• Pressing the Q key

    From Nightfox@1:103/705 to Digital man on Monday, February 17, 2025 15:16:34
    Hi DM,

    I seem to remember reading somewhere (or discussing it on IRC?) that when a user presses Q at a prompt, Synchronet interprets Q in a certain way - is that correct?

    A user brought up an issue while using DDMsgReader, which I'm able to reproduce - After responding to a personal email and saving it, Synchronet says "E-mail sent to <user>.", then pauses for a key, showing "[Hit a key]", and if they press Q at that point, I'm returned to DDMsgReader showing the original message (as expected), but the header at the top of the screen doesn't get re-drawn. I'm going to investigate further, but I was just curious if Synchronet interprets a "Q" keypress a certain way (when pressed at a pause prompt or any other prompt)?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Nightfox on Monday, February 17, 2025 15:49:54
    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Nightfox to Digital man on Mon Feb 17 2025 03:16 pm

    Hi DM,

    I seem to remember reading somewhere (or discussing it on IRC?) that when a user presses Q at a prompt, Synchronet interprets Q in a certain way - is that correct?

    A user brought up an issue while using DDMsgReader, which I'm able to reproduce - After responding to a personal email and saving it, Synchronet says "E-mail sent to <user>.", then pauses for a key, showing "[Hit a key]", and if they press Q at that point, I'm returned to DDMsgReader showing the original message (as expected), but the header at the top of the screen doesn't get re-drawn. I'm going to investigate further, but I was just curious if Synchronet interprets a "Q" keypress a certain way (when pressed at a pause prompt or any other prompt)?

    Yes, hitting 'Q' (or the equivalent for the current language) or Ctrl-C while at a pause prompt will set the console abort flag (e.g. console.aborted in JS). --
    digital man (rob)

    Breaking Bad quote #30:
    Damn, chick's got an ass like an onion - makes me want to cry. - Hank Schrader Norco, CA WX: 67.1�F, 55.0% humidity, 9 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Finglonger@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 09:07:26
    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Mon Feb 17 2025 03:49 pm

    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Nightfox to Digital man on Mon Feb 17 2025 03:16 pm

    Hi DM,

    I seem to remember reading somewhere (or discussing it on IRC?) that when > > user presses Q at a prompt, Synchronet interprets Q in a certain way - is > > that correct?

    A user brought up an issue while using DDMsgReader, which I'm able to reproduce - After responding to a personal email and saving it, Synchrone > > says "E-mail sent to <user>.", then pauses for a key, showing "[Hit a key > > and if they press Q at that point, I'm returned to DDMsgReader showing th > > original message (as expected), but the header at the top of the screen
    doesn't get re-drawn. I'm going to investigate further, but I was just curious if Synchronet interprets a "Q" keypress a certain way (when press > > at a pause prompt or any other prompt)?

    Yes, hitting 'Q' (or the equivalent for the current language) or Ctrl-C whil > at a pause prompt will set the console abort flag (e.g. console.aborted in JDoes this apply to the '1' key also? I use that on my menus and notice that itbehaves similar to 'Q' even when not specified. Is there a way to override
    these global keys by any chance, or is that hard coded?


    � Synchronet � silentnode.ddns.net:2300
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Finglonger on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 23:43:34
    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Finglonger to Digital Man on Tue Feb 18 2025 09:07 am

    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Mon Feb 17 2025 03:49 pm

    Re: Pressing the Q key
    By: Nightfox to Digital man on Mon Feb 17 2025 03:16 pm

    Hi DM,

    I seem to remember reading somewhere (or discussing it on IRC?) that when
    user presses Q at a prompt, Synchronet interprets Q in a certain way
    - is > > that correct?

    A user brought up an issue while using DDMsgReader, which I'm able to reproduce - After responding to a personal email and saving it, Synchrone
    says "E-mail sent to <user>.", then pauses for a key, showing "[Hit
    a key > > and if they press Q at that point, I'm returned to DDMsgReader showing th > > original message (as expected), but the header at the top of the screen
    doesn't get re-drawn. I'm going to investigate further, but I was just curious if Synchronet interprets a "Q" keypress a certain way (when press
    at a pause prompt or any other prompt)?

    Yes, hitting 'Q' (or the equivalent for the current language) or Ctrl-C whil
    at a pause prompt will set the console abort flag (e.g. console.aborted in
    JDoes this apply to the '1' key also? I use that on my menus and notice that itbehaves similar to 'Q' even when not specified. Is there a way to override
    these global keys by any chance, or is that hard coded?

    Nightfox was asking about the Pause ([Hit a key] prompt) - that should have no effect on any of your menus.

    The keys for 'Q'uit and 'N'o are set in the text.dat/text.ini files, so they're configurable.
    digital man (rob)

    Sling Blade quote #3:
    Karl (re: killing Doyle): That second one just plum near cut his head in two. Norco, CA WX: 54.6�F, 77.0% humidity, 0 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)