plans. Also, if you've been working to improve your health, you might see some definite results. If not, this is a great day to start a new health and exercise regimen. Go to it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you're likely to feel like the powerful creature you are,
    Capricorn. Your physical energy is high, and you look and feel great. Your intellect is sharp, so if you indulge in any kind of learning process,
    you will benefit greatly. Your creative energy is also high, so it's a good
    day to work on artistic projects. In the evening, you will feel especially romantic, so plan an intimate encounter with a special someone!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 08:00:52
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you might feel inspired to help others less fortunate, Aquarius. The opportunity to do some volunteer work could come your way, perhaps for a church, charity, or other humanitarian organization. Or you could throw yourself into an artistic discipline. Either way, you're likely to enjoy yourself immensely and meet some interesting people in the process.
    Fundraising could be involved in some way.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Creativity and romance are the words for today, Pisces. Artistic or other creative projects are likely to catch the attention of others, perhaps
    bringing valuable contacts your way. As a result, you're likely to be
    inspired to move ahead to new ones. You're also likely to feel especially romantic and sexy. If you're currently involved, expect to grow closer to
    your partner. If you aren't, you might meet someone special.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A group of people oriented toward artistic, spiritual, or humanitarian
    pursuits could meet virtually today to work on advancing their
    projects. Among them could be someone very special who might play a
    positive role in your life. As a result of this gathering you could find inspiration to move ahead with personal projects. In the evening, watch
    a romantic movie or talk to someone you're attracted to!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Errands or other short journeys in your neighborhood could result in a chance meeting with someone who could be of great benefit to you in the future, Taurus. Opportunities to advance your educational, artistic, or spiritual interests could open up as a result of this meeting. When you go out,
    make sure you look your best even if you're only going to the grocery store.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might hear of opportunities to make extra money through creative
    work of some kind, Gemini. This could be a genuine lucky break achieved
    by being in the right place at the right time. You will probably take
    advantage of it, because right now you're full of inspiration. You might
    have a hard time keeping track of all your ideas. Write them down!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you should be looking and feeling great. You might attract some
    admiring looks from passersby on the street. Sex and romance might be on
    your mind, Cancer. You're likely to want to spend the day with your special someone. You could also channel those feelings into creative activities
    of some kind. Information may come your way that sets your mental juices flowing. Make the most of it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your mind is full of wonderful thoughts today, Leo. You might consider
    spending the day meditating, doing some volunteer work, or turning your inspiration into an artistic project of some kind. Your intuition is
    especially high, so you might tune in more acutely than usual to the
    thoughts and feelings of others. Take a few minutes during the day to be
    alone with your thoughts. You will probably benefit from it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A desire to be creative could have you experimenting with various kinds of artistic disciplines, perhaps in connection with computers, Virgo. At some point today you could be in the right place at the right time, receiving
    just the right help from someone who can point you in whatever direction
    you want to go. Ambitious plans could fill your head and keep your mind buzzing. Make a list! It might help.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Artistic inspiration could come from deep within at some point today,
    perhaps even from a dream or vision. You're likely to have a lot of energy to pour into creativity right now, Libra, and if you work hard and don't lose sight of the business side of the arts, you could move forward. Don't be surprised if you suddenly meet the right person to give you the right advice!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today you might toy with the idea of publishing, exhibiting, or otherwise making public whatever creative innovations you've been working on,
    Scorpio. Spiritual information could come your way from afar, perhaps
    through friends or a group with which you're affiliated. Inspiration of
    all kinds could pop in and out of your head, so it might be best to write
    down your thoughts.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Inspiration in various contexts could fill your mind today,
    Sagittarius. Opportunities to advance your artistic or spiritual interests could come your way, perhaps through advice given by a new acquaintance. You could also be in the right place at the right time to get a lucky break.
    You're likely to feel especially romantic and sexy. You might want to
    celebrate your good fortune by getting together with your partner.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Social events with artistically or spiritually inclined people could
    have you feeling especially inspired, Capricorn, and looking forward to
    the future in whatever discipline interests you. You're also likely to be feeling especially romantic and sexy. You will want to schedule time alone
    with that special someone in your life. If you aren't currently involved,
    you could meet someone special today.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, November 14, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Be tactful when speaking today, Aquarius. With this day's energy, it's important that you take the time to think about how your words affect the person you're talking to. It can be easier than usual to say the wrong
    thing, especially if you're in the position of telling someone something
    you think might not go over too well. Avoid comments that suggest criticism
    of the person rather than the deed.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today, Pisces, don't be too surprised if you have difficulty getting into
    a work frame of mind. It's likely that you'd rather daydream than be in
    the real world. You're susceptible to daydreaming and taking imaginative
    trips. Consider making a list of everything that you need to do to help
    you focus. This will help you meet your short-term objectives, and you
    can take it easy this evening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find today that people are really attracted to you as a friend. This
    is because you're usually a good listener. You're open to other people's
    ideas and thoughts and can care easily. Consider noticing those around
    you to see if there isn't someone who could use an ear to listen to a
    problem. It may not take a lot to get someone talking.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's good to dream, especially on days like today, Taurus. Expanding your
    mind and thinking of possibilities are positive ways to increase your knowledge. Give yourself time to think. Why not lie on your back and
    watch the clouds or stars? Let yourself dream about things that may not
    seem practical or possible. Many real things have come out of someone's
    dreams. Your creativity will flourish if you take the time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    With today's energy, you might want to let your imagination run free for
    a while, Gemini. This can add a real boost, as it will connect you with
    your inner self. Let your imagination be your ticket to your creative and artistic abilities. Problem-solving skills can also be accented or realized when the mind has time to roam. This part of you is as important as your
    heart, so use it to the fullest.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you may meet a new friend, Cancer. People tend to feel comfortable
    around you even if they're different than you are. That's because you
    usually accept the fact that everyone is different and that's OK. This is
    a rare and special quality - not everyone is as open-minded as you! Plan to
    do something with your new friend or hang out with another special person,
    if possible. There will be no lack of people interested in spending time
    with you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You have an incredible imagination, Leo. Today is a great day to put it
    to use. Take time to engage in creative activities and try meditation,
    story planning, role playing, or visualization. You have a powerful tool
    to unlock inner fears and inhibitions, increasing your confidence and creativity and solving life's challenges. If this is a new idea for you, consider learning more about meditation to connect with your inner self.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Chances are good that you will feel strong and confident today, Virgo. It's
    a good time to try something you've never done before. You might be the
    right person to get things started, especially if it's about something
    you want to see changed. If you've never run for office before or taken a leadership role in another area, consider doing this. You have the power
    and popularity to make a real difference.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The energy of the day should have you feeling pretty good, Libra. Your
    spirits should be high, and laughing may well be a good part of your
    day. When you laugh, it gets other people going. This is a powerful effect to have. You may find that you can transfer the enthusiasm and good feelings
    you have to those around you. Share your positive energy by smiling,
    laughing, and just being yourself.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Expect a boost in popularity today, Scorpio. One way to put this to good
    use is to bring about change. Perhaps you and your co-workers feel that
    the workplace needs a new program, such as benefits. You'd be a good one
    to present this to the decision makers. Even if it's been done before,
    use your popularity to start a petition or find creative ways to make a
    group more effective.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today's energy may highlight your popularity, Sagittarius. The transits
    boost your enthusiasm and energy for doing things. People will feel
    drawn to you. You might even find that others look up to you. This kind
    of popularity can make you feel special and lucky. On the flip side, it
    can make you think you're better than you are. Don't get carried away. Use
    this influence for good.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today should present a very positive influence for you, Capricorn. The energy at play will allow for such things as making excellent decisions. Things will go more quickly than usual. Cooperation from colleagues, physical energy,
    and a sharp mind will support you. What more could you ask? You may find
    that almost everything goes your way and laughter fills the hours. Give yourself a pat on the back because you should be able to handle everything.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, November 15, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you're feeling irritable and wrung out today, Aquarius, it may be a
    result of putting far too much pressure on yourself. It might be wise to
    take a look at the expectations you have of yourself. Consider if you would
    you place the same demands on those closest to you. If the answer is no,
    it's time to revamp your life to suit the one you're closest to - you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Consider whether or not you're spending enough time with everyone who's
    special to you, Pisces. If more hours are going to work colleagues, friends,
    or partner, there might be an imbalance that you need to look at. Sit down
    and create a chart of where your time has gone lately. If one portion is considerably larger than the others, make a point of spending some time
    with the people represented by the smaller portions.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If your partner acts quickly on his or her passions today, Aries, you will probably want to slow things down a bit. "Nice and easy" is the phrase of
    the day for you, so create an environment that will allow for more time
    in such circumstances. Let your partner know how you feel and what you'd
    like to see happen. No one is a mind reader. There's far less chance of
    any misunderstanding when there is open communication.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Consider planning a romantic interlude, Taurus. With the influence from
    today's planetary aspects, it will be easy to connect with that special someone. Make dinner with your spouse or partner or make a date with someone new who's caught your eye, if possible. Don't let shyness or insecurity
    stand in your way. If you're single, consider loving the most important
    person in your life - you - by doing something special.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If someone takes too long to do something today, Gemini, your temper may
    flare up. Patience isn't always your strong suit, and you may believe in the "if you want it done right, do it yourself" philosophy. This isn't always
    fair. Others need to do things at their own pace, and in some cases, it's essential that you give them the room to do so. Take a deep breath if you
    have to, and be patient.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You might find it rather tough to take criticism today, Cancer. This is something that's hard for many to hear, but it truly depends on your perspective. Rather than view it as a personal attack, try to see the value
    in the criticism. If you're honest with yourself and recognize that you
    could learn and grow from critique, seize it as an opportunity. If you
    find that it's out in left field, then leave it there.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Be careful not to fall prey to your own idealism today, Leo. While this is
    one of your most admirable qualities, as it contributes to your romantic, creative nature, too much of anything can be harmful. It's important to see things as they are, despite how much you may wish them to be different.
    The real world doesn't always go hand in hand with your ideal place. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't be surprised if you feel a real need for some breathing room today, Virgo. As much as you enjoy the company of others, you need to have time
    to yourself as well. See if you can work in a private space or simply shut
    your door. If you need to move in order to be alone, hop in the car and
    go. Irritability is a good indicator of when you need to get away from
    the crowd.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If things haven't been going too well with those you spend most of
    your time with, Libra, it might be time to consider your expectations
    of them. Ask what kinds of demands you place on others and if they're
    fair. Is it possible that you expect the same from others that you give,
    but perhaps they aren't able to match your level of performance? Consider talking with the people involved to find out how they feel.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A little romantic time with your special someone may be in order today, Scorpio. With the day-to-day chaos of working and living, it can be
    tough to get some quality time alone. If you don't make specific plans,
    it can be months before this happens. Take the situation in hand and make
    those plans. If you're single, consider making arrangements for a date or spending time with a friend, if possible.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Take it slow and easy today, Sagittarius. With the energy from the day's aspects, rushing around isn't likely to get you too far. In fact, you're
    more apt to make mistakes or leave a bunch of things unfinished. Make your to-do list and go about each thing one at a time at an even pace. Even if
    you don't finish everything, what you accomplish will be done well.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It may be time to look at where you are in life, Capricorn. Are you where you thought you'd be? If so, congratulations. This is a real accomplishment. If not, take heart. Many people discover that they aren't anywhere close. The
    key is to write down solid goals and the steps needed to reach them. It's
    your life after all. Mapping out your route is up to you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light drizzle, mist +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, November 16, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be feeling emotionally good, Aquarius, but unfortunately the
    people around you don't seem to share this feeling. Your first instinct
    may be to sacrifice yourself in order to make the path easier for the next
    guy. Remember that other people need to learn how to do things on their
    own. If someone is in a bad mood, let them be in a bad mood. You may be
    better off spending the day alone.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's an advantage to joining people in a social or family situation
    if possible, Pisces. Your role today is to bridge communication gaps. Be
    aware of details that need doing, but don't feel like you have to do them
    all yourself. This is a good time to delegate responsibility. Keep track
    of who is in charge of what or you could end up taking up the slack for
    a job that someone else is supposed to do.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Calm down and get organized before you spread your ideas to others,
    Aries. This is especially true when it comes to love and romance. As soon
    as this topic comes up, you tense up and erupt inappropriately. Ground
    yourself and find your center of balance - literally and figuratively -
    before you proceed. Don't worry about getting the upper hand. What you
    need to do is join hands.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You've reached a climactic time of year regarding love and romance,
    Taurus. This is the time when your dream finally materializes, or you realize that all your efforts are failures. It all depends on how you played your
    cards over the past few months. This is one of those moments of reckoning
    when you face reality. You must bring your craft to the landing strip and
    check in with mission control.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your emotions are solid, and you feel good, Gemini. At the same time,
    you may be tongue-tied. You're having a hard time expressing your true
    feelings in the way you'd like to, especially when it comes to love and romance. Perhaps you have so many thoughts that you don't know how to sort
    them out, or which to disclose and which to keep hidden.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Matters of love and romance should be going well, but try not to overdo
    it, Cancer. Be careful of getting so caught up in the fantasy of romance
    that you fail to take care of the details. Today is a good day to get the foundation solid before you start building. If you've already started
    building, you may need to stand back and consider areas in which some
    extra support beams may be necessary.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is one of those days when the road forks in several directions and
    you must decide which way to go, Leo. This usually isn't hard. You just
    go with the flow. But now things are flowing in multiple directions and
    you need to figure out which way to go. Stick with the way that seems most natural. Remember that whatever choice you make will be the right one.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your plane is fueled, your bags packed, and you have clearance from the
    control tower, but for some reason, Virgo, you just can't seem to get off
    the ground. Perhaps there are details of the trip that you haven't taken
    into account. People are firing questions at you, and you don't have all
    the answers. This is especially true when it comes to matters of love
    and romance.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The person who is most organized and stable will win the race, so let
    it be you, Libra. Be careful, though. Other people may try to distract
    you from your work. You may be in the middle of an important project and
    decide to take a break. Before you know it, the phone rings and suddenly
    you're trapped with no escape. The break that you hoped would take no more
    than five minutes has turned into a big interruption.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your brain is buzzing in high gear, Scorpio. Anyone else would get dizzy
    trying to process even a fraction of the things that filter through your head in one day. The key for you is to not speak every single thought aloud but
    to keep your processing internal. People want to hear your final decision,
    not the process you went through to reach it. You will save everyone a
    lot of time if you do.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may have a hard time relating to people in social situations,
    Sagittarius. Perhaps you're frustrated at hearing the same shallow conversations over and over. While you have to mingle (even virtually) with different people, all you can think about is how nice it would be if you
    could be alone in front of the TV. Your best plan is to avoid situations
    that you know you won't enjoy. There's no sense in torturing yourself.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things have probably been going well lately in the love and romance
    department, Capricorn. You find that communication has improved, and the
    witty banter is invigorating and educational. Today there may be a blip
    on the radar. You may have been so caught up in the good parts that you
    failed to take care of the details and do the actual work needed to make
    things run smoothly.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, November 17, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, November 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may have had some emotional disappointments lately, but today will
    restore your faith in love. All you need to do is act. Your amazing lucidity and realism keep you from hoping for the impossible. You'd rather go to
    work to attain your goals than dilly-dally with illusions. Indeed, you're
    more likely to get results from yourself than from other people.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Put on your traveling shoes, Pisces. Fear of the unknown may have prompted
    you to postpone certain trips. You claimed you were too busy, but no one
    really believed this, not even you. If an opportunity to travel presents
    itself today, don't pass it up. It's silly to avoid life.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Something is currently compelling you to be more of a world citizen than
    usual, Aries. You may find this somewhat disturbing. You feel as though the roots of your identity, such as your family background and social standing,
    are dissolving little by little. Comfort yourself with the knowledge that
    your family is simply changing and expanding. It will stabilize again on another, higher plane.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your surroundings are currently changing, Taurus. Perhaps your circle
    of friends has already undergone a major change. The fact is that you no
    longer have so many prejudices about the people you meet, and no longer
    seek only a certain type of person as a friend. You accept whoever comes
    along. You may not realize it, but your attitude is completely different
    now than it once was. Good for you!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Gemini, you're demystifying the concept of talent. You used to look
    enviously at other people and think, "I wish I had a natural ability like that." Now you understand that the person who aroused your envy with is
    just someone who had the self-confidence to go to work and refine and
    develop an aptitude. It's a matter of hard work, belief in oneself, and
    bravery in the face of risk. You can do it, too!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Are you thinking of going into business for yourself, Cancer? Being self-employed doesn't automatically mean you will have more freedom. Of
    course, you will be your own boss, but you will also bear all the responsibility for the success or failure of your enterprise. If you
    quit, the whole thing will collapse. Think about it. Base your decision
    on reality and not fantasy.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Within the next few days, you're likely to gain access to dimensions of perception you never suspected, Leo. Perhaps you will become aware of certain energy phenomena, peak experiences, or other highly sensitive states of consciousness. Don't be frightened. Instead, investigate what these worlds
    have to offer. What you learn will help you cope with your sensitivity.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Often fiery temperaments like yours are drawn to fight for great causes
    despite the better judgment of more down-to-Earth people. As a result,
    you have great leadership potential that may emerge today. Your courage, enthusiasm, and vigor will be contagious when you climb onto your soapbox.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your optimism is likely to receive a little boost today, Libra. A memorable emotional encounter may be the source of some extra zeal. Or you may
    derive great satisfaction from being part of a group. The nagging chores
    of daily life will be forgotten for today at least. The outlook is nothing
    but positive!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Perhaps you should suspend your inhibitions for the day, Scorpio, and
    let your dreams guide you. For instance, you might imagine that the need
    to make any choices has vanished. Or you might grant yourself a vacation
    from daily chores. It would certainly be a relief. Who knows? You might
    conjure up some reality from the stuff of your dreams.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is the type of day you enjoy. The climate is positive, and the energy
    is flowing. It's as though you have a magic wand. You give it a wave and
    - presto - the day's tasks and chores are done! By this evening, you've scarcely tapped your energy levels. Your family will be very happy to
    spend some quality time with you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If the world collapsed today, you wouldn't bat an eyelash. You're perfectly content sailing along on cloud nine! The source of your bliss could be that
    new person in your life. Are you passionately, intensely, wonderfully in
    love? You can yield to the magic. Let it bring out the positive parts of
    your personality but keep your wits about you all the same!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, November 18, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, November 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You can never be anyone other than who you are, Aquarius! That's the way it is, and you can't change it. Other members of your family may have dreamed
    of getting free of a duty or a moral lesson, but these dreams don't apply
    to you. Your dreams of being someone else are like phantoms that have come
    back to haunt you. Simply brush them away!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The day ahead may bring a storm of individualism and independence. You
    usually tolerate the quirks and minor shortcomings of your friends or family members, but today they present real obstacles to your relationships. The
    only way to remedy the situation is to go on vacation. Spending some time alone will keep you out of trouble.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you want to make the best of the day ahead, Aries, try to convince your
    team or family to work together. This is tricky to do, what with everyone's schedule being so demanding right now. Hard as it is to coordinate their efforts and orchestrate harmony, the strength of your character and your
    team spirit will make it all work out.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The day ahead won't be easy, Taurus. A glimpse at your love life reveals
    that you will be bridling at certain inhibitions. You long for peace and stability, and at the moment everything is in suspense. Use the day ahead
    to gain some perspective on the situation. Until the ice melts and the
    flow of events resumes, why not devote your energy to some other endeavor?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Lately, you've been nursing a feeling that your partner is inattentive. The tension has been building up and today, Gemini, you're likely to boil
    over with the rage that comes from one too many doubts and suspicions.
    The forecast for love is stormy, without a doubt. But making up after the quarrel promises to be lots of fun.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some days it's better to be on vacation! That's what you're liable to
    think today. All your projects are mired in quicksand, and you feel like
    you're spinning your wheels. But even if things are momentarily stuck,
    don't lose faith. Your inner self is gaining stability. When the time is
    right, it will be strong and reliable.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Deep inside, don't you have an urge to breathe new spirit into your
    love life? Of course, some things are more easily said than done.
    Currently, you don't have much time to devote to yourself, much less your partner. Affection could thrive if given half a chance. The day suggests
    that you commit yourself to making some decisions that will help bring
    you and your mate closer.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It's time to get what you need, Virgo. Your desires don't always go in
    a direction that does you the most good, and this can cause tension. You
    feel as though it's impossible to combine your desires with what is good
    for you, notably in your love life. You wrestle with whether you should
    remain in your "creative" cave or share your life with someone. It doesn't
    have to be one or the other.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Take cover, Libra, because today promises to be an emotional roller
    coaster! Something seems to be askew with your relationships, and you feel
    torn in opposite directions. One force is pushing you to enrich your inner universe and another force is pushing you into the arms of someone you've recently met. Stay busy to avoid confrontation.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    People are going to think you're a star today, Scorpio! Although you may
    not feel that way about yourself. What's gotten into you lately? Have you
    lost confidence in yourself? Are you now compensating for it? Do you feel
    a need for more success in your life? All this is possible, but you will
    have to take some risks if you're going to progress.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Stop asking if you're gifted, Sagittarius. This definitely isn't the time
    for such questions. Now is the time to work on something concrete. You will need the help of others if you're to succeed, so get to work convincing
    them to ally with you. You may have to reveal more of yourself than you normally do in order to sway people to your side. It's time to get out of
    your hole and take action!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A partner for life or a brief encounter, which will it be? This is today's question. Why not choose both? Can you imagine being your partner's lover
    while keeping your independence? Don't be influenced by old models that
    force you to choose between these two ideas. Don't forget that in our
    modern world, your choices aren't as limited as you might think!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, November 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It seems that the new planetary lineup has just opened up some doors that
    had previously been shut. You revel in the confidence that people have
    in you. It isn't that your abilities have changed, just your attitude!
    People trust you because you exhibit more self-confidence. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Hold on to it at all costs.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There is a possibility that you feel cheated or taken advantage of in some
    way. Do you feel as if you're paying more than your fair share? The day ahead gives you an opportunity to achieve recognition for your efforts and perhaps redress some grievances. It's odd that despite your tendency to espouse fairness, you feel uncomfortable when the authorities rule in your favor.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're gifted at bringing people together, there's no doubt about that,
    Aries. Today will be especially good for participating in or initiating group activities. It's a favorable day for any project related to fellowship and assistance. You might do the groundwork to form a team, discussion group,
    or charitable endeavor.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You have a promising day ahead, Taurus. Finally, you will advance by leaps
    and bounds in whatever needs to be done. Whatever has been causing the delays will likely be revealed today. You return to the skill and professionalism
    you so value after several weeks of halting progress. Don't tolerate any violation of your ethics now or in the future.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There's some likelihood that something you need or want has been eluding
    your grasp. The somewhat strained aspect of the heavens lately hasn't
    helped. But today everything is within reach, especially if it was material considerations holding you back. You have an auspicious day ahead, so make
    the most of it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The day ahead will be a soothing one, Cancer. Since it's auspicious for
    the material aspect of things, it's a good time to settle household issues
    like bills or repairs. But you might also take advantage of today's aspect
    to set in motion even more ambitious plans about your living situation. Is
    it time to think more seriously about that move you've been dreaming of?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will be full of ideas for improving your lifestyle, Leo, especially as
    it relates to your family. It's true that over the past few months you've experienced some hardships. You can breathe easier now. Whether it's for your career or home, today's initiatives are likely to bring great rewards. Take advantage of the atmosphere to put together a realistic plan for the future.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Is discipline high on your list of priorities lately, Virgo? You're undoubtedly trying to inject some order into your daily life, and your
    behavior could benefit from some adjustment as well. Whether it concerns
    food, hygiene, or simply the intensity of your daily rhythm, it's possible
    that you will notice a real improvement today.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You can expect your mood to improve today, Libra. The professional
    and private projects that you have at the moment should be progressing
    well. You feel reassured, and you're encouraged to make some new plans. If
    you continue to keep up the good rhythm, you will have success in redefining your goals and life direction.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some people say that you miss out on life because of your tendency to
    observe your life rather than experience life directly. If that's the case, then today will be a real departure for you. You will suddenly seem more
    in contact with your sentiments and be more present and connected to those around you. It feels good for a change, doesn't it?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today, Sagittarius, you're in the mood for commitment! Take time to connect with the social world as you seek like-minded people who can share your intimate, individualistic realm. Ultimately, we all have to figure out how to make our way in society. Today you will feel more sociable than usual. Expect to have some good ideas about ways you can enlarge your social circle.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your scattered energy comes together today in a powerful laser beam of concentrated attention and effort. You will work until you drop, and no
    one and nothing had better get in your way! Keep up the good pace. You're
    going to feel more loved than usual, and this changes absolutely everything
    for you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The latest equipment might suddenly be available to you. It's likely
    to make life easier and more interesting. It could also open doors to
    make new friends and find new opportunities. Increased income is also a possibility. You could stumble on some surprising information, Aquarius,
    and this could set your mind going in a new direction. Today promises a
    lot of stimulation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Friends or a group could bring new and exciting information your way,
    perhaps involving career or educational opportunities. You might explore combining artistic talents with modern technology. Invitations to related social events could follow. Accept as many as you can, Pisces. They could
    make a difference in your personal, professional, and creative lives.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you could decide to host a virtual party or small meeting in your
    home. You miss having a lot of visitors. This should be an exciting occasion, Aries, and you could go out of your way to make this the best small event possible. It will probably be worth it. This event could bring people and information your way that make a big difference to you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Vast amounts of information could come to you through email or phone. Expect
    to hear from groups. You could make new friends, Taurus, possibly in your neighborhood, as changes could be taking place in your community. You
    could hear of online classes you want to take. Books or magazines may bring valuable information. This could be a very stimulating and significant day.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Have you been thinking about expanding your computer skills? If so, this is
    the day to do it. You're likely to discover a lot of valuable information,
    as well as shortcuts for accomplishing your goals. Happiness reigns in the
    home as family members exchange a lot of new and interesting ideas. This
    could be a very gratifying day in a lot of ways, Gemini.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Social events, possibly involving small groups, could put you in touch
    with knowledgeable people who could provide valuable information. You
    might decide to go back to school or otherwise advance your education. Technology could play a large part in all this, Cancer, so it might be a
    good idea to work on your computer skills and bring them up to snuff. A
    short trip could be in the offing.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today your mind might be on social and political issues. If you aren't currently involved with groups dealing with these issues, you might consider joining one. A recent increase in income might have given you some extra
    time, and you may be excited about the possibilities. Service to others
    is one, Leo. Consider some others, perhaps developing a creative skill,
    before moving ahead.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Information could come your way today that starts you thinking about
    new and revolutionary ideas. Perhaps they involve modern technology or
    social and political issues. Opportunities to meet new friends who share
    your interests could come through group activities. You should be feeling especially curious and optimistic about the future, Virgo, and whatever exchanges with others you have are likely to set your mind buzzing.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Unusual and unexpected opportunities to better your career could come to
    you today through friends. These friends could provide you with valuable information about making maximum use of your skills, Libra. Efficiency could get a boost from technology. Expect a number of interesting communications,
    all bringing good news. This could prove to be a stimulating, exciting day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The possibility of taking a trip by air could present itself today. The trip might be made with friends or a small group, if possible. If you've been working on projects connected with education or publishing, this is the day
    to move them forward. Books, TV, and the Internet could bring interesting, valuable information your way. This promises to be a busy, stimulating day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The possibility to advance your career through increasing your technological skills may present itself today. This could open doors for you in a lot of directions, paving the way for increased income. A number of new contacts
    could come into your life, bringing friendship and opportunities. This is
    the day to work on building your skills and possibly return to school.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A number of social invitations could come your way today, possibly connected with groups you're affiliated with. Accept as many as you can handle, Capricorn; you should have a wonderful time, learn much that fascinates
    you, and make some new friends. A surprise encounter with a friend or your romantic partner could bring you closer together. This may be a significant
    day for you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, November 21, 2024 08:00:48
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Are you tired, Aquarius? It's no wonder. You're so eager to be useful that you've run yourself ragged over the past few weeks. As you may have noticed, the world is so apathetic now that every movement requires enormous effort
    on your part. Why not settle down and rest today? That would be the wisest
    and most reasonable thing to do. You will still be needed tomorrow.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The planets are moving you into a new cycle, Pisces. Soon you will be
    in a new "story." You will have to take stock of what you've learned in previous weeks. Who you are is related to the degree of peace you have in
    your life and whether or not you've been able to resolve some conflicts. Did you learn your lessons well? Without a doubt, you have a gift for calming
    tense situations.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Have you done the cleaning that the planetary configurations asked you to
    do in recent weeks, Aries? If this is the case, today you should start to
    feel less weighed down by the conventions in your life. You've undoubtedly solved some of the problems in your relationships. You will feel as if
    you're in a kind of renaissance through the next cycle.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The social agitation that has been in your life for the last three weeks
    is coming to an end, Taurus. The celestial energy will help you learn some lessons and prepare for the next cycle. It would be great if you had some success and honors because this would help you confront the coming weeks. It will be a time of meditation and feeling a little bit disconnected from
    the world.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is the end of the first stage in your "socialization," Gemini. Are
    you satisfied with the people you've met? You can usually make the most
    out of these encounters, but did your political savvy let you down? Did
    it lead you in directions you didn't want to go? Take advantage of this
    pause to catch your breath and figure out where you are today and where
    you want to be tomorrow.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is the end of the voyage you've been on over the past few weeks,
    Cancer. You undoubtedly saw some interesting sights. Whether you were
    on an inner or outer voyage, the cosmic energy will bring you to a safe
    harbor. Unpack your bags carefully, as they're filled with treasures and souvenirs. You will want to put them around the house as happy reminders
    of how much you've grown.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    After the events of the last few weeks, do you still want to continue acting like the same person? This is always a good question to ask with a celestial atmosphere like today's. People generally feel that they have a chance to
    get out of old systems and relationships. But people always hesitate to
    do this because of a fear of the future. Don't waver. Take the next steps!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The day ahead should give you an opportunity to analyze the events of the
    past three weeks, Virgo. You will draw many important conclusions about
    your love life. You may conclude that matters have evolved little, if at
    all. This is discouraging, to be sure, but don't place too much trust in appearances. Remember, things aren't always as they seem.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you feel as though you aren't making sufficient progress toward your
    goals, use this day to correct your aim. Are you disappointed with your
    love life? You may have devoted a great deal of energy to it lately
    without seeing much payoff. Wait a few more days before you make any
    drastic decisions about the future, Libra.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are you feeling somewhat annoyed today? This is hardly surprising since
    the day inspires you to take a long, hard look at what's happening with
    your life. It's as though you suddenly realize that decisions you make
    may have impacts that reach far and wide. But don't let that stop you from committing yourself to a course of action, Scorpio. Be adventurous!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Are you feeling scattered, Sagittarius? It's possible that you're wondering about a million different things today. Are you strong enough to assume
    your family duties? Are you attractive? Are you important? Of course, all
    these questions simply distract you from your anxiety. Don't worry. The
    next few weeks will be less stressful.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Perhaps you notice some weariness today, Capricorn. You have been much
    more active than usual for the past few weeks. You've been communicating
    with new people, having new experiences, attending virtual meetings, and perhaps even taking short trips. In the long run, will any of it further
    your goals? That's the question you have to answer today.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, November 22, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're going to be a valuable asset to others today because of your
    rational mind and ability to think things through clearly. The stubborn
    forces around you aren't going to bend, but you have the unique ability
    to do so. Do your best to avoid fights, even though it will be tempting
    for you and others to want to let off some steam.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    In your attempts to always be the nice, helpful one, Pisces, you might
    find that you're compromising some of your values. Know that balance and harmony are wonderful things, but they aren't always worth the price of self-sacrifice. Don't be someone you aren't just to maintain the peace. Your tolerance is apt to be tested today. Don't feel bad if you suddenly feel
    like fighting.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Actions could be quick and intense today, Aries. Things may hit you like lightning, so be prepared for just about anything. Mentally stabilize
    yourself before interacting with others. Dress to demonstrate your power. You're a force to be reckoned with, not one to be stepped on. Violent
    emotions are apt to emerge. Don't fight the urge to release any anger you
    feel. Direct it appropriately.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your playful attitude is apt to be opposed by someone who refuses to see
    things your way, Taurus. Walk away from those who aren't committed to
    helping the situation. It could be that there are people who purposefully
    try to sabotage your plans. You're too smart to fall into this trap. Prove
    to others that even though you may be happy, it doesn't mean you're gullible.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today may be one of those days in which you're trying to paint a large
    area, but you only have a small brush. Your strokes are careful and
    calculated. You're doing a neat and precise job, but you're also doing
    things the hard way. Go easy on yourself and get a large brush. Make your strokes gigantic so you can cover more area with less effort.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be barking up the wrong tree today, Cancer. Before you waste all
    your energy on your podium proclaiming your thoughts to the world, it would behoove you to stop, look around, and notice your audience. How are they reacting to your tirade? Are people walking away or are they cheering?
    Perhaps you need to let someone else have a turn at the microphone.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    In an attempt to merge with infinity, you might overlook some basic life principles, Leo. Be careful about being seduced by those who want you to be involved in their drama. You might willingly acquiesce at first. You may not even realize how deep a hole you've dug until it's too late. Make sure you haven't alienated everyone so that there's still someone left to dig you out.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Feel free to stand up for yourself, a cause, or another person today, even
    if you know it will cause tension among the others around you. A heated argument is likely to ensue, and it wouldn't be surprising if you were
    the catalyst. Passionate debates are right up your alley, so use this as
    an opportunity to demonstrate your courage and strength in what you believe.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your mind is apt to be fixed on one thing today, Libra, and you won't rest until you've obtained it. Perhaps it's a physical place you're trying to
    get to, a new gadget that you want to own, or a person you'd like to get
    to know better. Don't be surprised if you have to put up a bit of a fight
    in order to accomplish this goal, whatever it may be.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Things may happen right under your nose today, Scorpio, and you may not
    even be aware of it. The thing that will be obvious is your reaction to
    the situation when this hidden event suddenly comes to light. A passionate explosion is likely, due to people's heightened emotional state. Try to
    work with this energy instead of against it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It could be that close friends or family members are in sharp disagreement regarding a certain issue, Sagittarius. Try not to be too distressed by divisions among the people you love. Some may want you to take sides and express yourself fully on the situation. You may feel as if you're damned
    if you do and damned if you don't. Try your best to compromise.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There is a great deal of emotion and drive to the day, just the way you
    like it, Capricorn. Make sure you don't get stuck with the short end of the stick as the day comes to a close. An honest fight or debate is one thing,
    but a harsh manipulation of people is another. Make sure you're involved
    in the former and not the latter.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, November 23, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your imagination might conjure stories or pictures that you want to
    memorialize through writing or painting, but a lack of self-confidence
    might discourage you. However, it's probably a good idea to do it anyway.
    These ideas come from deep inside you. Giving them shape could represent
    a release from old traumas. Keep your work hidden in a drawer if you don't
    like it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Attendance at some kind of group event might seem especially appealing
    today. However, Pisces, worries about your family might distract you so that you don't benefit from it the way you should. You also might find some of
    the conversation boring. Despite your lack of enthusiasm, it might be a good idea to get out anyway. Staying home alone could make for a gloomy evening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Let's face it, Aries. Today you're likely to find your chores and errands exceedingly boring. You could find yourself watching the clock, feeling
    like an hour has gone by and then realizing it's only been ten minutes. If
    you can put off your tasks until tomorrow, by all means do so. Nothing is
    so urgent that it requires your undivided attention all day. Treat yourself
    to a fun afternoon.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might be distracted by daydreams of a trip you're planning to
    take, Taurus. A friend could phone and want to discuss it, which doesn't
    help. Visions of faraway places and exciting pastimes may dance in your head, and routine tasks seem incredibly tedious and unworthy of attention. It's
    best to get them done if you can. Then you can fantasize about your vacation without guilt!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might not have heard from a close friend in a long time and worry a
    little, Gemini. Perhaps this person wasn't well the last time you talked. If you can, it might be a good idea to call. Strange and unsettling dreams
    could plague your sleep tonight, but don't get too agitated. They aren't prophetic in any way. The symbols probably represent nothing more than
    psychic detritus released through sleep.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An older visitor might come to your door today, Cancer. You aren't likely
    to be too thrilled about this, but you will be able to play the good host anyway. Romance and sociability may be a bit limited by obligations to
    family, particularly parents, but don't let it get you down. You may be
    stuck at home tonight, but you will be able to let loose later.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Mundane tasks, including errands and answering correspondence, might bore
    you all day, Leo. You're likely to be restless and strongly tempted to chuck
    it all and go somewhere to enjoy yourself. Take a good look at what you're doing and try to judge objectively how important it is to get it done now. If it isn't that important, then put it aside. You probably need to relax!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Financial issues may interfere with your self-expression today,
    Virgo. Perhaps you need a little more money before proceeding with
    a project that means a lot to you. You usually aren't one to let this
    kind of consideration stop you, though. Just a little bit of thought and planning could make whatever it is you want to do more feasible than it
    appears to be. Write down some ideas and go to it!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A charismatic person might contact you today and want your help with
    something. Emotional issues regarding family might have you feeling
    gloomy. Your creative side may have to lie fallow while you attend to mundane issues. Basically, you feel pretty optimistic about your life and future. You're never afraid of hard work, and you're persevering. Go for what you
    want and make everyone happy, including yourself!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Worries about relatives or friends could plague you throughout the
    day, Scorpio. Perhaps you aren't sure what's wrong and so you feel
    helpless. Whatever vague worries you may have, don't try to figure out the truth without knowing the facts. You could make mountains out of molehills. This isn't a good day to run errands. Delays and obstacles could cause a
    lot of frustration and wasted time.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Small group functions and social events might not prove as satisfying
    as usual today, Sagittarius. You may not be in the mood. You might
    feel pressured to mingle when you'd rather sit on the couch. Whatever conversations you get into will seem trivial and boring. This is a good
    day to sit back and listen. You might learn from the people around you
    without having to say a word.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Pride might get in your way today, Capricorn. Perhaps you will be asked
    to do a task that you consider beneath you. Perhaps the people around you
    are feeling persnickety. Rise above the insults and make a special effort
    to do the best you can, defusing the situation before it gets out of hand. Tonight, enjoy an evening of watching movies or listening to music.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, November 24, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, November 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you, Aquarius. The problem with the energy today is that there may be some
    sticks and stones tossed in your direction. Be on the lookout for such
    objects. There are powerful forces operating that are charged with
    emotional aggression. War may break out if you aren't careful. Try to
    maintain the peace.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Emotionally, things might get rather tense for you as others tend to demonstrate a selfish attitude, Pisces. Selfishness doesn't always have to be considered a negative. Sometimes it's healthy and necessary to take a more self-centered stance. You need to take care of yourself at all times. So, don't try to pick a fight when other people also demonstrate this behavior.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You might be stirred by the energy present in the air today, Aries. Put
    on your armor and get ready to do battle. Others may cower when they look
    out their window and see what's going on outside, but you want to jump
    into the fray. Strong, aggressive emotions are the weapons of the day,
    and everybody knows that you have quite an arsenal in this department.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Move in for the touchdown today, Taurus, and don't stop until you
    succeed. Don't let other people's insecurities become yours. Have confidence
    in yourself and the way you behave around others. Just because someone else feels sad doesn't mean you have to, just to make them feel better. The
    best thing you can do in this situation is turn it around by exhibiting
    sheer happiness.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Now is the perfect time to say something to someone that you've been meaning
    to say for quite some time, Gemini. Get it out in the open. Keeping it
    inside will only eat away at you. Stop worrying about the consequences and
    make the move. Today is the time to be bold and aggressive. Other people
    might respond in a similar fashion, so if you dish it out, be prepared to
    take it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your opinions might be the topic of conversation all day, Cancer. You have
    a very strong will and you aren't afraid to express it. Today you will get
    that chance. Feel free to enlighten others with your tremendous wealth of knowledge. Take control of the conversation and accept the mental challenge
    of trying to win other people over to your side. Whether you're successful
    or not, you will have fun trying.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your sensitive heart may be sparked by anger today, Leo. Don't be afraid
    of hurting other people's feelings. You'd be doing yourself and others a disservice by not revealing the true scope of your emotions. The other
    parties involved may not have all the facts necessary to make the most
    educated decision. Aid in this process by revealing your perspective.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might feel a great deal of physical power on a day like today, Virgo. If someone asks you to come help move a couch, you're likely to be able to
    pick up the whole thing by yourself. Don't sell yourself short. You have
    more internal strength than you reveal to others. There's no need to hide
    it any longer. Feel free to make use of this great power you possess.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The ship is headed out, so you'd better hop on board, Libra. People aren't
    apt to be too sympathetic to your emotional sob story today, so keep
    it under wraps. Whining will get you kicked off the boat altogether.
    Today's energy is teaching you to toughen up. Don't take it personally.
    Realize that there are important lessons we all need to learn. One of them
    is to know when to be silent.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You'll want to jump into action today, Scorpio. Feel free to order others around for a change and delegate. An aggressive approach is exactly what's called for, and you have the ability to deliver the goods. Trying to do everything yourself may seem like a great idea at first, but you're better
    off enlisting help so others can feel involved and you can concentrate on
    doing a better job on fewer tasks.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Guard your heart today, Sagittarius, for it's a prime target of the abrasive words flying around. Your sensitive nature feels alone and vulnerable in
    this harsh atmosphere, so you might be better off just staying in bed. If
    you decide to go out, make sure to bring your arsenal. Use your sensitivity
    to your advantage. Scope out your weaknesses so you're able to use your
    energy most efficiently.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    We need to have more people like you in places of power, Capricorn. And
    don't feel like it's out of the question. Today's astrological weather
    is helping you find the confidence and physical strength you need to
    boost your leadership abilities. This is the time to take control of the situation. You can do it!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, November 25, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, November 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You aren't the only one who can solve your problems, Aquarius. Trust that there are others who are capable of understanding. Those who want to help
    you are motivated only by love, with no ulterior motives. It's in your
    nature to be skeptical, but these people do exist. And guess what? You
    could communicate with one of them today!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Have you noticed how delays seem to occur more often, Pisces? Today will
    be no exception. Something you've been waiting for has been delayed yet
    again. It may be that the order form got lost or that there was some unforeseeable delay in sending it to you. Even with your mild-mannered
    Pisces temperament, you're beginning to be a little irked! Sit tight. All
    will be resolved shortly.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Get outside and get moving, Aries! If you can manage to take the day
    off, this would be a good time to release some energy. You used to enjoy competition when you were little. Remember how exhilarating it was to be
    the first to the top of the hill? You will find your life greatly enriched
    if you could find a way to rekindle similar feelings.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Devote the day to your children or partner, Taurus. You may protest that
    it's too hard to find the time to give them the attention they deserve. You don't have time for yourself, much less anyone else. In any case, you will probably feel torn between what is expected of you and what you feel you
    can realistically give. If you want to dispel the inner tension, take care
    in the choices you make in the next few weeks.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A friend or family member is slowly poisoning your relationship, Gemini. A misunderstanding between the two of you will ultimately prove beneficial in
    the long run. Why? It makes you realize how uncomfortable you are with vague, ill-defined relationships. Today would be a good day to write a letter to
    the person in question. You're likely to find the results gratifying.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You've been a social butterfly lately, Cancer! The sociable phase you're currently in demands a great deal of energy. You're attracted to some of
    your new acquaintances but irritated by others. One in particular causes
    you real anxiety today. You have two choices. Either abandon your new
    group of friends entirely or expel the person who's causing you trouble.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your thin skin feels even thinner than usual today, Leo. If you happen
    to witness a violent outburst in the street, at work, or on television,
    you suddenly become aware of your vulnerability. Don't let it frighten
    you into hiding. As one of the few remaining guardians of the world's
    dwindling reserves of kindness, you have a responsibility.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    People sometimes say that you're a little aggressive in your approach,
    Virgo. But today you feel a little tired of leading the charge on the battlefield. You can learn a lot from your friends who can teach you to
    think of things in relative terms without allowing yourself to become emotionally involved in every situation. Try to relax for a change!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may be a bit oversensitive today, Libra. It's possible that you will
    be irritable and conflicted as you begin to suspect that long-term projects
    may not be finished. The time has come to take stock. There is likely a good reason that you've been unable to complete that project you undertook several months ago. Advice from others should steer you in the right direction.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There's no point in trying to make sense of today, Scorpio. Much of
    what happens occurs on an unconscious level and defies any rational explanation. You may have had a dream last night worthy of professional interpretation. If you can bear turning off your intellect, this could be
    a very profitable day for you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is a confusing period for all of us, Sagittarius. But no doubt you've noticed this. In such circumstances, some people become more rigid than ever because they resist dramatic change. They try to hold on to tradition. Your Sagittarius sensitivity makes you very receptive to the past, but current conditions should inspire you to let go of some of your convictions.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    What do you have to lose, Capricorn? The planets are shaking you in the
    hopes of ridding you of your old objectives to make way for new growth. You feel doubt where once there was only certainty. When you consider the worst that can happen, it may help you to realize that what you're clinging to
    really isn't all that important. It's time to let go and begin anew.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, November 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    When the day is done, you will look back on it as an unusual one,
    Aquarius. Wild ideas sprouted in your head like mushrooms. You may have imagined leaving immediately for a trip around the world, or drawn up
    plans for a housekeeping invention, or visualized an entirely new opening
    in the online world. Don't dismiss these ideas as unrealistic. They are not.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's likely to be some tumult in your emotional life right now,
    Pisces. You may feel a pressing need to have a heart-to-heart talk with
    your partner. Tension may develop if you become increasingly insistent about your need to do so. Anger or alienation can be avoided if you express your feelings with clarity and compassion.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Friends and family, while dear, can be irritating today, Aries. Everyone around you seems upset and unable to communicate clearly. Fortunately,
    your temper has a long fuse. To avoid a sudden explosion, it would be a
    good idea to avoid home and the tensions there. If you take a break from
    your normal routine, you're likely to meet people who will put you in a
    calmer frame of mind.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    All dissatisfaction will be abolished today as you systematically confront
    and resolve all the little problems that have been bothering you. Your tolerance threshold is low to nonexistent. Give a wide berth to friends
    who have been irritating lately. Your wardrobe improves dramatically as
    you discard all those clothes that don't fit or no longer suit you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're rarely surprised or bothered by the occasional setback. Today,
    however, you should put a firm hand on any project you undertake. This isn't the time for a relaxed attitude, especially where money is concerned. If you take a systematic approach, you will have the double benefit of conserving
    both energy and assets.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Expect to be torn between two seemingly paradoxical urges today, Cancer. Part of you wants to spend the day wrapped in a cocoon, playing with your
    toys. But another side of you is just as committed to spearheading a major creative or social endeavor with friends who share your revolutionary
    ideas. You feel exhausted from trying to build the perfect world.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're often called the "cleanup crew." Whether it's the home or the unconscious, you enjoy preparing nests for all sorts of births, real
    and figurative. Don't be surprised if you find yourself tidying up your
    home, throwing away useless things, clearing the desk, or catching up on
    mail. There are powerful forces compelling you to prepare for someone or something new and different.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Act without hesitation today, Virgo, especially if you're following
    unfamiliar directions or exploring new territory. This may not seem like
    the best advice, but this is a day for saying an unflinching yes to all
    manner of proposals that come your way, even if some are unclear. Virgo
    excels at this type of test. Expect to be at the head of the class by the
    end of the day!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're obviously struggling with something big, Libra. Recent comments
    about your irritability are well founded. But don't worry. They'll
    forgive you eventually. In the meantime, do what you can to control your temper. It stems from your current fears, which seem to be multiplying exponentially. Blame the situation on the planets and accept it as a lesson
    on the path to self-realization.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Expect to be in a provocative mood today, Scorpio. For the past few days,
    you may have been searching for an outlet for the overflowing energy you're
    so lucky to have. You will have an opportunity today, as innovative projects are likely to come your way. If you face your demons, you will find a unique opportunity to rid yourself of the fears you've been carrying around for
    so long.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your passions have been stirring like a caged animal for the past several
    days, Sagittarius. Now is the time to let them out. Some of what you express may elicit surprise or disapproval, but that's no reason to stay silent. If
    you don't express yourself, illness may result. Your goal should be to
    be true to your inner self. Ultimately, that's the only way to be happy
    and healthy.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    What an odd day, Capricorn! You feel like you've been given a one-way ticket
    to a faraway place. Departure is imminent, leaving you no time to pack or say goodbye. There isn't a moment to waste. You're intrigued by the adventure,
    yet afraid to go. All signs indicate that it will be beneficial if you get on that plane. Send your loved ones a postcard once you get to your destination.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, November 27, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Get things taken care of in the morning so you can be carefree and laid
    back in the evening. It's important for you to square things away in your
    head so you can communicate important information to others later. Feel
    free to take an unconventional approach. It's important to march to the
    beat of your own drum and not anyone else's.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your usual lazy attitude is apt to receive a burst of energy tonight,
    Pisces. It's in your nature not to want to lift a finger, but for some
    reason you may be compelled to get up and get moving. You will find that
    when you connect with others, you're more motivated to make things happen
    for yourself. When you get the attention you feel you deserve, your devotion
    is strong.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find your emotions difficult to deal with, Aries, especially later in the day. Consider taking an intellectual instead of emotional approach. Your feelings could send you into a drastic mood swing from one end of the
    spectrum to the other. The thing you really need right now - especially
    tonight - is balance. Tie up any loose ends to maintain more equilibrium.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Communication with others could be extremely rewarding, Taurus, especially later in the day. Project more of your energy outward and join others in projects that you might otherwise try to tackle on your own. Things should
    flow smoothly as long as you take a lighthearted, optimistic approach.
    Move forward with projects instead of just contemplating their completion.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Make sure you solidify your affairs early in the day, Gemini, because the sparks are going to fly after sunset. People might try to throw you off
    balance with fast talk and fancy ideas. You need to make sure you're on
    solid ground before you take the next step upward. Balance your emotions
    so you don't take your frustration out on others. Focus on your goals.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things are looking up for you, Cancer, especially later in the day. Pieces should be coming together and things flowing into place naturally.
    You will find that your outward-directed energy is better balanced now. You should connect with others using your keen wit, strong will, and sheer intelligence. Take your time to do the things you need to do. Don't rush.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The energy is apt to pick up in your life today, Leo. You may be asked
    to report to duty. Don't make promises you can't keep. Your words will
    be taken seriously, and you shouldn't mislead people into thinking that something is going to happen when you know it isn't. You know how that situation will turn out. Trust yourself, regardless of the circumstances.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's extra aggression in your world today, Virgo. Realize that this is probably due more to your reaction to a situation than to the situation
    itself. It could be that you're in conflict with someone just because he
    or she wants harmony while you have a propensity to fight. This paradox
    is likely to be detrimental to your psyche unless you try to change it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your mood may take a bizarre twist today, Libra, as you calm your desire to fight for something. You're probably more interested in enjoying the beauty
    of something rather than trying to keep it for yourself. Allowing someone
    or something else to be free is the best gift you can give. Keep the
    lines of communication open and you will find that everything falls into
    place as it should.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Things are going to get better and better for you as the day progresses, Scorpio. Try to get your grounded, practical, and logical self collected
    during the day so you have the evening to socialize and commune with close friends, if possible. Balance is going to be a key issue for you today,
    so make sure you keep things in check before any one part of your life
    gets out of hand.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There may be a bit of aggravation in a part of your life that's urging you
    to get up and do something, Sagittarius. It could be that you're getting
    overly emotional about a certain issue, and that you need to consider more
    of the cold, hard facts of what's really going on. You could be missing something obvious simply because you're so caught up in your emotional drama.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may feel a bit stodgy today, Capricorn, but things are going to pick up tonight. There will be a great deal of air to fuel your fire, and you're
    ready to burn! You could be like a desert of dry sagebrush just ready to
    be set alight. The whole mountainside is about to go up in a beautiful
    blaze of glory. You're ready to shine like the brilliant star that you are.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, November 28, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Put your foot down today, Aquarius. Don't let others push you around. It
    could be that you're used to letting people have their way in order to
    keep the peace. The problem with this is that your dreams and goals may
    get lost in the shuffle. Don't lose sight of your true destination. There's much more to life than you might see on the surface. Dig deeper.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    For goodness' sake, decide today, Pisces. The more you flounder about which
    way to go, the likelier it is that you will miss the boat altogether. You
    have all the facts you need, so don't delay any longer. Once you make up
    your mind, be strong and throw all your weight behind it. Your mind can
    be like a computer filing away information as long as you stay alert.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Mentally, you're apt to do very well today, Aries. You will find that you
    can tackle just about any cerebral challenge that comes along. The most difficult aspect of the day will be dealing with your emotions. More than likely, you will feel a great desire for attention. You just want to be
    loved. Get up on stage and say what's in your heart. This isn't a good
    time to harbor your feelings.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your heart is in the right place today, Taurus, so feel free to share your
    good mood with others. Keep things simple and straightforward. Try not to complicate issues with unnecessary garble. Streamline your thoughts and actions. You will find that you can be much more efficient when you cut out
    the aspects that aren't pertinent or absolutely necessary. Follow your heart.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may find it hard to get rolling today, Gemini. It's likely that
    you're caught in a gridlock between your mind and heart. Be careful about letting this tension build. The most important thing for you today is
    to relax. Tackle things one step at a time and finish one project before starting another. You could get overwhelmed if you have too many things
    on your plate at once.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're apt to be spurred into action by strong forces that don't want you
    to take a break, Cancer. Keep in mind that the more you resist, the more
    you will be pushed and pulled by outside sources. If you find yourself in
    a bind, take a deep breath and calm down. Act from a point of neutrality instead of a point of anger or defensiveness.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Feel free to let it all out today, Leo. It's finally your turn to stand up
    and say what you feel. Don't let others push you into places you don't want
    to be. The key is to probe deeply with your penetrating mind and share your incredible insights with others. Don't be surprised if your actions cause
    some tension. Don't let this stop you from doing what you feel is right.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Emotionally speaking, you're probably doing quite well today, Virgo. You have extra self-confidence to draw on to tackle your projects. The one difficult aspect of the day probably has to do with some sort of mental challenge
    that for some reason just isn't making sense. Don't continue to beat a
    dead horse. If things don't want to budge, let them sit. Tackle them later.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might be in a bit of a jam today, Libra, when one person or situation doesn't work well with what you're thinking, and another doesn't fit
    well with what you're feeling. There's a clash taking place that may be difficult to reconcile, especially if you remain stubbornly in your position. The more flexible you are, the better off you will be.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today is a good day for you to follow through, Scorpio. Normally you're much better at tagging along or simply going with the flow of the situation. This way of doing things has proven quite effective for you in the past. Indeed,
    it has gotten you far. What you have now is a different situation. The
    things you've started will do you no good until you complete them.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have sympathy for those who need to vent today, Sagittarius. Don't be surprised if people line up outside your door for a chance to bend your ear
    for an hour or two. Your mind is sharp. You will be able to see to the core
    of any issue brought before you. More than likely, you will understand things intuitively. People will do well to take your advice on any issue they have.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You will probably want everyone to know how you feel today, Capricorn. You won't be shy about expressing your emotions. Feel free to take the lead
    on matters, for you have the self-confidence and emotional stability to
    do quite well at the helm of the ship. Try not to let your mind trip over itself, however. You have the tendency to think about one issue so much
    that you completely lose perspective.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain and snow +0C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, November 29, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, November 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension, Aquarius. Did you dare to express some contrary intellectual opinion?
    In any case, it looks like your self-confidence is stronger than usual
    right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have
    been keeping to yourself. But try and do it gently, especially where your family is concerned.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It would seem that your sensitivity is in slight conflict with your
    actions, Pisces. You continue to go through the motions and do what you
    planned to do, but it seems like your heart isn't in it anymore. Don't
    ask yourself why. It's just that you've worked hard and have been thinking
    hard lately. You have reached your limit and it's time for you to rest.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may have been spending or saving too much money, Aries. It's clear
    that a rebalancing is in order if you're to find pleasure rather than
    eternal frustration. It's a curious phenomenon. It's as though you have
    lost contact with your body. Yet it's in your body where you will ultimately find your balance. You certainly won't find it in your head!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You've been stamping the ground impatiently. You're waiting for the moment
    to jump into new adventures with renewed vigor after your meditation of the last few months. Taurus, know that the moment has almost arrived! You now
    have the strategy, objective, and means at your disposal to succeed. Just
    a bit more work remains. Gather your strength and get ready for action!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you find yourself tired and irritable now, Gemini, you should know
    that this is normal. You may have had a few months that were a little too studious. Would you like to continue with the same rhythm? Be careful that
    your ambitions don't lead you to physical exhaustion. If you get sick,
    you will be even more frustrated. So be wise and take care of your own
    basic needs.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is going to be a good moment to look elsewhere, Cancer. You should do just as the artist does when he has worked on a painting for too long, which
    is take a step back. You need to see some people, travel, go to the theater, and clear your head. This is never easy for you, but don't hesitate. You
    will realize afterward that it was the best thing for you to do.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is the right moment to extricate yourself from relationships that have seen their day, Leo. This won't be easy, but you must. In your professional and private lives, you're too hesitant to get out of distasteful situations
    or obligations. You're afraid of hurting people or making them mad. But
    in the end, you're hurting yourself. Give more weight to your own needs
    and follow your own path.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You took off like a bullet a few days ago, Virgo, making great progress
    in a short amount of time. But now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining all your energy. Reflecting on the events of the past few days, it's obvious that you were somewhat reckless in your headlong pursuit of
    your goals. Don't give up! Just rethink your strategy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There is some likelihood that thoughts of your love life will haunt you
    today, Libra. Perhaps you're intrigued by the idea of exploring certain
    realms of your relationship that remain secret, but you're unsure how to communicate this to your mate. Perhaps you're still testing the waters,
    waiting until you're sure of how you feel. In any case, you may decide
    to proceed!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today more than ever you will yearn to escape from the daily routine. You're thirsty for new sights and sounds, new faces and places. However, you're
    well aware that you must juggle your desires with your professional or
    domestic obligations. It isn't always easy, but you should trust your imagination to suggest a way to amicably settle this conflict.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Finally, you're on the mend, Sagittarius. The minor ailments that have
    been dragging you down lately are beginning to disappear, and you're about
    to regain all of your physical energy. However, if you overindulge, your
    energy levels are likely to plummet again. If nothing else, you will have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of moderation, especially now. Don't overdo it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Do you feel a little under the weather, Capricorn? It's possible, considering all the emotional turmoil you've been through lately. It takes time to
    recover from those storms. As you know, the work itself isn't what gets you down but rather your worries about the future that drain your energy. Give yourself a break today. Take some time for rest and recuperation.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, November 30, 2024 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Unguarded words on the part of a younger person might lead to upset. If the words are directed at you, don't take them seriously. The person doesn't know any better. If the words are directed at someone else, don't be tempted to
    lash out at the person who said them. Correct him or her gently. Either way, keep it to yourself and then forget it. It isn't worth the stress.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Profligate spending over the past week or two may have you feeling less confident about your money situation today, Pisces. Perhaps you've lent
    some money to a friend and you doubt their ability to repay. Or maybe you
    fell for a sales pitch that you now regret. Correct the situation if you
    can. If you can't, simply learn from the experience and put it behind you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ambition and will to succeed may be at war with your feelings today, Aries. Perhaps you've been working so hard that you aren't paying enough attention to friends and family - and they miss you. Children and young
    people may be very much on your mind. Perhaps you doubt your ability to
    fulfill your responsibilities. Be objective when considering the situation. Don't let your emotions run away with you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today, Taurus, you might uncharacteristically decide to sequester yourself
    away from the world. Perhaps you're tired or feeling a bit under the weather and only wish to kick back and read a good book. That's fine. Everyone
    needs a little solitude from time to time. The only concern here is that
    if you stay too secluded, you might miss an important communication. Resist
    the temptation to turn off the phone!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A quarrel over money could interfere with a friendship today, Gemini. Perhaps someone hasn't repaid a loan and the lender now needs it. Perhaps a member
    of your household is unable to pay their share of the bills. Don't let yourself get drawn into quarrels or recriminations. Work something out with your friend if possible. Money isn't worth throwing away a friendship and leaving a gap in your life.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Spiritual and metaphysical studies may take up a lot of your time today, Cancer. You might want to dig into the world's major religions or try
    to make it through works about spiritualism or the occult. If you want
    to, this is the day to do it because your concentration is very strong, although it will be necessary to take a lot of breaks!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might long for a vacation today, Leo, and you could toy with the idea
    of a future journey by air. Your mind may turn to spiritual places such as India, Egypt, Israel, or Ireland as you wonder how it would feel to stand in the sacred places in those countries. Don't just toy with the idea. You're probably overdue for a trip that would suit your mystical nature.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone you've known for a long time may move away or otherwise vanish from your life. He or she may move to a distant state. You'll probably stay in
    touch by phone or email, but it will never be the same, at least not for
    a long time. You will feel better if you meet some new people. They will
    come your way today, possibly through humanitarian group activities.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There might be some tension between you and your romantic partner that
    might have you feeling a bit depressed. The key to patching this up
    is honest communication. Remember that honest doesn't necessarily mean
    brutal. Confrontations now can only widen the rift. Tell your partner how
    you feel, Libra, but don't cast blame for anything. Share a little. By
    day's end, all should be well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today your biorhythms may be a little low, Scorpio, so you aren't likely
    to be feeling very sociable. You're more likely to want to bury your nose
    in your projects instead of being your usual outgoing self. This is OK
    but take care that you aren't so reclusive that you miss receiving some
    sincere compliments. That can make a big difference in the way you feel!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    An electrifying attraction to someone you may have just met could cause
    your mind to dwell on sex and romance today, Sagittarius. If you can, set
    up a romantic evening with a love partner. If this isn't possible, watch
    a movie that moves you to tears. Movies may be of particular interest to
    you today, since you might be reading about how they're made.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Family members could be upset over different frustrating events in their
    lives, and these moods could spill over to you. Today it would be best to
    leave them alone to work things out in their own way. They aren't likely
    to respond to sympathy. Take this opportunity to tend to some of your
    concerns that you may have postponed. This way, the silence in the house
    can work for you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, December 01, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There may be too much fiery energy in the day to make you feel comfortable
    with the situation, Aquarius. Instead of trying to resist this powerful
    force, it would be better if you embraced it. Use this day to draw out
    some of your inner flame and let it radiate toward the people you care
    about the most. This is a day to take action on your feelings instead of swallow them without a word.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may find that others are hostile toward you today, Pisces. Try not to
    take it personally. Realize that there are other people and situations with which you can connect that will help bolster your ego instead of dragging
    it down. Make deeper connections with your loved one tonight by indulging
    in some adventure fantasies. Shared experiences will be extremely rewarding
    at this time.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Put your incredible sensitivity to work for you today in a way that inspires action, Aries. There's so much within you that needs expression at this
    time. Don't hold back any longer. When it comes to issues regarding love
    and romance, feel free to make a move. You may be attracted to those who
    tickle your brain cells. Philosophical discussions will be quite rewarding.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Things should be going well for you today, so don't miss the opportunities
    that await you, Taurus. There's a sparkle in your eye that's unmistakable,
    and you will find that issues regarding love and romance are especially
    potent. Love is on your side. You should take this opportunity to delve
    deeply into a love affair. Take a trip with the people you enjoy most.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Don't let other people's insensitive actions dictate your mood today,
    Gemini. Your state of mind is your responsibility, and you should work to
    come to a point at which you have full control over what you feel at all
    times. If something isn't working out, let it go. This isn't a good time
    to try to stick a square peg in a round hole.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You should find that you have an extra amount of creative energy now,
    Cancer, and you should do what you can to make this force work for you.
    There's a time and place for everything, and now is the time to work together with your higher self to channel some of the artist within. Don't let your self-doubt keep you from using the creative force that's brewing inside you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may have been a bit indecisive lately when it comes to love and romance, Leo. Perhaps your mind is drawn to one person while your heart is drawn to another. Perhaps you're trying to trick your mind into seeing a certain
    quality in someone while you ignore parts that you don't really like.
    Make sure you accept people for all of who they are and not just the
    individual parts.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're apt to be in a romantic mood today, Virgo. Your whole being may
    revolve around love and romance. You will find that your romanticism is heightened. This is a terrific day to snuggle up to a loved one and share intimate moments and passionate kisses. Pamper yourself with a hot bath
    and try to make someone else happy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Feel free to strike out for new territory today, Libra, especially when
    it comes to love and romance. It could be that you're so scared of losing
    what you have that you refuse to take risks to obtain something better
    that you want. Realize that you will never get any further than the rut
    you're in until you take a deep breath, aim high, and shoot for your dreams.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Things regarding love and romance may be climactic for you now, Scorpio,
    and you may bump heads with someone in a way that makes it difficult for
    either one of you to be content. More than likely there's an issue of
    freedom versus control that's making it difficult to find a resolution.
    Perhaps you need to give a certain issue a break and come back to it later.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may find that you're taking a much more daring approach when it comes to love and romance now, Sagittarius. If you aren't, then maybe you should. You will never know the possibilities until you at least give it a try. You
    may find that there's something spurring you on today. Use that impulse
    to initiate a new path toward the object of your desire.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things should go well for you today, Capricorn, especially in the love and romance department. Don't shy away from the obvious attraction that you have toward one special person. Today is the day to amplify that feeling instead
    of hiding from it. Show off your love with the brightest, boldest colors and actions possible. There is magic in the attention that you give and receive.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, December 02, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your self-esteem may be challenged by a fast-paced talker or unpleasant situation, Aquarius. Don't accept things as they appear at first
    glance. There's a much deeper meaning brewing below the surface, and you'd
    be foolish not to recognize this when it comes around. Stick to your guns
    and stay grounded. Newfangled devices and big promises may not be all
    they're advertised to be.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Jump on board the fast train and see how far it takes you, Pisces. You will
    be surprised how far you can go with minimal effort. Your grace and polite manners will help you navigate to where you need to be. You're your own
    ship and there is a large gust of wind filling your sails. Make the most
    of this energy by shooting for the top and not resting until you get there.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Flexibility is important today, Aries. Take the relaxed, laid- back
    approach. Trying to ram your ideas through isn't the best tactic. Having
    tunnel vision will restrict you in many ways. Keep an open mind and be receptive to other people's ideas and opinions. You have a great deal of
    power at your fingertips. It would be a shame to waste it by not having
    the breadth of vision to see all your options.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Things coming at you from all sides are forcing you to make a move,
    Taurus. Try not to feel pressured into something you don't want to do. A nervous restlessness is apt to take over your being and urge you to
    act. Don't let other people's energies dictate your actions. Secure your position and be strong. Don't be lured into situations you know are bad
    for you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Lock into the practical, grounding force that is not only realistic but
    also flexible. Attend to details and organize yourself, Gemini. Be aware
    that you may need to alter your course in order to fit with the group
    energy. Try to work together with those around you to achieve a common goal. Initiating the help of others is easier than you think as long as you stay focused and motivated.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today is one of those days in which prosperity is much closer than you
    think, Cancer. You will find what you seek, but it's up to you to take the first step to going after it. More than likely, you're looking for solid answers to your deep and probing questions. Don't let your inquisitive
    mind rest until you find the answers that ring true for you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Indecision may leave you helpless at a crossroads today, Leo. Others around you could be just as undecided regarding their direction. At the same
    time, you may feel pressured to take immediate action and you're tired of waiting for others to make the first move. Find answers in simple solutions. There's more than one correct way to go. Your choice is the right one if
    you believe it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Latch on to the expansiveness that comes when you connect with others in
    the social arena, Virgo. Communication is a key part of the day. You will
    find that if you go with the flow, you will land exactly where you need
    to be. Take the adventurous route and feel free to skip around from one
    thing to another. There's no need to pin yourself down to only one way of
    doing something.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Connect with the stable, grounding energy of the day, Libra, but beware that tension may come in the form of fast talk and misguided information. People might be fickle and frantic. Wait for the dust to settle before you pick
    which road to take. Impulsive decisions are apt to lead you down paths
    that might not be the best choice for you now. Try not to think too much!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The expansive feeling you might be experiencing is apt to be squelched today
    as you get the feeling that you've lost touch with reality. Make sure you connect with real life, Scorpio, and do a bit of planning to balance your whimsical nature. Things that you haven't accounted for might crop up and
    hit you, serving as a reminder that you need to deal with the here and now.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Walk to the beat of your own drum, Sagittarius. If you try to latch on
    to the glib, fast-paced information of the day, you might lose your voice
    in the crowd. On the other hand, if you plant your feet firmly and try to
    plan in too much detail, you might deprive yourself of spontaneous events
    that prove fulfilling. Chart your own course, and don't be afraid if no
    one else comes along.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Talk to the person sitting next to you on the bus, Capricorn, or the one
    behind you in line at the store. He or she may have a piece of wisdom to
    share that will change your life forever. Know that you, too, could be that person who changes someone else's life with a single thought or piece of wisdom. Communication is the key to expanding your world in many ways.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow, mist -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Maintain a positive attitude, Aquarius, and things will naturally flow
    your way. Tell a few jokes and keep things light and energetic. You will
    find that you can multitask very well, and you have the ability to make everyone smile. Don't shy away from things - move toward them. Put away
    your self-doubt and be more proactive in your approach to everything
    you encounter.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be reluctant to commit to anything major today, Pisces.
    Your natural tendency is to look askance at those who promise grand and wonderful things. You're smart to question such talk. Don't be surprised
    if someone's new idea garners all the acclaim. Don't buy into it without
    first hearing the facts. It isn't a good day for you to gamble, either.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    This may be one of those days when you feel completely alone even if there
    are hundreds of people around, Aries. No one seems to understand your perspective. Your incredible sensitivity and emotionalism are putting you
    in a category all your own. Try not to ostracize yourself from the group.
    Reach out instead of pulling away. You have more in common with other
    people than you think.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Balance your boisterous, adventurous nature with a bit of discipline today, Taurus. It's important to laugh, but it's also important to stay on task
    with your duties. The good news is that both of these things can work in tandem. They aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, one will help you achieve
    the other. Be serious but have a good time and keep things in perspective.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There may be a thousand things for you to do today, Gemini, but you can
    only get them done if you concentrate on one at a time. Take a lighthearted approach. You will never finish by focusing on the sheer amount of work
    you have to do. Break it up into smaller pieces and delegate tasks if you
    can. Try to see the fun side of things. Schedule in breaks and snacks.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    No matter what you're doing today, have fun, Cancer. Whistle a tune. Turn
    the stereo up to full volume and dance around the kitchen as you make
    dinner. You can find amusement in just about anything, so keep this in
    mind as you tackle even the menial tasks. You're responsible for your own attitude, so don't blame anyone else for a sour mood. Turn yourself around
    and have fun.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might need to spend time alone in order to reset your programming,
    Leo. Other people's influence may be seeping into your psyche. There's no reason to always do or say what other people dictate. Your sensitivity
    helps you understand things about others, but it can also bring you down
    if you start to take on their burdens. Try to counterbalance this tendency
    with more of your own energy.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will find that discipline, organization, and a bit of a dramatic
    flair are exactly the things needed to be successful today, Virgo.
    Just because you have to be practical doesn't mean that you have to be
    stern and grumpy. Remember that taking care of serious matters can actually
    be fun as long as you maintain a positive attitude about the situation. A
    smile goes a long way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might find it difficult to deal with people on an emotional level today, Libra. Others could seem too demanding of your attention and want to keep
    the focus on themselves. At the same time, you will probably need a bit more attention than usual. Try not to be so stubborn! Give people the love they need, and you will find that the love you require will come to you as well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might find your emotions a bit dampened today, Scorpio, but this may
    not be a bad thing. Try not to blow things out of proportion so much.
    Don't feel that you need to turn every small story into a major headline. There's no need to exaggerate the truth just to get more attention. Take
    a more reserved approach to your actions and reactions to all situations.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Make sure you get your daily dose of laughter and try to come out of your
    shell a bit more, Sagittarius. This is an important time for you to let go
    of your inhibitions and open up to the world. You may find that there's a
    sober tone to your emotions, but you can overcome this easily as long as
    you keep your chin up. There's no reason for you to be gloomy.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is an important day for you to give thanks for all that you have, Capricorn. Give your loved ones extra hugs and let them know how much
    they mean to you. If things start to get a bit too serious and somber,
    you're the one who can pull others out of the rut. There is no need to be
    sad when you have so much to be happy about.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, December 04, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is a good day to look at the big picture and discuss your ideas with others, Aquarius. As you walk down the street, make sure you pay attention
    to what's going on around you. If you continue to be preoccupied by one
    issue, you may never see some of the other important pieces of the greater whole even though they're obvious to everyone else.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You will be in an excellent mood, Pisces, and find your positive attitude amplified as you communicate with more and more people. The one thing to
    watch out for today is laziness. There may be a great deal of it going
    around, especially in your camp. Don't waste the good energy of the day
    sitting around and doing nothing - even though it's quite tempting.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Speak your mind clearly, Aries. Other people aren't mind readers like you
    are. If you keep waiting for someone to figure out what you're thinking,
    it will be a long time before the truth comes out. Give people a break and
    let them know what's going on inside your head. Communication is important,
    and today it begins with you. Feel free to take the first step toward
    opening the door.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You can soar to great heights on a moment's notice today, Taurus. There's a fast-paced, socially minded quality to the day that will encourage people to share more of themselves with others. You will find a great deal of support from many different people now. Welcome this help with open arms. Don't try
    to do things by yourself when you're surrounded by such a strong team spirit.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Try to see the positive in people, Gemini. Relax and don't get so worked
    up over your internal drama. You're the one responsible for creating this turmoil. Find comfort in a creative project. Do something that you love
    to do that makes you truly happy. There's an expansive feeling in the air that's likely to amplify whatever mood you project.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You should find that the adventurous side of you has the support of your emotions, Cancer. These two parts of your spirit are working in harmony to
    help you stretch beyond your limits. Push into new realms and ask questions when you don't understand something. This is the only way you will learn, develop, and grow mentally and emotionally. Don't assume learning stops
    when you leave school.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Dress in your very best today, Leo. Feel free to kick up your heels and
    have some fun. This is a great time to communicate with friends, socialize
    if possible, and have a fabulous time. Put your worries aside and join
    in some lighthearted fun and merriment. Keep a smile on your face and you
    will find that you can walk through any door you choose.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will find that the more peaceful and understanding you are today, Virgo, the better off you will be in general. Doors will open and people will
    welcome you with great fanfare. Be the diplomat instead of the warrior. Focus on the positive aspects of the equation instead of the negative. Luck and prosperity will come your way when you have this attitude wherever you go.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Make sure you leave things in better condition than you found them,
    Libra. This is a good time to tidy your personal space and the
    environment. This is also a great time to do some online shopping for
    yourself. Just be careful that you don't spend too much money. When
    beautiful things catch your eye, it might be hard for you to resist them, regardless of how much they cost.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is one of those days in which it's easier to be yourself, Scorpio. Don't feel like you need to change your personality to fit a situation. You
    naturally add an important dynamic to the group. Your detached, unbiased,
    and knowledgeable view of the situation will be an important asset to
    today's events. People would do well to listen to you, so be bold when expressing yourself.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Communication is a key part of the day, Sagittarius. You will find that
    a great deal of information is available to you when you ask for it.
    You can pull from many different resources, so don't be afraid to tap the different wells available to you. Emotionally, this may not be the best
    day for you, but you can overcome this as long as you keep a lighthearted, optimistic approach.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Bring things back into balance, Capricorn. You've probably been so focused
    on yourself that you've completely forgotten about others. It's time to
    fill in the rest of the equation and take into account what other people
    feel. Balance is crucial in every part of your life so that you maintain
    a healthy viewpoint. A clear mind allows you to see the truth of what's
    really going on.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, December 05, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You will float today, Aquarius. You won't talk, you will be sleepy, and your mood won't be the best. OK, perfect! Get back into your novel, take several siestas, and do as little as possible, because that's what you want to
    do. Don't worry, busy beaver, this period will pass. And you know what? You aren't alone here. It happens to everyone from time to time. Flow with it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're certainly in a strange mood today, Pisces. True, things have been
    going smoothly for the past few days but be careful not to be fooled. Pride goes before a fall, as they say. Today you should be wary of your behavior toward your lover. Your partner's attitude may dismay you, but you're the
    one who has strayed from reality. Stay away from any trigger points that
    could explode into an argument.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It will be as though you're in a new and hopeful world today, Aries. The
    people you meet will be cordial and caring, and the future will seem like a bright, attractive place to live. In other words, it's like a fabulous dream, and the alarm clock is bound to wake you up soon. True, the glorious feeling won't last long, so take advantage of the day. Reality is sweet at times.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Because you tend to brood over everything right now, Taurus, a day like
    this can't be anything but beneficial. It has been difficult for you to
    find satisfaction within the realm of the known world lately, but today
    offers you a journey into another perception, one that's intangible and
    unreal. You may find it gratifying, especially if you try some artistic, esoteric, or religious activity.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are days when you feel wonderful without being able to attribute
    the feeling to any real event. Of course, your rational mind will search
    for a reason for your happiness. But if you count the number of times when
    you do things against your will, it becomes obvious that logic and reason
    don't always apply to this world. Don't even try to understand. Just enjoy!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The day ahead should be excellent, Cancer. For the past several days you've been searching for meaning in life. There have been changes in your chief occupation, new relationships, bursting ambitions. Today you can let all
    of that soul-searching go. You're likely to whip up a huge mixture of the
    whole experience and be grateful for the thrilling life you lead right now!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Leo. Of course, it's tempting to run away from the reality and hardships of the moment. But
    at other times, when you're so compassionate and find it easy to listen,
    like today, life is really rewarding. People find your company soothing
    and pleasant, and they're likely to thank you for it. Aren't days like
    this great?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't try to control what happens today, Virgo, because you won't be able to fathom what's going on. How could it be otherwise when collective currents
    are interfering with your life? You may do some soul- searching because
    you may feel that you're only a grain of sand in a vast universe. Don't
    spend too much time staring at your belly button. Look around you for some
    of the answers.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This kind of strange day doesn't come around often, Libra. It will seem as though you no longer know what you want. Do you have a yen to take off for
    the other side of the globe? People won't understand you, and you will think that explaining yourself is pointless. The best thing to do may be to unplug from your usual activities and go for a walk. You have nothing to lose.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Do other countries represent real openings for you? This is a question
    that you will soon have to answer. This may be true, but it may also be an illusion that gives you a simplistic explanation for the dissatisfaction you feel now in your professional life. Think about it because some important decisions you're about to make depend on it. You aren't the only one to consider, either.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're going to think this is a strange period. It isn't, Sagittarius. It's just that today won't be like others. Look around and you will see that
    people are either depressed or trying to keep up a good facade. It's as if lots of people - you in particular - are being confronted by their dreams without being able to act on them. This isn't an easy situation to be in.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, you might get the chance to take a trip around the world
    to visit fabulous palaces and experience a timeless love, and all - get this
    - totally free! This could be called a sensitivity test to the universe of
    Walt Disney. Goodness knows that you aren't a total stranger to it! By now, you've learned from hard experience that fantasyland is for Mickey Mouse.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, December 06, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you're involved with the arts, the day ahead will be a bright one for
    you, Aquarius. You feel a strong desire to bring people together in pursuit
    of some artistic endeavor. Listen to your longings. You're likely to be a
    sharp talent scout, or at the very least, a person who is able to enhance
    other people's talents.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you can expect to have some disagreements with your partner or friend, Pisces. You may overreact. If you do, it's only because the climate of
    the last few days has made you feel more vulnerable than usual. It's your tendency when faced with tension to be the first to back down. Try not to
    do it this time. Sometimes self-sacrifice comes at too high a cost.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you will be confrontational, Aries. This comes after several weeks
    of holding yourself back from openly criticizing other people. You have especially strong feelings concerning anything that touches activities
    outside of the family. An explosion is imminent and likely unavoidable. Go ahead and express yourself. You will all be best friends again tomorrow!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You must be wondering what in the world is going on? On the one hand,
    you have humanistic and harmonious thoughts about your family and work environment. On the other hand, you also have a deep desire to destroy everything in order to start fresh! You will have to choose. In any case,
    given the current climate and the fire inside you, any sort of compromise
    will prove difficult. Don't go overboard!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be planning for the future, Gemini, yet find yourself needing to make choices that will resonate far beyond the next few months. It's possible
    that you will have to consider sending your children to a new school, for example, or decide to move across the country. These are big decisions,
    to be sure, but trust that you won't be making them alone. Your loved ones
    have a say in these matters!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can expect to be volatile today, Cancer! No one will dare contradict
    you or insinuate that you've taken your ideas from others. You have the potential to get really angry. Rather than say things you might later
    regret, write down your thoughts. And if you do feel the need to make a
    speech, do it publicly.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't hesitate to speak up for what is right, Leo, even if it means
    confronting someone with power. So be it. The slightest injustice can't
    be tolerated. When you voice your opinion, as you feel compelled to do,
    it makes others respect you. This has been a long time coming, and it does
    you a tremendous amount of good!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Virgo, no one has ever accused you of being overly diplomatic. In fact,
    since you have no compunction about saying what you think, your mouth
    regularly gets you into trouble. It's true that your verbal outbursts
    often relieve tension in tight situations, but there are times when kind
    words are a more effective way to get a point across. Why not try it?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There's some likelihood you'll become irritated with someone close to
    you today, Libra. Just who do they think they are, anyway? How insulting
    to put on such an act, especially considering how long you've known each
    other. Whatever you fight about, at the heart of it is your frustration
    and concern that your friendship may end. Try not to overreact. Express yourself mildly.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Something's gotten into you today, Scorpio. An iconoclastic imp inside you is determined to tear down every convention, especially in the art world. Why
    are you so furious with orthodoxy? Did you dream that an imitator stole
    one of your ideas and made a fortune with it? If you were an art critic,
    we would expect you to sing the praises of the vanguard.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you're involved in an occupation similar to that of your mother or
    father, Sagittarius, today you may question if the choice was yours or preordained. Did you take this career path of your own volition? If not,
    what is it that you should really be doing with your professional life? You feel rebellious and yearn for more independence. You might want to find
    more freedom within the confines of your existing career.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Most people form their opinions on the basis of what they're told by a
    few people who supposedly know what they're talking about. Certain ideas
    become fashionable. Today, Capricorn, you have no patience for these tendencies. In fact, you're tempted to use vulgar language just to shock
    the pseudo-intellectuals out of their complacency. Alas, you can't do
    it. They will simply raise an eyebrow and turn away.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, December 07, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might wake up feeling a little under the weather, perhaps too tired to
    go anywhere, and you'll want to stay in. Perhaps this is the best course of action for today. You may be tired and a bit stressed out, Aquarius, and
    more vulnerable than usual to any bugs may be going around at this time.
    Drink lots of juices and get some rest. Tomorrow you will probably feel
    much better.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might get the feeling that someone in your family is hiding something. The atmosphere might be strained and somewhat tense. Your
    natural inclination is to try to spread oil on troubled waters to return
    the situation to normal, Pisces, but this isn't likely to be the right
    course of action here. Let things ride. Whoever is hiding something isn't likely to reveal it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Gossip you hear today might make you angry. You're likely to sense it
    isn't true. Take nothing at face value today. Check the facts before
    making any judgments. Discontent is in the air, Aries, and when people are disgruntled, they tend to say things they don't mean. Avoid the temptation
    to be confrontational. It will only make things worse. Try to spend some
    time alone if you can.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There is more than meets the eye to a money situation today, Taurus. There could be errors in your financial records, or someone may not be telling
    the truth about an important item. You're a caring, trusting person,
    but this isn't the day to blindly accept anyone's statements. Check the
    facts and see for yourself, then act accordingly in order to see to your
    own best interests.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today, Gemini, you probably aren't going to feel very friendly. You're
    most likely to want to sequester yourself at home and not see or speak to anyone. If your need for solitude is that strong, indulge it. You won't do yourself any good by forcing contact with others. You might feel a little
    out of sorts physically, so it's especially important to eat right and
    get lots of vitamin C.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Self-control is the word for today, Cancer. Others' unethical behavior could trigger some long-buried anger that might make you want to lash out at those responsible. This won't solve anything. The best way to handle these rather explosive emotions is honest communication, but today it could deteriorate
    into arguments. Try counting to ten before confronting anyone. It works!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Anger and resentment caused by past hurts could come up today, at times tempting you to burst into tears. Don't fight it. Just find someplace
    where you can be alone and let it out. This is only a symptom of personal
    and spiritual growth on your part. Releasing the past clears the way for breakthroughs in the future. You could wake up tomorrow morning feeling
    like a changed person!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone you think of as a friend may prove less than trustworthy today,
    Virgo. There are indications of deception all around you. Perhaps someone
    is keeping something from you or telling outright lies. Don't be too
    suspicious of anyone but check the facts of a situation before you take someone's word for anything. It's always best to do that anyway.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Something underhanded is going on, Libra. Unethical people could be trying to manipulate certain situations in order to turn them to their own benefit. Be careful! Steer clear of any "political" conversations, and refrain from commenting on any situation or listening to gossip. On the positive side,
    your intuition is sharp, so you should be able to sense the trustworthy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you've been thinking about executing legal papers of any kind, Scorpio,
    this isn't the day to do it. Any contract entered into today is likely to
    have confusing clauses and obscure language that you may not understand
    and that potentially could be used against you. This also isn't the day
    to start or even plan a journey of any kind. However, it's a great day
    for reading or meditation.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Money matters look uncertain and a bit deceptive, Sagittarius. This isn't a good day to enter into any kind of investment program, negotiate salaries
    or commissions, or change banks. Your dreams may be a bit disturbing,
    but this likely reflects fears from the past rather than dangers in the
    future. Write them down, however. You may learn a lot about yourself by studying the symbols.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    New people may come into your life today. If you get bad vibes from one of them, trust your instincts! Signs are that you will meet at least one new acquaintance who isn't trustworthy. This isn't a good day to enter into any kind of partnership, nor is it a good day to get married or even propose marriage. Put all plans for cementing partnerships on hold for a few days!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, December 08, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could be feeling especially sociable today. Maybe there's a virtual party of some kind you want to be invited to. You could hear some good news, and there is probably some truth to it, but take everything you hear through the grapevine with a grain of salt. Not everything you hear is based on fact. If you can, go to someone in a position to know and find out from him or her.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're feeling especially loving, attractive, and romantic, so romance is likely to be on your mind. Romantic novels and movies could seem especially appealing. If you're currently involved, you will probably receive a lot
    of attention from your mate. If not, expect to receive admiring glances
    from those around you, including strangers! You could meet a potential
    date but take care to get to know this person before getting too excited.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    An increased level of ESP and imagination could have you feeling more
    creative and artistic. You might want to channel this energy into writing, painting, or adding touches to your living room. You're likely to be
    especially attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others, particularly
    family. You could grow closer, especially if you sense what they need even before they do.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An attractive neighbor with whom you seem to share a bond could become a friend. A group you're affiliated with could be expressing highly idealized goals and purposes. These goals are likely to be admirable, Taurus, but
    they may not be all that realistic. Bear that in mind before committing
    to any course of action. You need more facts before you can proceed.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Dreams of a new career could fill your mind today, perhaps because of too
    much stress in your current one. You might even think of becoming a movie
    star! Go for your dream if you feel it's what you want, Gemini. Remember that any moneymaking enterprise, no matter how creative, is still a business. Make use of your natural business talent to find out what you need to know.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Spiritual goals may be at the top of your priority list now, Cancer. You
    may be looking for online metaphysical seminars or meditation workshops, perhaps taking place in a distant state or foreign country. You're likely
    to find it difficult to make a decision about any options right now.
    Whatever you're considering, make sure you know all the facts before making
    a choice of any kind.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Lovely dreams could spark your imagination and get your artistic abilities going. You could learn a lot about yourself and whatever has been limiting
    you. Write down whatever comes your way so you can work with it later,
    but don't try to make sense of it today. Wait a while and then consider everything in a more practical light. You may be surprised at the difference
    in you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A new friend could arrive today, Virgo. You're probably going to like
    this person very much. He or she probably shares many of your interests.
    You could become close friends. The downside is that you aren't likely to
    see anyone as they really are, only an idealized picture. When you meet
    this person, try to see the real person behind the mask and accept them
    as they are.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you've been thinking about a job change or even a new career, a chance interaction could provide the opportunity. However, Libra, remember,
    "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Get the facts
    as clearly as you can. Consider all the ins and outs before committing
    yourself or getting too excited about it. If you still want to pursue the opportunity, go for it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A journey by air to a distant place might be on your mind, though you
    might not make it for a long time. Knowledge is important to you, and
    you can be insatiably curious. This is likely to be one of those days,
    Scorpio. A friend or lover could bring some new information that sparks
    your curiosity, perhaps something related to astrology or the occult. You
    will want to pursue it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The desire to beautify your home could hit you full force today,
    Sagittarius. Perhaps you're expecting future visitors or house guests
    and want to make a good impression. You could prowl through online antique stores looking for knickknacks. You might set your sights on doing something
    a bit more ambitious than you originally planned. Enjoy yourself but be careful. You don't want to tire yourself out.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A new neighbor could arrive who you feel especially drawn to, Capricorn. You might have high hopes for a friendship with this person. He or she may seem especially congenial and share a lot of your interests, and this could
    seem almost too perfect. However, you're in just the mood to idealize
    new relationships, so don't get too excited until you get to know this
    person better.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, December 09, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Plans for a trip could go awry today because of circumstances beyond your control. A postponement might be necessary. This might prove very frustrating for you because you've been anxious to get going. Don't question the workings of the universe, and don't make yourself crazy over it. Whatever setbacks
    you suffer today might in the long run prove to be blessings in disguise.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    An upsetting dream may disturb your sleep tonight, Pisces. Some disturbing information about finances could prove upsetting today. This might involve
    your personal funds, those of a friend, the funds of an organization you're involved with, or the world economy in general. Don't go crazy before you
    find out the true facts. The information is probably erroneous.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It could be hard to complete tasks today. A disagreement with other household members might give you the idea that everyone is against you. This isn't
    so, Aries. Try to be objective and consider other points of view, and don't turn this into a power struggle. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and try to communicate with the others. The results could prove pleasantly surprising!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might need to run a lot of errands, Taurus. This could prove frustrating. Traffic could be bad, you might not find what you need, and
    it may be difficult to reach those you need to consult. These are all circumstances beyond your control, so it's best to find something else
    to do. This is a great day to stay in and research matters that you may
    want to put to use.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your practicality and good sense prove invaluable today, Gemini. Those close to you might be restless and upset, and you might have to steer them in the right direction. A close friend or lover may experience a financial upset,
    and you could be asked to help out. This isn't a good day to make a loan, although it's favorable for helping others find their own solutions.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A problem with your house - plumbing, electricity, phones - might necessitate calling in professionals, Cancer. This might prove mildly irritating, as strangers could be going in and out all day, and you or other members of
    your household might be temporarily housebound when you have obligations elsewhere. Don't take your frustrations out on others. This will all pass
    by tomorrow!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An unexpected, upsetting letter or phone call might come today. This isn't major bad news, Leo. It's more likely to be the irritating little setbacks
    that force you to go more out of your way than you'd expected. Problems
    might pop up with computers, cell phones, or other forms of technology. Grit your teeth and do what it takes to move on. It won't help to get crazy.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A sudden, irritating interruption in your routine could come your way today, Virgo. A friend may need some advice, and you could feel obliged to give
    it, which would put your own projects on hold for a while. Don't be
    too irritated with this person, however. You might regret it later.
    You might also have some troubles with computers, cell phones, or other
    forms of technology.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today your progress might slow a bit. Problems with computers, telephones,
    cell phones, or other forms of technology might interrupt your day,
    Libra. This might be frustrating and irritating. Even though you don't
    usually blow your top, today you might be tempted. Try to keep your
    cool. This should pass by tomorrow. You don't want to make others more
    upset than they already are.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Unforeseen problems with travel plans could come up today, Scorpio. There
    could be changes or delays in airline schedules, car breakdowns, or bad traffic. It might be a good idea to avoid travel of any sort if you can. It might stress you so much it would take you all day to calm down! This is a great day to stay in and read, especially about scientific or metaphysical subjects.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Arguments over money might come up, Sagittarius. This might not involve your own funds but money belonging to a group with which you're involved. Try
    to be logical. This isn't a good day to set your sights on new goals or
    make definite plans. Wait a day or two. If you start today, your project
    could be fraught with delays, interruptions, or disagreements.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A disagreement with a business or romantic partner could turn into an
    argument today. This won't do anything to increase the effectiveness of
    your relationship, Capricorn. If the smallest hint of a difference of
    opinion comes up, try to settle it before it gets too heated. Try to be objective and see the other person's point of view. Don't let a minor
    dispute turn into a power struggle.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Regardless of how much the storm seems to be raging out of control, you
    will be able to handle it, Aquarius. Have confidence in your grounded
    nature. There's a reason why you take the time to address the details and carefully plan your moves. Today is one day when you will see the rewards of your diligent actions, especially in love, beauty, and your deepest emotions.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Hold on to your hat, Pisces, and be ready for some action. You're coming to
    a critical point in your emotional cycle when your heart feels heavy. You
    may feel pinned down by a huge weight, like you're being sucked into
    quicksand. Grab a branch and pull yourself out. Rise above the current situation with the help of a lofty perspective.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    In a string of intense emotional dramas, the last thing you need is one more, Aries. Unfortunately, it looks like you're going to get just that. Once
    again, an incredible romantic scenario is coming to a head, and your
    emotions are in turmoil. Hold still, wait for the hit, and then proceed.
    If you have the feeling that you're going to blow up at someone, simply
    walk away from the situation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There's a great deal of grounding energy in your world today, Taurus,
    which might work to smother your fire. Whatever happens, don't let the
    embers burn out. One of the assets you bring to the group is a strong
    dynamism that gives people the courage to change. Be a fighter in the
    ring. Remember that at the end of the day, you need only be satisfied with
    the performance of one person - you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Take pressing matters to the hilt today, Gemini, especially when it comes
    to romantic issues and emotional needs. You have all the data you need to
    make a valid point. You have a whole battalion of facts to back you up, so
    fire at will. Your feelings are strong and intense. Don't ignored them under any circumstances. Go with your gut instincts before you trust anything else.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    As you try to express your opinions today, you may have the feeling that someone is kicking sand in your face, Cancer. Like a kid on the beach,
    you have nothing but the raw elements to use to defend yourself. Use one
    of your greatest gifts - the power of your mind - to combat the opposing
    force. Your ability to outsmart others will be your most powerful tool.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your boat is likely to be rocked today, Leo, to the point where you and
    all of your belongings could go overboard. Be prepared to swim ashore. Grounding and stability are the keys to maintaining a healthy attitude, especially when it comes to ever-fluctuating emotions. Issues regarding the home and people's possessions are likely to surface in a dramatic manner. Listen to your heart for the answers.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Calm down and get centered, Virgo. This is an extremely sensual day that's likely to pique your emotions. You're apt to receive input from each one of your senses, so keep these channels open and available for new information that's trying to break through. Don't be hasty. You're better off taking
    a reserved, receptive approach today.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is your day to shine in every way, Libra. There's a concentration of energy in your favor, so act boldly and without hesitation. Your emotions
    are leading the way, and your heart is barely a half a step behind. Follow these forces like the Pied Piper. Let this be the start of a wild ride on
    a whole new roller coaster of adventures. The time is right for you to lead.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your heart and emotions are on the same page, Scorpio, but they may not be
    on the page you want them to be. It could be that you're reminiscing about
    an event from the past. What was once a happy set of encounters now leaves
    you feeling like there are thorns in your side. Focus on the present and
    let the past become history.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Let your sensual, nurturing instincts shine through, Sagittarius. Rely on
    your sixth sense. If things start to get rough, remember that you have
    the ability to keep your cool. Not only is this an extremely important
    tool but it's also essential to maintaining any sort of stability in the situation. Keep your footing at all times. Your sanity depends on it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A solid grounding is apt to be extremely important to you today,
    Capricorn. Hearts may be broken or won, depending on how well you play your cards. Keep in mind that the slow and steady contender is most likely going
    to win this race. All the talk in the world will get you nowhere. Today
    is about quality and action. Shoddy efforts will yield shoddy results.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may find that things are much lighter than they were the past couple
    days, Aquarius. This is a good time to let your physical body take a rest
    and let your mind and fantasy world take over. Take a hot bath and soak
    for a while. Relax your brain and detach from your duties and obligations. Tread lightly and don't worry so much about what you need to do tomorrow. Concentrate on today.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A large weight should lift from your shoulders today, Pisces. The air
    has started to clear, and the winds of communication have started blowing again. Listen closely to the buzz in the air. You can learn a lot by tuning into other people's fantasies. Make sure you keep an open mind and open
    heart. Discuss your latest achievements. You will have something important
    to learn.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    People may be abrasive today, Aries, but you will find after careful
    assessment that they don't mean any harm. More than likely they aren't
    fully informed. They're acting on misinformation. There's likely to be a
    cloudy haze in the air. Everyone will have an opinion on the best way to
    go about tackling an issue. Rely on your own cunning to cut to the core
    of the problem.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't criticize the situation until you've come up with a better solution, Taurus. Be creative. You can accomplish much if you approach the situation confidently. Pessimism won't help find a solution. Relax and let your
    intuition guide you. Feel free to speak with confidence and strength.
    Perhaps the most fanciful-sounding answers will be the most ingenious solutions.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your thoughts may have a dreamy quality today, Gemini. You will find that things are less stable than they have been for the past few days. Don't get discouraged by pessimistic people. Offer your own creative solutions. You
    have a great deal of wisdom to share with others whether you realize it or
    not. Don't sell yourself short. Have confidence in your thoughts and ideas.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your emotions are soaring, Cancer, and you should feel free to indulge in
    your greatest fantasies. Take a break from reality for a while. Let your
    inner child play. You should enjoy a greater self-confidence that you can use effectively to influence other people. Beware of anyone who asks you to make
    a solid commitment today. They may not exactly have your well-being in mind.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Reward yourself with two desserts today, Leo. Take a bubble bath. Share
    your fantasies with others and express yourself fully. Don't feel like
    you have to say yes to every favor that is asked of you. Save some of
    that nurturing energy for yourself. Feel free to help others in need,
    but don't do it at the expense of your emotional and physical bank account.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The weightiness of the past few days seems to be lifting. You will find a slight breeze building that will help fuel your fire, Virgo. By building
    a solid foundation, you've created a reliable launching pad from which to
    take off. Communicate what you've learned with others. Allow your opinion
    to be heard. A great deal of useful information will be exchanged.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Now that you have a solid grip on your situation, unexpected things may
    come along that change the rules again, Libra. It may feel like the chair
    you just got comfortable in has suddenly been pulled out from under you.
    Don't get angry. Just realize that this is probably a sign that you need
    to move on. Keep things new and exciting. Share your thoughts and ideas
    with others.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Use gadgets and electronic devices to make life easier today,
    Scorpio. Why take the time to chop food by hand when you can use the
    food processor? Realize that there is most likely an easier way to tackle
    any task. If something seems too hard, ask for advice how to do the job
    more quickly and efficiently. Information exchange will play a big role
    in your day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Be careful of the information that comes your way today, Sagittarius. People may make unwarranted claims and false accusations. The day has a dreamy, innovative quality to it that asks you to venture out on a limb. If all
    your chores are taken care of, feel free to go exploring - mentally or physically. Just make sure that you take things with a grain of salt when conversing with others.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Maintain an air of detachment, Capricorn. Feel free to delve into your
    fantasy world and let your emotions carry you to another realm. Today is
    one of those days when you might come up with a new invention that could
    become the next must-have item for every kitchen in the country. Let your imagination take you away. Share your lighthearted mood with others.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, December 12, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There are a couple important issues that you may need to resolve,
    Aquarius. Take an active role in the department of love and romance.
    Feel free to be aggressive about having your needs met. Make sure you're comfortable with the situation or else stand up and change it. For you,
    the day is all about taking action. Strive to create peace through honest assertiveness.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should enjoy a good mood today, Pisces, and you will find that things
    will go well for you in general. Perhaps the only sticky situation that could arise is one that stems from an aggressive approach in the department of love and romance. This impatient urge or petty argument by one or both parties
    may result in an all-out war. Try to maintain a level head in all situations.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Circumstances of the day may result in some tricky situations for you,
    Aries. You could be caught between a rock and a hard place. The instinct to make war or peace with any given issue is making you restless. On the one
    hand, you may want to smooth things out in a reasonable manner. On the other, there is a part of you that is eager to declare all-out nuclear warfare.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Things should go well for you today, Taurus. Your romantic nature is
    piqued. You will find that an aggressive approach toward your loved one is
    just what's needed to jump-start the relationship. If you're single and
    looking for love, this is a good day to make first contact with a crush.
    Neaten up your appearance and wear a snazzy outfit, regardless of the situation.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Stand up and take action, Gemini. Forces may be pulling on you from all
    angles, and your challenge will be to maintain a healthy balance among all
    of them. You have a chance to accomplish a great deal by directing your energies outward instead of inward. Other people may be punchy. Counteract this by being patient. Your contribution to the group will be appreciated.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You will find that you relate very well to others today, Cancer, and your communication will prove to be quite valuable. You may find yourself in the position of arbiter simply because you have the detached mind that people
    need to resolve disputes. Take an active role in the lives of those around
    you and see how your own life benefits from the generosity of your actions.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be tempted to shift into high gear today, Leo, but you're likely
    to be unsure where to focus your energy. You may be revved up and anxious
    to get moving but feel lazy and unmotivated to do anything but sit back
    and wait for the excitement to come to you. Whatever you do, don't retreat
    into a hole. Dress up and show off your outer as well as inner beauty.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's apt to be tension between your heart and your general mood,
    Virgo. Your romantic nature will incline you to adopt a selfish,
    impatient attitude, while the prevailing tone of the day calls for peace
    and balance. Try to maintain an equal amount of give and take. There's
    enough love to go around. Don't feel like you need to be possessive in
    order to maintain others' loyalty.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Adjustments may be in order for you to flow easily with the energy of
    the day, Libra. The prevailing tone calls for a more outwardly directed solution to all situations. You will discover that it's easy to start
    up new projects today, especially those involving creative or romantic elements. The tricky part will be follow-through. This is your specialty,
    so don't worry about it. You've got that part covered.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The prevailing tone today is a mix of conflicting energies that might
    put some stress on your heart. It's nothing you can't handle, Scorpio.
    In fact, if anyone can make the most out of today, you can. Tap into your aggressiveness and act boldly toward the object of your desire. Make sure
    there is harmony among those around you and everyone's needs are taken
    care of.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The key today is action, Sagittarius. There's a great deal of force
    pressuring you to get the ball rolling. One of these forces may come from
    a romantic interest waiting for you to make the next move. You may have
    many projects on the table and be unsure where to focus your energy. Don't
    feel like you need to concentrate on any one thing. They key is to maintain balance among all.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Ignite the fire in your heart, Capricorn, and make it burn more brightly than before. Keep in mind that you may need to make compromises in order to be on the same page with your lover in the way you relate emotionally. Make sure everyone gets a chance to be on center stage. Don't hog the podium. Maintain
    a working balance by letting others have their turn in the spotlight.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, December 13, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Take care of yourself and your needs, Aquarius. There's an advantage
    to making sure your emotions are cared for and stable before you try to
    heal others. Your feelings are powerful and erratic today. You might find
    that other people try to oppose your beliefs. Stand up for yourself and
    be strong. Don't wait until the last minute to tell someone exactly how
    you feel about the situation.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Take the unconventional approach today, Pisces. You're able to gain a great deal and establish a whole new perspective just by opening your lens wider in order to include what you normally shrug off. Your emotions may be on edge,
    and the slightest thing may set you off on a rampage. Try your best to keep your cool. Emotional stability is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today is a day of opposites for you. You may jump from one thing to another, Aries. Somehow nothing seems to sit right with you, and so your search intensifies. Try to be the active one in the situation as opposed to
    the one acted upon. There is the potential for you to get knocked about,
    but you can easily turn this around by striking the first blow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is a terrific day for you, Taurus, in which action spells reward. You can't go wrong by expressing your needs and how they fit with the collective agenda. Feel free to focus on you and be selfish about your passions. Be
    aware that unexpected events may crop up to remind you that number one is indeed important, but don't forget about numbers two, three, and so on.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Egos may rage out of control today, leaving you to wonder what all the
    fuss is about. Give other people their space, Gemini. If the conversation
    gets too boring, just smile and nod. There may be a great deal of tension
    among people who are fighting about how much they can get versus how much
    they give. Try to maintain a healthy balance. Don't get caught in other people's drama.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today is a powerful day for you, Cancer. Your emotions may be stubborn
    but realize the very thing you resist is the very thing you need the
    most. Consider making a major change that will help bring about a healthier balance between you and the people with whom you associate. It may be time
    for a whole new outlook on how you deal with your relationships.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today could be an unusual one for you emotionally, Leo. Your usual
    easygoing, adaptable nature could be ruffled by people who try to take
    over projects that you are perfectly qualified to do. In such situations,
    you would normally retire gracefully to a quiet corner, but now you spread
    your beautiful wings and let it be known that you should not be overlooked.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Try not to be too arrogant today, Virgo, even when you're utterly sure you're right about the given situation. More than likely, you have the correct answers, but it isn't necessary to be strident about it. Unexpected events
    are coming your way, and you may find that someone is toying with your emotions. Be on guard for people who may want to ruffle your feathers.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    People may have an extra spark in their actions and an extra bite in their words today. You will find that you may be better off just walking away
    from any situation that doesn't feel right. You'd be wise to stay in the background and not worry about anything besides your immediate concerns
    and daily routine. Try not to rock the boat.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Express yourself to the fullest today, Scorpio. Feel free to take an unconventional approach when it comes to dealing with your emotions. Try not to let others cajole you into thinking you need to fit into an artificial construct of what you need to be and what you need to think. All you need to
    do is think for yourself. Fight the established norms and be your own person.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It may be hard to deal with the opposing energies today,
    Sagittarius. Conflicting viewpoints and twisted perspectives clash within
    your world. Your emotions may pin you to one side of the issue, while a powerful force pulls you to believe in a more revolutionary approach. Try
    to maintain a balance in all situations, especially those that involve
    the sensitive emotions of others.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Capricorn, this may prove a challenging day for you. You're used to being the sovereign surrounded by courtiers currying your favor. There's something trying to draw attention away from you, reminding you that there are other people on this planet besides you. An unexpected messenger may crop up to remind you that not everything revolves around your existence.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, December 14, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your thoughts may be scattered and frantic early in the day, Aquarius, but things should settle down by evening. Your emotions will be more stable,
    and you will be much more disciplined about tasks that need completion. Plan for the next few days and be practical about what you can accomplish. Don't
    set yourself up for failure by biting off more than you can chew.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Communicate your feelings early in the day, because by evening you might
    feel too restricted to want to communicate with anyone. Use this disciplined, sober tone to get a realistic perspective on the issues at hand. You'll have
    a stable, practical attitude for dealing with any situation. Take a slow, well-calculated approach in order to overcome whatever hurdle is in your way.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things will get much easier and more controlled as the day progresses,
    Aries. People's superficial attitudes and idle chatter will give way to
    more realistic and deep-seated conversations as the evening hours draw
    near. You will find that it's much easier to get to the heart of the issues
    and be more honest and realistic about your emotions tonight. Assess your feelings with a practical perspective.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today may be a rough day in which you find it hard to decide about
    anything. Refrain from making any major moves regarding finances or
    real estate. Concentrate on you and the answers will come from within. Be realistic and practical when it comes to your emotions. You may find it hard
    to connect with someone tonight, so stick close to home and focus inward.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might find it hard to connect with anyone on a deep and meaningful
    level today, Gemini, so just free yourself and have a good time. Take a
    more refined and disciplined approach to your projects. You will find that
    you can be productive after sundown. Later you should consider snuggling
    up close to someone you trust and care about deeply.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Get the party started early in the day, Cancer. You may be running from
    task to task, but this is OK. You have the ability to get a lot done by multitasking and keeping things light. As the day progresses, however, there will be a veil of restriction that slowly settles over your mood. You may
    find it harder to communicate your thoughts than it was earlier in the day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Bring your thoughts down to Earth, Leo, especially later tonight. You may
    be flip-flopping through the day like a fish out of water, but suddenly
    things start to fall into place at sundown. You will find that people are
    much more caring and sensitive to your mood later this evening. Spend it at home with someone you love. Ground yourself and plan for the upcoming week.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The earlier portion of the day is apt to flow much more smoothly than the
    later part, Virgo. You should get things solidified right off the bat, if possible. Things will be a bit more relaxed and free flowing in the morning, but become a bit more restrictive as the evening sets in. Don't go to bed without making a plan for what you want to accomplish over the next few days.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This may be a frenzied day for you, Libra, but it's likely to settle down as evening sets in. It will be a tender night in which you should stick close
    to home and get organized. If you have any task that requires discipline, you're better off waiting until tonight to do it. Things will run much
    more smoothly then.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You should be on cloud nine today, Scorpio. As evening sets in, however,
    things might get a little too heavy for your comfort. People will have had enough of your gossip by then, so give it a rest. Kick back and plan for
    the next few days. You might also want to take a more serious approach to
    your romantic commitments by confirming your feelings about your partner now.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Lie low during the day and try not to get caught up in the frivolous verbiage that dominates the waking hours. After sundown, feel free to speak your
    mind. You may notice that there is a sober tone and restrictive sensation
    today that leaves you feeling like you will never be able to break free
    from your current situation. Don't get caught in this negative mindset.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Let your fun-loving nature come out to play today, Capricorn. As the
    day progresses, the clouds are likely to move in. There may be a more restrictive tone to your emotions that could make it difficult to express
    how you really feel. Focus your attention inward and realize that you can maintain a high level of self-esteem without having to prove anything.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -10C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, December 15, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today is a terrific day in which you should find that things work very smoothly. You have a hardheaded approach that will help you get down to business and get things done. Make sure you're on solid ground before you
    take the next step upward. You have the ability to reach the summit of many mountains, so don't waste any time. Put on your boots and start climbing.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's a serious tone to the day, Pisces, so take this into account
    when you get the urge to play a practical joke on a friend. Keep things
    real. Stick close to home and take care of any menial tasks. Start a garden
    or buy some plants for your house. You have a disciplined nature that will
    help you get things done.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Bring stability to your emotions today, Aries. You have the tendency to
    take things to extremes, swinging from incredible highs to rock- bottom
    lows. Give your nervous system a break and calm down. Go for a walk in the woods. Make sure that all your actions are rational and well planned. See to
    it that you're in control of your emotions before you interact with others.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Take care of your home today, both physically and emotionally. See that
    bills are paid, and the bedroom is tidy. Don't forget to clean the dust from under your bed and the demons from inside your mind. Realize that you might
    be running on someone else's operating system that got stuck in your hard drive. Make sure you replace it with your own software before you continue.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Go ahead and act confidently, Gemini. You will probably find that you're
    more stable and grounded in general, leaving you free to explore and take
    more risks than you normally would. Your intuition may be strong, so don't hesitate to rely on it. Make sure your actions are clear and decisive.
    You have a great deal of power, so use it wisely.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It may be hard for you to get a project off the ground, Cancer. Perhaps this is a sign that it needs to stay there. Take it back to the drawing board. Do some more planning and testing. Make sure that your actions are well
    thought out. Test the brakes before you drive down the mountain. You will
    find that you can accomplish a lot today if you stay focused and disciplined.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Finish whatever you didn't wrap up yesterday, Leo. Use the morning to plan,
    the afternoon to execute, and the evening to relax. Be conscious of time
    and your physical and mental limitations. Bring your dreaminess down to
    Earth and be realistic about goals. Take time to put the extra coat of wax
    on the car or extra stitch in the fabric. That effort will serve you well
    in the long run.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Give it a rest today, Virgo. Recharge your batteries. Stick close to home
    and take a load off your feet. Convince someone to give you a massage,
    or better yet, go to a professional. You deserve a break. Once you're
    restored, consider all the ramifications of whatever actions you take
    before you start. Plan your moves carefully. Be strong and decisive not
    rash and frantic.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Feel free to move forward with your plans, Libra. This is a great day to
    act. You've done a great deal of data collecting and analyzing lately. Now
    is the time to put that information to good use. You're helped by an extra boost of inner confidence and emotional strength. Your grounded, conservative approach will be richly rewarded. You couldn't ask for a more productive day!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may have a hard time getting started today, Scorpio. This might
    be a better time to plan. Be realistic and thoughtful in your actions.
    Be conscious of the steps you need to take to reach a certain goal. When
    in doubt, take the more conservative route. You will find that there is
    a great deal of support for that path. Don't get distracted along the
    way. Stay on target.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Bring your emotions down to Earth today, Sagittarius. Your imagination
    may run away with you. If you don't take a hard look at reality, you may
    find yourself in big trouble later. The higher you soar, the harder you
    fall. Make sure you have a working parachute. Be realistic about your
    current situation and act with confidence. Make sure you have the facts
    before you set goals and plans.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Try not to be extravagant today, Capricorn. You're much better off lying
    low. Focus on you and what you need to do. Don't waste your time trying
    to attract others' attention. Let them deal with themselves while you concentrate on your goals and chores. Tackle all projects with gusto. You
    will find that you can be very productive as long as you stay focused
    and calm.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, December 16, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Get out of the mud, Aquarius. Have fun and don't worry too much about the consequences. Put your to-do list aside for a while and focus on enjoying yourself. People close to you are going to need some extra attention today,
    so be generous with your time. Your emotions are powerful and dynamic.
    The intensity behind your words reflects your passion.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your emotions may be volatile right now, Pisces. There's passion behind your words. You have the power to instigate major changes in your life. If you're wise, you will consider multiple ways to make them. Find the part of you
    that needs a boost, the area that lacks passion. Jump-start the battery that rules this aspect of your being, and make sure all your cylinders are firing.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you aren't careful about the energy you dish out today, Aries, you will
    find that it all comes back to smack you in the face. Other people are
    likely to be as stubborn as you, so proceed cautiously. The more you try
    to control and manipulate others, the more friction will build. Things are likely to explode. Adopt a friendly attitude and try not to take anything
    too seriously.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is a fantastic day for you, Taurus. You should enjoy a good mood
    and positive experiences with others. There's most likely a slow- moving, transforming energy in your life right now that's touching off your
    emotions. You will find that there is a great deal of fire and passion
    fueling your heart, so be generous with your kind spirit and follow through with your promises.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Other people may be demanding of you, Gemini, so do what you can to please them. Don't go overboard in thinking you need to be someone you're not, and certainly don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Be generous with your affection, but make sure you receive emotional support in
    return. There are likely to be some imbalances that need minor adjustments.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    People may be somewhat selfish and self-centered today, but this doesn't
    mean that you have to follow suit, Cancer. Remind others of the importance
    of the collective. We all need to pitch in and do our part to be happy. You have the ability to offer balance to the situation, and you should definitely put this to the test. Do what you can to make the scales tip back to center.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It may not be the easiest day to relate to others, Leo, but as usual, if you just go with the flow, you will find that you can have fun. Try not to get caught up in anyone else's drama. There are likely to be soap operas playing all around you, and you would do well to steer clear of them. Maintain a lighthearted attitude today and try not to read into anything too deeply.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Things should flow extremely well for you, Virgo. Load your engine with
    extra fuel, because you will be burning red hot. Don't let anything stand
    in your way. By all means, fight for what you need. There's a great deal
    of power behind your emotions, and you will find that the intensity of
    your feelings is real and courageous whether you're laughing or crying.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You need bigger and longer hugs than usual today, Libra. A powerful force
    is moving through your life and trying to shake things up. Don't stoop
    to the level of petty argument and verbal sparring. The more you resist
    the opposition, the more stubborn and unwieldy the situation becomes.
    Make sure you have a good hold on your emotions before you leave the house.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Act with courage today, Scorpio. Dress as if you were going to meet an important statesman. See yourself in the mirror and be proud to say you
    look good. Act with confidence and feel free to strut your stuff. Be up-
    front with your accomplishments, and let people know you're strong and trustworthy. Make sure you give many compliments, credit, and thanks to
    the people around you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Be conscious of your own needs, Sagittarius, and feel free to be a little selfish. Give yourself the credit you deserve, and don't let other
    people bully you into feeling like you aren't worthy of the attention
    you receive. You have a great number of gifts to offer the world, and you shouldn't be afraid to show them off. Lighten up and be proud. Other people
    are lucky to know you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your energy and spunk should finally return after a couple days of
    feeling slightly down, Capricorn. You should enjoy a good mood all day.
    Your powers of persuasion are strong. There's an extra boost of energy
    behind your emotions. You will find that this could lead to some sort of transformation deep within. Whatever you do, do it with passion. Let your courageous nature shine through.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light drizzle, mist +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It's important to take a hard look at yourself and know where you're going, Aquarius. A little self-analysis never hurt anyone, especially when you feel like you aren't getting anywhere. But you tend to go a little overboard
    with self-criticism. Take today to try and ignore that little voice in
    your head, or even prove it wrong!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Pisces, you tend to run away from confrontation, but today you might not be able to avoid it. Your partner or a family member may be putting pressure on you. It's possible you've already worked out a solution to this problem. Tell your partner what he or she wants to hear so you can do what you want later.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel a little weary today, Aries. It's a good time to take stock of your life. You may have gotten some news about someone that has caused you
    some pain. This is a good time to rely on the support of your relationship in order to reenergize yourself. Take the time to let others take care of you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You have the gift of being able to get your great ideas across to others. In your family, you may be the one who teaches your children about life and
    its responsibilities. Today someone might teach you something you didn't
    know. You should never forget that education means communication, and communication is the exchange of ideas.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There may be tension in the air as you go about your day, Gemini. The
    leftover fatigue from the past few days is starting to wear on you. You
    may have managed to get into an argument with someone close to you, but
    there might be a reason for this. Take advantage of the situation to clear
    the air with your friend.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You don't live your life by society's rules, Cancer. Your freedom is what
    is most important to you. But despite your independence, there are days
    when you have the sudden, sinking feeling that you could wind up alone
    in this world. Today you should really begin to think about what the word "commitment" means to you. Is it really so scary?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Leo, life around you today almost seems like a (bad) dream. It's almost
    as if people are talking, but nothing intelligible is coming out of
    their mouths. Perhaps two people close to you are having problems getting along. You feel like stepping in and telling them to calm down and really listen to each other. Days like these are when people need you the most.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You can't spend all your time running from one activity to the next,
    Virgo. You need to take a break from time to time. You have all the energy
    you need, but you should think about relaxing yourself as a whole. Your
    body may need its batteries recharged. Pretty soon you will be in the
    thick of the action and you will need all the energy you can get.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today's planetary configuration has you wondering about an aspect of your
    life that causes you a good deal of hardship, Libra. Maybe your partner is often away, and this is particularly hard on you. You'd like your sweetie to
    be there through thick and thin. This may be causing some tension in your relationship. Have you talked to your partner about your feelings? If not,
    you really should.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Scorpio, you may have been a little difficult to be around lately. You
    like to treat yourself to a little moodiness from time to time, but the
    people around you might appreciate a little cooperation. There are days
    when you don't want to grow up, when it's time to play. Do you get enough
    time to play? Think about it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    One thing is for sure, Sagittarius, you'd rather be in bed with a good
    book than out in the stressful world. But you may be feeling like you're missing out on some of the good things in life. How much time do you spend
    with other people? Why not try to find someone who shares your taste for
    good books and bed? Think about it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your greatest quality is generosity, Capricorn. Your nature isn't to give to others in order to get something back but for the pleasure of giving. This
    is how you get power and light. Think of all the people in the world who
    give of themselves without expecting anything in return. You don't have
    to make much effort to be one of those people - just give it a try.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Whether you acknowledge it or not, there's a child inside you who needs tending, Aquarius. You're proud of the person you've become - and well you should be. But you're the product of who you once were. Today's planetary positions suggest you acknowledge all parts of your past - the good and
    the bad. Only after you've integrated all the elements can you be the
    person you're meant to be.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Think of today as a well-earned rest day, Pisces. You're usually the one
    people turn to when they need consolation. Today, in spite of the tension
    in the air, your words seem to have no effect. Let other people take care
    of themselves for a change. You can spend your time quietly reading a good book. It's much more relaxing to get involved in drama that's fictional
    rather than real.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today take stock of all that's occurring on the home front, Aries. Think
    back over the last few months and you will see how much of your attention
    has been on work rather than loved ones. There's probably some fallout
    as a result. Fortunately, a few days in close touch with family will put everything right. You can't blame them for wanting to be with you. Try to indulge them.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Think long and hard before making commitments, Taurus. Much is at stake, especially where your love life is concerned. It's likely that a proposal
    is coming your way. Do you know how you will answer? Events may have you feeling like you're at a crossroads when actually you're more on track
    than ever. The key lies in trusting your instincts and remaining true to
    your ideals.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You will be busy today, Gemini. Nevertheless, you still may end the day with your desk piled high with projects - not because you're unproductive, but rather because you're popular and your work is valued. You may be wishing
    you weren't quite so valuable! Don't get stressed about all you have to
    do. No one expects you to get it all done immediately. Get some rest.
    Tomorrow is another day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You've been working exceptionally hard, Cancer. Today is a good day to
    recharge your batteries. It seems everyone wants a piece of you. You
    may have reached the point where you have nothing left to give. It's OK
    to say so. If possible, take the phone off the hook and reserve the day
    for yourself. Sleep in, meditate, go for a walk - you get the idea!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today could be a turning point for you, Leo. Is it possible that you've
    finally learned how to say no? You're the one everyone asks for help. You
    spend so much time on other people's problems that you have little energy
    left for you. This situation ultimately helps no one. Put yourself first
    and there will be plenty of you left for others. If you're depleted,
    everyone loses.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today's planetary positions urge you to assert yourself, Virgo, but take
    care not to take this encouragement too far. You tend to go a bit overboard when making a point. There are times (and this is one) when subtlety is more powerful. Try being low key and open rather than uptight and defensive. You have a warm personality, so why not let others experience it?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You have a strong creative component to your personality. You should use
    it more. Today's planetary positions will influence both your creativity
    and productivity. You will likely find yourself working as never before,
    and with better results. Take advantage of this phase while it lasts!
    This is your moment to prove to others just what you're capable of.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're highly sensitive and highly intellectual, Scorpio. This is a
    wonderful combination and part of what makes you a superstar. Today's
    planetary positions challenge you to think how you can best combine these
    two key components of your personality. Have you considered writing? It might provide the sort of balance you seek. Start writing and see if it suits you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may be inclined to stay in bed today with the latest best seller, Sagittarius. Who wouldn't want to spend the day this way? Alas, that isn't going to happen. The planets are practically pulling the covers off you
    and pushing you out of bed. There's work to be done! And more importantly, there are people you need to talk to right now. Put a bookmark in the
    book. It can wait.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You have a lot to offer, Capricorn. Everyone appreciates what you have
    to contribute. Yet you've been unable to give yourself credit for all
    that you've accomplished. It would be worthwhile to take some time to contemplate why this is so. You have a strong need to be loved, but you
    must first love yourself. Your family and friends will support you, but
    first you must support yourself.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, December 19, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Aquarius, you shouldn't even try to find a reasonable explanation for what
    goes on around you today. There isn't one. Be carried by the tides of
    emotions from the past that run through your body and soul. There's no
    use trying to control them - they need to come out. Instead, take the
    time to revitalize yourself in the intimacy of your home or at a friend's,
    if possible.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you may ask yourself if you're satisfied. How is your personal
    life? Do people live up to your standards or are you always left feeling dissatisfied? It may be time to make some important decisions in your
    life. What do you really want out of life? You might find some of the
    answers today.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Nothing is simple where your family is concerned. If you've forgotten that, don't worry. Today will remind you. You may have to deal with some of your lingering problems with certain family members. You will find you have
    all the energy you need in order to find the solutions to the conflicts
    that have been eating at you for a while.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You like to give people advice and help them find direction in their lives
    - sometimes when they haven't even asked. But now it's your turn to feel a little lost. You may need to get away from it all to get some perspective
    on your life. What about taking a trip to some faraway land? Today is a
    good day to make your future vacation plans.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Gemini, you may put your integrity under the microscope today. We all have deep convictions that we would never let go of. But society pressures us,
    and it isn't always easy to live in perfect harmony with our ideals. The question to ask yourself today is just how willing are you to change your
    most heartfelt beliefs in order to live in society? Do you have the courage
    of your convictions?

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your freedom is more important to you than anything else in your life. It's often very difficult for you to get involved, whether personally or professionally. Nevertheless, today you may have to think about it. Could
    it be that your thirst for freedom is just an escape? You may need to
    ponder this question. Who knows? You could decide to take the leap!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Certain very narrow-minded people may get on your nerves. You're lucky
    enough to be an open, tolerant person, Leo. You take people and situations
    just as they come. Today you may find yourself in the middle of negotiations between two people with opposite views. Help them open their eyes to each other's point of view.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you will be able to explore the power of your emotions. Don't try
    and fight what you call your "oversensitivity." A force from childhood
    will permeate you and help you to find out what your real needs are.
    Shouldn't you think about staying away from people who influence you a
    little too much? Think about it and go with your emotions.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Libra, you feel secure in the warmth and depth of your emotions. Today
    you will have the opportunity to reenergize and regenerate yourself from
    the inside out. Take advantage of the energies at play to deepen your relationships with the people you love. Get to know them even better.
    Your powers of seduction will mesmerize them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The atmosphere may seem a bit oppressive today, Scorpio. You like to be
    free to do what you want to do, and it may bother you that the people
    around you don't make themselves available to you. They seem preoccupied
    by their own business. This could bring out some old wounds that haven't completely healed.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a bit tied down today. It won't necessarily be a bad day,
    but you may wonder about certain aspects of your family life. Don't try
    and kid yourself. You should think hard about what you want for your family
    for the next few years and how you intend to go about getting it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There are days when you should take everything with a grain of salt. Today
    you may realize how important it is to gain the appreciation and respect
    of a certain person. It isn't worth getting worked up about. You will only
    make things worse. You may just need to do something that puts the fire
    back into your emotions.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, December 20, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today could be the day you've been waiting for, Aquarius. Realize that you have the gentle, sincere nature necessary to sweet-talk your way through
    any situation. Indeed, if there is something that needs resolution, now
    would be a good time to smooth things over. People will be more receptive
    to your good nature and nurturing qualities.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Something is urging you to act, Pisces. You may feel a restlessness in
    the air that makes you want to get up and go. The problem is the place
    you need to go may not be obvious at first. Tender emotions may get in
    the way of decisive action. Realize that your destination is inside your
    heart. We all go through moody periods. This could be one for you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will find that your emotions are much more under control today,
    Aries. You're able to strike a happy balance and avoid extraordinary extremes that scare others away. In fact, quite the opposite is true. People will
    be attracted to you as you provide a life raft on turbulent waters. Your sensitivity is strong and you're able to immediately fix on the status of
    any situation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Things may seem a little cloudy today, Taurus, but this is no reason to be blue. It could be that you need to adjust before you can smoothly relate to others. Take this opportunity to attend to things that you normally wouldn't think of. See things from the perspective of someone in another walk of
    life. Realize the fun of just staying home and falling asleep on the couch.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Try not to see the negative in everything today, Gemini. Concentrate on
    the positive. You will pick up subtle signals from others that can be very helpful as you gather data throughout the day. As you proceed through it,
    keep in mind that everything need not be a race to the finish line. Enjoy
    where you are now. There's no reason to rush to the next activity if you're having fun.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try to curb your tongue today, Cancer. There's no reason to lash out. You
    will find that the more sensitive your approach, the farther you will
    get in your pursuit of your goals. Today might find you feeling moody,
    and your emotions could be running away with you. Get in touch with your feelings rather than push them away. They're probably trying to tell you something important.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your thinking is clear today, Leo, and you will find that generally things
    are running smoothly. Your perspective on everything is very much in
    line with where you need to be at this time. In other words, you're doing everything exactly right. Be yourself and let other people adapt to your way
    of thinking. There's no need to keep hiding the truth of who you really are.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Listen to what other people say to you today, Virgo. There are valuable experiences waiting around the corner. The important thing to do now is recognize opportunities when they arise. The road to success isn't always
    well marked. Take a chance on the road with no signs at all. You have the courage and pioneering spirit to pursue the adventurous route, so go for it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your emotions may be more in tune with the world around you today,
    Libra. You could even feel a bit psychic. Go with your hunches. You will
    find that rational thinking may not be the best way to handle situations
    right now. Be the sensitive one who feels things before acting. Discuss the issues with others and combine your resources for a more powerful alliance.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might second-guess yourself today, Scorpio. Voices in your head are
    louder than usual, and you could be the one putting the brakes on your own train. Your intuition is trying to break through. See what you can do to
    slow down the chatter that continues to dictate the narrative throughout
    the day. Do more feeling instead of thinking. Give your mind a rest.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today is excellent for you, Sagittarius. You will find that things flow naturally in the very way you've visualized. You might even find that things actually go much better than you had envisioned! Go about your endeavors confidently. The whole world isn't out to get you. In fact, people are
    probably too concerned with themselves to even bother with what you're doing.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Be careful about the way your words come across to others, Capricorn. You
    might not realize how much other people's feelings are affected until it's
    too late. Consider backing off for a while and taking a break from your
    normal performance. Practice your lines at home. You may be in a bit of
    a funk, but the good news is that you will snap out of it very soon.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, December 21, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Initiate a deep, meaningful conversation with someone you've lost touch with, Aquarius. It could be that a long and ugly point of contention is on the
    brink of resolution. All you need to do is make the first move. There's
    a great deal of heartfelt, loving energy in the air that will help you
    foster a sensitive, tender approach. Find a connection with someone that
    you didn't know was there.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your transmission may be stuck in reverse today, Pisces. This doesn't
    mean you can't be productive. You may need to change your approach.
    Carefully assess a situation before you proceed. Someone may be trying to
    cross you. Be smart about your rebuttal. Head-on combat isn't the best approach. Try reasoning. You may discover that there are pieces of the
    puzzle you didn't know about.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things should go well for you today, Aries. There's an added serenity in
    the air that will help calm your nerves. There's no need to make things
    more complicated than necessary. The answers to things are actually quite simple. Everything you want is probably right at your fingertips. You
    don't need to go far to find what you seek.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It might seem like someone has dumped a bucket of water on your head today, Taurus. It seems like your fire is out. Keep in mind that this is only temporary and that your internal flame will be rekindled soon. For now,
    you may want to take this time to slow down and relax. Use this as an opportunity to reflect and tune in to your sensitive, caring nature. Let someone else take the reins.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Tension may run high today as things come to a great emotional climax. It
    might seem as if everyone is out to get you, Gemini, but more than likely
    this paranoia is a figment of your imagination. Don't get carried away
    with crazy scenarios that have no basis in reality. People may be acting irrationally, so don't be surprised if reason and logic are nowhere to
    be found.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    More than likely you will be caught up in a wildly intense emotional
    drama if you aren't careful, Cancer. Try to stay calm and collected.
    Find a quiet, solitary place where you can relax. Your energy is there,
    but it may be more reserved and subtle on a day like this. Be the stable
    oasis in the raging turmoil. Make peace with the people around you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You will find strength in your inner reserves today, Leo. Don't hesitate to
    let your deepest thoughts shine through. Keep your antenna up. You will find that there's an electricity in the air that keeps people's emotions at peak level. Follow your instincts and keep in mind that this is probably your best defense against the challenges of the day. Rational thinking is overrated.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel a bit sluggish today, Virgo. Your warrior spirit would rather
    stay home on the couch than get up and fight. This is fine. You may simply
    need a break from your quest for world domination. Remember that a good
    leader also takes the time to sit back and reflect on recent events in
    order to make better plans for the future.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your sensitivity is strong today, Libra. You will find that your perception
    of situations is right on target with the truth of the matter. Keep in
    mind that in order to be successful, you won't need to strong-arm anyone
    into doing what you want. More than likely you will be able to accomplish
    more just by tuning in to your receptive, gentle nature.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may feel a bit confused today. It might seem as if the wind has suddenly been taken out of your sails. Don't get discouraged by the slow weightiness
    of the day. Take the opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries. Do
    a bit of inward reflection as opposed to outer-directed movement. The most valuable lesson to learn is patience. Remind yourself of this throughout
    the day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today is an excellent day for you, Sagittarius. You will be a welcome
    addition to any crowd. Your delightful nature is at its most active.
    You have the unique capability to be aggressive about getting what you want without disturbing the flow of the energy around you. People respect and
    honor your sensitive, nurturing qualities. This will win the game for you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The world probably isn't going to revolve around you today, Capricorn,
    so get used to it. Even though this may not be the news you want to hear,
    it's probably the news you most need to hear. Use your incredible passion to nurture others. Think less about yourself and more about the people around
    you, especially your family. Stick close to home and take care of chores.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, December 22, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're conscientious where your health is concerned. You're one of the rare
    few who exercise and eat nutritious meals. Today you might want to expand
    your repertoire of medical remedies. If you've been struggling to shake a
    cold or allergy, consider some alternative medicines. They're moving more
    into the mainstream. Chinese herbs and acupuncture could just be what the
    New Age doctor ordered!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This is bound to turn into a silly day if you let it, Pisces. Your best
    bet is to give in to the strange patterns at work. Communication seems
    blocked at every turn. You can expect technical difficulties like phone malfunctions or computer crashes. You and your mate will speak in two
    different languages. No one seems able to get a point across. Don't fight it. Just laugh. All will be normal again tomorrow.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    This isn't a day to make firm commitments, Aries, especially concerning relationships. Today's atmosphere highlights unification and reconciliation, but don't take this as a sign that you're now bound for life. Proceed carefully before making any long-term decisions. If you're about to take
    a big step at work or in your personal life, try to delay your decision
    until your thoughts are clearer.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're so upbeat and optimistic by nature that it's difficult for you
    to accept certain failures. That may be what you're thinking today as
    you reflect on recent humanitarian efforts. Try not to take such a short- sighted attitude. You're making a difference, even though it may not always
    be apparent. Continue on this path. Ultimately, you will see how worthwhile
    the journey is.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're usually very good at concentrating and getting your chores done,
    even when chaos reigns around you. This likely won't be the case today. Even you will come under the influence of the erratic. It's too hard to get much done with all the commotion. Don't fret about your lack of productivity. This is one day. Relax and have some fun. Tomorrow you can get down to work.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You have strong psychic vision, Cancer. Some people might say that you're prophetic, but your gift is a combination of creativity and intuition. You
    can use this to benefit others, and in fact have often done so. You're known for your good advice. Have some restraint today. People are listening
    closely to what you say. If you advise someone to do something crazy,
    they might do it!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The element of water predominates today. You will likely be aware of
    it by the strong tides of feeling in your household, Leo. Some family
    members may be unhappy. They may need more independence or look to you
    for more attention and affection. It's hard to strike the right balance,
    as you will discover. Do your best to satisfy everyone, making sure that
    your own needs don't get overlooked.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's a carefree, almost childlike atmosphere to today that suits you
    just fine, Virgo. You've been working extraordinarily hard lately and need
    to relax and unwind a bit. This is a day for doing cartwheels across an
    open field. You aren't the only one who feels this way - it's positively contagious. Make the most of this wonderful feeling. This is a day for
    play not work.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This is a day for rest and relaxation, Libra. Take advantage of the
    calm atmosphere to center yourself and focus on what's important in
    your life. You've been going at full speed, and it's possible that your
    family feels somewhat neglected. Spend some quality time with loved ones,
    if possible. They miss you and will welcome your company. Other concerns
    come and go, but family is forever.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're on top of the world today, Scorpio. Enjoy the view! You're
    unstoppable. Friends and family alike revel in your good mood. You're materially and spiritually generous, and by day's end people could be
    lined up to partake of the bounty. Try to curb your enthusiasm and use
    some discretion. It would be better to give more to a worthy few than
    give less to many.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This dreamy day is tailor made to your sensibilities. You may find it hard
    to focus on the daily issues when you're caught up in your fantasies. Go
    ahead and give in to the day's dreamlike state. Write in your journal or
    spend some time rummaging around in the attic. You'll be amazed at what
    you find. Expect to spend hours looking through scrapbooks and reliving
    your childhood.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your artistic side likes to communicate with people who are a shade off
    normal. You call them eccentric - other people call them crazy! From your viewpoint, the crazier the better! You feel such people add interest to the lives of anyone they come in contact with. Take a look in the mirror. You
    may see that you're such a person. Your energy and creativity add sparkle
    to others' lives.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -10C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, December 23, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You have strong humanitarian instincts, Aquarius. You think of your fellow humans more than most. This, combined with your intuition and empathy,
    makes you well suited for the healing professions. If you've felt a bit disgruntled at work lately, it may be that you're in the wrong career.
    Consider training as a counselor or therapist. You would be good at it
    and help a lot of people.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You've been more thoughtful lately and truer to yourself. This is due to
    your recent introspection. You really can change your life. All it takes
    is time and commitment. You've made great progress in your development. Continue on this path and you will wind up in a much better place. Keep
    your eye on the goal, but don't be so focused that you forget to enjoy
    the journey.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're feeling confident and more comfortable in your own skin than
    you have in a long time, Aries. You're so accomplished, why are you the
    last one to acknowledge it? Try to look up from your desk long enough to socialize with friends and loved ones. You've been so focused on work that
    your relationships may have suffered a bit. Spend some quality time with
    those you care about, if possible.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's time to loosen up, Taurus. The planetary aspects bring a new cycle of tolerance and understanding your way. You could use a bit of both. Take
    baby steps as you introduce the kinder, gentler you to your friends and co-workers. They won't accept a rapid transformation, but they won't mind gradual changes. Listen more and speak less. This can make a big difference
    in a relationship.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Remember all those resolutions you made in the past? It's time to
    recommit to them. All signs indicate that you need to take better care of yourself. You've been so busy working that exercising has begun to feel
    like a luxury you can't afford. Actually, exercise and proper nutrition
    are luxuries you can't afford to ignore. You're burning the candle at both ends. Stop before you burn out completely!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is an auspicious time for you, Cancer. It gives you the energy and enthusiasm to make the necessary changes in your life. There is a lot
    of work to do, but you're up to it! First focus on your relationships.
    Your loved ones don't care about your professional successes. They want
    (and perhaps need) to spend more time with you. Do what you can to bring
    your life more into balance.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You have tremendous creativity inside you, Leo. Have you begun to use some
    of it? This creative cycle will last for the next month or so. Don't let it pass without taking advantage of it. Use the other side of your brain for a change. Take up sketching, painting, or fiction writing. What you do is less important than doing something. The simple act of creation unlocks the brain.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Get excited because this is going to be one great day! Everything will go
    your way. It will seem as if you simply can't lose. At work, team members
    look to you as the leader. At home, family members express gratitude and affection. You may be tempted to try this luck at the casino, but don't
    be impulsive. You're already a winner. You've earned this shining moment.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This is a good day for quiet contemplation, Libra. You may have worried about finances lately, but there's no longer any need to concern yourself. All
    signs indicate that your financial fortunes are about to change. You've been working hard and should reap some rewards. Today's aspects suggest that
    you will. Enjoy your newfound peace of mind, but don't go out and use the credit cards in celebration!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Scorpio, you're bound to enjoy this day! It's full of possibilities and opportunities. It may begin routinely, but keep your eyes and ears open for hints of change. Your new adventure may come about in a mundane way. You
    might meet someone in line at the store who becomes a business partner. Or maybe you will meet a romantic interest at the ATM. Adventure is all
    around. Trust that you will find it!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Forget about work for a change and focus instead on your love life! This is
    one area that can really use some attention. There's no sense waiting for
    your partner to do it. It's up to you. Why not book a romantic weekend? It
    will do wonders for your relationship and add spark just by anticipating the fun you will have. Your commitment should mean more than your independence.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You greet the day energized! Your confidence is at an all-time high
    because of recent events. You have every reason to be proud of what you've accomplished, especially at work. But your love life could benefit from
    the same level of commitment. Why not be proactive? Arrange a romantic
    evening for you and your partner. What a difference a few hours can make
    in your relationship!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The hard work and detail-oriented planning you've done lately are really starting to pay off, Aquarius. The key is to maintain your sensitivity and
    look to where you can be of service to others. Your nurturing side feels
    the need to express itself. Follow your heart today and be respectful
    of your emotions. The thing you need to be most conscious of is not overextending yourself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may not want to wander far from your bedroom today. That's fine. Take
    this opportunity to get things done around the house that make you feel like your energy is an important part of the atmosphere. Hang new pictures, read inspiring articles, and laugh at magazine cartoons that inspire your humorous side. Be soft and gentle with your words and actions. Just take it easy!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things are on the upswing for you today, Aries. People are finally coming around to see things from your perspective. There's no need to doubt
    yourself. Look in the mirror and know that the person you see is capable
    of accomplishing anything. Your powerful emotions are your allies. Don't
    be afraid to let your heart speak up loudly and clearly, the way it wants to.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Take a step back from the line of fire today and examine your
    position. You've made some bold moves and now it's time to pause
    and evaluate. Listen to others' reactions. Take the observations and
    comments to heart. Other people may see things about your situation that
    you don't. Don't get boxed in by narrow-minded thinking. Digest what you
    learn and expand your horizons.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may not feel like you're in tune with your situation today, Gemini. Try
    not to get too pushy with your opinions about how things should be
    done. Honor other people's perspectives and approaches. It may be hard
    for others to commit to things the same way you do. Their methods may be different, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily any better or worse.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try not to be too competitive today, Cancer. The more you try to drive
    your point across, the more it will meet stubborn opposition. This is a
    better day to observe the situation. Emotions are running high, and people aren't necessarily acting rationally. It will do no good to try to reason
    with someone determined to fight. Save your ammunition for something else.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Sink into a soft, gentle rhythm and you flow with everything around you,
    Leo. Ease your mind about any worries. Your subconscious knows the way. The
    key today is sensitivity and intuition - your specialties. You don't need
    to be concerned about a thing. Everything will work out fine. Don't worry
    that you haven't prepared enough. Give yourself a break and relax.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Now isn't the time to prove to people that you're the boss, Virgo. They
    would surely become defensive. You're much better off taking a sensitive, nurturing approach on a day like today. Focus your fire internally and use
    it to drive your own engine. Don't run over anyone else in the process or
    try to run their engine for them.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This is a favorable day for you to deal with intimate and sensitive issues, Libra. You will be in comfortable situations that allow you to express what
    you believe. There's no need to hold back, because people will have a greater understanding of what it is you feel. You combine deep emotions with mental clarity and you're able to see through to the truth in other people's words.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    There's a very heavy atmosphere around you that might feel stifling,
    Scorpio. Situations are cropping up that urge you to think practically with regard to your emotions. You will find that things go much more smoothly
    if you slow down and think about a situation before you proceed. Make sure
    you consider all the choices and what their effects will be on other people.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Just when you thought that the whole world was turning on you, Sagittarius, things start to come back around. You will find that you don't need to
    hide. In fact, the more you let your true spirit emerge, the more allies
    you will gain. Your secret ambition to rule your world is becoming a much
    more attainable goal than you might have thought at first.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The more you let your ego and fantasies swell today, Capricorn, the more friction you will encounter. Others aren't going to be fooled, nor are they going to want to deal with frivolity. You might consider letting someone
    else take the lead while you focus more on your internal energy. Don't
    be surprised if you cry for no apparent reason. It's important that the
    tears come out.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog -0C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, December 25, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You will fit in perfectly with just about every situation you encounter
    today, Aquarius. Things are going well for you, so take advantage of the energy. You will find that you can accomplish a lot with very little
    effort. Other people will respect that. If something needs to be done meticulously and efficiently, you're the one for the job.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't expect a reaction from people today even if you tell the funniest
    jokes. Others are likely to be reserved and uptight. For the most part,
    the day's forecast calls for conservative skies and a slight chance of grumpiness. The best way to handle this is to engage in activities that
    require discipline, grounding, and efficiency. Finish your chores and plan
    fun things for evening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will keep a level head today, Aries, so take this opportunity to
    make rational decisions about the most intense issues on the table. Stay grounded and concentrate on what you need to do. Don't get caught up in
    the usual emotional drama. Restriction and limitation are main themes of
    the day that will help you reach your goals.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your playful attitude will be a welcome addition to the sober, restrictive
    tone of the day. On the other hand, it may behoove you to be serious in order to accomplish what you need to get done. The choice is up to you. However,
    you would probably be wise to spend this day taking care of chores and
    nagging errands that you've put off for quite some time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is a terrific day for you, Gemini. You will feel a greater sense of appreciation and respect for the people around you. The planning and hard
    work you've contributed recently is finally paying off. People are likely
    to arrive at your level of thinking. You'll find you can connect on a
    very productive level. Your emotions are under control and your thoughts crystal clear.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There's a restrictive, sober tone to the day that may wear you down,
    Cancer. The trick to working this energy to your advantage is to adjust
    your game plan to fit the mood. Take care of mundane chores and small obstacles. Make realistic plans and follow through with short-term goals.
    Water your plants. Do things that require discipline and grounding.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Come down from the clouds today, Leo. It's important to connect with what's going on down here. It could be that you're missing your target because you failed to take certain details into account that are obvious to everyone
    else. Attend to projects that require your attention. Realistic planning
    and disciplined actions are the best activities to engage in.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's a lethargic pace to the day that might leave you frustrated,
    Virgo. It may seem as if things aren't progressing as quickly as you'd
    like. Don't be seduced by the idea that everything needs to get done
    sooner. Faster isn't necessarily better. Focus on quality and efficiency. Examine what could be considered wasteful action. Streamline your daily routine.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This is a terrific day for you to accomplish a lot, Libra. You may
    feel restricted in your emotions and unable to make certain deep-level connections, but don't worry about it. If the time doesn't feel right to
    engage in deep conversation, don't push it. Concentrate on the things that
    you need to get done personally and professionally.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Slow down a bit today and do some planning. There's a steady, grounded mood that will help bring your thoughts and actions down to Earth. The wind may
    not be filling your sails as much as you'd like, but you can use this to
    your advantage. The underlying reservation in people's attitudes and opinions will aid you quite a bit. Eliminate the fluff and concentrate on what's real.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There's a call for you to focus on tangible items today, Sagittarius. Your emotions may be a bit restricted, but you will find comfort in beautiful, luxurious surroundings. Don't be surprised if people are a bit more critical than usual. What they intend as helpful may come across as hurtful. Try
    to keep a positive spin on things or you may slip down a negative spiral
    of self-pity.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Get your life in order today, Capricorn. Shed the false persona you've
    been wearing and really look in the mirror. Make sure you like the person
    you see. This is a good day to put frivolity aside and concentrate on
    what you need to accomplish. Tend to your duties and plan wisely for the future. Store up your resources instead of squandering them all now.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, December 26, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What a great day for you! You seem to have the innate listening abilities
    of a therapist or counselor. Everyone comes to you with their problems
    or to cry on your proverbial shoulder. They know that you will listen
    without judgment. Have you ever thought about doing something like this
    for a living? Perhaps today will make you think about it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. This is your maxim for
    the day, Pisces. What have you done lately to improve the way you live
    your life? Would you consider taking off on some wild adventure without
    looking back? Today you may meet some people who will make you want to.
    They're adventurers looking for thrills and chills, with all the risks
    that come along with them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Strength of character will be your partner today, Aries. You seem to
    have an aura whose intensity scares some people and attracts others.
    Your force of character could be the cause of some wonderful feelings and emotions for the people close to you. Don't try and hide your emotions.
    They're the source of your creativity.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    What an extraordinary day for you, Taurus! The dynamic energy in the
    air will help you set new personal goals. The positive feedback you get
    from the people around you could inspire you to make some life-changing decisions for the good of you and your family. Don't hesitate to share
    the day's positive attitude with them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You can start your day without all the usual planning. Be free to discover
    your day as it unfolds. This might feel like it's against your nature,
    but it's good for you to enjoy life's sometimes arbitrary nature every
    once in a while. Otherwise, you may miss out on some of the best things
    life has to offer!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    In general, you tend to be critical of the way the government and politicians handle social issues and institutions. Your goal isn't just to criticize, however. You would also like to see some positive changes in these areas. The aura of understanding and comprehension in the air today helps you realize
    that if you want the world to evolve, you're going to have to get people
    to react.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Leo, you may have felt as if something has been changing in your family environment over the last few weeks. Today you will find out what's been
    going on. Someone close to you has been going through some important changes
    in his or her life. You feel as if you need to be there and accompany this person on a journey of self-development.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You tend to think of yourself as a lone warrior, Virgo. Today your efforts
    over the last few weeks pay off. You've found your place in a group of
    people. You may even call it a family. You now have a place to come home
    to, whether it's to celebrate your victories or lick your wounds. If you
    could just open up to other people, you'd soon find that you have more
    than one safe haven.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You love the creative process, Libra. Even watering your plants or painting
    a picture will give you a feeling of joy. If this month you get a chance
    to finish a project that you really care about, you will be satisfied with
    the results. And you will be surprised to see people react positively.
    It's OK to be proud of yourself.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Scorpio, your lighthearted attitude has given you a reputation as an eternal teenager. But levity is also a sign of a very wise person, a person who knows how to laugh at their wisdom. Whether you realize it or not, you can get involved in a serious relationship without losing your lightheartedness. If you're already in a committed relationship, you know how true this is.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    What changes have there been in your life since this time last year? Think about the events that have taken place. What have you accomplished? What decisions have you made? And most importantly, how much you have grown as
    a person? Try to make changes by following your intuition. Even though it
    seems stressful and sometimes painful, change means growth!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It may be upsetting to you, Capricorn, but there's something you need to
    think about. You should finally get it through your head that the people
    you often call "brilliant" are only reflections of you. If this month you decide to have a little faith in yourself and assert yourself a little,
    you could be in for some very nice surprises! You'll see!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, December 27, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may get the opportunity to feel proud of yourself. But don't
    let things get too out of hand. It isn't often that you allow yourself this little bit of narcissism. Everything you say will be pertinent, and people
    will let you know. For once, the stars are giving you the opportunity to
    cater to your own ego, so take advantage of it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you may be overcome by a current of humanist thought, Pisces. Your consciousness is traveling, and you probably couldn't care less about the details of the events going on around you. You're freethinking, which is inspired by your spirit of fairness. You may even be in a situation where
    you have to act as a kind of "enlightened" referee, which you will only
    be too happy to do!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Even if you're a good judge of character, Aries, the people who know you say that you base your opinions on your personal feelings, which often affect
    your good judgment. Today your critics are wrong, and your judgments are
    as precise and objective as they can possibly be. They may even help you
    out of a sticky situation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You tend to want to explain everything that goes on around you, Taurus. You rationalize everything in an instant, and group all your experiences into
    great theories. But you've been very quiet for quite some time now. It's
    as if something is keeping you from speaking. Today you will get a few
    words in, so don't worry.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    As a Gemini, you don't really like to talk about things. Talking just isn't one of your specialties. Everyone has his/her own role, and yours is to
    take action and create, not talk about doing it. However, the planetary positions today might make you utter a few very deep words. Come on!
    Tell us a little something about how you feel deep inside!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Scientists seem to live in a world apart from the rest of us, Cancer,
    and from the events in everyday life, because they're so absorbed in other realities. This is a lot like your universe. If you were a scientist, you
    might do what they sometimes do - make parallels, like those learned men
    who apply their scientific reasoning to events in the world by analogy. Tell
    us your theories!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're often like a Zen master who doesn't say anything to pupils for months, until the day the pupils begin to not believe any more and find themselves growing indifferent to the whole thing. Then the master pronounces one or
    two phrases that are so incredibly true that no one knows what to say! You could be that Zen master today.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It's time to take some time out of your busy day for your personal life,
    Virgo. One of your family members or friends may need to talk to you,
    and you need to listen attentively to what they have to say. You need to
    use all your wonderful energy to get down to the heart of the matter. Who knows? You may discover some hidden treasures along the way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is a good day to clarify your life, Libra. You may have
    understood lately that it's useless to undertake anything new when you're confused. You've figured out that all it takes to get out of that state is to take care of yourself, eat better, get more sleep, or take a vacation. Your mind will be sufficiently rested today to deal with all the problems that
    come your way.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Are you going to be available to other people today? Someone in your
    entourage may need to confide in you. If the superficiality of the
    exchange bothers you, you will understand what the atmosphere of today is
    all about! Yes, you're available, but not for just anything. You're in no
    mood to waste time at the moment.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may come in contact with someone today with whom you enjoy a highly emotional exchange. You may even fall in love! Be very attentive to
    your moods and everything going on inside you, Sagittarius. They will be particularly strong, and they will help you understand what is changing
    in you. Just be careful to distinguish your feelings from those of your (future?) partner.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It's possible that you're having some ups and downs in your love life at
    the moment. Someone may be asking you to play another role than you're
    used to playing in your relationship. Today, Capricorn, you should take
    the time to think about these pressures on you. You're going to need the answers to these questions over the next few months.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow +0C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, December 28, 2024 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, December 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You are very interested in all kinds of professions that concern humans, Aquarius - medicine, psychology, or any kind of spiritual therapy. You
    will be very sensitive to the great opening toward the future that comes
    along today. The planetary alignment initiates progress in all areas of
    human existence. Keep your eyes and ears wide open.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may surprise the people around you over the next few days, Pisces. You're
    a responsible person and others can count on you. But just like anybody
    else, you're sensitive to your desires. You should expect your desires to
    be so strong today that they may be irresistible. If this is a positive experience, you may need to do some planning in your personal life.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may have to stand by certain difficult, worrisome decisions today,
    Aries. You may feel a kind of urgent need for stability in your personal
    life. What is really behind this feeling? Is it possible that you're just afraid of your desire to put everything into question in order to make a
    fresh start? Today you may find the answer to this question. Stay tuned.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Do you help the world evolve, Taurus? You may ask yourself this kind of delicate question today. Even if you're a person of action who knows how
    to react to situations, you should be careful not to be too impulsive. You
    have a specific role to play. Don't get thrown off track by emotional circumstances.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may tend to be overprotective of the people closest to you, especially children. You may feel you live in a dangerous world in which people don't
    care about responsibility to one another. But the people you're trying
    to protect are probably better prepared and adapted to the world than
    you think, Gemini. They might try to tell you this even if your support
    is indispensable.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You probably need society's or other people's approval in order to feel good about yourself, Cancer. But your original personality and way of thinking
    are often hard for others to accept. You may need to make your ideas less
    crazy and a little more down to Earth and practical. This should be your
    goal over the next few days if you don't want to feel left out of things.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The events of the day depend on your ability to put things into question
    today, Leo. In general, you're good at analyzing situations when things
    aren't going well in your relationships. Now someone in your family may
    have a problem acting responsibly. It's up to that person to take care of things, but you could understand the message the person is trying to send
    other people with his or her behavior.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The planetary aspects are going to have a big impact on you today,
    Virgo. This isn't the time to fear the future. Rather, it's a time to
    make it happen. The action you take right now will be instrumental in your future. Will there be enough of us walking toward the future? Virgo will
    be at the head of the pack in any case, as always.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    People are more alike than we think, especially on days like today that
    mean virtually the same thing to everyone. Some incredible changes have
    taken place in the world and its economic and social systems. Now is the
    time to think about what the next few years have in store. Do you have
    any ideas? Try to articulate them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today is an inspirational day for you, fast thinking Scorpio. Let those visions come to you, process them, and try to verbalize them. A lot of information and electricity is in the air, and you should have no problem picking up on it. Open up your channels for the best reception. Have a
    notepad handy to jot down all your insights.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're usually good at bringing people together. Your greatest strength is giving identity to those people who seek it. In fact, you're so aware of
    the differences between people that you resist the changes that come about
    as people evolve. Today's planetary alignment confronts you with issues
    that concern your future. Your position will help you accept things and
    go forward.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Some of you still let individuals from other Zodiac signs do all the
    creating for you. The planetary configuration today pushes you to free
    yourself from the ties that bind you. It's time for you to show more creativity. Show the gems that you usually hide. Express yourself fully, without hesitation. Show others who's really in charge.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, December 29, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Intense emotions are apt to dominate the scene today, Aquarius. Don't do anything halfway. It's time to give it your all or nothing. You have
    the power to cut to the heart of the issue. Don't hesitate. If you meet opposition, stay strong. There's a valuable lesson to be learned. If you're being true to yourself, you should have no trouble overcoming any obstacle
    that stands in your path.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's an overwhelming intensity about the day that might make it
    difficult for you to maintain the peace, Pisces. Strong opinions and
    courageous emotions are clashing in a climactic fashion. You might find yourself in the middle of conflicting forces if you aren't careful. Make
    sure you take care of yourself and your needs before you try to patch up
    things for everybody else.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel extra self-confident today, Aries, making you more able to
    say and do the things you might normally keep inside. Be warned, however,
    that you're apt to run into some powerful, unexpected opposition. The
    genius in you wants to come out and show others what you're made of, but
    other people may have reason to find fault. Don't let others' disapproval hinder your progress.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might find that others' strong opinions dictate today's actions,
    Taurus. The atmosphere is quite intense, so you might want to lay low
    and let others have their way. Don't try to put up a fight. Unexpected opposition may come out of nowhere and take control. There's a powerful
    force at work asking you to do things with more passion than usual.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Create your own reality, Gemini. It could be that you have the puppet
    strings in your hands, but you're too afraid to use them. Don't shy away
    from responsibility. Take your time and don't lose sight of your goals.
    The stakes are extra high today, and you will find that the slightest
    movement is magnified several times over. Be careful how you use your
    words. They won't be taken lightly.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things that you thought were obvious may not seem quite as clear as you'd
    like them to be, Cancer. Be aware that there may be some intense opposition
    to your plans. Take care of other people and their emotions. You will find
    that a wall might suddenly go up, putting a harsh barrier between you and
    your goals. Consider your heart as well as your head.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Other people may tend to snap under the emotional pressure of the day,
    Leo, but you're well suited to soar through with flying colors. You're
    ruled by your emotions and you have no problem navigating rough waters.
    Other people may look to you for strength and support. Trust yourself and
    try not to get lured off course by conflicting opinions that don't seem
    to sit right with you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's a need for decisive action today, Virgo, and you're the one fit for
    the job. Strong wills and forceful opinions will win out. Others aren't
    likely to be easily manipulated. Everyone has a voice, and they won't be
    afraid to use it. Make sure that you speak up on your behalf or your best interests may be lost. Stand up for yourself. It's now or never.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There may be tension and opposition today, Libra, so be prepared. It could
    seem like everyone wants to rattle your cage. Stand strong. There are
    forceful opinions crying out to be heard. The more stubborn you are, the
    harder it will be for important information to flow freely. Protect your interests by standing your ground, but make sure you don't step on other people's toes in the process.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    What ails you now can be eliminated if you're willing to stand up and say exactly what needs to be said, Scorpio. Going with the flow may be an easy route to follow, but it might not always take you down a path that leads to
    the fulfillment of your dreams. Be a bit more aggressive about your position today and outwardly project yourself as the true master of your destiny.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It takes two to tango, Sagittarius. Remember that life isn't a one-way
    street. There needs to be a bit of give and take if you expect others to
    treat you the way you want to be treated. Don't let people take control
    when it comes to taking charge of your own life. Others may be emotional
    and stubborn. Don't waste your breath with useless drivel. Say something meaningful.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It may be hard to resolve anything today, Capricorn. It could be that
    there's an overwhelming resistance making it difficult to act according to plan. Today isn't a good day to fight. If things don't seem to be going your way, don't push it. Trying to strong-arm the situation will only aggravate things and make them worse. You may need to make some compromises in order
    to maintain the peace.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, December 30, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Issues regarding love and romance should be going well for you now,
    Aquarius. You will find that your natural tendency to ground and plan is working perfectly with your desire to find what you want in a mate. Things
    may be about to come to a dramatic climax in your emotional realm. A foggy, dreamy feeling may make it difficult for you to keep your feet on the ground.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may want to escape into your dreams today, Pisces. Trying to do something practical may be met with opposition, as the general mood of the day calls
    for things to be more ethereal and elusive. Connect with your sensitive
    side and feel free to spend time on artistic projects. You may have to
    take a more grounded approach when it comes to matters of love.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will be able to find a greater connection to your inner soul today,
    Aries. You will also find that you're more psychic than usual. Trust your intuition. The more you look inward, the more you're apt to find the
    solutions to your outward questions. Combine a sense of dreamy emotion
    with a grounded feeling of love and beauty. You may need to balance your
    cloudy head with stable roots.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have many irons in the fire today, Taurus. People and projects
    could demand your attention, yet you may feel so dreamy and unmotivated
    that it could be hard to make progress on any of them. Creative solutions
    are the best route for you. Be flexible and open to other people's ideas,
    and make sure you consider the unlikeliest ways to tackle the issues.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is going to be a great day for you, Gemini. Strangely enough, you will find that tension may help you get things done. There's an easiness today
    that will create openings for exploring creative outlets. Regarding love
    and romance, try to stay grounded. You and the object of your desire may
    have two different points of view on the relationship. Communicate clearly.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may need to let go and release your control, Cancer. You know what you want, so just trust your intuition. If you continue to let your brain do
    all the work, you will probably miss valuable information that can only
    come when you slow down and look within. Connect with others on sensitive issues and feel free to let your guard down. Let your mind work freely.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is an excellent day for you, Leo. You will find that things
    automatically flow your way. You will receive more attention than usual
    and be the center of any flattering discussions. The one difficult point
    might be intimate relations with others. Romantic issues may take on a
    more serious, grounded tone at this time.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel a bit lazy and unmotivated today, Virgo. It could be hard to
    drag yourself out of bed. In terms of love and romance, there's apt to be
    some tension, as one part of you wants to make plans while another part
    is feeling up in the air and in the clouds. These two different viewpoints might make it difficult to make a move in any one direction.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Love and romance are apt to be going quite well for you now, Libra. You
    should find that it's easier to be yourself in a partnership. Let your
    romantic side shine through. Indulge in delicious candlelit dinners and share your deepest fantasies with those you love. If your partner resists this
    energy now, you may want to consider looking elsewhere for romantic company.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may feel a great deal of nervous energy today, Scorpio. Tension
    could come to you from all angles. Indecisiveness might be your biggest problem. You may be in a frenzy trying to figure out where to move next. The key is to slow down and relax. Don't make a move without evaluating
    things. Be careful about acting too hastily, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Issues having to do with love and romance are in your favor today,
    Sagittarius. You're more in touch with your emotions. You will find that
    your attitude toward love is more grounded than usual. Feel free to let go
    of some control. Let fate take you where it will in this department. Also
    make sure that you don't worry so much about things. Worrying will cause
    doubt, something you don't need.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may not feel in sync with the day's energy, Capricorn. Something about
    it may not sit right with you. Your natural instinct to want to take the
    lead may be overshadowed by an unwillingness to even get up. You may feel
    like your internal fire is squelched, especially when it comes to love
    and beauty. If your mind is cloudy, don't worry about it. The fog will
    clear soon.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 31, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't go where you aren't invited and don't take things that aren't offered, Aquarius. Rules and manners are the cornerstones to healthy friendships and strong bonds among new acquaintances on a day like today. You will find
    that a cheery attitude and pleasant smile go a long way. Before you know
    it, you will be invited everywhere and offered all the things you desire.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Let your true personality shine, Pisces, for this is your day
    to radiate. There's an element of fantasy and deception working in
    the equation, but you will find that this may be just the thing you're
    looking for. The missing piece may come from a place you least expect,
    but be confident that it will come. Be open to new ideas and information, regardless of how odd they seem.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Realize that to conquer new ground you may have to make some sacrifices,
    Aries. Things may not always go according to your perfect vision, but
    that's the natural way of things. Life should be simple and free flowing.
    The tangle of voices in your mind is usually the thing that makes issues
    and situations more complicated than they need to be. Maintain the peace
    and keep things easy.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There's a great deal of air to fuel your fire today, Taurus. Conversations will light up upon your arrival. Dreams, fantasies, and inspired wishes
    may come to the surface, asking you to digest them with your open,
    adventurous mind. Use this fuel to keep things burning red hot within you. Bring your dreams to the surface and turn them into realities by joining
    forces with others.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Although you may want to bring things down a bit so you can better plan, organize, and rearrange, Gemini, this may not be the best course of action today. You're better off keeping things light and uplifting. Things will fall into place as you need them. Trust in others. Realize that some of the best experiences you will have in life are spontaneous. Put your to-do list away.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Join others for stimulating conversation and purposeful dreaming,
    Cancer. You aren't alone in your thoughts and strong opinions. Now is the
    time to be heard. Work toward maintaining peace by exposing truth. Take
    the time to create fantasy in your world by diluting the fears of reality.
    Make decisions based on love, cooperation, and prosperity instead of
    neediness, trepidation, and anger.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It's time to come up for air, Leo. Come out and take a deep
    breath. Experience the lightness and rejuvenation of the energy present in
    the air around you. Do some yoga or go for a jog to open up your channels
    and get your circulation moving. Use this exercise to clear your mind and
    open your consciousness to let new ideas and dreams be born from within.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Take a step back today, Virgo, and sink into a light and dreamy fantasy
    world that is pleasing to you. You will find that beautiful objects and
    sweet fragrances catch your attention. Go shopping or indulge in a gourmet meal. The time is right to keep things open and social. Have fun and focus on your partnerships with others instead of your tendency to lead or dominate.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Things might be too elusive to actually grab hold of today, Libra. Don't
    be so concerned with capturing something and making it your own. See the beauty around you and hold it in your heart. Leave the flower unpicked so others who come after you can enjoy its splendor as well. There's an airy, uplifting feeling to the day that you should enjoy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a terrific day for you, Scorpio. You should find that the puzzle
    pieces naturally come together almost effortlessly. Important connections
    can be made today as long as you keep all the lines of communication
    open. Information exchange is a key part of bringing people and ideas
    together in a constructive manner. A burst of inspiration can lead to a rewarding journey through time and space.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There's a stronger connectedness to dreams and fantasies today, Sagittarius, but you may need to adjust your thinking in order to link to it. Pick a
    path that includes a few steps on the sunny side of the street where you
    can see things in a positive light instead of focusing on the gloom in
    every situation. Communicate your thoughts and think about how you can
    promote peace in your inner circle.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's a warm and friendly feeling to the day that you will find agreeable
    to your boisterous personality, Capricorn. Find strength and peace with the people around you and work to make solid connections among your friends. The people around you are your greatest resource, so treat them with honor
    and respect. Stay in balance by recognizing the strength in others.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, January 01, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 1, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Attend to your duties today, Aquarius. There's a pronounced sense of time
    and a feeling that the days are slipping away. Make sure you fit love and romance into the equation somewhere. At first you may experience a bit
    of resistance in this department, but see that as an indication that this
    is an area of your life that you need to explore and ultimately feel more comfortable with.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Two different sides may tug on you today, and neither one may really make
    a strong case for pulling you one way or the other, Pisces. Realize that adjustments may have to be made for you to fit in with the scheme of things
    and fulfill your duties and responsibilities. A close loved one may distract you in subtle ways, so try not to get sidetracked if you can help it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Tension may be a bit high with everyone and everything you encounter today, Aries. There will be a strong need for stability and discipline, while others call for fun and frivolity. You may be caught in the middle. The worst thing
    is that no side, including yours, is going to want to compromise. Try not
    to take things too seriously.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Remember that you're here to have fun, and happiness is your true destiny, Taurus. Keep this in mind today, as forces may tend to pull you away from
    the fun you've been having. There may be a rather sobering tone to the
    day that's stubbornly trying to rain on your parade. Recognize the need
    for structure and stability, but don't let it bring you down.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You will recognize and appreciate the need for structure and stability
    on a day like today, Gemini. This practical energy may work to take away
    some of the fun out of the equation. You may not realize it, but the fun
    in your life may be getting chipped away little by little. Hold tight to
    the things that give you passion and purpose in life. These are the keys
    to healthy living.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Tension may build today if you aren't careful about how you use your words, Cancer. Remember that forces are trying to push you one way and pull you another. You may encourage a focus on the collective while others seem too worried about themselves. Yet another force is calling for outdated remedies and traditional structures that no longer suit your purposes. Blaze your
    own trail.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Take a look at what's going on around you today, Leo, and do some
    internal processing before you reach a conclusion regarding the best way
    to proceed. You may find that a combination of powerful forces is trying
    to win you over to their camp. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of
    doing things. Keep in mind that the best route is often a combination of several different paths.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Watch out for a jolt in the action, Virgo, as someone close to you puts on
    the brakes in a relationship. There could be conflicts based on a need for
    more structure and stability in the partnership. The imbalance between having fun and taking care of practical matters is currently working to slowly
    destroy the good thing that you have going. Nip this problem in the bud.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Just when you thought you had everything planned and working smoothly, Libra, love comes in and clogs up the works. Suddenly your attention is diverted
    from work as the love of your life catches your eye. This could be a good or bad thing, depending on how you view it. Remember that both aspects of your life are important. The key now is to find a healthy balance between the two.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your heart is going pitter-pat, Scorpio, and you're tempted to escape into
    a romantic fantasyland in which you play the starring role. The bad news
    is that something may be trying to hold you back today. It could be that
    your conscience is coming on the scene to remind you that work needs to
    be done before you can go off into your own little fairytale world.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a bit of a strain today as you try to figure out the best way to get to where you need to be, Sagittarius. The happy, jovial approach tells
    you to let loose, be courageous, and strike out with conviction toward the things that mean the most to you. A sense of duty and restriction may be holding you back. Take the best of both worlds and come up with a unique
    plan of attack.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your romantic side is powerfully charged today, Capricorn. The more you
    tune in to this side of your nature, the happier you will be. The one
    thing to watch out for is keeping at least one foot on the ground at all
    times. Work from a stable platform of honesty and practicality. Without
    this foundation, you will be hard pressed to establish any walls or windows.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, January 02, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 2, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today is a great day to check off all the items on that list of yours, Aquarius. Get it done. At the same time, realize that your emotions might
    be a bit clouded and that things that seem genuine may actually be just
    a mirage. Issues of a spiritual nature are of primary concern. You should
    make sure you're nurturing this side of your being. Think with your heart.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today is a great day to let your artistic nature shine through, Pisces. Your sense of color and pattern is right on target and your words are more
    poetic than usual. Create a time and space for your creative inner nature
    to manifest on the physical plane. Let your fantasy world spill onto a
    piece of paper for others to see. You have tremendous gifts. Feel free to
    share them with the world.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your emotions may be confused today, Aries. People may seem to rub you the wrong way, and you may feel like you're all alone in the world. Keep in
    mind that you're very sensitive and capable of picking up things that other people miss. You cut through the masks and see right to the core of every issue. Give yourself credit for being a passionate detective.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may be out of step with the rest of the world today, Taurus, but
    don't sweat it. This is a good day to finish projects. Your head may be
    in the clouds and your emotions foggier than usual. Bring more of your
    fantasy world to the current reality. Don't just talk about lofty ideas and beautiful dreams - live them. You have the power to change every situation
    for the better.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Stay grounded and focused today, Gemini, You can accomplish a lot if you
    set your mind to it. You may sense a blurry cloud lingering - this is your emotion talking. Amid all the goal-oriented pursuits, mental processes, and work-related issues, you have given short shrift to your feelings. It's OK
    to cry. Recognize that emotions are an important part of you. They deserve
    your attention.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today's events may cause disruption in your routine, Cancer. Your
    emotions may seem clouded, and other people may challenge aspects of your
    ego. Relationships with the opposite sex may not be great today, so don't
    try to force an issue that you know will end up in conflict. There's an
    air of conservatism throughout the day that may not pair well with your unconventional nature. Lay low.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Turn up your fantasy dial and let your imagination run wild. Your intuition
    is strong today, Leo, and you should give your emotions room to flow. Work
    to clear the blockages that keep you from doing things you truly want to
    do. Get your ideas on paper and manifest more of your fantasy world in
    reality. People may be stingy, so now isn't the best time to ask for a
    raise or loan.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Issues may be clouded today, Virgo. The things that seem real may actually be illusions. You might find that you feel a bit more reserved than usual and
    that you want to hold tight to your material possessions for comfort. Keep
    in mind that other people are extremely important to you now and you would benefit greatly by offering your hand to those who are less fortunate.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Terrific energy flows your way today, Libra. Make sure that what you're
    dealing with is genuine. There's a tendency for people to get lost in
    their fantasy worlds. Be aware that what seems practical today could be the opposite tomorrow. Your emotions may seem confused, but if you concentrate
    on releasing instead of judging them, you can sail through the day without
    any trouble.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The heaviness of the day weighs on you, Scorpio. Take your time with
    projects and carefully evaluate all the facts before making a decision.
    People can be deceptive, so be careful in all your dealings. You may be
    going through a period in which you care less about material possessions
    and concern yourself with spiritual things. This is a great time to delve
    into the occult.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your fantasy world is especially piqued today, Sagittarius. Your need
    to escape physical reality is strong. Be careful about how you go about
    this. Dreams may take you there, but be rational so you aren't left
    more confused than before. Keep your energy pure and clean. Other people
    will recognize you for your tender, sensitive nature, so feel free to be confident with your words.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    People may tug at you from all sides today, Capricorn. No matter which
    way you turn, someone is there. Be patient and levelheaded. Your time will come. For now, look at these challenges as lessons for the future and learn from them. Your point of view isn't the only one in the world. It would probably be a good thing if you worked on incorporating other people's
    opinions into your own.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, January 03, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, January 3, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're going through a time of great preparation right now, Aquarius,
    You're building the foundation for a major life project. This period isn't
    to be taken lightly. The day's energy brings this importance into focus.
    Make sure you're building with bricks and not straw, and that the mortar
    you use is strong. Try not to get discouraged by negative emotions. The situation is probably better than it seems.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's a sober feeling to the day that may leave you feeling a bit down, Pisces. There may not be any specific instance or situation that causes
    you to feel this way, so don't sweat it. Focus on getting your projects
    done. This isn't the best day to look for sympathy from others. Crank up
    your stereo as loud as you can and indulge in a scrumptious meal.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    People may be extra stubborn today, so try to avoid any confrontations
    that could lead to full-scale war. Your emotions may feel restricted and restrained, Aries. Don't sweat the small stuff. Realize that you're going through a trying period right now and that you need all the sanity you
    can muster. Refrain from making mountains out of molehills.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your freedom-loving nature may seem a bit dampened today, Taurus, but
    don't let it get you down. Things might not be lining up perfectly, but
    that's no reason to get frustrated. Perhaps the situation was just not
    meant to be. Look for a higher, more practical solution. You have all the information you need to make an intelligent decision.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today is a great day to get rid of the stuff that's cluttering up your
    life, Gemini. Get to the heart of the issue and stop beating around the
    bush. Your emotions may feel a bit more negative than usual, but realize
    that you can use this to your advantage. Your sober attitude can aid in
    making extremely practical, well-grounded decisions.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Don't sweat the small stuff, Cancer. You may feel like something is
    restricting your otherwise light, witty nature, but don't worry about it. Things probably seem worse than they really are. Trust in yourself. Relations with others may not be at their best, and it may seem like your feelings
    are being squeezed through the ringer. Keep your chin up and work to get
    things done right the first time.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There are opportunities open to you now whether you realize it or not. It
    may be hard to be aware of them today, given the astrological weather. Your emotions may feel restricted and weighed down, like something is trying
    to tie you down. Realize that this is just a message from the Universe reminding you that having at least one foot on the ground is key to
    manifesting your dreams.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your emotions may feel restricted today, Virgo. You may feel bad about something you did in the past. Somehow your heart isn't able to let it
    go. Work to overcome this by realizing that this is only a briefly passing trend and that you probably are feeling much worse about the situation
    than necessary. Don't be so hard on yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're going through a period of major evaluation and assessment of
    certain life projects. Today's energies bring much of that tension into
    focus, Libra, and put it right in the place where it affects you most -
    your heart. You may feel the clock ticking more loudly and have a sense
    that something holds you back. The situation probably looks worse than it is.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Try to stay disciplined and focused today, Scorpio. This may be easier
    said than done, but it's crucial for preserving your sanity. There's a restrictive, weighty air to the day that may put a damper on your jovial nature. Instead of getting down on yourself, use this energy to your
    advantage and make order out of the chaos in your life. Eat a healthy meal
    and share your thoughts with others.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're going through a time in which you have the opportunity to make tremendous advances, Sagittarius. These rewards won't come without hard
    work and discipline, however, and this seems to be a focus of the day. Get
    your emotions in line and make the best of what seems to be a pretty dreary situation. A fantastic opportunity is at hand.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Don't mess with superiors or people in authority today, Capricorn, or
    you might end up in some serious hot water. Take it easy and try not get
    bogged down by negative emotions. Things may not be as sunny as usual,
    but that doesn't mean the day will be terrible. Complete projects and stay focused on things that require a great deal of discipline on your part.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, January 04, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, January 4, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The morning might find you sitting like a stick in the mud, Aquarius. People might be getting down on you for not contributing, but tell them to be
    patient. You will be raring to go by nightfall. The catalyst may come from
    an outside source. Be on the lookout for a challenge. Someone might rattle
    your cage a bit too much, so be patient and don't take it personally.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Things are moving your way, Pisces. As the day progresses, you will find
    that the energy intensifies. Conflicts may arise near sundown, but don't
    worry about it too much. See it as a call to jump-start your motor.
    Visit an antique shop and chat with the people around you. Simple yet meaningful encounters may prove richly rewarding.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You should enjoy the intense energy of today, Aries. The mud is finally beginning to clear away. Expose the truth in every issue and get ready for
    the gremlins that may be unEarthed. Connect with nature today and spend
    some time with animals if you can. Take deep breaths in fresh outdoor air
    and enjoy a long walk somewhere special with a close friend.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today marks the beginning of a new cycle for you, Taurus. Collect and consolidate your recent ideas and focus them outwardly. The time is right
    for you to act. Improve your surroundings and adjust your bed so that it
    faces east/west. (A north/south placement aligns you with Earth's magnetic field and causes you to lose energy at night.) Drink plenty of water to
    keep your mind clear.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Take a cold shower to jump-start yourself today, Gemini. It's fine if you
    laze around a bit in the morning, but by evening, you should be working
    at full capacity. You will be called into action whether you want to be
    or not. Notice how active your dreams are tonight and over the next couple
    of nights. Messages are trying to get through, so listen.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today may start out sluggish for you, Cancer, but by the end of the day the energy will move fast and furious. Your thoughts will be buzzing around
    your head like bees around a hive. An introspective and contemplative
    morning has filled your brain with a new wave of thoughts, which you will
    be eager to share with anything that has ears tonight.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Enjoy the calm morning, Leo, because things are going to get crazier and
    more energetic as the day goes on. Emotions will run high, and people will
    be more opinionated than usual. A conflict may arise from which you just
    want to extricate yourself. Realize that a more peaceful agreement will
    ensue if you jump in and add your two cents' worth.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will experience an intense amount of energy today, Virgo. Your dream
    state will be more active than usual, and you will find that people are
    drawn to you like moths to light. Make sure you keep your fiery emotions
    in balance and don't cross any boundaries with others. People have limits,
    and it's important that you honor theirs as well as your own.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It's time to get up and get moving, Libra. You have tremendous ideas and
    vision for the future. You have all the information you need. Now all
    you have to do is act. Step up to the plate and hit one over the fence.
    Getting out of your box and further into the world at large will do you
    a great deal of good. Get a greater perspective on things and enjoy time
    in a new environment.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The early part of the day might find you sluggish and indecisive, Scorpio,
    but later you should be psyched up and ready to go. Today marks the beginning of a new period in which you should set your ideas in motion. Action is
    the key. Think before you speak and use caution when talking about other people. Make sure your discussions about others don't turn into gossip.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today's energies will get progressively more intense as the day goes
    on. In the morning, you may be in an easygoing, dreamy state, Sagittarius,
    but you will be itching to take action by nightfall. Take what you've
    learned from your sensitive, meditative state and share it with others.
    Use your inner calm to bring stability to stressful situations. Make sure things don't get out of hand tonight.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    For the past several weeks you've felt like you've been dragging your heels, Capricorn. Decisions may have been hard to make and people may have seemed wishy-washy. There's a major energy shift tonight that will spark things
    back into action. Once again you will be on center stage. Be yourself and smile. Fun is a commodity you have in abundance. Share this incredible
    gift with others.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, January 05, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, January 5, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Close relationships should grow closer today, and new relationships become close ones. You're likely to feel extremely warm and loving toward most
    of the people you know, and they should reciprocate that feeling. Romantic relationships, especially, could grow more intimate and physical. You like
    the way you feel, Aquarius, but want to express it outwardly through gifts
    or intimacy.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Relations with family or other members of your household should be especially warm now. Mutual goals and shared wins and losses are likely to bring you closer. Communication with friends and other acquaintances should be open
    and honest without being blunt, Pisces, providing you with a rewarding
    day. You probably won't spend much of your day alone. Make the most of it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You should feel loving today toward just about anyone you like and
    respect. Clear communication with friends, lovers, and children could
    enhance your understanding of them, and vice versa. The bonds in these relationships will be strengthened, perpetuating the good feelings you've
    felt all year. Current bonds grow more devoted, while new ones become
    close. Keep the lines of communication open.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Powerful feelings of love well up today, particularly toward family
    members. Communication between you and those you love is likely to be heightened, Taurus, as you learn to speak your mind while not being too
    blunt. Romantic matters could thrive now, as you will be in the mood to physically express your feelings. Old friends form stronger bonds, while
    you discover common interests with new friends.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Messages from close friends expressing their love and admiration for you
    may seem to arrive out of the blue. Your accomplishments over the past
    few weeks may have caused them to see you in a new light. Today you will experience the full force of their feelings. The doors of communication
    are open for you. You could decide to spend the day getting to know your friends all over again.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're always one to face things logically, Cancer, and today you turn
    that logic, along with your intuition, toward reassessing some of your
    values. Your judgment is especially acute, so any decisions you make or any
    new avenues you want to explore are likely to be just what you need now. Relations with friends, lovers, and family should be warm, loving, and close.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're likely to feel especially friendly and outgoing today, Leo. People you meet, particularly through groups, are likely to be strongly attracted to
    you. Friendships, partnerships, and romantic relationships should continue
    to grow closer, enhanced by your high level of communication. In the evening, go out with those you love. Your bond will be stronger for it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You should be in a warm and romantic mood today, Virgo. You will want to schedule an intimate evening with your partner, but you probably won't
    feel like staying in. You desire an evening out, perhaps to a restaurant, concert, or play. Regardless of how you usually feel, tonight you won't
    have any reservations about showing affection in public. Enjoy your evening.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The mutual exploration of spiritual and intellectual ideas could bring you closer to friends and lovers. Fascinating discussions open new horizons to
    all participants. You may be overcome by the strong feeling of unity. By
    day's end, you could experience a strong spiritual longing to study whatever the topic of conversation was. Don't hesitate. It can only help you grow.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You feel especially sexy right now. A powerful feeling of love and a need
    to physically express it could be with you all day. If you're involved,
    you want to spend a romantic evening with your lover. If you aren't, you
    could channel the energy into creative activities. Romantic novels and
    movies are poor substitutes for the real thing, Scorpio, but if they're
    all that's available, go for it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Close relationships could lead to a feeling of spiritual unity today. In
    fact, Sagittarius, you might feel as if those who share your interests are actually your family now. If you're involved, expect to experience warm
    and passionate feelings toward your partner. If not, don't be surprised
    if someone new comes on the scene. Shared intellectual interests might be
    what bring you together.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Love, sex, and romance are on your mind today, Capricorn, so you will want
    to spend as much time as possible with your lover. You could also grow
    closer to your friends, resulting in a powerful feeling of unity. Right
    now you have the gift of being able to exercise good judgment when it
    comes to values in life. If decisions need to be made along this line,
    this is the time to make them.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, January 06, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 6, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may not be sure what to think today, Aquarius. Mental confusion could
    be the day's theme for you, but don't let it get you down. Realize that
    it's just one of those days when none of the pieces fit right. The truth
    is that they do fit somewhere, just not now. Lay low and wait for this
    phase to pass. Things will pick up soon as the fog lifts and you can see clearly again.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Spiritual concerns are a bigger issue for you today, Pisces. You may
    have found that you're drawn to a fanciful mindset and unorthodox way
    of viewing the world. Pursue this realm of thought and trust that your intuition knows exactly where to take you. Emotional tension may run high,
    so try not to get down on other people's "me first" attitude.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Does it seem like your life is pulling apart at the seams, Aries? Perhaps
    it's time to reevaluate. Major aspects of your being could be coming into question and you can't seem to find the answer to why you started down this road in the first place. Have confidence in yourself and your incredible ability to cut to the core of every matter. This is just a phase and you're able to work through it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There's an extra bit of fire in your words and emotions today, Taurus. Your sensitivity is heightened and you should consider doing some sort of
    volunteer work now. You may talk about saving the world, but talk will
    get you nowhere until you put those ideas into practice. Take part in the
    lives of people who are less fortunate and seek the truth in all the issues
    you encounter.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There may be serious challenges in your daily routine today, Gemini. How
    can you organize your day more efficiently? Take time to set a plan into motion. Write it down. You may want to drift into another realm, so let
    those emotions roam free - just make sure you deal with your daily tasks
    first. This will give you more freedom to take advantage of the blast of creative power that you have now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel idealistic today, Cancer. This is fine, but make sure
    these ideals are rooted in reality or they may be nothing more than a
    pipe dream. Feel free to escape to another mindset, but make sure you
    can still discern what's real and what isn't. This is a formative time
    for you in which you realize that the conventional ways of doing things
    aren't working anymore. Spread the word.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your dreams and fantasies are more real than you know, Leo. Smile at the people you pass and watch them smile back. Your sensitive and fun-loving
    nature is infectious. Use it to help heal others' wounds. Laughter is the remedy that cures all. Be conscious of your tremendous effect on others
    and spread the beauty that lives inside you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your sensitivity is especially heightened today, Virgo. You're in tune with your emotions and more sensitive to your dreams. Realize the importance of friendship and show someone you care by initiating an outing or intimate
    dinner at your home. You have greater self-awareness, as well as the
    energy to get things done. Fantasy worlds may come to life if you let them. Watch out for overindulgence.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may be going through a confusing period now, Libra. Today's energy brings these issues into focus. Parts of your life seem to be slapping you in the face, indicating that a drastic life change is coming. Resist the urge to
    play the victim and let other people grab the reins simply because they act more confidently. This is your life and only you know what's best for you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Spiritual concerns and fanciful daydreams move into sharp focus today,
    Scorpio. Perhaps you're pulled by playful emotions and escapism. Keep
    one foot on the ground while you send your mind into the clouds, but
    definitely take time to check the air up there and report your findings
    to your conscious self. You may feel a greater sensitivity toward others
    now while your intuition is strong.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have you taken someone for granted lately? Today you should give them
    the thanks and attention they deserve, Sagittarius. Your sensitivity
    and psychic awareness are especially strong. You aren't in the mood to
    put up with superficialities. Stick with what is real and say it like it
    is. Tension in your daily life may surface, but if you have things under control, you will ride through it just fine.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There may be some serious miscommunication today, so be honest in all
    your dealings, Capricorn. Be as straightforward as possible, since issues
    can backfire if the truth is clouded. Honesty is invaluable and must be maintained at all times. You have the power to make a lasting impression
    on people. Curb your tendency to snap at others. Watch out for accidents involving fire or metal.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, January 07, 2025 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 7, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Discussions with those close to you could lead to the discovery of new concepts, perhaps from foreign cultures. You will want to learn more about them, Aquarius, as will your friends. You might even decide to plan a trip to
    a place where you could expand your knowledge of this new interest. Any trip planned today should go smoothly and be quite rewarding. Don't hesitate.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Emotions that run very deep should bring you a lot of satisfaction today, Pisces. Relationships of all kinds could also be especially promising. A romantic relationship may be consummated, revitalized, or moved to the next level of commitment. Close friendships might become closer because of your mutual interests. Happiness and satisfaction should reign in the home today.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Relations with neighbors, siblings, or other relatives could get a shot in
    the arm now, Aries. For some, your recent business successes cause them
    to get on the bandwagon. For others, your personal growth could increase
    their admiration of you. Partnerships of any kind formed today show great promise of success. These could be business, personal, or romantic. Don't
    be shy. Go with the flow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Success in your work continues to bring good fortune your way. Today you
    might get reassurance that this isn't a flash in the pan. You're likely
    to be financially secure for a long time. You're probably feeling strong
    and robust, full of energy and stamina, and ready to take on just about
    any challenge. Move ahead, Taurus, but move with caution. You're never
    too prosperous to be careful.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    As you continue to enjoy success and good fortune, your self- confidence
    grows, Gemini, and so you're likely to attract new relationships
    with fascinating people in exciting fields who share your vision and
    interests. These could be business associations, close friendships, or new romantic partners. Relax and be yourself. You don't have to impress anyone. They probably already like you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today your sensitivity joins forces with practicality. Intuitive insights
    could come to you today, and you might express your new ideas to others, Cancer. Don't be surprised if they accept them. Your unconscious mind is
    on a far more practical track than you may assume. Make use of this ability while you can because it might not be so clear tomorrow. Go with the flow.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today shows the promise of being a very busy yet fulfilling day,
    Leo. Enterprises involving corporations, churches, or other groups
    in your community are likely to benefit from your participation. You
    combine intuition with practicality in everything you do. You're especially communicative and good at dealing with others. Don't be surprised if public recognition comes your way.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your financial success over the past several weeks may seem too good to
    be true, Virgo. It might make yet another leap forward. This should make
    you happy. It also could bring up your insecurity over whether or not this cycle will continue. It probably will for a while. It might be a good idea
    to save or invest you money, just so you can feel more secure in the future.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're flying high at this point, Libra, enjoying the success you've achieved over the past several weeks. Today you could accomplish yet another goal, adding to your feeling of accomplishment. You might plan a vacation or
    perhaps return to college. The expansion of your horizons hasn't left
    you complacent. Instead, you want to continue expanding. This is a very positive development. Go for it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today you might have insights as to how to advance your career. These could come your way through dreams, sudden revelations, or perhaps visions. Don't hesitate to put them into action simply because of the unorthodox way
    they come to you, Scorpio. Some of the most progressive and successful
    ideas have come because the inventor had a vivid dream. Write down your insights and go for it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    All your relationships should be especially warm and supportive now, Sagittarius. This is a great day to form a business, personal, or romantic partnership. Business partnerships made now should be successful, while committed romantic bonds entered into today could well last for a long
    time. Be open, honest, and unafraid to speak your mind. You might find
    that others share your thoughts.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Everything should be going great for your career, Capricorn. It may all
    seem too good to be true, but rest assured that it's real. Events could
    involve a job change, promotion, raise, or the opportunity to strike out
    on your own. Don't kid yourself. A lot of challenges lie ahead, but this
    should all lead to great personal satisfaction in the long run. Go for it.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 59 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, January 08, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 8, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Unexpected responsibilities could interfere with plans to take a trip of
    some sort. Someone might need your help, and you may well have to put your
    own activities on hold for a while. This could be frustrating, Aquarius.
    It only delays whatever you're doing but doesn't stop it. Take care of
    whatever you need to do and then continue with your plans. You will feel
    better if you do.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    An unexpected development might interfere with your plans to attend a social event, group activity, or get-together with your partner. This isn't going
    to sit well with those you've been planning to meet, Pisces. It's going to
    be frustrating for you, too, but it has to be done. It's best if you just postpone your plans and take care of business. Your friends will forgive you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Arrangements for a get-together you're planning to host could go awry,
    with everything turned upside down and nothing happening the way you
    planned. This isn't going to halt your plans, Aries, but it's going to
    require more effort to get things back on track and make it happen. This
    is going to be exasperating for you, but don't waste time moaning about
    it. Get busy and take care of business.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your usually abundant energy may experience a sudden setback today,
    Taurus. Work pressure could create stress that leaves you feeling exhausted
    and out of sorts. This will pass. You should be strong and healthy and so
    able to overcome it quickly. It's going to drive you crazy to not feel as active as you usually are. Relax and spend a day resting. It won't hurt
    you in the long run.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A trip through exclusive boutiques or antique shops might have you throwing financial caution to the wind and buying luxury items you hadn't planned
    for. This is all right - up to a point. Take care not to buy more than
    you can use. Don't go to the opposite extreme and be too miserly either.
    You've worked hard and deserve a treat or two.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Unexpected visitors might throw you into a dither. You could panic over
    how to dress, what to say, and what to serve. Don't make yourself crazy, Cancer. Follow your heart and go with the flow. Spontaneity is the best
    policy. Your guests will enjoy yourselves more if you worry less about
    being the perfect host. Just have fun.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some rather disconcerting information may come to light today. This could throw you into a daze, as it isn't anything that you expected. This isn't necessarily bad news, Leo. In fact, it might be great news, but it may be something you never expected in a million years. Work through the shock
    and try to view it from all sides.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Even though everything is going well for you, Virgo, a sudden upset of
    some kind, probably involving money, could throw you into a momentary
    panic. You may wonder if your good fortune is going to end as quickly as
    it began. This probably isn't the case. The situation is temporary. With
    a little effort, you should be able to straighten everything out and put yourself back on track.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Upsets regarding your career or the activities that take up most of your
    time are likely to negatively affect your self-confidence. Don't fall into
    this trap, Libra. The forces are beyond your control and the situation
    doesn't reflect any shortcomings on your part. You might have to put in
    some effort to straighten things out and return to normal. It's a pain,
    but you'd best do it without delay.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    New scientific or archaeological discoveries could temporarily shake your
    faith in your spiritual path, Scorpio. You may suddenly doubt something
    you've always accepted. This could propel you to study, primarily to
    reaffirm your faith. You're likely to find that your discoveries don't invalidate your ideas, but actually confirm them. Write down your ideas
    so you can put things in proper perspective.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might not be able to accomplish what you'd hoped today, Sagittarius. Some minor but irritating conflicts could occur within a group. You might find
    this exasperating, as petty squabbles interfere with reaching the group's objectives. You could be called on to use your intuition and sensitivity
    to spread oil on troubled waters. Be direct, fair, and clear, and try not
    to let your irritation show.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A temporary upset with a partner might distract you so you can't function
    as effectively as you normally do. Don't let your anger get the best of
    you. The situation is probably due to a lack of communication, and could
    be cleared up with explanations, understanding, and an agreement as to how similar situations should be handled. By the end of the day, all should
    be well again.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, January 09, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 9, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Too much reading might have you experiencing eyestrain and possibly
    headaches, Aquarius. It might help to have your eyes checked, but it's
    probably just too much stress. You might have some trouble focusing on
    whatever work you do today, but this is only a temporary condition. You
    should be back to your normal self tomorrow. Stay home tonight, listen to music, and take it easy.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Doubts about business and financial matters might weigh on your mind now, Pisces, so much so that they invade your dreams. The dreams are only a reflection of your worries - they aren't prophetic. Your situation is
    probably better than it seems on the surface. Lack of information clouds
    the issue. Check the facts and judge them for yourself before making
    yourself crazy.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A scheduling conflict may come up today, Aries. A business engagement could interfere with a social event. You might doubt whether you can attend both,
    but if you plan carefully, it should be OK. Someone at home might not be communicative, which could cause a little worry. This person has issues
    they need to work out for themselves. Just be there if needed.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Confusing communications could be the pattern for today, Taurus. Some paperwork you need to do for a task might be delayed - hung up in the mail
    or filed in the wrong place. It might take a while to locate it, but it
    should turn up eventually. There might be some strange messages for you,
    and you may not be sure whether or not you should return the calls.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you could doubt the amount of money you might get from a business transaction. If you can, verify this before starting anything. You aren't
    being told something. Personal relationships, particularly love and romance, should be stable and rewarding now, although today you may not have much
    time to spend with those you care about. Hang in there.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Business transactions that could take place in your home or perhaps
    involve the home might seem a bit unclear today, Cancer. Before agreeing to anything, read the fine print and verify all the facts about what you're signing. Use your intuition. It's very high at this time. Family members
    might be confused about events in their lives, but they'll get over it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might get a lot of mixed messages from friends, relatives, and
    colleagues, Leo. They may say one thing while you sense that they mean something else. Insist on hearing how they really feel. This can prevent
    a lot of resentment later. New businesses could open in your neighborhood
    that you might want to check out. Take a look - especially if it's a
    new bookstore.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you might not feel secure about your financial situation, Virgo,
    and get a little nervous. Disconcerting information in the news about the general state of the world economy might have planted some unsettling seeds
    in your mind. On the whole, you should be pretty financially stable now,
    and this trend is likely to continue. Check out the facts before giving
    in to panic.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Some unsettling news about your work situation might reach you today and
    make you worried, Libra. You might question your future in this field
    and possibly consider a change. Consider it, by all means, but this isn't
    the day to make a final decision of any kind. Wait until you're in a more secure frame of mind. In the meantime, list your different options. This
    will get you back to reality.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're a logical person, Scorpio. When insights come to you through ESP, you tend to doubt their validity. Don't do this. If a feeling is particularly strong, go with it. Don't write it off because it seems illogical. Life
    isn't always predictable. If you give yourself permission, you can trust
    your intuition about nearly anything.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Doubts about a friend's motives could plague you today, Sagittarius. This person seems to be acting strangely and isn't communicating. This probably
    has little if anything to do with you. This person has issues that he or
    she is having trouble with. There are others who are in a better space
    whose company you will enjoy at this time. Get together and enjoy the
    amiable atmosphere.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A friend or family member might act strangely and seem distracted. You may wonder if he or she is upset with you. This probably isn't the case. This person has issues that need attention. Allow them some space. A romantic partner might have to break a date tonight. Spend the evening alone with
    a novel and look forward to the next get-together.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -13C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, January 10, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, January 10, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A prominent male author whose work you enjoy might publish a new book. You
    may consider doing some writing of your own, particularly if you have a
    story to tell. On a more mundane level, your day could require that you
    spend a lot of time in the car or on the phone when you'd rather be reading.
    Be sure to schedule time to relax in the evening.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Good news regarding writing, speaking, or publishing could come your way
    today. You might feel terribly bored with life and suddenly have the urge
    to get away for a while. This isn't a bad idea, Pisces. Make a few phone
    calls. Invite a friend over and discuss it with him or her. You've been
    working hard and a little break is probably in order.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Paperwork regarding a bonus, settlement, or dividend of some kind might
    need to be executed today. It will probably be boring. You will get it
    done. Sudden insights, revelations, or flights of fancy might provide
    fodder for creative activities, particularly writing or speaking. Write
    these ideas down. You have a good memory, Aries, but you will want to
    recall every detail.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Strained nerves and trepidation about unpleasant tasks could have you on
    edge and likely to take your stress out on those closest to you. Try to
    avoid this, Taurus. Go for a walk. Release your stress through exercise
    or writing. Communicate your feelings to friends and assure them you
    aren't upset with them. In this way, you will get through the day with
    little damage.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might feel overworked today. Your energy could be flagging, and you may even feel feverish. This is probably nothing more than stress, Gemini. Most likely you should take time out from your busy life and relax. Spend the afternoon at the movies. Treat yourself to dinner out. Buy yourself a
    present. Tomorrow you should feel better again.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you're apt to feel especially romantic. Novels, movies, and poetry
    about love will be appealing. If you're currently romantically involved, consider planning a special evening with your partner. If you aren't
    involved, you might want to attend a sporting event. Plan an enjoyable
    evening, Cancer. Who knows? You could meet someone new and exciting!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A rush of activity at home is probably going to involve preparations for a journey or event. More than one visitor could arrive during the course of
    the day. Your mind may be going in several different directions, and this
    could prove a bit disconcerting. Try to take breaks and remain centered,
    Leo. You won't accomplish anything if you work yourself into a panic.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may experience increased physical and mental activity today. Perhaps
    you will have to do a lot of reading or writing very quickly, make a
    number of phone calls, or run more errands than you have time for. This
    can prove frustrating and overwhelming, but if you plan carefully, Virgo,
    you should be able to get it all done on schedule. Get busy and go to it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might discover a hidden talent for writing, or if you already know this, you may find that your skill is greater than you suspected. You might have
    to execute some paperwork regarding money, Libra, but you will get this
    done quickly and efficiently. At some point during the day you're likely to
    get a little frazzled, but this will pass. Get your work done and then relax.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might feel on edge today but not know why. You may jump at unexpected noises or think you see or hear things that aren't there. You aren't going crazy. This is caused by the current planetary configuration. The best
    way to relieve the jumpiness is to get some exercise - at least take a
    walk. In the evening, read an engrossing book.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may wonder if you're losing your memory today. You might have the
    strange feeling that there was something you had to do but can't quite
    remember what. Don't worry about it, Sagittarius. If you push yourself too hard, you will drive yourself crazy. Your imagination could come up with
    ideas for stories and poems. Write them down. You will want to remember them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you might have to do a lot of communicating with friends. Perhaps you need to make phone calls or catch up on correspondence. You may be on the
    verge of attaining a goal. Consider giving it that last little spurt of
    energy to complete. This could involve a lot of time in the car or on the phone, Capricorn, but stick with it. You will be glad you did.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -12C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, January 11, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, January 11, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Books and conversations with friends could take up most of your day,
    Aquarius. The intellectual stimulation could have positive and negative
    effects on your health. Positive because it raises your enthusiasm and puts
    you in an enthusiastic state of mind, and negative because it might get
    you so excited that you forget to eat or rest. Enjoy all the excitement
    but don't forget to take a break.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you're currently romantically involved, expect your relationship
    to reach a new understanding and sense of unity, Pisces. If you aren't involved, you could meet someone special today, and it might be like love
    at first sight. An instant bond could form between you because of mutual intellectual interests. You might have a lot to talk about, as your own projects are going better than you'd hoped.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    An old friend you haven't seen in a long time could turn up. This should
    be a pleasant surprise, Aries, as you will have a lot of catching up to
    do. You might have good news, as you've been busy and could have come
    across some very exciting information. Take a walk at the end of the day
    or you might not be able to sleep.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Some great news could come today that turns your life upside down
    momentarily. Taurus, you will find it very exciting. New neighbors could
    move in and you might spend some time getting acquainted. Much of your day could be spent seeking information in a field that interests you. Expect
    a busy day, but remember to rest now and then. A walk in the evening might
    be a good idea.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    News might bring exciting opportunities for increasing your income,
    Gemini. Perhaps you will learn of ways to start your own business. Maybe the demand for people with your skills has increased. You might discover the efficiency some new technology for managing your finances. Discussions
    with others should bring many new ideas your way. Make the most of them.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Discussions could bring some exciting information your way that alters
    your thinking slightly. You tend to be oriented toward social, political,
    or humanitarian issues, Cancer. Today you might have the chance to put
    your talents to work. Someone could ask you for assistance. You have the
    mental and physical energy to go for it, so it's likely that you will,
    though perhaps not right away.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you may take up the study of astrology, numerology, alchemy, or
    other occult discipline. Your intellectual abilities are particularly
    sharp, Leo, so you may want to combine them with your tendency toward mysticism. This should keep you busy for much of the day, but you need to
    watch out for intellectual overload. You don't want to forget what you've learned. Take notes.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    New friends, new goals, and new attitudes could all appear on the scene,
    Virgo. Unexpected developments within a group are likely to require reevaluating a course of action. This is probably a positive development, and it could be exciting, but it's going to mean some immediate adjustments. As your mental energy is still sharp, this shouldn't be too difficult.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you've been aiming for a specific career goal, Libra, it might suddenly manifest with the current planetary energy. You could be catapulted into
    the public eye in some way. The possibility of an increased income could
    arise, although it might be speculative at this point. Your mental energy continues high, so you should be able to easily grasp all the ins and outs
    of your situation.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This should be a stimulating day, Scorpio. The possibility of a journey
    might arise unexpectedly. This could be exciting as some close friends or
    a romantic partner might accompany you. A new turn in your intellectual or spiritual interests could have your mind going a thousand miles an hour. You will want to learn more about it. The Internet could have useful information. Make the most of it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Unexpected economic developments might make a sudden and positive difference
    in your situation, Sagittarius. Perhaps your field becomes more competitive, and people with your skills are more in demand. Whatever it is, you can
    expect more money to come your way in the future. Legal papers could
    be involved, as could some interesting people you haven't met before.
    Your mind is likely to be buzzing.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your social life might suddenly be busier than you expected, Capricorn,
    perhaps because of the appearance of some interesting new people.
    This could involve a group with which you're affiliated, perhaps one with
    a humanitarian focus. Expect to be busy over the next few weeks, as this
    trend isn't likely to slow down soon. Stimulating conversations could set
    your mind going a mile a minute.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, January 12, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, January 12, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could be expecting an important letter, call, or email today, Aquarius,
    and sit on the edge of your chair waiting for it. This might be from a friend or lover. It could be delayed, and this might get you flustered. Distract yourself and do something else while you wait. If you make good use of
    the hours, the time will fly by.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Unfounded worries about money could plague you today, Pisces. Someone close may have given you some incorrect information, perhaps about your financial situation, but more likely regarding trends in the economy that could
    affect your finances. Don't waste time worrying. Check out the facts before driving yourself crazy. You will probably find that you've been misinformed.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You don't worry too much, Aries, but today might be different. Insecurity
    may arise about a partnership. This might be a current or potential romantic relationship. Perhaps there has been little if any communication between
    you and your insecurity is coming to the forefront. Don't let fear or
    shyness keep you from meeting this person halfway. Your insecurities are probably unfounded.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Worries about health and work might be on your mind today, Taurus. You
    could be stressed out over whatever you're doing, and this might have you feeling less energetic than usual. It's a good idea to work a little to
    lessen the stress in your life. This feeling is going to pass whatever
    you do. Try to rest a little and have some fun in spite of the stress.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you may want to set aside some time to spend with close friends or a
    love partner, Gemini. Other responsibilities could have you on your own,
    taking care of errands and other important matters. You may have the
    feeling of being lonely in a crowd. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Take care of business and get back to your loved ones.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might concentrate on projects. These could be related to your personal relationships. Whatever the nature of your tasks, Cancer, don't
    be surprised if you find them confusing. You might be tempted to chuck it
    all and go out, but this isn't a good idea. Better to try to make sense
    of the confusion than put it off. It won't get any better with time.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Leo, making or receiving an important letter or call regarding money might
    be on your agenda today, but circumstances beyond your control could
    delay it. This could prove frustrating. Take care of whatever you have
    to do. Distract yourself if you have to sit and wait. Nothing is worth stressing over. The call will come in time, so just relax.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Worries about money might plague you today, Virgo. They might have little,
    if any, basis in fact, as you're probably fretting over possibilities that aren't likely to ever manifest. A little caution with regard to budgeting
    and spending today certainly won't hurt you. It's best to be objective
    and see the situation as it really is. Otherwise, you could make yourself
    crazy over nothing.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you could look in the mirror and be appalled by what you see,
    activating your insecurity about the way you look. This could send you
    looking for various treatments. Go ahead if you want, Libra, but your impressions are clouded right now and you probably look far better than
    you think. If you get together with a love partner, this person's reaction should give you the reassurance you need.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Artistic or spiritual inspiration could come your way today, Scorpio,
    although it might be muddled and you could be perplexed about how to deal
    with it. Don't try to force the issue. Write down your ideas and return
    to them later. Someone close might feel unwell, and you may want to spend
    some time with him or her. This might take some effort, but it won't go unappreciated.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you may spend some time by yourself working on your own projects, Sagittarius. The desire to spend time alone with a special someone may also interfere with plans you've already made to attend a social gathering or
    event involving a lot of people. You won't want to give up either, so you
    might try to find a compromise of some kind. Think about it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Various personal issues might be on your mind today, Capricorn. You could
    want to work them all out without distractions, so you may decide to spend
    part of the day alone. Responsibilities from the outside world might make
    it impossible for you to take as much time as you'd like. Don't let it
    get to you. Work out the matters that seem most pressing and save the rest
    for later.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, January 13, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 13, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is a great day to start a partnership of any kind, as it will prove cooperative, rewarding, and stable. Any legal papers executed today should definitely work for you, Aquarius. If you've been thinking about signing
    up for a class or workshop, this is the day to do it. You're more likely
    to get the results you want. Make plans for travel, too. You've got a lot
    to think about.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Work you do today, whether related to your job or something you do on
    your own, could lead to a temporary boost in income, which is going to
    elevate your mood. This could involve a bonus, a project outside work,
    or your own enterprise. You should be feeling healthy and enthusiastic,
    Pisces, ready to tackle just about anything. Finances look stable, and relations with others congenial and supportive.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You might toy with the idea of getting some kind of project or enterprise
    going with a close friend or love partner. If you're serious about it,
    Aries, this is definitely the day to start. Any partnership formed at this
    time is likely to be successful and beneficial for all involved. This is
    even a good day to work out the terms of a legal agreement. Go for it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Work that you're doing either at home or on your home is likely to go well today and bring you the results you're hoping for, Taurus. Members of your household might want to pitch in and help. You will probably spend most of
    your time inside, but you may also have to spend some time out gathering supplies and materials that you may need.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you're likely to feel especially communicative, Gemini. You might want to get on the phone and run ideas for new projects by colleagues or perhaps make arrangements to complete current projects. Success through creativity
    is strongly indicated at this time. This is a great day to seek success
    through writing or speaking. If this has been on your mind, get started.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Business transacted today either in your home or concerning your home is
    likely to be successful and bring some extra money your way. You probably
    feel especially optimistic about this. You're looking forward to new opportunities that may come your way. Your intuition is high, so you're
    likely to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff where opportunities
    are concerned. Go for it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today your intuition should be sharper than usual, Leo. You might get
    a few calls involving possible business opportunities. You can use this heightened ESP to discern which ones might be successful. You could also
    hear from friends proposing participation in a group activity of some kind, which you may want to do. Don't hesitate. Have a great day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you should feel especially optimistic and enthusiastic, Virgo,
    although you may not know why, at least at first. Later in the day some
    good news could come your way, possibly involving business and money. This should tell you that you were intuitively picking up on something wonderful.
    As a matter of fact, your intuition should be high for most of the day. Make
    it work for you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A new sense of closeness to those around you might have you feeling
    especially happy today, Libra. Your business and financial life should be
    going very well, your future seems bright, and now this puts the icing
    on the cake. Your mind may turn to projects that you want to try in the
    future, and this could increase your enthusiasm. Even more ideas could
    come thick and fast.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Intuition plays a large part in your work, Scorpio. You're apt to sense what others want or need and foresee the consequences of one course of action
    over another. This is definitely going to make a positive difference in
    what you accomplish. You're likely to be quite pleased with what you do. Exercise this intuition today so it will stay with you in the future.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Information that you receive from far away could make doing business with
    a group you're affiliated with that much easier, Sagittarius. All looks promising for group activities and advancing your education, so these are
    good focuses for today. Travel might also be on your mind. Friends could
    be inclined to consider the idea, so it might be fun to go out on the town
    with them tonight.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This could prove to be a gratifying day, Capricorn. Recent success in
    business might now be making a positive difference in your financial
    situation. This is apt to boost your mood quite a bit and you're probably feeling optimistic and enthusiastic about your future. You could lapse
    into some very pleasant daydreams about the possibilities, but don't get carried away. Try to remain practical.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 14, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you've been thinking about writing, teaching, or pursuing a career based
    on the dissemination of information, Aquarius, this is the day to look into
    it. Your mind should be especially quick and sharp now. You will seek every possible detail that could shed light on the pros and cons of making such
    a change. Your heightened pace can also benefit whatever work you're doing.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you could feel like you have one foot in another world. It's a
    great feeling, Pisces, with a lot of love and wisdom mixed in. This could
    prove useful in relating to others. It increases your awareness not only of them but also of yourself. It could make a big difference in any creative projects. Don't let the day go by without making this feeling work for
    you in some way.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A number of exciting people could attend a party or group meeting at your
    home. You're in just the right space to be a great host, Aries, and you're likely to meet some interesting new people. Much of the conversation could focus on computers and other forms of technology or perhaps on astrology
    or other occult subjects. You should have a good time and learn a lot.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A rally or other sort of mass meeting could take place in your neighborhood today, Taurus. It could be the most exciting thing that's happened to
    your community in a long time. Expect to meet a number of interesting
    people. Social events, perhaps connected to this rally, could take up a
    lot of your time, almost to the point of wearing you out. Don't try to do
    too much.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might try to put computers or other forms of advanced technology
    to work for you, Gemini. This could be of great benefit to you. You might
    be blown away by the advantages of it. Your mind should be quick enough to grasp any new software or equipment that you will want to use. The innovation could also help raise your earning power. Isn't technology wonderful?

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You might feel especially adventurous today, Cancer, and wish to go away
    for a while with a romantic partner. A spiritual retreat or a workshop in metaphysical disciplines might be an option to consider. This is a good
    time to go, especially if you're thinking about traveling by air. You should have a wonderful time. Let go of some misgivings, experience deep insights,
    and make new friends.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A group that shares your interest in an intellectual or spiritual discipline might meet at your home today, Leo. This could be a stimulating event, especially since new members could become good friends. A lot of plans
    could be made, perhaps for future activities. Fascinating discussions
    could take place. Don't let the meeting run too late. You will want to
    unwind before bedtime.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Communications with friends should go well, Virgo. You have what it takes to express yourself clearly and honestly and give information without confusing the issue. Group activities or work done in the company of others could
    bring the results you want. You might have to spend a lot of time on the
    phone or on the computer sending email, but you will get a lot done.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A talent for a new field that you might never have tried before could
    come to light, Libra. This might involve modern technology in some way
    or writing, drawing, or both. Communication with others should be warm, congenial, open, and honest. You can expect to gain a lot of pleasure from relationships of all kinds. Expect at least one of your conversations to
    turn to the fine arts or metaphysics.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Intellectual and spiritual discussions should bring you even closer to
    people dear to you, Scorpio. Relations with a romantic partner should be especially warm and intimate today. You're in a philosophical frame of mind,
    so you might want to attend a lecture. Expect new insights to come your
    way. Books, magazine articles, and websites could also prove enlightening.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Intellect combines with intuition to produce a particularly enlightening
    day on all subjects, Sagittarius, whether they're intellectual, practical,
    or metaphysical. Group activities dedicated to these could prove rewarding, especially if you go with a friend. You could meet new people you're
    certain you recognize, perhaps from a past life. You might want to explore
    this possibility.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Group activities dedicated to intellectual or humanitarian matters could
    prove rewarding, Capricorn, particularly if you attend them in the company of friends, a partner, or both. New people could make your acquaintance. Your intellect and intuition are sharp, and your interactions are likely to
    be congenial, stimulating, and rewarding. Books could prove especially enlightening.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you might work on a lot of writing, Aquarius. It might be your own or editing the work of others. You could find what you're doing exciting and stimulating. Phone calls to interesting people could also take place. The
    only caution is don't tire yourself out. You could be on such an intellectual high that mundane matters like meals slip your mind.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you've been thinking of taking a long trip by air, Pisces, this is
    the day to start planning it - or even leave, if you can work it in.
    Your excitement and anticipation are high, and your sense of adventure is
    at a peak. You won't complete the day without doing something unusual or exciting, such as going to a concert, play, or sporting event. You will remember it for a long time.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Paperwork regarding money might need attention today, Aries, as you could
    be planning to entertain visitors. These are apt to be exciting people
    bringing good news and interesting information. You might also expect a delivery of some new books or equipment, and this should contribute to the excitement. The doors to adventure are going to open up in some way. Use
    this to your advantage.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You might spend hours on the phone today, Taurus, possibly discussing opportunities to perform services for others. Your mental and physical energy should be high. You will want to use as many tools as you can to get whatever information you need, including books and the Internet. You're going to want
    to get out and walk or work out, as you will need to work off excess energy.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    New, exciting opportunities to earn more money might come your way today, Gemini perhaps through new fields. Colleagues could bring information. Your sense of adventure is high, so risks might seem more attractive than
    usual. Don't get carried away. Don't forget to explore every possibility
    in detail before committing to anything. Nothing is certain, even on days
    like today.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Friendships or love relationships formed today are rooted as much in intellectual compatibility as emotional attraction, Cancer. Stimulating conversations could take place with old and new friends alike. Creative projects go well. If you've been looking for some information, you should
    find it today. This should be a very busy, exciting day on a number of different levels.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're generally intuitive, Leo, but today you could be so sensitive to
    others that you pick up on just about everything. Stay away from hospitals or police stations if you can. You might absorb everyone's pain. It's better
    to put this vibe to work spiritually or artistically. Seek friends and colleagues who work with you in these departments and you should have a wonderful day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Expect a busy day, Virgo. You're likely to spend a lot of time in the car running errands and paying visits, perhaps related to projects. A number
    of phone calls might have to be made to friends or members of a group with which you're affiliated. This might involve sharing good news or exciting information that can lead to intriguing conversations. The day could be stimulating as well as busy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might want to put one last burst of effort into a project,
    as this could make a big difference to your income and status, Libra.
    It could put you before the public in some way. Your physical energy is
    high and mental abilities especially sharp. Whatever you choose to work
    on will be accomplished quickly and skillfully. Relations with others will
    be congenial and supportive.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    So many ideas are flooding your mind today that you might have trouble
    sorting them out if you don't write them down, Scorpio. They could involve travel, education, group activities, writing, and publishing. You might
    want to discuss them with friends or members of a group to which you
    belong. Your mind is in the clouds, so practical matters could seem tedious.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A copious amount of physical and mental energy could focus on psychic, metaphysical, or spiritual activities today, Sagittarius. You're feeling especially intuitive. You could almost read minds. One possible channel
    for all this energy is service to others, perhaps counseling or maybe
    even healing of some kind. You might also want to write down your ideas
    on whatever subject interests you most.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Social events and group activities are likely to take up most of your day, Capricorn. You could come into contact with so many people you may not
    be able to keep track of them all. Get contact information for all new acquaintances. You should experience a lot of intellectual stimulation. Conversations take up most of your energy. This should be an enjoyable
    but tiring day.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, January 16, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 16, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your practical skills should be operating efficiently, Aquarius. A creative
    or intellectual discipline that fascinates you might require some intense concentration today. You could spend much of the day in the library. You
    will want to take meticulous notes, but don't worry about it if you don't
    quite catch everything. Your memory should be sharp right now.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Practical matters involving home and family might need some attention
    today. This isn't anything alarming, Pisces, just a few tasks that you
    may have put off, such as house cleaning or yard work. Get other members
    of your household to help. You have other responsibilities to see to. It
    isn't fair to have to do it all by yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Matters involving your community might require your attention. This is
    likely to involve communication in some way. Perhaps you want to make
    some phone calls, write letters, or place an ad or article in a local newspaper. Communication of all sorts should go well, Aries, and you might
    find that it opens new doors to understanding between you and those closest
    to you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Financial matters might need attention today. Bills may need to be paid,
    checks deposited, and budgeting worked out. Your powers of concentration
    are high, Taurus, so this is a great day to do this, even though you'd
    rather be doing something more interesting. Don't despair. Your practical skills are good, so you're apt to finish quickly. Then you can go play.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some projects might require practical attention today, getting irritating little details cleared up and out of the way. Your natural efficiency is
    at a peak, Gemini, so you will probably be able to get these matters done before you get too bored. The important thing is that you will be able to achieve the results you want. Go to it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Relatives or old friends, particularly seniors, who visit you today are
    likely to awaken childhood memories that you'd long since forgotten.
    Some of them might come as a shock, but they will all release hang-ups
    that you've been trying to expunge for a while. You might feel like you've
    just dropped a ton of weight - and you have. Psychological weight can be
    as heavy as anything physical.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might spend a lot of time on the phone with friends, some of them seniors. Your conversations will be loving, informative, and revealing,
    Leo. As a result, you might decide to attend some group events in your community. A letter, check, or delivery that had been delayed might finally arrive. This is going to release a lot of tension, as you may have feared
    it had been lost.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you could resolve to work harder than ever on whatever it is that
    brings the results you hope for, Virgo. This is likely to involve nothing
    more glamorous than practical tasks, such as getting paperwork out of
    the way. Nonetheless, by the end of the day you should feel satisfied
    with your accomplishments. If nothing else, it should free you for more interesting chores.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Pursuing intellectual interests may be on hold today because of career
    matters. Your ambitions, whatever they are, could get a shot in the arm
    through some new information, possibly from far away. This could be uncovered in a newspaper, book, conversation with a friend, or online. Whichever it
    is, Libra, it's likely to work for you, so make use of it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Memories of past events that caused traumas that you're still dealing
    with could come to light today. This is a positive development, as the
    release of these old emotions could make it possible for you to progress
    more quickly on material and spiritual planes. You may feel lighter, and
    you could experience a rush of joy. In the evening, go dancing and work
    off some of this energy.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you might see old and new friendships and romantic involvements reach
    a new understanding, Sagittarius. This creates a stronger commitment between you and those who care for you. This is a great day to execute paperwork, particularly legal contracts. Your business sense is operating at a very high level. You're more apt to spot clauses that need work, so go for it today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    An important project could require intense concentration today, Capricorn,
    and you're in the right frame of mind. You could be pleased with the results and so could others whose opinions matter. Expect public acknowledgment of
    some kind. A boost to your self-confidence is in the works, perhaps even
    a raise in income. Work hard, enjoy the spotlight, and treat yourself to
    an evening out.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, January 17, 2025 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, January 17, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Some deeply buried feelings about your mother and family could come up
    from the past today and need release. Don't be afraid to show your pain
    and anger. If you're embarrassed to do it around others, Aquarius, stay
    home and deal with it. This is a positive development. By the end of the
    day you might feel as if a large weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Group activities in your neighborhood could lead to positive changes in your community. You will enjoy exchanging ideas and information with others,
    Pisces, and could come away from these activities feeling exhilarated. It
    might be a good idea to walk home, or perhaps go for coffee or a movie afterward. If you let the ideas buzz until bedtime, you might not be able
    to sleep.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you might find yourself in the public eye. Acknowledgment for work well done could come your way. It might also involve an increase in income. This could be job related or simply a community project that you've been working
    on and accomplished successfully. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Aries,
    even though you might find it a bit disconcerting.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Expanding your horizons is the key for today, Taurus. Communications
    received from distant states or foreign lands could have you entertaining the idea of traveling to those places. Learning is very much on your mind. You're probably curious about different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. Even
    though you might not make definite plans for travel now, you're apt to at
    least consider it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some very intense dreams could take you back to the past, perhaps your childhood or past lives. Write down any dreams you remember, Gemini. They
    might not make sense to you now, but if you go back and analyze them
    later, you're likely to find that they reveal a lot about you that you
    weren't previously aware of. They might even inspire new projects of some
    kind. Think about them carefully.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An old friend you haven't seen for a while could suddenly reappear, and
    you might view this person in a different light as a potential business partner, source of inspiration, or even a romantic possibility. If this is
    your inclination, Cancer, don't write it off without giving it some careful consideration. Partnerships formed today are likely to lead to success.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're a service-oriented person by nature, Leo, and today the opportunity
    to spend time serving those in need could well present itself. This could
    be in a professional capacity or helping someone close who's having troubles
    of some kind. This particular situation won't last long, but it's likely
    to change your life in a positive way. Don't resist. Go with the flow.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you've been hoping for a lucky break, Virgo, this is the day it might
    come, especially if it involves love and romance. Or you might have been
    hoping for acknowledgment on the job, in the field of education, or by
    someone who means a lot to you. Whatever breaks come your way are likely
    to move you emotionally. You won't be the same. Have a great day.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Changes in your home could take place now. These are positive, Libra,
    though they might seem a bit overwhelming. Some could even be described as upheavals. Perhaps someone moves in or out. It could even involve moving
    to a new place, redecorating, refurbishing, or perhaps adopting a pet. At
    the very least, expect some emotional changes within yourself.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some great news could change your life forever. It might involve a new partnership of some kind or opportunities in your community. At the
    least, Scorpio, it could involve changes in your outlook and attitudes
    about life. You could spend a lot of time on the phone with friends and acquaintances. You will probably want to schedule a romantic evening with
    your partner.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Some changes regarding your career could make a difference in your
    resources. This could involve a pending raise or promotion or opportunities
    for freelance work outside the job. It might imply a new job, perhaps in
    a creative field. Whatever work you do is likely to seem more emotionally rewarding than it has been, Sagittarius. This should boost your spirits considerably.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you're likely to feel especially romantic and sexy, and anxious to
    get together with a love partner. This doesn't mean you aren't in the mood
    for socializing in general. In fact, you may look forward to meeting with friends. You should be feeling especially creative, and you could spend
    a lot of your day either planning or working on projects.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, January 18, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, January 18, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Take a break from your daily routine and get off the treadmill today,
    Aquarius. The world will turn without you for one day, so tune out for a
    while. Remember that whatever path you take is the right one. Regret is a useless emotion. Don't even bother with it. Enjoy the present day and all
    the small joys it has to offer. Communicate your dreams and bring things
    into balance.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Things are flowing your way, Pisces, and you should find a great deal
    of pleasure in the company of others. There may be an element of fantasy
    about the day that causes you to lose track of time and space. Don't bother connecting to reality if you don't have to. Go to an art museum or attend
    a dance performance. See a movie and go out to your favorite restaurant.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't try to nail down any answers today, Aries, because you will probably
    end up feeling frustrated. The less you try to force your will on others,
    the more you will find that things just automatically go your way.
    Today isn't about finding solutions to problems. It's about enjoying what you've already learned and accomplished. Keep things light.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Let your childlike side come out and play today, Taurus. Your dreams are in full force, so let them lead the way. Enjoy lighthearted conversations with friends about the latest movies or novels. You might want to go shopping or
    get a haircut. This is a good day to improve your general appearance. You
    have a much keener eye for style on a day like this.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Take a break from the routine and get off the beaten path, Gemini. This
    is a day to forge ahead with ideas and dreams rather than commitments
    and answers. Question things and debate the facts. Have fun whatever you
    do. This is the perfect day to go out and fly kites with your friends. All group activities are strongly favored. You can't go wrong chatting about
    the latest events in your life.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It may feel like something has suddenly clicked into place for you today, Cancer, because you've found the missing piece of a puzzle you've been
    working on. The answers may be subtle, but they're there. Fantasy and a
    playful attitude will lead you to them effortlessly. Spread your ideas to
    the world, and encourage others to join in your daydreams.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Things may seem surreal today, Leo, so don't take other people's chatter
    too seriously. This is a day to reach out and touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as
    you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy about sharing.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may find it hard to take a realistic approach to your emotions today, Virgo. A sensitive issue may pull on you, leaving you feeling like you're out in left field in the way you relate to others. You might want to consider letting someone else take the lead for once, allowing you to regain your equilibrium before the next decision needs to be made.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Question the validity of anything you come in conflict with today,
    Libra. You might find that people act on incomplete information, and that they're falsely accusing you of something you didn't say or do. Work to bring harmony to the situation by getting to the truth and helping to make the real motivations known. Words may be charged with strong emotions, so be gentle.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today is a great day for you. You should enjoy a great deal of playful conversation, Scorpio. Fantasy is likely to play a big role in events, and
    you may daydream as you walk down the street. Don't bother with reality if
    you don't have to. You're much better off keeping the tone light and playful. Enjoy your fantasy world and feel free to invite others into it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There may be a rather confusing element to the day, Sagittarius. You feel tempted to act, but some of the pieces seem to be missing. It could be
    hard to make a decision, since you don't have the whole picture in front
    of you. You're better off spending this day outside with a group of friends rather than trying to make any major life decisions or commitments.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Be the star of your own movie and proud of the role you play, Capricorn. You might find yourself taking on many different characters, depending on
    your mood of the hour. There's a special gleam in your eye that you should share openly with others. Don't feel rushed to get anywhere. You've already arrived. Enjoy yourself in the company of those you love.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain and snow +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, January 19, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, January 19, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A co-worker could call you today, Aquarius, but you probably won't be
    able to figure out what this person is trying to say. Your colleague's
    mind is a bit muddled now, and he or she might not be able to explain the situation very well. Be patient. Sympathy and understanding are probably
    what's called for. You're the best person for that right now.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Money matters may need your attention today, Pisces, and you probably
    aren't in the right space to think along those lines. Your mind is on
    different things, probably on your projects. Nonetheless, if you don't at
    least make the attempt, you will worry about it all day. Give it your best
    and ask for help if you have to. Once that's taken care of, you will have
    the rest of the day to enjoy yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Aries, you tend to be a master psychologist. You don't need to know people
    well in order to accurately size them up. But today this ability could be temporarily lacking. You don't sense much from those you meet, and when
    you do intuit their thoughts and feelings, what you pick up isn't likely to
    be very accurate. Don't worry. Your mind should be back to normal tomorrow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You usually tend to be outgoing, Taurus, and you love talking to
    others. However, today you may feel far more reticent than usual, more
    inclined to listen than speak. There may not seem to be any real reason
    for this. It isn't as if you're depressed or worried. Don't worry about
    it. View this as an opportunity to hear what others have to say. You will
    be yourself tomorrow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might wonder what's bothering a friend, Gemini. This person may
    seem depressed and worried but not inclined to share the worries with
    you. All signs are that these are probably money problems, which he or
    she wants to keep private. Let your friend know you're there if needed,
    then concentrate on your own concerns. Your friend will share when the
    time is right.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you might be temporarily catapulted into the public eye when you'd
    rather be alone, Cancer. Perhaps a premonition you once expressed has
    actually come to pass and others want to discuss it. Maybe you will be
    asked to repeat a story you once told. Your friends will probably want
    you to entertain them. If you aren't in the mood for conversation, it's
    best to avoid social gatherings.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Spiritual or metaphysical concepts you hear about today may seem confusing
    and bothersome, Leo. You might go off alone to try to make sense of them,
    but this isn't the day to do that. You will probably only confuse yourself more. Think of this as a good day to collect information, not decide
    whether to accept any of it or not. Tomorrow your mind will be clearer
    and more logical.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you might be constantly engaged in deep, intense thought, Virgo. There probably isn't a specific matter that you're concerned about, but you
    may find that a number of different fragments of information capture your attention and get your mind going. Don't write this off as crazy behavior. Write down your thoughts. They may prove useful later.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A friend or romantic partner may not be communicating with you the way
    they should, Libra. Something is bothering your sweetie, and he or she
    doesn't want to discuss it. Even if you ask, the answers are likely to be evasive. Pushing won't be appreciated. Perhaps it's best to leave your
    friend alone to work it out. Your honey will tell you about it when the
    time is right.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The health of a friend or family member who lives far away may be a bit worrying today, Scorpio. A lack of contact with this person doesn't help matters. You're usually the type to phone at the drop of a hat, but today you're less inclined to do this. You shouldn't make yourself crazy. If
    there's someone else you can ask, do so. Otherwise, take the initiative
    and call.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your intuitive abilities are flying high, Sagittarius. Normally you're sensitive, but today you might be picking up on the thoughts, feelings,
    needs, and desires of strangers who pass in the street. If you turn this ability to those around you, you're likely to be able to use it to increase your understanding of them, and thus bring you closer together. Don't let
    this opportunity pass you by.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Some problems with the structure of your house may need attention,
    Capricorn. Perhaps the plumbing or electrical wiring isn't operating
    at maximum efficiency. It probably isn't a good idea to try to fix this yourself, but you might not be able to reach a professional today. You
    will want to get this done soon. Don't be tempted to forget about it.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, January 20, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 20, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might try to learn a new computer program today, Aquarius. You could
    find it a little confusing at first, but as you continue to learn, you
    will find that it makes things easier for you. You should master it more quickly than you thought. This may sound minor, but it will improve your productivity from now on, leaving you time to explore other possibilities
    or attend to important matters.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you may stumble into an unexpected new friendship, Pisces. This
    could come as the result of a social event or an introduction by a close friend. You will discover new rapport the likes of which you haven't experienced in a long time. You could spend hours trading ideas. Make
    sure you exchange contact information. You will definitely want to stay
    in touch with this person.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A group meeting of some sort, perhaps job related, could take place in your home today, Aries. Whatever business the group has planned should be taken
    care of quickly and then you will be able to hang out and socialize. You
    might discover new aspects of your guests you didn't know existed. This
    could prove very enlightening for all concerned. Your bond with them will definitely improve.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A phone call from a close friend or love partner could bring a thrilling surprise your way today, Taurus. An event has occurred that you either
    gave up on long ago or never dreamed of. This news could necessitate your spending a lot of time on the phone or computer making contacts, but that's
    OK. You will be so happy that this happened that you won't mind the time
    you spend on it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you own property, you might discover that its value has increased far
    beyond anything you dreamed of, Gemini. This might involve real estate,
    but it could also involve other resources like stocks, bonds, or family heirlooms. What you choose to do with this information is up to you, but
    you will probably decide to hang on to what you have. It's just nice to
    know it's valuable.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A surprising phone call or email could come your way today from a friend
    you haven't heard from in a long time, Cancer. This should make you happy,
    as you've probably been wondering what this person was doing. Some business changes may have occurred for your friend, but possible new opportunities
    might also be in the cards for you. Hear what your friend has to say,
    think about it, and decide later.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you may discover that you have a previously untapped talent for the occult sciences, Leo. This might involve astrology, numerology, alchemy,
    or using oracles. A class or workshop could be involved. You tend to be intuitive by nature, and studying these fields may offer an opportunity
    to train that ability to a higher level of accuracy. Find an expert in
    one of those areas.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's someone you've wanted to meet for a long time, Virgo, and today
    you might have the opportunity to introduce yourself. This could be a
    potential romantic interest, a teacher you've wanted to study with, or
    someone interesting you might like for a friend. Sparks are apt to fly
    between you. Don't hesitate, for this encounter could affect the rest of
    your life in some profound way.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Do you feel helpless in the face of problems with technology? If so,
    you might surprise yourself today, Libra. Some software that you use a
    lot could go haywire, and you won't want to take the time to wait for a professional. Some study could enable you to come up with the solution on
    your own. Consulting a professional could demonstrate that you're on the
    right track.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If you've been thinking about studying astrology, numerology, or other occult sciences, Scorpio, this is the day to start. There may be a school or teacher that you've been considering. By doing this, you could open doors to new knowledge, meet new friends who share your interests, and steer your life
    in a fascinating new direction. Pick up the phone and take the first step.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A woman you meet at work might point you in a new direction, Sagittarius. You should investigate all possible options. This could be a new intellectual interest, a technological skill, or possibly a new and more lucrative
    source of income. It may involve an unusual field, but don't worry
    about that. The world is changing, so what seems unorthodox now could be commonplace tomorrow.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A friend from far away could contact you by phone, email, or even in person, Capricorn. This person might bring great news that suddenly turns your
    life in a new direction. This could involve a new intellectual study or possibly a new circle of friends. At any rate, you will certainly enjoy catching up and hearing what your friend has to say.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -13C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 21, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may take a look around your home and see what needs improvement, Aquarius. A pending visit from a friend or relative may provide the incentive to get things in shape. A fresh coat of paint and some new window treatments and rugs will make a big difference. If you don't have time for that,
    fill the house with flowering plants as an effective camouflage.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Family, home, and hEarth are on your mind today, Pisces. There may be a community event that you attend out of a sense of obligation but stay for
    the sheer fun of it. Sometimes you get so caught up in work and the daily hassles of life that you forget there's a whole world outside of work. It
    does your heart good to take in a wider view.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today may be an odd combination of social and financial, Aries, likely
    a combination of the two in some way. Perhaps you need to meet with an
    attorney and end up dining together. Or you and a casual acquaintance
    could decide to go out for a drink. Legal documents are highlighted,
    so be sure to carefully look over contracts of any kind.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Even though you seem content with your career, you're ready for some change
    in your life, Taurus. This is the time to consider joining a group. How
    about a local book club? Or if you're more actively inclined, sign up with
    a tennis team or local running club. There are lots of diversions to occupy your mind as well body. The real upside is that you're likely to make some wonderful new friends.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Even though you think of yourself as a rational person, Gemini, today your intuition is so keen that even you can't ignore it. Rather than try to will
    it away, why not embrace the messages that bombard you? Give yourself this
    one single day to embrace the possibility that you may have some extrasensory ability. There's no harm in trying to understand the extent of your power.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel slightly bored and restless, Cancer. If so, an opportunity
    may come your way today that shouldn't be ignored. You may have a chance to take a trip to an exotic locale or attend a class or lecture that will open your mind to all sorts of interesting possibilities. Just because you only
    have one life, that doesn't mean you can't fit many different lives into it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You consider yourself a rational person, Leo. If you aren't a scientist,
    you should be. You view life objectively and rarely let extraneous
    matters cloud your thinking. You're likely to be taken aback by today's extraordinary events. Your intuition is so sharp that you can almost read people's minds. At first you think this is just a fluke, but you may be
    a believer by the end of the day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is your lucky day, Virgo, and you can expect all sorts of wonderful surprises. You may enjoy a financial surprise or someone could propose
    an interesting and potentially lucrative project. Take advantage of any opportunities that come your way today, as all signs indicate that new
    ventures will ultimately prove quite profitable.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Passion is very much on your mind, Libra. Unfortunately, you have a lot
    to do before you can concentrate on romance. Much as you'd prefer to put paperwork off for another day, you really should buckle down and get it
    all done. You will be relieved to have it behind you, and you will be free
    to enjoy the evening pursuing other interests.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're never at a loss for an opinion, Scorpio, and today is no
    exception. The energy of the day is such that you're happier listening to conversations than participating in them. You can't help but smile at the misinformation that gets bandied about. Since no one has bothered to ask
    for your opinion, you aren't about to offer it today. Tomorrow is another matter entirely.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Finances are highlighted for you today, Sagittarius. This isn't necessarily
    a good or bad thing - it just is. Spend as much time as necessary sorting
    out your records and making sure everything is in good order. It's never
    too early to collect receipts and get organized. You may feel inspired to concentrate on budgeting as well.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Conversation and travel are highlighted today, Capricorn. You may sit
    next to someone fascinating on a plane ride. You two have much in common,
    and the time will pass quickly as you enjoy discovering more about one
    another. You're likely to exchange phone numbers, if not kisses, by the
    end of the trip. There's no denying the chemistry. The question remains
    whether you will act on it or not.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -17C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 22, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Prosperity isn't just around the corner - it's here, Aquarius. Your finances are looking better than ever. Don't rely on this money, however. The whole point of a windfall is that it's unexpected, and thus can be used for
    luxuries or indulgences that you wouldn't normally allow yourself. If you
    begin to spend a windfall before it arrives, it's no longer a windfall
    but just another paycheck.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You've never looked better, Pisces. As a result, people are drawn to you
    and you have an unusually large circle of friends. This is fun but time consuming, as everyone seems to want a piece of you. Try to keep your feet
    on the ground. Don't let your vision become clouded by all the flattery
    you receive.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You've always been interested in the arts, and now you want to explore
    that interest on a deeper level. A visit to a museum isn't likely to do the trick, Aries. Instead, why not enroll in a class or sign up for a lecture series? A few artists, in particular, capture your interest. Make it a
    point to concentrate on them first.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Errands seem to rule the day. You spend most of it in the car, running
    hither and yon. Don't be surprised if you run into an old friend you haven't seen in a while. The casual pleasantries you exchange could develop into something more. Perhaps you will discover a common interest and decide to
    build a business based on it. Keep your eyes (and mind) wide open.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The planetary configuration makes you likely to reap the benefits of all
    your hard work, Gemini. The little windfall you receive is nice, to be sure, but don't think of all of it as fun money. Put a good amount aside in a
    savings or investment account. You can use the rest to kick up your heels
    a bit. Why not invite a friend to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town?

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Keep your mind on the present, Cancer. As much as you'd like to be somewhere else, your daydreaming is getting out of hand. If you're sincere in your
    desire to explore other lands, begin some research. For now it's better
    to focus on any problems that make you want to run away. Open a dialogue
    with anyone with whom you've had a misunderstanding. You will find this
    brings immeasurable relief.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There's passion in the air today, Leo. You can feel it. The feeling is so strong that the air almost pulsates. What are you going to do about it? If you're in a romantic relationship, plan an intimate evening together, free
    of chores and daily tasks. If you're single, peruse your little black book
    and see if there are any relationships worth warming up.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Has the opposite sex always been so attractive? Today they seem especially
    so, Virgo, and capture your attention right and left. One person, in particular, you've always considered a platonic friend, but today seems interested in you romantically. Perhaps this person is just picking up on
    your vibes. He or she may make a wonderful partner, so don't immediately dismiss the idea.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your poise and gracious nature serve you well now, Libra. The best thing
    you can do today is spend time around other people. Go to a party or other social gathering tonight. The evening is bound to be a resounding success
    as you radiate warmth and energy and people respond in kind. Allow everyone
    the pleasure of basking in your glow.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Creativity and romance are a good combination, Scorpio, and today both
    are in top form. Why not get out the good stationery and craft a love
    note that will set that special someone's heart aflutter? Cater to your romantic nature, ideally with a partner at your side. Even if you're alone,
    a bubble bath will do wonders for your soul.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Is a bit of redecorating in order? This is a perfect time to spruce
    up your home. Rather than rush into a project that you might later
    regret, Sagittarius, it's better to spend the day with color and fabric swatches. Once you're happy with a scheme, then you can pick up a paintbrush. Think hard before making a decision.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You have the creative ability to make a real go of your music or writing. Why not put it to better use? Are you afraid to take the risk? Today you may
    be inspired to rise above your fear as you read a book or hear a piece
    of music that moves you to want to create one of your own. It's never too
    late to get started, Capricorn.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -19C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, January 23, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 23, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You can look forward to a busy day, Aquarius. Don't schedule any additional tasks. Your home, family, or mate is likely to demand a great deal of you. In fact, Aquarius, your energy is likely to be stretched to the breaking point,
    so be careful to keep some strength in reserve for yourself. If you give yourself completely, you're likely to strain your nerves.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're likely to spend time with someone who energizes and rejuvenates
    you today. With luck, this meeting won't occur too late in the evening,
    or else you will have a problem going to sleep, Pisces. This energy is
    going to give your projects a much-needed boost. You're about to go on a crusade. Choose your quest carefully, Pisces.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel an urgent need to use your physical energy. This need will raise the issue of how to incorporate more exercise into your life. This would
    be an ideal time to join a gym. Participating in a group sports activity
    would be a good choice for you. Get started, no matter what outlet you
    choose, Aries. Excuses won't be tolerated.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A day such as today should demonstrate an old truth - people remember
    the good and forget the bad. You will be brimming with energy, Taurus,
    hopeful and optimistic for the future. The question is how are you going
    to spend this incredible energy of yours? You could go in many different directions. It's up to you to choose which one.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Do you have a desire to go away on a trip? Would you like to live in Europe
    or Asia? These are desires that you may well have at the moment as you
    begin the process of widening your field of vision. See if you can set up
    a journey of this kind, Gemini. People will have confidence in you now,
    so all sorts of possibilities are at your disposal.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    What's happening in your personal relationships, Cancer? It seems as though you're looking for a fight. Could it be that someone has stolen a leadership position out from under your nose? You have a tendency to lead any group,
    yet now you're confronted with resistance. You might want to get involved
    in a new group project. Doing so will help everyone reconcile.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    At certain moments you can feel where your destiny lies. Today will
    be such a moment for you, Leo. You may want to shift your fundamental orientation. Every area of your life will be affected by this shift -
    where you live, who you live with, your children, and your job. Interesting times lie ahead, Leo. There is no doubt about that.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    The day ahead will reenergize you after these last few days of apathy,
    Virgo. Anyone who tries to hold you back today had better watch out,
    because you won't be in the mood to tolerate any objections. You refuse to
    be restrained. This is an excellent time to reinforce your reputation as
    an excellent coach. It's clear to all that you're the captain of your crew.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you may be touched by a person who exudes the kind of determination produced by a combination of spiritual and intellectual strength and
    faith. This is what is meant when people speak of a leader of great
    integrity. The encounter with this person is likely to inspire you to
    commit yourself wholeheartedly to some good work, perhaps a charity.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Have you been lethargic lately? If so, today is your wakeup call. You will
    be alert and clear about the task at hand. You understand that your help is urgently needed, and that there's no time to waste. You can expect to pour a great deal of energy into a single, well-defined goal today. If you usually wander from project to project, this will be a change for you, Scorpio.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The day will be fairly eventful, Sagittarius. There's some likelihood
    that you will feel suddenly compelled to settle a tedious matter once and
    for all. It may concern something in your domestic life that's been left unattended. You won't rest until it's finished, and you won't be distracted,
    no matter how you're cajoled to join the others. This problem is the only
    thing that will matter today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The day may be somewhat trying for you, Capricorn. You may have a speech
    to deliver or a private performance to put on for your beloved. In any
    case, you will have to prove yourself, and you will spare no energy in the attempt. By the end of the day, you will be satisfied but completely drained. Plan to rest afterward. You will have earned it.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, January 24, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, January 24, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Some problems might arise with equipment that you use at home or with the structure of the house, Aquarius. Appliances might go on the blink or the plumbing or electricity could require repairs. This could be a drag. It might involve staying home to wait for help. Still it must be done. Find a good
    book and settle onto the couch. You won't have to worry about this tomorrow.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some disturbing news could come today, Pisces. This isn't likely to concern
    you directly. It's apt to be something about the world situation that might eventually reflect indirectly on you. It could be gossip about someone
    you know. Whatever it is, check it out before accepting it as fact. The information could be garbled. The situation is probably more positive than
    it seems.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A rise in your income could lead to a transformation in your values,
    Aries, particularly where business is concerned. You could be opening up
    to the vast potential for prosperity that exists now. This is definitely something you should explore. Take care that you don't lose sight of what really matters. Money is meant to enhance the other departments of life,
    not consume them.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Stress, strain, and a little conflict within a business, romantic, or
    creative partnership could have you toying with the idea of ending it,
    Taurus. Don't do anything rash right now. Wait a day or so and then think
    about it. This is likely to be a temporary situation. If you break it off
    now you will probably regret it tomorrow. Spend time alone and give your partner some space.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today, Gemini, you might feel a little insecure about your state of
    physical fitness. You could decide to make up for any lack of exercise
    over the past few weeks. This is fine, but take it slowly. This isn't
    the day to push yourself. Strained muscles and exhaustion could result,
    and that won't do you any good. Work out, but pace yourself.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A friend may be going through some pretty big changes, Cancer, and come
    to you for a sympathetic ear. The problem is that you might be a little stressed yourself and not feel much like hearing about someone else's
    troubles. Show some compassion. Try to listen for a little while. You
    might need a shoulder to cry on at some time in the future.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Too many demands placed on you by others could have you feeling used,
    abused, and stressed, Leo. You might come close to losing your temper.
    That isn't necessary. All you have to do is learn to say no. It might not
    be easy, since you tend to want to please everyone, but you have to look
    out for yourself. Help when the request is urgent and postpone the rest.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you might have thoughts of expanding your horizons, perhaps on a monumental level, Virgo. You might consider traveling or even moving to a distant place. Returning to school for an advanced degree could also be a possibility. Your mind could be on expansion less for financial gain than
    for personal growth. This is good, because the latter often leads to the former. Go for it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you may receive some information about how to increase your income in
    a short period of time, Libra. This information may or may not be valid. Be cautious. Check out the facts before committing, wait a few days, and
    then check them again. Great opportunities abound and should be explored,
    but what you hear about today might not be one of them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Relations with partners of all kinds - business, romantic, creative - might
    be somewhat strained today, Scorpio. You and the other parties involved may have been under a lot of stress, and you could be snapping at each other. It might be a good idea to keep contact between you to a minimum. If you can't, try to be cordial and cooperative even if you don't feel like it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Stress due to overwork might be causing your energy to flag somewhat today, Sagittarius. You might even feel a little under the weather. This is a
    great day to stay home and recover. Stay out of stressful situations and
    do things on your own, preferably routine tasks that you can do without thinking. In the evening, order a pizza and watch TV. Don't make more work
    for yourself by cooking.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you could feel a rush of sensual passion and desire, Capricorn. You
    may want to get together with a love partner in the evening, but not be
    able to do it right now. Other responsibilities could get in the way of what you want to do. Perhaps it's best to schedule a meeting of some kind, even
    if it's very late in the evening. You will need the comfort if nothing else.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -13C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, January 25, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, January 25, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Job-related or personal projects are apt to come to a head now. Success is
    in the air, along with a marked increase in income and acknowledgment from those who matter. This, of course, is going to boost your confidence,
    not to mention your mood. You might already be fired up with plans for
    new trails to blaze. Try to stay focused. You won't want to miss anything.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you're currently involved, Pisces, expect to feel a rush of revived
    passion for your partner. If you aren't currently involved, the one great
    love of your life could finally appear. You may meet this person through
    work, creative activities, or spiritual studies. Your new friend could be
    from far away and work in an intellectually oriented profession. Expect
    to spend the next few days in a fog!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You know you're intuitive, Aries, but changes could take place in your
    brain that elevate your abilities beyond mere intuition. Visions, prophetic dreams, and powerful insights into others' thoughts and feelings could reveal you to be a gifted psychic. If you've been training your abilities, this
    should come as no surprise, but the level of your gifts will. You will
    never be the same.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't turn down invitations today, Taurus. A group meeting or social event could be thrown together with casual acquaintances, and your relationship
    with these people could abruptly change. At the very least, some will
    become friends. You might also acquire some valuable business contacts or partners. You might fall in love. By evening, you could be in a daze from
    the unexpected events.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A financial windfall could come as the result of a coup that no one
    expected you to pull off, Gemini. Everyone is likely to be very proud of
    you - and you will be very pleased with yourself, too. This is only the
    start of a fortunate new turn in your life. As far as money goes, it may
    all be smooth sailing from here on out.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Wonderful news comes from far away, Cancer, possibly involving writing, teaching, or publishing. Creativity combines with heightened intellectual ability to bring success and good fortune to your door today. You might
    spend the day in a daze, waiting for it to sink in, and the evening
    celebrating with friends. This trend is likely to continue for the next
    few months. Make the most of it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An enterprise you'd long since given up on, perhaps one involving the
    creative arts, may suddenly come up again, this time as a real opportunity, Leo. Once you know it's real, you still might have trouble believing that
    it's finally happening. Friends and your current love interest may accept
    it more readily than you do. Enjoy your success and make the most of it!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Group activities or social events could put you in contact with a new,
    exciting person. You could feel a strong physical and romantic attraction, Virgo. If you aren't currently involved - and perhaps even if you are -
    this might be worth pursuing. The attraction is reciprocated. You will
    probably share interests and be able to talk for hours. Be cautious but confident. Go for it, but slowly.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Whatever you've been trying to accomplish over the past several months
    could break loose just the way you want it to today, Libra. It could come
    as a surprise and resemble a logjam that finally gives way. Nonetheless,
    this is your good fortune, and you and those who have been in the trenches
    with you deserve a few accolades. After it's all set in stone, go out and celebrate. You've earned it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today might be one of the most fortunate days of your life,
    Scorpio. Everything you've been striving for - romance, money, creative fulfillment - could fall into place at various times today. Expect exciting calls bringing good news. A lover could offer congratulations. The only downside is that all the stimulation could leave you exhausted. Never mind.
    You will sleep well!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Information received through dreams and visions could trigger sudden psychic revelations of solutions to problems you may have been mulling over for
    weeks. What you realize is likely to clear up any difficulties and pave the
    way for success. The emotional release could have you feeling like a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Obey your impulses, and get to it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Some unexpected calls from friends or colleagues could bring you wonderful
    news today, Capricorn. A serendipitous lucky break could end the logjam that has held up the attainment of all your dreams. Love, money, success in career and personal development - all seem to be falling into place. You might
    spend the day in a daze, trying to take it all in. Relax and focus. You're
    on your way.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, January 26, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, January 26, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This might be the perfect day to go out, Aquarius, or stay in and
    turn off the phone. Friends and relatives could be stressed, and phone conversations could touch off some misunderstandings and cause unnecessary
    hurt feelings. If you must talk to people, keep the conversations light
    and brief. You won't want to mar a nearly perfect day.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Recent stress could leave you wanting to spend the day shopping for items
    that may be nice but aren't really necessary, Pisces. This is fine, since you may want to spruce up your surroundings. Take care you don't go overboard,
    and be careful not to take home something that you wouldn't normally go
    for. You don't want to have to return an unwanted object to the store.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Uninvited visitors could cause some stress, Aries. You wanted to spend
    your day resting, but now you have to entertain people, and this could
    prove irritating. It's better to keep the visit short and sweet than feel obligated to play host when you aren't up to it. You will want to stay on
    good terms with your guests. Be polite but firm and then relax.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Some callous words spoken carelessly could make you feel hurt and insecure, Taurus. They may not have been intentional, but even so, bear in mind that they're only words. They tell you far more about the one who said them
    than they do about you. Spend the evening with people who love and respect
    you. You mirror the best in them, and that's why they enjoy your company.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Attempts to attend a festival, party, or other group activity could be
    hampered by minor obstacles like traffic jams, forgetting things, and getting lost, Gemini. This can be frustrating and irritating, but don't let it stop you. It's important to be out with your friends today. Fill up the car, get a good map, and make your way to the place by the side streets. Have some fun!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some friends may put you in front of a lot of people, Cancer, perhaps to make an impromptu speech or lead a discussion. Generally, you don't mind this,
    but today you're in a quiet mood and would rather stay on the sidelines. You could grit your teeth and do what they ask. But don't be afraid to tell
    your friends how you feel. They don't really want to make you uncomfortable.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Someone who's a little belligerent and abrasive could interrupt the flow
    of ideas at a class or workshop dedicated to spiritual and metaphysical concepts and values. This won't sit well with you, Leo, but you aren't the
    type to be confrontational. Don't worry. Let the person have his or her say, then let everyone else debate. Enjoy yourself and learn from all the ideas.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    An upset between you and a friend might cause you to wonder what you did
    wrong, Virgo. Chances are you were just in the wrong place at the wrong
    time. Your friend may have money problems and be too embarrassed to talk
    about it. Wait a few days and call again to see how things are. Your friend will feel more like talking, and all should be OK between you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Too many outside responsibilities at once could have you at odds with a
    current love partner, Libra. Your beloved may seem to be demanding a choice between your job and the relationship. Don't read things into the situation that aren't there, and don't be too proud to talk about it. Pride really
    can come before a fall. Explain the circumstances in detail and all should
    be well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    An unexpected problem with a task you're trying to finish could cause
    a temporary upset between you and those closest to you, Scorpio. This
    might have your family stomping out of the house in anger. Remember that everybody has their own concerns, and probably wouldn't have reacted this
    way otherwise. Finish what you have to do and patch things up later. All
    should be well.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    An upsetting dream about someone you love deeply could cause you to awaken suddenly in the night, Sagittarius. You might have to ground yourself
    a little in reality before trying to go back to sleep. Stay calm. The
    dream isn't prophetic. It probably relates to your own fears about this
    person, or maybe even about yourself. Wait until morning and write down
    the dream. The meaning should clarify by then.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A misunderstanding with a family member or partner could mar your morning, Capricorn. One of you is less communicative than usual. It might take some effort to bring the issues into the open and work them out. They probably
    seem more serious than they are. Both you and the other person are apt to
    be stressed out and a little on edge. Cut yourselves some slack.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, January 27, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, January 27, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The approach of a very special visitor might cause you to thoroughly clean
    your house, Aquarius. Afterward, you could look for new and interesting
    ways to dress it up with some new plants, throw pillows, or other decorative touches. This can be tiresome, but definitely worthwhile. When your friend arrives, he or she will feel at home. Work hard and then make yourself
    look great.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Romantic novels and movies could be more appealing than usual today,
    Pisces. You're in an especially intense mindset. If you're involved, your relationship could be near the point where it has to move ahead or end.
    Chances are it will move ahead. If you aren't attached, your loving nature
    will attract more than one potential partner into your aura. Be prepared,
    and expect the unexpected.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your financial situation could get a strong boost today, Aries. This might
    be due to a contract you've just signed, perhaps involving some work you
    will do on your own rather than for an employer. The project may have
    strong personal significance. The creative arts could be involved, as
    well as technology. Be prepared for a busy month, but it will be a great
    one. Go for the gold!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you may decide to study healing, Taurus. You could read about
    alternative methods regarding diet, herbs, aromatherapy, massage, or acupuncture. You might decide to learn some hands-on methods. Whether or
    not you ever practice any of these professionally, learning about them
    should transform your life for the better on both physical and emotional levels. Make the most of it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might decide to sign up for an advanced course of some kind,
    Gemini. This might include world religions or perhaps meditation. Stay out
    of bookstores, both physical and online. You might spend a fortune on books
    on your chosen subject. The effect of this is likely to be more profound
    than a simple accumulation of knowledge. Prepare to be transformed.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A group of friends may invite you to attend a festival or workshop involving the creative arts or metaphysical studies, or perhaps both, Cancer. You
    might resist at first, but once you get there you will find the subject
    and instructor captivating. Afterward, you won't want to talk about it. You will be too preoccupied with your thoughts. Write them down. You will want
    to remember them later.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you've considered a career in healing, psychic, or spiritual studies or
    the creative arts, Leo, today the opportunity to make that dream a reality could come your way. A close friend could open the door for you. Your own psychic and artistic abilities should be operating at a very high level, so don't be intimidated. You're good at what you do and are likely to remain so.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Romance could be on your mind today, Virgo. This could be due to a recent wonderful encounter with a love partner. Since then, listening to romantic music may have enhanced your feelings. You will want to schedule another meeting, but you might hold back because you don't want to seem pushy.
    Go ahead and call your friend. You might be pleasantly surprised by the response.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A very beautiful, romantic dream could inspire exalted artistic activities today, Libra. You might want to paint, draw, write, compose music, sew, or
    cook up a new recipe. Whatever you do, you won't do it simply for your own amusement. You will want to show your work to others and seek their opinions and approval. Your business acumen could be as active as your artistic side.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A rush of intense love and romantic passion for a special someone might turn your mind toward marriage, Scorpio. The wedding of a friend may contribute
    to these thoughts. Your partner may still have doubts about moving to the
    next level of commitment, even though there's no question that he or she
    truly loves you. Be patient and hold your tongue. You will know when the
    time is right.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you could experience a strong desire to clear your psyche of past
    traumas that limit you, Sagittarius. You may decide to register for a
    seminar or workshop of some kind. If you sign up today, all signs are that
    you will not only attain the results you want but you will also meet some interesting new people. Among them could be a potential love partner. Go
    for it, and have fun.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Love, passion, romance, and marriage - your mind will focus on these
    matters all day even if there's no special person in your life right now, Capricorn. If you are involved, don't be surprised if talk of a long-term commitment creeps into your conversations with your beloved. If you aren't involved, someone new and exciting could appear on the scene. When you go
    out, make sure you look your best.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, January 28, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Now that you've earned your place in the world after all your hard work, Aquarius, you might take some time to pursue your own interests. This could involve writing or publishing, going back to school to get an advanced
    degree, or taking a trip around the world. You have the time and energy
    to think about all your different options, so don't feel you have to rush.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Money that has come your way unexpectedly might have you thinking in terms
    of expanding your personal interests and holdings, Pisces. You might
    consider trying some new investments, particularly property. There's no
    need to rush to make a decision, however. You have all the time in the
    world to consider different options - and have some fun while you do it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel so confident that you could be thinking in terms of starting
    a new enterprise, Aries. Partnerships are especially likely to succeed
    now. You could also grow closer to those who mean the most to you - family, friends, romantic partners. If you aren't currently romantically involved,
    you might be soon. Your new sense of self-confidence should pull more
    people into your circle.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Recent successes haven't made you feel you can rest on your laurels,
    Taurus. Rather, you're more likely to work harder. Today you might spend a
    lot of time considering different options for improving your socioeconomic status. Among them might be enterprises connected with the planet. Business
    and romantic partners could inspire you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is likely a day when you want to reflect on your successes. As your professional success continues to skyrocket, your sense of self-confidence follows suit. So do your relationships with family, friends, children,
    and romantic partners. Your mind is especially sharp, Gemini, and your
    personal innovations should continue to progress. Life is good and likely
    to stay that way for a while.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Surprising developments in your life might bring a lot of visitors and
    much happiness to your home. You could host a party or other sort of
    gathering. This is likely to keep you very busy throughout the day, Cancer,
    but you will have fun all the same. Don't let shop talk interfere with times like this. This is the time to relax and enjoy your good fortune. Use it
    to your advantage.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some wonderful new developments could take place in your community, Leo. You might meet some new people who move in nearby. New businesses could also
    arrive and give a whole new look to the area. You could spend a lot of
    time visiting others to learn about what's happening. You might also
    consider fixing up your home, as recent success has made that possible.
    You will be busy all day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A high level of self-confidence and optimism should stay with you throughout the day, Virgo. Your energy is good, as is your enthusiasm. The success
    and good fortune that have been coming your way are likely to stay with
    you. You may have just been blessed with more money and happiness. Of course, this feeling is also likely to attract more friends. Make the most of it!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Happiness is the mood of the day, Libra, as you enjoy the fruits of
    all your hard work over the past few years. You're able to pursue a few
    things that you've never been able to before. You're likely surrounded
    by old and new friends, and romance is blossoming. You probably also look especially attractive now. If all this sounds too good to be true, wake up! It's happening!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    All the success and good fortune you've enjoyed over the past several
    months may have freed you from the grind enough to concentrate on spiritual
    or artistic interests. There may be a few surprises in store for you,
    Scorpio. You may meet some new people who share your interests. What you
    learn from them could improve your progress. You might embark on a new
    course of study.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The company of good friends, perhaps at a group activity or festival of
    some kind, contributes to a powerful feeling of good health, good fortune,
    and happiness, Sagittarius. You will probably want to spend a lot of time outdoors today. Sports might appeal to you. There will be a few minor
    accidents - dropping things, spilling drinks - but in all, this should be
    a satisfying day.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Continued success and good fortune regarding finances could have you
    flying high right now, Capricorn. You're probably glowing with self-
    confidence and may well be surrounded by good friends. There might even
    be some public acclaim. A few minor mishaps might occur today, but they certainly won't put a damper on the mood. Expect to have a wonderful day!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The desire to improve your home's appearance might suddenly come over you today, Aquarius. Whether you're planning some redecorating, landscaping, refurnishing, or simply a thorough cleaning, you will probably take the
    bull by the horns and concentrate on nothing else. The results will speak
    for themselves. Get family members to help you. You won't want to be too
    tired to enjoy what you've done.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Much of your day may be spent running around your neighborhood, Pisces,
    perhaps in the company of your partner. You may have a lot of errands to
    run, or perhaps you're just antsy and unwilling to spend the day indoors. Whichever it is, you may come into contact with some unusual people and
    events. Take a notebook and camera. You might want a record of it all.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A financial windfall might come your way, Aries. This may not be a lottery
    win or surprise inheritance. It's probably something you've worked hard for, but more than you expected. As a result, you could walk around in a daze for much of the day. Don't try to make plans for it. Put it aside until you're
    used to the idea of having it. Only then will your practical nature kick in.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're probably feeling full of energy, Taurus, and looking for an outlet
    for it aside from the usual jog or workout. A hike along a scenic path
    would be just the thing. Phone a friend and see if you can arrange to do
    it together. Your friend will probably be as enthusiastic as you. You may
    enjoy yourselves so much that you decide to make it a weekly event.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your subconscious mind is active today, Gemini, perhaps releasing old
    traumas from the past. Memories from long ago could pour into your mind as though floodgates were opened. Many of them won't be pleasant. This is
    good nonetheless. You're releasing obstacles caused by these memories.
    By the end of the day you will feel so much lighter. Make the most of it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You tend to be an adventurous soul by nature, Cancer. Today the desire to
    do something you've never done before could be overwhelming. You might toy
    with outrageous ideas like learning to skydive or bungee jump. You probably
    you won't go that far, but you could opt for something like river rafting or mountain climbing. You have a lot of options open to you. Think about them.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    If you've been thinking about studying astrology, Leo, this is the day
    to do it. Even if you already know the field, you might decide to branch
    out into a newer or more radical aspect, such as Draconic or galactic astrology. You will learn more quickly and retain more of what you learn,
    so no matter what interests you, this is the day to put some effort into learning more about it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your innate sense of adventure is active today, Virgo. Travel is on your
    mind. You and some friends may kick around ideas for an unconventional
    trip to an exotic place, such as sailing to Tahiti. The urge could pass,
    but it might not. Do some research and find out what your options really
    are. It might not work out as you visualized, but a little adventure could
    do you some good.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Career matters may involve some touchy circumstances that require ingenious methods to solve, Libra. You're in the right frame of mind to come up with them. You're definitely up for a challenge, and you will probably dig right
    in and come up with lots of great ideas. These concepts will not only get you through the current situation but also prove useful in the future. Go to it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A social event could bring you into contact with some interesting people in fascinating fields, Scorpio, some from distant places. Discussions could
    turn you on to one or more new interests, which you will probably want to pursue later. You might receive an invitation to visit an exotic place. If you're single, you could meet a potential lover. This will be an evening
    to remember.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A burst of physical energy might have you spending hours working out
    today, Sagittarius. You might decide to try a new and ambitious exercise program. Take care not to push yourself past your limits. A heightened
    sense of adventure combines with a powerful desire to be fit, and it might drive you to exhaustion if you aren't careful. You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Are you involved in an ambitious, creative project of some kind,
    Capricorn? You might have so much to do that you decide to take on a
    partner, if you haven't already. When you and this person work together,
    the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts. Without him or
    her, you might try to do the whole project yourself, which won't do you
    or the project any good.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Snow -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, January 30, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 30, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Changes you're making at home might necessitate your planning extra time, Aquarius. Perhaps you're waiting for a guest whose plane got delayed, or
    your shopping trip takes much longer because you can't find what you're
    looking for. Whatever it is, don't panic. Just try to stay rational and
    think about other options or alternatives.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Are you involved in a search through every store for a particular item,
    Pisces? You might be looking for a long time. The object you need won't
    be found at the local mall. Secondhand shops, obscure boutiques, antique
    stores outside town - all of these are more likely to have what you want
    than any shop you'd normally frequent. Be brave and take a chance. You
    might really enjoy it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you've given up on something you've lost, Aries, you might get a real surprise tonight when a dream sheds light on where you might find it. It's important that you either get up and search for the object immediately or
    write the dream down in as much detail as you can remember. Otherwise,
    this could be one of those dreams that disappears as soon as you wake up,
    and you won't want that.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A business or romantic partner might be in a foul mood and not very likely
    to tell you why, Taurus. It won't be all that easy to deal with, but it probably doesn't relate to any trouble between you. Therefore, it's best to
    let your partner work it out alone. Take care to stay cool and keep a safe distance between you, at least for today. The mood should pass by tomorrow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Have you been exercising beyond your fitness level, Gemini? If you have,
    you're probably feeling very tired, sore, and out of sorts. Take it easy
    today, even if you don't want to. You can still exercise, but concentrate
    on yoga and tai chi rather than more strenuous programs like aerobics. Push yourself a little, but not too much. The idea of "no pain, no gain" is
    a fallacy.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A goal you've recently been on the verge of attaining may suddenly hit unexpected setbacks, Cancer. However major or minor they are, it's going
    to be disheartening. The only thing you can do is pick up the pieces and
    move on. The goal isn't dead in the water. There are only some extra tasks
    that need to be done before you achieve it. Do what you have to, and hang
    in there.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You could be introduced to a new person today Leo. He or she may be someone
    who will play a very important role in your life at one point. You will
    feel an instant connection and find out you share a passion for the same
    kinds of things. This person could turn out to be a very good friend,
    and romance is also very likely. Take it slowly and see what happens.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Is there a secret you're obsessed with unveiling, Virgo? Something strange could be going on in your neighborhood, or it might be an intellectual
    puzzle. Whatever it is, you're determined to discover the truth. You may
    do things you wouldn't normally do. Don't be too pushy with questions.
    Confine your research to books, newspapers, and the web. You can find a
    few clues without alienating anyone.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Various intellectual or humanitarian subjects you've been reading about
    have changed your value system, perhaps subtly, Libra. You may not notice
    it until you hear someone mention beliefs like those you used to hold. It
    might be uncomfortable to realize that such profound changes have occurred
    in you, but it's only a natural part of personal growth. Everything changes,
    so why not you?

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A temporary separation from a love partner might have you in a very
    gloomy mood, Scorpio. Attempts to reach your friend by phone might prove fruitless. You might grow more and more frustrated and angry. There isn't
    much you can do other than leave messages. Don't let your insecurity get
    the best of you. Find something else to do until your friend has a chance
    to call. Better late than never.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Expect to be frantic if you have to take care of something that's
    time critical today, Sagittarius. People and situations aren't in your
    favor. Everything will seem like a challenge. Prioritize tasks and do them slowly and cautiously one at a time. If you push too hard, you will make mistakes and wear yourself out. The world won't end if you don't finish
    all your tasks.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Generally you avoid politics in any group you belong to, Capricorn, but
    today you might get caught up in the fray in order to support a friend. This goes against your grain. Be sure and assess the situation carefully before getting too involved. Friend or not, you aren't going to want to alienate anyone in the group. Think about it. Is it worth it?

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -10C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, January 31, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, January 31, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You should be especially efficient in whatever work you need to get
    done today, Aquarius. Your natural eye for detail is especially sharp.
    You're also feeling industrious, energetic, and efficient, so don't be surprised if others give you some admiring compliments. When the work is
    all done, you might reward yourself by making some definite plans for a vacation you've been dreaming about for a while.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your dreams might be especially intense now, and some could even be
    prophetic. You may have recently dreamed of an old friend you haven't seen
    for a while. Don't be surprised if you suddenly hear from this person,
    Pisces. You might also come up with some previously unknown ideas for
    advancing yourself professionally. Don't let the unorthodox source of
    these insights stop you from using them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Social events involving both old and new friends could prove especially satisfying at this time, Aries. You will be able to catch up with those
    you haven't seen for a while. You might also be introduced to new people
    who prove valuable business contacts in the future. Expect good news, stimulating conversation, and a lot of reminiscing about the past with
    warm and congenial companions.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might decide to get some annoying but necessary chores done,
    Taurus. You have the energy and stamina to finish them and probably will, although you may go crazy from boredom in the meantime. Your mind should
    be especially active, so don't be surprised if during the course of doing
    your chores you find the answers to questions you've been asking yourself
    for a long time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some information that you've been seeking for a long time might finally
    be unEarthed today through your diligent efforts, Gemini. This is going
    to increase your ability to take on whatever challenges you're planning
    to address. Your already sharp business acumen is likely to be enhanced
    by whatever you discover. Be prepared for a lot of hard work and continued success over the next few months.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Cancer, some volatile emotional matters that may have reared their heads
    over the past few days could finally be settled to the satisfaction of all involved. The subject of money may come up. Happiness reigns in the home,
    as all the members of your household are basically pleased with the way
    their lives are going. The appearance of some well-loved visitors may add
    to the contentment.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some solid, honest communication between you and those you love is likely
    to clear up some confusion. Roles are more clearly defined, emotional
    problems clarified, and chores are more fairly allotted. This is going
    to make a big difference in your daily life. The removal of relationship
    issues will guarantee that the atmosphere is more harmonious from now on.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you might feel the need to get as much done as possible. You're especially energetic, Virgo, and you have stamina and focus, and so you
    should be able to accomplish whatever you want. Tasks and chores you may
    have put off finally get done today. Don't work too hard, however. You
    will want to save some energy for tomorrow.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might need to do some of the less exciting chores involved with
    creative or artistic projects today, Libra. You're in the right frame
    of mind to get them done. Your efficiency is at a peak. A practical, no-nonsense manner marks all your interactions. By day's end you should
    feel more than satisfied with what you've done. You're apt to be prepared
    for the next phase of the project.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may have let household tasks and chores go for a few days, Scorpio,
    so today you might decide to get them all done at once. You have the
    energy and the stamina to do it. However, take care not to get too caught
    up in little details that only you tend to notice. This can keep you from getting the most important chores done.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Some letters and calls that you may have agreed to do for a group you're affiliated with might have to be taken care of today, Sagittarius. Don't
    be surprised if you spend a lot of your time on the phone. It might take
    a little persistence, as some of the people you need to reach may not be
    in. But you're likely to get everything done. Your determination is strong.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may need to take care of paperwork related to financial matters today, Capricorn. You will pay bills, make deposits, or balance checkbooks. Whatever you need to handle, you will get it done, and done well. You might even
    find that you're better off financially than you thought you were. In the evening, go to a movie and forget about money for a while.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, February 01, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 1, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Have you been thinking about attending a seminar of some kind, Aquarius, perhaps business related? You and a partner might go together. This is a
    good time to do this, as your thinking is particularly clear and retentive
    and you find it easier than usual to concentrate. Discussions with your
    partner afterward could be the icing on the cake. Tomorrow you will feel
    like you can take the world by storm.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Have you been working hard to attain optimal health, Pisces? If so, you may suddenly notice that your efforts are finally bearing fruit. You should
    feel especially fit and strong, though maybe a little lightheaded. You
    will want to increase your exercise, and you have the discipline to do so.
    Make the most of this drive while you can. Push yourself as hard as you
    can without stressing out.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A long-term love relationship may finally reach the point of total
    commitment, Aries. Intense feelings and words of love could suddenly come
    from your partner, which could take you by surprise but are no less welcome
    for that. Talk of a future together may result, but no concrete decisions
    will be made. Nor should they be. Don't push it. Bask in the glow of the promise of lasting love.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A meeting, perhaps related to finances, might take place at your
    home, Taurus. For the most part, the meeting will go well and you will accomplish what you want. Communication flows freely and agreements are
    easily reached. Bear in mind that someone has an agenda of their own that
    might not correspond with the interests of everyone else. Avoid discussing anything that should be kept confidential.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you're into writing, Gemini, this is the perfect day to sit down
    and churn out the words, even if it's only a letter to a friend. Your imagination is especially vivid, your expression clear and understandable,
    and your vocabulary skills especially acute. If this is a thesis or article, you may spend hours on it. Don't worry. It will be that much better for it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Do you have some paperwork regarding money that you've been putting off, Cancer? If so, this is a good day to get it out of the way once and for
    all. Your mind is especially sharp and your concentration strong, so you're less likely to be distracted or make mistakes. Take care of it first thing
    in the morning and then you can forget about it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Have you wanted to catch up on your reading, Leo? If so, this is definitely
    a good time to stay home, make yourself some tea, and curl up with a good
    book. If it's a novel, you will enjoy it thoroughly. If it's nonfiction,
    you will absorb the information quickly and retain more. If you're into writing, you might want to apply what you learn today to your own project.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Intuition and imagination combine with good common sense to enable you
    to accomplish just about anything today, Virgo. If you're into the arts,
    ideas could come to you in profusion. It will be easy to bring them into reality with a stroke of the pen or brush. The only problem might be
    deciding among them. It might be a good idea to sequester yourself and concentrate on your work.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Conversations with friends take on a more serious note, Libra. Spiritual matters and beliefs could come up, as could the more pressing mundane
    details of life. Whatever is discussed today could bring to the surface
    new ideas for making whatever you're working on move smoothly and quickly
    to success. Metaphysical ideas seem clearer and more down to Earth.
    Treat your friends to a nice meal.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    In case you're surrounded by a lot of people today, you can look forward to
    a very harmonious day, Scorpio. Your sensitivity is higher than usual, so
    you will be better able to understand others and be understood as well. As
    a result, you add another bond to your relationships, which will create happiness and joy in your heart.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Learning comes easily to you, Sagittarius, as your mind is especially sharp
    and retentive. Your intuition is usually high, but today it's especially
    acute, as is your concentration. Therefore, this is a great day to read
    or work on an art project. Set aside some time alone to contemplate. It
    may help you on a very deep level.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It should be easier than usual to concentrate on the practical aspects of finances, Capricorn. A keener mind combines with enhanced intuition to
    give you a special edge when it comes to making decisions on everything
    that concern money, so make the most of it while you can. Connect with
    the people you love tonight.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, February 02, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 2, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A quick survey of the financial news might reveal that your investments, particularly those involving property, might be worth far more than you thought, Aquarius. This might make you wonder if you should sit back and let
    it all mount up or actively put it to work for you. Consult a professional before taking any immediate action. You will want to be sure you're doing
    the right thing.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A message could come today from a business or romantic partner that
    brings some welcome news, Pisces. Action on an enterprise of some kind,
    perhaps involving writing or speaking, could put one or both of you in
    the limelight. Make the most of the opportunity. It could lead to future advancement and exposure, perhaps even more promising than this. You've
    worked hard and now you're reaping the rewards.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you can expect to have a highly interesting conversation with
    someone, Aries. The person you will be talking to is going to provide you
    with a ton of information that will open a whole new world of knowledge. Excitement and happiness will be with you all day. This conversation will
    have an impact on your future.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your physical and mental energy are exceptionally strong right now,
    Taurus. If you're creative, you will want to put that energy into a project that means a lot to you. If you're athletic, you will probably want to get outside and play a game or go for a jog or cardio class. Bear in mind that
    much of this energy is nervous energy that burns out quickly. Pace yourself.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A delivery could come to your house that you find very emotionally moving, Gemini. Perhaps you've received a gift that represents a big sacrifice to
    the giver, and was all the more sincere for that. This could be on your
    mind for most of the day even though you have a lot to do. When thanking
    the giver, be warm and sincere but not too effusive. You don't want to embarrass your friend.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A friend might drop by and want you to keep them company while they runs errands, Cancer. This might be a good idea, not only for the diversion
    from routine but also because something might happen in the course of
    these short journeys that points you in a new and very positive direction.
    Your mind could suddenly be flooded with ideas. Make the most of it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Paperwork regarding money might take up a lot of your time today, Leo. This
    can be tedious, but it's something that can make a very positive difference
    to you, and therefore needs to be handled as soon as possible. Try to stay focused, and don't forget to ask for clarification when you need it. In
    the evening, celebrate by going out on the town with a group of friends.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A subject that fascinates you could occupy much of your time today,
    Virgo. Questions may arise about this subject that you want answered
    now. Therefore, you could get into some in-depth research. This might have
    you trapped in the library or glued to the Internet until you either find
    what you want or pick up a few leads to places where you might find it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Emotions, impressions, and memories could come up from your subconscious
    today, Libra. This may preoccupy you and keep you from other matters. This
    is a positive development. Pleasant memories bring joy. Disturbing ones
    offer a release from past trauma. Write down your thoughts and then
    distract yourself by doing something you love. The significance of this
    process should come later.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Social events or group activities could prove more stimulating than usual, Scorpio. Discussions of every subject imaginable could take place around you, and you might have trouble deciding which ones you want to join. Your mind
    may be going the speed of light by the time the gathering ends. Walk home
    if time and weather permit. That should clear your head enough to let you
    sleep well.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your writing, speaking, and communicating skills are enhanced today, Sagittarius. Therefore, you can expect to impress a lot of people around
    you who will change their opinion about you. People will express their
    sympathy openly, and you will feel integrated and accepted throughout
    the day. Tonight, find a bookstore that's sponsoring a lecture and go.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Correspondence with someone who lives far away could appear to lead to something more than friendship, Capricorn. This person seems to be in
    total accord with you about nearly everything, and warm feelings could
    flow between you. However, if you haven't met in person, you should,
    at least before you get your hopes up for a relationship. It may be just
    what you've wanted - or it may not. Be careful.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, February 03, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 3, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A trip of some kind might have to be postponed, as computers and other technology involved in your arrangements might be temporarily out of
    operation. This can prove frustrating, Aquarius, but it's beyond your
    control. The best thing to do is make new arrangements and move on. For
    the most part, everything is going very well for you, so don't give in to panic. Hang in there.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some upsetting dreams might haunt you today, Pisces. They might evoke some uncomfortable emotional issues. You might be a bit edgy emotionally and
    more likely to overreact when other people quarrel or machines break down.
    It might be a good idea to analyze your dreams first thing in the morning
    so you can learn from and release them. That way you will be more balanced throughout your day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Machines are likely to pose a few problems today, Aries, particularly
    where work and money are concerned. An unforeseen problem might interfere
    with your social life, perhaps forcing you to cancel a get-together you've
    been anticipating. If the person you were supposed to meet protests, avoid taking out your frustrations on him or her. Make new arrangements. It's
    only a temporary situation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Obstacles may arise in the course of your chores when machines break down
    and interfere with your efficiency. Your frustrations may cause you to
    want to yell and throw things. If you must blow your top, Taurus, do it
    in such a way as to avoid causing upset to others. Go for a workout or
    jog. The machines will be fixed and the situation will pass. Hang in there.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Payment for work you've performed may not come when expected, Gemini, particularly if direct deposit is involved. The planetary energies today
    don't favor the smooth functioning of computers or other machines. This
    is a temporary setback and not worth stressing over. Don't give in to
    the temptation to lose your temper. All will be straightened out and your
    funds will be in their proper place.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Family members might not be in the best of moods today, Cancer. Frustration with machines or friends could have tempers on edge, so try to avoid the temptation to get into arguments. The problems will be resolved and the
    bad moods will pass. You don't want any residual bad feelings between you
    and them. This is a good day to get out and spend the day in the bookstore
    by yourself.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Problems in your community may result from malfunctioning machines. Be prepared, Leo. Have flashlights handy in case of a power outage, and walk instead of drive in case signals cause major traffic jams. Neighbors may
    be going crazy, but try to stay calm. This is a temporary situation, and
    not worth getting all stressed over. A good piece of advice is to spend
    the day reading.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Temporary upsets regarding money might result from a computer failure of
    some sort. Take care not to lose your temper over it, Virgo. Instead,
    remain calm, focused, and polite until everything is worked out. Your
    financial condition itself still looks very promising. It's just that the planetary energies don't favor machines today, so they may all go out of
    whack. Hang in there.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Computers and other equipment could go haywire today, limiting your abilities to work at maximum efficiency. Even though you're usually calm and laid
    back, Libra, today the ogre in you may be tempted to emerge. Don't let
    it. It will only cause tension between you and those around you. Stay calm
    and focused, call in a technician, and enjoy the break from your routine.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't try to sign up for a class over the phone or online today, Scorpio,
    as it probably won't work. This also isn't a good day to travel - delays
    are likely whether you fly or drive. If you've been planning a trip,
    don't finalize the arrangements now. Wait a few days, as computers and
    other equipment used in such arrangements are likely to malfunction,
    and you could end up frustrated.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    No matter what friends tell you, Sagittarius, this isn't the day to
    make an investment of any kind, from buying a house to starting a savings account. And this isn't a good day to invest online. The planetary energies don't favor computers or other forms of modern technology used in such transactions, so wait a day or two. Discussions about possibilities are OK. Just don't do it yet.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    More than one problem with modern equipment could rear its head today, Capricorn. Computers could malfunction, crash, or be maddeningly slow.
    You might also have a hard time reaching people you need to talk to. Don't
    be tempted to blow your top. That won't accomplish anything. Just call the technicians and get it handled. Tomorrow everything should be back to normal.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow, mist -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, February 04, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 4, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your focus today is likely to be on learning. Something you've wanted to
    study for a long time may finally be within your grasp. Perhaps money
    makes this possible, or you've finally settled on a workable course of
    action. Travel might be involved. If you've been thinking about going
    back to school, get everything started today. If you do, you will probably attain what you want. Go for it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you've been investing, look for it to pay off big. Or you could execute a new contract, settle a claim, or even win something. Expect the unexpected where money is concerned. It might have you reeling. In the past few weeks you've been releasing a lot of negative energy and clearing the way for
    today's good fortune. Plan to have some wonderful dreams tonight as well.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Plans for a social event that you were going to host in your home may have
    to be changed at the last minute. Even so, it should go very well. You're feeling exceptionally sociable now, Aries, not to mention romantic and
    sexy. If you aren't presently involved, expect to meet more than one possibility. If you are involved, anticipate events that will bring you
    closer to your partner.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An unexpected letter or call could totally turn your working situation in a
    new direction. This can be disconcerting, Taurus, but it's a very positive
    and fortunate development. Relations with colleagues should involve new
    respect and enthusiasm. By the end of the day, you will likely feel very
    good about the way your life is going. Don't expect it to be the same as
    it was this morning!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    For you, Gemini, relationships with other people should be going so well that you feel more loved than ever. A new friend or perhaps an old one you haven't seen in a while could suddenly become a powerful part of your life. You're probably feeling exceptionally innovative and more likely to make a success
    of whatever new ideas you have. Prepare for a busy and satisfying day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An unexpected opportunity could temporarily throw your life into disorder, Cancer, but you will see from the start that this is a definite stroke of
    good luck that you shouldn't let pass. It could involve money, a chance
    to move to your dream home, or relationships in some way. Whatever it is, you're definitely going to be happy about it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A lot of letters, calls, and other communications could skyrocket you into a new and unexpected space, Leo. If you've been thinking of trying your hand
    at writing or speaking, this is the day to work on it. All signs indicate
    good fortune will come your way at this time, though it might sneak up on
    you and leave you a bit disconcerted. Pull yourself together and go for it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Good fortune continues to come your way, Virgo, and your life may finally
    seem to be moving in the direction you wanted. Today, however, you may feel frustrated by a lot of minor, if somewhat bizarre, upsets. Dropping things, losing objects you just had in your hand, forgetting names - just about anything could happen. Try to see the humor in it and stay cool.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    All the planets are very fortunately aligned for you, and the coming weeks should be great, Libra. Minor irritations today could make you wonder,
    though. You might worry that this good fortune won't last. Don't work
    yourself into a panic. This all continues through the next six months.
    However, you may need to focus sufficient effort if you'd like to make it
    last for a long time.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may wonder why increased intuition has seemed to replace your usual
    logical self. An unexpected intellectual, spiritual, or metaphysical
    insight might come to you from another realm. It may seem so profound
    that you wonder if it really came from you. Write it down in detail.
    Whatever you come up with is going to keep you in the clouds all day,
    Scorpio. Don't trip or bump into anyone!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You should feel especially sociable today, Sagittarius. You might
    attend one or more events, or perhaps you will choose another type
    of group activity. Relationships of all kinds should prove satisfying
    and comforting. Expect to grow closer to the friends you have and meet
    new friends with whom you share many interests. You continue to meet professional, creative, and financial goals in a big way.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today an important goal might reach a point you've been aiming at for
    a long time. All those in your entourage have new respect for you. In
    fact, Capricorn, relationships of all kinds are warm, open, and honest,
    and you will probably enjoy the company of others immensely now. Romance,
    in particular, goes well. Feel free to indulge in a little celebration.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -4C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, February 05, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 5, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Discussions in a group you're affiliated with could get heated as
    disagreements escalate. A goal you've been working toward might finally
    near fulfillment, Aquarius, and tempers are short. You may avoid arguments,
    but the situation could still make you uncomfortable. You might decide to
    leave early and go for a workout or walk. This is a good idea. You will
    want to work off the frustration.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you could put a lot of energy into mundane chores and tasks, as you
    won't want them hanging over your head and interfering with your evening
    plans. As a result, Pisces, you might feel very stressed and your temper
    could be a bit short. Try to control it and avoid taking your frustrations
    out on others. Remember, you will have to face these people again.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You might be planning or leaving on a much-needed vacation now, and feeling very excited about it. Plans should go smoothly, Aries, so you're apt to
    get everything together with few glitches. Friends in distant places might
    ask you to visit or be planning visits of their own. The focus today is
    on expansion of your physical and mental horizons. Go for it, have fun,
    and take notes.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Ambitious plans for your future could necessitate your giving a lot
    of attention to practical matters, such as finances. This could be a
    drag, Taurus, but if you're serious about your ideas, it needs to be
    done. A friend, probably a man, could pitch in and help you make sense
    of everything. Don't try to get it all done today. Your mind could get overloaded, which might discourage you. Take it slowly.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The coming days promise a busy social time, Gemini. You might host a
    party at your home. You may feel terribly rushed and wonder if you will be
    able to get everything done. Don't worry. It will all come out all right. Friends or family members could prove invaluable in lending assistance. At
    some point, you might attend or take part in a sports event.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your energy level should be high today, Cancer, so you're going to feel restless and spend most of your time out and about. There might be some
    chores you need to get done at home, but family members should help and
    you're apt to finish them all quickly. Paperwork might need to be completed, which could be the slowest of all your tasks. Don't get frustrated. Handle
    it and then have fun this evening.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be looking forward to an evening with close friends, Leo, probably including a romantic partner. Occasions such as sporting events, movies,
    or concerts could be on your agenda. Activities involving children are
    also possible. Don't be surprised if you're inclined to sit quietly and
    let others do the talking. You might have a lot on your mind and need to
    let it stew for a while.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Members of your household may feel a bit restless today, and therefore
    might spend most of their time out and about. You might take advantage of everyone's absence to catch up on work you need to do alone, Virgo. This
    is going to be a busy day with lots of outside contact. Visitors might
    drop by and the phone could ring constantly. Don't be surprised if you
    don't get much done.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your neighborhood is likely buzzing with activity today, Libra. New
    neighbors could move in, improvements could be made, and new businesses
    could open their doors. Expect a lot of visitors and calls. A man with
    a child could play a big role in these events. At some point you might
    decide to walk down the street and check out what's happening. What you
    hear from others may not be accurate.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The promise of possible financial advancement could cause you to plunge
    into a lot of paperwork today. This could be related to a job, Scorpio,
    or it might involve a personal project that you've been working on. You
    might get so caught up in what you're doing that you lose your ability to
    focus and get too frazzled to finish. Remember to pace yourself and take
    breaks when you feel the need.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your physical energy is likely to be very high today, and you might
    want to spend most of your time out and about, probably in the company
    of others. You may attend a concert this evening or some other kind of entertainment that you really enjoy. There might be a slight delay in
    getting there, Sagittarius, but don't panic. You should arrive eventually.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a good day to spend some time alone, Capricorn. You may have projects you want to finish, and you have the energy to get a lot done. You could
    feel restless, but socializing might not be a good idea. Tempers may be
    short and frustrations high among those in your social circle. Quarrels
    might break out. Get out on your own, then work on whatever you want. This
    way you will enjoy your day.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, February 06, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, February 6, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    What meticulousness, Aquarius! You may feel a sudden, urgent need to
    take a close look at your financial situation, wardrobe, cupboards,
    or car. List the things you need to do in order to fix them over the
    next few days. You're going to spend your day taking inventory in your
    life. Why not? It's important to get a really good look at the reality
    of things occasionally.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be courting your lover today, Pisces. Whether you're in a
    relationship or starting one, you're in the mood to seduce your partner
    with a touch of sophistication. It's time to add to your natural charm -
    a seductive new scent, attractive outfit, or new haircut. Sometimes changing your appearance makes deeper personality changes than you expect.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You will get the most satisfaction today through your activities with others, Aries. So you should take the initiative and propose something you and
    your friends could do together. Be creative and think of something unusual, perhaps an outdoor activity like horseback riding, hiking, or an outing to
    an amusement park. Your friends will appreciate the thought you put into it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, today you will be like a good-luck charm to your family and
    friends. It's up to you to motivate people to get going and have fun
    together. Show them your enthusiasm for life. Anyone would be extremely
    lucky to cross your path today. Your world is full of joy, creativity,
    and laughter. You're a real inspiration to the people around you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you can't feed your artistic tendencies in the work you do, today is a
    good day to create a better balance and make your days more satisfying. Art isn't just for artists, Gemini. All you have to do is take the initiative
    to create something and you will see just how good it feels. Have you ever thought about writing a children's book? This is one idea, considering
    the planetary aspects.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Regardless of your gender, why not show a bit more virility in your relationships and actions? If you're dominated by your emotions, the day
    could be extremely trying for you. Protect yourself from your anxieties
    by talking things over with a friend or someone else close to you. This
    will help take some of the pressure off - that is, if that person knows
    how to be discreet.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you may feel a lot more energetic after a tiring past few days. When you're feeling good, everything's fine. You're feeling motivated again to
    get down and tackle the work that's waiting for you. If you have time to
    make some calls, don't be afraid to look for new prospects, because today promises some very beneficial partnerships in your professional or even spiritual life.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It may be difficult to get people to listen to you at the moment,
    Virgo. The people around you may even be annoyed at hearing all of your
    new ideas. The stars are pushing you to change your tactics before you
    alienate everyone. You won't get anywhere unless you're cleverer about
    getting your ideas across. Be subtle and you will have more success.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may not have been taking very good care of yourself lately, Libra. The planetary aspects are encouraging you to be a little more disciplined in
    your lifestyle. Don't overwork, don't drink too much coffee, and try to eat lighter meals. Anything you do for yourself today could have very quick, healthy effects. Think about this as you go for a run at lunchtime or go
    to bed early tonight.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    What would happen if you decided to take care of yourself today,
    Scorpio? This is what the planets are trying to tell you. You need to relax,
    to let yourself be taken care of, and close your eyes and dream. Leave
    the daily tasks behind. You need peace and quiet. Lie down and release all
    your worries. You don't need to act and you don't need to react. Just relax.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is an intense phase of interior modification, both physically and psychologically. Don't hesitate to padlock your refrigerator and avoid your favorite stores, Sagittarius. You need to exert a bit more self-control as
    far as eating or spending is concerned if you want to get back into shape physically and mentally. Have you been overdoing it a little lately? Perhaps you regret it now.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The period you're in now is about getting ahead, Capricorn. If you've been dissatisfied with some aspect of your career over the last few months,
    don't wait any longer to do something about it. Things aren't going to
    get better all by themselves. You need to remold your reality to fit your
    goals and aspirations. This would be a perfect day to ask for a raise if
    you feel you deserve one.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light freezing drizzle, mist -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, February 07, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 7, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may feel like you need to work for a cause or political party,
    Aquarius. The period you're in right now is bringing you closer to social issues or humanitarian causes and pushing you to think about what you can
    do for people less fortunate. You can help develop a new strategy as far
    as human relations are concerned. Don't hesitate to listen to your heart
    and be a little more generous in life.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Unfortunately, Pisces, this may be a period of conflict and tension in your family life, especially where siblings are concerned. Don't you think it's
    time to deal with these problems once and for all? It would be nice to build
    a new relationship with them. It might be painful, but it's up to you to take the first step. Call a family meeting and put all your cards on the table.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You now seem to be able to do everything you want to do, Aries. Things are going well as you reap the rewards of important past decisions you made. The obstacles that tended to get in your way are history now. Your family is
    happy and healthy. Your success is encouraging you to make plans for the future. It also enables you to look forward to much better days for you
    and those close to you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You need to be more spontaneous, Taurus, and stop trying to organize
    other people's lives. You will see that it isn't so hard to just let
    things happen. The unexpected also has a special charm. You're a slave
    to routine. You need to take a big bite out of life and put your trust in chance for a while. The people around you would like to see more originality
    in your personality. Listen to them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're a hard worker, Gemini, and you expect the same from the people
    around you. Today you may want to take a look at your personal and work relationships. Demanding person that you are, you may be concerned about
    the quality of your friendships. Don't be afraid to separate good from
    bad. Life is too short to devote your energy to bad relationships.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Watch for any errors in orientation or strategic mistakes, Cancer. You may
    be having some communication problems with almost everyone today. You feel
    like whatever you say falls on deaf ears and that no one really wants to
    listen to you. Don't get frustrated. Relax and see it with humor. Just be
    an observer for one day and see what happens.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    At the moment, there's a great deal of electricity in the air, especially in your life at home. Ignore those people who try to provoke you. Don't get involved in conflicts that could degenerate into fights. Go somewhere
    to be alone. Reenergize by really listening to your desires, feelings,
    and instincts. Why not spend the afternoon in a museum, for example?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If people say that you're stubborn when you're just determined, let them
    talk, Virgo, and do what you need to do. However, when you think you're
    being determined but you're actually being obstinate, you may want to
    listen to the people around you. They don't tell you to calm down because they're jealous of you but because they care about you. They may not know
    that you hate to lose.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It's time to face up to certain things about yourself that you may
    have denied for some time, Libra. You have only yourself to answer to,
    so relax. You aren't the first one to have to deal with old issues that probably aren't as shameful as you think. You don't have to be proud of
    them. You can't keep hiding them from yourself. This could cause more
    problems than dealing with them once and for all.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It scares you when life seems like it's slipping through your fingers and
    you can't slow it down. But it isn't life that's playing tricks on you. You aren't seeing things as clearly as you should be. You feel a little left
    out, but don't worry. You're just out of energy. Try and think of this
    empty feeling inside as a kind of purification or a much-needed break
    from everything.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    When you were younger, your humanity and generosity seemed limitless. You
    felt very involved in the world and what was going wrong with it. Today
    you may remember these great dreams. It may be time to make some of those dreams come true. It would be especially beneficial to you if you could
    somehow connect this to the work you do for a living. It's never too late
    to make a dream come true.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You've always been sensitive to the pain of an unhappy childhood,
    Capricorn. Today you can no longer stand the thought of all those children living in misery, victims of war or other atrocities. And this becomes especially painful when you take a look at the happy children full of joy around you. You may think that it's time for you to do something about it.
    You may be right.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, February 08, 2025 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 8, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You and your friends may have been planning a party for some time. Now you realize it's entirely up to you to actually make things happen, Aquarius. It seems that if you're going to get anywhere, you need to take charge and delegate responsibility. You like to be in this position. Your great creative mind could give you a load of ideas for a party that no one will forget.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Luck is finally on your side, Pisces. And you deserve it, because you really worked hard to get these results in your life. In astrology, as in life,
    you can't succeed just by sheer luck. Success is often the result of a lot
    of energy you expend or something you may have changed on the inside. So continue to give off the positive energy that's responsible for your success.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The stars are pushing you to accept more responsibility in your life. In
    fact, you may not think you can do it, but everything will work out just
    fine. At the moment, you seem to have a special gift for leading other
    people, making decisions, and doing whatever is necessary to finish up
    group projects. It's too bad - you really underestimate yourself!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You seem to have the bad habit of putting off until tomorrow what you
    can do today, Taurus, especially those little daily things that seem to
    pile up, like writing letters, paying bills, getting a health checkup,
    or cleaning the house. However, today is a great day to deal with these monotonous tasks, so seize the moment.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    When you least expect it, success comes into your life. You can say
    goodbye to the dreariness of daily routine, fears, and changing moods.
    You're now entering a period of wonderful good luck and success. All this
    comes despite the fact that sometimes you might lack confidence in yourself. That doesn't matter anymore, because success is on your side from now on.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Life just seems to be smiling on you at the moment, Cancer. Some sort of mystical force has entered your life and is enriching your contact and with other people. It allows you to make a success of anything you undertake.
    Luck is really on your side, and you're on cloud nine. Have you made
    friends with the angels up there yet?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    At the moment, Leo, the planets are aligned in a way that encourages communication and the written word. Therefore, you may feel like taking
    the plunge and writing that book you've been thinking about for a long
    time. It will probably be a great success. You're very gifted when it
    comes to this kind of creative activity. Go for it and stop making excuses!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    For a while now, you've wanted to change something about your lifestyle
    or behavior toward the people you love, Virgo. You want your life to go
    in a new direction, but you don't want to upset the people around you.
    Maybe your friends and family want the same thing for you. Do away with
    your preconceived notions about things and let yourself go with this idea.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The period just ahead of you promises a lot of luck and success. The initiatives you will take in your career or personal life will come off
    without a hitch. You should think about trying some kind of new activity on
    a professional level. Take advantage of all the good luck in the air. Don't
    be afraid to burn the candle at both ends now and live life to the fullest.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    After a recent financial problem, you've decided to take the bull by
    the horns and do what you need to do. You're used to being in control of
    a situation, and small financial worries aren't going to get you down.
    After all, money isn't everything. On top of your ability to react to a problem, your originality and self-sacrificing attitude will help you deal
    with this situation.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're entering a positive period of calm and vitality, Sagittarius. There's
    a harmonic atmosphere. You feel very close to the people you love, and they will show you just how much they care about you. Don't try and understand
    the unexpected nature of the wonderful vibe around you. Just live life to
    the fullest today. Good things don't always last forever

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Certain people close to you are very demanding today. They may ask you
    to deal with thankless tasks that use up your precious energy. Avoid
    spreading yourself too thin if you want to reach your goals. Usually
    you aren't afraid of anything. Nothing can get in your way. From now on,
    take the time to think about things before you act, Capricorn. That way,
    your dreams will come true more quickly.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, February 09, 2025 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 9, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Friends or a group with which you're affiliated could want you to help them formulate a workable plan for advancement. You're in just the right frame
    of mind for this, Aquarius, and therefore willing to roll up your sleeves
    and pitch in. You might be the center of attention at some point, perhaps sharing your skills with associates. Don't forget your own goals. They
    could be advanced today, too.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Career interests are advanced through clear, logical thinking and the sound application of good business sense. Financial interests look especially promising now, Pisces, so seize any opportunities for advancement that come your way. Working with others is likely to prove profitable, and could
    bring you closer to them, too. Roll up your sleeves and go to it. The
    results could surprise you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Social events, perhaps business related, could put you in touch with people
    in fascinating fields or from foreign countries, Aries. Logical thinking and
    a philosophical attitude enhance your communicative gifts, so people will be drawn to you to hear what you say. You could make important contacts. Take notes. This evening could be a key turning point for your future plans.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Ideas and insights coming from deep within your psyche are likely to increase your effectiveness in whatever work you do today, Taurus. Your mind is particularly practical and logical. When coupled with an increased intuition, these abilities are invaluable. You might be most effective working solo,
    but if that isn't possible, you should still accomplish whatever you set
    out to do, and do it well.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you could attend more than one social event, Gemini. Some of your professional colleagues will probably be there. Conversations are going
    to focus primarily on business development and the economy in general. A
    lot of useful information could result from social contacts with others
    in your field. Write it all down. You will want to remember it so you can
    make use of it later.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You tend to prefer intellectual and philosophical rather than practical pursuits, Cancer, but today you may feel especially practical and more
    inclined to want to get as many routine tasks out of the way as you can.
    This could involve chores around the house that you've neglected for a
    few days. Other members of your household could pitch in. Go to it. You
    will be glad you did.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An older person you're very fond of could visit or call and ask for your
    advice on practical matters. Clear and logical thinking enhances your intuition, Leo, and you might be able to put this ability to work not only
    for your friend but also for yourself. Your own interests will be advanced today in some way, so expect a good day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Logical and focused thinking could lead to social, career, or financial advancement. Your organizational ability and industry are keener than usual, Virgo. You're likely to be able to make sense of murky matters that might
    not have been clear before. Paperwork could prove challenging, but you
    will be able to get through it today where yesterday you might have found
    it too daunting.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might be feeling very communicative today, Libra. Concentration,
    logical thinking, and a heightened ability to put ideas into words enhance
    your own communicative abilities. Therefore, your gift of getting directly
    to the point in any matter is likely to clear previously clogged channels, impress others, and increase your self-confidence.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    To those around you, you might appear to be your usual logical, rational
    self, Scorpio. Actually, you may be drawing a lot of your ideas and insights from deep within your psyche. You're probably drawing on experiences from
    your past, even if you aren't consciously aware of it. Even though the
    source is unorthodox, whatever you come up with is likely to have a lot
    of practical value.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    To friends and colleagues, you may seem to have suddenly acquired acute business sense. Your experience has joined with knowledge acquired from
    others to enable you to formulate practical ideas for advancement. You
    may have lost faith in your goals, but now they seem more attainable. What you've wanted for a while could be within your grasp. You could make some
    real progress.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you're likely to experience a heightened level of intuition and how
    to use it, Capricorn. This could mean advancing a career, furthering a
    personal goal, or helping a friend. Right now you may be especially good
    at sizing up people, and you're instinctively aware of how to deal with
    them. Make use of this ability while you can, because right now it could
    lead to success and good fortune.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, February 10, 2025 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 10, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may contemplate changes in your home. They could be physical,
    like redecorating, refurnishing, or remodeling. Or someone could move
    in or out. Whatever the change, it's likely to be fortunate. If you're
    thinking of such a change, you can proceed confidently. You should be
    feeling especially inspired now, so be creative and manifest whatever has
    been on your mind for some time.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you aren't currently romantically involved, Pisces, today you
    might suddenly see an old friend or neighbor in a new light. This can
    be thrilling, but it might not be a good idea to do anything about it
    just yet. You're feeling especially sensual today, and therefore any attraction you feel could pass by tomorrow. If you're presently involved, schedule a romantic evening with your partner.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your financial situation could undergo some positive upheaval now, probably
    as the result of a career advance. This process is likely to continue today, Aries, as social events put you in touch with valuable contacts. It might
    be a good idea to listen to others today and not try to voice ideas of your
    own or make any decisions. Too much input could lead to mental overload
    and a lack of focus.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A powerful desire for change could have you thinking of traveling, Taurus,
    or perhaps relocating to a distant state or foreign country. Friends who
    live far away could be trying to convince you to join them. This isn't a
    minor decision. It requires careful thought. You might be tempted to act impulsively, but wait for a while. In a few days, you will know if the
    change is right for you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Some vivid and interesting dreams could bring a lot of repressed memories up and force you to confront them. This could be a bit disconcerting, Gemini,
    but still positive. Psychological obstacles to financial success and romantic happiness could be cleared away, which could change your life. It's vital
    that you write down your dreams. You won't want to miss out on this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A transformation in your circle of friends could occur today and change your life, Cancer. Someone exciting could move in nearby, and you could hit it
    off. Expect stimulating conversations and fascinating new information. If
    you aren't currently involved, this person could be a potential romance. At least you will make a new friend. Take a close look and don't initiate
    things too quickly.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Opportunities to do well-paying creative work could come to your attention today, Leo, perhaps online. You will probably like it, as it may give
    you freedom. Whether you actually want to try it or not depends on your situation. You might want to get some chores done around the house today
    in order to leave free time tomorrow for whatever you want to do. Something exciting might happen.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Virgo, you probably feel especially sexy and passionate now. You may
    enjoy browsing through catalogues of rich fabrics or furniture. Erotic
    novels could also appeal to you. If you're currently involved, you may
    want to spend the evening alone with your partner. If you aren't, don't be surprised if you attract someone new. Either way, you will draw admiring glances from strangers.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Legal matters should definitely work in your favor today, particularly any involving property. You're likely to feel positive about life, Libra, and
    your home life should be especially gratifying. Sex and romance also could
    be on your mind. If you can get together with a lover, you will probably
    grow quite a bit closer. Artistic projects, particularly regarding the home, should also go well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A call from a romantic partner could lead to an intimate get- together, Scorpio. It's likely to be highly gratifying emotionally and bring you
    closer together. Passionate poetry and sexy novels could especially appeal
    to you right now. If you're into writing, you could channel your rush of sensuality into producing results that are so well thought out that they surprise even you. Get started!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Creative projects that you may have been working on for a while could
    prove especially ego boosting, Sagittarius. You're doing a great job. A
    change of employment and increase in income may be in the works. If you
    don't feel passionate about what you're doing, expect the chance to become involved in an enterprise that you do feel strongly about. New ideas and opportunities could change your life.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're an appealing person, Capricorn, but today you could project more magnetism than ever. Don't be surprised if you draw admiring glances
    from strangers you pass in the street. Romance should be going very well
    for you. A hot date with a current or potential love partner could take
    place tonight. You might also be feeling especially artistic and inspired. Consider this a gift and use it.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 08:00:58
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 11, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Aggressive people may interfere with your plans today, Aquarius, so don't
    get too upset if things don't work out the way you want them to. Let this
    be an exercise in learning how to think and act on your feet. Remember that
    you can play this game as well as others. Deliver an unexpected surprise
    right back and see how they deal with it. Perhaps you can learn something.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It's hard to keep your balance when a big rock suddenly falls on one side
    of the scale, Pisces. Resolving the matter isn't as hard as you think,
    because this rock has been dropped there as a gift. Even though it might
    be shocking at first, there's an important message in this surprise. The
    tricky part is figuring out what it is.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Like a team of pickpockets in a crowd, a group may have its eyes on you and secretly scheme to take advantage of your innocence, Aries. One may work
    to distract you with something playful and harmless, while the others work behind your back to secretly steal your valuables. Stay aware of yourself
    and your belongings at all times.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Opportunity is the name of the game for you, Taurus. Don't turn out
    the lights before you make sure you've explored all your options today. Inspiration may come in a flash of unexpected thought, so make sure you
    have a pad and pencil handy. A good idea could be disguised as something insignificant, but if anyone is able to see the potential in something,
    it's you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you may be asked to choose between the old and the new, Gemini. It's
    as if people are protesting in some manner and you're being asked to join
    in the ranks of those wishing to see change. Make sure you honestly assess
    all the available information before you automatically dismiss the situation
    as foolish. You should seriously consider lending a hand to the fight.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your inner strength and courage are tremendous today. You will find that
    people naturally gravitate toward you, Cancer. Accept this flood of energy
    and put it to good use however you see fit. A spark of genius may hit
    you sometime during the day. It will have you up all night working on a
    new invention.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Wear the striped shirt and polka-dot pants today, Leo. The more you clash
    with the outside world the better. You may feel wildly out of place at
    first, but you will begin to see the beauty, importance, and respect you
    hold by standing out from the crowd. This attitude change will do you good.
    You may see a whole new way of living.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you don't understand something, ask, Virgo. If it looks different to you, ask why that is. Your curiosity is high, especially when it comes to the unconventional, and even more if it's revolutionary. The rebel in you will
    feel new purpose, and you may be tempted to throw a stick in the spokes
    of an old carriage that continues to head down the same old boring path.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may be shaken to the core today by someone of great personal
    magnetism, Libra. Maybe you feel as if you're being overshadowed because
    of the grandiose ideas and mountains of information coming from this
    person. Perhaps you feel you're too slow. Did you ever think that someone
    is going too quickly? Don't automatically think that you're the one who
    needs to change gears.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your internal computer just got upgraded today and your head is buzzing
    with all kinds of new information, Scorpio. The good news is that you
    should be able to process all these bytes at lightning speed. Act swiftly
    and with great confidence. You can do anything. You could even talk your
    way into the White House for dinner.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a bit lonely today, Sagittarius, even if there are people all around you. It may seem like everyone's on a different plane. Maybe you
    think you have nothing in common with others - even those you generally
    feel closest to. You may be apprehensive about what they think of you after
    you tell them what you're really thinking or feeling. Don't let this stop
    you from making your thoughts known.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a climactic time for you, Capricorn. All your yearly cycles have reached a critical juncture. You may feel as if you're at a point of
    tremendous victory or terrible failure. Either way, it's important that
    you look on this time as a celebration that you've made it this far. Make changes where necessary and continue to reevaluate your progress over the
    next few months.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 12, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may feel a bit protective today, Aquarius, and with good reason. Others
    are likely to be aggressive when it comes to moving in on your territory. Be strong. Assure yourself as well as those in your charge that everything
    will be fine. Take reasonable precautions, but don't completely close
    yourself off to the outside world. That knock at the gate could just as
    easily provide much-needed help.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may be a bit confused today, Pisces. More than likely, it will
    be hard for you to get an accurate read on your emotions. One of your
    automatic responses in situations like this is to turn to a close partner
    for advice. Unfortunately, this advice may throw you into even more of
    a tailspin. What you need more than anything is to spend quality time alone.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Secure your emotions and make sure you're set in your mind before you take action today, Aries. This is a terrific time to get things started. Following through to completion shouldn't be a problem. The difficult part is taking
    that first step. This can be easily done on a day like today, so don't
    miss this opportunity when your intuitive sense is extra keen.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Break through the potential moodiness of the day, Taurus. Burst into song
    while walking down the street. Encourage others to sing back to you, as
    if your life were an opera. Your creativity is extra strong at this point,
    so let it shine in unexpected areas of your world. You have the wonderful ability to turn even the most mundane situations into something exciting.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be plagued with restlessness, Gemini, to the point that you may
    not be able to get anything done. If you sense that this is happening to
    you even in the slightest degree, stop whatever you're doing and take a
    break. Your work isn't worth the sacrifice of your sanity. Consider going
    to a spa or call up a friend with a hot tub so you can soak in some warm, relaxing water for a while.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Be careful of exerting your will too strongly toward someone who really
    isn't receptive to it, Cancer. Be conscious of other people's feelings. Be gentle when it comes to love and romance. You have a yellow light, which
    means that it's OK to proceed. Be careful that the other person is receptive
    to your advances. Don't come across as too aggressive and end up making
    a fool of yourself.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Overall, this should be a pretty good day for you, Leo, as long as you
    don't get overly sensitive about certain things. Your awareness is bound to
    be extra sharp today, so use this ability to stay alert and open to what's going on around you. Perhaps you're feeling a bit restless when it comes to matters of the heart. This is telling you to stop fidgeting and take action.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is one day in which your heart pounds with excitement. For some reason, Virgo, there's a quiet voice inside warning that you may be getting yourself into a great deal of trouble. An enthusiastic approach toward love may be necessary, but this may not be the best day to act. People are too sensitive and not necessarily that impressed with your potentially abrasive demeanor.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Be more aggressive when it comes to your intentions in a romantic situation, Libra. It would be a great idea to impress your lover with a delicious home-cooked meal on a night like this. Put a bit more passion into the
    equation and relight the spark that might have recently gone out. Don't hesitate to be the instigator in love.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It would be a good idea to socialize with others today in a comfortable, open setting. Say what you feel instead of just concentrating on what you think, Scorpio. Be just as good a listener as you expect others to be for you. Join
    a writing circle or take a painting class. Your creativity is looking for
    an outlet today, so you might as well share this gift among friends.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Stick with what comes naturally, Sagittarius. If something feels difficult
    or abrasive, this is a sign that your energy is better used elsewhere. But don't turn away until you're sure that what you're facing is actually a combative force instead of your own skewed sense of reality. You could be overly sensitive about a given situation and thereby making up scenarios
    that don't even exist.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your heart may feel extra loving today, Capricorn, which is good, since
    you will probably need it. There is most likely someone close to you who
    needs a lift of some sort. You may be like the tow truck that arrives to
    pull a car out of the ditch. Be careful when you hook up the chains. Don't scratch the bumper or pull too hard all at once!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, February 13, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, February 13, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A phone call may come from someone you know is prone to gossip,
    Aquarius. This person may have a lot to say, but be sure you take it with
    a grain of salt, if not the whole shaker. Your skepticism could prove invaluable in this respect. If what this person says is important, check
    out the facts before passing it on or taking any action. Chances are it's exaggerated or completely false.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The desire to make a major purchase of some kind, perhaps a luxury item,
    might have you counting your pennies today, Pisces. Once they're all
    counted, you might doubt the wisdom of buying it now. This isn't the day
    to make a decision either way. Wait a few days and you should see things
    more clearly and have a better grasp of the situation.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Worries about a household member could plague you today, Aries. This person might have gone away without telling anyone, or seem upset. Your friend
    is probably OK but at odds with someone outside the household rather than
    in it. Let this person work it out in whatever way they see fit. Your
    companion will share with you when the time is right.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A sibling or neighbor may tell you one thing, Taurus, while your intuition tells you the opposite. This isn't a vindictive deception. The person
    is probably trying to spare your feelings. Perhaps it's better not to
    challenge this person. Wait until you know more before bringing up the
    subject. You don't want to cause a rift between the two of you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A friend who's having money problems might dump all their woes on you today, Gemini. Your inclination isn't to be very sympathetic, but hold back that tendency. The situation is real, and your friend is very worried and needs solutions more than criticism or sympathy. Your common sense and practical nature could be invaluable right now. Offer to listen.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Have you been given a task to do at work that hasn't been explained
    properly, Cancer? If so, you may feel at a loss. What to do? It's best
    to go back to the person who assigned the work and ask for more details.
    This could be temporarily humbling, but remember, it's better to ask a
    stupid question than to make a stupid mistake. Don't move ahead until you
    know exactly what you need to do.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're probably excited about a forthcoming journey, Leo, but you may be unclear about the arrangements. Don't let this situation persist or your
    trip might not work out the way you hope. Get in touch with people who
    know what's what and get as much information as you can. Then you will
    know it all before you get on that plane.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A dream or insight might find you questioning one of your long- held goals, Virgo. Perhaps you've formulated another goal you like better, or you're beginning to doubt the workability of the old one. This probably isn't a
    good day to make a decision of any sort. Your thinking may not be as rational as it usually is. Write down your options and return to it in a day or two.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Someone at work may be upset, Libra, and not inclined to communicate their feelings to anyone else. This might cast a pall over the atmosphere. You
    may wonder if this person is upset with you, but chances are it has a lot
    more to do with the job than you. Make use of your ability to concentrate,
    and don't let this get in your way. It isn't worth the trouble.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some unsettling news from far away could have you stressed out, Scorpio. This might affect your work if you aren't careful. Your mind may stray back and forth from work to the news and its implications. Stay focused. All signs
    are that whatever you've heard is likely to be far less troublesome than
    it appears right now. Don't fly off the handle until you know the facts.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're likely to be in a good space right now, Sagittarius. If you're
    single, you're in no hurry to change that. If you're involved, you and your partner should be getting along very well. However, you might experience a little doubt when a current or potential partner becomes uncommunicative.
    Your friend probably has money worries. Let him or her know you're there
    to listen, then back off.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A visitor may come over today, Capricorn, but you might wonder why this
    person bothered. He or she may seem distracted and more inclined to listen
    to what you say than offer any conversation. Chances are that your friend
    felt lonely and needed some company. Be flattered. Don't be afraid to
    launch into a monologue about something you find fascinating. It may be
    just what your friend needs.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny -2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, February 14, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 14, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The bizarre nature of the day may leave you feeling a bit bewildered,
    Aquarius. Don't sweat it. Focus on your romantic nature and incredibly nurturing heart. Use your instinctive healing abilities to care for a close friend in need. Today is an especially good day to connect with others and openly share your feelings. Confide in people you trust. Consider calling
    your mom.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You will be in an especially affectionate and loving mood today,
    Pisces. Your romantic nature is heightened and your nurturing qualities
    are strong. You're extra sensitive and receptive. You might find that you
    have no problem communicating your truest feelings to others. Connect with those you feel especially close to, and enjoy an intimate evening.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Annoyances of daily life may rub you the wrong way today, Aries. Other
    people's strong opinions and odd quirks may be difficult to swallow and
    your fuse may be a bit shorter than usual. Emotions could also run high,
    and you may do battle with the feelings in your own heart. Perhaps someone
    you care about deeply is creating unnecessary friction in your relationship.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Be open and honest about your feelings toward others today, Taurus. Your receptive nature should be ready. Take a break and let others come to
    you. Unexpected events may pop out of nowhere. Opportunities for new growth
    in love and romance are definitely at your fingertips as long as you're
    ready to receive them. Don't try to force the issue if the time and place aren't right. Let it flow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your heart beats extra strong today, Gemini, but it may not seem like
    anyone knows it but you. You may feel like you aren't really fitting in
    with the energy of the day. Don't get down on yourself for it. Realize
    that not everything is going to go according to your plans. Let things
    come to you. The unexpected is bound to happen, so don't try to resist
    the impending change.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is a fantastic day for you, Cancer. Join close friends and share a
    night on the town and fine meal. This is a chance to begin a new cycle of romance. Reflect on past relationship problems, examine their causes, and
    toss them away so you can invite in a new, uplifting energy for the next
    cycle of romance. Start a new relationship or strengthen the one you're in.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your warm, sensitive nature is perfectly suited to today's aspects,
    Leo. Your emotional energy is strongly tied to your heart, and you will
    find that there's a longing to be close to others. Indulge in conversation
    with close friends and let your imagination run wild. Your creativity
    is especially piqued today, so start an art project or write a song that inspires or perhaps changes the world.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You will enjoy a great deal of affection from others today, Virgo. You
    radiate an air of love and beauty. Love will come in strong, erratic bursts
    and you should be on the alert to expect the unexpected. New people will
    pop out of the woodwork to share their feelings. All group activities are favored, and you're sure to be the life of any party.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your heart may be especially sensitive today, Libra. You may feel a bit vulnerable. Your romantic nature is particularly strong, so treat yourself
    to a pampered evening, including a good meal with someone you love.
    All relationships with women will go smoothly now. You might want to give
    your mother a call if you haven't spoken with her in a while. She would
    love to hear from you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    All aspects of love and romance will go especially well today, Scorpio. You might take this opportunity to make a bold move toward the object of
    your affection. Go with an unconventional approach and move fearlessly.
    Your relationships will go well. Nurture your romantic side and communicate your feelings. Love will act suddenly and unexpectedly. Go with the flow.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your connection with others is especially strong today, Sagittarius. You
    will enjoy an important nurturing role. Reconnect with your mother and
    let her know how you're feeling. Curl up with loved ones tonight and
    surprise someone with a romantic gesture. Try something unconventional.
    Your feelings may be strong and erratic. You may be feel like pulling back
    into your protective shell. If so, do it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might feel especially playful today, Capricorn. You can expect to
    feel a great deal of love and affection from others. Be aware that you
    will have a strong tendency to indulge in food and drink, so try to keep
    things in moderation. You may have an aversion to work and lack self- discipline. Overcome this by looking forward to intimate plans with
    someone tonight.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -12C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, February 15, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 15, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A romantic evening at home with your partner could bring you two closer together, Aquarius. Your emotions are intense right now, however, so you need to use your intuition to judge exactly how much of your feelings you should reveal. An intellectual passion could also come your way. You might discover
    a new field of interest, and you will want to study it at home for hours.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Information received from far away could compel you to learn more about
    the subject, Pisces. You might be inspired to use your new knowledge in
    a project that includes a partner. Your mind is insightful now. If you
    face decisions, this is definitely the day to follow your heart. Don't be surprised if you also find your telepathic abilities expanded.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Money matters may be advanced through using your intuition and inner power today, Aries. You might have a hunch that your idea for making extra money might just work. Look into it at least. Don't let anyone talk you out of
    it until you know the facts. You might also rediscover a long-neglected
    talent that you find useful now.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A surge of inner power could make you feel like you can move mountains,
    Taurus. If you've been contemplating actions that others believe impossible, this is the day to get them going. Career matters, romance, and creative projects could all be advanced today by careful effort on your part.
    Give it some thought, write down your ideas, consider all contingencies,
    and move ahead.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Memories from your distant past could resurface today, Gemini. You may
    wonder why you're suddenly thinking about them, but they probably represent
    a release of old emotional hang-ups that have been holding you back.
    By midafternoon you should feel more focused, determined, and ready to
    take on anything. This is definitely a great day to start a new project
    or complete an old one.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today represents a new beginning in many ways. An old friend could
    reappear in your life and bring up memories that are both pleasant and disconcerting, Cancer. Don't worry too much about this. It probably
    represents a needed release. You may also get involved with a group that
    has goals you embrace. New friends could also come your way. Expect a few surprises from all sides today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Emotions could be running high, Leo. Someone in your entourage may have a problem with an authority figure and political issues could come up. You're likely to feel especially powerful now, and so you might be tempted to
    throw your hat in the ring. It's better to stay out of anything political
    and channel that power and passion into your own project. That's likelier
    to bring positive results.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Heightened mental powers might make you spend a lot of time reading or
    doing research of some kind, Virgo. Your curiosity is especially sharp
    right now. You might even consider advancing your education somehow,
    especially since new interests have been popping up for some time. New
    friends in fascinating fields might also have started you thinking. This
    is a good time to look into this.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Libra, your intuition might increase today to the point where you feel
    like you could deduce the thoughts and motives of people you've never met before. Reading the news might bring you sudden insights as to how things
    are going to turn out. You could decide to put this ability to work to
    advance your financial condition. Do this if you can - within reason. Your insights are probably correct.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You should be feeling especially passionate now, Scorpio, especially
    regarding partnerships. Romantic partnerships definitely call for an
    evening alone together. Professional and creative ones, on the other hand,
    call for a new project that you both believe in. Look to events in distant states or foreign countries for inspiration. Something begun far away from
    home could capture your imagination.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    If you haven't been feeling like yourself lately, Sagittarius, a surge of
    inner power could push you over the top and make you feel strong and healthy again. You could decide to complete all your unfinished tasks today. You
    could get most of them done by day's end. Don't forget to take time out
    to enjoy yourself. You want to make the most of your newfound strength.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A surge of passion could dominate your day unless you find an outlet for
    it, Capricorn. Romantic passion is high, so an intimate evening with a
    lover is a good idea. Creative passion is strong. You could have a sudden inspiration, perhaps influenced by a distant place. Don't be afraid to
    take time from your mundane chores to pursue this inspiration. Creativity
    is as important as anything else.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, February 16, 2025 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 16, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Some rather depressing information could come to you today from far away, Aquarius. This is less likely to be about your immediate situation
    or circle of friends than it is about something social or political
    in nature. It's probably the subject of a lot of talk around you. You
    might need to run some errands in your community, but for some reason you can't. Relax. Tomorrow should be fine.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You've been working hard to improve your financial situation, Pisces. You
    might be on the verge of attaining what you want, but temporary obstacles
    could get in your way. You could be in a bit of a panic, wondering if this means you will never get where you want to be. Don't worry. That isn't the case. You just need to assess the situation and figure out what to do to
    get over this hurdle.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A partner might be feeling rather down and need you to cheer him or
    her up, Aries. Too many social invitations could come your way today.
    You may have to turn one of them down. You may not be in the mood for socializing and need to be alone to organize your thoughts. One of the
    events could be business related and you may feel obligated to go. Put in
    an appearance. Don't feel compelled to stay long.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might enjoy planning to have some visitors stay with you for a
    while, Taurus. Worry about developments on the job or unfinished chores of
    your own might have you feeling a bit stressed and under the weather. You
    need to look at your situation objectively. It isn't all that bad, just something that needs to be done. Get it handled and then reward yourself somehow.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A friend could be depressed and need your advice, Gemini. Some long-held, cherished goals that you've been working toward could be temporarily blocked, causing you to wonder if they will ever come to fruition. Don't waste
    any time lapsing into negative thoughts. Assess what needs doing and do
    it. This is only a temporary situation. You will get through it, but it's
    up to you how quickly.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some professional colleagues might be coming to visit, Cancer, and you may
    not be looking forward to it. You could be worried. How will it go? Will you make a good impression? Don't drive yourself crazy. It will be fine. Family members should be doing well regarding their responsibilities, although you might be a bit worried about them today. Relax. All is going to go very well.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might need to run some errands, Leo, but they might prove
    difficult for a number of reasons. The errands could be personal or
    business related. Communication may be temporarily blocked. Messages may
    not be delivered or you could be playing phone tag. On days like this,
    you need to make a special effort to keep cool. Nothing is so important
    that you have to drive yourself crazy.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might reflect on recent successes in business and money and suddenly feel
    a strong sense of gloom, wondering if it's going to continue. Don't panic, Virgo. It isn't a vision of the future. It's only a temporary feeling. Work
    it off through exercise or throw yourself into a task. Meditation could
    also help. Get the endorphins going and your optimism and enthusiasm
    should return.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Work that could advance you professionally could take you away from loved
    ones, Libra, and cause some emotional tension. You might feel down because you'd rather be with your loved ones but feel it's important to move ahead
    now. Try to make up for it with some quality time. It's crucial to make
    the most of the current planetary positions. Everyone will be glad when
    you see results.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A task, perhaps job related or perhaps one of your own, might prove weightier than you expected. You're working too hard and you could be feeling tired
    and dejected, Scorpio. Exactly how crucial is it to get this done right
    now? If it isn't vital, get as much done as you can without compromising
    your well-being. Do the rest tomorrow. The world won't end if you take
    another day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Someone, perhaps a person involved with a group you're in, may ask you
    to help in some way today. You probably don't want to do it, Sagittarius, possibly because you have plans. Don't be afraid to say no. Your creative energy should be high and your imagination working overtime, but other responsibilities interfere with your doing anything about it now. Note
    your ideas and come back to them later.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Career developments could look promising now, Capricorn, and you might
    be in a hurry to finish whatever needs to be done. But responsibilities
    to home and family might interfere. For some reason, you might have to
    stay home. Perhaps you experienced some intense dreams that you feel are significant but you can't remember them. If you stop trying to remember,
    they may come back to you.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Snow, blowing snow -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, February 17, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 17, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Changes in your home could cause temporary frustration that creates
    some tension with family members. Perhaps you're moving, cleaning, or refurnishing, and everyone is getting in everyone else's way. The best way to handle this situation is to try to get the job done as quickly as possible. Once it's done, Aquarius, tempers will subside and all will be fine.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Miscommunication with someone far away could lead to bruised egos, heightened emotions, and angry phone calls. Don't get sucked into a quarrel, Pisces. Try to sort out the problem. Changes in your neighborhood could cause trouble getting around, so be prepared for blocked streets and heavy traffic. Walk,
    if you can. It will clear your head and get you where you're going more quickly.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your psychoanalytical talents could be put to work today when
    misunderstandings come up. Your friends aren't likely to be thinking clearly and may not respond to reassurances, Aries. Use your intuition to determine
    the best way to defuse the situation. Finances might cause some worry now,
    but your ingenuity and fiscal sense should put things right. Go out and
    have a good time tonight.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A person you're attracted to may seem to be interested in someone else. This could bring up your insecurities and jealousy. Don't make yourself crazy, Taurus. Try to learn the facts before letting the situation get the better of you. Invitations to more than one social event for the same night might force you to make an uncomfortable choice. Make the choice that's best for you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Someone is keeping secrets from you. We all have private issues we don't
    wish to share, Gemini, but this affects you. Your intuition will probably
    tell you who this person is. Try to get him or her to open up without
    exerting pressure. Unfinished tasks could be driving you crazy. You may
    try to run through them quickly, causing too much stress. Get the most
    crucial done and let the others go.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Perhaps you planned to attend a group event but circumstances beyond
    your control got in the way. Maybe it was canceled. This could cause some disappointment for you and others, Cancer. Find something else to do. A
    project of your own is likely to need some attention, and this challenge
    could keep you engrossed for hours. Tonight, treat yourself to dinner out.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A visitor who needs a little sympathy could visit you today. Your friend probably wants some advice about some problems. He or she could also bring information involving new scientific or metaphysical studies that you find fascinating. This information could trigger your own insights. Write down
    your ideas. You will want to remember them.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Some important plans, perhaps for a vacation or involving education in some way, could be temporarily blocked by circumstances beyond your control,
    Virgo. This can cause considerable upset and might even set your temper
    on edge. You may be tempted to take your frustrations out on others. It
    would be far more productive to find ways to make your plans work, even
    if there's a delay. Go to it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A letter or phone call could bring upsetting news about money,
    Libra. Your first reaction may be to blame yourself or someone else,
    but the circumstances are probably beyond anyone's control. Chances are
    good that it can be set right. Before anyone gets too upset, it's best to investigate and find out what needs to be done. It may take some effort,
    but all will be well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Jealousy could rear its ugly head today, Scorpio. This may involve a romantic relationship. Jealousy is often groundless. If you want to avoid an upset,
    try a little communicating. This is definitely the time to make the effort
    to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Strong emotions can work for
    you under some circumstances. A passionate reconciliation is better than
    an angry estrangement.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Nervous tension could cause a temporary malaise that keeps your energy
    low today. Tasks and chores need to be done, Sagittarius, so you will
    probably drag yourself up and try to finish them in spite of the way
    you feel. Try not to get overworked, and try not to take your weariness
    out on others. It's better to let work go than make yourself and everyone
    else more stressed out.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A group with which you're affiliated may be temporarily torn apart by
    politics and quarrels. If so, Capricorn, it's best to stay out of it.
    A friend could be having trouble and come to you for advice and help. Don't
    get too frustrated by his or her weaknesses. This could be a frustrating
    day for you - one best spent working on your own projects. All will be
    better tomorrow.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow, low drifting snow -9C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today a deep concern for others' feelings could have you lending a
    sympathetic ear to those in need of some understanding. It's more important
    to listen than talk, Aquarius, even though your practicality might want to express itself. Your affairs should go smoothly, bringing you and those
    around you a lot of satisfaction. Don't be surprised if you shed a few
    tears of joy at some point.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might complete a project that was difficult but important to
    your career. Acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work could find
    you more emotionally overwhelmed than makes you comfortable. You may have
    to make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains
    to get where you are and it's nice to be recognized. In the evening,
    celebrate. You deserve it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A long-awaited social event, perhaps a wedding or christening, could move
    you to tears, Aries. As you're naturally a person who doesn't like showing
    your feelings, you might feel the need to get away until the urge to cry has passed. This should be a very happy day for you as well. Your own contentment could seem almost too good to be true. It's real. Relax and enjoy it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An intense, emotional dream could move you so powerfully that you wake with
    the odd sense that the dream was real. Write it down, Taurus. Maybe it
    is. Efforts to overcome obstacles and advance yourself in your career
    could finally be paying off. You might be walking around in a daze asking
    if it's really happened. It has. Make the most of it. And don't be afraid
    to reveal your feelings to others.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Emotional talks with your partner could move you to tears, Gemini. If
    there have been difficulties in your relationship, you've overcome them and probably reached a new understanding. Any romantic relationship or friendship started or moved forward now shows lasting promise. Your inclination may
    be to control your feelings, but don't be afraid to show them. It's OK
    in situations like this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you may feel the need to do a lot of work around the house,
    Cancer. Perhaps you expect visitors or you simply want to get the place
    spruced up for your own enjoyment. You need to take it easy and not try
    to do everything at once. You could run into difficulties that require
    help from others who may be out. Pace yourself and control the urge to
    run through your chores like a steamroller.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some intense, revealing communications with a close friend or lover could reveal wonderful new things about your relationship. Perhaps you have more
    in common than you thought. Perhaps fears prove groundless. As a result,
    Leo, the two of you could grow closer and discover a new mutual sense of purpose. Enjoy the positive feelings, and have a great day together.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Ancient social traditions could be a powerful part of your day,
    Virgo. An emotional event concerning your family - wedding, christening,
    or other milestone - could especially move you. In the rush of social interactions, you will probably keep a tight rein on the expression of
    your feelings. Keeping up appearances could be more important to you than usual. Do it, but be yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You usually place a lot of importance on self-control, Libra. Today this
    will come in handy when you receive some wonderful news that might otherwise move you to tears. Don't carry it too far. Under these circumstances,
    it's OK to let it out a little. Your hard work and dedication are finally paying off. News about possible advancement could come your way. It's a
    very eventful day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Expect some great news regarding money, possibly involving professional advancement. You may have to control the urge to cry tears of joy,
    Scorpio. In a different vein, a close friend could be going through some changes and might want your support. Your best course of action would be
    to listen rather than give advice. You may have to control yourself if
    the situation defies all reason.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Happy events involving your mother or another close female relative might
    have you feeling emotional, Sagittarius. It could involve a marriage or
    birth. Your own projects, particularly those done with other people,
    could be going well in spite of having to overcome some difficulties.
    The results could move you to tears, and you may feel the need to control yourself. Don't be afraid to show how you feel.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your intuitive abilities are at an all-time high today, Capricorn. You
    should find it easier to tune into others' thoughts and feelings. It might
    be a good idea to control your reactions to them. Don't tell others what
    you're picking up unless you know for sure they'll want to hear it. Your imagination and creative abilities are also operating at a very high
    level. Make the most of them.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Low drifting snow -17C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 19, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today is a great day for you, Aquarius. Everything is flowing your way as
    more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Your fluctuating emotions are grounded and calm, letting you stand back and evaluate your true inner
    state. Have you been giving yourself the attention you deserve? This is
    your day. Get things done. You can accomplish quite a bit using this astral energy, so hop to it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone or something may spur you on today, Pisces. You may feel a nagging impulse to get up and do something. Follow that instinct and stop moaning
    about staying in bed. The practical truth may be sobering, but as you
    know, balance is key. Bring equilibrium to the situation by taking a good, honest look at your emotional state. Realize what you need to do to keep
    it running smoothly.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Bite the bullet and get it done, Aries. Finish the projects and get the lingering odds and ends out of your way. There are stable energies today
    that will bring a practical breath of fresh air to any situation. Take
    a step back from the swirling winds and observe your inner self. Realize
    how your actions and emotions affect others and think about adjusting your habits accordingly.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today might not be as lighthearted and free-spirited as you'd like,
    Taurus, but don't sweat it. Work with the grounded energy of the day to complete tasks that have been wearing on you for a while. Take a step
    back from the drama in your life and observe your emotions from a loftier viewpoint. Realize how your actions have been affecting others. Tone things down and evaluate.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today is a fantastic day for you, Gemini. Things are naturally flowing your way. You can accomplish a great deal. There are few hurdles in your way, perhaps none. You're well disciplined about your time and what's needed to
    get the job done and how to meet your goals. Your emotions are especially
    calm and stable, giving you the opportunity to observe and evaluate them
    from a neutral viewpoint.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There's a conservative air today that doesn't fit well with your erratic, unconventional nature, Cancer. Things might pop up to remind you that
    you should be a bit more disciplined in your approach. Your thoughts and emotions are perhaps a bit less controlled than usual, so take this time
    to become centered and evaluate the truth. Today is a good day to focus.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Something is tugging you back down to reality, Leo. Your mind has tended
    to be in the clouds lately, but now you need to ground your emotions and realize that you operate on a physical plane, too. Your emotions are stable
    for now, affording you a chance to step back and evaluate how you've been treating yourself. Make sure you give yourself the attention you deserve.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's a conservative veil over your emotions, Virgo. Issues from the past might arise and rub you the wrong way. You move onward and upward by nature, plowing ahead without thinking of the consequences. Today you might be a bit more sober than usual. Look at what's worked in the past in terms of keeping your fiery emotions intact. Try not to resent the past but learn from it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is fantastic for tuning in to your inner self, Libra. You will have
    a level, grounded mind from which to make conscious evaluations of your emotional state. Trust your instincts and make realistic plans for the
    future. You're especially disciplined today, and you have a keen sense
    of what your goals and objectives are. Use this grounded energy to get
    things done.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may feel a bit weighed down today, Scorpio, and perhaps more reserved
    than usual. Someone may be raining on your parade, but don't let it get you down. Use the grounded energy of the day to get things done. You have your hands full with many tasks, so sit down and bring them to completion. Calm
    your nervous system and balance your frantic emotions. Ease off the caffeine.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today's a good day to ground your fluctuating emotions, Sagittarius. Step
    back from the drama you create and evaluate your inner state. Are you
    fooling yourself into thinking everything's OK when it really isn't? Be
    honest with your highest truths and ground yourself back in reality.
    Write down your thoughts.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things may be calm today, Capricorn. You might not be your boisterous
    self, but that could be a good thing. Use the sobering energy to evaluate
    your emotions and honestly look at your relationships. Are you getting the respect you deserve? Perhaps you need to tell some people that their words
    or actions aren't OK. Meanwhile, get things done. Take care of errands
    and check items off your list.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, February 20, 2025 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, February 20, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Romance blossoms for you today, Aquarius, and commitment or marriage may
    be just over the horizon. You and your beloved may have recently reached
    a new understanding that has bonded you more tightly. Don't feel silly
    if you spend the day together walking around in a romantic haze. That's perfectly acceptable - it's part of the joy of love, and it could well
    last for a while. Make the most of it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Service to others might take up a large part of your day, Pisces, perhaps
    on an artistic level or maybe in the form of sharing psychic or healing
    energy. Don't think your efforts are unappreciated. Those you're helping
    may be reticent about saying anything, but your efforts aren't lost on
    them. Think of it like a bank. Your friends will be there for you when
    you need them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The words for today are "romance" and "creativity," Aries. Romance is
    enhanced by passion generated by a gratifying love relationship that will probably last for a long time. This same relationship, and its emotions
    could give rise to artistic inspiration that can produce works of a quality that surprises even you. Don't exhaust yourself. Know when to stop.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Has a new housemate recently moved in, Taurus? If so, you can expect this person to live with you for a while. This is good, because he or she is
    likely to be very loving, supportive, and able to bear his or her share
    of the household responsibilities. You and this person, along with any
    others who live with you, could become very close and possibly even friends
    for life.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A love letter or perhaps a poem or other artistic work dedicated to you
    could make your day, Gemini. A warm feeling of being cherished and adored
    could stay with you throughout the day as a result. Hang on to this rosy
    glow when things get rocky, especially on the job. The feelings expressed
    in this communication will probably last for a long time, so be prepared.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A love relationship that's been around for a long time could be enhanced
    today by an increased level of sensuality, Cancer. Intense emotion could pervade your being, making it difficult to concentrate on much else. You
    will probably spend the day looking forward to when you can be alone with
    your beloved. The passion that pervades your lovemaking now is worthy of
    a romance novel.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Artistic activities or those involving healing are enhanced today,
    Leo. Whatever you try is going to be more a part of your very being than
    it would be at other times. Love, art, psychic or spiritual activities -
    all should take on a new meaning for you at this time. This condition
    should last for a long time. Make the most of this energy now and your
    skills should continue to grow.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Love takes on an idealized and fairytale aura today, Virgo, as you and a current or potential partner spend time alone, talking or just enjoying
    being together. The warmth, affection, and high regard you have for each
    other are apparent to everyone. The nice thing about it is that these
    feelings are likely to last. Look forward to many such days.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A meditation circle or other group activity devoted to spiritual pursuits
    could be on your agenda today, Libra. It's important that you attend,
    as you need a little peace and quiet, as well as the support from others
    in the group. The affection you all feel for one another permeates the
    evening. Bask in it and write down any revelations that come to you.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Career and financial successes might finally come your way after months
    and perhaps years of striving, Scorpio. The emotional support you receive
    from those who've been working with you can be very gratifying, and it's
    likely to last for a long time. If you like what you're doing, chances are
    you will be doing it for a while. If you're committed to your profession,
    keep up the good work.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A complex creative project could require some in-depth research today, Sagittarius, and you could spend much of the day online or in the
    library. This is probably a subject you love, so you won't mind the time
    you put in. The inspiration that comes your way could well last for a
    while. You might be able to treat this project as a business enterprise
    and give it more substance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Financial growth adds to a growing sense of self-worth, Capricorn,
    especially since your current situation should continue. You may have a
    vivid, emotional dream. Perhaps it involves a long-term love interest,
    and your relationship is fast approaching the do-or-die stage. The meaning
    of the symbols should be fairly clear. What do they mean to you and how
    can you apply them to your situation?

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -11C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, February 21, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 21, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A project could be successfully completed today, Aquarius. Discussions
    may already be taking place about the next one, but you aren't inclined
    to think about that, at least not right away. You will want to bask in
    your accomplishment and relax for a while. No one can blame you for that,
    so don't worry if you don't go to brainstorming sessions. Wait until it progresses beyond talk.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you're involved in the study of a particular subject, Pisces, today
    you might want to bury yourself in your books and learn as much as you
    can. This is good, because your concentration is especially good. Go to the library or a private room where you won't be distracted and hit the books.
    Find some new works on the subject if you can. You might discover some surprising information.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    This isn't the day to make investments, Aries. You may read in the paper or online about some hot new stocks, but be very careful. If you're interested, consult a professional before investing money. Even after you've talked
    to an expert, it's still a good idea to wait a day or two before you make
    the investment. Any hot tips you receive today could be rather doubtful.
    Be patient.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Does a love partner appear to be moody today, Taurus? One moment your
    friend may be enthusiastic and optimistic about the future, and the next
    moment overcome with gloom. Don't let this get to you, and certainly
    don't get overly upset with your partner. Listen rather than talk, and be patient. Tomorrow your friend's moods should be back to normal.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Are you working two jobs, Gemini? Today one could demand a lot of you,
    probably at the expense of the other. You tend to be very conscientious and responsible, so this might bother you, but don't let it get to you. The
    day may come when the situation is reversed. Everyone around you knows
    that you're an asset to the enterprise, even if there are times like this
    when you have to ask for a break.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your natural urge to innovate may seem to have vanished today, Cancer. You
    may not feel like doing anything outside of routine tasks that you can
    do automatically. You're suffering from low biorhythms, so don't fall
    into the trap of thinking you're turning into a lazy bum. Relax today,
    and tomorrow you will be your usual energetic, inventive self. Tonight,
    watch some videos and forget your day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The urge to stay in and rearrange your furniture might hit you today,
    Leo. You may want to clean out the shelves in your kitchen, add some new knickknacks, or rearrange your books into specific classifications. This
    may be a lot of work, but it will also be a lot of fun. Get other members
    of the household to help and turn it into a party.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Are you expecting an important communication, perhaps business related,
    Virgo? If it comes today, it will probably come late. If you feel you must
    sit around and wait for it, find something else to do in the meantime or
    you will drive yourself crazy. If it doesn't arrive by the end of the day, resign yourself to waiting. Don't panic. It will come soon enough.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A check you've been expecting to receive by mail will probably be delayed, Libra. It's nothing to worry about. Chances are it got hung up at the post office and will arrive soon. Don't waste your time worrying needlessly. If
    you feel it necessary, make contingency plans for getting by. Your money
    is coming. Hang in there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may not be your usual cheery self today, Scorpio. Gloom may have
    come over you. You may doubt everything that happens in your life. No
    matter how promising a career, romance, or money matter seems, you think
    the worst. Treat yourself today. Get a massage, relax in a hot tub, and
    rub and soak out those doubting spirits. That will get you through the
    day. Tomorrow you will be back to normal.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Happy memories of a beloved grandparent may float to the surface today, Sagittarius, and you may wonder why. Something or someone you've encountered
    in the past few days may have reminded you of this person. It's nice and
    it isn't an accident. What personality trait of yours does your grandparent call to mind? A psycho-emotional issue associated with this trait may need
    to be resolved now.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A meeting may take place today that you don't want to attend, Capricorn. It could be long and boring, but you should still make the effort to
    listen. Colleagues will want to discuss the issues with you afterward,
    and you might learn something in spite of the boredom. Think of it this
    way - it's only an hour or so. Concentrate on what's being said and not
    on the clock.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow, low drifting snow -10C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, February 22, 2025 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, February 22, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Watch out for the green-eyed monster today, Aquarius. It can rear up before
    you can say "jealousy." Most situations that cause these feelings are
    born out of insecurity. If you aren't secure in your job, relationship,
    or family, and feel threatened by someone, it's time to take a look at
    the cause. Why you don't feel as solid as you could? What's causing the insecurity? Look for the answers.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may feel insecure about your appearance today, Pisces. This can be a vicious cycle to get into. The result is almost always negative. Rather than pick yourself apart, consider finding ways to accept your looks. Whether
    it's your weight or age or anything else, if you can't accept yourself,
    you will always find something wrong no matter how many changes you make.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Jealousy might rear its head today, Aries. The key to it all is to understand where and why you feel insecure. If you're jealous of a mate, what's going
    on in the relationship? Is trust an issue? If this comes up at work, is
    it because you don't feel recognized for your contributions? Examine the
    cause of jealousy. It's almost always a symptom of a deeper problem.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Arts and crafts may interest you today, Taurus. Even if you lean more
    toward sports, an artistic streak will likely run pretty strong in you. The process of creating can be richly satisfying, both in the process and in
    the satisfaction of a finished product. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore this, as the day's energy will lend much to your abilities.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Getting along with others may prove challenging today, Gemini. The
    influence from the planetary aspects can have you preferring to withdraw
    and isolate. You might feel impatient and annoyed. If so, and being alone
    is an option, go for it. If it isn't, you will need to curb the tendency
    to be argumentative or confrontational. Exercise patience and avoid conflict.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Don't be surprised if you're a little weepy today, Cancer. The influence
    from planets can enhance your sensitivity to almost everything, including
    your own feelings. Take heart. It's bound to be short-lived. Cry if you
    need to, since it can be cleansing. Try not to wallow too much. Chances
    are good that things will look better tomorrow. Take care of yourself today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Fanaticism or obsessive thinking may be something you need to look at today, Leo. Common areas for such behaviors are in the pursuit of money, power, success, and romance. There's a fine line between ambition and obsession. If you find that you think of nothing else but one fixation, it may be time
    to talk with someone about it. He or she may see what you don't want to see.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't act impulsively today, Virgo. It could be easy to confuse this with spontaneity. One has more thought put into it than the other. With this day's influence, be certain to look before you leap. Think everything through,
    from decisions to projects to contracts. Read the fine print more than
    once. When it comes to relationships, be careful not to trust too quickly.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Is it time to take a more drastic approach to a problem, Libra? If you've
    made several attempts to resolve your trouble but to no avail, you might consider it. As long as "drastic" doesn't mean "destructive," you may
    find success trying something far more forward and insistent. Be careful, however. Think things through carefully first. Run any ideas you have past
    a trusted friend.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Tap into your creativity to unblock the emotional flow today, Scorpio. This
    can be a powerful tool. Creativity is a big part of who you are, almost as
    big as communication. Your emotions link to these two aspects and constantly interact beneath the surface. If one gets blocked, release it by focusing
    on the other. Express yourself through creativity and consider talking to someone close.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may need to deal with someone's disapproval today, Sagittarius. This
    will likely come from someone you see as either a superior or authority
    figure, perhaps a parent. While it's important to listen to this person,
    if what they say involves your job, personal life, or how you choose
    to live, it's no one's concern but yours. No matter how you do things,
    someone will disapprove somewhere.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Time alone is essential for everyone, Capricorn, but make sure you recognize when you're isolated to the point where it's unhealthy. If you realize
    you're alone because you're avoiding something, you might consider your alternatives. Things will only fester under these conditions. Face whatever
    it is that's upsetting you so you can begin to work things out.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, February 23, 2025 08:00:16
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, February 23, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might have to make a choice between telling the truth and lying today, Aquarius. In some circumstances, this can be difficult, especially if you're afraid you will hurt someone's feelings. Keep in mind that a lie can take
    more energy than the truth. Consider what you would want the other person
    to do in your place. Stick to your morals and ethics even if it's tough.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're known to be kindhearted. However, being taken advantage of can
    happen as a result. It's important for you to trust your instincts to
    prevent this from happening. If what you hear doesn't match your feelings, trust your feelings. If you think you're being used, try to move past it. It would be a real shame if resentment permanently squelched your giving nature.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your nature is intense, Aries. You probably feel things deeply and spend a
    lot of time lost in thought. Yet, too much intensity can take a toll on your health and well-being. It might be time to go out and enjoy yourself. Get
    up from the chair and take a walk. Meet someone for lunch or do a little shopping or yoga. Find something active to do to break the monotony of
    your routine.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Feed your mind today, Taurus. While you no doubt enjoy being active and
    social, you get bored fairly quickly, too. You need a constant supply
    of intriguing, fresh material in order to feel your best. Explore an interesting subject or learn a new hobby. Stimulate your mind and your
    body will become more energetic. Use the Internet if you can't get away.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you think you have to prove that you have something valuable to offer, Gemini, consider this carefully. You're naturally friendly and can get along with almost anyone. This may already be your strength. You have something
    great to bring to a crowd. Consider being yourself and not trying so hard
    to feel a part of things. Look at your qualities and you will prove your
    worth to yourself.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Consider putting your problem-solving skills to work today, Cancer. You have
    a real flair for investigating situations and figuring out what happened. If something comes your way that seems mysterious, take the bull by the horns
    and get to the truth. If you're baffled, use the process of elimination to narrow things down. Stick with it and you will learn what's what in no time.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Leo, don't be fooled by others who aren't straight with you. If you don't
    know the person well, trust your instincts. You tend to care for others,
    so it can be easy for you to feel sorry for someone and be inclined to
    help. Make sure that the person you help really deserves it and is telling
    you the whole story. Taking this extra time can save you problems later.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    It could be easy to get carried away today, Virgo. You might get caught
    up in some excitement or base your decisions on another's word. You need
    to use your head on a day like this. Double-check everything and moderate
    your activities. Keep your limitations in mind. There's nothing that says
    you can't do whatever it is that catches your eye. Just use caution and
    stay safe.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The energy that you feel today may have you so jittery that others don't know what to do with you, Libra. The day's influences can bring a boost. You'd be wise to plan things to do to expend it all. Get busy with physical chores
    at work or home. Pull things out and organize, move furniture around,
    whatever it takes. It's better to be productive than drive everyone crazy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Venturing into something new and different may be what you need, Scorpio. You have a very solid, practical side to your personality, but the need for excitement and adventure is likely to be just as strong. If you've had
    your nose to the grindstone recently, take some time off for fun. Visit a friend or, better yet, drive to a place you haven't been to and explore.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may want to learn about something today, Sagittarius. At work and home there's a set schedule of what you must tend to and when. On your own time, you're free to research anything your heart desires. Intellectual growth
    is something you enjoy, so why not spend time online or in the library
    finding out more about your favorite things? Whether cooking or genealogy,
    you will find something new.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you happen to meet new people today, Capricorn, be careful. Some folks appear interesting because they're bold or dangerous. Perhaps they do
    things you'd never dream of doing. This may seem interesting, but it can
    lead to trouble and hurt you if you aren't careful. Stick to your usual standards and ethics. If danger excites you too much, it may be time to reexamine your life and change things.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, February 24, 2025 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, February 24, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If you feel cautious today, Aquarius, don't be alarmed. This can be a good thing, Aquarius, as you can be too trusting at times or forget to take
    care when going into something new. Use a little caution in everything you
    do to keep safe. This is true with relationships, too. Give a little more thought and time to things to help you choose more wisely.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Pisces, personal dignity may be important to you today. This may come
    about when things go wrong or if you're accused of something you didn't
    do. You always have control over your dignity. Your daily actions affirm
    this. The key is to hold on tightly to who you are and what you believe
    in. Defend your dignity if it's challenged. It's one thing that no one
    can take from you no matter what.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't be surprised if someone describes you as conservative, Aries. It
    may be true. It could indicate that it's important for you to maintain
    control over most things - what you say and how much, how you dress, the
    kinds of people you spend time with, where and how you spend your money -
    these are all things that conservative people tend to closely monitor. Be
    proud of who you are.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your mother may be on your mind today, Taurus. Your mother probably affects
    how you think, act, and feel, both in the past and now. If your mother's
    sign is opposite yours, conflict and misunderstanding can happen more
    easily. Take the time to learn about her sign today to help you understand
    her and the relationship you have.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Focus on yourself today, Gemini. Take note of your health. You probably
    know that this is something you must take care of always, not just
    sometimes. Daily routines are important. It's up to you to stick to
    them. The little things like taking vitamins, staying active, and relaxing
    help maintain a healthy body. If you aren't feeling your best, make your
    habits more conducive to glowing health.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    No dream is too big or too late to fulfill. You may be thinking about your special dreams today, Cancer. Perhaps you aspire to do something really
    great, be a pioneer in some field, or be a prominent figure. Whatever it
    is can happen if you believe in yourself and work toward it. Don't let naysayers stop you. If you decide you can, you probably will.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Chances are good that you will receive a helping hand or comfort from
    someone many years your senior who cares about you, Leo. Don't hesitate to
    ask for their thoughts, ideas, and assistance. They will probably enjoy
    being able to do this for you and be glad that you've approached them.
    Be open and accept the love and support that's offered.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today, Virgo, you may think about competition and possible future
    goals. Imagining and dreaming can serve you well. What did you dream about
    as a kid? Who did you want to become? Are you close to this in your life
    now? If not, is this all right for you? Take time to think such things
    through and, if need be, get back on the right track.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may think about your finances today, Libra. It's never too late to
    learn about saving and investing, especially if there's something you
    really want to do, like travel. Preparing for retirement can seem surreal
    when you're young, but it's important to start early. Regardless of how
    your affairs have gone to date, change starts now. Write down your goals
    and meet with your financial adviser.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Take the time today to consider your health, Scorpio. Do you get enough
    rest, eat the right foods, take vitamins, exercise every day, go to the
    doctor when you need to, and take time to relax? All these help you have
    a lifetime of good health. Living a long, healthy life is something we
    all want. Start now to take care of your body.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you may emphasize organizing things and managing your life,
    Sagittarius. Take a look at your time management. It's possible to plan every day so you have enough time to do what you have to get done as well as do everything you'd like to do. Set priorities to keep things flowing well.
    There are many books and websites out there on this subject. Check them out.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    One day, I want to be.... When you were little, how did you finish that sentence, Capricorn? See what your memory and imagination come up with. Is
    your life what you dreamed it would be? If not, consider what you could
    do to change it. Maybe you should lie on your back and gaze at the clouds
    or stars. This childlike activity may spark some ideas for you.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, February 25, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is an excellent day to express your natural creativity, Aquarius. The
    arts will likely be very important to you. You may find that nothing brings
    you more pleasure on days like this. Consider putting this to good use by painting, sculpting, doing crafts, or whatever you like. You will find
    that engaging in creative activities with a focus on giving may be the
    perfect thing for you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you're feeling tired, Pisces, you may need to lie back, close your
    eyes, and listen to some soothing music. You work hard most of the time,
    so it can do your body and mind good to just relax and listen to your
    favorite music. Why not do this today? Even a few minutes will make a difference. You can always use the quiet time to plan if you have to feel you've accomplished something.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today may bring up strong feelings, Aries. This may not be new, as you
    have a tendency to feel things deeply. But it may be a bit tough to find
    a way to express this. While you're creative, finding the right activity
    to get you going isn't always easy. Why not visit a bookstore and look
    for some appealing craft books or art materials? This might spark ideas
    for new ways to express yourself.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today, Taurus, consider that artistic expression can happen in many ways. It isn't always about drawing a picture, singing a song, playing music, or
    acting. The way that you arrange your home or workspace is an artistic expression. So are how you dress and do your hair. Each thing you do is
    an expression of you and your choice of style. Being uniquely artistic is innate for you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may find that today brings great physical strength and energy to you, Gemini. Given this, you may really want to do some tough, challenging
    physical work. This is certainly the day for it, so why not go for it? Do
    some yard work or clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and filing
    cabinets. Consider donating items that you don't use anymore or plan a
    garage sale to make some bucks.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Cancer, it's prime time to get busy. Activities that require focus or creativity will be supported. Physical strength and energy will encourage you to do something active. If you've felt sluggish, tired, or a little under the weather, today's planetary aspect can put an end to that. Consider artistic projects that take strength, such as building something out of wood.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your active side may show through today, Leo. While you can be extremely focused on brainwork, you also love to keep active and do physical work. When you have a project like cleaning your home, you can be very fast and
    efficient when you want to. This is a good day to get a lot accomplished.
    Run around doing this and that. You will probably enjoy it very much and
    feel very satisfied afterward.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you've been feeling tired or sick lately, this will probably turn around
    for you, Virgo. You may often experience moodiness, and this can be a real drain. Your emotional state can affect how your body feels. Be sure to take care of your feelings as well as your body. If there are things that need
    to be worked out, take care of them today. The two really do go together.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You will probably be very busy today, Libra, which may suit you just
    fine. This can work in your favor if you have some work to catch up on.
    Being active and getting things done will be natural for you. In fact, when
    you have to sit for too long, you probably feel restless or anxious. You
    fidget and squirm. If you find yourself doing this, go do something
    more active!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today, Scorpio, your ability to stand up for your decisions and not
    let others sway you may be enhanced. This will be especially true if
    you've arrived at a resolution that solves a problem. Others may often
    try to change your decisions. Maybe this is because they succeed, but not today. The planetary aspects are working in your favor, and you will feel
    a new strength. Follow your own heart.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a real need to get moving today, Sagittarius. Almost everyone prefers quiet activities, books, art, and even just sitting around to
    physical activity at times. But your health can suffer if you aren't active, Fresh air, exercise, and sunshine are vital to your well-being. Today
    don't resist any urge to get up and do something active. Chances are you
    will really enjoy yourself.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, you will probably have a ton of energy at your disposal
    for getting into all kinds of activities. Finish any work that still needs
    to be completed. Do some cleaning and organizing or see about getting out
    for a little warm weather fun. Whatever you choose, try to make sure it's active. You will need a place for all that energy to go. Quiet sedentary pursuits won't do it for you.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, February 26, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Are you satisfied with your current career, Aquarius? If not, start by making
    a plan. There are specific steps that you can follow to take the greatest advantage of the available opportunities. Consider visiting career-related websites or ask a career counselor for advice. Don't settle for less than
    you deserve. See what you can find, and move toward a more fulfilling future.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't fear any changes that lie ahead, Pisces. Even if you think you
    don't adjust well, you have more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant. It wouldn't be long before you became dissatisfied and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change as an adventure and a gateway to greater happiness and fulfillment. Trust your versatility.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Make your dreams a tool for gaining insight, Aries. In the past, some
    rulers believed that their dreams held great insights and they employed
    people to interpret them. Whether you think dreams are mystical insights
    or random brainwaves, there is much to be gained. Recurring dreams hold significance. They can point to something that you need to take care of. Consider exploring this area.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Follow your instincts, Taurus. Even if you have a tendency to listen more
    to reason, put it aside today. While your ears hear words, your intuition
    can hear what's between the words and unsaid, providing you with a bigger picture than whatever is presented. If everything sounds right but feels
    wrong, you'd be better off trusting your feelings. Act with careful consideration and caution.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Feed your mind new knowledge, Gemini. Visit a bookstore or read
    some interesting information on the web. If you have more time, visit
    the library or find out about some courses that might be perfect for
    you. There's knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you're
    open to receiving it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something, if that's what you need.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try to see nightmares as safe ways to understand feelings, Cancer. No
    one likes to experience them, and we'd sooner forget them once awake,
    but the best way to ensure they don't return is to understand them.
    What's frightening you? Why do you feel insecure? Consider these questions
    and look for answers. Fear, pain, and anxiety are the most common ingredients of a real cold-sweat nightmare.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Are you living your dreams, Leo? Are you still in touch with them? The
    energy from today's planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement
    to this part of your life. Seize the opportunity to take hold of the things that you want most of all. Ask yourself what you want people to say about
    you after you're gone. Get back on track to a fulfilled life by taking
    steps toward your desires.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Check out advancing your career or education today, Virgo. The energy
    can favor expansion and growth. When was the last time you learned a new
    skill? It doesn't have to be work related. If flower arranging, skydiving,
    or massage therapy is something that appeals to you, go for it. Never stop looking for ways to expand your knowledge.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Do you recognize your intuition as a valuable asset, Libra? Some people do
    and some don't. Which group are you in? It's easier to trust in concrete, factual reality than in things you can't see or touch. But your intuition
    can serve you more than you may realize. That gut feeling you experience can guide you with caution and alert you to danger. Put more trust in it and see.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Use your creativity to make things happen today, Scorpio. Remember that creativity doesn't always take the form of a finished product. Use it to
    come up with innovative ways to approach a task, project, or problem. Trust
    in your ability to discover such possibilities. You're an intelligent and creative person. Combine the two to make an unbeatable tool for finding solutions to almost anything.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Find some new ways to expand your horizons, Sagittarius. The web has an infinite amount of information to explore, and your community and local colleges offer many courses from which to choose. Think about what you'd
    enjoy learning. Perhaps a new skill for your job or a crafts class that
    shows you how to make things. Whether self-defense or Italian strikes your fancy, it's out there. Find it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Step out of your routine, Capricorn. Do this every so often to increase your knowledge and expand your horizons. The planetary aspects favor this. Walking to a different beat can give you far more than you imagine. Try something you've never considered before. Go to a new place. Change your desk around
    to gain a new perspective. See what you can discover about yourself and
    the world.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Shallow fog -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, February 27, 2025 08:00:18
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, February 27, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might feel more energetic than you have in a long time, Aquarius. The
    day's planetary aspects offer a powerful energy that will increase your
    mental acuity and physical strength, and this can really help you tackle
    and finish any tasks that have been piling up. If you manage to accomplish
    so much that you have time to spare, help others lighten their load. Tend
    to your own first, however.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If there's something you want to take on, Pisces, today's the day. The celestial aspects will see an increase in physical and mental strength that
    can work wonders for you. Put any insecurity or lack of confidence in the trash, and take the steps you need to tackle your project or goal. You have
    the ability to make sound judgments, so put your trust in this talent. Take steps to get what you want.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you've been feeling sluggish lately, Aries, today will see a surge
    in energy that will greatly increase your creativity and physical
    strength. Seize the opportunity to get into the fresh air for a sports
    activity or long walk. Exercise can direct your physical energy and give
    your mind a chance to clear. Don't be surprised if you discover more
    clarity and focus afterward. Make the most of it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, if there's something interesting that you want to try, go for
    it. Adventure brings excitement, creative flow, and energy, and these are essential to you. Yours is a highly artistic nature. Continual stimulation is required to keep your psyche healthy. Experience something new today. Even
    if it's just a walk to a place you've never been, it will give you the adrenaline you need.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today's energy will help you take steps toward getting things in order,
    Gemini. Tackle the drawers, closets, storage rooms, and cabinets.
    Organization is a good activity for today. Creating order brings a sense
    of peace and personal control. Mental organization like goal setting, budgeting, or scheduling will add to this feeling. Sift through and clean
    out as many corners as you can.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The energy of the day makes you ready for almost anything, Cancer. Given
    your sometimes radical approach to whatever you do, you may need to rein yourself in. You also have a humanitarian approach to life. If the pursuit
    of your wants hurts others, it could create serious internal conflict.
    With this high energy, think your plans through before taking action to
    remain true to your values.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today may be an excellent time to take a second shot at something that
    didn't work out the first time, Leo. Falling flat on your face can damage
    your confidence and self-esteem. But failure and rejection are parts
    of life, and they really do add character. By going back into the ring,
    you ensure that the character you're adding to is courageous, and through perseverance, successful.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your ability to find innovative approaches to tasks may serve you well
    today, Virgo. Today is full of added energy and mental acuity. You will find that most things come easily. With detail-oriented projects, take extra
    time to think of the possibilities. Try to see things from all angles.
    There may be far more choices than you thought. Make the most of this by jotting down your random ideas.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If long-overdue work has piled up, Libra, today is the day to dig in. Added strength and mental acuity are in the air, and the projects that you
    couldn't get to before will be readily accomplished. Make the most of the energy provided by the planetary aspects. Don't put anything off. If you procrastinate, the pile will just get bigger. Do what needs to be done
    and you will feel great afterward.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't worry about being productive today, Scorpio. Thanks to the high
    energy provided by the planetary aspects, it might be one of the most
    efficient days you've had for a long time. Dig in your heels and go, go, go. Things will be accomplished in no time flat, with some to spare at that. If
    you have a creative hobby, enjoy working on it. You will find it rewarding.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Expect an added boost to your physical energy today, Sagittarius. It's
    an excellent day to clean out closets and storage rooms. Some exercise
    like biking or walking will be most enjoyable. It may also prove to be
    well worth your while to sit down and look at your goals. Are you where
    you wanted to be at this stage of your life? Are there changes that need
    to be made? Exercise both your brain and body.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If certain projects or tasks have seemed difficult to finish, take advantage
    of the energy provided by today's planetary aspects. This energy will give
    you all the zip you need, Capricorn. It's a good time to meet with others
    to discuss important matters. Your communication and cooperation skills
    will be increased. You can make decisions much more quickly than usual.
    Have a productive day!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, February 28, 2025 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, February 28, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The good news is this - it gets better. There could be some trying times
    in store, Aquarius. If you're a parent, the children will ask for something every five minutes, and you may feel pressure from all sides. Not even your love life is immune from the doubt that seems to hover over your head. No compromise is possible for you, Aquarius. Just sit tight and know that
    calmer days are coming.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today rethink all the social values you take at face value. Like
    the rest of us, you learned them at an early age and accepted them unthinkingly. Established concepts of propriety are especially deserving
    of consideration. After hearing for years about all those things that
    "just aren't done," isn't it refreshing to think that maybe they should
    be done after all?

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today is an ideal day to shop for a new wardrobe. You may find your usual
    style too conventional or uncomfortably trendy. Sometimes you reject
    outfits you really like out of fear they're too suggestive, old fashioned,
    or something else. Perhaps you should listen to your good judgment for a
    change instead of being so concerned about what other people might think.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The topic of the day is knowledge and learning. Did you study the field you really wanted to? Do you feel bad about not having attended such-and-such school or program? If these issues are uppermost on your mind today,
    remember that your creativity has little to do with the degrees you hold. It has everything to do with how you use your skills and knowledge to better
    the world.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The planetary alignment is favorable, and you're in the process of reaping
    the benefits, Gemini. It was only a matter of becoming aware of and settling certain matters related to your need for social recognition. Don't be so
    hungry for approval, Gemini. Everybody contains a stern inner parent and
    can survive comfortably in total self-sufficiency. In fact, it's your
    greatest strength.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel hemmed in by the role models society currently offers. As you struggle to reach your own definition of the truly innovative achiever,
    other people sometimes criticize your rather liberated attitude. Just
    because your ideas aren't in sync with theirs in no way invalidates them.
    If your ideas are too radical, theirs are too conventional. There's room
    for both viewpoints.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The results of the recent planetary influence are coming home to roost,
    Leo. If everything went according to plan, you gained some insight into
    your ego. Buddhist wise men say that the path to spiritual fulfillment
    lies in knowing how to build a healthy ego while developing a part of
    oneself completely foreign to the ego. Are you working hard at this?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    A small crisis is still a crisis, isn't it, Virgo? You can expect one in your personal life today. Since you aren't the kind of person who lets issues
    go unresolved, you won't be able to put off dealing with your problems any longer. Are responsibilities shared equally with your partner? Are you
    each making an equal effort to maintain harmony? Asking the questions is
    the first step to answering them.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Something has to change. You knew it as soon as you woke up this
    morning. Your mirror provides the impetus for important resolutions today. Is it time to begin a diet, commit to exercising more, or strengthen your
    resolve to quit smoking? Anything you do to improve your appearance will
    make you feel a lot better about yourself. Buy some new clothes or get a haircut. People will notice.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    The only good thing about being on an emotional roller coaster is that you never feel the same way for long. One moment you're up, the next you're
    down. You can't figure out what it is you want. Rather than drag your
    loved ones along on the ride, get away from your usual environment. You
    will be a lot better off alone. And something more important may come out
    of these moments of solitude!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might want to check your alarm clock to be sure it really woke you
    up this morning. Your tendency today will be to stay in the cocoon of
    your little dream world, deep in your own thoughts. Obsessive thoughts,
    in particular, will try and drown out some more pressing issues from the
    past that need resolution once and for all. Ring! It's time to wake up!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There's something in the air pushing you toward change or renewal. Is
    it time to change your wardrobe or redecorate your home? If so, today's
    the day. If you have a budget, you will find it just as fulfilling (and
    a lot cheaper) to rid your home of all the things that just aren't "you" anymore. Surround yourself with things you love.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, March 01, 2025 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 1, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may find that your instincts are right, Aquarius, particularly where
    other people are concerned. You and a friend could come up with the same
    words at the same time, which might be a little disconcerting for both of
    you. Still, this increased intuition is likely to help your understanding
    of those close to you more than you ever expected. Make the most of it,
    and remember what you learn.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Social events and group activities could bring new interests your way
    that provide a rich field of knowledge for you to delve into, Pisces.
    Someone could recommend books on the subject. This could be very exciting, especially since a lot of new people who share this interest could come
    into your life. Be sure to keep track of names and phone numbers. You
    won't want to lose touch.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A number of people involved in the healing professions could cross your
    path today, Aries. You might hear news about recent discoveries in those
    fields that sparks your interest. What you learn could affect your life in
    a profoundly positive way, so you need to write down not only the contact information for the people you meet but also the resources they use.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A potential new love partner could show up, Taurus, perhaps someone from a distant state or foreign country or in a field like law or education. You
    could have a lot of interests in common with this person. Some intriguing discussions could result. Whether you choose to pursue this attraction
    depends on your situation, but you can enjoy this person's company today anyway. Tomorrow - who knows?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Family members could spring some surprising news on you today, Gemini. This news may concern people you know or perhaps a family member has some interesting plans of his or her own that you weren't aware of. Although positive, this news could throw you for a loop. It should definitely cause
    you to alter your thinking in some way. Don't let emotion overwhelm logic
    right now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Invitations to some exciting social events in your neighborhood could come today, Cancer. You might hear from some friends who are planning to attend,
    so you could be enthusiastically looking forward to these events. You will enjoy getting together with your friends. Bear in mind that you could also
    meet new people who prove to be valuable business contacts. Make sure you
    look your best!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Good news involving a small, extra sum of money could come today, Leo. You might receive a check in the mail. Take a friend out to lunch. You will
    both have fun. Afterward, you may want to blow the rest of the money on something frivolous, but don't go that far. Think about one or more items
    you want and concentrate on those.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Bonding is today's keyword, Virgo. Relations with close friends should be enhanced by increased communication, perhaps some fascinating conversations about new ideas and exciting world events. This new intellectual rapport
    could bring you closer than you were before. Romantic relationships, in particular, intensify through newly discovered mutual interests, perhaps involving foreign cultures.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A lot of unfinished tasks may need doing around the home today, Libra. You might decide to ignore some of the work that desperately needs to be handled
    in favor of a project that you think you will enjoy more. Don't stick family members with the boring stuff! If you pull together to get the worst out
    of the way, then you can all have fun with the more interesting tasks.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some great news about a friend's good fortune could be exciting, Scorpio,
    and you might spend a lot of time on the phone not only congratulating that friend but also discussing it with other people. This is good for you,
    as you're apt to find it inspiring and use it as motivation to continue
    pushing ahead yourself. In fact, this news could change your life profoundly
    in the long run.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    When it comes to managing money today, Sagittarius, you should go with
    your gut, whether it involves personal finances, job-related concerns, or
    the funds of a group you're affiliated with. Be less concerned about logic
    and more with how you feel about sources of income, specific investments,
    or ways of planning expenses. Do some research to verify your insights
    and then follow them!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A new fascination with history or an exotic culture could drive you to
    learn more about it, Capricorn. It could become an obsession, for today at least. You might spend a lot of time online or in the library or talking
    to people who specialize in this field. By day's end, your mind could be spinning like a top. Take a walk and clear your head or you might not be
    able to sleep.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -8C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, March 02, 2025 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, March 2, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Being of service to others is important, Aquarius, but make sure that you're taking care of yourself, too. Turn up the heat and let yourself expand into other worlds today. There may be an extra amount of dramatic flair that
    goes along with the events of the day, so participate in the absurd. This
    may be exactly the break from reality that you were hoping to find.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If there is an imbalance in your relationship with someone close, it's important to take a stand now, Pisces. Make sure you speak your mind
    with conviction. The stakes are higher when people's egos are involved,
    as they will be today. You're the air that fuels the fire, so be careful
    of which way you direct your energy.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There could be a great deal of friction in your world today, Aries, as
    stubborn minds aggressively come into conflict with each other. Be careful
    how you treat others, because feelings are likely to be hurt if you're insensitive. Others may look tough, but deep down they're just as soft as you are. Think twice about using your aggressive nature at the expense of others.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Things should go nicely for you today, Taurus. You will find that the
    brighter you shine, the more prosperity will come your way. Things should
    flow smoothly, and your mind will be clear and strong. There is a marked aggressiveness to your nature that is powerful and effective. Use this to
    your advantage and try to bring others up to your level instead of making
    them feel like they're beneath you.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may need to make some mental adjustments in order to get on the same wavelength as other people today, Gemini. You may not see what all the fuss
    is about. Don't take things too seriously and don't feel like you need to
    make sense of every detail that presents itself. Some things are best left unknown. Enjoy the diversity in your world and respect the differences in
    other people's approaches.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There may be important lessons about balance that come up today, Cancer. Make sure you're ready to handle the fire, because it will be coming at you. Egos are large, and everyone is going to have an opinion on everything. Tension
    may exist, but this doesn't mean you should back down from your position. Be flexible and understanding, but don't necessarily assume that you're wrong.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The events of the day might leave you feeling a bit confused and bewildered, Leo. Perhaps you're feeling like you aren't getting the attention you
    feel you deserve. You may wonder why the one thing you want the most may
    be the one thing you can't have. You have more than you think you do. No
    one wants to be with someone who's moping and depressed. Let your internal light shine brightly.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a terrific day for you, Virgo. You will find that your mind and
    your urge for action are on the same page. The fire within you is raging
    hot. Use this aggressive internal urge to tackle projects that require
    courage, strength, and a flair for the dramatic. You will find that you're
    more than able to accomplish everything you want to accomplish today.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Feel free to be a bit more selfish than usual, Libra. You might find
    yourself turning inside out in order to get your point across. Attend to
    your dreams and ambitions and let your voice be heard by the crowd. Don't
    be surprised if you meet opposition, but don't take this as a sign that
    you should back down. Stand up for your needs!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might find that your desire to conquer is active today, Scorpio, and that your mind is right in line with the urge to take action. Listen to this and stoke the internal fire. You will find that you can increase your circle of influence by a great deal as long as you're willing to take a decisive risk
    in how you approach every situation. Be bold and courageous in your actions.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might find it necessary to give yourself a bit of self- healing, Sagittarius. Other people may want your attention, looking for advice
    and help with their own sob stories, when in reality you have your own
    matters to take care of. Attend to these today. Be a bit selfish if you
    have to. Make sure you attend to your own needs.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a terrific day for you, Capricorn. You can accomplish a great deal
    when you set your mind in motion. There's a strong, warlike instinct within
    you that's fired up and ready to fight. Leave your worries at the doorstep, because there's no need to hesitate on a day like this. Your kingdom is
    ready for you. Be strong and remember that the best way to lead people is
    to walk behind them.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -15C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, March 03, 2025 08:00:16
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, March 3, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    When it comes to love and romance, things are definitely in your favor, Aquarius. The thing to be aware of today is that there might be some manipulation on the part of someone close to you. Take care that someone
    else's need for freedom isn't negatively affecting your relationship. Communication is key in order to maintain a healthy romance at any level.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Things regarding love and romance may be a bit dicey for you, Pisces. You
    may find that you have to make a few adjustments in order to remain on the
    same page as your loved ones. Neither one of you may feel like taking the
    lead at this time, causing some hesitation in the relationship. While each
    of you is trying to second-guess the other, confusion is likely to reign.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The more tightly you try to hang onto something, Aries, the more likely it
    is it will want to slip through your fingers. Grab what you want, but don't squeeze too hard. Maintain an important balance between showing someone you care by taking them under your wing and allowing them the freedom to be their own person. Sensitive feelings are operating today, so proceed with care.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Matters involving love and romance might not go exactly the way you'd
    like, Taurus. You could be waiting for your partner to make the next move, since you're unsure of which way the relationship is progressing. At the
    same time, it may be that your partner is the one waiting for you. Keep
    the lines of communication open and stop playing confusing mind games.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Things should be going well for you in the love and romance department,
    Gemini, but you could find that today things get a bit tenuous. While you
    want things to be clear and planned out, it could be that your partner
    longs for more freedom and spontaneity. Tension may result if either party becomes too set in their ways. The tension may arise when neither partner
    wants to take the lead.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    People may be wondering how to proceed while you're off doing your own
    thing. Don't go in one direction and leave someone else behind, Cancer. In matters regarding love and romance, you may have to slow down and communicate with your partner. Take the lead and try not to get slowed down by other people's indecisiveness. You know which direction to go, so go there.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Recent events in the love and romance department may have you feeling like
    you aren't getting your needs met, Leo. Remember that other people aren't
    mind readers the way you are. If someone's behavior isn't right with you,
    say so. Romantic partnerships should uplift and support your dreams,
    not something you make personal sacrifices for just to maintain.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be careful that you aren't manipulating a romantic situation so your
    partner loses any power, Virgo. You may think your actions are noble
    and well meaning, but you may be creating a scenario that has no basis
    in reality. People could be impressionable, but that doesn't mean you
    should take advantage of this by promoting your own interests at the
    expense of another's.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Things in the love department may be looking up for you, Libra, but beware
    that you aren't getting pushed around. Your partner could feel the need
    for more freedom in the relationship, while you're hoping to find more commitment. Take it one day at a time. Don't get ahead of yourself by projecting scenarios that may not come to fruition. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may find that you're indecisive when it comes to issues concerning love
    and romance, Scorpio. For some reason, you have a tendency to pull one
    way and then the other, yet neither way seems very rewarding. Don't feel
    like you have to take concrete action at this time. In fact, if you do,
    this commitment may cause you more frustration later.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Try to get more grounded in your actions regarding love and romance, Sagittarius. You may need to take a more reserved approach in your
    actions in order to get where you need to go. At the same time, however,
    your freedom-loving, adventurous side may feel the need to roam more
    freely. This is a tough combination of energies to work with, so do your
    best to find a balance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're quite sure of yourself and solid about many things except one. When
    it comes to romantic relationships, you feel a bit unsure and inadequate, Capricorn. It could be that you're indecisive about how to proceed. There's
    a strong urge to take charge, but also a tendency to slow things down and
    let others take the lead. Figure out your needs before you make long-term
    plans with others.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast -7C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, March 04, 2025 08:00:16
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 4, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Chances to pursue opportunities to bring whatever creative work you do
    best to the public could come up today, Aquarius. This might involve performances, exhibitions, trade shows, or festivals - anything that
    involves a lot of attention from the public. You will be in the limelight
    and outshine almost everyone! This is likely to be a lot of fun. It should definitely boost your ego.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The chance to take a trip by air with friends or members of a group could
    come your way today, Pisces. This might involve an exhibition of some
    kind, as well as a chance to advance your knowledge in some way. Both the dissemination and the gathering of information are definitely involved. If
    you can, make the arrangements today. Whatever the journey, it could make
    a big difference in your life.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You could complete some personal projects that involve a lot of paperwork today, Aries. This could increase your income considerably. Past success
    that has become known in your field could lead to opportunities for
    future success. This may be job related, but it may also involve your own projects. All signs indicate that success, good fortune, and advancement
    are in the wind for you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Opportunities for new partnerships concerning a personal project of yours
    could come to you from far away, Taurus. Contracts, agreements, and other
    legal matters work in your favor, but making sense of them could require concentration. Read the fine print to learn as much as you can. Whatever happens, your life should definitely change in a subtle but positive way. Embrace the change!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Mundane and perhaps boring tasks could take up much of your morning, Gemini, but you will need to get them out of the way so you can move on to more exciting projects. More paperwork might be required in order to get these things started, but you will get it done quickly and efficiently. Keep on plugging along. You're on the right track!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A get-together with a current or potential romantic partner could lead to
    some stimulating discussions of concepts that interest you both, Cancer. You could make plans for future enterprises that bring you closer together. This
    is a good day to advance any relationships that involve mutual intellectual interests. Expect to spend much of your time in bookstores with your friend!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might toy with the idea of doing some renovation on your
    home, perhaps for your enjoyment, but primarily to increase its value,
    Leo. Decorating, landscaping, or both might be on the agenda. A number of possibilities could present themselves, and you will probably spend much
    time giving each some serious consideration. In the end, you will probably choose the most beautiful!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Creative energy, especially involving writing or speaking, could overflow today. Ideas could come thick and fast, Virgo, and you might want to phone
    some friends and discuss your thoughts. This is probably going to bring
    even more information your way for your mind to process! Write down what interests you most, and take a walk to clear your head. Tomorrow it should
    all be clearer to you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you own your home, the value of your equity may have gone up in the recent past, Libra. Income through land or property is strongly indicated. This
    is likely to change your life in a subtle but positive way. This is a
    great time to buy or sell a home. If you're in the process of doing it now, this is the perfect time to get some of the paperwork prepared.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A lot of letters, calls, or emails could come your way from all over,
    Scorpio, bringing lots of good news and useful information. Some of it
    could involve new and innovative opportunities that are of great interest to you. Expect a lot of discussion that could really get your mind going. Write down what seems most promising for you and leave the rest for others.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    An opportunity to earn extra money in a creative way may come today from an unexpected and perhaps even previously unknown source, Sagittarius. This
    could come as a surprise, but you're likely to want to take advantage of
    it. You could also be the lucky recipient of a financial windfall. Someone
    who owes you money might suddenly pay you back. This should definitely be
    a good day for money!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your physical and mental energies overflow today, Capricorn. You may want to tackle every possible project that could bring advancement along whatever
    lines you want. Artistic endeavors, group activities, and social events
    are strong possibilities, so get busy! This should also be an exhilarating
    day when you accomplish a lot. Enjoy yourself thoroughly while doing it. Go
    for the gold, and have fun!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +2C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, March 05, 2025 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 5, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Let your playful side shine today, Aquarius. Your dreams are vivid and inspiring, so let them guide your actions. Engage in lighthearted chats
    with friends--maybe discuss the latest movies or share fun websites.
    Consider doing something for yourself, like a workout or a fresh haircut,
    to boost your appearance. With your keen eye for beauty today, even small changes can make a big difference. Enjoy the creativity and joy that comes
    with letting your inner child lead the way.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Switch things up today, Pisces. Step away from routine and explore new ideas and dreams instead of sticking to commitments. Question everything and have some lively debates. Make sure to inject some fun into your day. Grab some friends and head outdoors for an activity that gets you moving and chatting about life. Fresh air and good company are just what you need. Remember,
    the goal is to enjoy yourself and break from the norm. Embrace spontaneity,
    and let your curiosity guide you to new experiences.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're likely feeling the weight of some emotional matters today, Aries. It's important to realize that these feelings might cloud your judgment, making
    it tricky to take a realistic approach. If you're feeling off-kilter in your interactions, it could be wise to step back a bit. Letting someone else
    take charge can provide the stability you need right now. Trust in others
    to guide things while you regain your balance. This pause can help you
    see things more clearly and prepare you for the next steps. Remember, it's
    okay to lean on others sometimes--balance will return, and with it, clarity.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Question the validity of anything you find yourself in conflict with
    today, Taurus. It's crucial to dig deeper into the issues at hand, as misunderstandings might be at play. You could be dealing with people acting
    on incomplete information, leading to false accusations. To bring harmony
    back into the situation, focus on clarifying the truth and helping others understand the true motivations behind your actions. As emotions are likely running high, be gentle yet firm in your approach. Keep communication open, honest, and calm. This way, you'll pave the path to resolving conflicts gracefully and restoring balance.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    That spark of insight you're feeling today, Gemini, is a sign to trust your intuition. You've found the missing piece to a puzzle that's been on your
    mind, and now it's time to act on it. Keep things light and playful--your creative and imaginative side is your best asset right now. Share your
    ideas with those around you and let your enthusiasm invite others to participate. Collaborate and let their input enhance your vision. Remember, your positive attitude is contagious, and it's the key to turning your
    dreams into reality today. Embrace the magic of possibility!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Lean into the surreal vibes, Cancer, and let your unique ideas flow. Don't
    get bogged down by others' opinions or chatter. This is your day to connect--pick up the phone and share your dreams, no matter how out there
    they seem. Sure, some might raise an eyebrow, but that's okay. Being true
    to yourself is key. Your honesty can inspire others and maybe even open
    new doors. Remember, vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. So,
    go ahead and reach out--your authenticity could be just what someone else
    needs to hear today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Embrace the light-hearted energy today, Leo. Let yourself get lost
    in playful conversations and allow your imagination to take the lead. Fantasizing can infuse creativity into your interactions, making even
    ordinary moments feel magical. If possible, prioritize activities that
    let you dream and explore new ideas. Invite friends or loved ones to join
    you in keeping things light and fun. Remember, today's about enjoying the journey without the weight of reality. Use this vibe to refresh your spirit
    and share joy with those around you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You might feel a bit off-balance today, Virgo. There's a tempting urge to
    jump into action, yet the clarity you need isn't quite there. It's like
    having a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. Decisions feel cloudy,
    and facts seem blurred. Instead of pushing for answers, try to shift
    your focus. Spend time with friends or dive into a favorite hobby. These activities can provide a refreshing break and help clear your mind. Avoid making major commitments until things settle. Enjoy the present moment,
    and trust that clarity will come when the time is right.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today, Libra, embrace your inner star and bask in the spotlight of your own story. Let your versatility shine as you navigate different roles and moods with ease and confidence. Your smile is your superpower today--use it to
    spread warmth and positivity to those around you. There's no need to hurry
    or chase after something; you've already achieved significant milestones. Relish each moment with loved ones, enjoying the simplicity of just being together. This is your day to celebrate who you are and inspire others
    with your unique presence.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Feeling stuck or overwhelmed, Scorpio? It's time to shake things up and
    step off the beaten path. Give yourself permission to relax and disconnect
    from the usual grind. Trust that whatever direction you choose today is
    the right one, without second-guessing. Remember, regret is just a waste
    of energy, so focus on the here and now. Enjoy the little pleasures life
    offers and take a moment to communicate your dreams. Bringing balance into
    your life can lead to unexpected joys and insights. Embrace the day with
    an open heart and see where it takes you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Things are flowing your way today, Sagittarius, and you should savor the comfort and joy in your surroundings. There's a whimsical vibe in the
    air, letting your emotions wander beyond time and space. Don't stress
    about staying grounded--embrace this dreamy energy. Visit an art museum
    to let creativity inspire you, or catch a dance performance to enjoy the
    grace of movement. Consider watching a movie that sparks your imagination, followed by dinner at your favorite restaurant to indulge your senses. Let today be about pleasure and fantasy, enjoying each moment as it unfolds.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, avoid pushing for answers or solutions. Forcing your
    will might lead to frustration, so take a step back and let things unfold naturally. Focus on enjoying your achievements and the knowledge you've
    gained. Keep things light and playful. Instead of seeking resolutions, celebrate the journey and trust that everything will align in its own time. Enjoy the moment and let go of any pressure to control outcomes. This
    approach will bring more peace and ultimately lead to things falling into
    place effortlessly.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain, mist +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, March 06, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, March 6, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't let minor setbacks get you down today, Aquarius. Remember that
    stumbling blocks are part of the journey, not the destination. Keep
    things in perspective and stay focused on your overall goals. A little disappointment doesn't define your path or your potential. Instead, use
    any hiccups as learning experiences. Re-evaluate your plan, make necessary adjustments, and keep pushing forward with determination. Stay objective,
    and don't let temporary challenges obscure your vision for success. You're equipped to handle this, and your persistence will pay off in the end. Keep going--victory is still within reach!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You might get some disappointing news today, Pisces. It could be about a temporary setback with one of your projects. Although it's frustrating, remember it's only a bump in the road. You'll probably need to handle
    some minor details that aren't your favorite, but it's important to push through. Try to stay focused and not let these frustrations take over.
    Keep your eye on the bigger picture and remind yourself that you're still making progress. This is just a small detour on your path to success. Stay positive, and you'll navigate through this with resilience.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's natural to feel a bit of a lull after a whirlwind of activity, but
    today is about grounding yourself. Use this time to tackle those routine
    tasks that have been on the back burner. Clear your space, organize your
    week, and handle the small details that keep life running smoothly. While
    they may seem mundane, getting them out of the way will free up time and
    energy for more exciting pursuits. Look ahead and start planning your
    next adventure or project. Having something to look forward to can be a
    great motivator. Remember, the balance of highs and lows is what makes
    life vibrant!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's natural to feel frustrated when things don't move as quickly as you'd like, Taurus. But keep in mind, the delay is just a pause, not a stop. Use
    this time constructively. Reflect on your strategy and see if there's
    anything you can adjust or improve. Stay focused on your long-term vision
    and remember that persistence is key. To keep momentum, tackle your daily tasks, even if they seem mundane. Completing these chores not only keeps
    things running smoothly but also provides small wins that boost your morale. Stay positive and trust that progress is just around the corner!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It seems like today's focus is on making a purchase that's more of a
    necessity than a luxury, Gemini. Whether it's a repair for your home
    or car, or new equipment for work, it's an investment in your peace of
    mind and efficiency. It might feel like a setback, especially if you had
    other plans for that money, but consider the potential headaches this
    could save you in the long run. Prioritize what's essential, plan your
    budget accordingly, and remember that this is ultimately about creating
    a smoother, more comfortable life. Keep the bigger picture in mind, and
    you'll find value in this decision.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities could be the theme of the day. It's crucial to prioritize your well-being. Your natural kindness might
    have led to overcommitting, whether with family, work, or other groups. Consider taking a step back and reevaluating what truly matters. Fulfill
    your current obligations, but be cautious about adding more to your plate. Remember, your needs and well-being are just as important. By rebalancing
    your commitments, you'll find more peace and energy to tackle what's truly important. Prioritize yourself, and you'll be in a better position to help others in the long run.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might experience some ups and downs today, Leo. Expect at least one
    phone call with "good news, bad news" that could swing your mood back and forth. It's important to stay centered through this. Take the good news
    as a boost to your day. Let it lift your spirits and motivate you. For the
    bad news, try to view it with an objective mindset. Ask yourself, "How can
    I turn this around?" Think about possible solutions or ways to minimize its impact. Remember, challenges often come with opportunities in disguise. Stay resilient and keep an open mind--they could lead to unexpected positives!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today, Virgo, you might feel a bit off balance with your usual spiritual beliefs. Doubts might surface, whether about long-held ideas or recent discoveries. This is a natural part of growth. It's a chance to examine
    what truly resonates with you. Take time to reflect on what aligns with
    your values and experiences. Write down any insights or questions that
    arise, and discuss them with trusted friends or mentors. Remember, a little skepticism can strengthen your understanding and belief system. Embrace
    this process as a way to refine your spiritual journey and deepen your connection to what truly matters.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You might learn something unsettling about a friend today, Libra. This revelation could make you see a different side of them, prompting you to distance yourself and reassess the friendship. It's important to remember
    that everyone has their flaws. Ask yourself if what you discovered is
    just a part of being human, or if it's truly something you can't overlook.
    Take a moment to reflect on your values and boundaries. Consider having a candid conversation with this person to understand their perspective. Trust your instincts and choose what's best for your emotional well-being.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're juggling a lot right now, Scorpio, but it's important to find
    balance. Your desire to spend time with your partner is strong, yet work responsibilities might be pulling you in another direction. Don't let frustration take over. Instead, communicate openly with your partner
    about your schedule and try to find a compromise. Suggest meeting later
    or planning something special for another day. Most people appreciate
    honesty and understand when life gets hectic. Remember, flexibility and
    clear communication can turn a potential setback into an opportunity for
    deeper connection. Stay positive and make the most of the situation!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today, Sagittarius, you might find yourself itching for change, as your
    routine feels a bit too monotonous. You could feel the urge to break free
    and indulge in some spontaneous adventures. However, the weight of your responsibilities might still linger in your mind. If this feeling doesn't
    fade soon, take a moment to reflect on what truly fulfills you. Consider exploring new opportunities that align with your passions and allow for personal growth. Remember, life is too short to stay stuck in situations
    that don't nourish your spirit. Embrace change and find what truly
    excites you!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Feeling especially sensual and passionate today, Capricorn? You might
    want to meet up with a love interest, but other responsibilities could be looming. It's tempting to let frustration take over, but don't fall into
    that trap. Tackle your to-do list head-on; maybe you can even push some
    tasks to tomorrow. Once that's sorted, set up that hot date and enjoy
    the evening! Prioritizing and organizing your tasks can help keep the
    day on track while allowing some well-deserved personal time. Remember,
    balance is key, and there's always room for a little romance.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Friday, March 07, 2025 08:00:16
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, March 7, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today, Aquarius, you're in a mood to expand your horizons. You and a
    friend might be planning an exciting vacation, possibly involving a flight across the ocean. This trip isn't just for relaxation; it's to a place
    that has always intrigued you, making it an educational adventure. Start
    by researching the destinations that fascinate you most. Consider booking
    a flight that allows for some flexibility, in case new opportunities for exploration arise. Make a list of landmarks and experiences you don't want
    to miss, balancing leisure with learning. Enjoy the anticipation and let
    this planning phase be as fun as the journey itself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It seems like the universe has some exciting updates swirling around
    your career path. Whether it's a well-deserved raise or some intriguing
    new benefits, stay alert for any information coming your way. This good
    news might involve investments or other financial perks that go beyond
    your usual paycheck. If you've been hesitating on signing contracts or
    tackling legal paperwork, today is the day to go for it. The stars are
    aligned in your favor, so make the most of this auspicious energy. Keep
    your ears open and be ready to act--good things are headed your way.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    New and exciting vibes are swirling around you today, Aries, as a potential love interest may appear unexpectedly. The attraction could be electric, sparking a thrill that's hard to ignore. Whether or not you pursue this connection will depend on your current situation, but either way, you'll
    likely enjoy the rush of emotions. To make the most of the day, put a
    little extra effort into your appearance; feeling confident can elevate
    the experience. Remember, the excitement of possibility can be just as rewarding as the outcome, so embrace the moment and see where it leads!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today, Taurus, you should be feeling especially energetic and
    enthusiastic. This makes it the perfect day to kick off a new project,
    perhaps something related to your home or personal growth. You might
    find more than one opportunity coming your way--one could be creatively fulfilling, while the other might be more routine. Whether you choose to
    pursue both or just one, you're definitely going to be busy. Channel this energy into planning and prioritizing your time. Make a list and set some
    clear goals. Remember, your enthusiasm is your greatest asset today. Embrace it, and you'll make great strides forward!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It looks like you'll be busy organizing a party or group gathering,
    Gemini! Expect to spend a lot of time on communications--whether that's
    writing letters, making phone calls, or sending out invites. This is a
    great opportunity to reconnect with friends and get everyone excited. Think
    of it as a pre-party celebration, which seems perfect for you! Remember
    to keep track of your to-do list to stay organized and efficient. Enjoy
    the excitement and buildup, and look forward to the upcoming fun. You've
    got this!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Start your day slowly, Cancer, giving yourself time to recuperate. Focus
    on staying hydrated and eating nourishing foods to regain energy. Once
    you're ready, tackle those tedious tasks first. Prioritize them in chunks, setting a timer to keep yourself motivated. As you check off each item,
    you'll feel a sense of accomplishment that boosts your mood. In the
    afternoon, shift your attention to projects that truly excite you. This transition will reignite your passion and drive, making the rest of the day enjoyable and fulfilling. By evening, reward yourself with some relaxation
    or a fun activity.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is a perfect day for launching any project that involves writing,
    acting, or speaking, Leo. Your creativity is buzzing, and you're likely brimming with new ideas. Dive into tasks that let you express yourself,
    whether it's drafting a story, rehearsing a script, or preparing a speech.
    Keep the momentum going by engaging in stimulating conversations with friends--a call or a quick meet-up could spark even more inspiration. Make
    sure to jot down any ideas that come up during these interactions. Enjoy
    the dynamic energy and let it fuel your creativity!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Have you ever thought about diving into real estate, gardening, or interior decorating? Today might be the day to explore these interests, Virgo. You
    could discover a knack for one or all of these areas and even consider them
    as future income sources. It's worth looking into some formal training to
    see these possibilities through. Take your time to evaluate each option carefully. Think about what excites you the most and aligns with your
    long-term goals. Whether it's the thrill of real estate, the tranquility of gardening, or the creativity of decorating, choose what feels right for you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're buzzing with energy and excitement today, Libra. It's a perfect day
    to gather friends for a spontaneous get-together. Consider hosting a casual meetup at your place or planning an outdoor picnic. Keep the atmosphere
    lively with engaging games or activities. As you catch up, share your latest exciting news and relish the stimulating conversations. To channel some
    of that boundless energy, fit in a brisk walk or a quick workout session.
    This will help balance your enthusiasm and keep you refreshed. Enjoy the dynamic vibes and make the most of every moment!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Opportunity knocks today with a chance to make some extra money through
    someone you know from a social event, Scorpio. Even if you're not familiar
    with the work, trust your sharp mind to learn quickly. Be aware of pushing yourself too hard, though. Stay focused on balancing effort with well- being
    to avoid burnout. Prioritize tasks and set clear boundaries to manage your energy efficiently. Remember, it's important to take breaks and recharge. Success comes not just from hard work but also from smart work. Embrace
    the opportunity with confidence, and take care of yourself as you navigate
    this new venture.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is the perfect time to dive into those new goals, Sagittarius. Surround yourself with like-minded people at a social event or group meeting. Let your creative talents shine through as you collaborate and connect. You'll find
    both satisfaction and enjoyment in the shared energy and camaraderie. Don't hold back--embrace the opportunity to contribute and have fun. Stay open
    to new experiences and let the inspiration flow. Your enthusiasm will be contagious, and you'll make meaningful progress. Enjoy every moment and
    make it count!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, it's time to kick off that project you've been dreaming about. Whether it's career-related or a personal goal, this endeavor will
    push you forward in the direction you desire. Remember, it's important to maintain a balanced perspective and not be overly critical of yourself. Treat your work with the same fairness and objectivity that you would offer others. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps can help keep stress levels low and productivity high. Celebrate each small victory to stay motivated. You've got this, and every step is a step closer to achieving your goals!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -1C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Saturday, March 08, 2025 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, March 8, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Start with a clear vision of what you want to achieve in your home
    improvement journey. As you shop, prioritize items that align with your personal style and long-term goals. Trendy pieces might be tempting,
    but focus on those that offer durability and timeless appeal. Make a
    list of essentials before heading out to avoid impulse buys. This way,
    each purchase will bring lasting satisfaction and real enhancement to your living space. Remember, it's not about quantity, but the lasting value and
    joy your selections bring. Stick to your unique taste, and your home will reflect your personality beautifully.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Remember, Pisces, not everything needs immediate approval. Feeling the pressure to deliver is natural, but creativity thrives without the
    rush. Prioritize tasks, and break them into manageable chunks. This way,
    you can focus on quality rather than speed. Set clear boundaries to avoid overcommitment and ensure you have the space to think and create. Lean on
    tools and techniques that help streamline your process without compromising your vision. Trust your instincts; your creative flair will shine through
    in its own time. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep motivation high. You've got this!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're full of talents and it's easy to get overwhelmed by options. Today, focus on quality over quantity. Take a moment to step back and prioritize
    your tasks. It's about concentrating your energy on one or two key projects instead of spreading yourself thin. This way, you'll accomplish more
    with less stress. Remember, even a small progress in one important area
    can lead to big results. Keep things simple and direct, and you'll find
    clarity and satisfaction in your work.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It seems you're ready for a major change in your life, Taurus. However,
    be cautious not to implement change merely for its own sake. It's important
    to think carefully about what you truly want. Some introspection might
    reveal that the changes you're considering could be minor rather than
    major. Sometimes, small adjustments can lead to significant improvements. For instance, focusing on your health by jogging a few days a week or opting
    for salads at lunch instead of sandwiches could trigger a fantastic ripple effect, enhancing your overall well-being. Remember, it's the consistent,
    small changes that often yield the most profound results.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You have a keen mind, Gemini, always buzzing with new info. It's impressive
    how much you retain, but today might stretch even your limits. Work
    could feel overwhelming with data overload, and at home, those books and magazines you're eager to dive into are piling up. It's time to hit pause
    on the intellectual hustle. Spend the evening unwinding with some passive entertainment--think movies or a relaxing playlist. Let your mind chill
    out and recharge. Remember, stepping back can be as productive as pushing forward. Enjoy some downtime, and you'll come back sharper than ever!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Remember to pace yourself today, Cancer. Your enthusiasm is admirable, but
    be mindful of your limits. With only 24 hours in a day, it's important to prioritize your commitments wisely. Choose tasks that align closely with your goals and values, ensuring you can follow through effectively. By focusing
    your energy on a select few priorities, you'll find greater satisfaction
    and impact in your efforts. To stay organized, create a to-do list and
    allocate specific time slots for each task. This approach will help you
    manage your time efficiently while maintaining your well-being. Keep it
    simple, stay focused, and enjoy a productive day!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Remember, Leo, it's crucial not to rush into anything, especially where finances are concerned. If a friend or colleague presents an opportunity
    that seems exceptionally alluring, take a step back and analyze the details carefully. Excitement can cloud judgment, so it's essential to maintain
    a level-headed approach. Consider discussing the proposal with a trusted advisor or doing thorough research on your own. This diligence will help you uncover any potential pitfalls. By staying patient and skeptical, you'll be able to make informed decisions that protect your interests in the long run.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Feeling overwhelmed by the influx of information today, Virgo? It seems
    like everyone wants a piece of you, with a full voicemail and overflowing
    inbox by midday. Remember, you can't meet everyone's expectations all at
    once. Prioritize your tasks based on what truly matters to you. It's okay
    to push back and say no when necessary. You might face some resistance from higher-ups initially, but they'll eventually recognize the logic in your approach. Stay focused on what aligns with your personal and professional goals, and you'll navigate the day with confidence and clarity.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Remember, Libra, it's important to pace yourself today. You may not
    feel up to tackling your workload with your usual enthusiasm, and that's
    okay. Prioritize your tasks and focus on what's essential. Make sure to
    fuel your body with nutritious meals--consider a light soup and salad for lunch, and don't forget to stay hydrated. By taking care of your physical well-being, you'll likely see your energy levels improve as the day goes
    on. Give yourself grace, and trust that you'll regain your momentum soon.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Creativity can't be rushed, Scorpio. As much as you're eager to create something amazing right now, remember, even the most talented need
    inspiration. The creative muse, unpredictable as it may be, requires patience and gentle coaxing. Rather than pushing yourself, take small steps to invite creativity in. Maybe try a change of scenery, a new activity, or simply relax and let your mind wander. Trust the process; with time and patience, the
    muse will visit, and your efforts will lead to something truly worthwhile.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Feeling overwhelmed with juggling professional and social obligations? You're not alone. If you're hosting tonight, consider getting some help. Think about catering part of the meal or hiring someone to handle the dishes. It's tough enough trying to entertain and keep everyone happy, so don't feel like you
    have to do it all yourself. Remember, it's okay to ask for help. Your guests will appreciate your company more if you're not stressed. Prioritize what matters and let others lend a hand. Enjoy the evening without the pressure
    of being a superhero!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today's all about balancing your internal desires with external demands, Capricorn. As much as you might want to hide under the covers, the world
    isn't giving you a break. Your phone's ringing nonstop, and emails keep
    piling up. It feels like everyone wants something from you, and you're
    just not in the mood. But hang in there. Promise yourself some relaxation
    time once you get home. Make it a priority. Turn off your phone, disconnect from work, and indulge in some much-needed downtime. You've earned it! And hopefully, no one will disturb your peace!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Sunday, March 09, 2025 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, March 9, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It looks like a financial blessing is headed your way, Aquarius! Whether
    it's an unexpected inheritance or a fantastic return on an investment,
    this windfall could boost your spirits significantly. To make the most
    of it, consider planning wisely for the future. Instead of splurging on immediate pleasures, think about securing your long-term goals. Perhaps
    consult a financial advisor to explore options like savings, investments,
    or paying off debts. Making strategic choices now could bring stability
    and prosperity in the years to come. Enjoy the surprise, but keep your
    eyes on the long-term prize!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Romance is very much highlighted today, Pisces. All signs point to you and
    your partner being in perfect sync. No wonder you two have been getting
    along so well! It's a great time to consider taking the next important
    step in your relationship. Whether you're just starting out or have been together for a while, there's always room to grow and reach new heights together. Communicate openly about your shared goals and dreams, and plan something special to celebrate this harmony. Trust that this positive
    energy will elevate your connection to new levels.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Harness your ambitious nature today, Aries. The stars are aligned in your favor, so it's the perfect time to tackle those career goals. Your focus
    is sharp, and your understanding of what needs to be done is crystal
    clear. Start by setting specific objectives and outlining the steps to
    achieve them. Prioritize tasks that have the most impact, and don't hesitate
    to take bold actions. Trust in your capabilities--there's nothing standing
    in your way. Embrace the positive momentum and push forward with confidence. Success is within your reach, and today's efforts will set the stage for
    future achievements.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It looks like today is the day your persistence pays off, Taurus. That
    project you've been grinding away at is finally gaining momentum. Your dedication and effort are starting to show results, giving you that well- deserved sense of achievement. Keep the momentum going, though! Use this progress as motivation to push even harder. Set short-term goals to maintain focus and take proactive steps to keep things moving forward. Remember, consistency is key to long-term success. Celebrate your victories but stay driven to achieve even more recognition and success in your endeavors!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today, you'll likely wake up, glance around your home, and see plenty of
    room for improvement. Fortunately, Gemini, you are the perfect person
    for this task! You have a knack for creativity and decorating, even if
    you don't always recognize it. With some visitors expected this evening,
    why not spend the day reorganizing and enhancing your living space? Add
    homey touches with groupings of framed family photos on one table and a cherished collection on another. Remember, it doesn't take money to make a
    home feel welcoming; just a little bit of love and creativity can transform your space beautifully.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You've been putting in the effort, and it's about to pay off, Cancer. Your dedication hasn't gone unnoticed, and a significant career opportunity is
    on the horizon. Stay focused on your goals and keep putting your skills
    to use. Networking and seeking feedback could enhance your visibility
    and readiness for the next step. Remember, patience and persistence are
    key. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, and trust that your hard
    work will lead to rewarding advancements. You're on the brink of something great, so maintain your momentum and stay optimistic. Your perseverance
    is about to yield exciting results!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It might feel tempting to search for a new job to boost your income, Leo,
    but drastic moves may not be necessary. Your current situation might be
    more promising than it seems. Consider having an open conversation with
    your boss; they might already be thinking about offering you a raise.
    It's worth exploring this option before making any big decisions. If your financial concerns are temporary, think about discussing a low-interest
    loan with a family member to bridge the gap. This could provide the relief
    you need without long-term changes. Trust that things could improve soon
    with the right approach.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    With your charm and social skills, Virgo, you're in the perfect spot to
    shine. The astral energy is giving you that extra boost, making today an
    ideal time to step out and impress. Even if you're not feeling it, going
    the extra mile could lead to exciting opportunities. Keep an eye out for invitations from influential people or chances to showcase your talents in social settings. These could be stepping stones to bigger things. Embrace
    the spotlight and let your natural charisma work its magic. Remember,
    this is your time to stand out, so seize every moment with confidence!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Spending time outdoors in quiet reflection can be incredibly rejuvenating, Libra. Consider taking a half-hour walk through a city park or a nearby
    natural setting. This brief escape will help you feel more rested and
    grounded, providing a much-needed break from your busy routine. You've been working hard lately, and it's essential to refill the well of your soul. Prioritize this downtime to avoid burnout. Remember, a little self-care
    goes a long way in maintaining your energy and well-being. Make it a habit
    to weave these peaceful moments into your day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're a hard and conscientious worker, Scorpio, and it's important to
    balance that dedication with some much-needed personal time. Working hard
    is admirable, but pushing yourself too far can lead to burnout. Make it
    a priority to schedule regular breaks and downtime. Whether it's a short
    walk, a hobby, or simply some quiet meditation, these moments can recharge
    your energy and maintain your well-being. Remember, sustaining a healthy work-life balance will not only benefit you in the long run but also enhance your productivity and satisfaction. Take care of yourself; you're worth it!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today, you may feel the urge to add some color to your life,
    Sagittarius. Take this opportunity to refresh your home environment with
    small, vibrant touches. Consider picking up a few flowering plants or some colorful scatter rugs and artwork to instantly lift your spirits. You don't need to break the bank; even small changes can make a big difference. Another way to create warmth and coziness is by baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies. The smell alone can make your space feel more homey and inviting. Plus, it's hard to stay grumpy with a milk moustache!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    It's a great day to connect with your community, Capricorn! You might find yourself at a local event or gathering, where you're pleasantly surprised to discover shared interests with those who live nearby. Initially attending
    out of obligation, you soon feel the genuine camaraderie and teamwork that unfold. This setting offers the perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves
    and contribute to a common goal alongside your neighbors. By the end of
    the event, expect to forge some meaningful friendships and connections.
    Enjoy the sense of unity and the satisfaction of working together towards something positive!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light snow -3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Monday, March 10, 2025 08:00:18
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, March 10, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're seeing the fruits of your hard work, Aquarius. It's the validation you've been craving, especially when others have shaken your confidence. Stay firm in your vision of happiness and don't let anyone derail you. Keep moving toward your goals, and don't get sidetracked by minor setbacks. Stick to
    your path, knowing you're on the right track. Remember, your determination
    is stronger than any obstacle. You're closer to your dreams than ever,
    so keep pushing forward without hesitation. Your perseverance and focus
    will lead you to success. Keep believing in yourself and your journey.
    You've got this!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Make the most of today's interactions, Pisces. Pay attention to everyone
    you meet, as they might play a significant role in your future. Use your
    keen insight to note any interesting details or opportunities that arise. Consider how these connections and observations could synergize down the
    line. In your work, let your attention to detail shine; it could lead to impressive results. Keep a notebook or app handy to jot down thoughts and ideas--everything you notice today might be the key to future success. Stay open and curious, and enjoy the potential this day holds!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    This is a time of new beginnings, Aries. You're more ready than ever to
    tackle new challenges, even if you haven't realized it yet. It's easy to
    get comfortable in your career, but now is the perfect moment to shake
    things up. You've got the skills to make a significant leap forward,
    so why not seize the opportunity? Start by identifying what your dream
    job looks like and take active steps to pursue it. Better yet, consider creating that ideal role yourself. Remember, a little effort can lead to
    a big transformation. Stay proactive and watch your career flourish!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Romance is in the air today, Taurus. Take this opportunity to refresh
    your look and invite that special someone for a cozy dinner. Whether
    you're dating or happily married, embrace the mood by planning a memorable date. Even if you've been together for years, a sprinkle of romance can reignite the spark. Think of a heartfelt surprise or revisit a place with cherished memories. It's all about showing appreciation and making each
    other feel special. Enjoy the romance and make it an evening to remember!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today, embrace your sense of style and go for those fashionable shoes
    and luxurious fabrics you've been eyeing. With your passion and sense
    of romance at an all-time high, it's the perfect time to indulge your
    fashion cravings. Consider planning a special outing or a romantic evening
    to showcase your chic ensemble. This could be anything from a dinner
    date to a fun night out with friends. Your extra efforts in sprucing up
    your appearance won't go unnoticed. Enjoy the confidence boost and the compliments that come your way. Make the most of this stylish energy and
    let it add a little sparkle to your day!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Living your own fairy tale isn't reserved for royalty, Cancer. You deserve
    a happily ever after, and right now, the universe is aligning to bring
    a special person into your life. Forget the so-called "expert" advice on attracting a soul mate; what truly matters are your unique qualities. Embrace them. They are your personal magic, and they will naturally draw the right
    one to you. Remember to stay true to yourself, and don't be afraid to
    showcase your authenticity. It's this genuine version of you that will captivate their heart. Enjoy the journey, and know that your story is
    unfolding beautifully.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Feeling the heat at home, Leo? Before you put on those boxing gloves,
    consider a softer approach. Grab an oven mitt and channel that energy
    into cooking up something delicious. It's a great way to distract yourself
    from family tensions and might even bring everyone together over a shared
    meal. Not into cooking? No problem. Swap the mitt for some reading glasses
    and dive into your work. Keep yourself busy and focused on tasks that need
    your attention. Remember, these homefront tensions are temporary. Stay calm, keep busy, and soon enough, things will simmer down.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Feeling overwhelmed, Virgo? That wanderlust is real, but it's your need for space speaking up. With mounting obligations, it's time to prioritize. Assess which commitments truly matter and say no to the rest. Delegate where you can--let someone else handle less critical tasks. Remember, your time is
    yours to manage. Politely decline social invites if they don't fit into
    your schedule. It's okay to put yourself first. You deserve a break and
    some downtime. Recharge and consider that escape, even if just a weekend getaway. Balance is key, and setting boundaries is crucial. Embrace the
    freedom and breathe!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It's a great moment for you, Libra! All your hard work is finally getting
    the recognition it deserves. But remember, this acknowledgment is just the beginning. It's time to take those original ideas you've been nurturing
    and put them into action. With the support of your higher-ups, you have a strong foundation to build on. Don't let nerves hold you back--stay focused
    on your plans and execute them with confidence. Keep pushing forward and
    remain diligent. Your efforts could lead to significant professional and financial rewards if you continue to work hard and stay committed.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You have a wonderful, nurturing nature, Scorpio. Those around you reap tremendous benefit from your caring soul. Just as you're attuned to the
    needs of others, remember to honor your own needs, too. It's important to practice self-care and allow yourself moments of rest and recharge. By being more receptive to accepting help, you create a balanced exchange of energy. Don't hesitate to reach out--whether it's asking a friend for support
    or delegating tasks. You may be pleasantly surprised by the goodwill and assistance that come your way. Embrace the harmony of giving and receiving,
    and you'll find your relationships enriched and more fulfilling.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Feel that creative spark today, Sagittarius? It's like inspiration is
    flowing through you effortlessly. Whether writing or crafting art, let
    this energy guide you--trust that your talent is surfacing naturally. Relationships also get a boost, so reach out to friends and loved
    ones. Maybe plan a catch-up or simply send a thoughtful message to show
    you care. Embrace this day as a chance to connect deeply, both with your creative side and the important people in your life. Enjoy the flow and
    the sense of connection--it's all coming together beautifully!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Time to shake off the solitude and step out, Capricorn! You've been in
    your own world for too long; it's time to mingle. Not only will you have
    fun, but you'll also meet some intriguing people who could open doors
    for you. Consider joining a group event to widen your circle, but don't underestimate the value of a cozy chat with a friend. Remember, both group dynamics and one-on-one interactions have their own special rewards. So,
    put down the book, embrace the social scene, and let those new connections unfold!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +3C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, March 11, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today might be a bit of a rollercoaster, Aquarius. That business
    or romantic partner of yours is likely to be all over the place with
    their emotions. You'll probably find it both intriguing and challenging
    to keep up with their mood swings--from enthusiastic highs to gloomy
    lows. It's important to stay grounded and keep the focus on what needs to
    be done. Try not to get too swept up in their changes; instead, offer a steadying presence. This will help both of you navigate through the day smoothly. By the end of the day, things should settle down, and you'll
    both be back on even keel.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today, Pisces, might not be your most creative day. Your usual flow of innovative ideas seems a bit stuck. It's likely that your energy levels are just temporarily low, making it harder for fresh concepts to surface. Instead of pushing for breakthroughs, focus on routine tasks or simpler activities
    that don't require your peak creativity. This is a great time to catch
    up on organizational work or finish up smaller projects. Remember, it's
    normal to have an off day, and by tomorrow, you'll likely regain your
    usual inventive spark. Relax and trust that your creativity will return soon.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today, you might face a tough decision, Aries. A friend might ask you for
    help, but you're uncomfortable with what they're asking. It's important
    to weigh the situation carefully. Think about all possible outcomes before making a decision. Consider how this could impact both you and your friend
    in the long run. Make sure to communicate openly about your concerns.
    It's okay to set boundaries, too. Be honest, but compassionate. Remember,
    being fair means considering your own values while supporting those you
    care about. Stay true to yourself while finding a balance.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's one of those days where you might feel a bit off without any clear
    reason, Taurus. This can happen due to low energy cycles. Instead of overthinking, channel this mood into a positive activity. Consider hitting
    the gym or going for a brisk walk to boost those endorphins. Physical
    activity can work wonders in lifting your spirits and clearing your
    mind. By late afternoon, you'll likely feel more energized and ready
    to enjoy the day. Plan a fun outing or meet up with friends to keep the positive momentum going. Remember, it's okay to have an off day, but you
    can turn it around with some proactive steps!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Enjoy this reunion to the fullest, Gemini! As you prepare for the visit,
    think about the key highlights or stories you've gathered since your
    last meet-up. This will ensure the conversation is engaging and lively.
    While it's tempting to extend your time together, remember that keeping
    it brief and meaningful can leave you both wanting more. Perhaps suggest a follow-up plan, like catching up over coffee or a weekend outing. This way, you'll maintain your energy and excitement for future meet-ups. Savor the present moment and enjoy the anticipation of seeing each other again soon!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today might feel a bit quieter at home, Cancer, as others are likely busy
    with their own activities. But this gives you the perfect opportunity to
    tackle those projects you've been putting off. Whether it's organizing a closet, catching up on emails, or finally fixing that little thing that's
    been bugging you, use this time to your advantage. Completing these tasks
    might be tedious, but the satisfaction and relief you'll feel afterwards will be worth it. In the evening, consider inviting friends over or planning a
    fun activity to relax and enjoy after a productive day. Balance work with
    some well-deserved enjoyment!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It's important to look out for someone close to you today, Leo. They
    might not be feeling their best, and your support could really make a difference. While you take care of them, remember to protect your own energy. Your empathy is heightened, so you might feel their discomfort more intensely than usual. Visualize a protective white light around you to shield yourself from absorbing their feelings. This barrier will help you stay grounded and maintain your well-being while still offering the care they need. Supporting them is vital, but don't forget to take care of yourself too.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your goal may feel out of reach right now, Virgo, but don't let that
    discourage you. Consider taking a step back and reevaluating your
    approach. Sometimes, letting go and giving yourself space can lead to new perspectives and unexpected breakthroughs. Reflect on the progress you've already made and understand that patience and persistence are key. Trust the process, and remember that stepping away temporarily doesn't mean giving up. Allow yourself the grace to explore other paths, knowing that sometimes, loosening your grip can create room for unexpected opportunities to arise.
    Keep your optimism alive!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It seems like a balancing act today, Libra. Someone at home needs your
    support, but you've got career obligations too. It's important to weigh the situation carefully. If you decide to stay, make sure it's really necessary
    and that you've exhausted other ways to support them, like arranging help
    from others or handling things over the phone. If you choose to go to
    work, ensure your housemate is comfortable and has everything they need. Communicate openly and decide what works best for both of you. Whatever
    you decide, trust that you're making the right choice.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    An important career concern could require considerable effort today to
    advance your goals, Scorpio. Doubts might creep in, questioning your
    ability to succeed. But don't panic. Muster some energy and keep your
    focus sharp. Break the task into smaller, manageable steps to maintain momentum. Remember to take short breaks to recharge. Trust in your skills
    and experience--you're more capable than you realize. Today, you're poised
    to accomplish great things. Stay positive and believe in yourself. You've
    got this!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It looks like your travel plans might hit a pause button due to financial reasons, Sagittarius, with a companion who's also a bit strapped for
    cash. It might feel disappointing now, but remember, it's just a delay, not a cancellation. Start planning the trip details anyway--pick your destinations, research travel deals, and maybe even set a new, tentative date. This way,
    when the time is right, you'll be ready to go without a hitch. Plus, your friend might have sorted their finances by then, making the journey even
    more enjoyable. Stay positive and look forward to the adventure ahead!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Stay focused and determined while tackling your important task today, Capricorn. Your perseverance can help you achieve great results, but it's crucial to maintain balance. Make sure to schedule regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout. Remember to eat well and stay hydrated--your body needs
    fuel to keep going strong. By pacing yourself and taking care of your health, you'll be more productive and effective in your work. Keep pushing forward,
    but do it mindfully, and you'll see the rewards of your hard work.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +6C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, March 12, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today holds potential for a surprising romantic encounter, Aquarius! Stay
    open to new connections, as someone intriguing might cross your path,
    possibly through work or a friendly introduction. They might have been closer than you think, even residing nearby. Conversation could flow naturally, leading to an extended chat where you discover shared interests or mutual goals. Don't be shy about suggesting another meet-up if the vibe feels
    right. Trust your instincts and enjoy the moment--this could be the start
    of something promising!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    An unexpected shakeup might happen today, Pisces. You could suddenly find yourself being offered more money or responsibilities. This could be the
    break you've been waiting for, but it might catch you off guard. If you
    need time to think, don't take too long. Opportunities like these don't
    wait around, and they might offer it to someone else! Consider the offer carefully, balance the pros and cons, and trust your instincts. Remember,
    this could be a chance to step up and grow, so weigh your decision wisely
    but swiftly.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Get ready for at least one festive social occasion today, Aries! You
    might cross paths with some fascinating people in unique professions,
    like film or TV. As you mingle, expect to hear some bizarre stories--some
    true, others a bit exaggerated. While enjoying the chatter and laughter,
    keep an ear out for useful information. It could come in handy later. Make
    sure to jot down any interesting tidbits you pick up. This way, you'll
    remember all the valuable insights from the evening. Enjoy the event and
    soak up the intriguing vibes!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your energy and health are at a peak right now, Taurus, and it's
    noticeable. People are drawn to your vibrant aura, so take advantage
    of this by engaging in meaningful conversations. You'll find your mind
    is particularly sharp, making it a great time to learn and absorb new information quickly. Keep a notepad or use an app to jot down insights and ideas that come to you. This is a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge and make lasting impressions. Keep shining and enjoy the attention--it's well-deserved!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today, you're feeling especially adventurous, Gemini. The familiar
    surroundings might seem a bit too close for comfort. It's a perfect day
    to grab a close friend or your partner, jump in the car, and head for the mountains or the ocean. You deserve a break; you've been putting in a lot
    of hard work and could really benefit from some open country and fresh
    air. This little escape will recharge your spirit and give you a fresh perspective. Enjoy the freedom and spontaneity, and remember, sometimes
    a change of scenery is just what you need to feel rejuvenated. Go for it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today's intense dream or vision, Cancer, could signal a spiritual
    breakthrough. It might leave you in a contemplative daze as you try
    to make sense of it. Consider diving into some books related to the
    experience. Reading could shed light on various aspects and provide useful insights. Additionally, jot down an account of the dream or vision. Writing
    can help clarify your thoughts and record the details for future reflection. Embrace this as an opportunity for growth, and let your curiosity guide
    you to deeper understanding and enlightenment.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Great vibes are hitting your way today, Leo! That radiant smile of yours
    is going to light up every room. People will notice the positivity you're exuding, and it might just attract some intriguing new connections. If
    you're open to it, a potential romantic interest could cross your path, too--someone charming, intelligent, and well-mannered. Just be yourself,
    stay friendly, and let things unfold naturally. Enjoy the uplifting energy
    and let your joy lead the way today!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today is perfect for hosting a gathering with those intrigued by psychic
    or metaphysical topics, Virgo. You might have a special guest leading
    the discussion, making the event even more captivating. Your role as the
    host will shine, even if you're just serving snacks and coffee. Make
    sure to engage with everyone and share your own insights. Remember,
    your enthusiasm is contagious, and it'll make the event memorable for
    everyone. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and the company of like-minded friends. Have a great time and let the conversations flow!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Dive into your writing today, Libra! Whether it's a magazine article, a piece of fiction, or a personal letter, you've got a lot to share. Your words
    will be engaging and insightful, so don't hold back. Set aside some quiet
    time, grab your favorite writing tools, and let your creativity flow.
    Remember, even a simple note to a friend or family member can carry your
    unique spark. Embrace this creative energy--you'll find it rewarding and fulfilling. Keep the momentum going, and enjoy expressing yourself!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're in a dynamic phase, Scorpio, with your professional interests
    broadening and keeping you actively engaged. Your income is on the rise,
    and your reputation is growing, hinting at a promising future. However, it's
    a good time to explore new opportunities and consider if your current field aligns with your long-term goals. Spend some time researching industries
    that intrigue you, update your resume, and perhaps reach out to contacts
    in those areas. Networking can uncover exciting possibilities you might
    not have considered. Stay open to change, and you might find paths that
    align more closely with your aspirations.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It looks like a thrilling journey is in store for you, Sagittarius! Traveling with a dear companion can lead to some unexpected yet exciting
    adventures. Keep an open mind and embrace any surprises that come your
    way. It's a great time to indulge yourself a little--pack your favorite
    outfits and plan some fun activities you've always wanted to try. Remember, this trip is not just about relaxation but also about creating memorable experiences. Enjoy every moment, and make sure to take lots of pictures
    to capture the unforgettable memories. Safe travels!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A sudden lucky break might appear out of nowhere today, Capricorn. While
    it feels like a dream come true, it could shake things up in your life significantly. You'll need to make a crucial decision: embrace this
    opportunity and potentially transform your entire lifestyle, or let it pass
    and risk missing out on something rare and valuable. Such choices are rarely simple, but they're what make life exciting and full of potential. Take
    some time to weigh the pros and cons. Trust your instincts and think about
    what truly aligns with your long-term goals and happiness.

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy -5C, UV Index: 0
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Northern Realms@1:229/664 to All on Thursday, March 13, 2025 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, March 13, 2025

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You're exploring a fresh side of yourself today, Aquarius, and it's
    exciting! Usually quite reserved, today you're drawn to clothes with
    bold details and luxurious fabrics. Embrace this moment and indulge
    a little--after all, you only live once! With romance in the air,
    any alluring purchases you make are sure to impress. Consider trying
    on something outside your usual style, maybe a vibrant color or unique accessory. A little splurge can boost your confidence and add a spark to
    your day. Enjoy this delightful change and let your inner fashionista shine!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Be on guard today, as some financial offers might cross your path. Whether through mail or a sales pitch, they could seem tempting but may not be
    as beneficial as they appear. Trust your instincts--if something feels
    off, it probably is. Evaluate these offers critically, looking for any
    hidden catches. Meanwhile, at home, you're in for something genuine. The sincerity around you is paired with passion, creating a positive and
    authentic environment. Enjoy this integrity and let it inspire your
    personal interactions, knowing that the real deal is closer to you than
    you might think.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your heightened sensitivity is a powerful tool right now, Aries. Although
    being needed can feel overwhelming, this is your moment to offer support
    where it's most required. Trust your instincts--you're uniquely equipped
    for this task. Embrace the opportunity to give wholeheartedly, knowing
    that your efforts will not only benefit others but also bring you immense fulfillment. Remember, the goodwill and positive energy you put out will
    come back to you in unexpected ways. Stay focused on the positive impact
    you're making; it's both rewarding and deeply satisfying.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your warmth and good nature draw people to you like a magnet today,
    Taurus. You're used to this, but today it's even more pronounced. Your interactions will be fulfilling, leaving you feeling enriched. After all,
    loved ones make life worth living. A perfect day for romantic endeavors. Embrace these moments, let your charm shine, and deepen your connections. Remember, genuine warmth attracts genuine affection. Keep your heart open,
    and enjoy the moments of joy and connection that come your way.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Change is in the air, Gemini, and today marks the beginning of something significant. You've been waiting patiently, and now it's time to see the results. At first, the changes might seem subtle, but trust that they're setting the stage for something major. Stay alert and be ready to grab
    any opportunity that piques your interest. Even small actions can lead
    to big results. Reflect on what you truly want and take steps toward
    those goals. This is your moment to embrace new possibilities and make a meaningful impact. Stay focused and proactive, and you'll find yourself
    on a rewarding path.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    It's time to prioritize self-care in its most genuine form, Cancer. Focus on nurturing your well-being by paying attention to the small details. This
    means making an effort with your appearance--choose clothes that make
    you feel confident and take a little extra time with your grooming
    routine. Dismiss any negative thoughts that try to bring you down. Remind yourself that you're looking great, and with the care you give yourself
    today, you'll feel even more amazing. Embrace this day as an opportunity
    to boost your confidence and well-being.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Feeling a bit anxious today, Leo? No worries--you're in control. Engage in some physical activity to ease those nerves. A brisk walk or a quick workout can do wonders. As afternoon rolls in, your calmer demeanor will help you tackle favors and requests effortlessly. Remember, it's okay to take some
    time for yourself. Consider slipping away for a bit--perhaps catch a movie
    or enjoy a quiet moment. This will recharge your energy. You're more than capable of navigating the day with grace and composure.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Recognize when hobbies turn into avoidance, Virgo. It's great to have diversions, but if they're becoming an escape from responsibilities, it's
    time to reassess. Your intuition is strong now, so use it to introspect.
    Ask yourself why you might be dodging certain tasks. Is it fear, boredom,
    or maybe overwhelm? Whatever it is, try to understand it. Then, set small, manageable goals to tackle your responsibilities. Prioritize tasks and break them into bite-sized pieces. This way, they'll seem less daunting. Remember, balancing fun and duties leads to fulfillment. Use your insight wisely,
    and you'll find clarity and motivation to move forward.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Change is definitely brewing, Libra! It's easy to let disappointment
    cloud your vision, but remember, this is just a phase. Those goals you're aiming for? They're closer than you think. While patience is tough, it's crucial now. This period is about trust--trusting that your efforts will
    pay off. Stay focused and keep pushing forward, even if progress feels
    slow. Celebrate small victories along the way. They build momentum and
    keep your spirits up. Remember, every step counts, and you'll reach your destination. Keep faith in the process, and soon, you'll see the change
    you've been waiting for!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Remember to prioritize yourself today! Your nurturing nature is a gift, but it's important to balance that with self-care. Take some time to recharge and focus on your own needs. Consider setting aside a few moments for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This break will replenish your energy
    and enhance your ability to care for others. By nurturing yourself, you'll
    find that you have even more to give. It's a win-win for everyone involved, especially you. Enjoy some well-deserved me-time!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Feeling overwhelmed by social obligations, Sagittarius? It might be
    time to put yourself first. Your calendar doesn't need to dictate your happiness. Take a moment to reassess what truly energizes you. Remember,
    it's okay to decline invitations. Saying no can create space for activities that genuinely fulfill you. Focus on quality over quantity when it comes
    to social interactions. Prioritize what aligns with your personal goals and well- being. This way, you'll have more time and energy for the people and events that truly matter. Embrace this opportunity to balance your social
    life with your personal needs.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Luck is on your side with finances, Capricorn! Keep an eye out for opportunities that could boost your wealth. Before diving in, use your sharp analysis to weigh the pros and cons. This will ensure you're making informed decisions. Balance your time between work and relaxation, perhaps by taking
    a walk to clear your mind. Being outdoors can spark unexpected insights,
    so stay open to those sudden ideas. They might just lead to exciting possibilities. Trust your instincts and enjoy the momentum of today's energy!

    (C) 2025 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

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    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)