• Christian Fellowship BBS Downtime / Removal of Dialup

    From Michael Luko@1:266/512 to All on Monday, September 16, 2024 21:29:00
    As of 9-30-24 I will be dropping dial up service which hasn't been
    used in a very long time. My internet service will be changing to a
    higher speed plan. I may need to change to new router. So there may be
    some down time while I tweek the new router if my current one doesn't
    work under the new speed / setup. I will convert node 1, current dialup
    node to telnet. I will be making nodelist changes and bbs ad changes
    over the couse of the next two weeks. The Region 13 POTS netmail gateway
    will be removed from the nodelist. Hasn't been used since 2008,
    Again its only dialup being removed. Telnet, FTP and BinkP will still
    be operational using the same cfbbs.no-ip.com address.

    My voice numbers and email address's remain the same.

    If anyone has any connection issues you can send email to: [email protected]

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.no-ip.com 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)