• Call Centers

    From Rixter@1:3634/60 to George Pope on Friday, January 10, 2025 03:25:30
    I'll pass on both, please! eep!

    Ive done the call centre thing, both outgoing & incoming (hated cold calling & being "THAT Arsehole", but I still managed to break office records in sales)

    Now they have better(noise cancelling) headsets -- before I was effectively half-deaf from the background yimmer-yammer.

    When I did a cold call project for a realtor, & set my own parameters I used these rules for myself:

    -never call 16h00-19h00 (dinner time for most)
    -never call xx:50-xx:59 of any hour as that's when people want to catch the
    summation of the show they've been watching
    -never insist on prolonging the conversation if they've made it clear they are
    not interested.

    I had mostly positive experiences with my calls.

    Then almost got screwed cuz my boss didn't get paid for the contract by the realtor. Found out later, my boss paid the two of us out of his own pocket.

    I wasn't doing sales (illegal without Realtor license); I was just setting up appointments for the realtor with interested & "qualified" sellers.

    I apologize for my lengthy wandering responses. I'm just in the headset as I used to be in Fido, in the good old daze, providing lots of ammo for others to respond to, even if not the addressee. . . :)

    & we severely need more responders in this & every echo. . .

    Gotta get more people to realize this is 1,000X better than Facebook, & no corporate overlords controlling what you see & post. . .

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)

    I never receive unwanted calls any more since I set my default ringtone to silent. I pre approved any numbers with a regular ringtone in their profile that I want to hear from. I disabled vibration on my phone and removed all presidential, weather, and lost persons alerts. All I have to do now is check voice messages at the end of the day and delete and block all spam and junk calls at the end of the day.

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23 (1:3634/60)